. . i I: Tipi EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. a . " , ; ' mVi' PAGE PIVE , ' TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain and New York Stock Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) x New York, Aprl 1 3. The reaction continued In full swing this morning, currying prices of the majority of is sues down sharply in the first ten min utes, losses ranging from fractions to about one point. Amalgamated de clined one point and Steel common lost 4 with this downward movement though the decline was checked and before the end of fifteen minutes a stronger tone developed. . New York Closing Stock I, Atchison, ..... . . .... . Atchison pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore & Ohio . . . . . .. . Canadian Pacific . ... . . . . . Chicago & Alton. . . . . . Chicago & Northwestern , . . Colorado Southern .". . . . . . Denver & Rio Grande Denver & Rio Grande pfd. . Erie .. . .. .. .. .. . Illinois Central ........ . Louisville & Nashville, ... . Mexican Central. . . . , . , . . Missouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . New York Central Pennsylvania . . . . ... Reading .-;' . . . Rock Island . . .... .... . Rock Island pfd. .... St. Paul ; . . . Southern Pacific. ... . . Southern Railway . . . . . . . Union Pacific. . .. . . . . . . . Waabsh .... . . ....... Wisconsin Central ... . . . . . Interboro-Metropolitan. ,. . Great Northern .. . . .. Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line ..... . . . Amalgamated Copper . . . . . American Car & Foundry . . . American Locomotive . . .'. . Am. Smelting & Refining. . . Am, Smelting & Refining pfd. Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . . Colorado Fuel & Iron ... . , . General Electric. . . ... . . . National Lead . . . ; ... . . People's aGs. . .. . . . . . . . Pressed Steel Car . . . . ...' . Pullman Palace Car . . . . . Southern Pacific pfd. . . . . '.'.. Sugar w ; . . . . , . . , '.; United States Steel . . ... . . United States Steel pfd.'-.. . Mackay's pfd. . , Va.-Carolina Chemical . . Westlnghouse Electric . 1st. .107 .104 .112 .176 ..,72 .181 . 64 . 48 .88 . 29 .145 .134 . 24 . 72y4 .'130 .134 .135 . 24 . 64 .150 .121 . 26 .186 .18 . 49 . 15 .146 .122 . 75 y4' . 50 .55 . 87 . .103 . 75 .36 .157 . 82 .113 I . 38 .174 .125' .132 .; 50 .113 . 72 .. . 44 . 81 Chicago Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times) (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, April 3 The suspension ot John Dickinson & Co. and the covering of all open trades closed by that concern caused great nervous ness, not only In the wheat market, where May was covered quite freely, but the nervousness extended over Into the corn and oats market. May wheat sold at a new high level, reaching a figure c. above the record price of the Gates deal in February, 1905, "when it reached 121. The July sold at a new high record, too the highest in many years. , Corn was . to c. higher; oats to c, better, and provisions 2 to 5c. better. Opening Wheat, May, 121 to 121; corn. May, 67 to ; oats, May, 65 to ; pork, May 17.87; July 17.87; lard, May, 10.15 to 10.12; rib. May, 9.35. . Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: Wheat Open. High. Close. July , . 1.21 1.22 1.21 July . . 1.08 1.08 1.08 Sep. . . 1.00 1.00 1.00 Corn May . . .67 .68 .68 July , . .6655 .67 .66 Sep. ... .66 .66 .66 Outs May . . .55 .55! .55 July . . .48 .48 .48 Sep. . . .40 -40 .40 Pork : May . . 17.87 17.92 17.90 July . . 17.90 17.92 17.90 Sep. . . 17.92 Lnrd ' May . . 10.15 ! 10.15 : 10.15 July.. 10.25 10.25 10.22 ' Sep. . . ..... 10.32 Ribs ': May . . 9.33 9.35 9.32 July . . 