PAGE TWO THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH. N. 0.- .- I State News To Revive the Industrial News. Greensboro, March 30 Former re ceiver of the Industrial News, W. 1. 1 Underwood, was elected as trustee by.. MUST BELIEVE IT. ters provided? It would be a great pic-nic and 'the visitors would no doubt enjoy the change. Thoniasvllle would like to .entertain this conven- When Well-known Raleigh People tioa, and If those1 having the matter Tell It So Plainly. , ; in charge will' give Thoniasvllle the When public endorsement is made Pleasure she will do her best to give oy a representative citizen of Kaieign every one a roval good time. the proof is positive. You must believe Cross-ties and other rubbish are IT h-f i.k-i rl Til Its Taut) rvi n f Urtx' kanb. 1. I - the creditors who met toeether ves- -; , uemg removed from tlie town com- iub irecmurs, wno mei tugeiner yes ache. sufferer, every man, woman or mn(. , . !, .u terday under notice, from Referee in .,,. . anv. kl(lnpv .,,,, wil, fim, mn Pieparator to havmg them BankruDtcv G. S. Fereuson. Jr. The t in th ,;..ii . renced oft,, plowed, plotted, trees trustee was given authority to effect i Mrs. E. U. Martin. 700 " W. Jones : Wtewgte. grass-seed sowed, flow- street, lialelth, X. C, eavs: "I used era Planted 'and otherwise improved. Elian's Kidney. Pills and from the . re-' This, indeed, w ill meet with the pleas- suit.-- re. eiv.'il, I can 'give them a most ; lire and hearty co-operation of every hearty ivconinit rdatwi. . I suffered a citizen ill the-town who has the wel Ki oat di ll fiom dull, iiaseinR back- fare and material growth at heart, a. hes and sharp nains ao.oss my loins . wh;ch niMb8 .ill-with the co-opcra-I could net slei'p well and arose in th' ,. .. , 1 ' a sale of the property, either by pub lic or private arrangement, . within the next five days and report to the creditors next Saturday. An inventory and appraisement of the property was made by a commit tee of printers last Saturday, and the committee reported to the referee nv.u ninjr t'tc ache a dd ail !inir tlrt-1 and sore. Head- ' to my discomfort and at yesterday that they had agreed that j timey I felt languid and devoid .of en tile total value was $9,7o0. The prin cipal and interest of the portage debt is 18,160. It has been rumored for several days that a local syndicate backed by E. C, Duncan, of Raleigh is continuing Its efforts of the past month to secure the property and at tempt to revive the paper. Dark Town Romance. Goldsboro, March 30 Quite an amusing but terribly in earnest ro mance was pulled on in the colored division of the railway waiting room in this city at noon, while the crowd of transient occupants of the station looked on in mingled merriment and solemnity. It was this way: Hattie Bradshaw,. a colored damsel, was going to take the noon train for New York, thence to Connecticut. Her ticket was bought and her trunk checked, when Ed. Hatch, a dusky brave, appeared on the scene, armed with a license and accompanied by Justice Hum phrey and then and there was a wed ding. It seems that there was objection to Ed. by the girl's relatives and tiiey were endeavoring to spirit her away from him, when he got wind of it and got busy, with the above result. The newly wed drove off in a city hack, accompanied by the reclaimed trunk. Old Boy Apprehended. Salisbury, March 30 Sheriff Mc Kenzie and Deputy Krider caught Mat Hall, a white man and veteran blockader, yesterday morning. They left Salisbury in the rain and got their man near the river in Morgan township, in the Pooltown neighbor hood. On strong evidence from Montgomery he will be taken to that county for trial. Officers have been after Hall in Montgomery for two years. ; . ' y. A fiiv'.ul finallv recommended Doan's Kidney Pills so highly that I procured a box from the Bobbin-.-. Wynne Drug Company and began ! using them. They benefited me at ; once and since then I have had no backache or any other symptom of ' kidney trouble." . - ., Fo sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster'-.Milbuin Co., Buffalo, New Vork, kuIp agents for the United States. . Remember the name Doun's and' take ::o other. ials, wirh the Civic League, and the board of aldermen Thoniasvllle is in position to expect 'something and to get .something. Now everybody get behind and just' push and push. . XKWS FROM WILSON. yesterday afternoon and 'committed to the city lock-up. He will not be given a hearing until Laniard di-i or recovers sufficiently to attend l lie hearing. The two boys have the repmali.m of