PAGE TWELVE """Tn vest THE EVENING TIMES, RATrrlIGH, N. a ' Jm ; flip MM ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT Age(abk Preparation RirAs similaiuigthEFoodanilScfiiila ting tlic Stomachs anlBowclsK TOil Fo? Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears DigestionX3ieerfjjtl us Rroroofes lvss and Ifest.Contauistteimtr Opuim.Morphine OfifMiamLi kotnakcOtic. .liownrtxm" jlnlscSted MlMmwtrSab riunr if II ESS u'SS'iM! $1 Anerfert Remedy forCVmsBiia Hon , Sour StoiKch.Diarrhoea Worms,toiTvalsions.rewnsB nessandLossoFSCEER hcSimite Signarure of NEW YORK. the , A. xy ivr Stature Am ' II. IT 1 IN . :'. ' Exact Copy of Wxipper. In Use For Over Thirty Years tji MNnurtoMMnv, net toh em Sarins Let us supply your needs for anything in Furniture and Housekeeping when discarding old pieces for Spring Cleaning. : Agents for White Mountain Refrigerators. We want you to examine "the chest with the chill in it" before placing your order. We make terms to suit our patrons. CASH OR CREDIT The Raleigh Furniture Co. 17'East Martin and 18 MarRet Streets. 3. M. RIGGAX, Manager. T. E. GREKX. Sec. and Trtw. Capital City Phone 672. FULL QUARTS MAPLESPRING Afui eif raw 3L 00 VVIIIUHLIQSP- Tln-i is n jiuriv uVlicioua Bourbon Whiskey a brand th:it we arc pruml tit, You will he delighted with its nnv mellowness. We will prepay express charges on tiiis special offer. ; . . IwtNrwcoMftCJ Here ale a few brands that will tickle your pal- ate. 1 l;e; are. g Food l.ltw: .'. P'T G:.t!on uaranteed under the National Pure Kentucky Queen . !F2 50 Old Homestead 2.25 Newco 2 00 Stonewall 1.75 Petersburg Club. 1.50 Old Reserve Corn Whis key...... .... ... 2.50 Old North Carolina Corn. 2 00 Old North State Corn. 1.00 Per Gallon, j Sherwood 10 years old 4.00 Sherwood .5 years old 3.00 I Mellwood ............ 3-50 Old Southampton Apple 7 Brandy 4.00 Apple Brandy XXX... 3.00 Apple Brandy X...... 2.00 Apricot Brandy.. 2-00 ltetliil liv lesitcred LotltT, P. O. Or Ex press Mnnev (Inler. W'c ship fill cki'I. in plain'pnokages. Complete Price-Lis! mailed upon request. THE NEWCOMB CO. PETERSBURG, VA. "THE PROMPT MAIL-ORDER HOUSE." E: B STATK.MK.NT OF CONDITION' THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK KALKIGII, X. C. To the Comptroller of the Currency, April 28, 1009. RKSOIIICKS. U. S. Bonds, par .$ 22n, Loans nnd Investments 71S.040.41 Cash, Due from banks 287,7119. GO 92,134.05 11,322,914.06 LIABILITIES. Capital .... ....... .$ 100,000.00 Surplus and profits .. 178,124.88 Circulation . . ...... 100,000.00 Deposits ... . ...... . . 944,489.24 $1,322,914.06 NEW RULER FOR SERVIAN THRONE Remote But Not Impossible Contingency is a New Dy nasty on Servian Throne KING PETER A FAILURE Austria Heartily Desires the KeiiioviU of tin- Present Family From tlie Throne IviiiR Peter Will, How ever, Likely ISemaln on the Throne for Some Time Operation IVr forined on aPtient Without His Consent is a Criminal Offense Pet Snake Attacks Attendant Trainer Has Thrilling Experience. "(By-Malcolm Clarke.) I'.ciliu. ' .May 1. The Kimifreiirffc witeh family will apparently continue to oci -upy tlie Servian throne for some time yet. It is denied' from lielRrade that King Peter is about to abdicate and .' renounce his family's rights. in diplomatic' circles, : however, the position of King Peter and his dynasty is considered untenable. Austria heart ily desires the removal of the Kara seorgevitches from the throne. They brouirht Russian Influence into Servia, where formerly that of Austria was predominant. Austria . would . prefer almost any foreign prince on the Servian tliioue, hut does not foi; the present wish to see a dynasty movement, which would slir up-the country afresh, just when it is becoming cpiict, and might possibly create incalculable mischief. Though Austria will certainly try to regain her former influence in Servia. King Peter will doubtless for sometime keep his position. Hut as a matter of fact this is utter., ly undcrniiiied in tlie country itself. All his doings ever since his ascent io'n of the throne under such sanguinary circumstances in l'.HM, have proved un qualllicd failures. This fact and the in cessant worries