9.47 9.47' 9.45 Sep. .. . 9.65 9.65 9.60 Cotton Port Receipt Today. (By Leased Wre to The Times) New York, April 3 Cotton port receipts were as follows: New Orleans, 1,888 against 3,979; Galveston, 6,913 against 7,360; Mo bile, 314 against 690; Savannah, 2, 318 aaginst 2,182; Wilmington, 680 against 126; Norfolk, 909 against 321; Boston, 52 against . . ; Philadel phia, 162 against 60; Pcnsacola, . . against 53; various, 118 against .... Total, 13,653 against 14.872. Interior Receipts Houston, 2,695 against 1,075; Augusta, 578 against 143; Memphis, 1,004 against 1,681; St. Louts, 494 against 977; Cincin nati, 142 against 661. Total, 39,904 against 4,637. : Commercial Silver. (By Leased Wire to The Times,) New York, April 3. Commercial bar silver 507o.; Mexican dollars 44c. M Mitts New York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, April 3. The cotton mar ket opened strong and at an advance of six to seven points. There was lit tle for sale and sentiment remained bullish on continued dry weather In Texas. Commission houses all had or-, dcrs to buy, which were supplemented by heavy covering on stop loss ac counts. Opening May, 9.64 to 9.66; July 9.59 to 9.0; August 9.50 to 9.51: October 9.41 to 9.42; December 9.39 to 9.40; January 9.35 to 9.36. i . Open. High. Low. Close. Apr. . ... . ... . 9.(11! May . 9.64 9.70 9.63 9.67 .Tune ..... 9.59 July . 9.59 9.63 9.59 O.O'O Aug . 9.51 9.52 9.49 9.50 Sept. . 9.42 9.43 9.42 9.44 Oct. . 9.41 9.45 9.11 9.4 I Nov. . ... . 9.41 i Dec. . 9.40 9.42 9.40 9.41 Jan. . 9.36 9.38 9.35 9.37 March .... ... . .... 9.36 Baleigh Cotton ll&rJcev Good middling 9e. Strict middling 9VtC Middling 9iC. Receipts today 35 bales. New. Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close. Apr. . .... 9.58 May. 9.64 9.68 9.63 9.67 June . ... . : .... 9.71 July . 9.75 9.S2 9.74 9.81 Aug. . 9.69 9.69 9.69 9.68 Sept. . ... . ., . ; ... : 9.54 Oct. . 9.40 ?AA 9.40 9.43 Dec. . 9.38 9.40 9.36 9.39 Ji'il. . 9.37 9.38 9.37 9.38 Market closed firm. . i Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool, April 3 Spot, steady: middling,- 5.17; receipts, 4,000, all American; sales, 6,000, 500 of which were for export and speculation and 5,000 American; futures opened steady and closed quiet".. Opening. Closing. April :. . '.. 5.05 5. 07 5.06 Apr.-May . 5.04 5.06 May-June . 5.06 5.08 ' 5.07 Juna-July 5.09 5.08 5.07 July-Atig. 5.10 5.1 3 5,1 2 Ailg.-Sept. 5.06 (rl 5.08 5.06 Sept.-Oct. 5.03 & 5.04 5.04 . Oet.-Nov. . 5.00 (fi 5.02 Vi 5.02 Nov.-Dec. . 4.99 Ci;5.00 , 5.00 Jan.-Feb. . 4.99 - - 5,00 Feb.-Mar. . 5.00 5.01 Raleigh Poultry Market. (Reported by L. H. Adams.) liens 50c. ' - -: - ' Spring chickens, 35 to 40c. Chicago Live Stock. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Union Stock Yards, III., April 3. Hogs Receipts .10,000, market strong to 5c. higher; mixed and butchers 6.70 to 7:15; good heavy 7.00 to 7.15; rough heavy 6.70 to 6.95; light 6.70 to 7.05; pigs 5.70 to 6.40 bulk 7.00 to 7.10. Cattle--Keceipts 2,000; market steady beeves 4.65 to 7.25; cows and heifers 2.40 to 6.25; stockers and feeders 3.75 to 5.50; Texans 4.75 to 5.90; calves T.M to S.25. : Sheep Receipts 1.500; market steady Sheep 4.75 to 6.75; Iambi-, 6.S5 to 8.40. t'otton-secd OH. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, April 3 Cotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: ' Closing. April . . , . V 5.375.44 May . . . . , . - 5.52 5.53 July . . . . . . . . . 5.75 (m 5.76 September . . . . . . f.f4 & 5.96 October ; . , . . . 5.78 5.90 November . . . . . . . 