Weather. I . I. SECOND. . 1 EDITION Washington, D.lC.,' Feb. 28 Fore-, cast for North. Carolina for tonight and Saturday: Fair, -warmer tonight SaArday, fair; warmer in east ESTABLISHED 1876. DOUGHTQN BILL FAILS TO MEET WITH APPROVAL Committee Sends Id Unfavor Report Hat There $ Minority Report THE EDUCATIONAL BILL Senate Met at Ten O'clock This Morn ing, Senator Nimocks Leading the Prayer New Hills by Barhani to Extend Time of the Organization of ' the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail way Education Bill Passes Sec ond Heading Senator Doughton's Oil Inspection Bill Causes Discus sion Henderson to Vote on Bond Issue. '. Senator Blow's education bill passed its second reading this morn ing without objection Senator Doughton's bill to provide for the inspection of illuminating oils and fluids was reported unfavorably this morning. The bill, which has been published and widely commented on, is one of great importance. Senator Doughton gave notice of a minority report. -was granted by Judge Hart. Colonel ' Senators Brltt and Bassett joined .Cooper said In reading the evidence with him in the minority report, 'j,e had been reported as saying that which reads of follows: Ihe gave a Confederate soldier $1,050. "There is much complaint from va-jne wanted to say that he had only rious parts of the Btate of the poor:giVen $50 of this sum. Lieutenant quality of illuminating oils. Many, Winston Pilcher, army officer re perhaps a majority of the states, have tired, was the next witness following laws providing for the inspection of Colonel Cooper. He picked up the these oils. It is not probable that pistol at Senator Carmack's head in these acts would be allowed to con-j the street. The weapon t was a .88 tinue If they were not beneficial. calibre blue steel Smith & Wesson "Georgia and Tennessee have such hammerless revolver. He unbreached liiwa iinri It la nrnhnble. If not !,. nlotnl nnri fminrt turn pvnlnrinri actually the fact, that Oils that tint . ha anM In tIACA Stntoa.nrA not be sold In those states,are brought into North Carolina.. Many of the states not only protect the people in the matter of lights, butl receive considerable revenue from the inspection. Ohio for six months from June 1st 1 to December 1st, 1908, received $53, 815. -.'.Y-- Tennessee In 1 9 0 8 received $ 5 4 , ff.O. ?: . Georgia for 1907 received $14, 976.23." The senate was called to order by President Kluttz at 10 b'clock. Hon. Q. K. Nimocks, senator from Cum berland, led the senate in prayer. New Bills Today. New bills were introduced today as follows: : S. B. 1312, Senator Manning: To Incorporate Durham School of Music, Corporations. S. B. 1313, Senator Bar ham: 1 o extend time for the organization Of the Atlantic ft North Carolina Rail road Company. S. B. 1314, Senator Turner: To regulate hunting in Groves township, Harnett. Game Law. S. B. 1315, Senator Ormond: To extend time for registering grants. Kevisal. S. B. 131C, Senator Kluttz: To pro vide for appointment of court steno grapher for Rowan. Judiciary. S. B. 1317, Senator Kluttz: To amend charter of Salisbury Railway Company. Railroads. Passed Third Heading. H. B. To amend' charter of Eliz abeth City. H. B. To provide a tax levy in Caswell. H. B. To revise and amend charter of West Hickory. H. B. Toincorporata the Ahoskle school district, S. B. To grant a new charter to High Point. 8. B. To authorize city of Klnston ; to issue bonds. H. B. To amend charter of Eden ton. :'" , H. B. To authorize bond Issue for building court house and jail In Gas ton. ' -' : : H. B. To better support and main-1, tain schools of. New Hanover. ' I H. B. To levy special tax for bridges in Cherokee. Vs H. B. To establish a special tax district In Pigeon township, Hay wood. ' , '. f .; ' K . '..'' " I H. B. To authorize commissioners of Ashe to sell county home and purr j chase anotherv- ;' . i 8. B. 10 proviae oona issue tor ItghU and water In Henderson. H. B. To amend charter of Ken ley... . 1 S. B. To allow people, of Ruther fordton township, Rutherford county, to vote bonds for macadam roads. (Continued oa Paf Two.) COLONEL COOPER RETIRES FROM WITNESS STAND Defense Did Not Question thejCourt of Honor In Front of Witness Further and He Was Excused PISTOL IDENTIFIED Colonel Cooper Made Explanation as to 'Statement -That He Had Given $1,650" to Confederate Soldier. Snid the Amount Was Only $."0. Major W. O, Vestess Identities the "Carmack Pistol" as One He Hsid Loaned the Senator Lieutenant Pilcher, Who Picked I'p the Pistol, Also a Witness Question As to Competence of Evidence. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Criminal Court Room, Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 26 Colonel Duncan B. 