attending the trouble some party quarrels have caused a deep depression in the mind of the King, who is anything but a' strong num. Al) who know him declare that he wants a rest and Is longing for the little chateau in I'ariirthia for which he is negotiating the purchase. Apart from this, he is poor, and the Kankan 'peoples require wealthy rulers. The Crown Prince Alexander, too. Is in delicate health, and al his qualities render him unlit for the throne. The army Is 'dissatisfied with the King, and openly conspire against him. Therefore, in spite of official denials, the months of the Karageorgcvitehes' reign are numbered. A judgment delivered by the Supreme Court of the Empire that an operation performed on a patient without his con sent or without the consent of his legal guardians constituted a criminal of- ci:ce 'anions the German medical pro fession. The" principal of the Berlin Universi ty, Judicial Councillor ' Dr. Knhl. de clares that an operation ought not to be performed against the will of an idult patient who Is in full possession if his menial faculties, but that In a large number of cases it is absolutely Impossible to obtain this consent while pressing danger exists. Dr. Kahl declares that any surgeon who hesitates to operate in eases which demand' Immediate operation would lie guilty of a grave moral offence if he allowed himself to be Influenced by the fear that he might ."'.subsequently' be punished for Inflicting malicious bodily injury on a sick person. Many other strong 'criticisms on the; verdict pronounced-' by the Supreme Court have been published by other eminent mem bers of the medical profession. Thc'cttptuln of Koepanick's troubles are not oyer yet. He arrived in Hei delberg a few days ago, and every where obstacles were placed In his way by officious local police, whose behu vious Is unaccountable. , Not only was V'olght hounded out of one room after another which he hud rented., but after buying a ticket for a performance at the theatre he was not allowed to go lu by the police stationed at thy door. The 'captain's justifiable Indignation Is finding writ in a legal complaint. The studio of Professor Julius Kraut, one of HerllyV leading portrait paint ers, has been the scene of a thrilling battle with a snake charmer from the Caucasus, who Is appearing at a local circus. She arrived at the studlq with a 13-foot-long boa constlctor, her larg est and most powerful pet. The snake became excited by the strange surroundings, mid as Soon as Its sparkling eyes caught a glimpse of the place the reptile sprang from Its box and attacked the attendant, who had accompanied Mme. Surith. Hhe succeeded In quieting and overcoming the constrictor, and proceeded to en twine It about her neck In an artistic pose for the sitting to the painter, which presently began. With a terrible lunge and a hiss of rage the snake released Itself from Mme. Surlth's embraces and took up a menacing position behind a pair of cur tains. Professor Kraut, with presence of mind, crouched for an attack on the reptile and succeeded In pressing his knees squarely against Its head, while Mme. Surlth's attendant held Its tail fast. She herself, with the aid of scissors, then proceeded to free themselves around the snake and hsd to be entire, ly cut to pieces. Mme. Surith was fin ally able to subdue her pet's wrath and restore It to Its box. The sitting, how ever, came to an abrupt end, and will not be resumbd. Oeneral Suhomllnoff, the new Min ister of War, lias taken personal con trol of the mobilization department, which was nof.under the authority of his predecessor, General Roedlger. In other ways the new minister has a freer hand than any one holding his office has enjoyed during the present reign. The only member of the Imperial family now holding a senior responsi ble office in the army Is the Grand Duke Sergei Mikhallovltch, Inspector General of Artillery, an amiable prince who co-operates cordially with his pro fessional colleagues. The cavalry and engineers are now In the hands of practical soldiers, and the only corps of Infantry that Is still under command of the Grand Duke Nicholas is the Im perlol Guards