PAGE EIGHT THE EVENETG TIMES, RALEIGH, It 0. . 1 -iL made from Royal Grape xSg j 1 IMI ! SI I ! Ill I OBSERVE PALM SUNDAY Churches Celebrate the Day Tomorrow The Saviour's Triumphant Entry Into Jerusalem and Beginning of Holy Week Marked by Vse of Pftlm Branches Confirmation Services in Churches. Tomorrow Is Palm Sunday, the be ginning of Holy Week, and with it the closing days of Lent begin. During the coming week the com I menioi-ation of the great spiritual de liverance of mankind by the sacrifice of the Saviour on the Cross of Cal vary is devoutly observed. Palm Sunday commemorates the eventful hour" in the Suviour's earthly career, when He rode in triumph into Jerusalem as told iu St, Matthew, Z 1 : s-'J : "And a very great multitude spread their .garments in the way: others ml down branches from the trees and spread them iu the way. "And the multitudes that went be- i fore and that followed cried, saying: jWIM)l((HICHWHnfH((tHlt. j Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed m . . it m .'; "-4? T is he that comeih in the name of the : In the ICpiscopnl and Roman. Cath olic churches the lessons and sermons for each day during Holy Week are based upon the accounts' of the trial and condemnation and the sufferings and death of the Saviour .sriven in the four gospels. All the transcendent ' events that lead tip to the awful tragedy on Cal vary are a part of this solemn commemoration. The culminating observances of hese solemnities take place on Good Friday in the. services-. appointed for the (lay of the. Crucifixion; Y'as " ilitl'O-i uuuu '"y. i i ue i:reiu lisl ui :ur served ' tlu ,'n,II"t'n in 'he year., and altars and hmenis at aj v'mnceis are uiapeo in most somore colors. Many .churches hold 1 he Tli roe. I lours Service (lin ing the time of the Saviour's Passion, clergymen givi.ig addresses at intervals on the last seven words that fell from the Master's lii's. At all the KpiscO;ial 'churches and at the Church of the -Sacred Heart a profusion of palms will, be used to typify the lirsr Palm 'Sunday in to morrow's ''.services. In the lloinan Catholic church the palms will fce ttessed anS distributed t6 the congregation. Tomorrow will be a notable day In the Episcopal churches . here, as Bishop Cheshire, will administer the rite o( confirmation at the Church of the Good Shepherd In the morning, at St. Mary's in the afternoon, and at Christ church at night. ... A week from Palm Sunday will come the glorious festival of Easter, with its message of joy and life and hope. Magnificent music will be heard on Easter morning In Raleigh churches. ! Church SeMce i')!i nu:.u Mi'iiiTiv;. . jno. F';.!m Xijilit . Kv- ST. SAVIOUR CHAPKL ti ll. Crosby minister In. 'charge. Sunday. Sunday school 10 a. in service 7:45 o'e'.oek. Seals all f ery one invited. CHRIST CHURCH Rev. .Milt'.m A. Barber, rector. Rev. Jno. H. Crosby, assistant.. Palm Sunday. Sunday school 9:30 a. m., Rector's liible -class 10 a. m. Divine service and Holy coin-' inunion 11 a. m. Confirmation. Instruc tion 4 p. m, i- Evening, service eight o'clock The Right Rev. Joseph IHount Cheshire, D. -D... Hishop .,,f North Carolina,. -will administer the Apostolic rite of confirmation at this service. Services during Holy Week: Holy Communion daily (except (",ood Friday) 7:30 a. m. Evening prayer daily (ex cept Tuesday) 5:30 o'clock. Good .Fri day; Morning prayer and litany !i a. m.; the Passion Service Ithnv ienii'.-i 12 to 3; special commeniei alien at night at 8 o'clock, when the choir will sing a solemn musical selling .based on the Seven Last Works. Free scats.; Strangers and visitors cordially welleomed. . . ' - t l!i!sillCNS-Socil!l Ml : Very Successful .joyed. The you us-' 'nn-n. Street TJaraca X'l;:s the!" life -last -nle: was tile i;uart"i 1--of the ( lass and -o i nse(t!nij'.'a social iliii ed, rc fi's'.-iiaii n's The idea of liavin-.v r business ni;vi jli;v is I ho (-lass and it pn.iv tiijle i'ea' al e a.'. if wi again."'. Short talss nieni'aer I'.rovn, Miles O. . Slrerrell !' t'le Class M -i ll Kn- of .'Vi !'.;:! i t. - T:i bu.-'in. ;':i! inre .ire. I'denton . time of j . o"casi(in mooting , est to the , lie one with 1 il a very enjoy-1 iie repealed , were inad. bv'. of the '.class, by. Mtv.los. O. U' siic intciidenl.. and Mr.' Winsion Mr I lav.!:: was eh ted as deh'gate to 'the Kara' a convention, to be held in Aslieville iii June, and Mr. tlraham K. light alternate. 