STATE NEWS. Judge Biggs' Peculiar Experience. .Oxford, March 29 Judge J. Craw ford Biggs spent Thursday, in Oxford, As the train was leaving East Dur ham Thursday morning the coach in which Judge--Biggs was seated was struck hy a cyclone, which for sev eral minutes caused considerable ex citement and alarm. According to his statement, sudden and strange loud noises were heard, evidently on the roof of the coach, and unaccount able to the conductor and all in the coach. Soon the coach commenced leaking, and It was found that the tin roof had been torn off by the cyclonic windstorm while the train was mov ing rapidly. No other damage was caused. Court Delayed by Smallpox. ' New Bern, March 29 On account ot an epidemic of smallpox, Jones county court, which was to open Mon day, March 29, has been postponed indefinitely by Judge C. M. Cooke. For sometime smallpox has raged around Trenton, the county seat, and the condition does not improve much, so it was thought best to postpone this term of court for the present. Falls Through Bridge to Death. North Wilkesboro, March 29 J. Frank Hutchenson, a Primitive Bap tist elder, fell through a condemned bridge over the- Yadkin river Satur day and fell twenty feet to the ground. He was so badly injured that he died thirty minutes later. Two mules hitched to the buggy were seriously injured. The bridge, -which was erected over ten years ago by a private company, had been condemned. A steel bridge is a mile above the wooden structure, which was closed, and no traveling had been done over it for several days. It Is supposed that Mr. Hutch enson wanted to save time by passing ufacturers and business men assem bled and discussed the situation, the proposition was submitted and if half: of the stock can be secured in 1 honi- asville the cotton mill will be built A Great Crowd At the Millinery Open this year. The proposition submittea was considered very liberal Snd there ALL VERY STUNNING! APTPD rxk JL1V1V DOCTORS FAILED Many Beautiful Hals Shown at Opening WHITEGIRL PRISONER 1 CHAINED WITH NEGROES (By Leased Wire to The Times) Athens, Ga March 29. Convicted of being an "undesirable" Kate O'Dwyer, a handsome young white woman, has been, sent to the county chain gang and Ts now serving In chains with ne groes. Superintendent Kelly admits that he . ... j I n-ii-l nnrl thtlt Die Compound Cured Her. W i forced to sleep m shackle, ho also admits sue is i-iimu ing At Boyhtn & PearceVs Many Ant rf Tnn-n P.wkltl. Hon Fnr the EventMany Beautiful sHnts Arc LydiaE.Piflkham'sVeffeta is but little doubt but that the amount that is asked of the citizens Shown. nf the town will be tiuickly subscrib ed Thia lu .orf-tinlv thp hpcr nrnno- . "Sav. hmv ilitrs this look ? Oh. 'isn'tl Willimantic. Conn. "For five vears it'inn ever offered the town to secure this the dearest thing: My. I'm just I suffered untold agony from female I s?8' w - - I ... . Hrtii h ao nnnemn Itn n rn , h rx 4 fvtsmi in ii . ,!ll and if it i nrt nrrentprl Wild over this: Hut 1SI1 t mat juri un y"""!! ""amc, "i8ii'' a VWLIVII .X.,.. Wu - 1 . . . . .1 ...... ...i. ,.ni h m rrhm.lstunniiiK tor anymins: uu jou , i. ,. u.1 this would ho Ho Wile Uccua a. vuiiuu uiiu, ouc uao the best advantages to offer of any I I I m 1 A & think those hecomlnff? , Oh plunges, aren't they-gorgeous? A noifi'i't hnhcl of sounds, murmurs town in the state, and the natural ad-j of -jeliKti t and admiration greet you vantages make Thomasville the ideal 0n entering Boy Ian and Tearce's mil- place for such an enterprise. Citi- linery pai Unv. zens subscribe this stock and get this Raleigh' Rival fashion show Is on,;io Thnmaavillo miKit- tinuo it tho event "f the season, when the frai The Right of Way Agent of the Southern Power Company" is in Thom asville for the purpose of .completing arrangements for building the trans-1 mission line from Lexington to Thom asville. The right of way is being cut out and as soon as all the timber is cut from the route,, the construe' Horrified, prominent citizens nae lvalue iiicKiuaii' ... ties, dizziness andi nervous prostra- employed counsel to sue out a w.u i tlon. It was impossible for me to 'habeas corpus for Miss O.Dwyer nnd walk upstairs the case win oe m-.uu u ivithnnt. Rtonninsr loflav. When