being pretty bad chaps. It is wiin there was a general row among sev eral boys while flying kites and ford struck Flynn on the head wit .i a rock before Amos used his 'knife on Mooney. Corn Whiskey Caused It All. Salisbury, N. C, March 30 Fred Lazenby, a young white man of Statesvllle .loaded up with either a -dope or white lightning yesterday morning, opening the shutters before daybreak, attempted to walk away with the home of Mr. S. S. Carter, a well known Franklin township farer. , Mr. Carter 'phoned for Sheriff Mc Kenzie and the transgressor was ar rested and brought to Salisbury. He was a thoroughly penitent young man this morning when he appeared be fore Esquire J. C. Kesler and declar ed he was unconscious of what he was doing. He must pay a fine and costs before he returns to Statesvllle, Stabs Boy In Head. Winston-Salem, N. C, March 30 Mooney Lanford, a 11-year-old boy, was stabbed with a knife in north Winston yesterday afternoon by an other boy of about the same age named Amos Flynn. The wounded boy was removed to the hospital and his condition Is re quarded quite serious. The Flynn boy thrust his knife blade up to the handle just above Lanford's right ear. The blade was broken off and it required two per sons to pull It out. The wounded boy was attended by Dr. A. P. Davis, who dressed his wound and bad his patient removed to the hospital. The blade was re moved from Lanford's head before the physician arrived. Flynn was arrested at o'clock Pud Triumphs At Spencer. Spencer, March 30 A marriage ceremony was prevented in '.-.Spencer Sunday, when B, B. Albright -forbade the marriage of his sixteen-year-old daughter, Miss Julia. Albright, ''to Mr. M. L. Baker, 'aged about twenry years. . Baker had secured a license by getting David Wray and Connie Herrion, two young men of Spencer, to make oath that the intended bride was over eighteen years old. When it became known that she was only sixteen years old. Register of Deeds' E. H. Miller, of Salisbury, was siiin niond to Spencer to settle the mat ter. He -demanded the return of the license, which was reluctantly sur rendered. ' ; The irate father of the young lady at once swore out warrants against Wray and Herrion, charging them with perjury and each is held under a $50 bond for trial here this week. The affair created a small sensation in Spencer; ' Baker was jailed iu de fault of a bond of $125. THOM ASVII.I.I-: XKWS. Baseball Fever is liising High Want Sunday School Convention. i Special to The Times ) Thoniasville, March 30 The base ball fever is now rising and is tak ing a serious, decided turn. The fever is rising and interest is in creasing. Thoniasville hopes to put out the fastest and best team this year of her history, and she has the material to do the (rick. The 'boys are limbering up, scratching around on the ground picking up hot liners and are getting in excellent practice for the season's games. A number of lawn tynuis courts have been made in different parts of the town, and as soon as the weather opens interest in the game will spring up .and this. summer- a number of match games will be played and a grand tournament will be held. There are a number of excellent players here and some beautiful games will be played. There has been some talk of the State Baptist Sunday School Conven tion being held ia Thoniasvllle this Slimmer, but some of the wiser heads have been afraid the convention was too big for Thoniasville, and that rooms could not be secured for the visitors. Has It occurred to any one that tents could be rented at a nomi nal., cost: a,id set up throughout the orphanage grounds and sleeping quar- Baykin Hearing; Will lie Ki Id Tomor row Baseball. (Spetial to The Times) llson. March .'10 A preliminary- healing of the State vs". Ben Boykln, charged with the murder of "Bug" William::, at Noversons, this county, o.i the -night of March 13, will be held la fore W. R. Wood. Hsu.. J. P.. ' in the court house tomorrow- morning ' at -9 o'clock. Fifteen or 20 witnesses haw been summoned. Messrs. F. A. and S. A. Woodard, Woodard & Mus sel 1, and .1. A. Farmer,, will represent the defence. It is expected that Messrs, ,1'ou & Finch w ill assist Mr. j Daniels, the solicitor. Under a heading of "Baseball Out look" in the Sunday issue of the Wil mington star, appears the picture of Captain Dick Smith, who will try to pilot the "Sailors" to victory the . coming ball season. -While.'