. - v PAGE SEE THE EVENINQ TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C. it ' ' ' a t g h fl a P c c, P ti g P U a d - i . ' i f"1 i I 111 ' al ai il S! li to. B Mi cc er th In CO ca th wi tr th ha pa CO It pa "nl .on !do w ne pa wi eU Ini Id, of fle di 3 SOME candies are dear at 30 cents a pound. Others are good square value at 80cents. It just depends bnthe candies. We'll let you be the judge. Step in, Judge, and try NUNNALLY'S. None purer, or more delicious can be made. Every box of bonbons or chocolates is gener ously assorted and per fectly fresh; A fresh supply always kept by TUCKEK BLDG-. PHAKMACi' 11. T. HICKS CO. "None Like Nunnally's. ". PERSONALS ' '. Mr. James B. Pratt, of Charlotte, spent the day in the city. Mr. Frank P. Milburn, of Wash ington, D. C, is at the Yarborough. Mr. Harry Marks, of New York, is in the city on business. Mr. W. B. Fitzpatrick, of Bedford City, Va., was among last night's ar rivals at the Yarborough. Mr. C. W. Willard, of Jamestown, N. Y., is in the city. Mr. S. M. S. Rollinson, of Elizabeth City, N. C, is registered at the Giersch. , Mr. Thos. B. Jacocks, of Tarboro, N. C., spent the day in the city. Mr. P. C. Baker, of Greensboro, is at the Giersch. SCHOOL LCLOS1XG. Commencement Kxerclscs At Rule's Creek Academy llepn Saturday. Saturday. May 8th. S:iW P. M. Kx crcises by Primary, rvpartmi'nt : and Washingtonian Society. Sunday, May 0th,' Jl:Wl A. M Com niencement Sermon, llev. G. T. Adams, Durham, X. C. Wednesday. May 12th,:.S:00 P.M.-Kx-drelses by Athenian Society.'. Thursday, May 13tl. l:(iii A, M. -Contest -for Orator's Medal. 11 :K A. M- j Literary Address by lbn. T. W. Blckett, Raleigh. N. C::-'2:0 ..l'.-?M.-Contest for Declaimcr's Medal. S:3 1'. M. Contest for Drill Medal. S:W P. Recital by classes in Music ami Elocution. Awarding prizes, medals and diplomas: ' taintttrovtam iwwi '... Wilson, Soudan. Va. Valedictorian, Oscar P. Campbell, Statesville, N. C. Passion Play to be Shown At Gem. Owing to the great number of peo ple who were unable to see the won derful Passion Play Monday when it was shown at the Gem Theatre, the management has again secured it and will show it in connection with -its regular program Thursday afternoon and night. The entire program willaml lfj lhu BUest of Mis. Fab H.. Bus- consist of eight reels,: or.S.UOO leot ot Mm,' 6,000 of which is hand colored. The music will be another very im portant feature of the day. In which Mr. H. Henderson and Mr. S. S. Snapp are very prominent. : -. '. " LOCAL BRIEFS The Geni Theatre will put on the Passion Play again Thursday evening and night, together with their regu lar program; al.-so special music will be a feature of the progmni. -Local tai districts, have, been ere- thiu wb-.ut rhnrt Hill. M;iI.Lsf'diw; ' fe days In Raleigh t r,u.. ,,: IJ.ti,lnt '..L.l, ington and Mt. Holly (Gaston coun ty..) Kiiiiiiond Street Car System Sold, (By Leased Wire to The Times) Richmond, Va., May .5. The prop- 11 erties of the Virginia Passenger and ,j iT . u,el V"'i'; "."