V PAGE SIS TEE KVENINGr TIMES, RAlaUGH, N. 0. j: I i '.- 1' : 4 .-' t ' 1 .';' z0 YCU3 KIDNEYS. , 1H Not Endanger Life When a Ral eigh. Citizen Shows You the Cure. Why -will people continue to suffer , the agonies of kidney complaint, back ache, urinary" disorders, lameness, headache languor,, why allow them , selves to become chronic invalids, wheij a certain cure is offered them? Data's Kidney Pills Is the remedy to use, because It gives the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, cure yourself now, before diabetes, dropsy of Brigrht's disease sets In. Head this Jlaleigh testimony. J. A. Bragassa, south McDowell street, Raleigh, N. C, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills aiul can rec ommend them as a remedy of unnuc tlonable merit. I suffered a great' deal from backache, and was unable to ob tain relief until I took Doan's Kidney Pills. They went directly to the cause of my trouble, and It was not long be fore I was cured." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, -New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and takeno other. SOCIETY. MARY'S ANIMAL SHOW. Mary had a little lamb 'Twas Persian on her coat; She also had a mink or two About her dainty throat; A. btrd-of-paradige, a tern, And ermine made the hat That perched at jaunty angle On her coiffure, largely "rat." Her tiny boots were sabel tipped, Her gloves were musk rat too. Her muff had heads and tales of half The "critters" in the Zoo And when she walked abroad 1 wee She feared no wintry wind; At keeping warm 'twas plain to see She had all Nature "skinned." . April Lippincott's. MIbs Elsie Barker, of New Hill., was In the city iodai ; ; ; ill f-s-i Miss Addie Ray has gone to (iridium to spend some jtjjk Mr. and Mrs. B, Dry. of Cary, sient the day in the city. ' :-. : - ' Mrs. T. J. -iRfiVland' and lit i t. left for Warrentoii today to spend Mrs. R. B. John hits gone to ll.unlet to attend the meeting of the Koi king ham District Missionary Society. ,' :.,- Miss Mildred McNeill, who has been visiting in Moncure, arrived in the i'tty today, and is the guest of Miss Mildred Smith. -3 js.SS,-iS'f! W THE WOMAN'S STORK xx WB HAVE .THE AGKNCV m m ?n m to to to to to to to to to to to to to , , NEW A Fancy Silk, Net, Mescaline, or Lingerie Waist is a convenience to every woman, There are occasions when an elaborate cos tume would suggest overdressing and a tail ored Shirt Waist would be out of place. At such a time a dressy Waist worn with a tail ored suit would be "apropos" in every re spect. The stylish models in Waist, which we are now showing, can be used on such oc casions and they need not be limited to wear with a- separate skirt, for the lines and effects are so good that a charming costume would result were they combined with a skirt of suitable design. All the latest models of Waist are here to be seen and they are among the handsom est ever shown in this city. The quality of each is of the best-- and the workmanship unsurpassable. The greatest number of questions we have to answer is such as "How can you sell so cheap?" Because we know how to buy. We lead in the styles as well as the price, and are always showing something new. to to to to to m as t to K to to f. to to to to M to MASONIC TEMPLE of Henderson, MIsa TiOba Ptokes left today for a visit' to her home at Ayden. fMrs. W. W. Jones left today for a visit to Oxford. . " ... Mrs. W. HJ. Watson ts the guest of A. I. Hunter at St. Augustine. t '..','. Mrs. Miller; of Durham, spent the day in the city, spent the day in the city. ' Mrs. R. D. Walker, of Milton, is visiting- her sieter-in-luw, Mrs. K. D. Walker. ' Mis. Daniel Shea, of New York city, arrived in the city today to visit Miss Mary t'ole. - Mrs. Tom Lumsden and children went to Richmond today to visit rela tives. Miss Stebcl,. of Baltimore, who has been in the city several days, returned nemo today. Mr. John Cole. Jr., of Trinity College, is spending Sunday with his parents, Ue and Mrs. J. X. Cole. I'-.'