THE EVENING TIMES. RALEIGH, N. C. PAGE SEVEN TREE TO YOU MY SISTER FrM lo You and Evary aMsior Su! faring iron Woman1 AUmants. I am a woman. I know woman' sufferings, 1 hava found the cure. I will mail, tree of any charge, my home treat Slit with full instructions to any sufferer fro woman's ailments, I want to tell all women abou this cure you, my reader, for you reel, your daughtet your mother, or your aiater, 1 want to tea you nov i to cure yourselves at home without the help of doctor. Men cannot understand women's suffering; I What we women know from experience, we kno better than any doctor. I knew that my home trea: ment is n safe and sure cure for Leucorrhoca Whitish discharges, Ulceration, Displacement FaBlnc of the Womb, Profuse, Scanty or Pamfi Periods. Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Qrowtht also pain m the head, back and bowels, bearin down feellnira, nervousnnss, creeping- feeling- u the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot flash weariness, kidney and bladder troubles whel caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sex. I want to send yon a complete ten day's trea ment entirely free to prove to you that you can en yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. B munW. that it will cost sou nothing- to sire tl reatment a complete trial : and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about 12 centc -eok, or leas than two cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just sen te your name and address, tell me how yon suffer If you wish, and I will send you the treatmei or your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you free of cost, r 00k "WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL, ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations showing; wi romen suffer, and how tlmy can easily cure themselves at home. Every woman thoald have it, ai mrn to think for herself. Then when the doctor oays ' You must aavc an operation, you o code for yoursc'f . Thousands of women have cured thcmselvca with my home remedy It cures a Id or young. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home treatment which speed: lid effectually cures Ijoncorrhoes. Green Sickness and I'ainful cr Irrc3uk:r Menstruation in Yew dcies, Plumnness and health nlwavs results from ir use. ... Wherever vou live, I rai i-ef-r yon to Ifwiies of your own local!1' vio kiw ana will irladly ti ny eutfuvr that this Home Treatment reuliv cures all wivn-n's du-aixa, art) nukes women wo trumr plrmn- t-ifl uit. Just se id me your address, ami t'..-' ; nw I :;i ilcy'u t.utxcai is youi Uo the book, write to:.y. u you tiuty uoii-otiiia vi'.'wtn;-"-, At.i .-or CKS, IA. OC'SRSj Ho:: H. - . Ua'-ri Ca.w, lr., V, S. J BASE M BALL If and Otherr' Sports j& Winder Ft. Harris, Sporting Editor. & .- SPORTING SIDELIGHTS. O Overwhelmingly onesided, but in teresting from A. & M.'s standpoint. J. M. RKifiAN, Manager. T. K. GREEN, Sec. & Treas. The Raleigh Furniture Company RALEIGH, N. XT. Everything for the Home and Office. Large stock of . Funiture, Stoves, and Floor Coverings. Agents for Remington Typewriters. We appreciate your patronage and want you to come in and buy from us. We make terms to suit our patrons. In only one inning did Richmond pass the initial sack., and was in the fourth round, when, preceded by two mortalities, Lode lyaOe a dean two sacker. . i - I Pretty good, Pap, considering the fact that it was your first game. ' . I But what could you expect from '..Buck Freeman? He has acquired i the habit and is not to blame for ruining the pitchers' reputation, !'