1 BVANGETj H a. m. and ing RAPTIST-Pivacl 7:45 p, ill. by the pa' In Rev. P. G. Elsom. Night services evan gelistic. Sunday school at :( a, in. Words t- v ' : l uill' soli ( ase is ho:. ! words w vie. I ,ba! Yce.e tlie Sonl. .coa-aiinio ion. His ss." 'I'hcSc apoallin iikcn to ileoige K. :',c- . All services held In the county court ivins, a leading inereliaiit of Spring house. Public cordially invited. . '.I'eld. X. .,.: by two cxi. rt dolors -oni' FIRST BAPTIST W. C. Tvree. D.P. l 'lulia ' sjiei ialist. : Then was shown the pastor. Preaching at 11 a. in. and s p. . ut, ,mvr of id. Kins -Mt-MtMiHf .' Siinilnv clioi,l i.l l'lM-oVery,- Alter three week' 9:30 a. m., Dr. J. It. Hunter, superin tendent. Young men's meeting Mon day evening and prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial Invitation is extended to all meetings. HILLSBORO STREKT CI IF, 1ST I A Rev, L. P. Johnson, pastor. I'n 'Mi ll ing 11 a. m. No night service. Sun day school 9:45 a. rn l'ror. S. ,.M: Smith, superintendent. Tin- doors of the church .will be. opened fur the' in ception Of members on Sunday nioru ing. The pastpr w ill .preach' at the Burlington Christian church at night. Appropriate Eaater services w ill b,' conducted next Sunday by the chil dren, members of the choir and the pastor. .';..;-,'. CENTRAL MBTHOUIST Kev. I.. B. Jones, pastor. At 11 a. in. sermon by Rev. T. Nc Ivey, D.D., followed by the administration of the Lord's Sup per. At 7:30 p. m. sermon by the p is tor. Subject, "What a Layman Hid in spreading the gospel." .'-Sunday school at 9:30, R. E. .-Prince superintendent. It Is earnestly desired that every mem ber be present. The public cordialiv. Invited to these services. TABERNACLE BAPTIST -lb v. A. J? Moncrlef, pastor, Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school !i:l.", a. m., N. B. Broughton, supcrinten.lent. EDENTON STREET MFTlli MUST, Rev. F, M. Shamburger, pastor. Ser vices tomorrow at 11 a. in. an,, s p. m. Sermon at both hours bv the pas tor. After the morning service the sac rament of the Lord's Supper, will be administered.', Sunday school at ::!b o'clock a, m., Joseph G. Brow n, super tendent. Epworth League meets .Mon day night and prayer meeting. Wednes day evening iff 7:30. PRESBYTERIAN Rey. W. MeC White, D.D., pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. conducted by Key. William Black, synodlcul evangelist. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHKP HERD Rev. 1. McK. Pittengei, D.D.. rector. Sunday next before Easter: Palm Sunday. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Litany, sermon and confirma tion with Holy communion at 11 a. m. Service and sermon at 8 p. m. LLenten services: Service dally ut 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. Good Friday, service at 7:.10 a. in., and at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. offer Ing on Good Friday for Bishop Wythe's ' work in Jerusalem and the Holy Land, Service for baptism on Saturday at 4 p. m. The seats are all free and stran gers' and visitors are cordially Invited. I writes Mr.. U'Ver. 1 Wi New Use." HleVins, "he was as well as iild not take all the money ! iu the World . for what it did for my ; boy." 'Infallible for coin;hs nn. colds, Jitis- the snfe.-t, :ai-es eie of, OeSpe la I e j inn;; ili.-:"i;.'s. mi e irtti. .'.'ie. and $ at all driovaisls. luai anlee. nt i. l'.ic j Trial bottle free, j PALMS FOR TOMORROW. inc Specimens to be I'scd ill Palm Sunday Observance. So.iie very tile.' speciiucns of palms have been 'received, at the . rectory of ( ii list chur.-li for the use in tli" Palm Sunday- sei ;ici'S. - - ' 'I'hee. : brain-lies were sei-ured. . on .Smitli's Is'.ind near Soiithport. iind will lie used in 'adorning the sain tnary of Christ 'church" tomorrow. 11 99 Humphreys' Seventy-Seven breuks np Grip and 0L0 "77" is the remedy for Coughs. Colds, Crip, lnllueua, Catarrh and Sore Throat. . . "77" goes direct to the sick spot without disturbing the rest of the system. "77" is put up in a small vial of pleasant pellets, fits the vest pocket. "77'' is sold by air and recommend ed by most dealers, 25c. or mailed. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. William and Ann Streets, Xew York. - -. WHAT ster Suit About That Ea Pnle Delicate Women and Girls. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTT LKSS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma laria and builds up the system. For grown people and Children ISOc. 1 SMITH MAKES STOMACH MISERY VANISH Stops Food Fermenting end Overcomes Dyspepsia IS LEADING In Times' Advertising Contest Votes Touring in Daily from All Parts of City Contestants lieconiing Kn-thused. The Times' advertising contest is attracting more attention than any thing else in Raleigh. Girls and boys are beginning work in earnest. Yesterday's rise in. votes and number of contestants proves that prizes are worth your effort to win. Do you want to win one of these prizes? If so, get in the race today, or if you have a girl or boy friend whom you would like to see Win one of these prizes, nominate him or her today, give them a start while the contest is young, and see them win. Never before in the history, of newspaperdom has such grand prizes been offered for so easy a chance to win as there is to win one of these prizes offered by The Times advertis ing contest. The contestants who have begun work say it will be easy to win, and every one feels confident of winning. Trips like the one that The Even ing Times is going to give to the per son securing the most votes in The Evening TimesV advertising contest are trips that are very expensive and are very seldom offered. So, If you are contemplating on making a trip, do not miss this opportunity of get ling one. of the best trips that you could take, with" nil. expenses paid, everything absolutely free to you. Following is the excellent crowd in the race: Miss Helen Jones ........ , Mis Sadie -Lewis'. . .... . Miss Alice Wilson u ... Mr. Phil Utley . Mr. John Knox . ... . ... ; Miss Margie Terrell ... ... . Miss Ray Brown , .". . . . , , .,, Miss Mary Iannsden ....... Miss Mary Beckham ...... Mr. Hubert Holding , Miss Pattle Yearby ....... Miss Daisy Haywood ...... Mr. Bob Wynne ...... . v , Mr. Sam Smith . , ... ... . . , Miss Mary Clark ......... Miss Patsy Smith ....... . , Mr. Henry Baker . . .... Engerhart Mangum ....... Miss Emma Roberts . ; . , Mr. Cecil Broughto'n . . . . . , McKeever Allen .......... Uarland Williams Miss Annie Kord .. . . .. .. . Miss Lillian Betts ....... . Miss Ercelle Taylor ..... . , . Miss Annie Weathers .... . . Miss Mary Stronach Take your sour stomach or may be you call It Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gastritis of Catarrh of Stomach; it doesn't matter take your stomach trouble right with you to your Phar macist and ask him to open a 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and let you eat one 22-grain Triangule and see if within five minutes there is left any trace of your former misery. The correct name for your trouble is Food Fermentation food souring; the Digestive organs become weak, there is lack of gastric juice; your food is only half digested, and you become affected with loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping in bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth, consti pation, pain in limbs, sleeplessness, belching of gas, biliousness, sick headache, nervousness, dizziness and many other similar symptoms. If your appetite is fickle, and noth ing tempts you, or you belch gas or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there is but one cause fermentation of un digested food. - Prove to yourself, after your next meal, that your stomach is as good as any; that there is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost instant relief is waiting for you. It is merely a matter of hovr soon you take some Diapepsin. Mr. Delmar Norris . Mr. Pay ton Brown , Miss Mamie Denton 340 405 210 360 110 250 520 320 750 50 150 323 00 ,270 225 40 150 ,018 60 50 4 25 370 200 150 110 150 175 40 310 250 ec Bwept Over Niagara. - This terrlbl calamity often happens because a careless boatman Ignores the river's warnings irrowlng ripples and faster current Nature's warnings are kind, That dull pain or ache in the , back warns you the kidneys need at tention If you would escape fatal mal adiesDropsy, Diabetes or Brlght's Disease, Take Electric Bitters at once and see bockachs fly and all your . best feelings return. VAfter lonff suf- ferlng from weak .kidneys and lame back one 11.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes J.