PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, ST. a $30.50 From St LOUIS Pacific Northwest Points Take advantage of this low one-way Itt to April 30th, inclusive Via Union Pacific Southern Pacific The sate road to travel equipped with electric block signals. " Union Pacific-Southern Pacific trains are the finest on wheels provide every comfort and convenience of travel. All Union Pacific-Southern Pacific trains carry dining cars meals served a la carte. Write for information; address J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent U Chsndlsr Bldg., 121 Peachtree St, Atlanta. Ga. WEATHER CONDITIONS. An area of high pressure occupies the northern portion of the eastern slope of the Rockies, but the temperatures in that district are about normal. In tthe remainder of the country, the presure Is low with centers of depres sion over Texas, Washington, ami No va Scotia. There have been slight showers along the takes and the At lantic coast, and snow flurries or light showers In the Rockies westward to the Pacific ocean. The temperatures are nearly normal over the country. In the south the weather ranges from clear to cloudy. The present indications are for partly cloudy weather in this vicinity tonight and Tuesday. A. H. TH I ESSE N, Section Director. . The Lurid Glow of Doom was seen In the red face, hands and body of the little son of H. M. Adams, of Henrietta, Fa. His awful plight from eczema had for five years defied all remedies and baffled the best doc tors, who said the poisoned blood had affected bis lungs and nothing could save him. "But," writes his mother, "seven bottles of Electric Bitters com pletely cured him." For Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Sores and all Blood Disorders and Rheumatism Elec tric Bitters is supreme. Only 50c. Guar anteed by all druggists. NEW MEASURE FOB RAISING It E VEX I' E (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, March 27 Represen tative Heny has Introduced a bill to increase the revenues by reducing the postal tariff on general merchan dise from one cent an ounce to two ounces for one cent. He also intro duced a bill providing for a low com mon postal tariff on direct lines on rural free delivery routes. The ob ject of the bill is to increase the rev enues of the treasury by placing rural routes on a paying basis. Kidnapping Pictures Prohibited. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Pittsburg, March 27 Owners and proprietors of moving picture shows here and at Sharon have been ordered not to product pictures showing the kidnapping of Willie Whitla under a penalty of forfeiture ef films and licenses. Roosevelt Will Meet Duchess. (By Cable to The Times) Naples, March 29 Ambassador Griscom will meet Colonel Roosevelt upon his arrival here In April and Colonel Roosevelt will he presented to the Duchess De Aosta. the noted African traveler. The duchess is now under strict incognito in Paris. has ever heen found as Rood ;as the original Viek's Croup and' Pneumonia Salve. Too much is involved to risk one. See that -you got 'Viek's, and listen not to the slrea voice for"' the cheaper one. ; " 2."., "i0, and $1.00. ( v. All Druggists. No Substitute We Introduce Efforts have been particularly directed toward producing "garments that would be distinctively different from what could ordinarily be had. . ''"''.-',"'..' The. best designers have worked to that end and the best tailor men' have perfected their Mean. ,..'. . We show Spring Suits for Men and Young Men that character, distinctiveness and value are noi to be matched in America. ''': " y ' . i ; ..- : . Whut we sell is made up to qur special order we contract in big quantities, with the hlghest-clasn and best manufacturers, avail ourselves of all trade discounts by prompt and quick payments, bene? our prices are less than the usual. And outside of all consideration of style, we offer you more In actual dollars and cents' worth than can he had elsewhere.-. . 'i: ,-tt .,, ; :l ;.'.. ',-; V' Spring Suits for Men, $15.00, S. BE1FLW ANGER. rate in effect daily from March the INQVEST IN WILLIAMS CASE. Jury Finds That He was Shot by Ben Iloykin. (Special to The Times) Wilson, N. C, March 29 An in quest was held at Neverson's this af ternoon by Dr. Henry B. Best, coro ner of Wilson county, to make in quiry when, how and by what means "Bug" Williams came to his death. At the end of the examination of witnesses, the jury, after a short de liberation, brought in the following verdict: "We, the undersigned cor oner's jury, find that tae deceased, Bug Williams, came to his death from a pistol shot wound in the head, said wound having heen inflicted by a pistol in the hands of Ben Boykin." No application has as yet been made for ball for the defendant Boy kin, who is now in the Wilson county jail. Boykin appears to he about sev enteen or eighteen years "old. The de ceased, his brother-in-law, appeared to be about twenty-one or twenty two years of age. weighed about 145 pounds and was