PWI'IIWH'w i mmm mum; THE EVENTNU TIMES, ElLEICfH. N. 0. r " PAGE THXEE T. P. A. CONVENTION. AkIicvIIIo Prepared to Entci-tuin ,0)0 llelegatcs. Hundreds of T. P. A.'s in iNorth Carolina and thousands from 'every section of the United States will at tend ,tho annual convention, in Asho vllle next month, of the Travelers' Protective Association of America. The program has been announced' as' follows: Monday, May 31. 10:110 a. m. Meet at the audito rium; form in lino and march down Haywood street to Patton avenue, up Patton avenue to Park square, around Park square and bark to the audito rium via West College street. . Music by First Regiment baud. 11:30 a. m. Convention called to order at auditorium. Player by Hev. Dr. G. T. Howe. Address of welcome on behalf of tho state of North Carolina, by Hon. V. W. Kltchin. Address of welcomo on behalf of the city by the mayor. Response by Henry O. Gray .na tional president. Business session. Informal reception, Battery Park Hotel. Tuesday, .lime I. 9:00 a. in. Business session. ' "11:00 a. in. Ladies' card party Manor, Albemarle park. Business session. Convention ball, .Battery Park lie tel. .;;.;. .""..' Wednesday, .June 2. Business session. Ladies' trolley ride. . Alemorlal address; T. V. A. night at auditorium. .'Thursday, June ;. 9:00 a. ni. Special carriages for Bill nun c estate, leaving antlitoriiiin guests of Dr. C. A. SchcncU while on the estate. Business session. Business session. '(Ladies', enter tainment open). . S. S. S. heals Sores and Ulcers in the very simplest way. It just goes right down, into the blood and removes the cause, and the tlace is bound to heal because the impurities and means of keeping tho ulcer open are External applications of salves, lotions, plasters, etc., can never produce a cure because they do not reacfli the source of the trouble. At best they can only allay pain or rtduco Inflammation; such treatment is working on symptoms and not reaching the cause. Every nutritive corpuscle in the . w fsaiaue iuH momm tuv v vvii.iuvui.4j ui-ii.i.iLii fci- nut; iiiu jiviu tuuuuu iiiu sore a quantity of impure, germ-laden mutter which gradually eats into tho surrounding healthy tissue and causes the ulcer to enlarge Since impure "blood is responsible for Sores and Ulcers, a medicine that can purify the blood is the only hope of a cure. S. S. S. has long been recognized as the greatest of all blood purifiers, possessing the qualities necessary to remove every impurity from the blood. While curing the sore or ulcer S.S.S. brings about a healthy condition of the flesh by supplying it with rich, healthy blood, and thus makos the cure permanent and lasting. Book on Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice free to all who writ. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. T5he COMING OF SPRING! Means house-cleaning time. Many new pieces of Furniture will be needed to replace the old discarded articles. We are prapared to furn ish you with any piece of Furniture. How about a Porch Chair? We have 4 just received a car of Porch Chairs. Built of very heavy and best material, in red, green, or nat ural color. CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, - Fayetteville Street, - ; - Raleigh, N. C. OFFICE SUPPLIES AND, SPECIALTIES ' THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, . e. . 1 -r JAMES VI THl Cupltml CU rhfihv HUV. ' Thw The Best MEDICINE To Wake up your Liver and Purify your Blood TAKE IT NOW THE GENUINE has lh RED Z on the front of each package and the signature and seal of J. H. ZEILIN & CO., on the side, IN RED. Friday, June I. S:00 a in. Special train to Lako Toxaway. 2:00 p. ui -Old-fashioned South- ern barbecue. 