.n1,wHWHjjn,rf i . i wjsjurjM , THE EVENING TBIES. RALEIQH, NJ 0. PAGE FIVE Stocks, Cotton, Grain and ' ' :- ' ' - " New York Stocks. " (By Leased Wirt to The Times) 1 New York, April 30 There was a demonstration of decided strength in the stock market at the opening and in early trading, and first prices gen erally showed substantial gains in ad dition to those established yester day, with room joining Inthe buy ing o both common and preferred stockB, using the completion of the bonds sale as a bull card on these and other Morgan securities. San Francisco second preferred crossed 46, showing a gain of ovar one point. The traction stocks shared in the general improvement and Brooklyn Transit, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific showed advances. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison . , .... ....... ... .'. .107 'A Atchison pfd. 103 Baltimore & Ohio 114 Canadian Pacific ...... ... . . 178 Chicago & Alton .... . . . .... . .' 69 Chicago & Alton pfd. . . . . . . . 73 Chicago & Northwestern . . . . .180 Chicago & Northwestern pfd. i 21 Colorado Southern . . . ...... . Denver & Rio Grande . ... . Denver & Rio Grande pfd. . .-. . Erie Illinois Central . . . ...... Louisville & Nashville . -. . . .(.' Manhattan L ...... ... . . . . Metropolitan Street Railway.. Missouri Pacific . . . . .-. . . . .66 . 51 .87 . 31 .145 .139 .143 .27 . 73 .129 .136, .147 .29 . 70 .149 .120 . 29 .188 ' New York Central Pennsylvania . . .',"'." ... . . Reading . . ... .... ... . Rock Island . . . . .v. . . . . . Rock Island pfd. ........ St. Paul Southern Pacific ... Southern Railway ...... . Union Pacific 1 . . . Union Pacific pfd. ...... . Wabash . . . ... . ..... Wisconsin Central I nterboro-Metropol itan ... Interboro-Metropolltan pfd Great Northern pfd. . Mo., Kas. & Texas . . . . . . Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line...... Amalgamated Copper . . . . American Car & Foundry American Locomotive American Tobacco ....... American Cotton Oil . . . . . . 95 . 18 . 56 ."16 . 46 .144 .40 127 77 51 390!Apr" SV Anrll-Mnv 11 - Am. Smelting & Refining ...... 90 & Am. Smelting & Refining pfd. .106 Brooklyn Rapid Transit ... . .':' 78 V4 Colorado Fuel & Iron .', .... . ... 39 General Electric . . . ..,..', 19 International Paper .12 National Biscuit .102 National Lead ............. 88 Pacific Mail v . . 29 People's Gas ... . . . .... .. . . 115 Pressed Steel Car .......... 38 Pullman Palace Cor ........ 184 Sloss-Sheffield 'Steel . . . . , -. :. . 11 Vi Standard Oil ............. .668 Southern Pacific pfd. . . . . . . . .123 Sugar ... . . . ..... .... ..... 133 United States Steel ........ .54 United States Steel pfd. , . . .115 Western Union ............ 72 Mackay's 77 Mackay's pfd. . . . . . ...... ... . 73 Va.-Carolina Chemical '.. ... . . 46 Va.-Carolina Chemical pfd. . . .115 Westlnghouse Electric . ... . 83 Republic Steel ............. 24 Republic Steel pfd. .... . . . . 82 New York Provision Market. New York, April 30 Cash produce, Minneapolis No. 1, norther wheat, . . Wheat Dull; No. 2, red, 140 bid; 142 asked f.o.b. Corn Firm; No. 2, mixed, 82 c. In elevator. Oats Firm; No. 2 mixed, 58 to 67 c. In elevator. Rye Dull; - No. 2, western, 94c. f.o.b. .. Barley Nominal; feed, 74 to 76c. c.i.f. New York. ' Flour Nonrenal; spring patents, 6.25; winter straights, 6.20. Mill FeedDull,'- western bran, to arrive, 28.25.- . Pork Dull; mess, 18.50. Lard Firm; prime western, 10.65. Tallow Quiet; prime city, 5 c. Coffee Firm; No. J, Rio, 8c. Sugar Firm; granulated, 5.05. Raleigh Produce Market. (Reported by L. H. Adams.) Butter, 20 25c. ..' Eggs, 17 c. ' Hams, 15c. '' ':' Raleigh Poultry Market, (Reported bv, L. H. Adams) Hens, 50c. Spring chlckenB, 40 46c. "TJaval Stores. Savannah, April 30 Spirits Tur pentine: Firm, 35 to 36; sales, none; receipts, 5,555. Rosin: Finn; sales, , 14 4; re ceipts, 1,570. , . Quote: WW, 5;S0; WO, B.15; N, 4.95; M.'490; K. 4.76; I, 4.25J.H. S.96; G, 3.80; F, 3.75; E, 3. 