In the circumscription "of St. Petersburg. The appointment of General Suhom linoff has done a good deal to comfort patriotic Russians In their chagrin over the conduct of Germany and Austria during the past winter. It is known that his previous refusals to come to St. Petersburg and take charge of the war office were not due to the czar's not seeing his way to meeting the general's conditions as to the extent of his authority over all personages In the army. General Suhomllnoff has the reputation of a man of energetic statesmanlike mind and a born strat egist. The minister of war will not ar range a convention with Bulgaria on a stratesic basis. Duke of Abruzzi isNir Bombay. the Duke's, one may still he sure from his previous record that lie will not return empty-handed. Even if he does not succeed in scaling the 28,250 feet of K2, there plenty of geographical discoveries to made and other virgin heights to he climbed in, and especially beyond the main range. The region of the north of Kara koram has been little explored, and as both the .Duke and flag-lieutenant Negrotto are fully qualified for any topographical work, we may least ex pect from them some valuable ad dition of the Trans-Himalayan coun- From Bombay the party will pro ceed by train to Rayal Pimli, and then to Srinagar, where the coolies will be in readings and the caravan formed. From Srinagar on to Isk ardo would be a distance of some 125 miles, owing to a detour which will be necessary at this time of year to avoid the high-lying plateau. Another 65 miles or so should bring them to Askoley, right in the heart of the mountains, which is within a com paratively easy distance af the Bal toro glacier. - Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe guard against serious results from spring colds, which Inflame the lungs and develop Into pneumonia. Avoid counterfeits by Insisting upon having the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar, whicn contains no harmful drugs. Klng-Crowell Drug Company, Fayette, vllle and Hargett streets. iron Prices will Go Up. been In unusual demand. Seasonable specialties have been leaders with tlie trade this spring, due largely to the fact that last year these lines were practically dead. Fishing tackle, house hold specialties, patented farm con veniences, and numerous other items In this class have had remarkable de mand. Retailers generally report a very satis ictory season and have been caled upon very little to carry their customers over the season. Un less some of the staples are materially effected by the pending tariff bill no material changes are expected 1n the quotations. Iktter Lumber .Movement. Material Improvement in the move ment of lnmber Is noted this week, and signs of permanency are seen In the general situation. The actual move ment of both hardwood and pine lum ber was greater than for many mouths, and prices as a rule have been satis 'factory. , Manufacturing consumers have been consistent buyers In the South, Indicating a desire to stock their yards tb normal again. Some railroad purchasing agents have also been making Inquiries, buying a little here and there, and generally adding strength to the market. The move ment of hardwood to the west has also begun In earnest; California and other Pacific states being liberal buyers In the South. Retailers are now enjoying an excellent spring building demand which promises to continue Indefi nitely. Carrying small stocks Is still a situation to be. reckoned with for both consumers and retailers have waited until forced to do so to enter the market vigorously. With the pass ing of the present tariff bill, however, another revival is expected and the more bold dealers are backing their Judgment and buying liberally now. Prices are- gradually advancing on the best grades of plain and quartered oaks, wide popular and best grades of ash, due largely to the doubtful supply. Dry stocks In these grades are already low and prices will doubtless advance still higher. Pine Is holding steady, the mills endeavoring to hold down the cut to prevent oversupply. Cypress is again getting active with excellent prospects for a large mid-summer