about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high. PLUMP FOLKS AND THIN FOLKS. Samose Will Make People Fat "Money Baek if it Fails" Says Henry T. Hicks Drug Co. The line of beauty Is a curve. Wo men may be thin and graceful but not thin and beautiful. There is a vast number of pale, thin, scrawny people who are all brains and nerves, but without the strength and health that. accompanies the standard weight. : Good flesh and perfect health go together. A true flesh forming food like Samose is absolute ly necessary to many people. This remarkable discovery comes in tablet form and when taken after meals mingles with the food and helps it to assimilate so that it makes rich blood and pleasing plumpness. Xo one can use this wonderful flesh forming food for 10 days without no ticeable gain in flesh and strength. Carefully kept statistics show that out of every hundred people who be gin the use of Samose, 98 per cent increase in weight and their health and strength are restored. Henry T. Hicks Drug Co. has bo much confidence in this remarkable flesh-forming food and health re storer that they are willing and glad to allow any customer to deposit 60c with them and take borne a box of Samose with the understanding that if it does not give a marked increase in good firm flesh the money will be returned without any questions. Sent postpaid on receipts of price, 50c. '.-.' PRICK OK COAL REDUCED. Reduction of 3tt Cents u Ton On Coal to Tidewater. ( By Leased Wire to The Times) New York. March 27 The Le high Valley Coal Company,: the Dela ware, Lsickawana & Western, and the ICrle announced today that circulars would he lssued Immediately an nouncing to customers a reduction of 50 cents a ton in the tidewater price of the domestic size of anthracite coal for the month of April. New Spring Clothing FOR MEN AND YOUTHS to $30.00 Spring Suits for CAPITAL CITY SURVEY OF BUSINESS Tradesman's Survey of South ern Conditions No Changes In Hardware Conditions ;.: For tle Week Tariff Agitation Affecting Lumber Conditions Tex tile Condi t ions Had. The Tradesman this week says: .Practically .no changes in hardware trade conditions n the south have been noted the past week, although manu facturers .are somewhat annoyed by the, provisions of .the new tariff bill. It is hot considered as certain ; by any means, that in the finai framing of the the measure the' hardware situation will be materially disturbed. Through out the south this week the most flat tering reports of general conditions have been given and jobbers are un usually well pleased with the situa tion. . Retailers have failed to properly gnuge their spring demands and many are already in the market restocking for the present. Low stocks will pre vail with retailers. This practice bids fair to continue through this year In the main, although many strong ser mons against the practice are being sent out: Crop conditions appear ex cellent in most localities, and with the few exceptions where floods or boll weevils got in their work hist season, trade has been splendid. , ' Jobbers report an unusually large I number of new stores opening through- out the south, and this has stimulated trade considerably. In, Tennessee sev I en new stores have opened In ten days, I buying entire new stocks. In Texas a score of new dealers have begun bus '. iness since the first of the year, and In all other southern states except South Carolina a number of new dealers have I Joined the clan. I The vehicle trade, which Is joint with hardware in the greater portion of the south, has also been uncommonly good this spring, and Jobbers in this line have enjoyed a better trade than they have had for three years. Remarka ble as It may seem, . the vehicle busi ness suffered most about a year be fore the financial depression of 1907, and began reviving earlier than other lines. ' ' Prices have remained steady this week, no changes being reported In any staples. Leather has shown a weak tone, but the same quotations prevail. The southwest has been a goAd mar kef for fencing wire and other mate rials this season, the demand exceed ing anything known in a number of years. Few Jobbers will venture an opinion on the fall trade situation this early In the season, but general indications point to the fact that the hardware business will continue the present until the maximum Is reached again. The Lumber Trade. Tariff agitation, that disturber of business which aways comes at the most Inopportune time, has had Its ef fect upon the lumber traffic of the south in no uncertain , way the past week, but lumbermen are giving the question only the attention it demands. Buyers have been busy making Inqui ries, but have bought sparingly, fear ing that the : present tariff schedule will be come a law, and naturally, mill men have been unable to force busi ness to any extent. All mills are work ing on full time, where the. log supply will permit, and all are looking for an excellent spring business. In hardwood centers