..Weather. fie ftepEg Ctmeg SECOND. EDITION Washington, D. C, Feb. 8 Fore lv cast for. North Carolina for tonight and Tuesday: Fair tonlghtj Tuesday 1 partly" cloudy and warmer, rain. ESTABLISHED 1878. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1909. PRICE 5 CENTS THE LAWMAKERS CONSIDER MANY MATTERS TODAY Senate Met at Eleven O'clock Today and Got Down to Easiness .. A NUMBER OF NEW BILLS Senator Dockery Introduces Bill to Prohibit Capital Punishment Ex. cept in Cases of Criminal Assault, Bill to Pay the Funeral Expenses of Thomas N. Hayes, of Wilkes Bill to Regulate the Sale of Con centrated Peed StufTs Bill bj . Nimocks to Amend Law Relative to Escape From Prison Wake Coun : ty BI.; The senate met at 11 o'clock and was led In prayer by Senator Ormond. The journal committee reported no corrections to be made in the journal. Various standing committees report ed and a number of bills were placed on the calendar. New Bills Today. " The following new bills and peti tions were Introduced as follows: S. B. 601. Senator Elliott. To In corporate the trustees of a certain church in Catawba county. Corpora tions. . ' ; v ' S. B. 602. Senator Johnson. To provide for the levying of a special tax in Currituck county. Education. S. B. 603. Senator Empie. A bill to fix the closed season for hunting birds, Game Laws. Senator Doughton. , A petition from 133 citizens relative to the for mation of Avery county. Counties, Cities and Towns. , Senator Shaw. A petition from citizens of Robeson relative to a graded shhool district.'' S. B. 604, H. B. 604. Senator Peelo. An act to repeal chapter 924 of the public laws of 1907, relative to the encouragement of Immigration. The old law provides for an appro priation of $5,000 annually to en courage immigration. Senator Peele's law entirely repeals this act. It was referred to the Committee on Immi gration. : S. B. 605. Senator Matthews: To validate the acts of certain justice of the peace In Sampson county. Jus tice of the Peace. S. B. 607. Senator Shaw, A bill to make a uniform tax receipt. Fl nnuce. Passed Third Reading. To allow the, board of commission ers of McDowell county to Issue bonds. To authorize commissioner of Transylvania county to levy special tax. To authorize New Bern to levy special tax to pay Interest on bonds. To authorize commissioners of Robeson county to issue bonds to pay Indebtedness. To authorize commissioners of Dur ham county to issue bonds to pay In debtedness. To extend the limits of the town of Wlnterville. To protect the forests of North Carolina from fire. To appoint a Justlde of the peace In Ocracoke township, Currituck county, . To allow an authorized minister, as well as ordained ministers, to per form the marriage ceremony. Any minister authorized by his church to perform the marriage ceremony may do so, according, to this law, oT amend, law relating to finance committee applying only to Pamlico county. v To prevent the throwing of saw dust in. Big Ivey Creek, Buncombe county. . v.. . , ,.(., To pay the Pinkerton Detective Agency for helping to run dowu, tlie murderer of Arthur Crlmlnger ln.fca barrus county.' : v - To appoint a finance committee for Ash -county. . To amend section 1283 revisal re lating to fees when not a true bill is found s in Brunswick and Catawba counties. - To amend law. relating to finance relative to the pay of jurors in Gas ton county. . To amend section 2716 of revisal relative to oaths of road overseers. To amend chapter '180 of laws of 1907, relative to offenses beXore the courts of Pasquotank. , ' : . To fix pay of Jurors In Greene county. .J To prohibit puoiic drunkenness in Mitchell oounty.'., . (Continued on Page Two.) REV. MR. SMITH PREACHES TO A PACKED HOUSE Be Knocks Preachers and Housk Met at Noon Afler .Paystapllsiienisto Sunday Holiday and Re Railroad Jack ! samcd Business COURT ROUSE CHOWOED Court House Crowded Yesterday The Evangelist Roasts Railroad .lack Says Some Methodist go to Heaven With Rooster I ndor Ontt Arm anil Another Man's W ife Un der the Other SomeV IJiiptlst Preachers (Jo With a Jug of Li quor Nearly Kitty Stood For Prayer. The court house was filled to over flowing yesterday afternoon with men who had come to hear the evangelist, W. W. Smith. Thev were looking, per haps, for something out of the ordina ry lines of preaciilng. and tliev got II. Reform beginning the occasion