THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C. PAGE SEVEN KOMURA ON SITUATION .Sounds Reassuring Note on Foreign Affairs In regard to the California Situation declared Tliut Japan is Confident That the Ultimate Justice and Fair mindedness of the American Peo ple Will Preclude the Possibility of International Complications.' ( By Cable to The Times) -Toliio, Feb. . 2 Forefgn Minister Koninra, iu an address to the- lower house of the diet today, sounded a most reassuring note to the world in general in his remarks on the empire's foreign relations. In regard to the threatened anti-Japanese legislation: In Califoujia he declared the Japan in California he declared that Japan and fair-mindedness of the American people and the friendly disposition of the United Slates government will preclude the possibility of interim- " l.ioiinl complications. "The foreign policy of this em pire," said Count Komura in begin ning his address, "should have as an object the maintenance of peace and the development of national rocourc- . es." Of Japan's relations with America, he said: . "The friendship of Japan and the United States Is traditional, and it. is absolutely esseatial that both main tain iininiiJiiiK d those sent intents of amity and extend and .-strengthen .Ilium by every means." Me was convinced, he said, thai the recent exchange) of.- diplomatic- noien between Japan and the United States would be largely instrumental. .in prer serving the peace of the Orient, Count Komura' said Japan's rela tion:) ulth England,'-.'-Germany and Kussia wore on a satisfactory fooi ing. Concerning China, he said: "Japan is watching, naturally, with keen interest and sympathy the! progress of reforms In China. And it is our earnest hope that the states men of China will preserve domestic order and tranquility. We have in variably made it a guiding rule to observe the open-door principle with equal opportunity to China and we are firmly determined to adhere to that, policy with unansweriirg loyal ty." The department of the empire's re sources, he said, in conclusion, "make it necessury that its people, instead . .of scattering hi distant lands, shall concentrate in the far east. These considerations," he continued, "have led the government to follow an avowed policy with respect to emi grants to Canada and the United States, enforcing in perfect good faith the restrictions placed on emi gration." Taken Back to Clinton Today house, the brute choked the defenseless woman and threatened to cut her throat, when she broke away and ran screaming into the yard. The negro gave pursuit and was in the act of dragging her back Into the house when her screams attracted the attention of a young white man passing, who reached the sceno In time to see the negro flee to the woods. Blood hounds from the convict camp at Clinton were put on the trail three hours later and the negro was Anally captured, after some resistance, In the edge of a swamp, when he was absolutely Identi fied by his victim. The crowd of citizens became en raged and It seemed for awhile that Ward would be lynched. Sheriff Mc Phail waa equal to the occasion, how ever, and taking the negro in his bug gy, ho raced to the Jail at Clinton, leading an angry mob. He beat the mob to jail, landed his prisoner be hind the bars and Immediately wired to Governor. Kitohln for military aid. The governor quickly called out the Clinton Light Infantry and placed it Sheriff McPhull's disposal. The Jail ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine -' Garter's Little Liver Pills. . Must Bear Signature of if Pu-Stmlla Wrapper Below. Tarr lull mmi as Mf to taka aa wmgam, 1F0IHUDACHL FOR DIZZINESS. rod IIU0USRESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. rORTHECOMPLEXIOR lljta nrrn'n r j IPURC tICK HEADACHE. Stop it! Why cough? Stop it! Stop coughing! Coughing rasps and tears. Stop it! Coughing Jirepares the throat and lungs or more trouble. Stop it! There is nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. Stop it! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a medicine for coughs and colds, a regular doc tor's medicine. Use it! Ask your doctor. Lowll, Mm, was guai (led all that night, but next day everything seemed to have quieted down and the danger over. The mili tary company was dismissed. Everything was not as quiet ns it seemed to be and the sheriff got wind of a conspiracy to interrupt the due course of law and give the neck of Will Ward an Impromptu stretching. The plan was to storm the Jail and the move was looked for on the night of Sunday, January 24th. Sheriff McPhail was again too resourceful for the ad herents of Judge Lynch. In company with his most efficient and faithful deputy, Whitfield Tart, he took his prisoner and drove through the country from Clinton to Faycttcville and boarded the train fur Raleigh. The party ai rived in Haleigh on the morn ing of Monday, January 25th, and the culprit was placed within the strong walls of the penitentiary, were he en Joyed perfect safety until this morn ing. To the nervy, resourceful sheriff is due great credit and Ward's extended lease on life. The outcome of the trial Is looked to with great interest, not only by the people of Sampson, but by I he entire state. WiiiiworiliC'dSiiisiisituktinup "' ense demurred. '---, j . i'hit Hate :-.till b i: five challenges re i malniug out of Its oi lfjiii-il eighteen." The - defense has used . but-. 26 ol Its 7-, s ixteen of the.-e '. being.' on behalf of Sharp and ten for Colonel Cooper. Tin' nexj panel wil". contain 54 names. Court wil! re-convene at 2:30 o'clo' k Ill's afternoon. THHEE CHARTERS TODAY. Capital Slock of Iiieoi-poratlons To day Amounts to $1 25,000. Three companies filed articles of Incorporation today and one corpora tion filed a certificate changing the location of the principal office. They were: '-- - Hedgecock Brick Company, of Wal nut Cove, to engage in and conduct the business of manufacturing brick and tile and other earthen products and deal In same. Authorized eapl tal. stock $50,000. Pair In $60,00,0. J. W. Walker R. W. Hedgecock and others, Incorporators. ' Lowry-Liles Company, of Morven to establish and conduct a general department store. Authorized capi tal stock $50,000. Paid in $10,000. W. Henry Llles, W, F. McQueen, and J. L. Little & Co., incorporators. Merchants Union Company, of Leaksville, to buy and sell at retail or wholesale, merchandise of all kinds. Authorized capital stock $25,000. Paid in $1,100. G. H. Clark, S. M. Tampton and others, in corporators. D. J. Bostian Mercantile Company filed a certificate changing the loca- tion of its principal office from Fay- etteville to Concord, TO ATTEND Sl'l'RE.MK COl'UT. Sixteen of the State's Jlost IMoml- lent Attorneys in the City. The bar of the state, especially the eastern section. Is very well repre sented at the sittings of the supreme court this week. Among those in the city were: Elizabeth City, J. Hay wood Sawyer, E. F. Aydlett, W. A. Worth, J. K. Wilson, Geo. J. Spence; from Washington, J. H. Small, W. C. Rodman, J. D. Grimes, Hurry McMul lan; from Edenton, W. M. Bond; from Morganton,' Judge A. C. Avery, Isaac Avery,- Solicitor Spainhour; from Plymouth, Asa Gayerrot; from Hertford, P. W. McMullan, Charles Whidbee. ' IVexident Dwlini's liequt'st. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Boston, Mass., Feb. 2 President Roosevelt has declined a bequest of J 10,000 made to the president of the United States in the will of Benjamin Hardy, an east Somerville recluse. The president has written here that under- no condition will he accept a legacy or present from a private in dividual. A Good Law. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Austin, Texas, Feb. 2 The house of representatives has passed a bill making burglary of residences at Knight a capital offense. It Is said that the senate will pass the meas ure and that it will be approved by the governor. Artist Dead. (By Cable to The Times) Paris, Feb. 2 A. B. Copeland, the artist of Paris and Boston, la dead. His body was found in his studio here today. He had lived for the past twenty-tree years in France. Revolts At Cold Steel. 