- v - t'li-T : :J1 PAGE SIS ETHE EVENING TIMRAIIGH, N. a ''V tT'T'''' wiwunjiii'ifliaJii.iJiflT,! i . ' J J 1 1 si SOCIETY. f ' tr(',4HDOIT. .5 Tho grade ia spep and the hill Is long 4 Tint the engine Sings its merry sonjr, ; I can-do-1t. J-can-do-lt." I can-do-it, And X will. The Joad It draws is far from light But it pulls with all its sturdy mlKht And. its song re-echoes clear and bright I can-do-it. I can-do-it I can-do-it, And I will. The grades of life are steep and long, . But what of that if your heart is strong? You can-do-it. You can-do-It. You can-do-it. If you will. The load you bear m;iv not be Iij;ht, But beyond the hill is a vista bright. So sing this song with nil your mialit, I can-do-it. f can-do-Jt. 1 cau-iiu-it, And I will. I . Miss Kale Brown, of Kliiston, lin.s returned homo utter a visit lo .Mi. I' ll, fcrwin. Miss Kerr Mebiuie lias returned to her-home n.t Mehane after a visit lo Mi'ida'Totoa't.-'iiVtlur' iwpual Viu- vernlty.' 't $ ' v ' -T Mrs. Elias Carr;- of Edirecoinlie, and Mrs. M. J. Hawkins, of Rldgeway, will arrive in the city this afternoon to visit Mrs.-Cwf' son, Mr. Elias Carr. Mrs. A. T. Olive, of .Apex. 1k; vo ttirned home alter a vis:t to Mrs. J. T. Booker. . Mrs. ". A. Erwiii. of Iuirliani. urt.-r spending several days in the city, the guest of friends, returned inline imlay. ' ' Mr. and Mis J. IV. Il.i'ii-. nftor spending set.'ial li.iys in the eity vis iting friends, luff -for tln-ir home to day. Miss N'.ru Puh. ,.f .Morrisville. af ter visit im? at liie home or Mr. C. H. Kav on New J;eru avenue, returned home today.- "time saver bor saver." Ivory Soap is not a '; or a "la Nor does it "make dirt fly." But it will clean as quickly as is consistent with safety; and it can be used for hundreds of purposes for which ordi nary soaps are unsafe and unsatisfactory. Ivory Soap 99 4ioo Per Cent. Pure. . ta Mrs- V. B. Sims, of Glover. Va., af ter-spending several days m the city the guest' of Mrs. tV. lv Won, on Bovlau avenue, left for her home to day. - . ' ' . ; Tlie friends of Mrs. Margaret Wood.' who was taken to l;ex Hospital Sat urday for treatment, will be' glad to Ii-Hin that she Is' inunovinif and will be utile to return inline in n tew weeks. "The Ministers 'First At Home, given In tlie Winday school' room of Central church tonight, promises to be an unusually delightful little play. Tt will no doubt be witnessed bv a I l.u ge crowd the admission to be ' as m;mv ln-nnles ns vo:ir von nre nht." I.vcivbodv is invited to see the plav. The regular - monthly business meet ing ot the Circles ot Kdenton street i church was held in the Mindav school room vesterdav aflornoon. '1 here u:i I a large crowd of ladies present :i t ! reports were heard from the ehairni-ii ' of the different circles. A piano '.- by Miss SallLc IVckhain and a. vjoii.nl solo by little Miss Frances Scars, u -cimipanted bv Miss hvie te;irs. . lur nislied delightful entertainment !'- tile ladies. Delicious sandwii-le s :i ' i I ! coffee.wus served iiy '(.'iicle No. I ; - .'." I Ilaiies-Mvank. , W inston-Salem. March 30. Mr. v u- Main Hanes will be united in in unai;1' to Miss Nona. I swank, of ,t..n:i..w-iir i Pa., this evening at 7:30 o. i-hK, He was accoijipauied nmiii I" attend j the WedflUig bv.Mlss killli-r Ii.iiio. Mr: William Brown ami Mr.. M n 1 t , Hnnes. ' ";.' ,'..." . ; '. j Tlie bride ami firooni y. ill lake' an extended - wstru- ai'ul ami le t n 1 1 ip. I visiting California ..unit ilnvnjiig 1 1 1 1 i - the last or April: ' I I St. MAKV S TltlO. j (iavc IMijjlitful t ! it l.a-l Mailt: to Apnivctiitivo Audience. I St. Mary's Trio, M'ss Pixlc-y. l.ianhrt: I Miss Hull, violinist : hml Ml. Hiiun. v. j cellist, gave a 'deliglilfill loii. eil in ; St', i Mary's auditorium last 'night. '-.- Tin; ; program Was gyentiy :i.i"vl , lie XtU ( appreciative a-.iilieuce. i lu- u'oi-k el' lie- j trio showing .w.liat this' year of pfiicijee together hair'aceomplblfeil.' The prograiu ineluiled. I '.eefliov -en's .' Trio in K. Hat. Sehuniaim'-. .