the girl was conviciuu i Inine soul rejoices in new delights. ( ireat crowds from all the nearby towns poured into the city to attend liovlan and Pearees opening, ail ca nt! .'intent- on the one all-import ant object, the latest thing in hats. This oiviiing. seems,1 -if possible, to run ass those of former season the gorgeous display. A perfect rain bow of colors m,..ju.un on the way. i tried three differ ent doctors and each told me some thing different. I received no benefit from any of them, but seemed to suf fer more. The last doctor said noth- in offense against morality x-ntenee suiendod on condition that she leavr this part of the country. Hhe returned after two months. Attorney Cooper, who represents the ellixens. says her confinement- is illegal and chains are an outrage. The woman was convicted of run ning a lewd house but sentence was suspended provided she leave the city. This sue am not uo aim it inff would restore m v health. I beiran taking Lydia E. llnkliam's Vegetable Compound to see what it would do. and I am restored to my natural rhief of Police McKie in a statement da:z!e the eye in the health." Mrs. Etta DoNOVAif, Uox iM morning denied emphatically the Olin Villiwim(i(, Cnnii . ... ago she was taken into custody. 'millinery parlor. i The whole store wears a holiday tlon force will build the Jline. One 't Tt will be no- '" n,"u"" "f R ex ent. delicate Vegetable Compound, made irom roots ; n d , k reKUiariy a It will be pos , inis aml daimy fi0Wers are f.-tsooued anf herbs, is unparalleled. It may be -..,'?;'" w, " rom this com- ;-.UM.oss ,iu, store. The windows them-' sed with perfect conlidence by women ' signed to women pusoiiers. , 299, Willimantic, Conn. Utnrv that, the woman has been work il,r ' Tho annnoca nf T.vdia T!. Pltlltham'fl j .... u T4a tali) sho hi rnn Tiiivue r i Li in 4 a bearingKlown Reeling, flatulency, indi-' fill 1 I l Mil I WliL JOIN HFPUBUC vrt tho condemned bridge. . The as other industries will soon be in "public Insisted on using this bridge. : evidence. Thomasville will welcome . Part of the structure fell upon Mr. this great company trust that its Hutchenson and this was practically ' coming will be the means of securing responsible for his death. Mr. Watson Spends Restless Night. After spending a good day, Hon. C. B. Watson, who has been lying desperately ill at his home for sev eral weeks. was reported at 3 o'clock part of the street raised several feet this morning as being very restless. He slept none during the night.. It is not known whether he has gained ground or lost during the past few days, as one day he is restless and the- town will have now niiiot His attendants are still streets. : hopeful. Winston-Salem Journal, can hardly realize what 'this means to this community in the way of man ufacturing industries Bible' to obtain power from this com- , th More;. The windows them- ' USPd with perfect confidence by pany for a ten norse or a ten tnous-: s,.Vos a thing of beauty, announce that who suffer trom displacements, mnam-1 and horse power enterprise, . A trails- spring, lias come and that Bovlan and 1 matlon, ulceration, libroid tumors, ir- former plant will be erected and from I'earee s opening is now on. regularities, periodic pains, backache, i this site voltage wires will transmit The south window especially is a bearing-down Reeling, flatulency, nidi- j any amount of power required for triumph of. the decorator's art. Vines gestiodiness, or nervous prostra- j ,. and flowers are climbing over gilt ; tlon. , any purpose -Electric powet ribbon, are aeefu'iy i For thirty yeani Lvdia E.Pinkham'B ! ing extensively used in some parts of m thv ground, whIt(, ,.obed i Vegetable Compound has been the the state, not only by matuitactuniig w.,xen tigures .with parasol and glove? j standard remedy for female ills, and. plants, mil oy outcners. ouu-ueiti-iand oth,,. n tt. if essentials to complete. . Buffering women owe it to tnemseives the feminine toilet, make up an at- j to at least give this medicine a tnal. tractive display. The few hahflsome : l'root IS aounctant that'll lias c.uieu creations of new -pring niiiinen' 'do ; thousands of others, and why should it not crowd or mar the display, but only not Cure you? give a Flight