-'-'" Mr. . C. I.mvry. from Dunn, spent vcstertlrtv in the eitv visitinir bis 11:1-' rents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. l,nvry. Mm. Murray Allen has returned In the citv friim New YorU, where she lias been visiting for .some time, i " Miss cja'udi.T Ayeock. of l.oulsburu. spi nt the day in the eily leaving in the a t'leriio'H for Ireenslmro. Miss T.iz.ie Savage reliinied to In r hoau' at Franklin, . Va., today., after a visit lo J)r. and Mrs, U. T. Vann. ''' ..Miss Nora Hell Kosser. who has been .'itiendiiig scho 1 at.iU. Mary's, has re-, tinned to her home in Atlanta, i ;.i. . . Miss Julia J. Robertson. ,,f ('haitotte. is yisifiiig -lier father tjeneral -'T. U. H.ili. rtson. at Hie i:xi Isanee llot.-i. . '''.. Mrs If. (5.. Hrown, lviiiiiieil to lu r liom.. in VVasliiiigtoii. 1. i Inday. al ter visir. to Miss I ''. ' 'I')' imi'- 'i.. y i . Annio 1 i'-iirnal U; Who i.' !' irliing niiisiV at I Inie's i 'iv.:U. .V.:el.ni . i; yis- ili'iig' friends.' at tfie Kaptii-t; Pniversity. Mi.is Aim. lit t Lie home vesi Ral.-ii )d; wi or Pi;. Ii. I', ft ii lias a.leut' lie- ay li.t llg I 1. 11. II''. ill . ! Wa.-hiiia-l' f. Mrs. Wall or Ivarioii n liiiaie.t lo lier j lionie in .Mae.m t-nlav ft-r Vfitiii"; li'e j liotue of Kev. and Mrs. J. i i luilu ie.. I Her daughter. . Miss Klizabetd Ky. rtoi't. I will i-i-M i, tin in the eily uatil M'linlay. "- - -Mrs. Margaret; Wood's frJun;.: will ! be glad to. learn that she is im;.Vo ins j ra'.iidi.v. Slie is still at Ih'X . Ik- pi.tal and will feniain there -for.' eight or ten days. ... THE SOMAN'S S lOHK 11 U a to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to l"OK I'KKKI.ESS PATTKKXS. : 0 1 f J i to- to to- to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to WS.1 to RALEIGH, N. C. ft JUS Mrs.- George Harris, was In the city today. LOCAL BRIEFS Marriage licenses have been issued to Joe Walker, of Cary, and Miss -Nonie i Wagoner, of Apex; Will Hartfield and Miss Pearlle Johnson, or Kolesvllle.. Dr. V. E. Turner, president of the National Dental Association, has re turned from Birmingham. Ala., where he attended the annual meeting of that association. Mr. Julian Frazier, who has been with tho Postal Telegraph Company in this city, has been transferred to Greensboro, where he has gone to take up his new duties. '. It is reported that Albert llocka- day, 'colored, was held up at t rabtreet bridge yesterday by two negroes and robbed. Mr. It. P. Sea well, of Carthage, pass ed through the city yesterday en route for Washington. D. C. The new adjutant general yester day issued his first commission. O. K. Hohbs, Company H. second regiment, Clinton, was made' second lieutenant. J. S. Peace, a white -man of Zebu- Ion, better known as "Pis" Peace, was lodged in Jail here last night charged with threatening the life of Mr. Archi bald Meldnnu I'c.iee could not give a peace bond. Mr. (1. W. Norwood. Jr.. has re signed his. position Willi Thus. A. Par tin Company and ' accepted a position with J. i : isepagat ten Ciipipany. Servui-s at Sel ii i s wi'l St. be I.iiUc' Home. ed .It St. a' I el'lliHUl I at four eoiMiil Siludav of Apr II lie llmiie i 1 1 ; 1 1 tin.' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 during lock by the First l'.aiiist church.. People past midille life usually have some kidney or. bladder disorder that I saps the vitality;' which'1 is naturally I lower in old age. Foley's Kidney Hein cdy corrects urfna'ry irouln.s. stimu lates the kidneys, and restores stivngth jand vigor. It eiirrs uric a. id troubles I by strengthening -the -kidneys so they I will strain out the uric acid that '.set 'ties in the ii'usrles and joints causing ! rheumatism. - King-c.'iowi'll l'rng Co.. F av'etteville and Hargelt streets. j Jl lXiK r.AIHiFlJ'S COI KT. Ail Affray anil One Drunk iU-fore His Honor. ( 'alvin Jeu'i-i-ys and . Albert Dunstoii. two small negro In ys. one very small and tin- ciiier aiore than ' Jiu.ll" air idiot, om-'aged . in a childish alle: . a! ion on tile stleeis. atll.OI d 111.1 alteiitioll of ii'lviitilit'l:' poiieeiiia u; . aiul iii'i" lialll-.-d into Judge Pa, Igor's ,-ourt I... lay, eli;i!ged with an affray, 'I'le y. were let off with a reprimand, : fharley Spruill. eoloi'ed. an o!d of fender., wu.- up. before Ins lionor cli'il'g iV. with being drui.k iiii 11' streets. It eost him Jv.'.. Smithllelil Itcits Wilson's .Mills. : SniUhtlehl. -April .;!. 'I'lie third nice, o'' SiiTiili;-e!d deb ated the third nine of Wil oii"s Mills en the t'oi nie-r'.s dia iiiond, yesterday. The score was nine t" two. The' batteries were: Sniitli lleld. Wallace. Smith and Hood;- Wil son's .Mills. P.irrish and Wilson. AVII.SO.VNKAVS. : rn ai lier Arrestitl I'or Von-Snpport of His l aiaily l"ire Near 'town. j . i Stieeial lo The Tiinesr I Wilson. 'April . :;--'rhe Rev. Tlios. P.. TtleUer.: a strolling; evangelist wlio ! has been t-xortiai! I'or several days on !the roriit house square and other : parts of the eity,. was ttrrested yester- day under a warrant sworn otit by liis ' wife, who lives iit lioeKiiiRhiini. j eluirijins iiith with abandonment, and .non-support, of herself and . eiuht 'children. Ho will be taken lo Uoi-k-liiiKhairt today and turned over to the authorities of tliitl city to be dealt i-wiili. j- A lire oeetirred last'nitht on the fartn of Mr. V. II. Davis, three jiiiiies west of Wilson. A .barn I'oii i.l.ninins about. Ihn bushi Iss of eottou ,'seed, barrels of eoru, iihoitt "on pounds of fodder was totally do Istroyed.as was ill so a tool-room roh j tai.iini; a lot of farmlni; implements. I The stables also burned, but tho rnl 'lle'iind stork therein were gotten out !in safety. The dwelling, bouse of tin; i tenant, Jlileis lOlberide, (oiored, wlili-h was located I 'i iir i'tl yards ' f t'o in the barn, was saved after si mi liums work by tin; iiei.yhhors, who iv tsponded to the tilarnt. .Mr. Davis hud no insurance oa any of the proi erly destroyed. . . On aceoitnl of : tin- wet crontid from the "ruin the niulit before, there was I'm fialiin yeslerday tit. tin; park as hail been arralmi (I bel.ween itae ford and Atlaiilie Christian coHoroh. .Mr. .1. Archie Clark, o.ie or Wil Kon's inosl f?(ni!il and prominent DYSPEPSIA "Having taken your wonderful -tCasca rtts' for three months and besmrentireh ! cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia 1 1 tliink a word of praiie ta due l I Cascarets' for their wonderful composi ; tion. I have taken numerous other to called remedies bat without avail, and 1 : and that Cascarets relieve more in a da) man an me others 1 have taken would It kyear." ..-. James McOune. 