r, y, r THE EVENING TIMES, IQLLEIGH, N. 0. ;y Z. PAQE THUES T r :Tlie Best S P MEDICINE To IVafre up your liver ana Purity your Blood TAKE IT NOW THI CEMulNE hat th. RED Z on Mrs Irani el saeh packag and h ignatur ana mm 01 J. n. zkilin A C9., an the aide, IN RED. COLONEL OOETHALS LEAVES FOR PANAMA (By 'Leased Wire to The Times) New York,' March 29 Colonel William Goethals, chairman of the isthmian canal commission, for three hours -today addressed a committee of the chamber of commerce on the Panama Canal from the commercial viewpoint, the advantages of the lock and "sea level plans and the possibil ity of hastening its completion. This afternoon he sailed for Panama on the Advance. There wore many things that Col. Goethals said that the chamber com tnittees does not think proper that the public should know and the ro ports given out were censured. , ORGANIZED LABOR BILK Introduced' In Congress by - Mr. Wilson Bifl Is Both An Anti-Injunction Meas ure qnu a .yeasure intenaea u ex empt Labor Organizations From Operations of Sherman (Law. - PR neuralgia, sciatica, 'oi'hy pain in the nerves- j s ; i a oloans Linim ent hag absolutely no equal. It pene trates at once cjuiets the nerves and stops the pain. " Mr. J. C. TjRE, of 1100 N'inth St., S.E., Washington, D.C., writes : " I advUM a lady who was a great sufferer from neuralgia to try Sloan's Liniment. After one application the pain left her and she is not troubled with it now." PAYNE IiV THE WOODS No Telling As to Outcome of Bill Chairman Payne Expects to Know ftomethinir Definite About tlife - Amendments That Are to be Offer ed by the Latter Part of the Week, Price 25c, 60c. and $1.00. Dr, Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. I All Druggists keep Sloan's Liniment. (By Leased Wire to Th Times) Washington, March 29 The bill on which organized labor center most of its energies at he next regular session has been introduced in con gress. It was presented to the house by Representative Wilson, of Penn sylvania. ' - '- . (Representative Wilson's bill Is both an anti-injunction measure and a organized labor. It has been appar measure intended to exempt labor ent since the elections last fall, in organizations from the operations of -"which the labor vote split that con the Sherman law. It would also gress ls Iees fearfuj of the labor vote make the boycott legal... It would than It was a year or more before the prevent the issue of injunction in election. labor disputes unless necessary toi 0ne feature of the Wilson bill pro prevent irreparable injury to proper- vides that no agreement to do or not ly or to a property right. Moreover, to uo a thing in a labor dispute shall the bill would exclude labor from oe punishable or actionable unless consideration as property. A further the thing agreed, on would have been feature of the bill is that it would ' actionable if done by one man. This permit agreements and combinations is a feature of the English trades dis between farmers. pute act of 1906. While the Federation of Labor will make a hard struggle to get something done at the regnlar ses sion the outlook cannot be regarded (;om.ral Alexander Wins in Los An as good Already, President Samuel geles Election. Gompers, of the Federation, takes the I; (By Leused Wire to The Times) position that President Taft is less Los Angeles, Cal., March 29 The disposed to modify the statutes as to official count of, the mayoralty elec injunction than President Rooosevelt j tiorii announced today, confirms the was. victory of General Alexander, the re It cannot be doubled, moreover, 01.m candidate, by a plurality of 1,- BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. REFOKM CANDIDATE W1XS. that the situation In congress is-un-i CGO'OHt.of more than 25,000 voles favorable to the legislation wanted by Watches That Need No Watching They are built to run right. , They need only ordinary care, nnd they will do their' work well and faithfully. : ' ' Because we: sell this class of Watches, and sell them at fair prices, the discerning public regards Jolly-Wynno Jewelry Company as Watch Headquarters, especially when it comes to the staple lines of Watches. -y Circumstances alter cases, but not our Watch Cases. They are always the same. Guaranteed, whether', filled or solid.' ..': ' JOLLY-WYNNE JEWELRY COMPANY, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH. . O. cast.- ''-. ... Fred C. Wheeler, the socialist can didate, carried five out of the nine wards. Alexander's victory Is a heavy blow to the machine. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, March 29 Chairman Payne expects to know something definite ' about , the amendments his committee will agree to accept about the latter part of the week. It is the ' question of amendments that is caus ing doubt about the time of the pas sage of the bill. Mr. Payne and the leaders are giving themselveis no con cern about the general debate for they know that as soOn as they can secure the required number of pledges they will bring In a rule that will limit the number of amendments to be voted on and also fix the time for the vote on the passage of the bill. But at this time Mr. Payne is still in the woods. The president has bpen called into consultation and made acquainted with the situation. He has been informed that as the case now stands there is no telling what the outcome may he, especially f the bill should be thrown open to amendment. The schedules that are giving trduble include hides, lumber, woolens, chemicals, barley and malt, and also coal. The sentiment in fa vor of amendments of the schedules is so pronounced that it will require the best of diplomacy to affect a com promise. And this is what Mr. Payne is now working' on.':. Until he secures something tannible in the shape of a compromise on amendments,- general debate will continue.-.-.. ': , it was 'intimated today that the tax on tea will bo knocked out and an increased tax on beer put In the bill. Kills Would-Be Slayer. A merciless murderer Is Appendicitis with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Fills . kill It by prevention. Then gently -'-.stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing the clogging that Invites,, appendicitis, curing Con stipation, Biliousness, Chills, Malaria, Headache and Indigestion. 2Gc. at all druggists. IT WAIT Until you set all the .money if you - need some things for the home. Come and get it, pay down what you can, and if you pay the remainder in in stallment payment, .weekly, or 30, 60, or 90 days, it will not cost you any more here than it would at most places, if you paid SPOT CASH. Come in and talk with us: We are reasonable and waht"to"accommodate you. -- CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, Fayetteville Street, Vi - - Raleigh, N. C. Xo 1'rospect of Strike. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Indianapolis, Ind., March 29 "I see no prospect of a strike in the an thracite coul field," said Thomas L. Lewis, president of the United Mine- workers of America today; "The min ers will continue at 'work indefi nitely." .. . '. TO CURE A COLD IX OXE DAY Tke .LAXATIVE BR0M0 , Quinine Tablets, - jjufgglsts refund money if It fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S sig nature is on each box. 25c. ROWLIXG AXD KOX BALL. For a Pleasant Game of Rowling and Rox Ball Visit RALEIGH ROX BALL PARLORS, A Match Game Each Week. . Xo. 9 East Hargett Street. AdjoinViK the New Masonic Temple, SKATING to 5 V. M. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 8 to 10:30 P. M. Every Xight Evcept Wednesday and Sunday. GLENWOOD SKATING RINK. FOR SALE CHEAP Edison 1908 Model Moving Picture Machine Write for information. IF r w PROGRAM: TODAY "KENILWORTH." ! "AX EXACTIXtJ FATHKR-IN- "XOAV I'M HERE I'LL STAV." - ' ; LAW." ' EN JOY TH E B EST. THE GEM THE BUSIEST STORE IX TOWX THERE'S A REASON FOR-IT: ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. . f THE FORMAL OPENING TODAY WAS ONLY A STARTER. 5 Grand Opening of Spring Millinery CONTINUED TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY OF THIS WEEK. , A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies to see what Raleigh can do -it will stir their city pride. The Salon, crowded from the opening hour till close' of day. The most magnificent display of Spring Hats ever seen. Beautiful . French Hats for Street, Reception, Evening. . A pleasing presentation of style modes and models. Spring Hats ready to drop in the box, and trimmings ready to be shaped as you command. The Hats Arc Growing Larger On display, new and charming designs Flat Hats, Dip Brims, Turtle Crowns, and an elaborate array of those charming Marie Antoinette Pokes and the ' won derful now inverted Flower-pot Shapes, each a distinct and individual type. The Billie Burke, Gilsey, Gaiety, and Mary Garden are stunning effects.' We have on dis play the original Ethel Barrymore Colonial Parisian pat tern jetted effect. The Salome Turban of our own crea tion and the Faultless direct from Parisian designers. TURE LOYKRS DISTURBED. Fear That There Will Be Xo Racing in Washington Causing Talk. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, March 27 Although a fear that thp District will not be on the racing circuit, this season has rankled In the breasts of ardent turf lovers here the final adverse decis ion handed down last evening by the Washington Jockey Club officials Is causing lots of comment around town today. V '-."