THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. 0. tv PAGE FIVE WHEAT MARKET EXCITED Wild Scenes in the Wheat Pit James A. Patten Holds Finn Grip on the Situation and Pandemonium Reigns Trading Was Spectacular. Patten's Profits More Than a Mil lion. . ( Chicago, April 8 May wheat, af ter opening 1.25. turned lower and hovered around 1.25 for half an hour and then it, with rush and a roar, climbed to $1.26 3-8, the highest price in many years. With James A. fatten and the bull element apparently holding a firm grip On the situation, the wheat pit opened today with the wildest scenes of excitement since the Leiter cor ner. The prices of yesterday held firm at the opening and when the pit saw this pandemonium reigned. Wheat opened from 1.25 1. 25; July at 1.11 5-8; September at 1.02 6i 1.02; December 1.01. Trading was spectacular and it was early seen that the exciting scenes of yesterday would be more than equalled today. Brokers engaged by excited sports to acquire wheat at any price surged into the thick of the fight and the bulls took profits at enormous figures. The bears were in a panic and nothing seemed able to check the sweeping victory of the bulls. The market is mora than a triumph for Patten. He lias made a fortune in two days but in addition to this it shows the excellence of his judg ment. His predictions months ago have been fulfilled within the past forty-eiglit hours. Patten and his followers declare there has been no manipulation, that the present conditions are the out growth of natural circumstances. V Patten's profits so far are estimat ed at $1,250,000 and it is declared that this figure will bo doubled berore the reign of the bulls is ended. Patten Brokers Sell. Chicago, April 8 Patten brokers sold large amounts of May, July and September wheat today, May closing at 1.24 7-8, after touching 1.26 3-8. July went from 1,12 q$ 1.12 p 1.11 and up to 1.11 5-8 1.1 1 3-4, the latter 3-8c lower. Patten Clears $500,000,000. Chicago, April 8 May wheat, climbing high above the highest point it touched in this upward movement, stopped momentarily today while James A. Patten, the man who con trols it, unloaded some millions of bushels and. then sagged back a little while he bought up millions of other bushels at a lower price. Following him in his trading were dozens of "longs" men who had wheat and were holding it for the top prices. They unloaded their holdings today and in response to the flood of selling orders the price broke. Before the break, though, It had made a new record $1.26 3-8. There are many Belling orders to day and Patten led the selling when the price, after the opening skir mishes of the market, mounted above $1.2. When it sold down to a lit tle above $1.24 the buying orders be gan to come from Patten. Already Patten has cleared more than $5,000,000 on his wheat deal since last October and today the mar ket has been forced higher than by any other man. It is said on the board of trade that it is going higlif.r. Patten thinks it ought to go higher. Many of the selling orders today came from the northwest and south west, where there are scattered longi. Several selling orders were placed locally. ' There were many people caught in the market today, though dozens for every one guessed right. Opening: Wheat May, 1.25 1-4 (fil.25; July, 1.11 5-8; Sept., 1.02 $01.02; Dec. 1.01; corn May 67(60 7-8: July, 6 61-4ff;6C; Sept., 65 5-8; Oats May, 55 1-4 55 1-S; July, 47 3-8; Sept., 39 5-8; pork--May, 17.52- July, 17.97fil7.90; lard July, 10.25; ribs July, 9.45; September, 9.60. Corn was 5-87-8c lower and oats were off 1-8 ((( 5-8c. Provisions show ed a slightly higher range all around. Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: Wheat Open. High. Close. May . . 1.25 1.26 1.24 July . . 1.11! 1.12 1.11 Sep. . . 1.02 1.04 1.04 Corn May . . .67 .67 .66 July . . .65 .66 .65 Sep. . . .65 . .65 .65 Oats May . . .55 .55 .54 July . . .47 .47 .47 Sep. . . .39 .40 .39 Pork May . . 