hint of the dream land . ; . - '!l"nzJ('M Gill Arrested for Muti- themselves, but ferns and palm's with bunches of flowers, and fruit have been arranged with, excellent taste, t The shapes are not so different from the last season, some of them that at tract especial attention, however, are the-"'Salvation Army" hat, the "Billy P,urk," the Russian turban, the tulip hat, the fruit basket, the market bas ket.. the French sailors and Mother (loose hat. (the of the swellest creations is a Marv Ciardeh hat of black silk hair The Kind Ton Hare Always BougHt, and which 6s4 'eCTV , in use fir over 30 years, has borno the slsnat?ic of ana nas neen miuio miuer y" wraal snpervlsioD since its ipfancy,. Allow no one todeceiv Jon in tills., All Counterfeits, Imitations and J.nst-as-goodr' are ba Experiments trifle with ana endanger the lioa'tli of infants mid Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTQRJA Castoria is a harmless snhstitnte for tfartor Oil, ar ' goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It l Pleasant. It cantaius neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcot'.e substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevertshness, It cures liiarrhoia n Wind Colic, it relieves TtetLing Troubles, c'.ire ConstipatxAn and Flatulency, it as'anilatc3 t!i Food, regulates tno Btomach ad iiowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. CeNUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Beaw tho Signature of S7 hutchers. wood-deal ers, building contractors and farmers. On some farms power is used fo;- cut ting feed, pumping water, sawing wood, churning, washing, ironing and for lightning the house and bains. With electric power: at--. Thomasville' a cotton mill and ice factory, as well scores of new enterprises and saving money for those now in operation. The town street force is doing some excellent work on north Main street west of the depot, a splendid sidewalk has been built and the low The wort; certainly adds greatly to the beauty of Hie town. Much work is being done in all parts of the town on the streets, and if continued the some respectable lating Records in Judge Badger's Office cause of his Illiteracy and because of his lack of U-alning along the lines of the technical administration of just- I ice. It is foolish, absurd on the very face o It, to say that a man as igno- CHARGKD WITH IHTtGt AKV. j Negro Sent Vp For Rohhing Stores and Office. Wilson, March 29 Jake Hadley, one of the negroes implicated in the burglarizing of W. B. Young's store, Earp & Strickland's store and break ing into the office of the Wilson Building & Loan Association as here tofore mentioned in The Times, had a preliminary hearing before his honor, Mayor Moore, Saturday. A-ring found In the possession of the defendant was identified by Mr. Earp as the DroDerty of his Arm. Shirts and Friday the remains of. Jake Hilton, who. lives;' near this place, were brought here for burial. He had. a Meek ago been carried to the hospital in Greensboro to be operated on for gall stones, but did not have strength enough to rally from the operation. Friday night, at the call of Mayor Burgiii, about seventy-five young men assembled in the Cates hall for the purpose of organizing a military-company to fill the vacancy caused by the transfer of the Greensboro company from the Third Regiment to the coast artiHery. About sixty enlisted and Mayor W. O. Burgin was elected captain, Cashier Zed Griffith first lieutenant and Cashier A. H. Ragan second lieutenant. The company is omer ut composed of the town's best and most found in the room of the defendant '..'.,., ,, 4V, were identified by Mr. Massey as the nroDertv of his employer, Mr. V. B. respected young men and the officers all energetic business young men, and they will take a keen interest in Bhe stated was given her to keep by the defendant, was identified also by Mr. Earp as one of the watches stolen , from his store. Hadley, in lieu of a' $50 bond for his appearance before the May term of the superior court, 1 was by his honor remanded to jail, j Such eminent authorities as Hen ry Jerome Stockard, Prof. Brownley, of Raleigh, and othors have spoken In very high terms of a national hymn entitled "United," the work of the girted Mrs. Dr. Mercer, of our sis ter county, Edgecombe. ! make it the best company in the reg iment. The company will go under the name of the Thomasville Blues. Bandit Holds l Train. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Lincoln, Neb., March 29 A tele phone message from Fairfield early today says a masked bandit held up the conductor of a local train on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail road last night and robbed the pas sengers in the day coach. The sum procured was not large. The man braid with a facing of Bois Joli silk. k.ant as van Gill could have commit ted the crime, as it was committed, leaving nothing undone,': picking out and obliterating the essential fea tures of the records. Vaa Gjll Is onlv the scape'-Roat for some one higher up in the scale of intelligence all of which will come out later. Gill's trial' has been postponed un til after the electiun and a number of persons are working quietly on the case. It ought not to .be a hard mat ter to run down the criminal. In the .very nature, of -things few persons knew of the investigation being made black velvet streamers, and tin;- roses and jet beads around the base of the crown. The triniminp Is completed ith three norgeous two toned; plunijs In the bois Jul I shade. Another handsome hat is the Vnleski turban with crown of puffed spansrled net and jet band, two remarkably long standing 'aigrette are fastened with Jet ibachone. . In the Flench sailor there is a hand some model of white jumbo braid, with a trimming of black velvet and a wreath of rose colored roses and t reamers at the back. one of the hats n the window is the The KM You Haye Always BoitgM lu Use For Over 30. Years. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Asheville, N. C, March 29 That the whole of American continent will eventually become one great republic under the government of what is now the United States, was the prediction made by former Governor Joseph W. Folk, of Missouri, in an interview' here. Governor Folk declared that a clitsh between the United States and Canada is inevitable and that it will ; come in the not. distant future is his, belief. The general influx of Amer icans into the grain fields and the British region of southwest Canada i each carrying with him his natural ' allegiance to the United States, is the j leaven which he thinks eventually; must develop the clash between the United States and her sister country .1 on the north. . i fSSSS ni ccmtjuh tr tmcy. nvm yom err,. ASdiid Gold Mother C.txtse poke of Troene,- one of -in the police ; justice's office. N'ot PRESIDENT ZELAYAS THINKS CLAIM LARGE I hereby agree to talie ... . . V shares of stock in your next se ries "at -5c. per share per week. Name . ... . Address. . ... . . . , Dues payable the first week in April at the office of the Associa tion, 107 Fayettcville Street. ; ' -, - Watch Freel To the sluiicholder who sells the most shales during the month of April for the Kisilitli Series Already a largo number have '.pledged themselves to work the 'mow the merrier. Arc you a shiirelioldcr'. If not cut tut this coupon and mail lit once 1 the Secretary nnd Treasurer. .0- The Raieigh Building and Loan Association, NEW MILL AT THOMASVILLK. Will Build $125,000 Cotton Mill- Southern Power Company Com into That Town Other '. News. ; . (Special to The Times) ; escaped. the new shades of green, and roses of irlous colors around the crown and green velvet: streamers. There Is no handsomer hat In the display, nor one that is attracting more attention than an olive green French poke made of the popular Jumbo braid, with a facing of black satjn. There are folds of green, ame thyst and rose velvet 'around the crown. To the side Dac-K mere are live immense plumes in the olive green shade. . . Flowers are forming such a large part of the trimming of the hats that many of them ... are amost entirely made of the flowers. This llower trimming Is especially noticeable in 'a white leghorn in the .Mary Garden shape, where lilacs have been lavishly used with; an immense pink rose together with knotted vel vet. ":. Another striking example1 of the Hower trimming is a Spanish turban In rose color, with a draped corded chiffon crown, the whole brim or coro net, being