..'; ' -.."''' . Club officials have definitely aban doned all thoughts of promoting a meeting this spring, although a date for the fall meeting has already been decided upon. ..', . The decision comes as a blow to the many prominent owners who have been quartering their horses at the Benning track. The meeting in the fall will be run in conjunction with the horse show ASSASSINATED BY DESPERADO. R. C. Pooler Killed by Man Who Had Grievance Against Him. V (By Leased Wire to The Times) ' . Laos, N. M., March 29 R. C Pooler, local justice of the peace chairman of the democratic county central committee and one. of the most prominent 'i politicians in the northern part of New Mexico, -was as sassinated early today in the parlor of his home by George Potter, an all-around tough character and alleg ed train robber. Some time ago Pooler went to rescue Mrs. Potter, who. was being beaten by her hus band, and forced him to desist. To be Beautiful is the Privilege of Every Woman Also It Is Her Duty. All Ladies invited to visit our "Beauty Show" of Fine Spring Millinery on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Don't forget it. B 0 YL A N-PEARCE CO MP ANY.1 COMPLETE CHANGE OV I PROGRAM DAILY. ALL NEW An Old Soldier's Sloiy. A Cracker's Bride. At The Altar. A, Bird in A Gilded Cage. Four ThoutAtnd Feet at The ; , Gem Tonight. V ., , -y : - PRICES: 5c. and 10c. Foster & Mansfield ' ''.-:' i LATE .MILL NEWS '--;;." Woodruff. S. C The W. S. Gray cot ton mill Is now running and the splen did town of Woodmff has two cotton mills In operation. Bainbrldge. Ga. A conference at Balnbridge, Ga., of business men was held a day or two ago at the office of the mayor there, relative to building a cotton factory. A committee was appointed to Secure full data. Concord, N. C Robert L. McAllis ter hus been employed to do brick work In the rebuilding of the burned mill No. 4 by Mr. J. Locke Erwln, man ager of the Locke mills. The mill when rebuilt will be only two stories high, instead of three stories as formerly. Work Is expected to' begin tomorrow.. Ellierton, Ga- An election for three trustees in' Pearl Mills district is here by ordered to be held at the Texirl Mills school house, on Saturday, 27th inst., to fill the vacancies on the board of trustees of said school district caus ed by tile expiration of the time of W, II. Kpps -'and the moving away of Clarence K. Uiley anil John T. Vail. Monticello, 5a. A mass meeting of the citizens nnd business men of Mon ticello was (jailed for -Tuesday night March 16. for the purpose of organiz ing a chamber of commerce for the city of Montiivllo. aud io nil prolmbil Uy stock will be raised und a corpora tion will be organized to erect a cotton mill. . Claxton,, Gil. -It is proposed to build a cotton factory at I'laxton. (ia . and I Judge W. IV. I'Yeeman, of that city, is illti'l eKteil ill tile lll oliositloll. Ill' . lias taken an option on foilv ileres of land as a site for the enterprise athl is nil dcrstuod In repiesiiit NoitliHeorgla cotton manufacturers who are planning the location of branch mills.' A $i .,(kmi Plant Is contemplated, aim details will doubt less be''-announced - In . thr' near future. IVinopolis. Ala. The Klinoio Manu- facUirlni; Company. Diuiopolis. Ala. lias been Incorporated -wllh n capita stock .-of Sr.ll.lKKJ to lake oyer and eon tinue the plant lirivlofoiv eonilucted by the Hcssie Minuc Me"fii tlllillK fool nanv. Thin plant Is coinmcd w ith 4,( on spindles or ine mule type and aicoin pnnyhiK Inaehinery for tlie pidiluei lot of waxte yarns. The Incorporators- . the tleie imii n t' .1 i-i. 1? I.1 of the bill and then declares that itsj-'-'VV. Sanders ami W, llairlsni, J enactment would he prejudicial to the;"11'1 Ml8 HcksIc c. .Mimre. cnanoite, in. c. - rue charlotte Cot ton more Companv ciruanized jester STORY OV CR A Z V SX A K E. TO I'KEVEXT SHIl'MEXTS. Bill By IJcprcsentative I.annley to I'rhibit Sbipnicnts of Liquor. ( By Leased Wire to The Times) WashinRton, March 27 Represen tative LanKloy, of Kentucky, intro duced in the house yesterday the In terstate shipment measure prepared by the National Anti-Saloon League. It noes farther than the recent penal code amendment, which pro hibits all shipments of liquor frrmi outside a state where such -shipment would he unlawful within the same slate, and, by not attempting to dele gate the matter to the states, avoids the objection of unconstitutionality urged against the measure known as the Littlelleld bill . Attended . Inaugural ion His Son Still in Washington. (By Leased Wire to The Times) '., Washington, D. C, March - Crazy Snake and several of his tribes men of Creek Indians, who are on the warpath, were in Washington during President Taft's inauguration and witnessed the ceremonies incident to the convening of the extra session of congress. A few days later they re turned to Henrietta, Okla. here as Thomas Wilson, accompanied them, but did not return home with them. With the stoicism characteris tic of his race, When seen last night at his boarding house, he professed to know nothing of the outbreak of the Snake clan, and was apparently uninformed about the troubles of hU father. He