the evangelist naked that the windows he lowered from the top. Hut before he did this he had the windows arouniJ it wiiii to he nun cio.seo, ns ne nut not want to lie in a draught. When some one object ed to the current of oold air that came pouring through the house, he stated that he guessed It was pretty bad on those who were frozen tin inside, but that he would have air Irt the rnom. The service began with the evangel- Ist's kicking at a dog that had strayed Inside the chancel or "bar ' as It Is call- . ed In court houses. Whether he hit1 the dog or not, the reporter did not . i , see. Anyway,- he said that dogs had no -place In a revival. The preacher said that If the room were too fult-for any more to come In .some long follow clllllil ' Mma lin trt ' thl-frnnf'nnft' Ito down and the others could s't on him and even that would not be as hot aS hell. .- I Before beginning his remarks, the ,,,. , . preacher said that his methods were fr to calendar and re- too high for the ordinary preacher, and referrel to Propositions and Griev that he had the sympathy of the peo- ances, pie of Raleigh. Ho said that he had Mr. Doughton said that Saturday held meetings In the largest churches the house passed a bill as to employes on the continent, and If; the people wanted to know who he was they could wrlteto the president of the First National Bank of Roanoke. , Next came what the people were. ! looking for.; He said that in r.ll his travels over the continent, he had nev- er been treated as he was by a "poor old crank" here Saturday afternoon (meaning the distinguished Railroad Jack"). Mr. 'Eisom-said' that ho one referred to was not a Raleigh man. .,' smith (h.-,-i,u ..t w the reporter could not get an adequate account of his sermon, as parts of it would not do credit to the columns of any newspaper. Ho spoke, in part, along the following lines: , Many preachers go to houses of 111 fame. If a man has Ave or ten thou-- sand dollars In his possession he can join the church without being born again, or being asked any auest'ons. Some people are not lit to be a boot- black In hell. Men ought to make money, but they ought to bo consci- J entlous about it. Some people will be which was reported favorably as damned for the love of money. Somo amendedl and a minority report bv Methodist preachers will go to heaven-. trom Chowan, and he with a rooster under one arm and an- , . , , , . other man's wife under the other; and asken " be withdrawn and considered some Baptist preachers with a Jug of bv the committee ns a whole TueK llquor under their arms. day night, as many western members When told by Mr. Elsom that Rail- wanted to know more of It. road Jack was not a native of Raleigh, ! Mr. Koonce said he hoped it would the evangelist stated that he did not not be done. know where he was from but that he Mt 'p,i'(f M i...j !.' . knew where he was going that he was going to hell, and that the city council ought to take some action against htm. , . "''.-': ' Before concludingr his discourse the preacher got down to business and preached a little. When be had finish- ed. he asked all those who wished to become Christians to stand. Nearly fifty' stood. He then Invited them to come forward and there was quite number who accepted the Invitation. . , - 1 . HECBIVE8 DEATH SENTENCE WITHOUT Ql'IVEB OF A MUSCLE ,v;f By Leased Wire to The Times) Suffolk, Va., Feb. 6 Without the quiver of a muscle or the trembling of an eye lid, Sam Hardy today heard that he must die. Hardy was accus- ed of assassinating Tiberius Gracchus Jones In the latter's door yard at Holland on October 26, last. , The trial lasted five days. PENSION EX-PRESIDENTS. ... . ;. Bill introduced Today Providing For The speaker announced that Mr. she was doing wrong In keeping the Marly open a lodge, and without any .-clu -p. .Winston," be'ng' In the city and Pension of 92000 Per Year. Roscoe was out of order, and Mr. money, then It 'should be returned 'pfevlous probation, but "at sight," : the writer, knowing his great famil Washirigton, Feb. 6 Representa- Roscoe moved the rules be suspended, without a request from North Caro-! procoed t0 confer the degree Upon the tni-ity with question of Masonic Juris tlve Volstead, of Minnesota, Intro- Mr. Grant said a day's notice was Una candidate. Such a iodSe Is 1 usually prudence interviewed him on the AntUkA . mii . h. 1,.,,.. ' 1 ' ' v . , 'known as an "Occasional Lodge.' and much tit kd of announcement of the duced a bill In the house today pro- necessary. Some time ago holders of thesoi,vhon tho buslnesg f0..wh,eh",t. w.'orcr of ohm that h.