made of rose violets. Two tall Antennea quills fastened with a large Jet cabaehone form a striking trimming. There Is a large line of ready to wear huii in i-pntlinens and lance Bhapes, the King May Go to Switzerland. j (By Cable to The Times) Rome, March 29 King Victor Emmanuel Is said to have received ai letter stating that King Peter and his i Thomasville, N, C, March 29 An family were preparing to leave Servla. agent of a western syndicate was in ' Another statement made by a court Thomasville the last of the week I of ficial here today is that Peter and looking over the situation with a! bo his sons are going to Switzer- .-.ft i r. A vnllAH hrims. The Continentals and Charlotte Carday ef-tuff to go through with. fects are still good. over six persons Knew ot it, anu h the mutilation of the records had any connection whatever with that investi gation It ought not to be hard to find the guilty parties. As was stated in this paper Satur day the room was entered through the door. ': The dust over the transom was not disturbed. Four keys are known to exist one in the posses sion of Chief Mullin,. one with Judge Badger, one with Mr. Eldridge Smith, janitor, and the fourth is kept in the police station. The key is of ordi nary construction and the lock might easily have been picked. It seems sjtrange to the average citizen, however, that a man could enter police headquarters, in the most public part of the city and commit the crime. If "the office had been sit uated in the suburbs there would have been put little surprise,- How it is that a man could walk opealy Into the very temple of Justice and com mit the crime is more than the aver age person can understand. The work must have taken some time -probably an hour and a half, or more, for there was an immense amount of Over 1,000 pages had to be Inspected and "treats ' (By-Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, March 29 Although! the attorneys for the Emery company have refused to make public the amount of their claim submitted to the Nicaraguan government, it is said the amount is very large and will not be accepted by President Zelayaa. This means that the case will have to be submitted to a board of arbitra tion to decide' the amount to be paid' Nicaragua. I Charge D'Affaires Gregory, who has been recalled by the state depart- mont from Nicaragua is In Washing ton, and will confer with Secretary Knox and President Taft today for the purpose of explaining the trim ( conditions in the General American republic. ' Judge T. II. WOMACK, Pres. JAMES C. ALLISOX, Sec. & Treas, . ... I f - -m. n Bm rttnnt r f 4M Bm m 1TV 7 SECURITY UHv ANU ANNUili UfiWil, of Greensboro, N. C, has grown in popularity until it Is now conceded to lie "Hie Lending Southern Mutual ()1d liine Life Insurance Company", and Its policies are the best Issued. Will appeal to you if lookiiig for the best there is in pure life insurance. Address, ; x ' SLOAN & KLUTTZ, Dlstv'et Agents, . " ' 302 Tucker Building - - - KALIOlGH, X. O. Circus Elephant Escapes. (By Leased Wire to The Times) San Bernadino, Cal March 27 A circus elephant escaped last night and is still at large. It demolished fences and outhouses in its flight. jo one was injured, but the entire town is uneasy. .'."'"'.,.' i 1 view to building a 1125,000 cotton! land after offering the throne mill here. A large number of man-' Prince Mirko of Montenegro. 'to OLD Before any sore can heal, the cause which produces it must be removed. As long as the blood, from which our systems receive their necessary nour ishment and strength, remains impure and contaminated with disease germs, any old sore on the body will remain open, and resist every effort made to heal it The nerves and tissues of the flesh around the places are continu ally fed with unhealthy matter and nature is simply disposing of the poison by draining it from the system through the sore. The only cure for an old ore is a thorough cleansing of the blood, entirely ridding the system of the cause. 