-we wish the "Sailors" all kind of good luck, yet we hardly soe how 'we are going to let them carry off all the honors. They have the honor for the 190S season, but had the Weather been favorable there might have beea a different tale to tell and the pennant would 'possibly' be flying over the grand stand of the "Tobacconists", but as the weather would not permit Docs not Color the Hair Aycr'sHair Vigor is . composed of Sulphur, Glycerin, Quinin, Sodium ChloriiJ, Capsicum, Sage, Akohol, Water, Perfume. Show this to your doctor. Ask him if there is a single injurious ingredient. Ask him if he thinks Aycr's Hair Vigor, as made from this formula, is the best preparation you could use for falling hair, or for dandruff. Let Iiiih decide. He knows. frHi: BRIDE TAKEN HOME. Young Husband Indicted la Charg-j el With Misrepresenting Gild's I i Age Other News. I (Special to The Times.) I wake Forest. N. C, March 30, A case of state vs. Cicero Sheron, a young-1 man of the cotton 'mill section, on a 1 charge of perjury for having- sworn falsely us to the age of his wife In se curing a, brought befoi Mayor l Allen yesterday, was dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Another warrant has been sworn out in Raleigh before jjurtlce of the Peace Separk. i On Saturday, March 20th.' young " j Sheron went to Raleigh to get a license jto marry Miss Flora Cme,, giving her J age as nineteen. He returned to Wake ,,- , . . ' i Forest - anil they were married Satur- tor t OHspiracy in Hestiamt of Trade. uay nlght by Justice of the Peaoe j. Will Anpeiil. dell. The bride's step-father, J. M. (By Lor.sad W(re so The Times) Bishop, objecting to the match, and Salt Lake,. Utah. '-March 3J Fed- claiming that she was only seventeen, eraL Judge Marshall today fined the immediately took her back to his nome, wnere sne nas since been kept. KAIIiKOAl) FIXED i nion i-acinc ana urcgon snort Line Railroad coaipanie;, the Uaion Pa cific Coal Coinpimy and . lames M. Moore, manager of tho coal company $j.(J0() each for conspiracy in re straint of trade, a :id lined Everett Uuckinghain, foiin-r division traffic iiianager for the Orctjon Short Line, $I,ii(H. 1).'.). Sharp.' ,-. small dealer of Halt Lake City, cut the price of coal and the defendants 'were guilty of conspiring to keep Sharp from get tiug any more All the defend ants served notice of an appeal to the l.'nitoii States supreme court. HKXRY T. HICKS CO. srCCESSFVIi , After a great deal of effort and cor respondence Henry T. Hicks Drug Co. the popular 'druggists,, have succeed ed in getting the Dr. Howard Co. to make a special half-price introduc tory otter on the regular fifty-cent size of their celebrated "specific for the cure of constipation and dyspep- Mtl. , Prof. J. H. Highsmith returned. yes terday from Southern Pines, where he made two addresses Sunday. The pulpit was occuijied Sunday at the morning service by President U. T. Vnnn. of the Bt C. W., and in trie evening b Dr. T. B. Hill, cf Ken t'lcky. - Dr. Mill Is b"re primarily on liis canvass fur the endowment of the Southern Baptist Theological" Semi nary of Louisville, having recently giv en up bia pastorate at Mount Sterling-, Ky., in order to take up the work. lie expects to raise $"0,000 in this state. Rev. M. L. Ke-.tler, or Thoniasville, will pleach here next Sunday al the morning and evening services. Prof. B. W. Moore, of Colgate Cni- jverrity, made an address before the y. M. C. A. lust night. , Prof.' E. W. Sikea left today for Nelio, were he makes the conimence--inent address for Neho High School Tliui-sday. 1 1 I II III I 1 " l.-riMBr , "s' 1 .1 Ikil NHI'-Illfin , ROT -. axkmim i vJiuwy u u u nu u Marr's Greater ll.vle Shows. General Manager George S. Marr and his private secretary, O. S. Gould, Dr. Howard's s.,mitie has Wn ko!'01- lne greater Dixie bliows, arrived remarkably successful in eurimr con-! iu Raleigh yesterday from winter stipation, dyspepsia and all liver troubles, that Henry T. Hicks Drug Co is willing to return the price paid in every case where it does not give relief. Headaches, coated tongue, dizzi ness, gas on stomach, specks before the eyes, constipation, and all forms of liver and stomach trouble are soon cured by this scientific medicine. quarters, bringing with him over one hundred people, who axe to take part with these shows the coming season, A special train was required to trans port the big company here, which carried besides the performers, all the beautiful solid-carved wood show fronts, tents, seats, stages, scenic and electrical effects and other parapher nalia required by the shows. And to- auu mere were some games mat could uave oeen aDie w secure only a 11m noi be played, the officials of thelted supply, and