17.92 17.97 17.92 July . . 17.90 17.92 17.90 , Sep. . . 17.95 17.95 17.92 Lard -, May . July . Sep. . July , Sep. , 10.15 10.25 10.35 10.25 10.35 10.47 9.37 . 9.52 9.67 10.50 9.45 9.60 ' Commercial Sliver. New York, April . Commercial bar silver 50;" Mexican dollars 44c. TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain and New York Stock Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Apill 8. The stock mar ket opened active and strong, with the demand for many issues in which there has been constant accumulation for a long period. Chesapeake and Ohio was one of the most prominent features, the first sales being reported at 3,000 from 74 to 74 against 7414 yesterday. American Telephone opened 1,800 from 137 1?.7'4. There were advances In a number of other specialties, among them American Cotton' Oil, showing a gain of to 55 and Virginia Carolinu Chemical advanced I. The leading railroads were strong and leading In dustrials generally ruled at slightly higher prices. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison ....... .. .. .. . .107 Baltimore & Ohio ...... ..112 Canadian Pacific ... . .. ..170 Chicago & Alton . . .. . . . . 71 Chicago & Northwestern.. ..182 Colorado Southern. ... . . ....'' 68 Denver & Kio Grande . . . . . . 48 Denver & Rio Grande pfd. . . . . 87 Erie .'. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 29 Illinois Central. . . . .. .. ...147 Louisville & Nashville. . .... .-.'i Metropolitan Street Railway . . 22 Mexican Central . . ... . . . . . 24 Missouri Pacific, . . . . ., .. ...... 73 New York Cent ral . . . . . . ..130 Pennsylvania. . . . .... . . ; . 13 1 Reading .. .. .. .. .. . . .137 Rock Island.. .. .. ,. .. .. 25 Hock Island pi'd.. . .. .. . . .. 06 St. Paul . . . . . ... . .150 Southern Pacific . . . . . . .... 121 Southern Railway. ... . . . 20 Union Pacific. . . . .... . . . . 1 8 Union Pacific pfd. .. .. .. .. 95 Wabash .. ; .'. . . . . . . 18 Wisconsin Central .... . . . . 57 lnterboro-Metropolitan . . . . . . 1 4 lnterboro-Metropolitan. .pfd,. 43 Great Northern ... .'.'. . . . ..145 .Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line . . 123 Amalgamated Copper .... 77 American Car & Foundry .. . . 49 American Locomotive . . . . . 54 American Cotton Oil ... i . 57 Am. Smelting & Refining . . . S9 Am. Smelting &; Refining pfd .104 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. ' . V. 77 Colorado Fuel & Iron . . . . . , 39 General Electric . ..... .159 International Paper ..... . . 13 National Biscuit . . ...104 National Lead . . . . . . . ..... 84 Pacific Mail ..,., .... . . . . 31 People's Gas '.'. ............. 117 Pressed Steel Car .''. ..... . . 37 Pullman Palace Car ... ... .176 Southern Pacific pfd ... . 124 Sugar . . . . . . .135 United States Steel . , . .... .. . 51 United States Steel pfd . . , .114 Mackay's ... , ... . ... ..... . : . 77 Mackay's pfd . . . 73 Va.-Carolina Chemical . .'.' . . .- 47 Va.-Carolina Chemical pfd . .117 Westinghouse Electric ...... 83 Republic Steel . . 22 : Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards, III., April 8. Hogs Receipts, 17,000; strong to a t'hade higher; mixed and butchers 6,75 to 7.35: good heavy 7.20 to 7.35; rough heavy 6.il0 to 7.15; light 6.80; bulk, 7.10 to 7. : ,- Cattle Receipts, 4,000; strong, beeves 4.60 to 7.25; cows and heifers '.2.40 to 6.15: stockcrs und feeders 3.75 to 5.50; Tcxans '4.75 to 5.90; calves COO to 7.25. Sheep Receipts 11,000; steady. Sheep 4.55 to 6.50; lambs 5.75 to .25. New York Provision Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, April S. Cash produce: Minneapolis, No. 1. .Northern Wheat 122. : Wheat, strong; No. 2, red, 134 f.o.b. Corn, teady:' No. -,: mixed, . . 76 in elevator. Oats, steady; Mo. 2, mixed 5S In el evator. .- ' live, nominal; No. 2, Western 89 f.o.b. arley, dull; feed, 74 to 75 elf New York. , Flour dull, spring puneiits, 6.25; win ter stralirhts 0.S5. .Mill feed, steady; western bran to arrive, $26.50. Polk, steady; mess, 18.50. 