-would' vldlng for a pension of $12,000 per year for all ex-preeidents. The pay- menta are be made monthly. , ., I '- - "'---. ,- ' . ''.' DEBATE IN HOUSE TODAY OVER THE FliH II A LIVELY DISCUSSION Rev. Ii. 15. Jones Conducted th.. Rdig. k:is i-.xitcisos nt. I he opening or tin- House Tills Morning iteports ol Standing Committees Hills Ratified Mr. Roscoe Starts JJall Rolling As to Klsh Matter Mr. KooiK'e Talks on the Matter tmd Several Others (Jet Into flu- Debute, bate. . The session of the iwenti'-ninih dav of the house of roprnMoptniives of the North Carolina, general assembly was called to order -today at 12 noon, by Speaker Graham, who. to conduct the religious exercises presented Rev. L. . B-,'nes, pastor of Centra) -Methodist '.huich. ' 'I he journal ot Satnrd::.v was re- 1,ortecI correctly recorded by the com mittee on journal, and tne same stood approved. The call for petitions, memorials, aud communications brought forth the foIIwlng, which were read and properly referred: Petition as to fishing in Bath Crnek, Beaufort county. Standing Committees Report, Th following l.iita ,0 ,.,in,.t,i . n T1, ,, ,t , , , , . i lo a low Harnett -to issue bands for ., . ... . ., , ' i MlAfie favorably; to divide courts i of Stokes county, favorably; to abol-i Ish May term of Orange county, fa-1 Vomlllv? hftlfl nnccAft SofurHav . t. I ported as engrossed and sent to the senate n mntlnn Af U, n.,l. TT T C-rt of supremo court and on a non-con- currence with the senate, Hills Ratified. , ,, , , ,,, :. . The Allowing bills were ratified and sent to secretary of state and are now laws: To amend law as to fences In Tyr- rell: to appoint cotton-welerher for Four Oaks: to nhollsh treqsnipr nf Rwni. tn ,"'M i Hinni,,. ' A.i, .,iii. .. , i , , , . vllIe: f01 draining Lower Creek ;. to- alIow Ashe t ,evv a special bridge '"x 10 repeal cnarter or uiaastone; to entitle sale of test farms; to re- establish treasurer of Duplin; to relieve ex-sheriff of Lincoln: to araend charter of Scotland Neck; as tn .,,. nf ,.nmmllM.innoi.a , nt,km,t . -, , countJ: to incorporate Lenoir; to amend charter of Burlington; to amena law as 10 tnrowing saw-oust In Big Ivey, in Buncombe. Mr. Roscoe asked that the fish bill. . . , tIon of Mr' ?coe wo"ld Pf a I e nieiiis buu .demerits of the bill. ' , Mr. Morton rose to a point of order, saying that the house had no right to g0 into committee as a whole except on revenue bill, and he moved It be maAa ...,., ... Vr,,,av .., ' . , ., . ., It was announced that there were several special orders for that day. Mr. Green said he wanted to dis cuss the bill. Mr. Prlvott said the inference as to 1 1 who signed the minority was errone-f ous. Mr. Wallace said the bill was Ini- portant, and all had been begged to to attend, and the motion of Mr. Morton should prevail, and thus en- lighten the house. Mr. Roscoe said there had been much fuss for years about the fish of ,. the east, and the reason was the bills ; have been unjust, and there would al- ; ways be trouble as long as some were exempt. ' ' ' The speaker sustained the point and on the vote it was made a special : ' (Continued On Pagi two.) t ;'' -.. . , -- --. - NOUSTRY SERIOUS PANIC IN HOTEL FIRE Manchester, Eng., Feb. 7. In a frightful pariic accompanying the burning or the Grosvenor lintel today three men lost their lives and upwards of a score are badly .njured. . Throe hundred persons were asleep in the hotel when the fire was discovered and n nnieklv did the fire gam headway 'that before all were even aroused the (Ire was burning In every story ot the building. The city fire, fighting foree found themselves unable to cope with tne blaze and they were greatly hindered by the great crowds which r.athercd. Th" police were wholly ummle to hold back the people. The most frightful scenes wens on nt..i Til on who were driven to the ' roof leaped to the ground, sustaining ..i..., a iniiirieK" Others lunined from wlnfows to the kreet beneuh. Three men are mission " m"""' be in the ruins Of the building. . ... I I .1... until ttl Lucky Raid" in Seriously 111. l.nn Anirales.