65 to 8.67; D, 3.47; C. B, "A," 3.32 to S.35. ; ; . , 1 v' Raleigh Cottoa'ttarket. Good middling,' 10c, 1 Strict middling, t.x Middling, fcc. ,1 t v New York Cotton Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, April 30 The market bad an easy opening this morning, prices being one point to four points higher. May was the only month to sell below yesterday's close. The de cline was due to uncertainty regard ing the reception of notices. ImmeL diate'.y after the call the whole, list became firmer on covering and bull support. It was estimated that no tices forabout 10,000 to 16,000 bales were issued. Opening: : May, 10.4'810.49; July, 10.4110.42; August, 10.31 10.32; September, 10.2610.27;' October, 10.2510.26: December, 10.22 10.24; .January, 10.19 10.20. Open. High. Low. Close. May .10.48 10.63 10.48 10.57 June . . .... , .... ; ... . 10.47 July . 10.40 10.49 10.40 10.43 Aug. . 10.31 .10.38 10.31 10.33 Sept. . 10.27 10.35 10.24 10.27 Oct. . 10.26 10.35 10.24 10.27 Nov. . . .... ". .... 10.23 Dec. .10.23 10.32 10.22 10.24 Jan. . 10.20 10.27 . '10.18 10.19 Mar. . 10.22 10.25 10.21 10.18 Market closed steady. '-.."' New York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, April 30 Spot cotton, quiet; 10 points higher at 10.90. No sales. New Orleans Cotton. V Open. High. Low. Close. May . 10.40 10.42 10.32 10.31 June ; 10.35 July . 10.59 10.05 10.54 10.54 Aug. . 10.42 Sept.; . 10.44 . ... .'- . ,., . 10.35 Oct. . 10.23 10.29 10.20 , 10. .0 Dec. . 10.22 10.27 10.18 10.17 Jan. .10.24 10.24 10.19 10.17 Market closed steady. Liverpool Cotton, Liverpool, April 30 Cotton spot, steady; American middling 5.53; sales 6,000, American 5,100; specula tion and export 300; receipts 3,000, American 2,900. " Open. Close. 5.42 5.40 5,42 5.41 5.42 5.4 2 5.51 5.49 5.4 7 5.44 5.4 2 5.42 5.41 5.42 5.4-3 closed j May-June .Inly-Aug. t. 5,49 Aug.-Sep. -.. 5.47 Sop.-Oot. . 5.4 4 Oct.-Nov. .'. 6.41 Nov.-Dec. ;'.', 5.39 Dec-Jan. . 5.39 " Jan.-Feb. . 5.30 Feb.-Mar. . 5.37 Mar.-Apr. . Futures opened firm and steady. Groin" Market Nek York, April 30 News on grain was scarce this morning. On account of the storm Interrupting wire serv ice, the usual private dispatches which general!- cut a large figure in the formation Of sentiment, were not at hand. Trading therefore was slack. A cable from Liverpool from Broom hall read, "There was a firm under tone at the opening here, offering light and support good." -..Supple menting the higher cables for wheat was a bullish run of crop news from the northwest, although reports from winter wheat belt were favorable. Prices here opened firmer at an ad vance of and this was Increased c. on small offerings. Chicago, opening: Wheat, May, 1 23 to 124; Sept., 1 04 to 104: Dec. 103 to 103. Corn May, 7; July, 68; Sept., 67 to 67. Qats, May, 56 to 56; July, 4 9 to 4 9 to ; Sept., 4 2; Dec, 42. Pork, May, 17.67. Lard, May, 10.25; July, 10.40;- ribs, July 9.80; Sept., 9.90, . Wheat: May. 123 to ; July, 111; Sept.", 103; Dec, 101 to . Corn: April, 70 ; May, 70; July, 68 to ; Sept., 67 to ; Dec, of fered, 58. v Oats: Mar. 65; July, 49 to . ' Pork: May, ofrcred, 17.77; July, offered, 18.00; Sept., 17.95 to 17.97. Lard: May, 10.27; July, 10.40 bid;' Sept., 10.52 to 10.65. Ribs: May, offered, 9.72; July, 9.80 bid; Sept., 9.90 to 9.99. ' Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: .;'" Wheat Open. High.- Close. May . . 1.23 1,24 1.23 July . . 1.12 1.12 1-10 Sep. . . 1.04 ,'1.04 1.03 Corn May . . 71- 71,. 70 July . 68 69 68 Sep. 67 68 67 Oat May . . C6' 66 65 July . . 49 ..... ,49 Sep. . . 42 42 42 Pork ,- . . i May : . 1 17.67 17.77 17.77 X July . . 17.95 18.05 18.00 Sep. . . 18,00 ..... 17.45 rird May . . 10.25 10.27 July . , 10.40 10.42 ' 10.40 Bep. . . 10.55 . ... , 10,62 miM May . .75 ' 9.76 '.72 July . , 8.90 .; 9.8 9.H0 Sep. . . 