N Weather.' Washington, D. C, Feb.. 4 Fore cast for North' Carolina for tonight and Friday: Partly cloudy tonight and Friday, '-.i- " SECOND. EDITION ESTABLISHED 1876. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1909. PRICE 5 CENTS SPEAKER AGAIN Will face Charge. IS JANER INDICTED AN INCREASE IN Killed by Juto. THE tf HI PITTSBURG TPRTII DIRECTS HOUSE DELIBERATIONS Returns to Capitol After Sev eral Days Absence at Granville Court MANY BILLS REPORTED Cape Fear Pilots' Association Pre sents Petition As to Change in Pilot Laws Bill to Amend Laws As to Fishing Reported Favorably. Bill As to Non-Resident Tax on Fishermen, Unfavorably Bill to AmeniMLiaW As to Prisoners in Jail, Unfavorably PrMlejrcs - of Floor Extended to Several Visitors- New Bills Today The house of representatives of the North Carolina legislature met in its twenty-sixth day's session this morn ing at 11 o'clock and was called to order by Speaker Augustus W. Gra ham, the religious exercises being conducted by Rev. A. C. Moore, edi tor of the Biblical Recorder, of this city. The journal of yesterday was re ported as correctly recorded by the journal committee, and the same stood approved. On the call for petitions, memorials and communications, the following were sent forward and read: I Petition from I. H. Smith against any' increase In taxes; from Cape Fear Pilots as to change in pilot law. :' , Stunding Committee Reports. The following bills were reported: -x-j:ft.1lrparata.,Mc'rcaat!lenj, favorably; as to courts , in Martin county, favorably; to amend .law as to fishing, favorably; to protect) fish in Bladen, favorably; to amend law as to non-resident tax on fishermen, unfavorably; to protect fish In Swain, favorably; to appropriate funds for Minnie Lovett, favorably; to appro priate funds for Deaf and Dumb scliool, favorably; to prevent carry ing weapons In Madison, unfavorably; to validate certain probates, unfavor- . ably; to amend law as to Anson as to prisoners in jail, unfavorably; to amend law as to landlord and tenant, unfavoraBly; ,to deflnenuisances, un favorably; to authorize married wo men to contract as if unmarried, favorably; to regulate working wo men and children in mills, unfavor ably; substitute also unfavorably; to provide roads in Ashe, favorably; to levy tax for bridges In Hyde, favor ably; to make road in Ashe county, favorably; to improve roads in Mt. Gilead, favorably; to amend law as to roads In McDowell, favorably, and same as to Warren, favorably; as to road law in ThoHiasvllle township, favorably; to amend law as, to roads In Marlon township, favorably; same as to McDowell county, favorably; to amend law as to register of deeds, favorably; to regulate fees in Madi son county, favorably;1' as to Jurors in Richmond, favorably; as to paying expenses of governor,, favorably; as to paying jurors In, Stokes county, favorably; as to pay of commission ers of Robeson, favorably; as to fees in Madison county, unfavorably; to appoint J W. Beacham justice, un favorably; to appoint justices In Per son, favorably, The privileges of the floor were granted to Chas. W. Johnson, of Orange, W. A. Warren of Person, Dr. S. D. Booth of Granville, S. M. Gat tls of Orange, and J. A. Brown of Co lumbus. ' . . .- . Leave of absence were granted to "Butler and Majette. '' A message from the governor, transmitting a letter from. the super intendent of the penitentiary as to the finances of that institution and asking that approximately $68,000 ba by taxing autos. returned to the penitentiary account ' " To Incorporate NortBrCirollna Pub out of funds turned to the treasury iie Service Company.- X v' by that Institution, This was referred to Committee on Penal Institutions. : The morning hour having expired the consideration of the Calendar was taken up, and the speaker laid before the house the: following bills: i Roll-cl Bills. j .The following roll-catt bills were passed: ' v . . , To incorporate the - Ashevtlle & East Tennessee Railroad Company; third. . . ' -To authorize Wake county to bor-, row money third, v j -To al ow Hot Bering , to Issue. bonds;, third, ". I To validate bend Issue foT Beau- tort; thirl Patrick J. Keirnn. former Presi dent of the Fidelity Funding Co., who recently returned to farm the rharcrra against him on account of Uie failure of the company. To authorize McDowell county to increase taxes; second. j - Hi rrr:"rrrrr "rrrr yr Anson county to levy a specla tax; second. j To allow Jackson county to lev, special tax, second. j ; -;,!,, i.