-AC page Tnr.u 1 THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. 0 i"li"".yrr TIE . ... p PROGRAM: TODAY "FOR 1X)VKS SAKE." "TH K PHOTOGRAPH HA HIT." ' "HUM! POUCH!" ENJOY TH E BEST. ALMOST CERTAIN YAW WILL COME SATURDAY IS THE DAY! Have You Subscribed ior Shares? Many shares have already been sold, and if you. want to be in the largest series ever issued come now and take shares in the 8fch Series. The payments are weekly or monthly, as you prefer. Ask your next-door neighbor if you want "to know who are carrying shares. The Raleigh Boilding and Loan Association, Easter Monday at Academy of Music TO BE SETTLED TONIGHT Greater Social Kven for Easter Mon day Night World's Highest Singer Meets Popular Demand in Italeigh. ; Subscribers Reserve Seats in Advance. Judge T. 1$. WOMACTv. Pres. JAMES C. ALLISON, Sec. & Treas. I : , I " p P 1 11 1 IB ; THE HOUSE THAT GUARANTEES I )(. Hew Imii Rye. . . . .... . . . ... . .... ..... ... .:t.2 I x. Ovcrimlt . . . .jj.. . . o.OO I (Is. Mclivotid. . . .. .... .... . 5.00 -I Jts. l ull Dress ................. ; . ............. 5.00 I yis. Vn. Dew, Corn :5."" 4 yt. Old Dixie, Corn 1.00 Express peitl on all nlsove In iliiy point in North Cmolinit. :Hi Pints riiess Otlb Hve $10.08 75 llntr Pints Chess ( lul Rye. . 1 1.25 'MY Phils' Jeljleo Orn . . . ;.. . . ................ .:. ... . ,.. . . . .$ 1M0 75 l(:ilr riiils Jelliio Cm '..- . .73 skk prick-mst ion jig ;oods. S. T. SMITH, Pres. P. P.. (iRII'MS, See. & Treas. JEFFERSON LIQUOR CO (Incorporated) PKruitsm rg, v. Manager J. Sherwood Upchurch, of the Academy of Music, stated this '"rflorning that he had received a per fect torrent of replies to his postal card of inquiry and that every indi cation pointed to the closing of the contract for the appearance of Mnie Kllen Beach Yaw for Easter Monday night. .The celebrated grand opera singer, who has surpassed by one note every other star-will, unless all signs fail, receive an ovation in Raleigh. To open the post-lenten season with such an attraction as Mfne. Yaw means that Raleigh will have many prominent guests for Easter. The young ladies of the Baptist Univer sity for Women, Peace Institute and St. Mary's School will grace the occa sion, the entire gallery being reserv ed for their exclusive use. Many young people are already screduled to be guests in Raleigh homes and a letter from one of the best conserv atories of music in this section stated that a number of the pupils of that institution will be bore for tlie ap pearance of Mmc. Yaw. The entire lower floor back to the last six rows will be sold at J2.00 each, nnd the last six will bo sold at ?l.f0. The free list of the Academy will be suspended, because the large guarantee necessary to attract the groat star to Raleigh will require the full patronage of Raleigh's cultured people. Manager rpcliui-ch's mail tonight will settle the matter. If half the guarantee has been promised the con tract will be closed and the decision will be announced tomorrow morn ing. All orders for subscribers seats will be responded to with an order, which, when presented at the Tucker Building Pharmacy on Monday morn ing, the 5th, at 10 o'clock, with the amount for tlie tickets, will be good for subscribers seats. No one but subscribers will be allowed to reserve seats on Monday and all who notify Mr,;, Upchurch by tomorrow the num ber of seats they : will take will be given subscribers privileges. F'.'i'.v's Honey ami Tar is a.safe KliaiM UKulnst. serious results from .-.prins colds, v. hlch inflame the 'lungs and develop' into. 'pneumonia. Avoid counterfeits by insisting ..'upon having the gomiine Foley's ..Honey and Tar, .vliieh contains no harmful drugs. Kinr4--C'nv.cll Ping Company, Payette.- ville ijud ItaivU .streets. . It A MONEY MAKING PROPOSITION I'OK TIIK CONSIDERATION OF ALL WHO 151 V EKED FOR HORSES AND M I' EES. Having given (ho reeding of sto'k great study and careful eonsidera tion the. past 10 years 1 have become convinced that there is a great Km ing in luivlny; Hie feed for yonr si oek ground. My own experience Is confirmed ly Hint of a iiimiiImt of my customers who have tried Huv ex periment. I have recently installed III my store, :Kli South Wilmington Street, a modern mill propelled by elei trlt ily. I ran touch the button and e-i,l your feed while you wail at an old In my saving in cost. Come In and lei me prove it. ' . F. It. PHIEE1PS, HOI) South Wilmington St. - - RALEIGH, N. C. , Lecture At St. Mary's. . Prof f'olller CoKIj, of the University or North I'liiolina. will lecture at H. Jlnrv's this evening at o o'clmk on .."The Liincn