business Is par ticularly active, although the better grades are 'too scarce to allow much activity in shipping. Quar tered and plain oak, common red oak, chestnut and some others are very low, but the country mills are report ing a very good supply for next month. Poplar Is bringing excellent prices and all mills are trying to turn out their maximum cut although extra widths and Choice grades are extremely scarce. Throughout the yellow pine belt mills are running regularly this week but the movement of lumber Is far be low the cut. Yards are filling up with a splendid lot of lumber and conges tion is threatened at some mills. Or ders Continue to come In at a fair rate, however, and most lumbermen expect an excellent season next month. The dpring trade has brought a gen eral demand for all grades but tempor arily trade has suffered by aV(ces to delay shipment. Buyers In the field, however, Admit they will have more favorable Instructions a little later jmd all are looking for far more satisfac tory conditions with the coming of April. V. Textiles. : ' In the opinion of several mill men, conversant with the general situation In the south, affecting soft and hard yarn mills, unless there is some Im provement during the next month or Young Hen $10.00 to $25.00 The Om Pries .CMhler, The Harmony Of flomc Does Not Mingle With or Emanate From The Hable of Dyspepsia .,: In the home meal-time ehoud awak en In all ' the inhabitants a peculiar harmony Ht joy which will make for the home the abiding place of Interest and happiness. . ; If one member of the dining table is out of sorts, his Influence is felt and the harmony is lacking.. Conversation and mirth are .absent. Devouring thoughts assail the diners and silence prevails. ; . "At The Dyspeptic's Table Ominous, Quiet and ' Gloom Crowds Out Mirth. . . All physicians agree that mirth and Joy at meal time does much towards digestion. Mirth tingles the whole nervous organism of man,, the cells wherein are stored valuable digestive juices empty their contents under e nerve stlmplatlon and promote the highest degree of digestion. If gloom and discomfort prevail at the table-the reverse action obtains and meals become necessities, not. an ticipated Joys. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets' are little storehouses of digestion which mix with the stomach juices, digest food, retlngle th. mucous membrane and Its nerve centers, give to the bipod a great wealth of 'digestive fluids, promote di gestion, and stays by the stomach un til all its duties, are complete. ' If dyspepsia sits at tables it makes the dining room a place of awe; ese tablets should be taken after meals and dyspepsia as a consequence ffees. No need for diet or fasting. The dys peptics who will use them religiously will find no sense of nausea In the sight of generous meals or in. theodor of rich, cooking.. It matters not what the condition of the stomach Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets only Improve the juices and bring quiet to the whole digestive. canal, of which the stomach Is the center. Forty thousand physicians use these tablets In tnelr. practice and every druggist sells them. Price 50c. Send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mail free. Address F. A. Stuart Co.,. 150 Stuart Bldg. : n : so, it Is likely, .miiny mills will, shut down. In fact,, several mills have al ready closed oi)prations; a few. others have decided to run only part time, and moBt of the ,hard yarn mills are now curtailing heavily. So bad Is the general situation that It Is deemed necessarry to apply the most strenuous1 treatment. Whether this will be a to tal suspension of operations, remains to be seen, and.-,' .will be determined largely by the developments of the next few weeks. . . It Is the prevailing opinion among southern hard yarn pinners that the northern association should join with the southern association In the effort to restore prices to a living basis. Near Death in Big Pond. It was a thrilling' experience to Mrs. Ida Soper to face death. ' "For years a severe lung trouble gave ma Intense suffering,", she writes, "and several times nearly caused my 'death, ah remedies failed, and doctors said I was Incurable. Then Dr.fKlng's New Dis covery brought quick relief and a cure so permanent that I have not been troubled In twenty years." Mrs. Soper lives In Big Pond, Pa. It works won ders In Coughs, Colds, Sore Lungs, Hemorrhages, Laiippe, Whooping Cough and all Bronchial affections. 60c. and tl.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. i 'j. 1 i 1 1 DR. WHARTON'S SJIRMON. '.; Last of Hs Series of Service Attended ' by Over 1,500 People. Dr. W. M. Wharton addressed the largest congregation of his series of meetings last night at -the Tabernacle. Over 1,600 people were present. The whole church and the central Sunday school room : and class-rooms to the back of It were filled with an attent ive' audience. -ivy, . - Dr. Wharton's subject was taken from Matthew, 83: 4J: '.'What think ye of Christ?" He discussed, the sub ject from two View-points what His enemies, thought of Christ and what His friends. thought of;Him.'