f I'll THE EVENING TIMES. RALEIGH, N. 0. rUBIlSHKD BT XPB VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY, J. T. SIMMS, General Manager. Both Phones. All Offices: 178. TR APES yHgW CQUNCIL SATURDAY'S CIRCULATION,' 5.S78. Have you registered? See that you vote the right ticket. Ye that have tears prepare to shed them. i When you go to the polls tomor row keep your eye on the other fel low. It is a Cause for rejoicing that the public schools re-opened today to complete the Interrupted term. Tomorrow is house-cleaning day. Let every man do his duty and help to make the job a thorough and com plete one. The biggest mass meeting of them all will be held tonight. Go and get fresh inspiration and renewed cour age for the battle tomorrow. We haven't yet seen any account of the invitation of, A. Sister Salley, Jr., of South Carolina, to the Mecklenburg celebration. Now Is the time to muz zle him and the "signers" should go after him and bring him In. Raleigh is meeting the proposi tions that are brought before her these days In splendid spirit and with excellent result Several problems have been solved satisfactorily in the last month or two, and tomorrow, by defeating the pie-counter gang she will stick another feather in her cap. The man who destroyed the books must have done it in a, " .spirit of bravado. He must have thought at the time that he was doing something smart and : that he would brazen If out. Otherwise some precaution. such as breaking locks would have been used. When The Evening Times started the fight last summer on the "Dog Question" we hardly thought it would assume so serious proportions as It has. A fight once begun in the right direction sometimes brings wonderful results, even if It does start over a dog. The eyes of the state are on Ral eigh and tomorrow we win place our selves in the front ranks or we will take a step backward thatit will take us fifty years to overcome. Raleigh is ready and hungry for a revival in business and Industrial development and let us do the right thing by starting out in the right direction and giving the city a government in which the people have confidence. Today the children went, back to school and Raleigh has redeemed herself from this disgrace which was about to overtake us. Let every man go to the polls tomorrow and do his full duty by himself, his homo, and his city, and we will have a better city government than we have had In the past and Kaleigh will come to the front again as she was in the past. Let the citizens of Raleigh make up their ; minds to stand for better schools, better streets, better govern ment, more improvements and a greater city and vote and work for that end. The opportunity Is before us and we must go forward. Over one hundred houses are being lit in Raleigh today. If Raleigh t-akes a progressive step and the world sees that we are to have a progressive ' business administration and ttfat the I ila'a (avM ulll Via rnnoMapail or a I people's taxes will be considered, we will have five hundred under con' Btruction before many weeks. With I an auditorium In sight costing about $125,000 and several other big buildings-planned Raleigh will take on a business, look and the people of the I state will not be sending petitions to ' . . I move the capltol. Vote for men who ,,. , x. , , I wlll give the (5ity a good business ad- ministration and the people who are holding back their money will soon bcgla tl help develop thl city. ( SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (In Advanca) Br Mall or Carrier. One copy one year . . . .$8.00 One copy three months . . 1.16 One copy one month ... .45 One eopy one week .... .10 : Entered through Raleigh, N. C, postofflce at mall matter of the second class, In accordance with the Act of Congress, March I, 1879. MEN WANTED. Raleigh is .in a position today where she will either go forward or take a long step backward, and the decision will be made by the voters of this city tomorrow. Raleigh has many needs, but the greatest of these is MEN at the head of the city gov ernment. There never was a time in the history of the city when there was such a demand for competent and progressive men at the head of the city. Some weeks ago we called attention to the fact that this city did not, need politics, but that it needed MEN; and from the way things look today the voters of the city have come to the same conclus ion, and we predict that on tomor row we will have a house-cleaning day in Raleigh. In other words-we are going to have a spring cleaning in the old political house, and this city is going to be placed in the hands of progressive business me.i who will give this city a good progressive bus iness admiaistraton -something It has not had in years. For the past five years Raleigh has had a black eye in the estimation oi the whole state, simply because we have had a lot of men in control of the city who have not run things for the best in terests of the city, but have run it for the jobs and the spoils. Raleigh is on the threshhold of the biggest industrial development in its history, and there is the greatest op portunity ahead for a grand and pro gressive city, if we only go forward and let all the. world know that we expect to be progressive and protect the business interests of the