'Lard, steady; prime western, 10.45.; Tallow, quiet; prime city, 5c. CufTce, linn; No. 7, Rio, 8c. Sugar, fifinii; granulated, 4.95, Cotton Port Receipts. New York, April 8 Cotton port receipts were as follows: ; New Orleans, 1,019 against 3,856; Gnlveston, 7,680 against 6,590; Mo bile, 570 against 418; Savannah, 2, 499 against 1,691; Charleston, 179 against 106; Wilmington, 530 I against 280; Norfolk, 352 against 142; .Boston, 190 against 0. Total, 13,359 against 13,103. Interior Receipts: Houston, 1,083 against 3,003; Augusta, 733 against 261; Memphis, 647 against 1,184; St. Louis, 2,957 against 576; Cincinnati, 451 against 493. Total, 4,971 against 5,517. Cotton Seed Oil. NewYork, April Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged us follows: Closing. - April .. .V .. .. ..-''.. 6.55fn5.63 May..... .. .. .. .. .. ...... 5.6241)5.64 July.. .. ., .. ., .. .. .. .. 6.84tt'B.8U September.. .. .. .. ., i. .O4fr.05 October.. .. .. .. .. 5.92(hv5.94 November.. .. .. .. ........ 6.645.68 Market closed steady; sales 3,800 barrels. - ''' MARKETS Xew York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, April 8. Owing to re ports of considerable rain in Texas overnight the bulls experienced diffi culty in sustaining the cotton .-market this morning although the cables were better than hud been expected. Fiist prices were two points lower to one point higher. There was a lot of un loading by room traders, who did not care to take chances over the holidays. Opening May S.80 bid: July 9.74 to 9.75; October 9.59 to 9.60; November 3.56 to 9.57; December 9.5C to 9.57; Jan uary 9.52 to 9.53; March 9.51 to 9.52. Open. High. Low. Close. April . ... . ... . 9.91 May . 9.80 9.!)5 9.78 9.92 June . ... . ... . , ... . . 9.90 July . 9.74 9.93 9.74 9.91 Aug. . 9.68 9.X4 9.68 9.83 Sept. . 9. 61. 9.7;! 9.61 9.72 Oct. . ii.tio !i.7" y.nt; '.1.7;; Nov. . .... 9.72 Dae. . 9.56 -9.74 9.56 9.72 Jan. . 9,53 9. 6S ' 9.5 1 9,i; March , . . : . . ... .... 9.65 Marl:et closed firm. Xeiv York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, April X -Spot cotton, quiet, 15 points higher at I J.25. No sales. Xew Orleans Collon. (By Leased Wire to The Timea) Open. High. Low. -'.Close. Apr. . .... .... 9.7S May . 9.69 9.SS 9.69 H.S7 June . . . . . - . . ... . ' 0.9 I July . 9..SS 10.07 9. 87 1(1.06 Aug. . 9.95 ..... .... '"9.93 Sept. . . ... . v ... . 9.79 Oct;".'. -;9.4S 9.68 9.1 S ''.V,(H Dec. . 9.50 9.65 9.49 9.65 Jan. . 9.53 9.66 9.53 6.95 Market closed firm. Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, April 8. Cotton, spot, steady:-' American middling 5.27: salts 7,1)00. American 6,100: export und spec ulation 1C0. ..Receipts 6.0U), all Ameri can. Futinvs .opened stetulv, t-losed firm; ...' - .-. . - . Open. . Close. April.. .. .. v;.:.. .5.14 5.1S April-May.: ..5.12 5.17 .May-June.. ., .. ,.5.13 5.17'2 June-July.. 5.1 ;'..;. 5.20 July-Aug;.. '.'.-', '.'..: ..5.19 5.22 Aug-Sept... .. . .0.13 5;17 Scpt-Oet.. ..... ....5.1t . .. ' 5.13. Oct-Nov.... 5. 08 T,M Nov-Dec. .. 5.07 5.10 Dec-Jan.... .. .....5.07 5.09 Jan-Feb.. . . . . . , . . .5.06 - ..'-.5.08 Fib-March.. .. .. ..5.07'i 5.09 KaJelgb Cotton Mirkvi. Cood middling 9c. Strict middling 9'ic Middling ':(. Receijits today 45 bales. Xew York Cotton Letter. (By IV, It. Hibbs & Co.) New York, April 8. There was good rains' at about twenty different points in Texas, chiefly in southern parts re ported in the New York cotton ex changes' special report from Texas ob server us having Occurred during the past twelve hums us against a rainfall of about 2 nches at 'Galveston and at Col pus Ci'lt tl and about at Pales tine and Amarillo as shown on the vi at her bureau's official map. The ''trading- element regards this news as bearish and turned heavy sell ers of cotton from the opening notwith standing the much better tone the Liv erpool markets displayed than had been expected, and the better trade re ports coming fiom Fail