1 '.;J, SECOND." EDITION )Veather. , , ... , u .. Washington, - March 1 Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and "Wednesday: Fair In western; rain In eastern. Wednesday, fair. ESTABLISHED 1876. THE COMMITTEE ANT! TRUST BILI Texas Law Substituted by House Committee for Bassett-Blow Bill THE SALARY BILL The Senate Soloeitor's Salary Bill ticts mi liifavorahle Report In the House, But Minority RcHH-t Puts j it on the Calendar Rimctlng and Ratification (Causes All Tlmt Are Irf-ft of the llanett-Blov Autl tniNt Bill, the Texus Law Being Substituted For the Main Provis inns of Mic Bill by he House Com mittee. The forty-eighth day of the house of representatives, North Carolina general assembly, was called to order at 10:80 o'clock this morning, by Speaker Pro-tern Morton, Mr. Gra ham being too unwell to be present, and the religious exercises were con ducted by Rev. L. F. Johnson, pastor' of the Hlllsboro Street Christian church. The journal of the two sessions ' yesterday were reported as correctly recorded, and stood approved. , The cull for petitions, memorials, and such, brought out the following: By Hagcinon: From citizens of Meek Creek township us to school dls trict. . By Bolton: From Eastern Quar terly Meeting Friends church in Northampton, us to abolishing capi tal punishment. The call of the committees proved fruitful for the calendar, as a large number of reported bills went thereon. . . Tho bill to extend the time for corporations to file reports was re ported adversely. The bill to place solicitors on sal ary, as passed by the senate, was re ported unfavorably, with a minority report, which puts it on the calendar. The senate Bassett-Blow trust, bill was taken out bv the committee, ex cept the enacting and ratification clauses, and the Koonce anil-trust bill of Texas put in place of it. In other words sharper teeth were re stored than those taken out. This goes on the congested house calendar. Bills Introduced. By Barnes of Hertford: To Incor porate the town of Wlnton. By Witty: Resolution as to pay of clerks of house and Semite. By Smith of Harnett: As to work ing road in Duke township. Hy Smith of Harnett: To repeal district road law at Dunn. v By Wallace: To amend the Carter et county road law. By Hooker: To protect growing crops In Richland township, in Beau fort county. By Murphy, for Graham: To put Surry in the eighth congressional dlst . rict. By Mitchell : As to roads in Wayne. By Weaver: To amend law as to Asheville police court. By Gaston: To amend a law of ses sion of 1905. . .. By' Williams of Dare: As to hogs at large in Dare. By Cox of Wake: To allow osteo paths to practice in hospitals. By Campbell: ' As to saw-dust in streams In Stanley. By Perry of Vance: To enlarge hospital for the dangerous insane. By Holler: To appoint I. J. Hayes a Justice in Gates. To provide for a school district In Gates. Bv Connor: To Incorporate the Normal, and Industrial College Alum- ln Association. . By Caudill: To allow Wilkes to pay J. J. Hondren, u teacher. By Hageman by request: For a finance committee for Henderson county. - By Hageman To annul ; the law an to tax against water companies, By Wopten: To separate civil and criminal t court dockets in Lenoir county and to abolish December civil terra. By Taylor: To extend time building the Southport, Northern & Western Railway. By Dowd: To amend the charter of Charlotte. To regulate sele of property for state taxes. To secure Interest an state funds. By Shepherd:" Joint resolution to jiay George C. Fisher, an, employee of 1908. Passed second and third read- AMENDS iSENATE ' Ing. !..'' '"''' (Continued on Fag Two.) Mr. Charles P. Taft. . ! : -r rrrrYtrifrinttvy. j r:? v f Mr. Charles I. Tall, whose picture Is .here shown, hud much to do with the nomination of his brother for I'li-sulenl. Mr. Tall is likely to ho n Mivcr with the. incoming administration. Cooper Murder Be Given to the Last (Bv Leased Wire to The Times) Criminal Coftrt Itimiu, Nhvlll, Tenn., March 2--The smallest crowd of the Cooper-Sharp trial was on hand this morning at the convening hour, the general impression prevailing that the defense would put on two or three witnesses today. Probably James (J. Bradford.