5.35 C" 5.4 5 ' Market closed quiet; sales, 5,'JOO barrels. T . ' New York Provision Murket. New York, April 3 Cash produce: Spot cotton, 10.90; Minneapolis No. 1, northern wheat, 118. Wheat Strong; No. z red, 129 f. o. 1). . ' Corn Firm; No. 2 mixed, 75 c in elevator. Oats Steady; No. 2 mixed, 56 c In elevator. Rye Steady; No. 2 western, 88 f; o. b. Barley Dull; feeding, 74 75 c. 1. f New York. ,' Flour Firm; spring patents, 6.Z5; winter straights, 5.75. Mill Feed Steady; western bran to arrive, $26.00. I Pork Easier; mess, 18.50. Lard Steady; prime western, 10.40.:-.'-...," Tallow Quiet; prime city, 5. Coffee Firm; No. 7 Rio, 8c. Sugar Firm; granulated, 4.85. HUBBARD BR0S.& CO HANOVTEB 8QUADU NEW TORK. MEMBBR8 of New Tor Cotton jr: ehanit. New Orleans Cotton Us cifcange, Assoelati Manners Uw pool Cotton Assotatlen ORDERS BOLICITBD ror U ii ahaa and sal of aottoa for futnn j tallTtfy. OrrMQOBdBoe tovtuo BY WIRE! Provisions. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. SHOTWELL) New York, April 3. Stocks with whic h Kiiwin llawley is identified were ' the only strung features of trading In Wall street today. Intci borough-Mct- i ropdlitan, Alton and Chesapeake and i Ohio were the active representatives of the group. Alton crossed 72, Chesa peake anil Ohio was active around 70, and Intei'liorniigh-Metropolltan pre- i tVrrecl advanced above the,' closing of yrsteiiiay. .Anterican lec- waa another I strong feature. This stock having fall en into tin; hands of conservative peo ple and having harvested a bountiful crop in Maine, it is expected to make considerable money this summer. Heading was very irregular and fail ed to yii'ld although the bears were, busy with rumors that the -commodity clause decision would be rendered Monday against the company. Ilanlmau's stocks showed the re sult of profit taking, but in London, where the selling was most active yes terday, there was a more cheerful tone. Announcement of a failure, on the Chicago board of trade as the result of tin; wheat advance had no effect in New York, where the firjii -'is also a member of the Consolidated Exchange. On the New York curb market the low priced copper stocks were the feature. Nevada Consolidated, Kerr Lake, Ni plssing, LaRose and Giroux were the other strong features. Xew York Cotton Letter. (By V. B. Hibbs & Co.) New York, April :i- The situation and outlook of the cotton market has been improved to such an extent dur ing the week that the tendency has been turned upward. The generality of traders have professed the belief this has been due chiefly to the drought; situation in Texas and have commented on this to s'.ieh an extent the impression has erroneously been created that the whole state is suf fering so much for the want of gen eral soaking rains Hint -the crop in that section is destined to have a late and very poor start. As a mat ter of fact there has been little or no departture from the normal winter's rains except, in the central and south ern portion of the state, and as a consequence this situation is being exaggerated. One should remember the enormous territory in Texas and that it produces 25 to 30 per cent, of the crop in a normal season. As a matter of fact the market turned from its depression early in the week oil the development of a much better class of buying and cer tain leading operators taking in their shorts and doubling up on the long side on the much better prospects for an earlier settlement of tho general tariff question than indicated last week and the Improvement which is now unquestionably developing - as a consequence in general business. This new buying coming on a sold out and over-sold market in the gen eral option lists