River, Providence, Boston and also Philadel phia 'yarn markets... This f elling pres sure, however, was offset by new buy ing bv local, western and outside up; craters generally the decline in early trudlng was conlimd within three to llflve points of last ni 'it's closhi" un der lead of October. There Has so much cotton wanted on open buying orders on scale down that the bear ele ment was held In cheek. Most of the traders did not want to buy to any ex tent In lie-cumulating' fresh lines over the trlpple holiday. The market now looks like it will go still higher and we. would continue to advise" purchases of July und October on such soft spots as may develop from further profit taking on bear raids. V..... V.tftr M. l,lfL.. New York. April 8. Money on can to 2: time loans firm; sixty days 2 to 2; ninety days 2 to 2: six months 2 to 3; posted rates sterling exchunge 487 to 488 withuctual busi ness in bankers' bills at 487.70 to .if for demand, and 486.2" to .25 for-sixty day bills. Prime mercantile paper un changed. SUPPOSE Your Income Stopped TOMORROW Would It not help great deal to know that you have Savings Account with un. MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. BY WIRE) Provisions. J I make a specialty of Crackinu, loin ami Oats lor Chickens, ami (.i-iiidiii Corn and Oats any way you want for stock. Save 10 cents on every liusliel of Corn and Oats yon feed by having them ground. F.B.PHILLIPS' FEED STORE. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (l!y T. C. SMOTWKLL) New York, April s. -Act ivity and sliengih' of .vpeclullls' was Hie feature of trading in Wall street toiiav. Clies- ipeake and Ohio was the leader with nu advance. -'of nearly a- 'point' to the new lilj;li record ni' 71 Virginia- i 'an,; ina i 'hemical, , An erica n Co: ton HI;' Corn Products, American lie, People's Has and lloekingd Coal and Iron went- others -to-advance: Ameri can Telephone stuck was conspicuous for its '.(length and rise of 1 points to i:-:m,. ..-.-' Standard' railroad and industrial shares were neglected during the early part of the session and trading in them was very light, although frac tional gains were scored in Union Pa cific. Rending. -Southern . Pacific, St. Paul, Smelters and Amalgamated Cop per, Toward the end of the first hour of business the strength and " heavy transactions In I' tilled Slates Ste;-1 common became pronounced. Inter- uorough-.Metropolitan preferred was heavy and lost nearly, a point. Its weakness Is believed to he due to a 'His-' position' on- the part of the insiders to depress it for accumulation pulpos?s. In London American shares were strong'. Covering fn Atchison Was one' of the features. Canadian Pacific dis played strength in the foreign market. On the New. .York' curb' market Ne vada Consolidated continued in de mand. La Rose, Niplssing and Otisse were steady features of the silver shares while (loldiield Consolidated was the strong Ir'suu of ,. the gold shares, - . , Raleigh Poultry Market. (Reported by L. H. Adams.) Hens, 50c. Spring chickens, 4rt to 45c. Execution Sale of Valuable Property. Cnder and by virtue of certain ex ecutions I will, on FKIDAY. APltll. , 1 !)(!. at 12 o'clock in. offer for sale at the court" house door in Raleigh, to the highest bidder lor cash the following property, formerly belonging to the Zachary .Mantel Company: One large double-door Hall Safe. Ono-Remington Typewriter. One office desk. . One bookkeeper's de.-ik. One -book keeper's' stool.- ' One typewriter chair. Two office chairs. All this property in good repair, .1. II. SEARS, Sheriff. A. J. ItRACII & CAK BASEBALL GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Thos.Origgs&Sons., RALEIGH, N. C The Big Hardware Hen. Hl'IiBARD BR0S.& CO RA NOV ER SOU HK NEW YORK MEMBERS of New fork Cotton Ki chine. New Orleans Cotton Et change. Aftfoclaln Mmber Ur pnol Cotton Association QRDBI18 HOLICITRO rot l i chasa and sal of nit ton fo fnturt (llvarr CamnnlnM isTtta "'.-..'' 