1 "Y)ur only hope," said three doc tors to Mrs. M. E. Fisher, Detroit, i Mich., suffering from severe rectal trouble, lies In an operation," "then I Used Dr. King's Life Pills." she writes. "till wholly cured.! They prevent Ap pendicitis, Constipation, Headache, t&c. at all druggists. , . , SUPREME COl'KT PROCEEDINGS. Attorney General Bickett Argues His First Case In Official Capacity. i Attorney-General flickett argued his first case ,since his election in the su preme court today. The case was that of the State vs. Lasscll ttareo. The point of law to be decided in this case was iluite novel, ltarco was convicted ing the statute inasmuch as he anchor ed his duck float at a greater distance his duck float Ht a greater distance than three mltei from the main land. The facts in the case are to this ef fect: Barco aucuored near a piece of laud, which he contends is the main land, but which the state claims Is an ifland. The piece of land in question, was originally a ..(.-ape. The owner, hott-ever desired to grow watermelons on it and could not do so without irri gation. He oug a narrow ditch through the land for irrigation purposes, and since that time the water has cut a very large channel, making the piece of ground literally speaking, an island. The defendant unchored within range of this piece oi land, claiming that it was a ijart of the mainland. The ques tion for the court to decide Is whether or hot, this strip of 'and Is an isludn or part of the -tuunltiml. The defendant was represented by A.vdlitt and Ehringhaus. : Other, eases argued todav Were: Geo. II. Winslmv vs. The Norfolk Hardwood Company, from Perquim ans. C. K. Thompson and Charles Whidbee for plaint ill'; Pruden & Pru den and Shepherd & Shepherd for de fendant. North State Piano Company vs. Spruill & Brother, from - Washington county. Small, McLeun & McLean for plaintiff; A. O. (iaylord for defendant. C. T. -'Sample el al vs. John I.. Ilopcr Lumber Company, from Tvrrell. Avd lett & Ehringhaus for plaintiff: V. M. I'.oml for defendant.'- Columbus tiuyloid vs. Sauel M. .;iy- liiid, from Ite.iulYirt. Vvard iv. Urinictr, and liragaw & Harding tor plaintiff; A. O. Clay lord, Small. Mc Lean & McLean for defendant. Thoiti. W, BubU vs. (lay Manufactur ing. Company,; from Perquimans;:' Vv, M. Bond, 1". W. McLean for -plaintiff; Shepherd Shepherd, Pruden & Pru den for defendant. . Weddings In Wake. Marriage licenses have been grant ed to Mm; following Wake couples: Mr. .1, Robert. ' Fowler ol Riley, and Miss : Gertrude Robertson, of Knightdale, and Mr. Thomas 11. Ray, of Wake Forest, and Miss Laura Glenn, of Rogers' Store. Simln Keseiitful. (Special to The Times) Madrid, Feb. 2 The failure ot the American battleship fleet to stop n . a Ui.onluU iiXt diii.lnty thci floct til ni:a.uiuiiiu uu.."b stay in Meaiterranean waters nas caused an undercurrent of resent ment in government circles. For diplomatic reasons the govern- fment is not voicing its displeasure,! but one has only to hear comments that are common In administration circles to learn that this displeasure Is deeo-seated. Meeting Toduy. The Board of County Commission ers met again today at noon in reg ular session, Mr. Johnson in the! chair. It was ordered that Mr. C. M. Ber-i nard oe granted a rebate of $500 on a lot corner Boylan Avenue and North street. He is also granted a rebate of $500 on store on Hargett street. , Mr. W. S. Stone, constable-elect in Cary township, presented his bond, with Mr, W. D. Jones as surety. On motion it was ordered that same be accepted and filed. D: ,1. W. McGee, Jr., superintend ent of health, filed his report ror January, -'which was accepted and or dered fi'"d. It was ordered that the sheriff s jail account, clerk of court's exponsos and all coroner's bills be relerrod to Attorney Gatling to be paid on his approval. It was plso ordered that all bills presented for expenses of general county fi-nd be ;mid. OLD PEOPLE NEED moil our famous Cod Liver and Pep tonate of Iron tonic, because it contains the very elements needed to rebuild wasting tissues and replace weakness with strength, and to cure chronic coughs and colds, and prevent pneumonia. W arc posltlv It wilt benefit every old pereon who will give It a trial. If It dne not, W twill refund