108 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. Plennant, Palilmble, Potent. Tuts Good. EViGood. Navet Sicken. Weko or Orlo. lUc.25c. 50o. Never told In bnli.' Th geo ids tablet stamped C C C. Qaaraatoed to Burs or voor moaer back. tit. Every Vtf'cnan la Intoroftted nd should know i about the wonnnfml Marvel wr''" , tvuuuiiv tt If he cannot antml the HAKVKU lucent no ethnr. hut Mend fltr.mn fnr IHim. tralnl hnolt mini, It fire lu'l I'firUrolartl Hnd f1iri'Hinm lliv-tlurtil WlwilM.TtMKVti.CQ. 44 B. b Ct.. in hm Ti7 nnmiA i Wmt Week . ; ;:: We show the largest assortment of Plain and Fancy Silks to retail at 50c. a yard that can be found in the city. They include China, Japs, Pongee, Ameri ette, Shantung, and many fancy kinds. The same weight Suesine Silk. A great variety of Wash Goods in "White and Col ored Weavings are shown to retail at 10, 12, and 15 cents, "v , -:r v.' Great Big Stock of White Goods and Linens will be found here, 10 to 50 cents. Don't forget to buy your Saster Hat NOV. Don't put it off. We are the right people to buy from. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. voting niati, had 'tin esl r'cmely nar-i now-. esctipe from- a .sovoro injury or ' sudden. doa'!i yesterday evetiiuK. In , i':is.j:'iK near tlie storage dopov of the Ainerieaii Toliaci'o t'oair.tttiy .Mr.J t'lark, win) v.;is In his automobile driving-.- at-, s real- vpeed, ran. into a : ditch atnl the P'achine titrned :i. com- ! p'.ete somers;r,:ll., throwinc the youiiR ' ir.an 'under' it. . Up was taken to the . sanitorium, it bei.ig: at first thought I he was badly hurt. Fortunately, .Mr. I (Mark eseiiiieil with but. sliirht injuries, none of wliicii are now regarded as serioitii, and his friends, w hose names are jeiiion, are congriitulatiii; him on his ntr. row escape. The machine was almost, a. total wreck. .' . TieaMiry Statement. (By Leased Wire to The Tillies) Vasliiii,a,iut;, April Total re ceipts, '1.:1.V.; tot ;il eXpeiuM lu.res .? 1 .SOU, loin. . Excess of recelpta ovi.'i' e.pi'!iiii'iir's, $2 2 -1,25 iii-. Avail able cash : halaa;:e $l,M.02V,IHiti. .": Nfiv Vork Money .Market. ( Ily Leased V.'ire lo Tlie ..Times) New Vork. April II Moim y cm call ii(t!ii:i aaid. posted rales id e fling -'-h:ttKS-. -I s,; 'V to -Ins ',, with no- j lual. Im.siiies.s in bankers bills at 17.7(1 to .7."". for demand, and IMP', 1 t lor lei day bills. J'r:iii(v mercantile liajier iiticlmugt'ti'. Lawyer (iets I'oiiiteeii Years. (Hy Leased. Wiie to The Times ) New Orletinii, ),a., April :i - Robert .). .Maloney, a lawyer eonvicled of defrauding clients of $300,000, wtm yesterda ysenlenced to fourteen years in the penitential). CASTOR I A For Infaats and Childioa Th Kind You Hays Aiwajs Ssughl Bears the Signature of Special C i q a r Sa I e WE ARE OPEN SUNDAY. Official Seal' Perfectos. sold regularly at 3 for 25c ', . -:k '-I'i- i; n '1 SATURDA Y A N D S UN DAY' (Special 5c. Each. KING-CROWELL Drug Co. 1 THE RECALL STORE. 1 () ItEVKIiOI'M KXTS. (Jill Still Held in (he City T,ocliup. No I'llitiu r Eviileuee ( iiearthed. j So' -far as can !o learned from the,! aitfhorit'ies Ihere have: been no de velopments in the case against Van 1 l:ill, charged with liiutilati.jf; tlie hooks of the police justice. Gill is still in the Kuardhouso. (JUT A'yi7AIXTl'.l. Ijet lis have that family wiikIiIiir )im mini done this week for ii dial. AVo make u specialty of line work let ns launder the Ijiict; Curtains for von. v . ",,.... ............. ...,...,'.. ....... work means that no iniiller how deli cate the fabrics they nil! lie handled j here without damage returned to j you in (Irst-elnss eondition. We have hud mid have only one price. riOOPl.KS ST HAM liAlMUlV, llieoi'ptiratel. Ofllte Times lltiildine;, ;. Harnett St. lioth rhoiies, 74. HAIR imESSING & MAXKTRIXC. I'LFKS, I'UFFS, A N D PIKFS. AccordiaR to Information received from fat.hion centres puffs will con tinue in vogue. They seem to lend a "queenly" air. Wavy switches, pompadours, and nil kinds of Hair Coods are In stock and made to order..'