- Ceneral Tally Brown and V. C. Morgan, will testily for the defense and (bey will then close their case. l'he state has several witnesses to introduce in rebuttal. It is believed Hint argument may be reached by Thursday and the jury be charged by Saturday or Monday. Dr. R. L. Thompson, the first wit ness today, testified only to seeing t'armack just prior to the shooting. William Setters was put. on the stand next by the defense 'and testi fied regarding revolvers. He said the Colt automatic, bullets, while Called "steel jacketed," could be cut JOHN MITCHELL ON THE COAL SITUATION (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, March 2. John Mitchell, former president of. the 1 -lilted Mine Workers of America, and now chair man of the Trades' agreement board of federation, spokit guardedly toduy in UscUHsIng the anthracite situation. "It would not up- proper .tor me to say," said Mr. Mitchell, "whether or not the' federation would net as ariu trator If nn appeal was made by die mine' workers. However, you-.cai draw: your own conclusion. I first beard of the decision of the operators to refuse every demand of the mine workers to duy .from the. reports. The whole mutter lies with the -offi cials of the miners'' organisations and the operators. 'I understand that President Lewis, of the mine-workers, Is now In the Held going over the situation." 'Do you expect there w ill lie a strike,?" ' 'It would not be proper, for me to speak on that -matter,"- said Mr. Mitchell. Prom another source came the In formation that u strike Is just what the men themselves do expect and that It Is for the purpose ot. increasing the strength of their defenses- that Presi dent Lewis is now in the anthracite field. Boats Go to Honduras. (By Cable to The Times) Panama, March 2 Following ad vices that a revolution has been started in Honduras, ' the armored cruisers Pennsylvania and California have been ordered to Amapala in Honduran waters.' They will nwnit the arrival there of tnu Yorktown. ' x t - RALEIGH, N. Case May the Jury by of This Week with a kiiHe. He illustrated this with a ktilte before- the inry. : lie said a Colt s automatic would shoot very much mure rapidly than a IIS Sinltli k Wesson; that the Colt bad a short trigger pull ol about a iiuaiter of an inch, while the Smith ii Wesson had a 34 null pull, lie said black powder would make much more smoke- than while powder and that on Dial damp day the smoke would hang heavier. The defense,", to save tune, ad mitted that the Carmack cartridge com aincd black powder. 1 W. S. .Morgan, ex-secretary ot state, was the next witness. He told of having seen Mrs; Eastman a few momenta alter the tragedy. She was hysterical and crying. She said Col.' Cooper had told .Carniack to get out from .behind her. The witness did not hear her say siie heard Colonel Cooper say,; "We've got the drop on , you now." CLEVELAND MEMORIAL COMMITTEE'S PLANS (Hy Leased Wire to The 'limes.) New York. March 2. The (irover Cleveland memorial committee, ap pointed liv Mavor Meridian, has 'com pleted Us plans for a meeting that will be held on March IN. the seventy-second anniversary of Hie birth of Mr. Cleveland. Thti afternoon ' meeting will take place at Carnegie Hall at it o clock. Ad III lie made by President Taft, chief Justice' Fuller anil (iovernor Hug-In, '.and' by- the '-'mayor, who will preside, A letter from Theodore It'Mise veil will be read. In the evening a '-'meeting will be held -in the great hull of the city col lege.. Addresses w ill he made by Sen ator EMIiu Hoot, Judge Oorge Gray and (Iovernor Hughes, Although he will not speak a second time, President-elect 't'aft will attend the evening meeting. CHARLES M. SCHWAB TO SAIL FOR AMERICA (Hy leased Wire to The Times.) New York, March 2.-Word which was received from abroad brings tho, Information that Charles M. Schwab Is hastily preparing lo sail for Ameri ca on account of the condition of tne steel market. The information came j from the Lackawanna. Steel Coirlpany 1 that they would cut wages ten per cent I and It is thought that similar action may he taken by the Bethlehem, an other big Independent steel company, after Mr, Schwab's arrival humu. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1909. THIRTY DEAD IN MINE DISASTER NEAR P1TTST0N Terrific Explosion Occurred and Fifteen Victims Have Been Brought Out PASSAGEWAYS ON FIRE vvplosion in Colliery ol the Krie Company at I'ort itlanclmi'd Big Fire Which Has Broken Out I'lv vents the llescilc of the Imprison ed Men Scene ol she K.vplosion is it Mile l i'Om the loot, ol the Main Shalt ami the I'iissiiicviv l.end iii' to it Are Ablaze Kxplosioii Wns Caused hy 11 Cureless Miner. (l',v Leased Wire to hie limes) . Piltslon, Pa., March 2 - A l. rillic explosion occurred at S o clock--I his liiorii.in; in the foil i lei u-iuol vein, No. 11 collierv, of the Kri" Company at. Port -MlanchMi'd. Kiltecn victims, most ol them in a .dying, condition, have been taken to the hospital, and It is believed that at least thirty are dead in the mine.. A lug lire has broken out in the vein ami prevents the rescue ol Hie lliimi.'ioiieil men. This colliery is known as the most gaseous ol the lOno .