thelrniuneyondeuuiiMl. W. H. Klnn Drug Co., Raleigh. , FULTON MARKET CORN BEEF. NEW N. C. CORN MULLETS. , mackerel, roe herring, - codfish:. " J. R. FERRALL & GO. QROCEB8. FayctUiTlUa BtreeC, Balelgk, . U. Y For Backache, Headache and other pains, all over a woman's body, are often caused by some, not well understood, female disease. . No one can tell just where female trouble will affect you. It acts in a different way on different people. Hence, treating the symptoms gives but tittle benefit, and the most successful' method may be said to be the treatment of the cause which you may do, by taking Cardui. What Cardui has done for other women, it ought surely to do for you. Mrs. M. E. Allred, of Hartford, I Take CARDUI J 1 -- .,iii m .....-j.fciJc- -....-: m ii it rti---.-'jff K'---' - : '..'"'..:;.'',- Morion flaidisg tlie Affairs c ' gy :'',;: 1 :' Lower Branclt ': (.ontiiiiie,! fi. Ii, , P,So, l y SMJK W ' " i "'i " hip in LJ JTTT- M mwf ' :rs y ( niitiniied ilv .Mill-ton ramlico. !;v Itciil: To ini and to liimio bond:;. . ' liy :li):u-row: . To ;iIioIIf.i j of court in OruriKi' i-punty, I l!y Ttirnor; T li'vy s :;i Mirchell count v. I li.v l;ovio: 'I o lii ovulc a worimig roads in Aunt'. 7i.. i rr , i.v :l i i L'l. l : i tj inrvi-ni iiunijiiimj si'.wdiiKt ill ptreain:: in l:u Kson eoiintv. I IJv (iratil: i-'iv.- lulls as iollown: lo iirolcci emiilovecs: to prevent black-liRiing: to ;ii:ii;i it unlawful t) list claiiilii for colK-ct :oii oulsule of state: to urovldo a lice eiiiploynieiit bureau for labor. Second uiul 'I mi'i! Kt'udnif;. T. 3 following bills passed second and .bird readmp: To appoint justices in Nash county. For relief ot ceiiain citizens of IJilfkSOll aS to school privileges. To regulate sale of ieed stuffs. To incorporate ..Elizabeth Lodge. No. 217. I. O. O. F. To amend the 'Charter of the town of Highlands. - To incorporate the North Carolina Public Service Company. Periains to the operation of electric cars in Greensiioro. to High Pont and to lnston-Saleni. The re-establish the office of treas urer in Duplin county. To amend law as to the Guiltord graded school district. To define the line between Wilkes and Alleghany at. Roaring Gap. To amend law as to time ot holding courts in third district, pertaining to Carterett, changing time, To regulate shooting ducks in Dare countv. To protect millers and customers Ronuires a record to be kept of all grists In Stokes county. To appoint M. C.'. Padgett a Justice of the peace for Lincoln countv. To amend law as to manulaciuiers of fertilizers. Pertaining to what has buen liereloioro printed on bans. To eniille sale of test farms of t.liei department, ol iigriculflire. To authorize the Freemont graded school board to sell property. To amend the game law of (May county, requiring a license to hunt in the countv. To validate certain probates in Tyrrell count v. To abolish t lie office of standard keeper for Ashe county. To supply certain records in Dup lin couny as to land grants. To provide an election In school district No. I. in Columbus couuly. An attempt to repeal special lax now being collected. . To repeal law as to public roads of Columbus county. To create a free school district near Molly Spring, out of both Richmond ui'd Montgomery comity,: To fix the per diem of the board of commissioners of Mitchell county, al lowing as high ns $4 per day. To i.llow livery and boarding sta bles to have a lien on stock 'or board, for pot over !)0 daji T' In bill, on nuilicn of Carrie, wont over to un ot'ier day. i To change times of holding courts in Montgomery county. To anieitd law as to throwl r; saw dust 'n MI I-'ey In Buncon.'j.