- lu" day under foreclosure iiroceedings for committee, consisting of Frank J. Gould, Douglas Robinson and others. Every two months or so, yoii should give your piano a bath. A bath! That sounds odd, doesn't it? Nevertheless, it is the thing to do." Dissolve a quarter of a cake of Ivory Soap in a pint of boiling water. When lukewarm, apply io the woodwork with a soft cloth. Riqse with . cold water, which should be applied with another soft cloth. Rub dry r with a chamois; Ivory Soap 994l6 Per Cent. Pure. A lul SOCIETY. FRAYKR. t ore things are wrought by prayer Than this world dreams or. , wherefore let thy voice ' , Rise like a fountain for one night and ' day. For what are men better that sheep or goats. That nourish a blind life within the brain. If, knowing: God, they lift not hands of prayer Both for themselves and those who call them friend? For so. the whole round earth is every way ' . ! ' . Bound by gold chains about the feet of God. -" . . Lord Tennyson. Mrs. M. W. Lee left for Clayton this afternoon. Miss Monte Medlin left this afternoon for Clayton. Miss Josephine Brown ha returned rrom a visit to New Hern. ' " Mrs.J. L. Washburn, of Tryon, the guest of Mrs. li. K. .Mjtfjl. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence slimpson, of statesville, are in the city. Mrs. F. M. Shamberger has returned from a visit to Lauriuburg.' : ' Miss Annie Wittierlngton, of Falson, is the guest of Mrs, II. AY, Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. C W.'fohn, of Cin cinnati, are registered at thq Giersch. Mrs. W. A. Haidle. of Crews. Va.. is visiting her daughter, Mrs Henry Bunch. ; . Mrs. E. C.Winchester, of Monroe, is visiting, her sister. '.Mrs. Herbert E. Noi l is. . . ' ' ' Miss Kflie Vines, of Youngsville, was in the city today while on her way to Tarb.uo. .''". Dr. and Mrs. A. D; Glasscock, of Charlotte are visiting Dr. ami Mis. H. V. Glasscock.: Mrs. P. A. MeCait.v and daughter, Jean, have returned from Texas where they siieut the winter. ; .;: Mis Nina llieliaidson,: of l'ine Klclgi! Farm,:. Is visiting Miss Annie Davis on Person street. Mrs. R. W. Hicks, of Wilmington, is the guest of Mrs. Wade R. Brown, during the Federation. Mjss Clyde Bridijei's returned to her homo in Keiily, this afternoon, after visiting relatives in the city. M,r. J. H. Hastings and Mrs. J. Gllnier Korner, of Kernsville are the guests of Mrs. B. P. Williamson. : Miss Until Waldo and Miss Norma Lynn of Gary, have rcturncde lnm after a visit to Mrs. J. B.Tugwell. '-.""'.' Miss Spier, of the State Normal Col lege, arrived in the city this afternoon and is the guest of Mr. G. Rosenthal. ; - -i, :': Mrs. Arthur Pendleton, of Hender son, arrived in the city tnis atiernoon bee. Miss- Emma Jones, who has been spending the winter with her sister in Tampa. Fla., Is In the city at the home ot Mrs. J. M. Barbee ..-"'-' Miss Annie Bailey Jones left this afternoon for Franklinton, to spelid ."evcral ays. she will be the guest of Miss -Katie. Bet Morris. -.. On account of bad W'eatlier last Friday, the Tableaux at St. Saviour's Parish House will bo repeatnl Satur day night of this week. Miss Frances Hefrow will also recite. . ' ' . Miss Anna .Mae Speas left this morn ing for. her home in Bonneville ftfter the tavl mi?, o. v 1 19ol, Mrs. M. t". WoCfVfS'id Returned to the city this afternoon from Durham alter spending several days tho -guest lof her daughter, Mm. W. T. Carroll. Miss Phjllls Woodall. Ji ace Rogers l....i f..j.. u.. ....... tUi.. T - 1 " for Franklinton, where they will give a recital tonight. They -'Trill be the gueHtg of Mls8 Katie JJf Horris. The many friends of Judge and Mrs. Thomas B. Womack will be glad to learn that Mrs. Womack. who was op erated on at Hex Hospital lust night for appendicitis, stood the operation wull and Is getting along nicely. Recital At Peace Last Night. It waS a large and appreciative aud ience that gathered at Peace Institute last night for graduating recital of Miss lilanchc Hilliard Willlanu, pianist and Miss Hilda Way, reader. The following was the program which was thoroughly enjoyed: Ole Mlsis John Trotwood Moore Hilda Wav Sonata Pathetlque (First move- msnt) Beethoven Blanche HUUardl -nrim -t- 1 VV IlllttlUB. - - - The Lost Word Henry Van Dyke -Hilda Way. ftprlcclo Brilliants Medelsioltn Andante; Allegro con fuoco, (orches tral accompaniment, econd planp)-.