-. R. ' Blankenshlp, of Hoik, Twin. Only 60 cent at all druggists. We are ready to show you cur line of Men and Boys' FINE CLOTHING Adopted for service during Spring and Sumfaer. Our Spring Display of Men's Suits represent the choicest products of America's most skilled tailors. These are now ready for your inspection. The styles are unusually attractive, the clothes are the pick of the looms and include every thing new out this season. We represent the famous "House Kuppenheimer." J. ROSENGARTEN COMPANY, 214 Fayetteville St. - C. C. Phone 397 THE Tl.MKS -ADVKUT1S1XG COXTEST This coupon, when neatly cut out, name and address properly filled In and brought or scut to the Control De partment of The Evening Times, Kalcigh, K. C, will count as 10 VOTES For Miss or Mr. ' v.;., Not Good After April 5th. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The low pressure an a, or storm cen tral over northern Mmiucsoih. vester day, .now overlies the l.nke region, at tended by light rains. The! storm now lies Off the North Carolina coast, and has caused rams in North Carolina and Virginia. Tin- pressure is high -over the central poition of the cotton states, hut the temperature, lias risen generally ilimiuf the last HI hours. Another storm- Is Central over the liocky Mountain -region, having nioved inland from the southwest: -it -is accompanied by higher temperatures but no rain. In the south the weather is R-euerally clear Willi temperatures nearly as 'high as the seasonal aver ages.. -, - . ' ' The-conditions Indicate fair woali. r in this vicinity loiiij.'ht and Sunday. A. II TIIIKSSKN. ,v, H ion I hrector. SAVfMGS ',,1 MM .i.3 m VOL'ti 6EPOSI7 T B CaowixH.PhcMt. W 8 i-ikiMtS .VPfcuraent W W. VAS5. Cacal : : : we : : : HAVE Of DISPLAY a beautiful line of Spring Suiting? from which to seleqt your new Spring Suit. We make your clothes to order and give perfect fit and 'style. " v ' Come in, select your Spring SuitV let us take your measure, and leave the rest, to us for fit, individuality and style. We are exclusive agents in this city for the Regal Shoe, and they have won a name I for themselves for the fit, workmanship, 1 comfort, style, and general appearance. . E. Broughton, HABERDASHER. I Edgar Compare Oak City Work Compare our Laumlerins: with any other it will show that onr claim for superior work is based on facts. "It's the little thing that counts" ami comparison proves facts. I'hone for our wagon. Oak City Steam Laundr) Co., RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. GOING TO EUROPE? We sell American Express Company Checks in de nominations of $10 up. Available anywhere in the world without identification. Most travelers use them. The Commercial National Bank Capital and Surplus RALEIGH, N. C. $200,000 The Raleigh Savings Bank. JXO T. rriAKN, lVosldeut. CHARLES ItOOT, Cashier. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per cent, interest paid ou deposit. Cull In tuo bank, or write for further Information. SAFETY DEPOSIT EOIIES 70R RENT. KEY RING So many requests for the registered Key Rings have been received that we have provided another lot, which we will be glad to give to our friends. Several lost bunches of keys have been restored to owners. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, KAM'HGH, X. V. ' - - 11 - ' mi in RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. with 4 An uiisurpKMed history lehlnl It sloes INM bafefjr t ItM l'posltoi. " AccouimodatJon to IU Customer. IVIIUiiiC iwrvlon to lt iVlrnd. 4 CHAS. K. JOHNSON P. H. DRTOtiK 4 President. CMhler. A ' v ' '- ' v . : -.: - -.' : r r HOW TO SECURE VOTES PAYMENTS ON ACCOCNT. H .45 $3.80 $5.00 HulMirription. . ., . . ..j ,, 45 Vote , . . . . 125 Vot , . . . . 250 Vote , . . . . 500 Vote , PAYMENTS IN ADVANCE. SulMcrltion. : $5.00 . .... 5,000 VoUn $2.50 ... . . 2,500 Votes $1.25 . . . . .i." 1,000 Votes $ .45 .... , 200 Vote $ .10 ..... 10 Votes AdvertiRini;. Five Vote for rarh Cent paid on ad- vcrtising. ' Double for new account. 200 Vote for each month's contract. VVUj INFORMATION GIVEN IN CJIlCiriiATION DEPARTMENT EVENING TIMES. ... . Only a Fuu lore iays ! Before Easter, and we are fully prepared to clothe you in any of the season's latest styles. Our spring and summer line of clothing is, we belief e, the smartest we've ever shown and you will have no trouble in se lecting a stylish snappish and up-to-date suit Don't wait until the last moment to make your selection, but do so as early as possible. . ' , CRQSS (Si LINEHAN COMPAN V FAYETTZ VTLLS STREET HALEIGILIT. XX 4: Vs.. "..f.t .it '1'