-'Cal., Feb.. E. J- ("Lucky") Baldwin,' who was stricken with pneumonia about ton ' Uavs ago early today was reported to he slowlv sinking. A consultation of phvsiciana has been called Baltlnmi-e, JW., Feb. 8 Joseph .Tuner nns arraineit and pleaded not this morning. He was granted a change of venue and the cas was removed the ilrst week In March. IfiitlieHno Loeivh. th. Mm hploir. .mil fi.e shniln r ti, ii.it.... 1 ' - PRESENT MARKET: VALUE OF BONDS Movement in South Dakota Legislature to Return Money Derived from Bends DESIRES INFORMATION In IXscussion (irowlng Out of Move ment, the Members of the Legisla ture of South Dukota Desire to Know the Present Value of the Paper State Treasurer L:u',v He eelves ('oiiiiiuiniration From Super intendeiit of Iieglshitive Reference Division Will Confer With Attor-ney-geiieral and Answer Immedi ately,' . It was printed in the columns of The Evening Times several weeks ago that there was a movement on foot In South Dakota l return to North Carolina the money derived from the bonds glveu tn aid of the Western North Carolina ltailroad, ten of which were presented to the state of South Dakota, but that North Carolina was wanted to ask for the money. : . Gov- ernor Glenn flat-footedly refused to ask for It, basing his refusal upon the grounds that if South Dakota felt bonds went to Governor Hughes, of New York, and requested him to (Continued on Page Two.) '. .,!'. '-'.;.. '.: Eleven-Year-Old Katherine Loerch And Her Abductor, Joseph Janier 0 a6TAlB ' 'On-Vnlll'.fll 1 lllfllirli o-til ti-1r ii-nu ftl.-e,i 1... .-1..1 ...i.. ... i... ...n..... T What " Some North Carolina Hon. Charles S. Hi'-'kin of SSane's- vilie, (ilro. the Grand Master of Ohio Freym.1s.0ns, has announced his inten tion of ' makliig William Howard Taft. pi 'sMeiu-eii et, "a M ismi on ;S!Ih:"I Tile' ceremony will 'take place in. 'in- cinnati iU the Scottish kite Cat In dial on ri hui'Stlay af term ion. February lstli. in tile presence of a 'large number f prominent itarons of 1. iliio and .'other states. - on account of the w ide-spread Intel-- ; the Mu-sonie 'fratifi-nlty. were made Mu est that this announceiiient has caused, ' -"Hit" wt s'.ht. as It was not thought it will not be out of place to publish ,; sei-mly m- lieeoining to submit these the opinion of a few prominent' North I tl i;:-11 i 11 1 m to the, 'ordeal 'of election by Carolina Masons oil this Important j !;; 1 ! it . (a unanimous- vote- being neces toplc. jsiry tn eli'i't). -lint as the world be- Mr.yS'. J. Hinsdale, Fast Master of came mine democratic, the eustohi cf William O. Hill Lodge, No. 21 s, of. this, treitin'g -.these royal princes with such city, who Is well up on all Masonic ! eoiisiiii'iiilioii has fallen into dlsu'R.' " j questions, was seen tod.iy tind t;avc out the following opinion : ' . t!n l-ue ours. President Taft will, of "Quite a little discussion iris been ; cei'iVe. lie entlth il to any honors which precipitated recently by the iiiinoimi e- mi'-lu 1" le-erved for princes of the ment that the Grind Master of -Ohio.; old woi lil. lint in a country which lias signified- his intention of making )) Mes Its If mi Its-democracy. It would President-elect Taft a 'Mason on ! seem that even the chief executive of Sight." The question has beeu asked by 'the laud should pass the 'ordeal of the some if this Is regular and If the i ballot box' just us any oilier less dis Urand Master has this right. I ll'ngulsh' d pi rson must- "Tho ancient law governing nil Ma-1 "fi has bei n hinted that there Is sonic bodies, known as tho 'Landmarks ; some pollt-ics nil.ved up in this action of Masonry,' gives certain preroga-j of (lie Ciavid Master nf Ohio, or that tlves to the Grand Master, and among It Is a play to tho grand stand. Be there Is the right of making Masons ! at dof "ot nleani thilt 1,0 1""' J"? " , ,"! ; son. but 'thut ho h;1'8 th(. rf,hti with the assistance of at least fdx other Ma- sons, to meet In a suitable place, rEU- convened hfiB been concluded, it closed In regular form. . j "This prerogratlve Is Very close to, 1 l l u-;. v .fW.-iv.wxT . . yui'tv in the criminiil court Part II to To-.vscn, where It will be tried 1.. It I ,,,.:-. I,,. T. ....... I, I u ;r: 1 de relent nn the prerogative, of. i -'Mallei' to Issue d'snensn- .i-li'-.. lira liorl? Wxr. fii l.il.;es wiiii-h h.ive no char- I'll prerogative of making Masons "!Vlif.' is (me wliich Is seldom, If .at. . ''i Vi i'.T.r :,r this (iiii.nd Jurisdic- tii'ii.. a.