8.90 9.85 , 9.80 Provisions, j - - i Mr. Horse Feeder In placing your order for . Feed next moil til don't forget that a dollar saved in the proper prepiiring of the Feed for jour horse is worth just ns much lis the one you make by hard licks. Buy your Feed where you please, hat for the poor dumb ani mal's sake, as well as your own finan cial interest HAVE IT GROUND.'" F. B. PHILLIPS, 309 S. Wilmington St. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY New York, April 30 Because of the storm that blew down most of the wires leading into New York, business was dull In the stock market today, Most of the selling the last few days has been coming from the west arid the action of the market today con firmed the belief that the east was more optimistic in regard to stocks than the west. The west is getting out of the market because of the boom in business nnd the necessity for using capital in mercantile lines rather than in stocks. An advance averaging a .point was seen in the market, Harriman shares were the leaders in London and continued their leadership in Wall street. Union Pa cific was up a point, in the first hour. Reading also continued strong and the -steel shares moved higher. In-terborough-Metropolilan stocks touched higher prices than for several weks, apparents on accumulation by insiders. Rock Island, ..'''Atchison, Erie, and Brooklyn Transit were other strong features; On the New Yoj-k curb market sil-, ver shares continued the feature as a result of the increasingly, strong po sition of the silver metal market. The price advanced 1-16 of a penny in London, which is equal to of a cent in New York. . This makes an advance of a fulj cent this week. Grain and cotton were both higher. New York Cotton Letter. '.-, (By W. B. Hlbbs & Co.) ' New York, April" 30 The' market developed further strength from the opening and made a further advance before the end of the forenoon of 8 to 10 points from last night's closing quotations to the previous -.high rec ord prices reached for the season. This strength was due to a continu ance of recent large buying for cer tain large '.'Wall street and Chicago leading operators and trade inter-j ests. They continue bullish chiefly on ' assertions that the price is cheap compared witli all other commodities and in anticipation of a broader trade demand developing later on tho poor start the crop Is securing in Tsxes and a large Volume of gen eral business. The belief that these features will send the price of cotton to at least the basis of 1 1 cents Is be ing so widely disseminated the senti ment of outsiders is more inclined to follow tho continued bullish activity In the market and therefore most pro fessional -operators'- are going with the current rather than buck the market's tendency, For these reasons prices are likely to go still higher before present buy ing movement creates a sufficiently over-bought market to lnduce heavy profit-taking and fresh boar attacks. New York Money Market. New York, April' 30 Money on call, 1 to 2; time loans, dull; 60 days, 2 ; 90 days, 2 to 2 ; six months, 2 to 3; posted rates sterling ex change, 487 to 4SS, with actual business, In bankers bills at 487.40 to .45 for demand and 486.20 to .25 for CO day bills. Prime mercantile paper Is quiet and unchanged, ,at 3 to 4 per cent, for best names. " Cotton-seed Oil. New York, April 30 Cotton-seed oil prices,' based on prime yellow, ranged as follows; ..';' ' Closing. May . . . . . . ... , 5.52 5.53 June . . , . , . . . . ,5.64 5.68 July . . .... . . . 5.77 & 5.79 September .... . . . 5.996.00 October . . . . . . . . 5.94 5.96 November , ...... 