- county. , To prevent public drunkenness In Mitchell county. Make It. punishable by a fine of $.10 or 30 days. . To correct calls In grants In Ashe county: "- ,"'' To authorize the commissioners of Asho county. to sell the cotiity homo and build a new one. ' To amend law aa to graded schools In the town of Troy, Montgomery county. To locate extension of a street In Pikevllle .Wayne county. To appoint T. J. Wooten a justice Only On "BROMO OUWINE,' that Laxative JJ Mini wwiw vnv, viyw vv IrvelnMtl society woman who Mis. Itciinctli It. Otis is shown al the hours delay in lloslou. in Robeson countv. lor six vears. To restore propertv-nghts of peo ple 'discharged, trow insane asvlums. lo appoint, justices for Ocrucoke township in Hvdo countv. lO'i-epeal laws of 1 90:; and 190") as to posting eortain- waters in Halifax county. ' To rescind the law as to Now ilern side-wallis. Releasing jirojiertv owners li-oni pavmeni. lor side-walks.' lo allow New Hern to issue lnnds. A roll-call bill, which passed second reading bv a vote of S!i lo (I. To repeal . the law extending the limits ot Hie town of Murphv. To allow clerk ol court to pav to mothers or others the inonev ot in digent, children. To facilitate the release of mort gages or deeds of trust. Mr. Bowie called for a 'reconside ration ot the vote wherebv house liill No. J04 was laid on table, and bv vole it was taken up and put upon us 'passage, The lull provides for the governors appointing u commission to dratt u'lil'orni laws, for -submission lo olhor slates tor enactment, as to divorce and other matters, Mr. dime -thought the bill wiih no pay in it was worthless, as well as thought it was going a long wav to make laws lor the 1 :ined Slates. Air. liowte said the bill came from the' senate, 'and he understood it was a child of the Ninth Carolina liar Association. Upon the suggest Ion that, ii was harmless it went on third rending ami was lost. Leave of absence was granu-d Mr. Turlington. The privileges of "the Hour were granted lo e-liepresi-nt:ii ives Spaiu lioiir, V. I. Kverett, and .lolin l llailv. The iiiinoiiiM emeiils for committee meetings, were made and at 1 :.TU p. in, (.lie house adjourned I ill M a. in. Wednesday. eS1 Miss Julia V. Hock, of Newark, N. J., who uh attorney for Staniliuis Murninik, hcciisihI of the murder of a policeman, succeeded in causing a disagreement in the Jury. is - m on var t v Funis Wash., writes: "Ever since I was 16 years old, I have suffered from female troubles. I had headache, backache and other troubles, every month. Some two vears ago, I began' to use Cardui, and since then I have had no backache, my' other troubles have stopped. I don't need any medicine, and I am well." VALUABLE BOOK FREE Write for 64-pflSfe illustrated Book, "Ifom Trtatment for Women," describing symptoms of Female Diseases and giv ing valuable hints on health, hygiene, Aiet, medicine, etc., for women. Sent free, postpaid. Address: iMdtes Advisory jsepi, i nc unattanooga Iins urst broken (In- i-o.:::d trip record wheel. 'I In- round trip v. as inac'u- in 1 Id M.C.CornWhisk m i i TPtIl I vj if ,a lnTSIUl II UJiU OUR SPECIAL OFFER, 1 FULL QUARTS WE are making this special offer in order to convince you that we give you the best Whiskies for the money. This bottle, which we give away with every order of four quarts of Old North Carolina Corn, is fine old Longstreet Whiskey. ( orn V biskey is the purest Whiskey made "Old North Carolina" is the purestCorn Whiskey, hence its rare mellow flavor. , Ii is aired in wood and uiaranteed under the National Puie Food Law .lust, remit 53. by registered letter or money order, and the f un- full quarts will lie sent you and the free bottle with our com pliments. We prepay the express charges, and ship in plain pack ages. As this oiler is limited ORDER NOW. The Newcomb Co., PETERSBURG VA. "THE PROMPT MAIL ORDER HOUSE. LEI US SUPPLY MR WANTS IN Furniture buying exacts experience and skill of con fidence in the dealer of whom you buy. We handle only the lines we know are dependable. In this way you have the manufacturers guarantee, as well as our own, back of every article ycu buy. We handle everything for the home and office. Agents for Remington Typewriters and Supplies; Macy Book Cases and Filing Appliances. We guarantee to please you. ;;:';---t-(D--'' -; CASH OR C R EDIT. The Raleigh Furniture Co. 17 Est Martin and 18 Market Streets. . M. IUGGAN, Manager. T. E. GttKUN. 8. and Tivaa. Capital City "ST" V. MRS. H. E. ALLRED ftaeaicine to,, wtaTranoogaw i con. bctwi-en N'- Vork and ISostou. ;i!2 turns, not including the two '. TTiMIl V,'THB0TTLE FREE3Q9, T Phone 672. I A SB- Whiskey & : frf imi TV. . . ( '