1 ' " ; n rITr . - T i ' i. i . i i . i . i . , i . r lc. WANTS lc. Classified advertisements for this columH will be accepted at ob cent per word for each Issue, CASH with the order. No ad vertisements wider this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for leas thaa 10 CENTS an Inser tion. lc. WANTS lc. ,VA.TKI Experienced man to run moving picture machine. Address "C. C. C," care Times Office. 7 2t. WANTED Lady to call on citizens; no samples; select own time. Can earn flO.OO or $15.00 per week. Address P. O. Box 571, Raleigh, N. C. 24tf. SPECIALS Ladies' Wrappers, $1; Sheets, 72x90, USc; Sheets, & 1x90, C0c; Lonsdale Cambric, 10c. and .' 12 (';..; best Bleaching, 1 lc. Hun ter Bros. & Brewer Co. l!-7t WANTED Railway Mall Clerks. $.S00 flrst year. ICxaininal Ion in Raleigh May 1 5th. Preparation free. Write immediately. Frank lin Institute, Rochester, N. V. 3-fi- 1 Mo. WANTED By couplo, room near good boarding house. Must have all conveniences. Address 1). W., care Times. 3 5t. WANTED All to know this is the time to buy Oxfords for Easter. We have a large stock and guarantee-;' satisfaction. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. ;:-7t WANTED Railway Mail Clerks. Salary f 800 to ?1,400. Examina tions for Raleigh, May 15th. Com mon education .'sufficient.. Candi dates prepared free Write imme diately. Franklin Institute, Roch ester, N. Y. 4-05 'J0t. WANTED AT ONCE A good second hand Light-top Delivery Wagon. City Market. J. E. Sanderford. St. WANTED 'Lady, agents to sell the State Flag Toast Pillow Top. The latest, catchiest, and most popular novelty out. Address, Pink C. Ennis, Raleigh, N, C, 3-eod-4t MISCELLANEOUS FOR THE CONVENIENCE OK THE public, I have a fine display of Eas ter Lillies and other Easter plants at Darnell & Thomas' Music Store. H. Steinmetz. S St. THTi BARREL, YOU WANT is filled with money. You can help fill it by having Griffith repair your Sew ing Machine. Bell 'phone 665, Raleigh 2244. . PASTOR RVSSELL'S SERMONS are one of the special features of fered by The Saturday Evening Capital each week. This is one of the most attractive features offer ed by any newspaper. Subscrip tion price 25 cents per year. Ad dress The Saturday Evening Capi tal, Raleigh, N. C, e. o. d. t. f. MONEY TO LOAN ON RALEIGH Real Estate. R. N. Simms, attor ney, 20S-9 Tucker Building. -.1-1 ft EASTER FLOWERS The finest col lection of Easter Lillies and other plants; also choice Cut Flowers of Roses, Carnations, Lilly of Valley, Violets, Etc., at the green house of H. Stienmetz. S 3t. WHEN BUYING SNOWDRIFT FROM your grocer, see to it that you get Snowdrift and none other, for of ten a cheaper grade of goods is substituted at the Snowdrift, price. 20 lot. WRITE 1'8 BEFORE Bl'YING liquors. We cut prices on all high grade liquors. John Wedderburn Co. Leading Pure Food Liquor Dealers In Washington D. C. 23-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR country Real Estate in Wake coun ty. Peele & Maynard, Attorneys, Raleigh, N. C. 6 3t. YOC HAVE TRIED THE REST, now try the best. See F. Cain for Fine Groceries, 129 E. Martin : Street. " C 3t. LOST Between 17 W. Leonir Street and Oaltwood Ave., Black Purse containing $7.00 and small change. Return to Evening Times and re ceive reward. TORRENT FOR RENT Desirable flat with all modern conveniences. Situated over Southern Express office. Ap ply to Mrs. F. P. TuckerTucker Building. ' 26-tf FOR RENT One furnished room, good location. Apply 5 1 3 Fayete vilie Street. 