every one who is league saw fit to fly this "rag" at Wil- troubled with dyspepsia,: constipation mington. We are not kicking, but dojr liver trouble should call upon not 'think it advisable for Wilmlng- them at once, or send 25 cents, and ton to begin boasting for 1909 too Set sixty doses of the best medicine soon, as we think th.? "Sailors" will j ever made, on this specific half. price find there are other ball-players in the offer with .their. .personal' guarantee leauge beside Wilmington. We are to refund the money if it does not preny wen sausnen la our mind as to cure. , the result of t lie opening games at Wilson on May 17, IS, and 19. for on these occasions the "Sailors" Will be thrown overboard "with. a. squirt of tobacco juice" in their eyes. The "Tobacconists" are getting together a strong aggregation and it looks like they are ia the race after some prize or other, and as we know of none but he pennant, we see no reason now why Wilson should not fljr the "rag" next season. So great is the demand for this I aay lne enllre outnt' ls 6e,nB naulea specific that Henry T. Hicks Drug Co. i to Cameron field, where many work men are ousny engaged in erecting the pavilions, tents, etc., preparatory Sent postpaldn receipt of 50c. DEMOCRATS- DISPLEASED. Iteausc They Are Xot Allowed to At tend Meetings. ."' . ( By. Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, March 28 Demo cratic members of the finance com mittee of the senate are displeased because they are not permitted to at- agreed to place the money under the tend sessions now being held by that east gate of the Walnut school, the committee. The republican members Place designated, and then capture are having the minutes taken down, the collector. and will 6iibniit the proceedings to About midnight a man and wo- the entire committee when it has fin- man appeared. The woman picked TR1KI) TO COLLECT $! 0.00(1. Woman Shot in Effort to Blackmail Prominent Ranker. ( By Leased Wire to. The Times) Washington. Ind., March 30 Ef forts were made today to wring a confession front the mysterious wo man who calls herself Zella Clark, and who was shot late last night while collecting f 10, 000 blackmail money which Banker N. C. Read had been ordered to deposit under pain of death. Read is president of the First Na tional Bank. He received a letter demanding $10,000 and immediately turned it over to the police. It. was to the full dress: rehearsals of Cue company in order that everything' may be in readiness for the big open- I ing on Monday next of the grand spring festival and Easter gala week ' under the auspices of the Raleigh1 (Athletic Association. Ten big shows will be presented, together with three j big bands of music and the two sen- j National free acts: "Max and June,", j the world famous high diving horses; i also the two fearless vans in their double, death-defying high dive, will give exhibitions twice dally. This is absolutely f:-ee to everybody. '-'.: ' : y ' " "My three-year-old boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was In an awful condition. I gave him two doses of Foley's Orlno Laxative and the next morning the fever was gone and he was entirely well. Foley's Orlno Laxative saved his life." A. Wolkush, Casimer. Wis. King-Crowell Drug Co., corner Fayetteville and Har gett streets. '-; shed its work. Senator Elkins said it looked like an open and secret war, and that the south is excluded from taking part in the making of the tariff, although the south represents one-fourth of the wealth of the United States and that it is entitled to participate In legislation; , . Thirty witnesses are appearing to day before the finance committee to give information regarding certain schedules in the tariff bill. up the package and started to run but an officer in hiding wotinirer her with a shot-gun. Lynching In Arkansas. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Camden, Ark., March 30 it was reported here today that two negroes, the Pickett brothers, who killed Chas. Abbott, white, and wounded his brother, F. M. Abbott, we're taken from the county jail at Eldorado and lynched. MMMBMI Thef Supreme Court Says in I recent decision about female labor: "The two exes differ, in structure of body, in the functions to be performed by; each, in the amount of physical strength1, in the capacity for long-continued labor, etc." ffK follows that female weakness, due to tiieso differences in body structure and functions, requires some certain medicine to hit the right spot and that Cardui, the medicine for women, is more likely to be the right thing for women to take, when sick, than a medicine recommended for the two sexes alike. Try Cardui, for female pain, irregularity, weak-' ness, or misery. It is a specific female remedy,-s-pecially recommended for the diseases peculiar, to the female sex, a medicine that, -in the past 60 years, has benefited over a mfflionWOMEN. Try Cardui. Sold everywhere. VALUABLE ' BOOK FREE VhM CHARGES OF .MISMANAGEMENT. Against the Ordnance Department of the Navy Brought to light. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, March 30- Charges against the management of the ord nance department of the navy de partment involving the allotment of work to non-governmental gun fac-; tories at an enormous money dlsad-i vantage lo the government are con tained in a report to the navy depart ment during the administration of Secretary Morton, but which is now, brought to light for the first time. I The report was comjiiled at the re- quest of the secretary of the navy by a non-governmental expert In the j manufacture of large steel machinery. 1 COULD XOT STAND SHOCK, Blood Not From His Chum Could Strengthen Ilim. (By Leased Wire to Tho Times) New York, March 30 John J. Moylan, Rhot In a quarrel over a wo man, died in Bellevue Hospital, after his life-long chum, John L6ughlln, had permitted his blood a flow into Moylan 's veins for 3a minutes In a heroic effort to save him. "Moylan is In very bad shape," said Dr. Simmons, when Loughlln called to Inquire about Ills friends. "If he could get some blood Into him. enough to strengthen him for an op eration, we might save his life." ' Loughljn replied instantly: "Johnny Moylan can have all the blood I've got. Start now and tap me." . . . ".. -.-' ---:-:. . A few minutes' later the surgeons removed the bullets which had caused the loss of blood, but Moyland could not stand the shoclc. .ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AMgetable ft?afa(ionEras simiaruigrl'MaBtJiteeula- iinguie zamw andBowJsrf : Plromofes DieesltonCfecrful? ivcssandRestJContalnsncittitrl Opiimi.Morptiine norMioeraLI WOT NARC OTIC. Ux.Sam uimieist Fo? Infants and Children. The Kind Yo'j Have Always BpugS Bears Signatr ADwfecl Remedy forConsHin Hon . Sour Stom!ch.Dlarrtioea WorrasfonvalsKrasjewnstr nesaandLOSSOrSCEEP. IkSiniile Signaturtaf In Use For Over Thirty Years H-IIBWLJ. I 6 OiiloH Exact Copy of Wmpper, A Solid Gold Watch Free . I hereby agree to take . . , . . . shares of stock in your next se ries at 25c. per share per week. r Name,. . . . . . . Address. . . . . . . . . Dues payable the first week In April at the office of the Associa tion, 107 Fayetteville Street. '-- Tfie Raleigh Building and Loan Association, To the shareholder who sells Hie most shares during the month of April for the Kighth Series. Already a lure niimlM-r have pledged themselves to work the more the merrier. Are you a shareholder? If not rut out this coupon and ipnil at once to the S'retiiry and Treunurer. JudKe T.1J. AVOMACK, Pres.' I I m i J.VMKS C. ALLISON, Sec. & Treas. Id W.C.CornWhiske Y Mjr XJL fill H A, . S fgK mi !r sSlt J i III OUR SPECIAL OFFER. A FULL QUARTS W,TH bot'tlc FREEqq are making this special offer in order to convince you that " we K've you the best Whiskies for the money. Thisjiottle which we give away with every ordor of four quarts of Old North " Carolina Corn, is fine old Longstreet Whiskey. , Corn Whiskey is the purest Whiskey made-'0a North Carolina" is the furestCorn Wliiskey, hence ita rare mellow Haor; It is aged in wood and Ouarantecd under tho National Puie Food Law. Just remit 13. by registered letter or money order, and tho t-jar full quails will be sent you and the free bottle with our com pliments. We prepay tho express charges, and ship in plain packs ages. As this offer is limited ORDER NOW. The Mewcomb Co., V PETERSBURG VA. "THE PROMPT MAIL ORDER HOUSE. ' IE Y R LN'G I So many requests for the registered ICav Pinrro i,;- -Ttie Au- Uaan n,'J l,4. t. , . 7,J . &" """" tralian government has decided to -vv" .v, " , , . " V "vo-yruviaea anotner lOt. Which . . .. i . . . . . iiru Tiri li wry a np am m vm a Mr z ji . jconiripme a areaudnought to the wo 6"u w Hlva w vur irieuaS. writisn government. Will Give Dreadnought. 'Melbourne, March 30 Tlie- to i r Will Visit Kaiser. Vienna, Mart SO The Tagblatt eays that Queen Alexandra will visit the kaiser at Corfu in. April. The .' ( health of the Jcing has greatly im Several lost bunthes of keys have been restorl in owners. i ' . Uhe Citizens Natioaal Bank j . EALEI GH,N.C, "r 0 proved. i . : '. ' r r : v'' rf'