.-' " " I TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain and ' ,:' New York Stock Market. ' I New York,;- Mrch .3Q.r-Moderate re-J cessions were in. order In a majority of stocks traded ii during the first tifiecn minutes, but the reactionary tendency , was considered natural fol lowing .the sharp advances of the iwi) preceding days.- Amalgamated Copper was one of the heaviest features, de clining 'V and declines of small frac tions were noted in .'Smelting, -Union Pacific, Pennsylvania and other' of the important railroad ' and Industrial shares.' New York Central after open ing a shade higher at 131 dropped pver one point but recovered part of thl loss" quickly. Atchison was strtnig, ranging higher, with room gcneral ly . talking of possibility of an increase In dividend rate. . New Vork Closing Stock List. Atchison .106 .104 --111 .171 . 68 Vi .181 . 65 . 46' .87 .28 .144 .131 . 23 . 22 . 72 .129 .133 ,134 . 24 . 64 .147 .122 . 25 .183 . 85 .18 . 12 . 38 -,145 .120 . 74 . 50 .'. 54 . 52 . 87 .103 ..'75 .35 .157 .81 . 32 .112 38 , 74 .124 .153 .48 .112 . 07 . 44 . 82' . 22 . 73 Atchison pfd '. , . . . ... . . . ', Baltimore & Ohio . . , Canadian Pacific . . ....... Chicago & Alton . . . . . . . . ; Chicago & Northwestern . . . Colorado Southern . . . . DenveY & Rio Grande . . Denver Rio Grande pfd . ; Brie . . . Illinois Central . . .... . . Louisville & Nashville . Metropolitan Street Railway Mexican Central . Missouri Pacific . .... . , , . . New York Central ..... ; . Pennsylvania . . .......... Reading . . .'. . . . Rock Island '; . ....... . . . . Rock Island pfd . . ........ St. Paul .- ." . . . . .......... Southern Pacific . . . . Southern Railway Union Pacific . . ... . . , Union Pacific pfd Wabash . . . .'. , . . , . ... . . Wisconsin Central . . ...... Inlerboro-Metropolitan pfd . GreatNorthern . . .... -'.''.' Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line . ..... . ... . Amalgamated Copper . . . . . American Car & Foundry : . American Locomotive , . . American Cotton . . . ... . . Am. Smelting & Refining Am. Smelting & Refining pfd Brooklyn Rapid Traii. it . . . Colorado Fuel & Iron . . . . General Electric ."'.. ....... National Lead ' . ....... . . Pacific Mail . . . . . . . .... People's Gas . . ... , . ... . Pressed Steel Car . ... . . . . Sloss-Shef field Steel ...'... . , .. Southern Pacific pfd . . . , . Sugar ; . . United States Steel . . . . .-. . United States Steel pfd . .- . Western Union . , . . , .". . .". . Va.-Carolina Chemical . . Westinghouse Electric . :. . . Republic Steel . . . . . Republic Steel 'pfd . . . . Chicago Grain. Chicago, March 30 Failure of Liverpool to follow our upturn, a de cline of at Berlin and continued fairly liberal receipts in the north west caused" declines of to c. In wheat, but declines were met with fair demand for- commission houses causing small reaction. Liverpool comes higher against our upturn of to lc. yesterday. European vis ible decrease 1,728,000 against a de crease of 200,000 last year. North west cars 222 against 210 last year. Local receipts, 85. cars against 30 a year ago... . Opening: Wheat, May, to 119; corn, May, 66 to 66 to ; oats, May, 64 to 54; pork. May, 17.77; lard, July, 10.25; ribs. May, 9.37. . Wheat closed 5-8lc lower; corn 1-8 to l-4c ower; oats 1-8 (f l-4c. lower and hog products 7 l-220e lower. Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: Whca Open. High. Close. May . . 1.19 1.49 1.18 July .' . 1.06 1.06 1.05 Sep. .. . 1.90 1.00 .99 Corn- May . . .66 .67 .66 July . . .66 .66 .65 Sep. . . .65 .66 .65 Oatu May . . -.54 .54 Tb4 July'. . .47 r47 .47 Sep. v . .39 .39 .39 Pork May . .' 17.77 17.80 17.72 July . . 17.85 17.85 17.72 Sep. . . ..... ..... 17.72 Urd May . . 