22-eod-tf Democrats, register and full not, or the enemy will find you asleep. IKE COUNTY MEDICAL SOC'Y The Wake' County Medical Society, of which Dr. (i. M. Bell, of Wakefield, Is president, and Dr. W. C Horton. of this city, is secretary, held its regular monthly meeting today In the city hall. The attendance was unusually large. The papers submitted , on chenlical cases and the discussions following were especially interesting and in structive. A number of members made interesting snctches. A minimum fee bill was offered and adopted by the society. Many other cjucstioii of interest to physicians was taken up and disposed of. .The question of the needs of the widow and orphans of the late Dr. James ( iu-roll, the famous physician who discovered the method of trans mission of yellow fever germs, was dii cussed at mine length. ( m motion of Dr. Watson S. Rankin, the society unanimously voted a check for $10 fov the relief of the widow. A large num ber of members present'- announced their intention of making additional personal - contributions. The. society then adjourned. l'enple past middle life usually have some kidney or bladder disorder that saps the vitality, , which is naturally lower In old age. Foley's Kidney Rem edy correct'-: Urinary troubles, stimu lates the kidney:;, and restores strength and vigor. It cures uric acid troubles by slri)s',tbening the kidneys so they will strain out the uric acid that set tles' -ill the muscles and joints causing rheumatism.--Kinx-dowcll Drug Co., Fayellevillc anil ilargett streets. ..: UF.FOItF. Jl'IXiE KADUEH. Si Negroes ami One .White. Man Face His Honor. A 'goodly. "array of offenders faced Judge .Badger this morning. They were disposed of us follows: ; Nero tiriffis, colored, assault and buttery.. taxed with costs, $3.55. Same defendant found guilty of an assault in another case; costs, $3.15. John Ford, colored, larceny, was found guilty and bound over to court. Failing 'to give $50 bond he was sent to jail. Essie McKnlght, found guilty of disorderly conduct and of an affray.; She was required to pay $4.55 costs , in one case and $:l.25 in the other. Guss:e Bright, colored, affray. Costs, $:;,25.: j Ed. Croweli, colored. Found gull-; ty of larceny and sent, on to court. He was placed in jail in default of $50, bond. : ; j Calvin Bagwell, white, was found guilty of peddling without license., Fined $."i.(itl and costs, a total of $7.:ia. George Rat lilt was tried on the charge of. stealing a trombone from the 1'nited States government. He proved that ho bought the horn of one Harris, a dealer in junk and second-hand goods, and was released. FOE SALE. HOME I'X)R SALE New, Complete, Modern, well located, 6-room resi dence in perfect condition. Price moderate. Terms easy. J. M. Broughton & Co., Real Estate Agents. 6 2t. FOR SALE A Cash Retail Grocery Business. This stand has the rep utation of being the best retail cash stand in Raleigh, A good bargain may be had very reasonably for stock of goods, excellent fixtures, and possession of the store at once. Purchaser can easily work up a cash trade of $3,000 to $4,000 per month. It has exceeded these amounts. Address, if interested, Box 404, Raleigh. 31-tf FOR SALE THIS WEEK A Good Milch Cow, 421 N. Boylan Ave. FOR SALE Special Bargain in a Linotype Machine. Single letter machine, No. 427P, in good condi tion, boxed and delivered F. O. B. Kaleigh. Few repairs will make it good as new. The price will inter est you. J.-V. Simms, , -'Raleigh, N. C. t. f. FOR SALE -Piano in first, class con dition. Have two and will sell one cheap. Horace R. Howell. 8 -t.f. ' ' - ' : NOTK'K. , Notice Is hereby given to the public that application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Jake Will, convicted at March Term of the Superior Court of Wake County in the year 1900 for the crime of breaking into dwellinghouse otherwise than burglariously, and sentenced to the State Penitentiary for a term of 10 years. 