- . me toiiowing uins were ratinea and sent to the secretary of state for publication. of Mt. Olive. Amending law as to state bound aries. To drain White Oak swamp in Bla den county. To amend 642 laws of 190"5. To amend 1283 laws of 1905 as to liability of counties In certain actions. To amend law as to fences in Samp son.' .. To amend the charter of the town of Hendersonvllle. To change law as to commissioners of Pitt county. To amend the law as to town of Greenville. To amend the charter of Crouse in Lincoln county. Resolution to pay subcommittee to Morganton. To permit Wakelon graded school to issue bonds. Appointing T. J. Wooten a justice in Robeson. To prevent sale of timbers caught adrift in Pender, Brunswick, and New Hanover. To locate street in PIkevIlle. To prevent depredation of turkeys and geese in Jackson and Swain. To protect squirrels in Jackson county. v To allow guardians to cultivate lands" of their wards. To authorize a spodal tax in Ruth erford. ' y. T,o provide a special court in Dur ham township. . - ( ; ,: . : To pay jurors in Wilson county. To amend law as to Masonic Tem ple In Charlotte. -. To appoint M C, Padgett a justice in Lincoln county. To amend law as to road law of 1905. - To amend charter of Wilson. ' To protect roads in New Hanover To pay expenses of inaugliral com mittee. ' -r Bills Introduced, By McDonald of Moore: To amend charter of Carthage By McDonald of Moore! To allow Moore county to Issue bridge and road bonds. By Foy: v To protect fish, in the streams of Pender and Bladen coun- ties I By Murphy: To prevent spread of tuberculosis. 1 r ' - By Morgan: To prevent blllpostlng in town of Elizabeth City, ' By tSreeh! .To provide support for New Bern traded schools. - jContlnusd oh Pg 8eVtt.) TERRORIZED BY-, RACIAL FEELING Trouble is Imminent Between the Races in the Penn sylvania City POLICE MAKE THREATS Captain of Police Says it is n Crime For a Jfesro to Wave His Hand at a White Woman and That the Ouly Way to Stop Negro Depredations in Pittsburg is to Hang a Few of Them Miss O'Nlel, the Girl Who Was Assaulted Tuesday Night, is Said to be Dying Negro Leaders Add to the Excitement by Blaming th Police For the Trouble. ( By Leased Wire to The Tfmes) Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 4 "It is a crime for a negro to wave his hand at a white woman, at least, I consider it so, and wll lact accordingly." Captain of Police Murray, who has Charge of what is known as the "Hill , district," which is in a sate of terror oven attacks on white women by ne groes, made this remark in police court during the hearing of the 126 negroes arrested in the big raid Tues day night. " There were prebaly 200 colored persons In the little police court, friends of those who had been arrest- ed and the remark tne Pollce fl- cer started a commotion, and for a time It looked as though the police would be forced to clear the room. Captain Murray some ; days ago" came out with a statement that the - Qfliy wayjfco stop negro depredations pituw-wiv n -mwr wren them off hnd ' About One-third of the negroes ar- re8ted ,n tfle fM were tQ pHson for short terms, one-third discharged, and the remainder held for further Investigation. A portion of Pittsburg is Blmply terrorized now. Miss Ida O'Nell, the 1 day night by a negro, is said to be : dying. A few of the higher class of negroes have given out interviews, blaming the police of Pittsburg for being too officious, saying that if they did not stop there would be blood shed; that negroes were now going armed to protect themselves from hysterical white women, etc. They predicted a race riot. When Superintendent of Police Thomas A. McQualde heard this he said: : "Just let anyone start anything, and we will finish It. We are going to get rid of a lot of bad negroes now in Pittsburg, and we will send anyone who tries to protect them to the work house with them," FREIGHT WRECK Chicago, Veil 4.--A north bound Illi nois Central suburban train crashed Into a freight train at Peck Court, just north Of the. Twelfth street, station, early this morning, killing one man and seriously Injuring two others and throwing scores of passengers Into a panic. ... The dead: J. J. . Sullivan, of Drexel Boulevard, fireman, died In St. Luke's Hospital. . The lniured: conductor John Dolan. taken to St. Luke's Hospital. Uniden tified man, Injured about the head; left the scene of the wreck. The suburban train, a local, and crowded with men and women pn their way to the down-town district, crash ed Into the freight train as the latter was switched across the tiaok. , The engine of the passenger trait) was badly damaged and trafflo was delayed for some time. . AN ILLICIT STILL. It Was Located Almost Within Sight of the City. An Illicit still has been in opera tion just outside or the city limits of Raleigh, but It