. Dutch Seifert lias certainly been made use of as a ulilily man. Me .held down the third station in nice style yesterday, this being the third ;, position that lie bat; played this week. , lie ;:eems to be at home either behind I the bat, in the outfield or on the infield. Just between you, myself and the gate-post, that Brown is a hummer. I With Freeman in centre, Pap Harris , in left and Brown in right, A. & M. ' can well afford to boast of her out , field. Only Thirty Richmonders Face Captain CASH OR EASY -WEEKLY OR MONTHLY' I even if it was not in a playing pos ition. His work Willi the indicator was entirely satisfactory.. To : see : : him prancing around certainly did YOUrS tO Serve, ; . jrecall memories of the old days, at ; I Brookside Park. PAYMENTS. The Raleigh Furniture Co. Worry to be Impolite, visitors, but lit was necessary. Come again and perhaps you will fare better. 17 Ea,st Martin &nd 18 Market Streets. J. M. RIOGA.V, Manager. T. E. GREEN, Sec. and Treu Capital City P hone 672. Let U s Show You Let us 'show you our Y. (St E. filing equipment. Our Rotary Duplica ting Machine In placing a suspension of five years on any player who violates his contract and it is a violation to fail to report- the national commission has struck upon a plan to stop ball players from holding out without cause. . i There are some instances, however, that the commission will find the player justified in his stand. Take the case of Ed. Walsh, for instance. Walsh demands no more than several other crack pitchers are drawing from their clubs, and there is no bet ter pitcher than Walsh in the game today. And yet, should "Walsh hold out after May 1, he will be In the, same class with any other pitcher,' and will be barred for five years. i Neither Walsh nor the Chicago We Keep in StOcK y our office needs. Club can afford to have him forced ! r : out of baseball, and this very fact is i sure to bring about an amicable set tlement of the difference now exist ing between them. J; Ed. Grille. Our Loose Leaf Books, ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. r, We want to send you a trial order of HAYNER BOTTLED-IN-BOND WHISKEY at our risk on our guarantee it will please you or it will not cost you one cent THE STAMP 1.20 We want to prove to you what a rich, pure and delicious whiskey this is. .. -- ' ; We want to convince you of the extraordinary saving our DIRECT FROM DISTILLERY plan of selling means to you HERE'S OUR OFFFR-WE WILL SEND YOU f Full Quart Bottles of Hayner $ Ul Private Stock Bottled -in -Bond ir iiiuvj Ata woo a a wuiu aw Goods shipped In plain sealed case no marks to tndioate contents. When it arrives try it every bottle if you like. Then if you don't find it all that we claim one of the most exquisite whis kies you ever tasted and equal to any you could buy in your city for $5 send it back at our expense and your $3.20 will be re turned by first mail. a V OF THE U.S.60V. ERNMENT m film::.;:; THINK OF IT - THIS IS AT THE RATE OF ONLY 80 CENTS A QUART FOR THIS HIGH. EST GRADE BOTTLED-IN-BOND WHISKEY a whiskey that is distilled, aged and bottled under the U. S. Government supervision every botfle sealed with the Govern ment's BOTTLED-IN-BOND STAMP positive assurance that it is a STRAIGHT whiskey fully aged, full 100 per cent proof and full measure absolutely PURE to the last drop. Orders. for Ariz., Cal., Colo Idaho, Mont, Nov., New Mex., Or., Utah, Wash. orWjro. must ba on the basis of 4 Quarto for (4.00 by Express Prepaid or 20 Quarts for $15.20 by Freight Prepaid. Try it-That's all we ask. The expense is all ours if it fills to please you. Send us your order TODAY and be sure to address our nearest Shipping Depot, UUHANTEID UNOtfl THE FOOD M0 DtlUSS ACT, JVM JO SOB SERIAL NO. 1401 , i WfffSKFY BDTTIFDIHBDNtl HAYNER DISTILLING COMPW" mURY N02 Din DISTRICT, TROY,0H ncMITS. 't St.UUB M.ST.rUlN. OffTtW" THE IIAYIIER DISTILLING COUPANY, Division 354 DAYTON. OHIO ST. LOUIS, MO. ST. PAUL, MINN. IM SISTIIA.ERYATTBOY.OaiO ESTABLISHED 18M CHATTANOOGA, TENN. CAPITAL IMO. 000 FULLY PAID Only thirty of tlie mighty sluggers from Richmond College, who have defeated both Guilford and Davidson, faced Pap in yesterday's "game, and the farthest one of those could get was second hase, only one being able to go that far. Ho allowed the boys from the Old Dominion state only two hits and fanned eight. Pap's mercilessness was duo to the fact that in Petersburg last season he was pitted against the same bunch. The day was by far worse than yesterday. The sorebacks won on an error, the score being two to' one, only live innings being played; however.