- "I.i' !.- j ganten," the Teha ikoM sli "i'!iaa -"-i . Triste," III ah til's 1 iiniga i ia !i i:iiiee anil the J'iii.-i.is..hi! 'I'lio in K ina jor.; J '.Tlie- next in tip-. v.-irh s V. ..ne.;rt5 will be an oreliestra .;oncert ith Mis'-. I'haiiotie Kcuiiall llul, . dii ertur. .; ; . pillieeiry 7 0.0010 was the greatest success of anything that we have ever attempted. We will con tinue the showing of all our Pattern Hats S MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY I Be sure you see them, for from all sources I come expressions of the greatest enthusi I asm. Our imported models have created i a furor seldom seen among our peopfeand no less is the praise accorded the creations from our own work room. If you want to be satisfied with yourself and have the newest and latest creation in headwear we can serve you. LOCAL BRIEFS . PEESONALS ..-.. .-, ' . .- V ' .', Mr. Louis Miller, of No York, was In the city today. ' ' Dr., K. .C. Register, of Charlotte was in the city today. Mr. John Q. White, or New York, was in thetcity today. ... Mr." Geoi-ge S. Marr, of Mount Olive, was in the eity today. ., Jlr. ,0, fS. Thpmason, of Charlotte, was in the city today. . Mrv'.ChM. TV. Tillett, ' of Charlotte, was in the city today. . Dr. .J.' -A ' Burroughs,, of Ashcvllle, was in. the city today. ., . ,. Mr. .1. U I.udlow, of Winston, is reg istered at the Yarborough. , Mr. K. M. l.ong, of Kichmond, Is registered at the Yarborough. . Dr. J. Howell Way. of Waynesville, Is registered at the Yarborough. I)r, W: O. SK'iicer, of Wmston-fa- lein. is registered at the Yaiborugli. Dr. Thos. E. Henderson, of , States ville, is among the guests in the city. Mr. S. "H. Freehie, pf Philadelphia, is among the visitors in the eity today. Mr. A. O. A .vers, of West Virginia, is among the visitors in the city to day. . . Mr. ti. J. Walker, of Charlotte, was In the city tixla.y. vMr. William W, Laieas of AVilson, Is registered at the Yarborough. Mr. H. W. Moseley, of (Ireenvillo, Is among the guests in the city today. 3.. $30.50 F?om St. Louis .. ; . -To Pacific Northwest Points Take advantage of this low one-way rate in effect daily from March 1V to "April 30th, inclusive ' . ' Via the ' t ' ; ' Union Pacific Southern Pacific The safe road to travel equipped with electric' block signals. Union Pacific-Southern Pacific trains are the finest on wheels provide every comfort and convenience of travel. All Union Pacific-Southern Pacific trains carry dining cars meals served a la carte, Write for information; address . J.rF. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agsnl '- Chandler Bldg., 121 Peachtree SX, Atlanta, G. - THE WOOLLCOtT DRY GOODS CO. --'. It. Fmzier, colored, is not the i one that was before Police Justice Hudger Saturday charged with selling) whiskey. It should have been J. VV. Frostier, colored. 'The executive rommittce of the North Carolina Press Association held a meeting here Saturday ut which it was decided to hold the annual meeting at Hendersonville. An excursion will be run from Hendersonville to More head City during the sessions of .the association. Benjamin Thompson, an aged and respected colored iMtlzen of Italeigh, j received a telegram from New York yesterday conveying the sad news of , Ids .daughter's., death on Sunday, March ; jxtli'. . . The remains will be brought to Haleigh for interment. Tlie services will lie conducted 'by N. F. Itoberts. of ..Shaw. I'nivcrsity, I -Mr. Claudius Dtx-kery has returned I to the city after spending several days at his old home in Richmond county. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. & & & & Zid aJS'-S-S-Sv IS it m THE WOMAN'S STORE xx THE WOMAN'S STOIUi WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOK PKKRI.KSS IVXTTKUNS. - FOR A Feu Days Only Kill Kit S! iU VS IN m in Mis. T.; '!'," Unrris.m .left lliis' ii. fur . Asln vilie. Miss Mary Tinilii-rlak.' returned 1 1 1 l- home in Viiungsvi!i' this aftcnuvi aft' r visiting friends in the city. Mrs. Paul Tiliery was in tin- city thi afternoon while : mi li- r way ; leeiv to ifter- ture, etc. Thti vautl)0rized cajital is $."0,000, with $13,000 paid in. F. P. Moore, Joe 0. .Moore and F, ,J, .Stone, are the liicor orators, . . . .'