5.64 5.69 Market closed Arm; sales, 1,400 barrels. HUBBARD BROS & CO. HANOVTSR BQCAKK, KKW YOB& MKMBBRS of New York Cotton X ha&f. New Orlaast Cotton Ex (ansa. AwoolaU Member Llrar paol Cotton Aaaoalattaa DRDBRB tWLICITKD ror th Pttl akaaa and aala of aotton for fntan aUTary ; OaifMvmdaaaa nftaai BO.YL.AN . .HEIGHTS Highest Location, Most Beautiful Outlook, Five Blocks from Center of Town, Splendid Investment for Investors or Home Builders, Near Car Line, Broad Avenues, Careful Restrictions. DESTINED TO BECOME RALEIGH'S FINEST SUBURB - , If you have not seen this beautiful property since recent develop ments and improvements have been made, it will interest you greatly to look it over soon and you will quickly agree that it is the handsomest development in Real Estate ever made in the suburbs of Raleigh. Large lots. For sale on easy terms. Raleigh Real Estate and Trust Company, Agents. GOYAH'S PREPARATION EXTERNAL ANTISEPTIC For Mountain or Seaside. Instant relic! for Croup, Colds,. Sore Throat, Sunburn, Insect Bites, Burns, Sprains, Bruises, Rheumatism. Swellloi Reduces Fever. - Cotton Port Koeoipts. New, York, April 30 Cotton port roeclpts were as follows: New Orleans, 7,091 against 1,430; Galveston, (!,7C3 against 2,732; Mo bile, 2ti against 325; Savannah, 4,047 against 4,29; Charleston, 230 against 19; Wilmington, CS7 against 241; '..Norfolk, 1,093 against 440; Hiiltlnioro, 2,001 against 0; New York,' 25 against 0; Boston, 0 against 21): I'liiladelphiu, 0 against IS; llrnnswiek, litiO against 48; vari ous, 92 against 355; Newport News, SCO against 0, Total, 23,104 against 6,787. , . .' Interior Receipts: Houston, 4,530 against. J, 23d; Augusta, 955 against 844; Memphis, 626 against 1,744; St. Louis, 871 against 2,174; Cincinnati, 187 'against 305. Total, 7,175 against 6,297. SPECIAL RATIOS VIA SEABOAIM), IjOUISVILLK, Ky Southern Haptlst . Convention, May 13th-20th; round trip from Ualclsh, $19.80; Charlotte, $18.4&r Wilmington $22.75. Tickets) to be sold 10th, 11th. 12thj 13th. final re turn limit May 22nd. 'Extension can bo secured until June 9th. CHARLOTTE.. N C. Grand Lodsre I. O.. ( F. of N. C, May llth-lfith. Miounfl trip from Itaieigh. $7.05: Dur ham $8.05; Weldon, $11.05; Wilming ton, $7.55; Henderson, $8.05. Tickets will be sold .May 8th to 11th. Final return limit May 17th. For further Information apply to any Seaboard ticket agent or address the undersigned. C. If. GATTIS, District Passenger Agent, lc. WANTS lc. Classified advertisements for thla columB will be accepted t ob cent per word for ech ltunie, CASH with the order. No ad vertisement nmler t,hl head will be charged No Ad, token for lea tbaa 10 CENTS an lately ' tloa. lc. WANTS lc. WANTED Railway Mall Clerks. Salary 800 to $1,400. Examina tions for Raleigh, May 15th. Com mon education sufficient. Candi dates prepared free Wrlta Imme diately. Franklin Institute, Roch ester, N. Y. 4-05 30t. WANTEIS A good housekeeper for 'hotel, who has had experience in . dining and cook-room. Address Hotel Aberdeen, Aberdeen, N. O. - 2G-t: WANTKI) Two horse-power Elec tric Motor, Raleigh. Furman Betts Thurs and Frl. MISCELLANEOUS SOMETHING EXTRA F"OR MON day. May 3. Lot of Embroidery worth ns high as 2."c. Extra price, 11c; Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. :io-2t THE KIMBALL PIANO STORE sell everything In Sheet Music at 10 to 20 cents a copy. Mail or ders solicited. 28 t. f. 10,000 PAPER KAtiA, CKJARS AND Smoking Tobacco for sale loss than cost. No. 17 Exchange. , Ed. V. Denton. 29-2t FOR SALE New deep lot. Near 12,250. R. E. Building. five-room house; car line. Price, Prince, Tucker - .-.It SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and warranted. Call Griffith. Bell 665; Raleigh, 2244. 20 12t. FOR RENT Betta' Flat. All mod ,or Iniproveuients, . ?0-2t . , jt - 1 SAFE, SOUND, SECURE -If yon want to place your savings where every dollar will work for you und bring you iu a steady income ns lone; as you live, invest in : MEXICAN UNITED ' We own 7 rich gold mines l ight in the heart of the richest gold district in .Mexico. This company is not seeking money to specu late or dig into uncertain territory;. -' THE GOLD IS THERE AND IT IS FREE-MILLING This company is selling stock for the purpose of purchasing and erecting machinery. X'ntil the re quired sum is obtained a limited number of shares will he sold for $1.00 per share. NOW IS THE TIME to secure stock and share in the profits of 8,000,000 tons of gold, sliver and coper ore. Stock Iteglstered by I'nion Trust Co., of Philadelphia. MEXICAN UNITED MINING CO., 1022 AVitherspoon Building,' Philadelphia. .