5:00 p. in. Return to Asheville. Business, session. .: . Soul hern Railway Is niakiiiB spec .1st 1 low rate for this occasion. Tick els on sale May I'S, i!0, and 30; good for thirty days. Words to Freeze the Soul. "Your sou nas consumption. ..''His case is hopeless. "These appalling words 'were -.spoken' to ..Clcorgo K. lilc yiiis, a leading ..merchant '-of- Sprlng tli'lil, N. (.' by two expert doctors one a tuns specialist. Then was shown the wonderful power of Dr. King's New biseovery. "After three week's use, writes Mr. 1 '.levins, "he was as well as ever. I would net take all the money in the world for what it did for my hoy." Infallible for coughs mid eolds, It's the safest cure of desperate lung illesascs on earth. BOe. and $1,00 at all diuggists. Guarantee satisfaction, Trial bo! tie freo. - . . HEALS SORES AND ULCERS morbid matters which have been the i no loneer absorbed from the blood. KM, MM&gfiK', "tW Uullrtlng, 13 K. IIrgrtt RtWV MIS ANDREWS AGAIN Contest is Still the Talk of the Town Never Before Have Contestants Se cured Votes So Fast as They Are In This Contest Friends of Every Contestant Are Now Helping and Will Stick to the Finish. Day by day the enthusiasm grows keener in The Times Advertising Contest. Every contestant realizes that they must make the most of the short time that is remaining, as every ,day counts and the totes secured in a single day may he the very ones that will win the prize. The whole city is alive to the issue and as the contest progresses the in terest will no doubt reach fever-heat The climax comes Mn y 15th, at which time the contest closes, and it is then that the winners will be declared for the three exceptionable prizes. The names of the contestants and number of voles accorded each ap pear in the paper every day, and a. great deal of enthusiasm has been awakened. Voting is not restricted in any sense whatever, anyone may vote as often as he pleases, and for whom he pleases. This is a voting contest and every subscriber is en titled to a vote, and should use the opportunity to help their favorite win one of these fine prizes. ' Unlike other contests, candidates have two ways of securing votes: Votes are not purchased, but fyv every dollar a dollar's Worth of value is dealt out in the news of the world, or for the best advertising that can be had in the state. It is an invest ment rather than an expenditure, and no one should consider the money wasted that is paid for The Times during this contest. : Owing to the fact that the contest ants are doing so well with the offer on new subscriptions The Times has decided to make an additional offer as follows: Contestants securing a six months subscription, will receive S,0"0 votes, and 4,000 for every Remem ber these subscriptions must be paid in advance to get the extra votes. The race is never ended until the goal is reached, and there is always time for the last competitor to win out. Keep up with the contest and make it your determination that you are going to win and go after the votes- and subscriptions in a manner that, will coincide with your determ ination. Contestants stand as follows today: Miss Ada Andrews 150,165 135,788 Miss Annie Weathers . . . . . Miss Mildred Olmstead . . . Mr. Henry C. Reece ." .' . . , . Miss Pattie Yearby . . .... 110,325 106,535 72,620 60,820 .42,565 3(1,005 3t,CC0 3 2,6 S 5 23.K20 22,930 2i, Miss Ray Brown . ....... Miss Sudie Lewis . ....... Miss Rachel Edmunson . Miss Margio Terrell . . ; . . , Miss Emma Roberts ,. .. ' -. .... Miss Christahelle Howell , . Mr. Henry Baker Miss Ruby Ltinisden . . . Miss Annio Ford . . ..... Miss Helen Brown ...... Miss MiriamJRiggan . . ... Miss Mamie Denton . ...'., Miss Ercello Taylor . . , . . Miss Ethel Glenn ...... . . . Miss Daisy Haywood . ... . '.', Garland Williams ......... Mils Katherino Sherwood . . Miss Mamio Shaw ........ Mr. Lewis Riggan ....... Miss Margaret Bridgors . . Miss Alice Wilson ........ McKeever Allen ......... Miss Suslan Busbee. Miss Mary Stronach . . . . . Payton Brown . . ......... Miss Nattle Gould ....... . 20,560 .12,905 . 11,855 . 10,250 . 8,910 .., 8,590 .;, 7,525 7,205 . 6,580 ..i 6,500 ..i 5,205 ,.' 2,500 .. 2.210 .., 1,310 .., 865 675 .. 600 .. 