de mand, ' During the spring every one would be benefitted by taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. It furnishes a needed tonic to the kidneys after the extra strain of winter, and It purifies the blood by stimulating the kidneys, and causing them to eliminate the Impurities from, It. Folsy Kidney Remedy imparts new life and rigor. Pleasant to take Klng-Crowell Drag Company, Fay ettevllle nd Harjett itreets, Beach Hargis and Father. Tt oiins Itencli Hariris is airnln on trial for his life for the killing of. his father, Judge James Harjrjs, the fa mous Kentucky fend lender. The llaigis, father and son are shown in the picture. Germany Leads Air Navigation As soon as the latter regained con sciousness, she related that she and Maria Iluztzvetaeff on entering the villa were attacked by a tall dark man. The murderer stabbed the widow several times and Mme. Serin sky fainted away. This declaration was regarded with suspicion, as the victim's money and jewels were found intact. A watch was kept on Mme. Serinsky, concern ing whom some extraordinary facts were discovered. Mme. Serinsky had engaged a young man to come from Tomsk to be the tutor of her children, She became the' mistress of the tutor, who In time pestered her for money. The tutor disappeared after the crime, but at intervals sent a messenger to Mme. Serinsky with letters demanding money, in one of these letters which was discovered he threatened Mme. Serinsliy that if she did not satisfy his demand he would tell the police all about the murder. Mme. Serinsky now confessed that the tutor committed the murder at her instigation. She was the princi pal heiress- of the widow's estate, and promised a share to the tutor. Mme. Serinsky was arrested as was the messenger who acted as inter mediary between her and the tutor. The latter has not been found, but it has ben established that ho la a crim inal who was sentenced to penal serv itude for life and had escaped. The new observatory; at Treptow. just outside the city, was opened with all due ceremony, ' fae burgo masters and many leading men of art and science being present. It is an imposing building, and pos sesses the most gigantic' telescope in Germany. There is accommodation for every klrrd of experiments, and a library, of over 40,000 vo'iiimes has been adMed to the handsome reading room. The building of the observatory has taken unusual long on account of lack of funds, and the joy of the as tronomers of Berlin is now propor tionately great. The. kaiser, who has shown much personal interest in the building, has conferred a distinguished order upon Dr. Arclicnhold, the director. All Holland Happy Over Heir ed her ministers, conducted the affairs Of state, but the Prince and Queen mother performed the duties of repre sentation. The court dinners nnd 'court balls were given as usual, but the Queen re mained In her .private apartments. Every week special prayers were said for the Queen's health in all the churches and synagogues throughout the country, and many were the pray ers, sent uiin private for the realisa tion of the Queen's fondest expectation. If you have backache and urinary troubles you should take Foley's Kid ney Remedy to strengthen and build up the kidneys so they ; will act promptly, as a serious kidney trouble may develop. Klng-Crowell Drug co., Fayettevllle nad Hargett streets, 4 lilL-HIMi:itHiKI'J.i;il jrMH:,,v:,!ii--r.i: "TIB PROMPT MAIL ORDER HOTT8E' All Goods Guaranteed Under Pure Food Law and Drugs Act. Why spend your money for compounded or rectified goods, when for the same money you can get the straight article ? Look for the Pure Food guarantee which you will find on all our goods, it means much to you. You buy direct when you order from us. We are wholesale dis tributors nnd guarantee satisfaction, or money refunded. Goods shipped in neat, plain packages, express charges prepaid, at prices named. Write for special wholesale prices in bulk lots. Booklet, complete list and full ia fonnatiort mailed oti request. . . On list named below we nuke good losses and breakage. (AM, FULL QUARTS ) On prepaid bottle list mixed orders shipped at prices quoted. Tut up In stonejugs, safely . packed in plain cases, all charges prepaid. 