- On the ride back to town I the jubilant victors gave unceasing! vent to the horse laugh. One would have judged that they were not in i the habit of winning from a big col lege. Pap had this grievance against theni and he certainly took his re venge yesterday. He, who laughs last, laughs best." From an A. & M. standpoint, the game was highly interesting, as it showed that Coach Thompson and Captain Pap had corralled an excel lent team. It is a well balanced ag gregation with three star twlrlers to rely upon, and will no doubt imptove as the season progresses. Pap and Buck Freeman were eas ily the stars. Besides his excellent slab work, Pap had seven fielding, all of which were accepted without a ghost of an error. Buck Freeman went to the bat five times, making three hitsgrounding out one and being hit by a pitched ball the other timei He is certainly a loo loo of a bingerine at the bat. In addi tion to his effective work with the wagon-tongue, he played a star game in the outfield, as inual. In the seventh act he made one of the most beauticul catches that has ever been pulled off on the A. & M. field. He ran from deep center and swooped up a fly ball just as it was about to come in contact with terra firnia. The sen- sational part of the pla ywas that he captured the sphere while on a dead run, never losing control of himself for an instant. I There's a small fragment of - class to the work of Pap and Buck. I But let all have their just deserts, John Council was also there with the I willow, He connected with Mr. Clark's benders for three safeties, and he officiated behind the plate like a veteran. The other members Of the "best college team in the state" were also in the game, only one error being credited to them and they hit into safe ground twelve sep arate and distinct times. For the Richmond boys, I can only say they came, they saw, and they were conquered. They have a good team, but are lacking in ability to hit a good twirler, and their pitcher was no match for the slugging Farmers. A. & M. scored first in the third inning, when on three consecutive singles by Freeman, Brown and Council, the former two crossed the plate. In the next inning, or spasm would be better, the visitors took a high flight, evidently to see if they could see Count Zeppelin's aircraft headed this way. When they grew tired of "high life" and returned to mother earth, tho wearers of the red and white had made a total of fou: tallies. One more was added in the sixth on a two-sacker by Little Ross, an out, and a heave to the wild and woolly. Realizing that it would be their last chance against the the vis itors, the Farmers circled the four corners twice more on two hits, by Ross and Freeman, and a sacrifice by Brown. , As the final score shows, the game was a one-sided affair, but when the horrible condition of the field and the inclement weather Is taken Into consideration, the game was well played by both aides. Up against a good twirler, with good batters be hind him, what could the poor hoys from Richmond do? I Score by Innings: R. H. E. Richmond . .000 000 0000 2 4 A. & M. . . .i 4001 02x 9 12 1 I Batteries: Clark and Lodge; Har ris and Council. Time, 1:30. Um pire, Brenig, whf did very well. ATHLETES use Sloan's Liniment L to prevtnt lameness after any violent exercise. It penetrates and acts like massage, relieves sore ness, stiffness and contraction of the muscles. Sloan's Liniment stops any kind of pain and doesn't need any rubbing. Jlr. H. K. Gilmax, Instructor of ath letes, 417 Warren St., Koxbury, Muss., says : " I liave used Sloan's Liniment with great success in cases of extreme fatigue after physical exertion where an ordinary rub dowii would not make any impression' All druggists catry Sloan's Liniment. Price. 