10.10 10,07 .. July . . 10.25 . ... . ' 10.17 . ,'Sep.-'.;. 10.35 ..... 10.30 Ribs - - May . . 9.37 9.27 July . 9.47 9.50 9.12 Sep; . . 9.6J ,.. 9.65- Raleigh Produce larkct. (Reported, by L. H. Adams.) Butter. 2025 . ) Eggs, 15c. ..' . Hams, 15c. Potatoes, 7075c. Raleigh Poultry Market. , (Reported by L. H. Adams.) Mens, COe. . Spring chickens, 35 40c. ' MARKETS Ndw York Cotton Market, ' (By Leased Wire tir The Times) New York, March 30. Cotton mar ket opened steady at an advance of !wo to four joints and profit taking was sustained from the start by over sight orders; to buy., Among the pit traders, however, tho reaction theory had mare friends than for some time. Opening March, 9.62 bid. May 9.54 to 9.55; .August 9.40 bid; October 9.28 to 9.29; December 9.26 to 9.27; January 9.21 to 9.22. . Open. March.. 9.62 High. Low. 9.63 9.58 Close. 9.57 9.50 9.51 9.40 942 9.36 9.27 9.27 9.23 9.23 9.19 April 9.52 9.55 9.44 9.40 May June July ' Aug. -, Sept. Oc. -, Nov. , Dec. Jan. 9.56 9.51 9.47 9.41 9.28 9.29 9.25 9.26 ........... 9.22 . ... .... Market closed steady. New York Spot Cotton. ; (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, March 30 Sjlot cotton quiet and unchanged at 9.85; no sales. Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times.) Liverpool, March "30 Cotton spots steady, middling, 5.05; sales, 8,000; American, 7,500; export and specula tion, 2,000; receipts, 20,000; Ameri can, 14,800. Futures opened steady and closed quiet. , Open. Close. March ..... 4.97 4.98 4.97 March-April 4.97 4.97 April-May ..4.97 4.97 4.97 May-June ..4.99 4.98 June-July ..5.01 5.01 July-Aug. ..5.04 5.03 Aug-Sep. ...5.01 4.99 Sep.-Oct. ...4.98 4.96 Oct.-Nov. ..4.94 4.93 Nov.-Dec. . . 4.93 4.92 Dec-Jan. : . . 4.92 ' 4.91 Jan.-Feb. ,.4.93 4.91 Kaleigh Cotton Market Good middling, 9c. Strict middling, 9c. Middling, 9c. ' . Receipts today, 50 bales. Cotton Port Receipts Today. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, March -29.-Cbtton port receipts were as follows: New Orleans, 3,975 against 3,593; Gal veston 4,983 against 5,870; Mobile 92 against 770; Savannah 1,681 against 1, 355: Charleston 532 against' 287; WH mlngton 495 against 201; Norfolk 227 against 1,438: Boston 508 against 13; Philadelphia 50 against 26 Pacific 'coa.it 2,226 against 0. Total, 15.583 against 13,453 . Interior Receipts: Houston-'. .3,199 against 2,234; Augusta, 203 against 290; Memphis 2,120 against 2,356; St. Louis 385 against 1,433; Cincinnati 236 against 235. Total 6,143 against 6,548. Chicago "Live stock. (By Leased Wire to Tho Times) Union Stock, Yards, 111., March 30. Hogs Receitps 30.000 ; 5c. lower; mix ed und ' butchers 6.65 to 8.05; good heavy 6.90 to 7.10; rough heavy 6.65'-to 6.85; light 6.50 to 6.90; pigs 5.40 to 6.35; bulk 6.35 to 7.01. Cattle Receipts 35,000; steady; beeves 4.50 to 7.35; cows aiu. heifers, 5.35 to fl.OO; Blockers and feeders 3.50 to 5.40; Texans 4.75 to 5.75; calves 6.00 to 7.50. . Sheep Receipts 12,000; steady; sheep 4.50 to 6.40; lambs 5.90 to 7.25. New York Provision Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York," March 30. Cash produce, Mineapolls. o. 1, Northwestern wheat, 115. '-- Wheat steady; No, 2, red, 127 f.o.b. Corn steady; No. 2, mixed. 75H In el evator. '- Outs Bteady; No. 2, mixed, 56c. In el evator. Rye nominal; No. 2, Western 87 f.o.b. Barley, dull; feed, 74 to 75. elf New York. Flour dul; spring patents 6.00; wlnti: straights 5.65. ' '".Mill feed asy; western bran to ar rive S27.000. Poik easier; mess 18.50. Lard easier prime western 10.40.' , Tallow 'quiet; prime city Rc. Coffee firm; No. 7, Rio, 8e. Sugar firm; granulated 4.95. Naval Stores. (By Leased'Wire to The Times) oavannatv Ga., March 30. Spirits turpentine, nothing doing. Sales none; receipts 293. . Roeln.flrm.' ;jfiates720; receipts 1,312, Quote: W W, 5.85;', W O, 5.80; N, 5.75; M, 6.70; :'K, 5.05; I 4.10 H. 3.50; G. 8.40; F. 3.40; E, 8.30; D, 3.80; C, B, A, 8.25. . . CotWn Sefed Oil. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, March 30 Cotton seed oil prices, based onV prime yellow, ranged as follows; . . .:,'; . ( : Closing. April. . May . . . , , ; . . . . July ;. .... .. .. September . .-. . . October . , . . . . . . November . . . , . . , . . 5.28 5.30 . . . . 5.33(3)5.35 ..'..-' 6.58 5.40 . . . . 5.71 5.73 . . . . 6.63 5.68 ..' 6-43 5.46 Market closed steady; sales,1 2,800 barrels. . i BY WIRE?! Provisions. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. SHOTWEHi) New York, March 30.-;ile was the strong feature of the early trading in Wall street today. Its strength was conspicuous in view of the fart that all other, shares were, declining frac tionally when It commenced its upward movement of one point. The first pre ferred advanced nearly two points and the preferred a point. The strength of the "shares was due to the company's statement of earnings which showed a net Increase for February of $758,968. I The nmrket opened Irregular with fractional gains und losses. At the end of the drat minutes of trading. Profit taking developed throughout the Uct, .causing declines of an aver of half a 'point. Specialties v. ere. Irregular. Consult- dated Oas opened with a galnf one i quarter of a point but immediately sold off . Distillers advanced National Lead was steady around 8214. Imposition of a fine of $10,000 on the Now York Central for rebating caused the stock market to become heavy and decline '.of over a point in tho early trading. Atchison showed Strength and ad vanced a point to 106, which ts a new high record for this movement. In London American shares were ir regular with Atchison, the Harrlman shares and New York Central the most active Issues. On the New York curb market the copper shares were under the Influence of profit taking', which resulted in frac tional declines in the early trading. In the sllyer group Nlpisslng, Kerr Lake and La Rose were the steady Issues. The Investment demands for Goldfield Consolidated continued and the stock was a fraction higher. - New York Cotton Letter. (By.W. B. Hibbs & Co.) New York, March 30. The rise in the stock market the last three days is regarded in the cotton trades as re flecting the long distance view of the big interests with regard to the pros pects of the general business situation throughout the country. This togeth er with the elimination of the Balkan trouble relieving the European polit ical situation of the disturbing influ ence thaf factor has been having on the European trade situation Is expected to develop in conjunction with the easier money market conditions now prevailing a better demand for cloths and yarns from the continent. These two factors developing since the close of the week the rally in cotton of about 20. to 25 points from last week's low .""fever is regarded" as justified' by this improvement in general situation and outlook. Certain large operators who were either short or had sold out upon the development of these condi tions turned buyers Saturday and con tinued their purchase.s yesterday. This causod other shorts and sold out bulls to do the same thing. Meanwhile some of the large arbitrage operators have been of the opinion that the differences between the old and the new crop op tions should be wider and their pur chases of May and July, with a little manipulation in March by the inter ests controlling the total stocks of cotton here, have helped to muntaln prices on this recovery. Efforts made today by certain '. Inter- eats to advance prices .'still further