is not now there, tor when deputies K. W. Merrltt end W. 6. Martin went out yesterday, deter - minjid to "bust" ltk they found only a hole lathe ground and s, fe beer tunds, worm tubs', and other such, utensils used by. Illicit distillers. - The still , wa located ebout two mites sndt half northwest trona the NEAR CHICAGO centre of tne city. , EOR KIDNAPPING GIRL' A BaltOnore Man May Be Hang- ed for Inhuman Treat ment of Child CHILD TELLS HER STORY Kidnapped the Girl From Brooklyn, But Maryland Authorities Will Re sist All Attempts to Have Him Ex- : trariictcd They Want to Try Him 1 In Maryland Where There is a Death Penalty Attached to His Al-' ieged Crime Jones find Been a Friend of the Girl's Father and a Boarder in Her Home, (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Baltimore, Feb. 4 The Baltimore grand jury today will Indict Joseph .Taner, who Is accused of kidnapping Katherlne Loerch from her home, 334 Classon avenue, Brooklyn, and If he Is convicted of the crime charged he may be hanged. The Maryland authorities will resist all attempts of the Brooklyn police to have Janer extradited and Will insist that he be tried here, where death is the penalty. The child, who.wlll not be 12 years old until the 22d of this month, re lated the story of her abduction in the central police court. When she had finished the Mary land authorities, headed by the gov ernor, were so enraged that they de cided to indict and try him within a Wpplf llllllop .Mnpvlanil law ' Article 27 of the cotln of public and for cases of this sort as follows: "The offender, helne ronvIMed The offender, being convicted thereof, shall, at the discretion of the court, suffer doatli or Imprisonment for life in the penitentiary, or for a definite period, not less than 18 months nor more than 21 years." Janer, who had been a friend of the girl's paralytic -father and a boarder in her home, was arrested in a bar-room of Calvert street. He had been drinking heavily there for an hour and the child he had stolen stood shivering and crying in the street outside. He had forced her to wait there for him since they had left a cheap boarding house some hours be fore. At police headquarters Janer was too befuddled with whiskey to talk, but the girl sobbed out a story to the officials which sho signed. It reads: "I will be 12 years old on the 2 2d of this month and until this man took me away from them I lived with my papa and mama at 334 Classon ave nue, Brooklyn. My papa Is very sick. "Last week this man Janer, who has visited our house for several years and boarded with us for a time, asked mama whether I could go to Baltimore with him. She said that I might and that she would join us as soon as papa was dead and burled. "On Monday Janer came for me to go, but I didn't want to go, but after YOUNG he had gotten the tickets he made me Cumberland county. Committee on clerk of court. go. I cried and begged him to let public Roads. I To increase pay of jurors In Colura- me stay at home, but he said that s. B. 531. Senator Long of Per- bus county. mama had said that I must go with son. An act to prohibit the sale of j To abolish the crop pest commis hlm, certain commodities at a certain slon and place Its work on the de- "We came to Baltimore and he took me to a hotel. After that he took me to a boadlng house kept by a Duke woman on Calvert street and he said he was Paul Newhoft and that to the senate transmitting a letter the board of commissioners of Dare V I was Florence, his daughter." from Mr. J, S. Mann, superintendent county. . . ..-l ... Much more of the girl's statement of the state prison, calMng attention To dispose of money In the hands Constantinople, Feb. 4--The Turkish was suppressed from the public, but to the financial1 needs of that lnstitu- of J. R. Swann, former manager of mn9tP,. 0( war nns ordered all the re It was no sooner delivered than Col. tlon. Mr. Mann called attention to tho M.rcon county dispensary. Isorviats of the third army corps to hold Swan," of the police, the district-at- the fact that nearly 168,000 are To amend section 982 of revisal, themselves In readiness to join the torttey, and several others who heard needed to meet the regular expenses relating only to Swain county. i colors. Turkey has also called ii&m It telegraphed to the governor of of the prison, to buy fertilizers for To authorize the .mayor and com- Bulgar'a to demobilize before entering Maryland that the case was bo heln- state farms, etc. The message was mlssioners of Highlands to sell a ccr ous as to warrant resisting any at referred to the Committee on Penal tain lot. i ; tempt to extradite Janer by the New Institutions. I To amend charter of Elon College. York state authorities. The governor , 1 . Passed Third RcadlnR. 