25c. 60c. and ft. 00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN 0 Essential in every house hold as a ready-to-use ; KiU'S'le for sore throat, inflamed tonsils anil diphtheric affections. Peroxide of ' Hydrogen is indispensable. Few rem edies are so valuable lor so inany different ail ments. Keep a bottle handy. 4 u.:. bottle, 125c. Masonic Temple Pharmacy, O. G. KTXG, Proprietor. Ill i m W in With the arrival of Warmer Weather and Kaster you will want those new garments in time. We are already waiting for you with finest assortment of choicest Woolens for your selection. Stop in today and see the new effects in these light Spring Designs hefon? you finally get measured for your Suit. Bridgers Tailoring Co. ' 120 KAYETTBV1IXB HTKKKT, - - - - - RALKIG1I, X. C. L. J. WVATT, .Secretary and Treasurer. JOHX K. KRIDGKRS, 1'res. EDGAR li. BRIDGERS, Vice-I'res. r PHONOGRAPHS $12.50 to $60.00 Records. AMBER0L 50 c. each. STANDARD 35c. " W, H. DOWNS & GO. 7-n EXCHANGE PLACE. Raleigh,N. . EASTER HINTS from Shinto ir If you wish your suit in time for Easter you had better call today and select your cloth and fashion and be measured at once, then you will have your suit on time. You will find no trouble in our shop to find something to suit your taste, as we have on dis play the handsomest assortment of Spring and Summer Woolens ever shown in this community. A range calculatedjo. satisfy the style, color and cloth require ments of the most exacting dresser. "A Hint to the Wise is Sufficient" A. C. HINT0N, North Carolina's Foremost Tailor. Carolina Trust Building. RALEIGH - - - N. C. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West TWO FAST VKSTIBULR TRAIN WITH DIM NO CAR SKRV1CU. Through Pullmun Sleepers to Louis vltlo, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Iiouts. XOTICE! ' Notice la hereby given that the un dcrslKiied have lost three Masonic Templo construction Company's second mortgage 4 per cent bonds Nos. 320, 821, 322. for $50 each with the coupon attached, each belnj dated July 1, 1904, and due and payable July t, 1934, and the same cannot after dllll(fent search be found. Notice Is hereby given tlmt application has been made to the Masonic Temple Construction Company for the Issuance of three du plicate bonds In place of these. J. 8. WYNNE, R. W. WYNNE. March 0, 1909. oaw-4t. Lv. Richmond , 2:00 p m 11:00 pu, Lr. Char'svllle . 6:20 p m : 2:62 a m I Lt. Lynchb'rg . 4:00pm I Ar. Cincinnati . 8:26 a m 6:00 p m Ar. LouiBvllle . 11:110 am 8:00 pm Ar. Chicago . . 6:30pm 7:iran Ar. St. Louis . . 6.30 p m 7:17 a m Direct Connections for AU I'oluM i Went and Xorthwest. ' Ql'ICKEST ANI BEST ROCTB. The Line to the Celebrated Resort 1 of Virginia. Fur descriptive nin'ter, achetluli and lullniau Rcwervalions. addn-sa l ! W. O. WARTHEN, I D. P. A., Richmond, V ! JNO. U. POTTH, I Oen'l Paa. Agent .. Watches That Need No Watching They are hullt to run light. They need only ordinary rare, and they will do their work well and faithfully. Because we sell this class of Watches, and sell them at fair prices, the discerning public repuds Jolly-Wynne Jewelry Company as Watch Headquarters, especially when it comes to th) staple lines of Watches. Circumstances alter cam, but not our Wutii Cases. They are always the same. Guarantee!, whether (illed or ' solid. JOLLY-WYNNE JEWELRY COMPANY, FA VETTKVII.IjK STREET, RAM5IOH. N. V SECURITY IM AND ANNUITY COMPANY, of Greensboro, N. C, has Krown in popularity until It is now conceded to lie "The U'luUng Southern Mutual Old Line Life Insurance Company", and Its policies are the best Issued. Will appeal to you if looking for the bent there is in pnre life Insurance. Address, SLOAN & KLTJTTZ, District Agents, 302 Tucker Bulldlnc .... ... . ' RALEIGH, X. C.