failed to secure much of the following as there was no outside buying and It appeared as though most of the shorts had covered and commission houses and traders operating on the long side had taken about all the cot ton they eared to under existing con ditions. We believe general" business Is des tined to broaden very materially as the summer season develops and cot ton will sell higher on It but we would only advise purchases of July, August and October at present prices to those who arc willing to operate for long pull and can have patience to hold on and average with further purchases on the development of further breaks In tin" price. Price advanced three to four points In the early trading but nxtn lost it With the market ruling dull and barely rteudy at last night's closing quota tions dining most of the afternoon. ' New York Money Market. New York. March 30. Money on call 1 to 2; time loans firm; 60 days Vt to 91 (lavs' 2W, to M4: six months 3 to 3', per cent.; posted rates sterling exchange 4'fiA vi 4S3'i withactual bus iness In bankers bills at 4i.0 to .6 for demnnd and 486.10 for sixty day HilW'. Prime mercantile naner un changed, but tde supply is limited. Rates are 3V0 to 4 per cent. New Orleans Cotton. Open. High. Low. Close. 9.4S 9.54 ; 9.57 9.47 9.29 9.24 9.21 9.22 March April . May . June . July . Aug. . Sept.' . Oct. , Dec. . Jan. . 9.30 . 9.57 9.50 9.55 9.56 9.63 8.27 9.24 9.23 .9.28 9.24 9.23 9.22 Market closed Bteady. V lc. WANTS Jc. Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted at oh cent per word for each Issue, CASH with the order. No ad vertisements under tbls bead will be charged. No Adv. taken for leu tban 10 CENTS an Inser tion. . U'ANTKI -Yon to know we have 1,000 pairs of new Spring Oxfords for sale. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. - 27 7t. WANTED Lady to call on citizens; no samples; select own time. Can earn $10.00 or $15.00 per week. Address P. O. Box 671, Raleigh, N. C. 24tf. WANTK1 Railway Mail Clerks. $800 first year. Examination in Raleigh May 15th. Preparation free. Write immediately. Frank lin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. '': 3-8 1 Mo. WANTED AT ONCE Six or seven room house with modern conven iences; desirable locality. Address X. Y. Z., care Times. 30 tf. FOR SALE. VANTKI Bookkeeping by student to earn board. Can you help me? Address N, care Times FOB SALE Duty catling me to Swepsonville, my home on Hills-, boro street, opposite St. Mary's, is for sale. The house is new, con tains eight rdoms and the lot is 85 ,.x280 feet. Terms to suit purchaser. Possession at once if desired. Geo. W. Thompson, Raleigh, N. C. 29 3 1. FOR SALE New Oxfords for Men, Women and Children. All Styles, Colors and Prices. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. : 27 7t. AUCTION SALE Stock of Groceries and Fixtures Thursday night, ' April 1st, 8 o'clock sharp. Every body invited. Bargains for all. Corner Blount and Lenoir Sts. J. W. Creech. , 27 4 1. SAFE FOR SALE Large Fireproof. South entrance door Capital Build ing. M. M. Smith. : MISCELLANEOUS MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS MADE at 308 South .Person Street, 25c. without cuffs; 30c. with cuffs. SOIREE OVER BALL'S STORE Wednesday night. Music by Lev in's Orchestra. . 30-2t VASTOR RCSSELL'S SERMONS are one of the special features of fered by The Saturday Evening Capital each week. This is one of the most attractive features offer : ed by any newspaper. Subscrip tion price 25 cents per year. Ad dress The Saturday Evening Capi tal, Raleigh, N. C. e. o. d. t. f. I WHEN BUYING SNOWDRIFT FROM your grocer, see to it that you get Snowdrift and none other, for of ten a cheaper grade of goods is substituted at the Snowdrift price. 