8. S. S. heals old sores by removing every particle of impurity from the circulation. It goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and so com pletely cleanses the circulation that there is no longer any impurity to drain through the sore, but the place is once more nourished with rich, health ful blood. S. 8. S. heals the sore from the bottom, the place soon fills in with healthy, firm flesh, the tenderness leaves, all discharge ceases, the akin regains its natural color and when S. S. S. has thoroughly cleansed and purified the blood the place is permanently healed. Boole on Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CJL The mourning hats are especially ied , lo do tnts tne criminal musi handsome, and of varied styles. (have had a light aad how he and his As has been illustrated In so many ; nght m the city hall at the lonely of the creations already mentioned, j hours of two or three o'clock in the flowers will hold a large place In he jInornIlg escaped the vigilant wide trimming, mill .wilt be almost ''-j awake guardian of the welfare of lv as much used, from the tlnlcwt - , . - -, .., ..,! ot.niPM and Sleeping Kaieign, is anotner wonaer. giaurs tiiu n . - j immense Bran us. One of the models in the window, a scoop effect In white Jumbo braid, ha the trimming of Im mense black grapes. Quills, algrettesv and cabachones, of all sizes will be popular, The display Is complete In everyday and Misses Carrie and Hoberta rnu- llps and their efficient helpers are to bo congratulated on their triumph. They arc each year making tha open ing a greater success than tho year be fore, so that It In becoming an event to be looked forward to. It is needless to extend an Invitation to attend the opening, for It seemed that all the ladles In Raleigh were there today. THOMAS FITZGERALD RECEIVER N.&S. DEAD TIIOl'SANIW OK PEOPLE MA HE HOMELESS IY FLOODS Odessa, March 29 As a result, of heavy floods in Bessarabia and Kher son 6,000 persons tare homeless and 30,000 domestic animals have per ished. It Is believed that i number of persons were killed In the onrush of water which destroyed ninny small villages. s (By Leased Wire to Tho Times) Baltimore, Md arch 29.Thomaii Fitzgerald, general manager and one of the.-receivers of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad, Is ' dead at . the Church Home and InfirmarV," of can cer of the stomach. He was in ,,hls ftfty-slx year. Fitzgerald for forty two years had been In' the employ of the Baltimore and 'Ohio rallrond, of which he became general manager, rising from office-boy. ' Curd From Mr. Pulh-n. I understand that my name Is be ing used as a member of a' firm call ing themselves A. H. Rlvenbark & Co, , I wish to say that I have no connection whatever with any such firm. JOHN T. PULLEN. fulfil ItViGi!! yJMfk II ' vl n I m 1 "'J FASHiowr.ft topw.R nSl,u' - i a, i will mm mm I Till mmim lima j tH& ctmi (ium'ii It'll mi Conforming to every requirement of the Pure Food Laws, insuring : "Purest" of.-Whiskies tor medicinal or personal uses. Shipments made in plain packages same day orders received. Money retunded upon return ol goods if not entirely satisfactory. ALL EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID. . Ia Rot fir. 4U..M(l. S.1S 0.00 2.05 0.03 SU.'JO " IM.-0 2.43 . 4.7.1 3.T0, 4.00 ?.T.T5 40 8.75 6.00 J0.73 6.01) E COUSINS SUPIfl SOLE KOPRltTORS Richmond, Virginia n m rm mumm iouri'KiiJ,1 "Mum. MMKH t J In Jue. '-''-" V Vtt Gal' OGal. COCKAOK, ni'H ............. .... .... amii.i:t cohn .... ' Eurolta- l'.ye . . ............ , . .$2.00 ' 85.73 Dun Itiver Itys ........ ... SJS3 0.4.1 Grey Ooose Kye a.50 f.5 eotisfuctlon Hy'o 8.00 '8.70 Old Henry Rye ............. . 8.50 J0.00 Greenwood Hye ............. 4.00 11.40 Jefferson Club Rye .; 4.00 11.40 HlBhspIre Kye ............... B.00 1.00 N. C. Tuckalioe Corn......... S.00 , 8.75'. N. C. Swallow Corn .......... 2.B0 7.20 Vlrnlnla Corn Whiskey. . 8.00 " H.70 Very Old N. C. Corn Whiskey. Si50 10.00 Old Burro Corn Whiskey i .... . .... Swan Gin ...........2.11 0.4S Holland Gin S.oo-- s.70 Applo Hrandy 2,50 7.30 Very Old Apple Brandy t S.BO , 10.00 Peach Brandy ............... S.30 10.00 COUSINS SUPPLY CO. ; ' ' ( Tho Old Reliable Mail Order Home, , ' . . f " -t - ' " a 2,20 2.70 S.20 4.00 2.00 1 8.40 2.70 4.0O . 4.00 ll.Bil 4.V0 0.15 7.75 , K.OO . ' 0.40 ' n3 ' 7..73 .7.73 IP SMOOTH AND MELLOW " "ifOlClNALANO OTHeBH Re cousins supp .""nit . ".: - ..-t J

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