8 qts. $5.95' li qts. t 9- . 3-65 . 4.50 .4-95 6- 55 7- 65 '6.55 r 6.30 7-3 8.50 7-50 9.00 9-75 11.50 1O.0 Ii.ij 9.40 10.35 ia.y 4 qts. Westover (best world over)..-.'. , ...J.vio (Sonv.nir fl.ik of flu. gondii with .v.ry urd.r of Wo.tovrl Kl Maize (old corn whiskey) j.6o Donald Kenny Malt Whiskey (medicinal)... j.j.s Va. yncen, extra finepld corn, over loo proof .40 Huron RiverRye, extra fine (bottled in bond) 3.95 Dr. LeBarran's BltchuGin (medicinal) ...... 3.40 Kelly's Royal Corn (the finest). 3.S5 Kelly's Copper Distilled fbottled in bondl.. .jo jteuy-s medicinal Man (nomeu in nomi) ,. Miss Tempting (finest Maryland rye) . ..... 1 gallon s-year-old Kentucky Rye , . . , , I gallon 5-year-old North Carolina Corn . . 1 gallon Holland Gin ............ I gallon fixlra Pine Sherry ......... 1 gallon I'orto Rico Ruin ...,'..... 1 gallon Extra Good Port Wine . .... 1 gallon 4-year-old Maryland Teach Brandy 1 gallon 4-ycar-old Virginia Apple Brandy , SPEC'IAL OFFER 3 gallons Old North Carolina Corn . . . 3 gallons Old Kentucky Rye . .... . 3 gallons Fine Gin. . . , . ... ... . . , . 3 gallons Apple or Peach Rrandy , . . , 4 7-8 gallons of either above . ........ If goods named in Special Offer are desired in plain cases, add 60c. on 3 and 85c on 4 7-8 gallon package. On orders west of the Mississippi, add 50c. additional for each 4 quarts, except Kelly's Cop per Distilled (bottled in bond) on which for orders outside of Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Maryland and District of Columbia, add 40c. for 4 quarts, 75c. for 8 quarts, and S1.00 for 11 quarts. ALf CHARGES $2.50 PRKPA1D . . . .-,.' . $.85 . ... . . . 3.8J $6.00 ) Shipped In . 6.00 I plain kegs f I without 1.50 j Goods Named Below Shipped by Freight or Express, Charges " COLLECT." Safely Packed In Neat, PlalnCases. No Marks to Indicate Contents. Wholesale Prices Quoted on Case Goods below are Flat, and Do not Cover Express Charges. Osceola Rye Fine, Old and Mellow Diamond K Kxtra Good Rye Major Comfort Best for the Price North State Corn Old and Mellow Old Valley Corn Fine Quality 1 Case 16 Half Pints and 8 Pints .... 1 Case 16 Half Pints nnd 16 Pints .... 1 Case 31 Half Pints and 34 Pints .... . 1 Case 16 Half Pints and 8 Pints .... Case 16 Half Pints and 16 Pints. Case 31 Half Pints and 34 Pints .... 1 Case 11 ItnlfPlnts and 8Plnti .... case i( nail pintxand 16 Pints .... Case 31 Half Pints and J4 Pints .... Case 16 Half Pints and 8 Pints .... ase 1 Half Pints ami 16 Pints Case 31 Half Pints and 74 Pints .... :ase 16 Half Pints and 8 Pints 'ase 16 Half Pints and 16 Pints ... :ase 31 Half Pints and 34 Pints .... f 1 Ca 1 Ca ( iCa ( 1 Ca I Ca ( 1 Ca f t Ca 1 Ca I 1 Ca 1 Cas 1 Cas 1 Cas EXTRA SPEC) f 1 K gallon ... Kallotis . , I Extra Fine Old, over A 100 Proof STRAIGHT i North Carolina Corn ( ...... u.oo I ....... .J4.6S. 6.95 ........11.25 ........ 4.33 ..6.47 ..10.45 ........ 3.93 53 ........ 9.41 ....... 1-93 ........ SM ........ 9.41 ........ 3.69 '.!;'.!!'; iisj All Charges PREPAID to your point. PHIL. G. KELLY CO. TS8SSZT5 Fine Liquors 1413 EAST MAIN 'il' tS'S RICHMOND, VA. . jasrTTi. s . llfitS m ir.w 11 rur sA 17AI1TEB-AMDER AGENT; nUOHTOWl md diitrlct te ride snd Mhibit a sample Latest Mc-del "Itanirer' bicycle furnished by us. Our agents everrwbere an msssiiiik usiireY ictat,. rr n.( yi mi pafWHwr' ana jmun mtr w mtr. NO MONKY ItEUlJIKKU until Weshifl su anjfTwic, auywnprc in :ie u ivtiiow a cent arposu in aaTacwc, jrtwaj j re ig mt , mm allow T&N WAYS' FKtK TKlALdurtng which time you may ride me bicycle and vm 11 iu dny it-si iou wish. 11 yuu are ineu not penccuy sausnca or ao nw wish w Keep the bicycle ship it b-trk a us at our expense andjrvu wtfl not be tut etu cent, FAPTADV P PIP PC VVc I"""" ths highest grade bicycles it is possible to make rHvlUnl rnivLa one sm.ill profit above actual factory cost. You save Sic to $15 middlemen's profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's cuar antce beliind your bicycle. 10 JiOT HCY a bicycle or a pair of tires from Mrry&m at any prkt until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard ot mcitrf fries and rtmarkabl special offers to rider agent. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED S'SZdWl. twrtVMwecan make you this year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for less money than anv other fauorv. YYe aro astisAed with ii.oo ororit above factor cost. BHTCLE DKALKKH. v-.i can soil our bicvcles under vour own name olata at double our prices. Orderi fillci tlic d.; received. fSUCONU UANU invt'LKS. We do not reffiilarly handle second hand bicyeleat ool usually have a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicapo retail stores. These we clear out iramntlv at uriCM rancinir from fetlt In H or CIO. rWrrintiiH hanrain lint mallrd f rf. nftCTTD DDAVrt sin pi" wheels. Import en! roller ehalna and pditU parts, repairs and I1UA0 1 Ln-DnAftL- equipment of all kinds at kalf tin usual retmii prices. . SELF-HEALING TIRES f.ISS Jl $(TT)LS HEDGETHCBH PUNCTURE-PROOF Y0 filV V ' J The regular rttail price ot then lira it B1 SS.50 ttr tair. but to introduce we will ullymasamflepairlorf4MntasnwuuoraerffM), NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS, Taoka or Clau will not let the air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pair, now in use. IJFelWPTIOfM.lde in all sizes. Itlslivelv and easvndinir.verydurableand lined inside with . snecial oualitv of rubber, which never become. porous and which closes up f mall punctures without allow, mg the air toescape. We have hundreds of letters from satis fiedciistomcrestating that their tireshaveonly been pumped up once or twice iu a whole season. They weiph no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resist inequalities being given by several layer, or thin, specialty ; prepared fabric on the tread. The regular price of these tires is $8.50 per pair, but for advert iftinfrniirmseswearemakinfflSDccialfactorvftrice to the cider of only $4.80 per pair. All order, shipped same day letter is received. We (hip C. O. D. OH approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found thenrftrictly .. represented. We will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the pricc4.58 per pair) if yoa (end FULL CA81I WITH ORDKIt and enclose this advertisement. Von tun no risk fa sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OUR expense if for any reason they an not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than anv tire you hav. ewer used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a trial order al once, hence this remarkable tire offer. mm MfaTaTfw TYDfcTO euiri tniy Bay Kinu ai any price uam jvumu iui .mii m . w ..fcaw si raswj jieugetnorn runcture-rrooi tire, on approval aoo. mai nr; the special introductory price quoted above-, or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue wbica describes and quote, all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. nn unr WM fl but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OKBOTINO a bicycle aWI ffftf WW Jit f or . pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wondarful offers we trt maklnff. It ontv costs a nostal to learn evervthinff. Write it NOW. J. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL ', ' " fir otto, the think rabbtw ta4 aad punetara (trip. "B" nd "U," also rim .trip " H" to prevent rim enttlng. This tlr. will outlast any other tnak.-SOFT, afXASTIO aad KAttt K1JJINO. HA Nil J What happens to it when you ore'disablctl by arpeitlcht orl illness? Doctor's bills, medicines, etc., CAT UP savings rapidly. You pay a small annual premium and ' . WE PAY YOU a stated income when you are ill or injured, at 1 a time when your regular income peases and you need money to take care of increased expenses. : ; PROTECT YOUR SAVINGS. V: ; , : "Isn't it worth a few dollars a year to feci that if you ore ill ' or injured you will not have to use up your savintts? We sell the II most liberal policies on the market and settle all claims promptly .j II ; .We are one" No red tapc-no quibbling over technicalities. of the strongest companies in the business. THE PENNSYLVANIA CASUALTY CO. ;,,'.. axaMTOa. ra. :-.-- 11 KEEP YOUR iiniitv iti: The Huhtcr-Drcwry Co; the BAIJK LETUS.BO YOUR v ' YORRYITIG