.', Dr. Wharton handled : the subject with all the gkill-Of which ,h4 the master - and created a irQf0 nd Im pression.; . ;. .j ' ' .' ;'' - . The revlvat services'"1 closed last night. DrWharton has done a wron- derf ul' amount ' of. good :in thir city and has made thousands of friends. National Dental Association, Birming ham, Ala., March 80, April 3. Southern Railway anounces low rate of $20.70 from Raleigh to Bir mingham, Ala. and return account above' meetings.' Ticket on sale March 27, 28, 21; Ulna J limit return ing good leaving destination not later than midnight, April 4th. Approximately1 low rates from all other point. : Excellent 1 service is now afforded with the Southern's re cently Improved achednlea and: Sleep ing Car Service. t for iafdrmatlon, reservation,: etc., call on or address , W. H. Wqiamery, J. T. A, : . " ' Yarfcorougb Home, : ftalelgn. N. C. . .Ble!h,X Ot Jten Jt, tlQI. . PROFESSIONAL O. B. AYCOCK.. , R. W. WINSTON. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Courts. Office in Electric Building, opposite Postofflce, on Martin street, Raleigh, N. C. . T. H. Calvert, ' LAWYER. General Practice in the State and Federal Courts. 400 Tucker Building, RALEIGH. N. C. Dr. Edward Green DENTIST. ' '...' ' ' Office Over Raleigh Banking and . Trust Company. - (Round Step Bank) HOURS: 8 to 12 and 2 to 5 p. m. $65 in Gold Offered r To -. the North Carolina Farmers who buy their planting seed from me for this Spring's planting: Beet yield per acre . . . . . . . .$25.00 Second best yield per acre 15.00 Best bale lint cotton 10.00 Best : stalk cotton Merits: . .Most open bolls . ....... 10.00 Second best stalk 5.00 To be decided at N. C. State Fair in October. Vours truly, W. A. SIMPKINS. Dunston's Barber Shop Under the Round Step Bank. ' Remodeled and completely changed and is now In charge of Frank Hor ton, who was with Otey & Sons for S years. Our work 16 the Best. Give us a trial. P. H. HORTON, Manager. Why Worry ? About what yon eat dally in the meat line. We carry a select line of meats, such as Fresh, Juicy, Tender Beef Steak, Lean and Sweet Pork. Fresh Hog Brains daily, and don't forget SANDERFORD'S HOME-MADE SAU SAGE IS GETTING BETTER EVERY DAY. SANDERFOED BB0S. Capital City Phone 458. CITY MARKET. Jefferson Liquor Co PETERSBURG, VaL S. T. SMITH & P. B. GRIFFIS, Formerly of Raleigh, Props. Write for Price List. - IIIymIII mho u trs s i .,',:. ."Jr. Suits for Urn tie ition , WeVe been telling you for some time about these spring and summer suits. Many have already taken the hint and bought their new suit. How about yoursT Can't we interest you too? That's all right about I to particular people for a long time, and they keep coming back. If we can't fit you then there's no pay.v Let's talk it over f together. CROSS 'fel FAVrrfUVlLLB .'. : we : : HAVE ON DISPLAY a beautiful line of Spring . Suitings from -which to select y,our new Spring Suit.- We ' make your clothes to order and give perfect , fit and style. Come in, select your Spring Suit, let ' us take your measure, and leave the rest to us for fit, individuality and style. , .' We are exclusive agents in this city for the Regal Shoe, and they have won a name for themselves for the : fit, workmanship, ; . : comfort, style, and general appearance. Edgar E. Broughton HABERDASHER. Compare Oalc. City WorK Compare our Laundering with any other it will show that pur claim for superior work is based on facts. "It's the little things that counts" nnd comparison proves facts. Phone for our wagon. Oak City Steam RALEIGH, - - - - - - GOIN TO EUROPE? We sell American Express Company Checks in de nominations of $10 up. Available anywhere in the world without identification. Most travelers use them. The Commercial National BanK RALEIGH, N. C. Capital and Surplus Let us show you our Y. (EL E. filing " . .-...-.. equipment. Our, Rotary Duplica ting Machine. Our Loose Leaf Books, We keep in Stock your office needs, let us Show you. ALFRED WILLIAMS ,& CO. . The Raleigh Savings Dank. JNO T. PL'LLEN. President. CUARLES BXKXT, Cashier. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per cent. Interest paid on deposit. Call In the bank, or write for further Information. .i :i. ..u ,; SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR BENT. THE i ' "i RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST qOIXPANY. " WITH -.' . h.; ' An unsurpassed history behind It itca 1W Safety U Ita Depositors. .,' Accommodation y CHA8. E. JOHNSON President. being hard to fit WeVe been sellinir suits I LINEHAN STREET Laundry Co., x - - NORTH CAROLINA. . $200,000 to Its Customers. , - . v Willing eervlce tta Prteade. P. B. BRIGGS, . - ' Cashier. CQMW Y - RALEiaH. XT. 0. The One Price Clothier, 10 irti I ?"' v. .''4 it5. V. XV. W vv--Tj;,ff 9..rA.t0- ntXfJc.v&$ti-

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