- Blnch milliard Williams ' ? e The Bells Edgar Alen Poe. (Mu sical accompaniment.) I Dunno Neiblt. . Papa and the Boy Puck. At C&rtdle-Llghtlii' Time Paul Iawrence Dunbar Hilda Way. . .. .. - Novelletts B maJorv-Schumann. Evening fltar Wagner-lJlsit. Feu Roulant Duvetrtoy. ' . ; -Blanche Hilliard Wllllame. A'- Telephone , Converatlon Mark Twain Hilda Way. ' -, J .-ft j-vrt'.'-i-W '-' ''''''' We are making special efforts in our Hosiery department And we are giving some great values Our line is varied both in style and price. Childrens-In Black, White, Tan and Colors, from 10 to 25 cents a pair. Ladies In Black, White, Tan, and a great line of Colors, at 25c. is without exception the the best we have ever offered. Ask to see our 15 cent line of Ladies' Hose. They are great. THE W00LLG0H DRY GOODS CO. OPPOSITE FIVE Hl'XDISEl) SALOON'S GO. Effect of Increase In License Tnx in ' C'Ky of Rait i more, (fly Leased Wire to The Times) llaltinioro, Md., Jlay 4 Five hun dred saloons' -in'' Baltimore have boen put out of .-business by the increase In license Ices from SaOO to ?7oO a year. .Many of the. proprietors whOhs''r '' were unable to pay the increased tax lHiunils. are Gernian:i, who owned beer- sa loons In' the poorer d 1st rids, One of these, I'iiul Manage, for ninny years had Kept a saloon. He killed him self when the high license took ef fect. It is estimated that the new license should increase tho city's revenue $1,000. 0UO lint if many more saloon keepers fail to tithe out licenses the expected large increase in revenue will not materialize. mkt iioKKir.u: ii:.Tii. Steel Saw I'.rcaks Loose Terrilily In juring' Kmoloye. ; ( By Leased Wire to The Times) A'hIiI.-iikI Hi-.. M:iv 4 -WiiltiT Tor- rey, a saw mill employee operating the saw in a Iocs', mill, noticed that the huge steel hlade had hecome loos ened. Before he could tighten- the bolts it had hroken loose. Torrey jumped for safety, the saw spinning over the ground. Thirty feet from the rack it overtook Torrey, severing his : right leg, inflicting a terrihle wound In his back and lacerating his entire tt unk. Within a short time he bled to death. THK WISKJHTS LK.WK LONDON FOR TIIKIR HOMK. London, May C .Wilbur, and Or vllle Wright, and their sistor;',Mlss Catherine Wright, left here today for Southampton, where they will em bark upon the liner Fron Prinzessin Cocjle for the United, Stales, They will return to England in August and stop here to make, a hatulier of flights n ineir wuy 10 uermauy. i y. B. W. HUNTER, President and Treasurer. II KUNG-CRO WELL DRUG COMPANY .RALEIGH, N. fc. ;;K - - MEADOW VIOLET TALCUM POWDER, PRICE 25 CENTS. Respectfully, KING-CROWeLL DrUg Co, THE REXALL STORE, POST OFFICE. unwiJ'tum-uu'nlmTl Found. Tusk of Mastodon. . ' .Pittsburg'. Ta., May 5-Tlie tualt of a inastodun has buen found on the J banks of (lie A.lefihen'y lliver near I ClarcinotiL liy nicn working for John j Clouse, a eiMitiaclor. It is in a per fect