and Imiii'h of tlaicony." Tln lecture' will be mud liilrrentlnK llli llluslrated slides. The public Is Cordially Invited to r.tteml the lecture; Vp Refore the Rar. N. H. Hrnwn, an attorney, of Pitts fleld, Vt., wtlU's: "We buvo used Dr. King's New Eire Pills for yenr and 11 ml them such a givd fiunlly tuedleiun wii wouldn't ho' wllliput them." For t'hlllii, t'onsllp:illoi, ItillnuHiiess or Sick Headache they work wonders. Jftc. at all druggists. ' Plshop Cheshire: will administer tho eacred rite of rontlrmatlon at Christ church tomorrow evening. Servlcen at S o'clock, The public Is Invited. JOINT RECITAL AT PEACH. Tuesday lOvenlng Ry Misses Mary and Alice Henkel. Tliore will be a joint graduating re cital given at Peace Institute Tuesday evening, April Cth, at 8:30 o'clock by Miss Mary Henkel, graduate In voice, and Miss Alice Henkel, graduate in expression. The public is invited to ut' tend the recital. PROFESSIONAL LAWYER. General Practice' In the Stute mid Federal Courts. 400 Tucker Ruildlng, RAEEKJII. N. C. Or, Edward Green DENTIST. Office Over Raleigh Banking and Trust Company. (Round Step Bank) . HOURS: 8 to m and 2 to 5 p, m. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. I BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. t $65 in Gold Offered ! To tho North Carolina Farmers who buy their planting seed from me for this Spring's planting: Rest yield per acre . ..... . .$25.00 Second best yield per acre 13.00 Rest bale lint cotton ........ 10.00 Rest stalk cotton Merits: ' . . Most open bolls . . . . .... 10.00 Second best stalk .. . .... . . . 5.00 To bo decided ut N. C. State Fair In October. Yours truly, V. A. SIMPKINS. During the spring every one would be benefitted by tuklng Foley's Kidney Remedy. It furnishcM a needed tonic to the klduevs uftor the extra b train of winter, and It 'purifies tho blood by .stimulating tho kidneys, and causing them to eliminate the impurltos from It. .Foley's Kidney Remedy Imparts new llf and vigor. Pleasant to take Klng-Crnwell Drug Company, Fay ettcville and Haigett stroels. Dunsfon's Barber Shop Under tho Round Step Rank. Remodeled and completely changed and Is now In charge of Frank Hor- ton, who was with Otey A Bona for 8 rears, Onr work I thp Rest. . Aire ns a trial T, D, UOKTON, Manager. i i PI New arrivals Everything in perfect readiness to meet the urgent demands . of , tlie nublic, incident to the Easter Festival, when the buds of promise burst. into full bloom and nature will clothe herself m the garo 01 spring; ; NEW HATS HAVE COME IN. ' Show week, just passed, was a grand millinery success. will make this week's show even more auspicious. Beautiful French Hats, New York Pattern Hats, , Exquisite Tailor-Made Hats, Our Own Creations and Copies from Master Milliners Such as Georgette, Bernheim, Levis, Germaine, Alphonsine, Feurly, Loui son, Leontine, Talbot, and Carlier. To see them is to be pleased and to be pleased is to buy. If you have ideas of your own formulate them and we will quickly execute your orders to your most perfect satisfaction. No special orders taken after Wednes day noon. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS. New models of perfect taste, each model being of that elegant sim plicity which stamps the style the creation of an artist. The stock is at its, best now and it is the height of wisdom for you to make immediate select tions to give ample time to make alterations satisfactory and free of charge. Swellest Suits, Broadway Styles, in the most desirable Spring Cloths and colorings ..... ......... $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50 up. Lingerie Suits . . . . ; V . $10.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 up. FRONT SECTION IN SPLENDID SPRING ARRAY. ( , Space forbids the exploitation, properly made, of the magnificent show of Silks, Dress Goods, Trimmings, White Goods, Linens, Cotton Fabrics, Parasols, Fans, Gloves, Laces, Neckwear, Hosiery, Embroidery, Etc., Etc. ' LA GRECQUE AND K ABO CORSETS PERFECTLY FITTED WHILE you wait. ; B 0 YLAN- PEARCE CO M P ANY. APPLICATIONS ,1'OR POSITIONS. Many Candidates Ro-iege New -Alder men Applications:'" Should be Made by Letter. Many aplicalions are being made for positions in the chvploytnont of tho city. Tlie applicants -seem to have overlooked the fact that only the primaries.' have been held and candidates nomiualed. but not elect ed. The regular election will not be held until May, and it will bo alter tho election when tho new board as sumes Its duties. The election, how ever, of the oilier officers of the city and the filling of the several positions will not occur until July, so ''that there is ample limo for all. applicants to eritahl.sh their claim.1;. The candi dates for aldeniH'li can. of course, consider no applications until t hey are elect'Ml ami ijitiililied at; alder me.i. . They reijuc. t. t.hureforu, . that all anplienlions be Ulcrl bv )ell'i' and that endorsement;! of friends be made in the sar.i!; Way. 