25 lOt. WHY HAVE THAT DISREPUTABLE looking old box or barrel setting in front of your house, when for $1.75 The Raleigh Iron Works will deliver to you a nice sheet Iron garbage can to take its place? If you order quick enough. l!)-tf. SAVE 15 IN FEED BILLS BY having your grain ground. F. B. " Phillips .Feed Store, 309 Wilming ton street. 29-2t WRITE US BEFORE BUYING liquors...'-' We cut prices on all high grade liquors. John Wedderburn Co. Leading Pure Food Liquor Dealers in Washington D. C. 23-tf KEEP VOIR HORSES FAT AND round by having their feed ground. I B. Phillips Feed Store. 2!-2t STOP, LOOK AND. READ A CAR- load of Apex Hair Fiber Just re ceived. Guaranteed to cover as much surface and give as satisfac tory results as any on the market, $14.00 per ton less $2.00 off for sacks returned. Yours, to serve, Carolina Hardware Co. . 26 6t. for Rent FOR REXT Desirable flat with all modern conveniences. Situated over Southern Express office. Ap ply to Mrs. F. P. Tucker, Tucker Building. 26-tf ' t i FOR REXT One furnlsh'ed room .and one unfurnished room North Dawson St. Will give board. Call Raleigh 'Phone 1370. A ; ,':-,' 29-4t . ' , ; ,-. . .. FOR REXT One nicely furnished room 323 West Morgan Street. ' 19 t. f. lc. WANTS lc. j APPEATi TO SUFFERERS. If lou Have a Friehd Afflicted With Eczema, Tell the Wruggist About it. If you have a fryend suffering from eczema, tell ps aWout it the next time you are In the store. I Many eczenia sufferers have tried so many useless remedies and spent so much monej with doctors that they practically Mespair. if they only Knew of the slinlplest home cure for eczeVia! It is northing more than oil i of wintergreen compound (as mixed in D. D. D. Prescription.) .Used with. glycerin, thymol and other healing ingredients in liquid form, this simple remedy penetrates the pores of the skin, killing the ec zema germs while tailing up the healthy part oi tne SKID. I I' vu wI11 suggest to your friend1 , afflicted with eczema to call, we shall I be glad to explain to any sufferer 'about D. D. D. Prescription. Henry! T. Hicks Drug Co. FIREMAN KILLED CI (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Krnova. W. Va., March 30. In a head-on collision between two freight trains on the Noifolk and Western railroad today. Fireman Spaulding was caught under his ensine and kill ed. His wife Is a telegraph operator In the Norfolk and Western office at Whelersburg. Engineer Kngle was perhaps fatally hurt and Brakeman Kelly was severely hurt. FIERCE BATTLE WITH RENEGADES (By Leafed Wire to The Times.) ; Senora, Mex., March 30 A fierce battle with a band of regenades in the hills northeast of Pasqueria on the Chihuahua-Sonora boundary has" been fought by Rurale troops and ranchmen who were hunting the regenades for cattle theft. Jos Vas- quez, leader of the bandits, was mor tally wounded and eight men were killed..' ';. The gang had been robbing lone travelers, ranchmen and miners and it is believed that many of the crimes heretofore charged up to the Yaqui Indians were the work Of this bancs, including , the killing of Mrs. Riler Baler, of El Paso, Texas, a year ago. Several Soions Speak on Tariff Measure Today States does not need two protect ive tariffs." Representative Kitchin attacked Representative Burke, of Pennsylva nia, saying he was sent to the house by big interests like the steel trust. Representative. Burke hotly denied the allegation and branded it as a falsehood. The discussion uruse over nn assertion .of Representative. Kitch in, who said that Pittsburg whs bond ed for $250,000 to feed her poor during the late panic This was denied by Representative : Burke. Representative Kitchin continued: "Pittsburg is !o darkand tilled with smoke that it blinds the eyes of Penn sylvania congressmen to the facts." "It Is about as dnrk and cloudy as some statements you have made in the last few minutes," retorted Burke. KKNATOR SMITH SPKAKS. Guests of Smith Carolina Society iii New York City. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, March 30 Senator E. D. Smith, of South Carolina, came up from Washington yesterday to be present at the gathering In tho Wal dorf last, night of the members of the South Carolina Society of New York In commemoration of the birthday of General Wade Hampton. Senator Smith reviewed the dark days of the reconstruction as they were worked out. In his state. His address was tho only formal event that marked a re ception which was attended by nearly a hundred South Carolinians. Disastrous Fire. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Ho'-iiester, N. Y., March 30. A dis astrous Are Is raffing In the business j district of this city. Thij. Western L-nion DUiminK is completely guueu. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Cures backache and Irregularities that If neglected might result In Bright's disease or diabetes. King Crowell Drug Co., corner Fayetteville and Har gett etreets. LOST LAST WEEK Small Gold Chain and Heart. M. engraved on Heart. : Reward if returned to Miss Calla Meacham, 416 Elm Street or this office. FOR REXT Three rooms, dressing I room and bath, 504 N. Blount St. Tues., Sat., Mon., Sat. , INFREIuHTVVRECK ATTACK ON ROOSEVELT Italian Anarchist Tries to Kill Ex-President Anarcliist Tried to Poison Mr. Roose velt, But Plan Wus . Dlscm-ered. Man Arrested and Placed in Irons. Kin and Pope Ilesret Affair. , (By Cable. to The Times). . Lisbon, March 30 The Seclo to day published a special dispatch from Horta giving the following account of the attack on Theodore Roosevelt on board the steamer Hamburg: 'During the voyage of the Ham burg from New York to Horta," the paper says, "an attempt was m:td3 b an ItviHan anarchist to poison Mr. Roosevelt, but the plot was nipped in the bud before it could bo carried out. It, is not known whether the would-be poisoner had any accomplices on board or not, or whether he is affili ated with tin; black hand. The man was arrested and placed in irons.". (Hy Cable lo The Times) Rome, March 30 King Victor Em niannal, when informed of tin; re ported attempt on the life or Mr. Roosevelt said that if the report was true ho was - greatly pained and re gretted .the occurrence- exceedingly. The pope also expressed his regret. Tl'.a reported attempt on the life of Mr. Roosevelt is published here today and has aroused feelings of anger and consternation. Premier Giolitti and Foreign Min ister Tittoni expressed their profound sorrow. INDIAN AGENT VISITS THE SCENE OF FIGHT (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, March 30 At the of fice of the commissioner of Indian affairs it was said today that Indian Agent Dana H. Kelsey left Musko gee, Okla., early today to visit the scene of the fight with Crazy Snake's band, near Hickory Ground. Okla. "Telephone communication with our representatives indicates that all is quiet now," says a telegram re ceived by the commissioner from the scene of the trouble. "The authori ties have instructions to use every effort to allay excitement and sup press disorder. .';'.; "Many Wild rumors are afloat, but a thorough investigation of every de tail of the disturbance will be made as early a3 possible and a full report promptly submitted." DIED OX TRAIX. Washington, March 30. L. D. Hunt ington, a retired member of the stock exchange, died today while speeding homeward uboard an Atlantic Coast Line train. Mr. Huntington, accom panied b his daughter, Miss E. C. Huntington, and Miss M. M. (Tray, a trained -'nurse,, had been in the