1 To repeal section 3073 of revisal, sent word back that no extradition A bill to amend the charter of Low- relating to weights and measures. would be granted, for the present, at least. Janer denied any guilt In the'af- fair, but on the child's testimony and that of a doctor and other witnesses town of Lenoir. ! substitute, allowing sheriffs and po- he wag held for trial without ball. I To amend the charter of Granite lice officers to seize and destroy 11 - ' Falls, Caldwell county. licit distilleries and aH6wlng them a Quick Action Imperative: I To authorize the commissioners of fee of $25 for each one seized. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chatham county to Issue bonds to pay, To incorporate the John Charles Baltimore, Feb. 4 The grand jury Its floating Indebtedness. ' McNeill Memorial Society. at 11:46 o'clock this afternoon totnd ! a presentment against Joseph Janer, of New York, tor felonious assault on Catherine Loerch, of Brooklyn, the extreme penalty ior wWch Js death; The child was tUea before .tM quest at 10' o'clook this morning, and after listening to her revolting tale . ' (Continued on fage. beven.) ' I PENSIONS ASKED BYMECKLENBiG Senator Piiarr Pri sen's Pull lion From Citizen Asking More Liberal Pensions AS TO GARNISHMENT Senator Bnssett Presented a Petition From Citizens of Rocky Mount Asking For the Passage of the Bill Against the Garnishment of Rail way Employes' Wages Senator Manning Presents Bill Relative to the Settlement of Certain Railroad Construction Bonds; Also One Re lating to the Settlement of Certain Public Debts. The seate was led In prayer by Senator Turner. No corrections were made in the journal. The roll of committees was called and various bills were placed on their passage. The privileges of the floor were ex tended to ex-Congressman Theo. F. Kluttz, of Salisbury. New Rills Today. Petitions, bills, etc., were Introduc ed as follows: By Senator Pharr: A petition from citizens of Mecklenburg county asking for an increase of pensions. Pensions and Soldiers Home. By Senator Barrlnger: A petition from the citizens of Stokesdale rela tive to the town boundaries. Coun ties, Cities and Towns. i By Senator Bassett: A petition from citizens of Rocky Mount asking for the pa-sage of the bill against the garnishment of railway employees ' Henato DoTghtoT- A'p'etltfoh' By &enator uougnton. A petition relative to the building of bridges in Ashe county. Counties, Cities and Towns. '. S. B. 522. Senator Manning. To amend chapter 543 of public laws of 1905 relative to the settlement of certain railroad construction bonds. Judiciary Committee. j S. B. 523. Senator Manning. An act to amend chapter 96, public laws, of 1907 relative to the settlement of I public debts. Judiciary. S. B. 524. Senator Manning. A bill relating to the assistants and employees of the supreme court. Salaries and Fees. I S. B. 525. Senator Manning. To allow the board of commissioners of Durham to Issue bonds. Judiciary. 1 S. B. 526. Senator Johnson. An act to prohibit the killing of squirrels ln-Curfltuck county. Game Laws, j S. B. 527. Senator Starbuck. A' bill to amend section 1056 of revlsal relating to the holding of courts In Forsyth county. Judicial Districts. I S, B. 528. Senator Barrlnger, senator uarnnger. au act relating to the boundaries of the town of Stokesdale. Counties, Cities and Towns s. B. 529. Senator Hawes. to Incorporate the town of An act Altha. Counties, Cities and Towns. a. B. 530. Senator Nimocks. An act relating to the public roads of Primitive Baptist church In Person county. Propositions and Grievances, Message From Governor. Governor Kltchin sent a messago ell, Gaston county. To enable Hlllsboro to fund Its In- debtedness and issue bonds. . To authorize a bond issue in the To authorise the town of Canton to issue bonds. To amend the toad law of Bun- combe county. .,y", - To levy a special tax In - Ashe In-"county. ';,: -f .;-- V , To( refund ind pay oft certain bonds in Hendersonvllle At tot for Uie relist ot the estate i Miss Vera iKv Koss." nr t,n,,ivin Ry., Avho was killed by a tnxlcab in New York, whi e Julius. Steinhein saloon men trom working the county v,as on. the ocean bound for New road- The counsel made lengthy ar-Voi-k, where lie Was to marry Miss guments' The court 18 pcte.d to Ross upon Ills arrival. i hand down a decision in the ease this I r.rterncon. It is believed the eourt of B. J. Fisher, deceased. A substi tute offered by the committee passed. A( bill to render secure from dam age by fire, etc., state forests situated ; at an elevation of 2,000 