here as well as at Liverpool and New Orleans has made the speculative condition much more in favor of the bull side: The ad vance during the week has extended to 30 points or $1.55 per bale. As the demand for spot cotton as well as cloths and yarns is improving the situation and outlook is now in favor of higher prices for the general op tion list. Therefore purchases of July, August, and October are now more advisable, especially on the soft spots, . . Raleigh Produce Market. (Reported by h. H. Adams.) Butter 20 to 25c.: ; Eggs 15c, ... Hams 15c. Potatoes 70 to 75c. ., CURE flick flcadwtic ami r.-liovo I Uiu trouble tea dent to i bilious em to or the tyHtem, Mich 11 DIk'iicm. Xhusc, lro8iocn, Dittrwt after eating, 1'aln in the Side, lc. WW.n thclc aionl nouikable auccuta hut beta ihown In cutiDt SICK BetJachft, yet Carter' Little Livir Pi'.if an equally valuDlcli. Coi)8ttpntlon,curinpaii(ipr Tent'na tblt annoyiniicuuinlulnt. while theyalftO corroci au aiuoruere or tc hioi liver and regulate the boweli. tVc ttiomarb, etlmulathe tven JU)cyonl eurod S-SEAD Achr.Uiey would healn.:1. priceless to ihonewhe Sufler from UilndlstrwHiugcomflaint; butfnriu. Datelv the! r goodness does rtntenu hero,Hnd these who once try them will find these ill lie pll Is valu able In so many wav-s that they will not bewll Uugtodowltlicattbem. Butafler all alck bead ACME is the nana nf an many live that here ie when r make our great boast Uui hill curt It wtlto vt4Mtrs do not. Carier'ii Llitlo Liver Plllc rm very amall and Vnry caxy tn titke. 'Ineor twti ti'JIsniRke a dose ""wrareitr.vil. vcRetuhlo and do not m'y en '. a oj ueir Keu;.e action cleoss w who BBS them. . cum iiax:ia oc, itiw iosl . MR Edlks. Mtnci CARTELS s-gjj-. 1C. WAN la 1C. CLu ilfled Advertisements for tola column will be accepted at om cent per word for each Issue, CASH with the order. No ad vertisements wider this head will be charged. No Adv. token for lees than 10 CENTS an Inser tion. lc. WANTS lc. WANTKI) To buy small residence in desirable locality. Address, "Buyer", care Times. l-3t WANTKI) You to know we have 1,000 pairs of new Spring Oxfords for sale. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. ' 27 7t. WAXTKI) Lady to call on citizens; no samples; select own time. Can cam $10.00 or $15.00 per week. Address P. O. Box 571, Raleigh, N. C. 24tf. WAXTKI) Railway Mail Clerks. $800 first year. Examination in Raleigh May 15th. Preparation free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. .3-81 Mo. WAXTKI) By couple, room near good boarding house. Must have all conveniences. Address D. W., care Times. 3 5t. WAXTKI) AT OXCK Six or seven room house. with modern conven iences; desirable locality. Address X. Y. Z., care Times. 30 tf. WAXTKIi A traveling ' collector. Young man 21 years of age; must be a Christian and give the best of reference. Good position to right party. Apply at 419 S. Dawson Sireet, Raleigh, N. C. It SALKSMAN WAXTKI) To sell to Grocers, Druggists and Confection ers; $100.00 per month and ex penses. California Cider & Ex tract Co., St. Louis, Mo. r KKKK SAMI'LK Make $S a day. Other fast sellers. Everybody wants (hem. Catalogue free,; Leo Sultan,, 126 Pollock St., Newbern, N. C. ': " 3-3t .'