-Company - mid Ireiiueiit. latal accidents have oc curred. The scene of the explosion is a mile h'oin (he tool ol the main shall, and the passagowavs leading to if are ablaze. .Thousands ol Icel, ol tire hose have been taken tii.-.ide ami a lug lorce ol fire lighters are at work. The explosion was caused bv a care less miner. Siiorllv alter 8 o'clock (his morn ing (Ills man needed a mine rail and went Into mi aliaYiiloned chamber to look lor one. lie had a lighted lamp on his hat. and (he explosion followed. llralltce and doors were lorn out. and mine ears losseil Irom (be tracks. All was in darkmss and miner;; who had escaped groned I heir w ay out , picking up 'the- injured enroute. At. least. Iilteen are known to have es caped. Seventy-live men were em ployed in this vein and it is believed those who are si ill imprisoned have perished Irom the eflects of alter dump.. The victims now al the hospital are: Thomas Fleming, aged 21!; James Howley, l; Bernard Coyle, :!5; Charles : Richardson, 3:S; Tony Tardo, 37: Harry Capltso, 32; Joseph Captain. Ill; -Julius' Apperuni, 21; Andrew Velioinski, 25; Charles Pru- nelle, 25; Harry K ipaga, 32. Loudon liar Silver. P.y Cable In The Times.) London. March :'. Hav silver quiet at 2:i 5-ltid, decline 1-Hi d. (JKOltUK W. W1CKKHSHAM. New Attorney tleiieral fleorgc W, Wlckersliam, of New York. Mr. Wickeitdiiini In ii law puHner of Hen ry W. Taft, brother of the l'resldeut. I J it I W : ill m 5? ir- w X. - S iwsaf. George Von 1 Secretary of (he Nuvv (ieorge Aon 1i. Mcver, of Massachusetts. Mr. Meyer has (lone distinguished services as 11 member ol the diplomatic corps and as a Cabinet Olheer. DELAWARE WILL AID SHIP CANALI (liV Leased Wire I I oer. 1 !.. March : The '111. Tunes. ) boiis.- lias -iiimenl in I .I.'II.IIIIII.IHIO aware and ing a bill nutation ol .the: senate. come lo I tic anl o i lie mi t he movement- to, cun.' l 1 net hip canal 1 -l -1 1 Hie I Chesapeake l!as bv ias; which provides lor Hie colli! the la ml. Tile bill will pas: and u ill be approved bv 1 ne'.vill. 'Ihe land ill 1 1 1 tigmms to the Oelawar oveilioi- 1 'I'll, slion is i-on-and ( liesa- P' ike Canal. which Is lo be the route Hie proposed ship canal. HELD FOR TRIAL ( t'.y Leased Wire 10 The Times.) . New York. March 2. fulled States ( 'oinmissioiier Shields this .'. afternoon held Theodore H. 1'iice. tin- former "cotton king" for trial in Washington on. the charge of conspiring to defraud the Knveinini'lit by securing In advance the cotton report for liin'i of the depart inent of agriculture. Price's attorneys at once announced that they vyould ap pear before Judge Ward in the i'nited States district court, and ask tor writ of habeas corpus -and a writ certiorari. . RAILROAD ORDERED (lly Leased Wire to The Times,! lioslon, Mass.V Mareb ' 2;-' -The full bencli of the supreme court of Massa chusetts toilay handed down a linal and sweeping decision .'ordering, the New Yolk, New Haven and Hartford railroad to sell all of Its trolley roads in this state on or before July t .next. The court holds that the New Haven road bought up these." roads illegally and must now give up all of them. The only appeal the New Haven joad now has Is to the supreme court' of the Cni ted Slates. REDUCTION IN WAGES OF STEEL WORKERS (Hy Leased "Wire to The Times. Huffalo, N. Y March 2.- - A ivduel Ion of 10 per cent lu- the wagi'S of virtually; every employe of the Lackawanna Steel Company goi-s into effect, today. The Lackawanna Is the largest in dependent concern outside-or the (bu y plant. There has been no talk of labor Irou blea at Ihe Lackawanna plant. THEODORE PRICE L. Meyer. COAL OPERATORS DEFY THE MINERS (I'V l.i il ire to The Times.) New ia-k. Marili 2. The anthracite coal operators delv the miners' union ami refuse to giant any one of the ciubi deinaiiils, which include higher wages, sliorier lioiirs and other conces sions. 'Me- crisis -will come when the pie.seiii agreement"-expires on March il. 'I be si I na 1 1011 Is described in a pamphlet issued today which, while not olucial. has the approval of the operators and plainly states their side ot the case. 