feet. 4'1 0l?lcer "! &latlPB conl ' mpnrf inw relntfna- tiv hrUf To amend law relating- to bridges in : Wayne county. A bill ralating to the pay of jurors in Duplin county. To allow the commissioners of Hi'hmond county to donate land for a Confederate monument. To allow commissioners of. Ruth erford county 'to. donate land for Con lederate monument. Petition Presented. Senator Douhgton presented a pe tition from over one thousand cill-vnr-, asking the formation of the new county of Avery. A bill to create a new township In knew to be armed and thereby pre Ttnbrunn rminh- vent the killing of Carmack, I still To repeal chapter 513, public laws 1907 increasing commissioners In Of Sampson, county. 1 To appoint justices of the peace for Nash county. To authorize commissioners of Jaclison county to donate land for a Confederate monument. To amend section 1199 of the re- visai re attng to service oi. summons. . ... .. in certain cases. I To empower the ex-sheriff of Gra- ham county to collect back taxes. To amend 3136 of revisal relative to time of publication of citation of caveat. To amend the Guilford county sal- ary law relative to clerk hire for uartmont of agriculture. Parsed Its! second reading and on objection took j its place on the calendar. To chance the time of meeting of, To amend 2727 of revisal and al- low sheriffs a fee for seizing Illicit, 'distilleries. The committee reported1 the bill unfavorably, but offered a To annolnt justice of the peace for Montgomery county. To fix liability of a bank to Its do- posltors for payment Of forged checks, establishing a six statute of limitations. To amend chapter 200 of public laws of 1905. relative to a busing (Continued on Page Be van.) CASE OCCUPIES coif TIME OF The Charges Against Qualifi- cations oi Juror Again to the Front It MAY BE DISMISSED Expected That Juror Whitworth Will be Dismissed on the Ground; t Possible BiasWhen Asked About the Remark He Made That He Wouldn't Vote For Patterson Now ' For Constable," Said He Said What He Did Because Patterson Pardon ed Certain Saloon Men From Working on the Public Road De cision Expected Today. , (By Leased Wire to The Times) , Criminal Court Room, Nashville, Tcnn., Feb. 4 The investigation ot the charges against Juror WMtt worth's qualifications was resumed this morning. The juror was brought down stairs again and was asked re garding the remark he was alleged to have made that "he wouldn't vote for Patterson now for constable,? Wbitv, ortb said he made the remark Because Patterson pardoned , certain 1 v.:il. dismiss, the juror on the ground i of possible bisa. . ' ' . - (j : I WMt worth Removed." .: Jami.'s Jl,t Whitworth, whose case has i consumed so much of the time of, tye eourt since the solecnpn or tne jury an, waso3ay remo tw, Hrt :har-4nr4r. -trial 1W remofcea from th lurf fi.1 box. Judgre Hart bade the ex-Juror. 4 V 'cordial good-bye and told him that n '., '" ort of reflection upon nts etiaraeter was Implied by the ruling. Mr. Whit worth later made the following state ment to the newspapers: .:; "This matter seems to have devel oped 'n regard to what I said concern ing Governor Patterson. I could have further explained what I meant this .morning if I hud thought the court would have allowed me to say this. Whut I meant about the governor. In being against him, In addition to what I said about the pardon of Williams, was that the governor did not do his i duty in that he did not disarm men he thillk that the governor should have tLJ" as the hlKhest executive officer in. the tate,. -It was his plain duty to have disarmed all of them. ,, "What I thought, and still think, about the governor in this regard has nothing to do with the defendants and 1 have no prejudice concerning their iriii r. n - liinnrenr. wnnt. 1 aaia.ajxiuL v " ., . , j" 'w .lt or .lnnnpf,nMi nf thH. defendi ants ..j Bm sincerely, glad to have been excused from Jury service." Another venire of 500 names was j drawn from the jury box this morn- Ing, the talesmen to appear Monday morning. TURKISH ARMY Into further negotiations. The Russian note which has been nresented to the Austrian government, has ellcted the reply 'that-- Austria-Hungary . cannot recommend either Turkey or Bulgarti to nreent the Russian Drooosal. This ts also tho German view. - : .- CALIFORNIA TOWN DEEP UNDER WATER Chico, Cal., Feb. 4. The town" of' BEING MOBILIZED iTohama, which had 600 lnhabiunts, l u"de' 5 feet of water end It is imvosak, , t0B '"i0""'"1?! :'montb-t.,."1"""' " Z 'uTZa ; ?J2uZ and a block of houses has been wwh a away, Th houses ar noting M I lfett above the city streets. ' 1 11

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