. WAXTKI) Lady agents to sell the State Flag Toast Pillow Top. The latest, catchiest, and most popular novelty out. Address, Pink C. Ennis, Raleigh, N C. 3-eod-4t AGKXTS Nameplates, signs, num bers, readable -darkest nights. Easily sold. Profits large. Sam ples free, Wright Supply Co., Knglewood, 111. It AGKXTS To sell Wrapping Paper and Bags. Sideliners, who cover their territory every 60 days pre ferred. Samples light; ' commis sion liberal. Address, Paper De partment, care The Kemper Thomas Co., Cincinnati, O. It SALKSMAX To handle entirely or side line our $1,000 accident in surance; $5 weekly indemnity; with registration and identification, $1 annually; liberal commission; $250,000 deposited for protection ;' of policy-holders. New Jersey Registry Co., Newark, N. J. It WAXTKI) By couple, board and room at once. Would prefer two rooms. Must be convenient and near car line. Will be permanent and can give any references desir ed. Give terms and full Informa tion in letter to H. K., care The Times. 3 3t. WAXTKI! -Kour good canvassers men. Box 3.S7, City. 3-St WAXTKI All to know this is the time to buy .Oxfords for Easter. We have a large stock and guar antee sallsfaction. . Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. 3-7t SPKCIALS Ladies Wrappers, f 1; Sheets, 72x90, ;)8c.; Shoets, Klx90, 60c; Lonsdale Cambric, 10c. and 12 c: Best Blenching, lie. Hun ter Bros. & Brewer Co. 3-7t . HAILWAY MAIL CLKKKS ARE wanted. Entrance salary $800 per annum with promotion to $1,000. Examination May 15th. Particu lars free. Springfield School for Mail Service, Springfield, Mass. 27 Sats., 5t. LADIES Insist on having Dr. Mar . tel's Pills, the standard remedy. Best, safest, most reliable. At all druggists. Send for book, "Relief for Women." French Drug Co., ' 30 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. Sat-tf AVAXTEI) Traveling salesmen to sell fancy fruit ciders. $150 per month and expenses. Red Cross Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. l-30-52t-Sat. FOR BALE FOR KALE New Oxfords for Men, Women and Children. . All Styles, Colors and Prices. Hunter Bros, ft Brewer Co. 27 7t. BOTH OF OUR STORES WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW. THE UlCKS DRUG COMPANY. Both Phones. WAXTKI! A loan of $2,000. Se-i cured by Raleigh real estate. Ad-! dress, "W. B.", care ...Evening ! Times. 3-2t ! BCGGY (RlHBKIt TII5K), HAU- ness, Horse (4-year-old), Large Safe. For pale. M. M. Smith. U FOR SALK One Bed-room Suit of Furniture. Apply 21S N. Elm St. '. 3 t. f. Vim SALE A Cash Retail Grocery Business. This stand has the rep utation of being the best retail cash stand in Raleigh. A good bargain! may be had very reasonably for j stock of goods, excellent fixtures, and possession of the store at once. Purchaser can easily work up a cash trade of $3,000 to $4,000 per month. It has exceeded these amounts. Address, if interested, Box 404, Raleigh, 31-tf MISCELLANEOUS MOXKY TO LOAX OX RALEIGH Real Estate. R. N. Simms, attor ney, 20S-9 Tucker Building. l-10t ISN'T IT CHEAPER TO HIT CREAM from Ditghi at $1 a gallon than to make it yourself? This means Dughi's Ice Cream. , It WHEN BUYING SNOWDRIFT FROM . your grocer, see to it that you get Snowdrift and none other, for of ten a cheaper grade of goods is substituted at the Snowdrift price. V 25 lOt. DON'T ASK WHAT KIXD OF Cream Dughi will have Sunday, but order what you want; $1 per gallon, 25c. per quart. It WRITE US BEFORE BUYING liquors. We cut prices on all high grade liquors. John Wedderburn Co. Leading Pure Food Liquor Dealers In Washington D. C. 23-tf KASTKR CARDS AND BOOKLETS at Pescud's Rook Store," -100 Fay ettcvilie street. Mon., Wed., Frl. DIGHI RF-Dl'CKS PRICK OX Cream, but not in quality; $1 a gallon all the time. It VAXILLA, CHOCOLATE, STRAW- berry fresh from " berrie?, and Pineapple .Cream, Lemon, Orange, and Claret lees. That's what Dughi will have for your Sunday dinner. It PASTOR RISSKLL'S SKKMOXS are one of the special features of fered by The Saturday Kvening Capital each week. This is one of the most attractive features offer ed by any newspaper. Subscrip tion price 25 cents per year. Ad . dress The Saturday Evening Capi tal, Raleigh, N. C. e. o. d. t. f. THK CHKAP HATES FOR Drum's Cream aro not only for tomorrow, but for the year round. $1.00 per gallon, 25 cents per quart. , It FOR RENT VOil KKXT Throo : unfuriilslipfl rooms, OOli S, Salisbury SI. 2-L't FOIl I! EXT Desirable flat with all modern conveniences. Situated over Southern Express office. Ap ply to Mrs. F. P. Tucker. Tucker Building. 