. '; , . The National Oil . Company, of i (lOldsboro. fileri a. certiflrate increas ing its etipital stock from $1,000 to $;o.ooo. "'. : : ;.' ' '.' : ; . AT .THE GAIUTY. At Tho Oaiet today one of the finest lilins fron. an artistic point of view ever attempted by the moving I picture people is being shown. The subject,' "Return of Ulysses", is a film d'arl produolioit of the- great French firm of Pathe, and has been heralded everywhere as a niaster tiieee in tlie art. of film ptodiietlun, and bears the stamp of individualism credited only to Pathe. ; m'.High Point to Se land ,cck. Miss Frn ti illich i'liint, i afl' i:tei"n. I'.'.. .-' j Miss Jean Southern I'r Springs thiv iti I he ciu-. es Pickett, rif tt"R"F: pending sevet.il iVa.xi: lit' '.'returned t" tin' eily this Hi van relnrne wiiyterian f.ilie a I tertniiiii. aft t . the i;.d vh.it m We have sixty or seventy-five Ready-to-wear 9 Skirts that we are going to put on sale as a special W inducement. The snle will nnlv last, a fpw rlavs 9 ....j j, for several reasons: ij 1st. The prices we have put on these Skirts, W every one being priced at and below cost, are so low that you can not resist the temptation of buy ing. ' 2d. Every Skirt is made from the best ma terial and workmanship, not a shoddy Skirt m the lot. ; . During this sale we have a few Petticoats and 1 Shirtwaists that have been greatly reduced in W price, and which will be to your interest to see. ?! r Among the Shirtwaists are Lawns, Lingerie, and in W Batiste, all of which are deservingly popular. ijf I ..Mi '. liuljli M dam mli. i lev 's .ban I in l-;i i-pepiling s ;u. st of Mi - 1 1 pi l inn. rel.untiMl to iier-'i. lie this ' "iiftei-niMin, ral days, in tile city,: 'iini Cijuy. '.- . 'and Mrs. .1.- 1 1. I;jgiau and lu-iv Mi; s Uulh, n uirii.l to their' in l''ieiiay Springs this alter, . '.after short i--it in the city, linnversaiy, nteeiiijg pf. . Kderitnn I I'll w i-t 1 1 ' League last ni'ht was deil user bv Miss All.-.- WUsx.li. saiejeei. ni liie eieillllg vas lonK I at win k be dii) .In estlllg pllpelS wen- Tti lor ittiii Miss m m i'i'ii. 'J'. Allen" and -the gi ! fnieiifii' tiel.ls. lute: . read bv Miss li.-rvl Matv King. I " ::.; '. " i Old I oiks Concei t I Tlie Did l'nll;s Concei t tc lie Kivcu at Kaili-v Hall Kriday nigiil al M loeliieli proinisi's an evening ol ram I I ti loyini-nt to till who all.cnd. Some Mil Ihe la-si hi. lite talent will render I he songs i.l long ago. recalling ihe days ol our mothers mid Kraiitlinoth i rs, and wearing the costumes worn- by thmu when they sung these sweet old tunes, One of tho most interest' lug features will be a duet by an old lady from the Home and an old sol dier Delegates to Peace Congress. Oow.r-.Kitcliin has'fjjeyi r?fluented to appoint ten or mpr delegates to the National Petted CanBress; iwhit-lt will be held in Chicago, beginning May 1st. 'I his is a -movement of widespread, interest'' and.,evet- state In. the union ,wilj he.abl'Vepr.esented. i Gov. Kiichin 'will make ' the .ap pointments in the pext few days. " . '.-"- . '. - ..."' Annual l-.asler R--eption. I he.followiiiK iaviUtions have been ruceiveil bv frieuris in the eity: 1 lie; ( iiHiopeart and liranitin l.iicrarv Societies. of Oxford Seminary : reinest tho ideas tire of your company- . at- their ' , " Annual hunter Reeeption Kridiiy evinmir, Api ll ih ninth, from eight, utiiil eleven o'eloeU." CAUI) OK THANKS. We wish to express our deepest ap preciation of the many kindnesses and sympathies extended to us during our bereavement in the death of our rather, C. T. Dndson. MEMREItS OK FAMILY. MISSION Dining Room Furniture We are showing very tasty Mission Din ing Room Furniture finished in v EARLY ENGLISH. See the very attractive suit in our Window Royall & Borden Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville St. Raleigh, N. C Suirrasettes to Kfctd Pnrlidineiit. (I'.v l.i-ascd Wire to The Times.