city and the citizens. If we don't stand up for our own interests and give our own city a good name can we expect, our neighbors to speak well of us. Let us be men and do our duty by our city and ourselves, and place MEN in control of the city who will give Ral eigh a good name and a good reputa tion. Let us go to the polls tomor row and vote for the MEN' who will help to regain the prestige of our city. Let us select the MEN who will be above cheap politics and run this city for the welfare of its citizens and with the determination to make it the greatest and best city In the state. Raleigh has a grand future before it if we only place MEN in charge of the city, and it is the duty of the voters on tomorrow to go to the polls and select these MEN. The women of Salisbury want a home established in North Carolina for old women. They say that North Carolina is the only southern state that hasn't such a home and they want one established. They think the old women of the state, who have be come destitute and helpless should not be left to eke out any sort of a miserable existence they can, but that the state should care for them. Man of these helpless .old women went through the trying times of the Civil War, giving father, husband, or son to the common cause. They la bored and worked and strove to make a living for themselves and the child ren of the household while the men were at the front, and to aid the cause in anyway possible. These women in particular the state should provide for just as it has Its Soldiers' Home for the men, but all the old women who need such provision should be k ' . f and not . to . , , ,. ,.u ' UC UUILeil.eU UUUUl 11117 DltllVS W1LU UU" where to go, no home and no rest. True, there Is the county home, but that Institution doesn't always meet I the requirements of the case, and something better should be provided. It pays to lend money. We don't mean in the commercial sense, with a I goodly Interest attached, nor are we . commending the pawnbroker's ness as the proper and desirable way of getting rich. But what we do mean Is that some one asks to bor jjjW . live dollars, or even one dollar you' should let him have it, and we will prove it to you. ' Read the following Philadelphia dispatch to the New York Sun: "While Dr, Edward W. Hartungi of this city, was at Sag Harbor, L. I., nine months ago he loaned $5 to a well-dressed stranger who said he wa ill and had lost his wallet. The stranger said ho neeriprl the money to reach his home in New York city. B. B. B. Cures Above Troubles, "Last Saturday a telegram came to, Also Eczema and Rheumatism, the physician from Charles V. Har-' twenty-five years Botanic Blood per. a lawyer with offices in the Flat-lBaJm B"' has-heen curing year- . Z.xl, i. ,j ly thousands of sufferers from Primary. iron bllding. New York, who informed Secondary or Tert,ary Blood P0lsOn. him that Harold A. Montague, of jand a forma of Blood and.skln Dig. Flatbush, the man he hud befriended, eases. Cancer, Rheumatism and Ec has just died, leaving him over $10,-jzema. If you have aches and 000 In cash, besides much valuable pains in Bones, Back or Joints, Mucus property. "Li his will Mr. Montague said he made' Dr. Hartung his heir as a re ward for his act of kindness. Fifteen other uiun had refused him the loan before he had approached Hartung." It pays to lend, as those fifteen tight-wads who refused are now learn ing. However, we wouldn't advise that fifteen to go out into the high ways looking for strangers to whom to loan their money now. It might never happen again. The man who did it, it is well to remember, is dead. It looks now as if tiiose who stand in the way of reform in the adminis tration of the city government and in the way of any progress, whether along civic, business, , or industrial lines, would be swept almost literally off of the face of the earth tomorrow. But the voter should not let this feel ing that the fight is already won keep him from the polls. Keep tip the fight until the last minute and bury this dead-head, salary-drawing crowd so deeply that they will never chirp again. . The Raleigh city charter met de feat at the hands of the legislature, the voice of 'the office-holding gang having more weight with the legisla tive committee than the voice of the people of this city. But the defeat ing of the charter served one good purpose. It served to stir up the people and awaken them as never before to the necessity of getting rid of the crowd In charge of theity's affairs before there is possibility of going forward In any way. Got Irntes Mixed. The Raleigh, Evening Times asks: "Will the Mecklenburgers invite Cap tain Ashe to the celebration?" Of course they will and will feel honored by his ; resenee. Captain Ashe Is a firm believer in the Declaration. . He was simply unfortunate in getting the dates mixed. Charlotte Chronicle. Will Sweep Cleuiri Opponents of the present city 'admin istration in, Raleigh keep talking like they were going to make a clean sweep, but whether they are whlstliff&J to keep up their courage we do not know. We hope their "clean sweep" will not turn out like that predicted for the democratic party in the last presidential election. Greensboro Rec ord. ' The Raleigh Campaign. Raleigh Is now in the throes of a hot