-.---'. . " Use this Coupon and sreure Hook Free. Please send "World's Treasure House" To . -.'. -... '...'.. v . .':' . . . '.'. '. -. - .v. . . .' Address . . . ........ . . . . . PATENT YOUIt IDEAS AND MAKE money. Send for my new book "How to Get Them." Best service. Joshua R. H. Potts, Lawyer, Wash ington, D. C., Chicago and Phya delphia. 26 6w. 3.-10 LARGE SIZE FKENCH WA li mit Piano; slightly used. Quick sale $2X7 $15 cash, $7 per month. Write for bargain list.-"The. Kim hall Piano Store, Raleigh, N. C. 2.S -t. f. ;'.:. : RIG BARGAIN'S IN SILKS, SILK Ginghams and Dress Goods. 75c. Silks, 5c.; 25c. Siik Kinghtim, 15c,; $1.00' Dress Goods, 83c' Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. 27 5t. ICE t'ltKAM Send In your orders for Sunday dinner. 2to, . qmirls. : Belts Ice Cream. " :'.0-2t . fresh strawberry cream - For Sunday dinner. Order now. 25c. quart Bel ts Ice Cream. 30-2t MOVED to our New Barber Shop, under Bobbitt-Wynne's. H. A. Kimball. 'It WILL HE GLAD TO WELCOME OCR friends under Bobhltt-Wynhe's. II. A. Kimball, the Barber. 1t LOOK FOR MK I'XBFR ROBIilTT- Wynne's Dnlg Store. H. A. Kim ball. : v It NOW IF YOC ARE MMKINi FOR something out of the ordinary, drop 'in ut the Sea Food Cafe. Wilson's, That's All. 30-Ht I HAVE Jl'ST RETI'RNKI) FROM A trip and what do jou think. I dls' covered the notorious Tom Collins In Junius - Bright 's place, Norfolk, Va. Now what, do you think of that. - ,K)-3t TOR SALE. FOR SALE Special Bargain In a 'Linotype Machine. Single letter ' machlna, No. (270, In good condl- : tlon, boxed and delivered F. O. B. , Raleigh.' Few repairs will make It good as new. The price will Inter est you. J. V. Sltnina, Raleigh, n. c. . . . :v-; 1. 1. IX)11 KAI.K One old grandfather clock at J. W. Parrlsh. V It FOR SENT FOR KENT Good Terms moderate. 3S3, Raleigh. Upright Piano. Address Box 27 5t. FOR RKNT 6-room dwelling Harp street (all modern conveniences); C-room dwelling W. Jones Street; 6-room dwelling S. Person Street; 6-room dwelling W. Hurgett street (all modern conveniences); 7-rooni dwelling Polk Street; 9-room dwelling .... B'.oodworth & Jones Streets (all modern conveniences.) Apply to Raleigh Real Estate & Trust Co. 30 2t. FOR RENT Modern live-room bouse near Wiley School, $16.00 per month. R. E. Prince. 30-2t DelkiOUS White HOUSC Tea -in quarter pound net tins for ! 15c . especially for Ice Tea. , ' JUSt aS gOOd OS White HOUSO Coffee. First-class Grocers. BIDS WANTED FOR A Sl lTARLE SITE FOR NEW MUNICIPAL HOLDING IN , RALEIGH. The Municipal Building Commission, aiilhm i.el to erect a large and com modious -City Hall In Kaleigh, de sires owners of sites suitable for Biuh btillillng to send in writing bids for the sale of Hueh sites. Parties desiring to offer situs are requested at once to ac company their offers by written state ment showing dimensions of the lot and the lowest price for the same. CHAS.'E. JOHNSON, Chairman. HERBERT W. JACKSON, Sec'y. Municipal Building Committee. fJOVED On account of InoroiMt tttndonco Drughon' Collet hn MOVED Intt new quarters. FINEST In the city. UNEXCELLED In.tniMinni and equipment. P0SI HONS SECURED or MONEY BACK. BANK Indorsements in which Druhon'i 31 College nre located Indona these Business College than indorse ALL others. HVflll Want o RISC to the M-a-day elass, TQU Wani afld WANT EVIDENCE that tlx itanding'of Draughon't Coltegea In business circle Is the same as that of Yale or Harvard In literary circles, call on or WRITE for catalogue ' DRAUGHON'S ;. Practical Easiness Collect, ' Fayattarilla Strael, naar City Halt ;