'Cooper retired from the witness stand 1 this morning. The defense asked him no questions on - re-direct examina tion..'; Colonel Cooper, on assuming the witness chair, said he wanted to make an explanation. Permission can-'cartridges. He thought it had been nnl,1. Ami.) ImllAnHnna P,!,! - freshly fired from indications, Curi-' oslty prompted him to pick up the weapon. Sergeant Headers of the police force followed Lieutenant Pilcher and identified the pistols that were sur- rendered to him the night of the killing. The witness said the gun shown in court as "Carmack's pistol" was given him by Lieutenant Pilcher. Major W. O. Vertrees, prominent member of the Nashville bar and life-long friend, of Senator Carmack, was the next on the stand. He said he had waited on Carmack when the latter was married. On Sunday night before the killing, witness was calling on a lady, the telephone rang and a friend said Carmack wanted to see the witness. He went by The Tennes- sean office after 10 o'clock that night. Carmack asked him to lend him a pis- tol. Major Vertrees said he gave Car- mack the blue pistol shown in court as the "Carmack pistol", that it was loaded all around and was encased In a little rubber tip. . The jury retired here to permit ar gument on the point of evidence. : Interesting evidence was given by Major Vertrees when questioned in the absence of the 'jury. Ho said at The Tennessean office Sunday night before the tragedy he gave Carmack the pistol and showed him how to use it, as Carmack said he did not know much about fire-arms. He told Carmack all he would have to do was to just pull the trigger. Carmack placed the weapon in his hip pocket. (Continued on Page Two.) Growth of the American Navy Since Spanish War. Thle picture gives splendid idea f the growth of the American Navy, not only In size hut in efficiency, ' since tlie Spanish war. It Is of peculiar interest, in view of the remarkable trip around the world, which has Just been- completed bjr the American battleship fjot't. t i ' '- ' RALEIGH, N. IS READY FOR GREAT I p White House is Al most Complete FINAL MEETING HELD Decorations Are Already in Place on Many Pennsylvania Avenue Busi ness Houses, the Inauguration Col ors of Green and White Mingle With National Colors Commit tees Report AH Work Practically Complete and the Full lnuugural Committee Has Held Its Last Meet ingPrograms for the Great Event Will be Put on Sale .Monday or Tuesday. (By Leased Wire to The Tlmen) Washington, Feb. 26 Washington as rapidly putting on gala attire for the great event of March 4. The "court of honor" in front of the white house on Pennsylvania Avenue, where the new president will review the big parade, is rapidly Hearing completion. Decorations are already in place on many Pennsylvania Ave nue business houses, the inaugura tion colors of green and ' white ming : ling with the national colors. The official stand of the Inaugural com mittee, opposite the presidential re viewing stand, which is almost finish ed, will be completed by next Tuesday. Yesterday the huge baskets which are to be filled with evergreens and artificial flowers were hoisted to the tops of the eight 56-foot columns in front of the court of honor. Electric light festoons have been hung across the street at that point. The- final meeting of the full in- j ' augural committee has been held. The sub-committee reports show that practically ' all arrangements ' are nearly in readiness for the inaugura tion next week. It is reported that twenty and pos sibly twenty-one . governors will be present. - Sub-committees to enter tain them have been appointed. The committee on public order reports that all arrangements for the safety and comfort of the thousands who will be here next week has been made. The official program for the inauguration will be on sale Monday or Tuesday. . ' The chairman of the committee on civic organization announces that fit- ty-five organizations will participate WASHINGTON NAUGURALEVENT in the parade. Of these forty-four women should carry sacks of flour are white, ten colored, and one In- with which to sprinkle the clothing dian. It is estimated that at least Of anyone who attacked 'them.--: This 40,000 persons will witness the pa- ruse worked perfectly today and re- rade from stands, balconies and win- suited in the capture of an uniden dows alone. The private stands on tided man this morning on the Fred- Pennsylvania Avenue are practically completed and the decorations will be completed by Monday.: 'a mechanic's wife. The woman had The committee on illuminations is the presence of mind to grab her as cousiderlng six schemes, and in addl- sallant and scream and several men tion to festooning the avenue with came running to her assistance, electric lamps, the treasury, district! The assallanL fought. with. the. .fury building, the peace monument and of a madman mid slashed 'out with his the dome of the capitol will bo bril- knife right ami left, .ffuOio was soon llant with lights. i overpowered by tlie police and taken At 7:30 o'clock on the evening of In' 'charge" for examination.1 March 4 the fireworks display Willi The woman was not. Injured, al- occur. It will be given on the white tnougii tier dress was siasnect into house lot, just back of the white house, ribbons by the man's knife. Crowds An hours' drill will be given by the of the curious gathered'-.' to get a Minneapolis republican Flambeau glimpse of the. 