'Applications mailed to arty one of the candidates will bo : jirMeufed to the full board and duly fop.sij.-rod by nil. TIiIh will save a groat ie of time and will be much mure cfi'ect ive. .J,oug .peti tions arc mine essary. Iei,ters from reputable eiti;::'iiH wjll he eiit.irely sufficient. It is tho purpose of "the new board, if elected, to select the best, men pos sible, for each position, and to this end not to jna'ke any -commitments urii.il all the applications are before them, so that tlie claims of every tr plicant and the commendations of their friends may bo carefully con sidered. - Revival at lreshyterlan Church. Tho.. meetings at tho Presbyterian church continue to grow in interest. Last ""evening Dr. Black preached from the text, "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found," after which i Iargu-number responded to the in- iiation to come out on the Lord's side. ' Services tonight at 7:45 and Sun day at 1 1 and 7:45. Everybody is invited to come and briny; a friend. We often wonder bow any one can be persuaded Into taking anything but Foley's Honey and Tar lor coughs, colds and Iuiib trouble. Do not be fooled Into accepting "own make" or other substitutes. The genuine, con tains no - harmful ni nes ami is in a yellow paeknvre. -King-CioweU Ding Company, Hargett a lid Faycttcvllle street s. Notice of Administration. Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of A. J. Jackson, de ceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to the undersigned for payment, on or befpre the 1st day of April, 1910, or this notice will bo plead in bar for their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immodiute set tlement. LEO. D. HEARTT, Administrator of A. J. Jackson, - Deceased. Armlsteittl Jones & Son, AUornoya. "I'd Rather Die," Doctor. than haVe my. feet cut off," snid M. L. HinKlintn, of Princovillo, 111. "but you'll die of gangrene (which had eat- 11 away eight toes) if you don't" said til doctors.. Instead, be used Hueklen's Arniea ..Salve until wholly cured. Its u res of tv'.enia, Fever ' Sores, Coils, Kuril.'; nnd Piles astound the world. 11D cuts at all druggists. . C0PYRIW. Have You Tried Our Brick Cream? Only 35 Cents Quart. Plain Cream, Any Flavor, 25 Cents Quart. BETTS' ICE CREAM. gBlECT:: We will ship you Fresh Deer Direct from Brewery in four and six dozen crates and 10 dozen barrels. You buy direct from Brewers when you order from us hence the best quality at lowest prices. Orders filled day received. Remit with order ; registered letter, P. O. or express money order. F. O. B. Portsmouth. BEERS. 4doz. 6dor. 10doz. Bronco Export, $3.60 $5.40 $9.00 Virginia Pale, 3.60 5.40 : 9.00 Exposition, 3.60 5.40 9.00 Tlie Bwrt are mdV at iKe ContunKrs nnwew (rontrollrd hy uO and nrr ahuoluu-ly purr and nutritiou.i - rrrdiict f,f (hr Snitih'i fniding Brrwrry mailc from tlie bfrt Bar tcu and Matt. TEMPERANCE BEVERAGES. ' 4doz. 6 do?. Ifldoz. Rhtinbrau. . $3.60 $5.40 $9.00 S8ick, 3.60 5.40 9.00 Thr Iwa Irmivtance bevrrase are highly - j nutfilHMj. A rbtr of 25 crnb ecr d'wtcn allowed on I all Uitll- tftutn-d. Express Charges Prepaid on Following Whiskies Familv Cam Whislipv Sprcial Com WhUkey, Comfort Rye, . Manor 100 Prool Rye, Empire Rye, . . Minion Lo;n, , , 4 qui. $4.00, 12 q!j., $11.00 , , t qts., J.UJ, i qis., o. jo , '. 4q!s., 3 00. I2qt., 8.50 , . 4qi., 5.00, 12 qts., 13.50 $ 1 . 50 per gal . , express collect. 51.50 per gal., expres collect, SEND ALL ORDERS DIRECT TO UL&E.-MAH0N P0PTSM0UTH.VA. THE GEM COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILY. ALL $EW THH .MVSTKRlOfS DOCBLK. ' r ''(, : .:" THE SIOUNOLK'S VEXG- HOXGS: (Kil-hy Hivoct heart, (jM)d-bye The Horary, I5y ICtliellicit Nrvln. PRICES: Sc. and 10c. Foster & Mansfield SKATING 3 to 3 1. M. Tuesday, Thursday, niul Huturdajr, 8 to 10:30 P. M. Every Night Except Wednesday and Sundiiy. GLENWOOD SKATING RINK. FOR SALE CHEAP Edison 1008 Model Moving Picture Machine. Write for information. HOWLING AND BOX BALL. 4 For a Pleasant Game of Bowling and Box Ball Visit ':i RALEIGH BOX BALL PARLORS. A Match Giimc Each Wek. No. 9 East Hargett Street, Adjoining the New Masonic Temple. 1 .8 jltj.j,i-: ilL

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