south for his health. The party started from Charleston, S. C, Monday morning, hoping to reach . home before death claimed Mr. Huntington. NO ONE HAS THUMBED '': OVER "' THE Come in. Ask to see the Kleainvell Display Case. Thumb the .Samples all you want to. Then we will hand yon the style which suits you in a sealed box, and 'you get it fresh and clean. THE HICKS DRUG COMPANY. Hold Phones. Even? Wcman , 1 Interemed and Mioulu know i aoout iBawonnoriui f Marvel "r"n"rr lUUbll it TP funnnl Blinnl file jUAikini myv 'w other, out vena stamp ior inns- i 1 Udlm MARVCU CO. 44 . 234 St.. ! Yo That Awful Gas milium Did you hear jt? How embar rassing. These stomach noisesmake you wish you could sink through the floor, tYou imagine everyone hears them. Keep a box of CAS CARETS in your purse or pocket and take a part of one after eating. It will relieve the stomach of gas. (ll CASCAKBTS lOo a box lor week't treatment. Alldrafrlid. BfgrMtiellar In the world mlUloD soxo a month. I i. " I Wills After eating, persons of bIHoa habit will derive great benefit by UkiogOM of these pills. II yon bave been DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy, feel ings. Elegantly sugar coated. ? Take No Substitute, i ; iood Poison A Remarkable Treatment by Specialists Acih aliMiluiely and permaueiitly in tbres to four monlhi by ttiRObuHc syHieui. when utner treatments full, ivliiiiiuati'rt pnlMHi irom the blood, glands. buni'Si etc. Ncvr fain In ItAettect on blood poison In my mngn. The treatment Is (life rtitil tan b;j- tiiknn In thr: hrlvitoy of your own iioiiie. i'uo irrnunnnt In purely veKeuble, gnnran teed under tlie I'nre Fond und Drum Act, Serial No. 19.-5)1. oiiIjiiiih no mercury, potash, ar.4i.nif-., Iodide r iiiim-rul driiurii of any kind. Interesting book. ' The Truth About It," lent In plain envelope ritlCK. ThubbMCL.,S.i'.L., T. t Rector Bldg.,Cbhago MOVED I instructions 1 TONS SEC1 On account of Increased attendance Draughon'e College has MOVED Into new quarters. FINEST in the city. UNEXCELLED and eautoment. rust HONS SECURED or MONEY BACK. BANK Indorsements KtfK in which Draughon's 31 Colleges are located Indorse these Business Colleges than indorse ALL otnera. Hvnil Ufn to RISE to the 6-a-day class. YUU Want iuMT ITVtnF.NnE that the v ' U11U " . standing of Draughon's Colleges in businesa circles is the same as that ot raie or narvmu m circles, call on or WRITE for catalogue , DRAUGHON'S Practical Business College, Fayetteville Street, near City H1L Stock for Sale! Forty Shares of Rurlingame Tele- ' v" graphin-;' Typewriter Company stock. Par value, $10 per sliare. Will sell at a bargain to secure money quick. Here is a fine chance for a good and safe investment;.' Address, STOCK, Care The Times. PLAY BALI We now Iinve in stock, for Whole sale and Krtail, a big stock of Base ball ti!oKls. Guaranteed Hats -the Lajole & Wagner styles. Halls, Mitts, Gloves, Toe Plates, Heel Plates, .Umpire Indicators, Score Hooks and Guide Hooks. Come and look over this Magnifi cent Stock. It will pay you. ,;- HART-WARD HARDWARE GOMPANY. The Paragon of Hardware Stores. . RALEIGH. N. 0. Have You Tried Our Brick Cream? Only 35 Cents Quart. Plain Cream, Any Flavor, 25 Cents Quart. BETTS" ICE CREAM. I tPvHPSHJ.J..tfcC- J WHEN EASTER COMES Make it a joyful one, and let electric ity the murky past. We furnisli everything electrical for comfort and convenience, '.--., i CAHOI.IXA ELECTniCAL CO., 110 Fayetteville Street. ' Kaleljtii IMione, 427; Cap. City, 261. HUBBARD BR0S.& CO HANOVER SQVAiUB. OTBW YORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex ekange, Associate Members Llrer peol Cotton Aiioclatlsa. orders SOLICITED Fer tke pf hue and sale of eotton for tutuf ieUrerz. Cerreeo4eaee larttaiu t ; 1 V ,