290 0 THE TIMES ADVERTISING CONTEST This coupon, when neatly cut out, name and addrews properly tilled in and brought or sent to tlio Coiitnt Do . partiiicnt of Tlio Evenlnj; .Tiim-H, lUleigh, N. C, will count as 5 VOTES For Mis or Mr. Not Good After April IHrtli. Epworth League, at Epttortli. The Epworth League, 01 Kp worth Mothodlst.chui'ch, will hold n li'orary ineptliig tonight at 8 o'clock at the church, Tho public Ih invited. : ' ; "I'd Rather Die," Uortof. than havu my feet cut oft," luld M. L. BliiKliain, of llnccvlllo, ill. "but you'll dlo of gangrene (which had eat en away eight toes) If you don't" Hatd all doctor. Inntead. he used Bucklen Arnica. Halve- until wholly. rnnd. Itn pure of Eteftftma, Fevor Boron,-Holls, cvnta at all druggist LEADER BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BO YLAN 4Sfc ' ' ' A ' Spring i Summer Samples TAILORED SUITS, COSTUMES AND DRESSES. . 1-4 to 1-3 Under Actual Worth.' . ' Something; like Three Hundred' Sample Suits - and . One Hundred Waists. Every style, weave and color that 'fashion demands. ".The. satisfactory kinds for all uses and . occasions. : TAILOR-MADE SUITS. SILK AND SATIN COSTUMES. LINEN AND LAWN DRESSES. Hvcrvilijn ill tout -these costumes to commend them: .' Their style, color, workmanship, shaping. Scores of lieautiful ('(ml rivaiices in trimming to make them distinc tive vet at bargain prices. COMMENCEMENT DRESSES. AVhy woiry as to what to wear. Kxtpiisitely beauti ful White .Messelines and French ''Lawn dresses for lli.e;eost of materials and trimmings alone. Added is Hie swing, dash, and st vie that coines from the artists touch. Sep BOY LAN - AVIIIOX you ;; courling tbi-sify niiMin'e KisIS be sine you liave a :i of Xiimially's ('a ndy II will win the lieart of any girl. THE HICKS VR VG COMPANY. Both riiones. WRIGHT IS RIGHT! When It comes to something nice to eat. That nice French Drip Coffee makes, a .man feel mighty good. Try a cup with some of Mother's Home Made Pies, Cake, or a nice lunch, "GET THE HABIT." ' WRIGHT'S CAFE. I' MP P I 1 i 1 P I M . 1 I , -1 4. .1. KK.Al'tl CXm BASEBALL GOODS WHOLESALE A.M IETAIL. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons., HAI.TTQH. H t! Tho Big ' liar d ware lien. SQUARE SIMMER QUARTERLY STYLE BOOK WITH FREE te SlirtwaMs Every Waist Silk, Net, or Lawn, is up to the high est mark in style ami-quality and lowest in price for the v simple reason that they are selected samples. NEW SHOWING OF SHOPPING AND STREET HATS. Shopping Hats, Tailored Hats, and Street Hats; Simply trimmed, yet with a ; world of Chit just a big bow or a wing rightly poised a bunch of fruit or bouquet, of flowers; there you have it . $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 to $8.50 NEW TRIMMING LACES. We are slashing the prices on-high-grafUv-trimming Laces. Prices cut in' two. Mostlv Imlf ahd' QUALITY TELLS -PRICE SELLS. PEARCE CO M P ANY. BIG CLOSE OUT DEAL 500 Solid Brass Beds. This Brass I'.eU lias 'J-liith l'il- lars, ?4-hi. Iippnxl, 7!j-in. lllling rods; hi ilil of lii-ad t'K inches; fiHit, :(l-iiii'lies; lillcd uilli regular rails l :x feet only, "lappnl and iralel, spring tu lit bed. Retail price is $25.(HI. ' ' OI R SPECIAL. FACTORY P1UCE . WHILE THEY LAST, $15, Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Hollingsworth Furniture and Music Company. V , LOIISBIRG, N. C. ' X.J Write for our Furnitun Cal-alog. No. 1 and 2 New Mackerel. Yarmouth Bloaters. Boneless Codfish. Canned Shrimp. Deviled Crabs. Salmon. ' Lobster. Sardines. All Fresh and of the, best Quality. J. R. FERRALL & GO. , , M. j LEAHLNO GROCEllS. Fayetteville Street, Rjlelgh. V. O. OTEY'S BARBER SHOP, Yarborough House. - PlEATRCE CO. PATTERN', 20c. . 'iifti'.tlfe 3? SPECIAL AT THE GEM TODAY COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILI. On the Western Frontier. We Close at Noon. Will They Ever Get to Town. PRICES: 5c. and 10c. Foster & Mansfield For Sale Cheap Edison 1f08 ..Model Moving Picture Machine, wild fivtiires, nearly new. iite for particulars. GLENWOOD SKATING RINK Open Every. Mgjit Except Wednesday FW mi AJ-wrihrt Mm $20 b $100 Toa ou trcura ihocMii KnUU to th. aaulhcf. Journal, Aa valuable Anicb. Acrnrtwni br tvm. 1 h. knt iMaan aptmn in nW ABrlt Nam bn. StmiU.OUiafa ftcnptMn, Soulhera Advtrllilnt Journal iini. vinMi WW I hi I

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