4-15t Deniocrats, a new registration Is I required for the coming city election. ! See that your name goes on : the books. - H A HELPING HAND. . Is Gladly Extended by a Raleigh Citizen. ; There are many enthusiastic eltieens In Raleigh prepared to tell their expe rience for the public good. Testimony from such a source Is the best of evi dence, and will prove a "helping hand" to scores of readers. Read the. follow ing statement: i Mrs. George Powell, 635 B. Hargett street, Raleigh, N. C, says:. "I suffer ed from kidney pnd bladder trouble for a considerable length of time. 1 I could not control the kidney secretions and was caused much distress. My back ached constantly and there was fre quent pains through my loins. My husband hearing Doan's Kidney Pills highly spoken of, procured a supply from the Eobbitt-Wynne Drug Com pany, and after using them, a short time, I was entirely relieved. Doans Kidney Pills proved more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used and consequently I think it only a duty to recommend them.". For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Company, Buf falo,. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take -".o other. PERSONALS ;..'.-.-.--.:-.-.. Dr. C. T. Bell, of Wakefield, was in the city today for a few hours. Erf-Judge W. S. O'B. Robinson Is registered at the Yarborough. Mr. W. S. Rankin, of Wake Forest, spent the day In the city. Mr. L. II. Wilson, of Chape l Hill. Is in the city on business. Messrs. J. B. and V. M. Dorsett, of Slier City, are at the Yarborough. Mr. J. II. Goodwin, of Richmond. Va.. spent the day in the city. Mr. J. F. Clegg, of Atlanta, Is at the Yarborough. Dr. 'iVnipleton, of Cary, was here today. Democrats: Don't fail to register for the coming city election. NO HOW IN BROOKLYN. The Disturbance Reported Probably Hapjtened At Caraleigli. ; Citizens of Brooklyn declare that there has been no disturbance In .hs Brooklyn school and that no lady of that quiet little suburb had openly and publicly; called anyone a "blir;! eyed devil," the report in the morn ing paper to the contrary notwith standing. The disturbance referred to in the report mentioned waa prob ably one which happened at the Cara leigh school a short time ago ana which will be' investigated this after noon before Judge Roberts. V FOCND DEAD BENEATH A PILE OF CARPETS Erie, Pa., April 8 Mrs. Minnie M. Young, widow of H. D. Young, a wealthy man, was found dead be neath a pile of carpets in the cellar of her home here late last night. Her skull had been beaten almost to a pulp with some blunt Instrument. She was 69 years old, and, It Is un derstood, : had considerable money about the house. Edward Zanger, who is said to have been seen about the Young home, was arrested on., suspicion. ' . COMPENSATION FOR ENGINEERS Get $2,500 Each For Two Week Work on Canal. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, April 8 President Taft and Secretary of War Dickinson this morning fixed the compensation of the civil engineers who accompa nied President-elect Taft to Panama for the purpose of making an Inspec tion of tne work on the canal, at $2,500 each and expenses. The party was absent about two weeks and were four days in Washington preparing their report. Nuvnl Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah, da., April 8. Turpentine flfirm 36 to 4; no sales; receipts 499. Rosin lirm; sales 7. CO; .receipts 817. Quote: W W. 5.75; "W G, 8,70; N, 8.88:' M. 5.55; K. 5.05; I. 4.10; H, S.55; G, 3.50; F, 3.45; K, 3.37'i D, 3.30; C, B, A, D.ffi. Treasuiy Statement. : By Leased .Wire to The Times) Washington, April 8 Total re ceipts $ 1, SI 3, 60S; total expenditures, $2,020,000; excess of expenditures over receipts, $200,392; available cash balance, $132,750,527. : London Bar Silver. London, : April 8. Bar silver steady at 23 7-16d, unchanged. - Hemeiiway Had Declined. Washington, April S It 1b Bald at the white house today that the am bassadorship to China, offered by President Taft yesterday to formet Senator Fulton, of Oregon, had been previously offered to former Senator Hemenway, of Indiana, and that he had declined. Three Indianians have recently de clined diplomatic appointments, for mer Representative Watson, former Vice-President Fairbanks, and Mr. Hemenway. .'.- Raleigh Produce Market. (Reported by L. H. Adams.) Butter 20 to 25c. Btfgs, 15c. Hams, 15c. Potatoes, 70 to 75c. , .,-; '

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