-Hair dressing, waving;, -cutting; singeing, shampooing, etc. Mrs. B. Parker Gurlcy, 408 Masonic llldg. : - Refrigerators oyall & Borden Furniture Co 127 Fayetteville St i '....-' LADIES' SHIRTWAISTS, TAILORED COATSUIT. AX!) .11,1, yW AS H :SU I TS ,l tU TO.MOIiltUW .VXD MOXKAY. &PML 3rd APRIL 5th A few of our lasjldced prices and t ail anil Shirtwaists from 50c. to !, 10.00 will Ihv sold fov f.U, 73c., .-., sei.o,-,, sjiu.jw, .y.'.HK, :$nn, $t;,is, etc., etc. Coat Suits from !l?f2.ri0 ::p to $:t0.1MI for $11.03, '$12.05, etc. ( . Wash Suits from $3.50 to' $12.50, for $8.03, $5.03, . $3.03 $1.05. COMPANY The Only Credit 113 E. Hargett St. - Ilelow ,' r. ,. CITY FATHERS MEtLAST NIGHT Tlio alderinen held a hipoting last night for the purpose of wilding up tho affaire or the lato clty.adinlnlst ra tion, flDng (lieir flntil accounts and pM-fornilns; ,Uie lafit services of. ad ministrators.; it' seemed to he the desire of the hoard to do Just as lit tle us puSeilde, leaving , everything of Importance to the new hoard. Many matters of , interest, wore taken up and discussed ..briefly, and the majority of them was passed over. On motion of .Alderman Upchurch the hoard adopt!', the ordinance for Issuing 5 bonds to tho amount of $125,000 for the erection of a munic ipal building. :" :.v Alderman "Williams! moved to al low William Lloyd 1175 for the horse killed by the Victor Fire Company a short time ago This brought on some dlscuqsion, but was paused. Aldei'muff Nowoll presented an or and: Ice Boxes. We submit the Baldwin for your inspection. Buy early and be ready for warm weather. Raleigh, N. C Necklaces . The woninn of today wishes tlio natural beauty of her throat to l(i superbly ''set oil'" by that we don't mean tlint she must hnvc a Pearl Xei klace. We have n renlli splendid assortment of superb examples of workmanship in seini-precious stones in Gariietfi, Coral, etc. A ift-of a Xeolilaee is one of the liest KnstT ir(en(s. Moderate prices. H. IVIAHLER'S SONS, .linVKLI'.US KAIJ'Kill, N. C. OF KINDS OK are pel iv'ii' here" heloiv. your SUA UK. XOTU Name House in Town. - - Raleigh, N. C. Ilosentlinl's (Ji'oeery Store. dinance tallinft the city election 'for Monday, the third of May registra tion lo bepln today and end April 24. The registrars will bo paid three cents for each name registered and $3 per day for each day at the poll ing place, The following is a list of registrars nnd poll-holders, the registrars names being placed first and the republican poll-holder being placed last: First Ward, 1st Dlv. P.co. D. Meafes, B. N. WnltorB, H. M. Farns worth. J - .-.First Ward, 2A Div. Molvln And rews, T. A. Arnold, J. J. Wilson. - Second - Ward, 1st Dlv. N.. L. Barnes,: E. M. Blodsoe, Shelly Swain. Second Ward, 2d J)iv.-Donaldson Stronach, Henry Little, W. T. Bar row, 'j; ';. ' .. w Third Ward, 1st Div. W. L. Dow cll, M. R. Haynes, L. N. White. ' , Third Ward, 2d Dlv. J. M. Now fll, W. II. Bakor, J. J. Harris. " Fourth Ward, 1st Dlv. J.v J. Lewis, B. A. Lasslter, L. M. Orecn. Fourth Ward, 2d Dlv. L. O. nog erg, Gordon Harris, W. L. Collins. The matter of fixing the tax rato and the making of the budget went over for the new board. - , i - JS - K t e i 5

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