2(1 -if FOR KKXT Two unfurnished '. rooms, connected. Toilet adjoin ing. Address, "B", care Times. 1 fit. ; FOR KEXT--Throe rooms, dressing room and bath, 004 N, Blount St. Tues., Sat., Mon., Sat. .. j()ST A whlto setter dt'K with lemon ears, Answers to name of "Zeb'V Return to .I. E. Kennedy and get reward. Excelsior Laun dry. :!-tf 1 j r 1 mi 1SF t':i'V.'?3.'--i,v,v-i' Cor. Fayettcvilie and Davie Streets, Raleigh, X. C. Has a Honey-Saving Proposition to Make fhat YOU Cannot Afford to Miss, if you are Interest ed in a Business Education Write at once fcr our "SPECIAL APRIL OFFER" This special offer puts a business training at KING'S EUSINESS COLLEGE within the reach of every ambitious man and woman who wishes to be qualified to hold a good paying position, We GUARANTEE POSITIONS and pay railroad fare. Write us; we will be glad to tell you all about how to save several dollars on your tuition, and at the same time attend the Largest, Strongest and Best Equipped Business College in North Car olina. Handsome Catalogue free. Address, (INCORPORATED) CORNER FAYETTEVILLE R ALE I G II, 7k OfiiJTED-Jl sample Latest Model 'Rans'or" bicycle furnished by us, Our agents everywhere ait making money fast. Write for full jartiatiars and special offtr at once. NO MONK If RICOUIKEU until you receive and an Drove of your bicycle. Wesmp mm to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. wittuntt a cetti deposit in advance, Prepay freight, and allow TEN DAI'S FKEJB TRIAL dmini which time you may ride the bicycle and put It to any test you wish. If you are ther not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to lufr tlip liirvclp shin it h.irk lo u at nttr emprnu and vitu mi tut be out on cent. PATftDV D&ICC Wc fun"" tlie highest grade bicycles it is possible to make rHwIvni rnivta at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save fit to $2S middlemen's pronts by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's guar antee behind your bicycle. DO NOT lit'Y a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyom at any price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of actorp prices and remarkabia special offers to riUor agents Vftll 14 II I DC AeTAVlCU?ll when you receive our beautiful catalogue xA IUU WILL VC AdlURidntU study our superb models at the wmderfuU iciv Prices we can make you this year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for less monef than aiiv otlier factory. We are satisfied with 1.00 profit above factory cost. BU VCLE DKAL.EKS you s our prices, turners niiea me aay receivea. -COM) KANU lilCV LKS. We do not regularly handle second nand bicycles, but have a number on hand taken tn trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out nrnmntlv at nrirM rcncini? trnm fill tn &8 AAflCTrn DDnirCC wheels, imported IfUAd 9 tH-KKHatd, equipment of all kinds at half 50 HEDGETKORN en r ural 11m tidcc a sample pair The reeular retail trice of these tires is SS.tf ter tair, but to introduce we will sellyouaiamptcpatrtorb.