looked downcast and de pressed when told of the .capture of his elder brother, Chitti Harjo and inquired ir he was still alive. Assur ance In the affirmative brought an ex pression of hope over the redskin's face. During the past summer Crazy Snake started to make trouble near Hickory Ground, in Oklahoma, but he MANILA OPPOSES PAYNE BILL. Majority Lender In Assemehly Pre. senls Resolution, Protesting ' Altai list Meusuiv. ' (By Cable to The Times) Manila, March 27 Senor Queson, floor leader of the majority In the Philippine assembly presented today a resolution embodying a memorial to congress opposing the Pay no bill. The resolution recites the provisions Interests of the Philippine people es pecially so far as it concerns an eco nomic administration. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West TWO FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Louife ville, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. LouM. ' crazy MiaKe s second, son-, nu" LT. Richmond . 2:00 pm 11:00 pU I uv. uuar ovine Ly. Lynchb'rg I Ar. Cincinnati ! Ar. Louisville Ar. Chicago :. Ar. St. Louis Direct 1:62 a m Kidneys Ailment .' Nay with tlie eli'etion of the follow in officers: Mesift,- C. ( . Ilrown, pit s dent: J. It. McDoliahl. vice tneshleli Killed In Oasollne Explosion. ! and It. K. lllalr, seeretarv ami tnai (By Leased Wire to The Times) urer. .'A site Jias been sveured at tho West Palm Beach, Fla., March 29 intersection or ' First Street and the By the explosion of the gasoline railroad and a two-Htory brick building reservoir the ditching of a motorcar wln be. erected there at. -an early date. l..moo Ihnhom. rna.lorf tn U ' he "d espwlally ,eslf,IK'd j...ik..,i n c n..r kji inl..r Purpose in view UCdlll UllU W MUI V.W VUU1J IlljUl VU -111 T III here toduy. manufacture waste. yarn Hie concern 1 1 mi col ton I wnnt every porxon who suffors with Any form of KicWjr ailment, no innttor hew ninny rpnieilic tiny hnve tried, no Hunter hew ninny ilortorR they have con sulted, no matter how cr)miH the chkc. to give Mniiyon's Kidne.T Heinwly n trial. Vim will he natiinlslied to m how quh'kly It relieves nil pnlim hi the hnek loins and iiroins eaiiRed hy the kldneVM. You will he niriirlqiKl to nop how quickly it reduces the Rwplllni; In the feet and len, also pufllnPHH under tlie eye, after tiilihiK n few doses of this remedy. You will he delighted to nee the color return ing to your checks ind feel the thrill of vll!or nnd Rood cheer. If your ITrlne Is thick or milky. If it Is pule nnd foamy, If It contains sediments or hileltdust, if It Is highly colored or has an offensive smell. If you iirlnnte frequently, you should per sist III tnklnit this remedy until all Hymn tnins disappear. We holier? this remedy lias rured more serious kidney ailments than all the Ktdney medicines that hare hern compounded. Professor Munyon be lieves that the terrible death rate from Rrlght's Olsense and Tilnhetes Is unnec essary arid will he greatly reilucpd by this remedy. ' ' On at onre to vour druffcist and purchase a hottle of Munvon's Kidney remedy. If It falls to Rive satisfaction I n-llt refund your money. Mnnvon. Fur nale by all druggists. Price 25c, H 5:00 p m 8:00pm 7:16am 7:17am Poiuta 6:20 p m 4:00 pm 8:25 a m 11:30 am 6:30 p m 6.30 p m Connections tor All West and Northwest. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE. The Line to the Celebrated Resorts of Virginia. For descriptive matter, schedules and Pullman Reservations, address W. O. WARTHEN, . D. P. A., Richmond, Va. JNO. D. POTTS, Oen'l Pas. Agent. was overawed by a prompt showing of state militia. When the govern ment, about ten years at?o, determin ed to divide the land in Indian Terri tory and Oklahoma among the In dians, start them in Hie world as ag riculturalists, and teach them to be self-supporting, Crazy Snake, whose Indian name is Chitti llario, and who Is registered as Wilson Jones, gath ered about him sixteen kindred spir its in opposition and started to mnUe trouble. Before they were subjugat ed several lives were lost, and Crazy Snake and his "cabinet" were taken to Muskogee in Irons. Since I lion there have been minor outbreaks from Crazy Snake and his fast dwind ling band, but none was serious. It Saved His Leg. "All thought I'd lose my leg," wrllf s J. A.- Swensoii, Watertown, Wis.;' Ten years of eczema' that -f 'doctors could not cure, bad at Inst laid me Up, Then jHncklen's Arnica Salve cured it soutnl and well." Infallibe for Hkln .-fcrup-Ulons, Eczema, Halt Hheum, Boll Fe ver Sores, Hums,. Scalds, Cots' and I'lles. 25c. at all druggists, v , . Ship Imprisoned In Ice. . ( By Cable to The Times)? , ' 'Pictou, N. S., March 29-r-ThO steamship Minto, with forty-four pas sengers on board, is Imprisoned In the ice in Northumberland Strait, nnd there 1b liitle prospect of. the j people getting to shore very soom ' i It ' '''"