'famous -"jack the rip .'". '"(Continued on Page Two.) iper", but were disappointed, C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Scene in the Courtroom at the Cooper-Sharp Trial. SI'"''.' ' I i I ?jSF' 1 if 111 '': ' T) ' tttspf-- ' ypi?Sz. .4.1 This picture shows (he scone in the com) room at Nashville, Tenn., (luring the trial of (he Coopers and Sharp for the killing of former V. S. Senator earmark. The figures designate the following persons in the Court Room: .1, Judge Hart; 2, Mis.' Charles Eastman; Charles Eastman; 1, Vernon Sharp. Court Clerk; 5, Shewn Sam Brown; 0,'M. H. Meek s, of counsel for the defense;. 7, Clmrles 'ilurch, of counsel for defense; 8, James Bradford, of counsel for defense; , Attorney General MrCaim; 10, E. W. earmark, Jr. ASSAILANT OF Mysterious Man Who Has ; Terrorized Berlin in Hands of Police RUSE TO CAPTURE HIM lVr Weeks the Police Piive JUn Searching .'Vigilantly For the De generate .Who Has Assaulted so Many Women in Berlin and Kuse Adopted to Ell'ect : His .Capture Proves Successful This Morning. Was Attempt ins to Plunge Dagger; Into W'oman's Body When Caught. ' Woman's Dress Slashed into Itih Immis. (By Cable to The Times) Berlin, Feb. "ti The mvsterious assailant of women who has terror ized Berlin for upward of a fortnight was caught today, ending the reign of terror. . For weeks the police hump. been searching vigilantly for tho de- generate and have issued orders that erlckstrasse while lie was attempting to plunge a dagger into the hody of wniiM CAUGHT ITUlflLll ;t 26, 1909, TO HAVE MODERN BASEBALL PARK Prominent Business Men Se- cure Option On Plot of Ground for Park ADVANTAGES OF PARK Movement, if Carried Out, Will IJe ' suit in Raleigh's Having an Vp-to-date Baseball Park- int he Heart of the City Proposed plan is to Buy the Old City Lot and Surrounding Lots and build modern park With Extensive Grand Stand, Club House With Modern Conveniences and AH Needed Improvements Advant ages of Having Park in the Vptown District. . A movement, backed by the most prominent business men of Raleigh, is on foot,-which, if carried out, will r result in Raleigh having an up-to- suffragists, Lady Cook, who was Ten date baseball park in the heart of the nossoe Clalliu, arrived in New York city. These gentlemen have had the today on the White Star liner Adri ldea in mind for" -several weeks and -a-ic.:-,-.She: will-onen "an office at 217 have at last secured the option on the necessary ground and In all prob- ability will start on the park at an early date. The proposed plan Is to buy the old city lot and the surrounding lots and build a modern-park, 'with an exten sive grand stand, club house with all modern conveniences, and all other needed improvements. Tlie advantages of having a ball park in tho city are too numerous to mention. It will he in a block of Kayetleville street, which will -enable the business men, clerks,: and other working people to leave their places of business only a lew min utes before the game actually starts. They would not lose a half hour go ing to the park and another half hour coming from the' park, as they do now. The attendance would be In creased over 1U0 per cent: there would be ample police protection in case the crowd tried to mob the um pire, .and many other advantages over having the park out in tlie coun try. The plan seems to be a certain ty, the men behind It showing great enthusiasm, and the people are tak ing great interest in it. if this park is built, the grand stand will be placed in the northwest corner ot the Park, on the corner of Davie and McDowell, the club house on the cor ner of Salisbury and Davie streets, the white bleachers will be on Davie street and the colored bleachers on McDowell street. The grounds will be put In excellent condition and Raleigh will have a park second to none In the state. In pther towns where they have the park in the city the attendance has been nenrly twice as large as It was when the park was out of town. With the now park, the great enthus iasm being shown by the people of Raleigh, and the excellent prospects for a great team, Ralelgti should have Bport this summer fit fqr a king, North Carolina Postmasters. Washington, Feb. 26 The follow ing fourth-class postmasters were ap pointed todaj for North Carolina: Bartow, Robert C. Walsh; Kip ling, Clement W. Matthews. WOMAN'S. CAUSE NOT SPREADING Lady Cook Arrives in New York and Gives Out an Interview VICTORY NEARLY WON Voiaiv. StultesttaAdvtsorjKrgenerall 111 Campaign, Ijuly Cook, Who Was Tennessee (Tallin, "Arrived in New Vork Today on White Star Liner Adriatic Open Office 217 West :Mth Street III Health Prevents Her Taking Part in Fight "The Cause Not l'oressing", She Says. Wants to Make Better Laws For Women. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Feb. 2G Advisory-general in the 'campaign, or' the woman West 3-iih street, and stands ready to , ..hpl ,iu, (.llllst." with advice and niom,V- 0iy m health prevents her I fiom '. takini' an Metive iiai'l ill the j,,lt s10 Sli:is "Tlie cause is not progressing," she declared. "It has progressed. The victory is all but won. In fact it was won ;',H years ago by the pioneers of Ihe. movement. Within a very short time women will vole. '-."Probably not. one woman in ten would ' vote -'if. she could. I myself would, probably, not, because I know of no man worthy of support at. the polls, I certainly would not support King '..Ed ward. Had 1 been able to. however, I would gladly have given my aid to such women as Queen Eliz abeth and Queen Victoria. "We don't want to vote just for the (I'lJiillmied on Tase two.) J.M.Dickinson. J. M. Dickinson, the distinguished Tennessee lawyer, who is said has ac cepted the War Portfolio in the Taft Cabinet, if W fji li PRICE 5 CENTS NOTHING WRONG IN THE CONDUCT Auditor's Office Has Not Ex ceeded Authority and In surance Dept. AH Right NEW BOOKS NEEDED Special Committee to Examine the Findings of theAuditing Committee Heiwrt to HouseAuditor's Office is Sustained All Payments Hav ing Been Made With Proper Au thority The $.10 Month to Gover nors Also a Legitimate- Expense -and Properly I'aid Meekins Fish Matter Also Meets the Approval of the Committee Insurance Depart ment in Good Shape. The forty-fifth day of the house of representatives, North Carolina gen eral assembly, was called to order at 10:30 o'clock this morning by Speaker Graham and the morning , devotions were conducted by Repre sentative John F. Latham. ine journal was reported as cor rectly reported by the committee through Clerk Lassiter, and the call for petitions, memorials and such was made and the following were sent forward: By Taylor. Petition for a school district in Brunswick. Ex-Representative Ehringhaus, of Pasquotank, was granted the. privi leges of the floor, as was Mr. Keenan, ex-repre3entatlve from Lincoln county. ' Examining Committees Report on State Department. . Mr. Currlo, for the special commit tee to report on the- findings ot the auditing committee on the depart ments, was recognized and he asked that Mr. Doughton, of the committee. to read the report. The report took up the auditor's department first, and the finding in that case was in favor of the office as to expense of trans porting prisoner disallowed by the auditors. As to the $30 per month the governors have been drawing all these years was also found allowable under the statute, and gave the at torney general as authority and asked that the matter be taken out of the realm of dispute. As to other employees about the capitol and grounds, the attorney general's ruling was also cited for them." As to the Item paid Judge Wom- ack, $250, for the legal service, the committee found the auditors work ed from a wrong premise and found it correct. As to the Bond and Ward Touch ers as to the fish Interest, they found that the Issuance of those warrants were under authority of law and were entirely right. As to A. J. Barwlck voucher for $72 was found to be cor rect as It was for work done for the State Board of Education. The Barrett & Thompson vouchers were also found as regular and cor rect,; as the architects were neces sary. :- - ;'' As to the $9,000 to the Goldsboro Hospital, they found nothing to Jus tify any mention of it by the auditors, and then found no such number. As to the Meeklns, fish commis sioner matter, as to hiring his own boats, etc., etc., the committee found that there was no way to do the work of the commissioner except by the borrowing the means necessary, and that the purchases from the firm of livans & Meeklns, In which Meeklns was interested, were properly made, as was also the renting of the offices for the use of the fish commissioner, As to the boat rented from himself was also necessary and correct and seemed to be the only way out of the dilema. They found all these things technically . in contravention of , the usual, but It was all done in the open and with the consent of proper offi cers. As to Mr. Young's office, the Insur ance commissioner, thev find that mere is nu eviueuce ui any uiuua- esty on any hand. That the com missioner has collected and account ed for every dollar he should, and has taken the best care possible of all the valuables coming into his hands, and the valuables are kept In a safety bank deposit vault. As to the book keeping, they find a more modern system should be, and Is being In iaiieu. iuvj uuu mai me ouusf have been checked by other auditor and the books so show. As . to the" lack of a cash book, they find. the (.Continued on 8ecop4 0FDEPART1NTS

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