&Jwshwttnordcr5Ji)t HO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES KAILS, Tar k or Glass will not let the air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in us;. DrSCTlPrOrVjMadeinallsizrs. Itislively and easvndinE.vervdurableand lined inside with a snecial miahtvof rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures without allow ing the uir toescape. We have hundreds of letters from uatis fiedcustomersstating that their tires haveonly been pumped uponceor twice in a whole season. They weigh nomore than au ordinary tire, the puncture resistinpqualities being given by several" layers of thint specially prepared fabric on the tread. The regular priceot these tires is$$.$o per pair, hut for artvertisinpnurnosrswearpmnkinirasDccial tactorvoriceto the rider of only S4.S0 per pair. All ordera shipped same day letter is received. We ship C. O. D. 00 approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. - We will allow a rash (iUnount of per cent (thereby making the price 64.S5 per pair if you 6cnd FUl.l. CASH WITH 0UDU1I and enclose this advertisement. You run no risk in sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OUR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We ore perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a br.nk. If you order a pair ot tliei a tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, we.ir better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever tised or seen at any price. . We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence "this remarkable tire offer. a-- v)f iirrn TES$E?& don't buy any kind at anv price until you send for a pair of fr IvU nttUr I fritiCa Hedjjethorn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at the special introductory price quoted above; or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usunl prices. nn cmr but write us a postal todav. DO NOT TfllXlt OF BUYING a bicycle UU ill i Wfilll or a pnir of tires from anyone until you know the new and wouderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. WriteitNOW. J. L. MEAD CYCLE C6MY, CHICAGO, ILL FU LL MAPLCSPRIK6 WHI5K Jiapie Bourbon whiskey This I3 n pure, delicious Bourbon Whiskey a brand that we are proud of. You will be delighted with Its rare mellowness. We will prepay express charges on this special offer.. Here are a few brands that will tickle your pal ate. Ther are guaranteed under the National Pure Food Law; initNEWC0M6CJ Per Gallon. Kentucky Queen.. .... ?2.50 Old Homestead....... 2.25 Newco .. .. ......... 2.00 Stonewall ... ......... 1.75 Petersburg Club 1.60. Old Reserve Corn Whis key.. 2-50 Old North Carolina Corn. 2 00 Old North State Corn. 1.50 Remit by Registered Letter, P. 0. or Ex press Money Order. Wo ship all goods In plain packages. Complete Pricc-Llst mailed upon request. THE NEWCOMB CO. , PETERSBURG, VA. "THE PROMPT MAIL-ORDER HOUSE." '.: KIM'S Business College : Incorporated. CAPITAL STOCK f 150,000 met AND DAVIE STREETS. N. C. AGEHTS' EACH TOWN id district tc ride and exhibit 7 can sell our bicycles under your own name plat at nr fitlO. Dsi-rintive hartrain lists mailed free. roller chains and pedals, parts repairs and tit usual retail prices. PUNCTURE - PROOF f Xotloa the thick robber trout "A" and puueture itrlp "B" and 'D," also rim strip H" to prevent rim cottlng. This tire will outlast any other make-vSOFT, ELASXIO aud ASK BIDING. QUARTS Per Gallon. Sherwood 10 years old 4.00 Sherwood-.5 years old 3.00 Mellwood 3.50 Old' Southampton Apple Brandy. . . . ... . Apple Brandy XXX..; Apple Brandy X...... Apricot Brandy it TO INTRODUCE, ONLY tTL ! nn ii im irr . 4.00 II 3 00 II 2.00 y 2 00 I c "v.. -JLl

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