'I lie three year agreement, which has been in force-, since Hints, .when,' after a suspension of work by the miners for three weeks, they withdrew their de mands : for concessions, expires on March "1. The .miners' leaders have prepared a list of eight demands, which have not yet lieeii officially pre sented to tile, operators; The: present agreement is practically i.Pniioa! with that drawn up by the Uooseveli strike commission in settling the coal strike, which lasted from May to ( letober, 1'.in2. Tile new demands go buck in, most points to matters which were then silted by. the Hoosevelt com. mission,. : CODE REVISION (Hy Leased Wire to The Times.) W'asliingioii. Mar:h 2. -The confer eiiee report on the penal code revision was laid hefoi'c the senate-' today tlion reiiiiest of Seiialor Heyburii. The re port provides for-the 'reconstruction of legislation -for carrying out Hie Hlh and IToli auiciiiliiieiils to the constitu tion. -'.The : democrats' oppose this amendment and will make a bitter light. It probably will not be passed by I he senate. S"iiator ('ulloin offered a joint reso- elutioii providing for the extension for two years of the treaty arrangements between the I'liiterl Slates and I'linada in regiird lo the control and regula tion mi the waters of .Niagara yi"er. THE HOUSE TAKES UP MAIL SUBSIDY BILL (lly Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington-March 2. The house this nioiiitiig took-up fur-' consideration tin? senate bill providing for a mall sub sidy for sleiimshlpH currying mail to Chiiiii and South Africa. Under the agreement there will be four and a half hours' debute on the measure, commencing this afternoon. It Is ex pected a vote will be reached late this 11 rii'i'iioon The Indlent Ions tire thQt the vote will bu very close. REPORTON PENAL PRICE I CENTS CONSIDERATION OF CAPITOL BILL Senator Barringer Asks That the Matter of Removal Go Over OIL INSPECTION BILL Senate Met At 10 O'clock, 8mator Means Leading the Prayer Sena tor Long, of Person, Introduce Kill to Provide For the Checking Vi of State Officials and Public In stitutions Joint Resolution Rela tive to Filling Vacancy In Univer sity Caused by Resignation of (Jeorg-e W. Connor Other New Mills. The senate was called to order at 1 0 o'clock by Lieutenant Governor New-land. Senator Means led In prayer. New Bills Today. New bills were Introduced aB fol lows: S. b. 1444. Senator Barringer. To appoint a court stenographer In Guilford county. Judicial District. S. B. 1445. Senator Basaett. To regulate the pay of surveyors in Nash and Edgecombe counties. Cal endar. . S. B. 1446. Senator Fry. To val idate a certain election in Bryson Citv. Calendar. S. B. 1447. Senator McCall. To promote education In McDowell coun t v. Education. S. B. 144 8. Senator McCall. To promote education in Burke county. Education. S. B. 1449. Senator Gay. To val idate certain probates of a notary public in Northampton county. Cal endar - - S. B. .1 4"bt). Senator Brltt. Rela tive to the making of court calendar -iu Buncombe. Calendar. S. B. 1451. Senator Jones. An act relative to transferring children from one school district to another. Education. S, B. 1452. Senator Doughton. To amend chapter 101 revlsal rela tive to taking of good and sufficient bonds from contractors erecting pub lic buildings. Finance. S. B. 1453. Senator Long, of Person. An act to provide for the checking up of state officials and public institutions. Judiciary. S. R. 1454. Senator Means. A joint resolution relative to Oiling the vacancy on the board of trustees of the University of North Carolina caused by the resignation ot Mr. George W. Connor. Calendar. Passed Third Reading. The following bills passed their final reading: . S. B. To authorize the increase of pensions by county boards ot com missioners. S. B. To incorporate Walston hurg. ' H. B. To amend road law of Lee county. H. B. To authorize bonds for streets in Plttsboro. H. B. To amend law relative to graded school of Columbia. H. B. To amend law relative to bond issue In Raleigh. H. B. To allow Selma to issue bonds. . H. B. To amend charter of Pied mont Railway Company. S. B. To re-Incorporate Gates ville. S. B. To establish a graded school in Farmers, Randolph county. S. B. To establish a graded school In MarshvlUe. S. B. To provide a court stenog rapher for Guilford. S. B. To amend law relative to director ot corporations and cumu lative voting. ; S. B. An act relative to escapes. S. B. An act to provide for the registration and identification of mo tor vehicles. The bill relative to moving the state capitol to Greensboro was caled up but consideration of the matter was postponed on motion of Senator Barringer. The Oil Inspection Rill. The bill to prpvlde for the Inspec tion of Illuminating oils and fluids, which was a special order for today, was taken up at 11 o'clock. Benator Doughton, author of the bill, which was reported unfavorably, offered a substitute for the original, which was read. The bill provides tor inspec tion testa and the appointment of in spectors, all inspection costs to be (Continued on Fag Two.) WAS POSTPONED

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