municipal campaign, but the campaign in Raleigh has only developed into Its present snappy and somewhat bitter form within the past week and, as the primary is to be held next Tuesday, why, pel haps, Raleigh Will get less of the strenulty of a municipal fray than Wilmington did. Still Ralelirh seems to be making a mighty effort to to have a strenuous time and there appears to be great rivalry between the two fac tions the outs and the Ins. Not sat isfied with what the old administration has done, and, if reports are not in error, the old Raleigh administration has done many things it should not have done and left undone those things which It should have done, a large . - PRESS COMMENT "" number of people or the capital city I"'"1 ""'J'" " ui-uuivu uj are trying to oust the present officers, A. D. Unchurch by deed of date Au or rather trying to keep them from Bust 4th. 1S94 and registered In the serving longer. The present admlnls-1 register's office of Wake county In tratlon has been charged with extrav- hook 128 at page 1S9, and by the said agalnce and the "outs" promise if W. H. fpehurch conveyed to W. H. elected, to reduce taxes and give a .Merrltt and J. T. Richardson by deed less expensive administration. It has of date March 4th, 1890, and by J. T. also been charged that the offl-' Richardson conveyed to W. H. Merrltt clals are not enforcing the pro- by deed of dale November-15th, 1899, hlbltlon law In Raleigh, pnd this "d containing 47 acres, more or less. Is Drobablv one of the most serious of ! Terms of sale cash; time of sale 12 all allegations, because extravagance may be the outcome of mistakes or of carelessness, but non-enforcement of the law Is criminal on the part of the city officials. Wilmington Dispatch. A Good Cause. V Some , of the papers are intimating that the News and Observer and Sw elling Times are bolters because they are not supporting' the democratic or ganization in Raleigh,, and argue that a precedent Is being set that might i work to disadvantage In the future. We do not See how the Raleigh papers can be criticised for doing what nearly every paper has done at one time or, at t - M. i Mn...nM ' a' - " . ' -"'' ibolt, a late example being those twen- busi-'ty.three demefcrats who bolted the democratic , organisation ln Washing-, ton. Besides, our , Raleigh- contempo- Wlnston-Balenv Journal, -v. cause. ran i 1 JLJ POISON Bie Fains, Can cer, Seal? Hon, Patches in mouth, Sore Throat, Pirn- pies, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part, of the body. Hair or Eye brows falling " out. Itching, watery blisters ; or open "humors, Risings or pimples of Ecsema, Boils, Swellings, Eating Sores, take B. B. B. It kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich, completely ' changing the entire body into a clean, healthy condition, healing every sore or pimple and stop ping all aches, pains and itching, cur Ins the worst cases. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (B. B. B.) composed of pure Botanic ingredi ents. SAMPLES FRFE by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. DRUG GISTS, or by express.' l PLit BOT .LE. with directions for home wire. NORTH CAROLINA. Wake County.. In the-'Superior Court. J. B. Green Co., Ex parte. NOTICE. Whereas, J. B. Green Company, n North Carolina eorpoi-ai Ion, on March 4th, 1908, petitioned the 'Judge presid ing in the sixth judicial district to ap point a receiver foi" said company on account of the Insolvency; of the said company or In imminent danger of Its becoming so. and Whereas a temporary receiver was appointed by said court. Now, therefore, notice is hereby giv en to the stockholders, creditors, deal ers and others Interested in said com pany to appear at the March term, 1903, of Wake Superior court, namely on March 23rd and plead, answer or de mur to the petition lutein tiled, or judgment will be tak.cn as herein ask ed, and said stockholders, creditors, dealers and others intrerested are hereby notified to appear at the said court on the.' 22nd. day of March. 1909.; and show cause why the receivership in this action should nut he made per manent. . This March 8th, 1909. ' w. m. nrss, . Clerk Superior Court Wake Co. J. G. BALL Receiver. oaw-3w. LAW BOOKS AND OTHER PER SONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the county coUrt house door in Raleigh, N. C, at 12 o'clock M.. on.' . Saturday; Mlrfclt 27th. 1009. lot of North Carolina Supreme Court Reports; several 'volumes of North Carolina Public and Private Laws; Several Volumes of United States Stat utes,' Seymour, Womack, Jerome, Wal ser and Battle Digests; lot of other law books; lot of miscellaneous books; lot of office and household furniture, carpets, pictures, supplies, etc.; lot of guns, ammunition, hunting material and outfit; lot of fishing tackle, mate rial and outfit; gold watch and chain and lot of jewelry; also a large lot of other personal property, formerly belonging to Mr. S. G. Ryan, deceas edan Itemize , descriptive list of all of which can be seen in my possession at Citizens National Bank at Raleigh, N.-C. '-.'.-: This March 6th, 1909. H. E. LITCHFORD, Adm'r C. T. A. of S. G. Ryan, dee'd. ERNEST HAYWOOD, 'Att'y. t-d-s. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of authority given in the mortgage from Haywood Merrltt and wife, to B. F. Montague recorded In the office of the register of deeds .for Wake county in Book 194 at page 318, we will sell on Monday, Murrh 29, 1999, at 12 o'clock noon at the court. 'house door of Wake county, In the city of Raleigh, at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following de- scribed real estate conveyed by said mortgage situated in said county of Wake and in Little River township, and bounded on the north by the lands ef W. B. Chainblee, on the east by the land of J. T. Wiggs, on the south by the lands of J. S. Massey and on the west by the lands of Dr. M. L. Hicks, j the same being the home place of the lite Lucy Johnson and the Same as I ...... 1 ... AIT 1, tT....k..nU 1... o'clock, noon. , This the 23rd day of February, 1909. HOLDING & BUNN. Attorneys for mortgagee , and as signee of mortgagee. W-fit. . - . '.''. :. IVKECOUNTY, SAVINGS COMPOUNOEOi itHf-AJthmiyl ON Yomocposrr 2SS VW.VASS.CaiC, kit i. lYOmOCPOSTTl li j Pktsoirtl 1 i I I I ""w I I . I ANNOUNCEMENTS I hereby notify the voters of, the First Division of the First Ward that j I will be a candidate for Alderman in said division, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. G. L. WOMBLE. I am a candidate for er-election to the position of Police Justice of the j City of Raleigh, subject to the Demo cratlc Primaries to be held on March 30, 1909. I THOMAS BADGER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman First Dlvlison of Fourth Ward, subject to the action of Democratic Primary, to be held March 30. C. D. ARTHUR. I take this method of announcing to the voters of Raleigh that I am a candidate for the office of City Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic Primary, to be held on March 30th, 1909. C. F. LUMSDEN. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Mayor of the. City of Raleigh, subject to the action of the demo cratic primary to be held March 30th, 1909. . ; J. S. WYNNE. I hereby announce myself as a can dicate for the office of Cily Clerk, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary. GEO. W. KELLY. FOR CITY CLE It K. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office, of City Clerk, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. WILLIAM V. WILLSON. ,3-25-nt. ) I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the position of Tax Collector of (he Cif.v of Raleigh, subject to ihe action of the Demo cratic primary. J. S. .IONICS. Withdrawal Notice. After mature deliberation and In the interest of party harmony, I with draw my name as a candidate for Al derman for the First Division of the Second Ward. , G. F. KENNEDY. . March 29, 1909. VOTERS f)V THE FIRST DIVISION OF THE FOURTH WAK1I REGISTER TODAY and Vote our Ticket at the Primary X. xt Tuesday, viz.: JOSEPH G. BROWN, For Alderman. J. It. PEARCK, A. It. 1). JOHXSOV, T. L. McCULI.KHS, Executive Committer. Wiird Committee. GRINKLEYS SHOES AXD OXFORDS. First call for Men's Straw Hats. Glass Pitchers, specials, 15, 2,", 45. Pictures, 10, 15, 40, (10, , $1.00. Ice Cream Freezers. Trunks, 05c. to $10.00. Suit Cases, 90c. to 0.50. Vase Lamp), f$f .10 to 1.00. Baby Go-Cai ts, $1.85 to $20.00. Iron Beds, Cribs, and Cols. Round, 6-ft. Dining Table, $10.00. Centre Tables, 75c. to $1.00. Carpets, Rugs, Matting. Victor Talking Machines. Curtain Stretchers, $1.15. May Manton Patterns. Fish Bowls and Bird Cages. CRINKLEY'S. SUPPOSE ' . I Your Income Stopped TOMORROW Would It not help a great deal to know that you have a Savings Account with us. MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. HAVE YOU TRIED Powell's BLACKBAND Cial? .- :'-' .Order ? ton. It is fine. Phone 41. . SPRING" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY MARCH 30th AND 31st. " Miss Thorn will show her new Spring Milli nery. A magnificent assemblage of exquisite Easter Millinery has been collected for this display. Every conceivable model favored by Dame Fashion will be, shown. Splendid Millinery creations of indescribable loveliness will be ready for your selection. Beautiful Easter Hats that tell endeavor. The noted of Paris and New York as well as Miss Thorn's own work, contribute 19 this grand showing, creating at once a distinctive and superior gathering of exclusive Millinery. The prices will be interestingly low. Any woman who appreciates good taste, exclusiveness and first quality and reasonable prices will be truly interested. Miss Thorn will show a great many Tailoced Hats and splendid collection of Sailors for College Girls New shapes in the wanted colors-ew Veilings and Veils Newest Hair Arrangements, etc. EVERY ONE IS CORDIALLY INVITED . . . I .-: - Cptfina k pnriv for F.ac- VPVUll A1.VUUJ JL V4 JL4KA.J ter Spring Fashions in Women's Apparel m A showing of all that is fashionable and beau-' tiful in style and fabricready for Easter Suits, Gowns, Costumes, Dress and Waists- All alterations required to perfect a fit are cheerfully made without charge in Suits, Gowns, Costumes. and Dresses and deliveries will be promptly made, prior to Easter. Do not delay until the eleventh hour before making your selection. , ' DOBBIN FERRALL COMPANY 123125 Fayette ville St. Raleigh, N. C. of the highest artistic Master Milliners . of . - :.

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