- -ihe nunc the fratemity Is s i I'erfiia-rded,-'. the. ..higher will be the ptMid.ird of its 'membership, j , .'!! veins gi.iin- by,: most of the Pi-: in . ef . the liloml idyiil, w ho joined "As the , lii f executive of a great na- this as li may, It Is not for me to crlt 1 Mf. ' ;!,a ' aM,P1- wh" hns 1 . ,, : , I would 'have' iim-n better." Piist'Ornnd Master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, Hon. Fran I s 't mnlro fr. Tuft a "Maon at flight." Mr. Winston had the following to say: (.continued 011 Pugo Two.) JOSEPH JANER TRIAL BEGINS ON TOMORROW The Fallier and Mother dirl Are Butb seri ously Sick of THREE INDICTMENTS Joseph Janer, Wealthy Brooklyn Man, Will Re Tried For Hie Life Tomorrow 011 Charge of Kidnap ping Eleven- Year-Old Catherine Jjoerch There Are Six Courts In Indictment, Three Charging Capi tal Offenses Under Maryland Law. Jauer WiU Plead Not Guilty. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) -. Baltimore,. .MjcL.-JPeb.- - 8-Joeepii Janer, the wealthy Brooklyn man, will go on trial for his life tomorrow on the charge of kidnapping eleven? year-old Catherine Loerch. There are six counts in the Indictment, three charging capital offenses under the Maryland laws. : , Janer, despite the evidence against him, will plead not guilty through his counsel, Edward I. Clark. , 1 The little girl victim will be held here until the trial Is over despite all the efforts on the part of her rela tives to get her back to Brooklyn to see her sick fcther. The uncle and brother of the child are, here for-tbat purpnre, hot the' authorities will, not allow her to be taken out of thevJuri' I lodicuon of the Maryland .court; afl . she is the chief witness against' Janer. Marshal Farnan today said that he has no disposition to be unfair er seem hard-hearted in his stand ' against allowing the little girl to see 'her father, but he has hit doubts ; about the seriousness of Loerch 'a 111 i ness and has a strong suspicion that : the whole thing may be a ruse to get the girl out of Maryland, In which case it would be impossible to foree her to return and the case against Janer would fall through. ; Father Dying. ' New York, Feh. 8 Adolph Loerch; father of Katherine Loerch, is dying at his home in Brooklyn of tubercu losis and her mother is suffering from serious burns caused by falling on the kitchen stove in a faint. Both constantly cry for their daughter. "I must see Katherine before I die," cried Mr. Loerch to his wife. "I must see my child before I pass away." -. : In response to the dying man's ap peal Michael' Loerch, the child's uncle, is In Baltimore today, trying to induce the authorities to allow him to take her to her father before his death. ." Janer, since being In prison, has made two appeals to his wife to help him. : His fortune of 1500,000 Is strictly under her control, and with out her aid he is practically helpless. After Janer's second appeal waB received Mrs. Janer angrily tore up the message and said: "I will have nothing more to do with this monster. I have cast him off entirely. I will not aid him in ! any way. - He has always treated me ! with the utmost cruelty, and I can not have the slightest sympathy for him." . ". . Janer, according to the laws ot Maryland, may chose between a trial by jury or a judge. If he makes the 1 latter choice, It Is likely that three 1 judges will hear the case at the same time. In rendering a verdict the de cision of the majority will rule, but the Baltimore authorities are confi dent that all three would coincide In bringing in a verdict of conviction. ' J The district attorney's opening .speech to the Jury or judges ,wlll brand Janer as a man entitled to the fullest penalty, which la death, and i will declare him to be the worst of . criminals under the law. j The prosecutor will make It a spe cial point to ask that in case of con viction the death sentence be pro nounced although under the law lm 1 prisonment for life or a lesser pen alty can be placed. I Katherine Loerch Is In the house of the Good Shepherd and will be the first witness to be placed on the stand against Janer. The child has been under medical care and has almost entirely recovered from her hysterical condition Mn which she was found when Janer wan I arrested. - . . : "" , - y ' -.'.- - ,. .V1.. 7:--N'': t,- i