-) London. March 30 The Kiiffra Kelles held si meelfnfe this Ufteriiotm and deeuled to make a rrtid upon the house of parliament. . tills - evening. 'I his course of action 'aW 'after fro inier As(ttith had refused fo receive, a ilcputat ion of tin! vfenien this morn ins. .; . ''' , 1 - , i j lo tne early Spring buyers these Skirts and -savers. , m IT. fa Waists will be great money W .... . m fl wnne visiting our store take a look at our fa Spring and Summer Coat Suits. They are beauties f( and you should not miss an opportunity of seeing ft them. . . . ... W Is 1 iwim mm. MASONIC TEMPLE - - - KALEIGH, N. C. 'fji 1 CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. . inim part' in Hu, Us fM You Hsttf Always 3otigM Bears the pignatura o ( " CiKT ACQl'AIXTF.I). Let, us have that family washing you want done this week for a trial. We Jiiake it ftpvWaltjr of line work let us launder the IrfK-e Curtjiins for you.' - A close, personnl attention to all work means that no matter llow deli cate lie fabrirs they will he handled here wjthout damage returned to you in Hrst-elasH condition. We have had and have only one price. I'KOI'LKS STKAM LAI XDUY, Incorporate. Oflice 'JiincH Itiiildliij;, 10. Jlargett Ht. Ihttli riionett, 71. mm H I 1 1 till MlUT 7 KEEPS CONTENTS HOT 2-tHOURS HAIR DHKSSINtJ & MANICUKINO. PUFFS, PUFFS, A X I) PUFFS. According to information received from fashion centres puffs will con tinue In vogue. They seem to lend a "queenly" . air. Wavy HwlteheR, pompadour.4 and all kinds of Hair. Goods are in Block and made to-order. Hair dressing, waving,, cutting, KiiiReiug, ahampooing, etc. Mrs. S. Parker Gurley, 408 Masonic Bdg. It. W. HUNTER, ' President una Trcwuner. E. a. BFRDSONO, ; Vlcc-rres. And 8oo. A tuotiB tlione coiii-erl will lie some of KaleiKH H mveetcnt Kingers, inclndins !Mrs. I ChnrleH McKimmon, Mis.-i Mary Cole, I M.ir.H Nina Grncii, Miss Surali Burk-' head, Dr. VV'.' C. Morton, Mr. Atford, Mr. Will liellor and d hers. Mins ila.s)ins, of Peace Instil tt'te, wiir.Klve ' ttvo readings, and Minn Flora Creech will be one of "A Happy Pair," a brlghl'llltle fofriedy to 'bo ' given at the close of the concert. It Is for the benefit of the Old Ladifts' Home and i the admission fee is fifteen cents; children half tirlee. Don't fail to ho . . ' .'--' ' .' I Wo are appreciative, and want you tt, come In any buy yoor "wants' roin KEEPS CONTENTS COLD 72 HOURS PINTS, $3.75. QUARTS, $5.75.' H. MAHLER'S SONS JEWELERS. J. M. JUGGAiV, Miumjier. T. K. GUKFiX, Sh. & Trias. KING GROWELL DRUG COMPANY ' . : . RALEIOH, N. C. . - .- . . Representative Drug Stock and Sundries Bplendid Soda Fountain Service. One Cliarter Today. ' Tho Lenoir Chair Company, of Le? nolr, N. C, was granted charter -today. The objects of the coliipWiy us. "If you do not trade., with us we IMJTU LOHIi ' "" ' Respectfully, t ' . . v' "': id ' KING-CROWFLL nnif, r.n are to manufacture from.'wiueh.fnair-- i' . .fi.r -1 ' . " ua-mwid wir eharr tAkfe, trvrul- .HE .JtEAAliL' STORDk ' ,', ' ,. The Raleigh Furniture Company N v RALEIGrH, N. C. EvertHnfJor the Home and Office. Large stock of ' Funiture .Stqves, and Floor Coverings. ; Agents for Remington Typewriters. , ; 1 We' apre'ebttfe' your patronage and want you to come' in and buy from us, , ' . " We make, terms to suit our patrons. v 1 cash or Easy weekly or monthly v ; , PAYMENTS! ' ' ' ' . i .V xaursto.serve.w.., f i v ' ' v r: . ' Kic ttalclgh Furniture Co. 17 Efwst Martin ,h.nd 18 Market Streets. . : ''': ,-. ' s'.-V .' '.U .,...1. ..j. t .. '.':: J. M. RtGOAX, Manager. v 1 , ; Ti H. GREKVi Sec and Trea, ' Capital City' Phono 672. -, " ; - .-'is-' . ' I ---''.-'.-'' atY.''ijSjq(V.ai'rAO'jfti,'r '- .r . ; ,r. '. ,'lt-" f t. 1 1 1.