siale of pre.icrvation. It lnoas- l ires nim feet. four inches from root ! to tip. - is live feet, seven and n lung and weighs 297 OXLV OXIO KIM of : WORK "THK RKST." Sl'.MMFR ATTIRF. Means inldilional wear anil wash ing for your linen. If we launder It ; JviH Hint the additional washing and ironing will hut little ef fect the lasting and neaping qualities of your garments. .Your linen lasts the longest when laundered here. TKOFLES STEAM LAUNDRY, . .. Incorporated.! Office: 14 E. Hargett St .' Both Phones, , 74. HAIR DRESSING & MANICURING. LADIES ''AND. .THEIR': HUSBANDS May both receive bcneflciul treat ment at 408 Masonic Building. Be sides making the lady beautiful, Mrs. Cur ley .'makes' a specialty of scalp troatmentt Most men consider bald ness a - necessary evil. Not bo. Proper ' professional ' attention will allay the trouble and destroy its source..' Special appointments If dtf sired. Mrs. S. ' Parker Gurley, 408 Masonic Building. E. G. BIRDSONG Vlce-Pree. aoid Sec'y. o - : : kitchen : : Furniture Exposition oosierKitcben Hbwet , Cpjrltile4, IM, V HI. Co. 127 Fayetteville St. H. MAHLER'S SONS, Royall & Borden Furniture Co 1 VV'; :posT' i WmiOV Wm in the 'illness?- Doctor's bills, medicines, You j.WE PAY YOU a stated income J a time when your regular income ceases ana you ncca money it 1 take care of increased expenses. I PROTECT YOU R SAVINGS . Isn't it worth a few dollars a year to feel that if you are ill or injured you will not have to most liberal policies on the market No red tape-no quibbling over technicalities. We are one H of the strongest companies in the business. Jf THE PENNSYLVANIA CASUALTY CO. .' tc!'0ii. rt. " The Hunter-Dr State THOMAS A. ALWAYS SOM An extraordinary Showing of New and , -Beautiful Muslin Crowns. Petticoats; Corset Covers, Etc." 6un annual sale of Muslin Underwear begins on Monday Morning May 3, 1909, at 9 o'clock. Etery lady, in -Raleigh and-yi- cinity invited. , you will nna uarmems ana prices .ex ceedingly attractive. - 4 ' ' Wesell?,P.N.,,and,C..B."Corests. t THORMS A. PARTO CO., ! Next io Masonic Temple, i 5"; t RALEtGrt ' - -v i(iRTtt CAROLINA; THE SECURITY LIFE np nnKKKsiiORo: V.. o. A. Rnfn n the Lareest Largo JIargin of Asset In Exces SO Oomnanf More Kconomicaiiy pianugeu. . . :jt , - , The Only Purely Mutuul, Old Uue, Lc-gl , Reserve , inphhy .ta . North Carolina, nd tlie Oldest (Company tm me Btate.; -y It will pay you to gei, our rates and sample of onr policy befort pitting your insurance.,- i ' r ; . , , SLOAN & KLUTTZ, District Agents,. ' . . 802 Tucker Ruildlnft ;. . . . , . j.. . x . Raleigh, N., O. A few first class men wanted In unoccupied territory. . ; , --: .'.; A We .arc showing the Hoosier Kitchen Cabi v . nei, Sanitary Tables, and, Steel Ranges. ' " Wc aro also showing the ' i Kitchen Cabinet, Ta ' bles. etc.. at the Gas 1 .. J'jXpOSltlOll AVCCK OI Mav3-8. Raleigh, N. C On the fact that ' have spcciiilly : stwktMl for tlu- two spring events JlarrSase and Graduation. . For tlie former we? have a rcmark- alily -wfcle choice in Sterling Silver for Tuhle or IK-coratlve use, Cut (iliLss, rich and superb In design and appearance. Small Gold Favors for the best man, bridesmaid, etc., etc. For the latter, Watches in several different kinds of Gold and Silver j Cases. Pins, Itrooclies, Fobs, Neck- ! laces, Kings etc., etc. , Our stocks are far too. varied to be fully covered in this brief Ad Would you call mid Inspect? : JEWELERS RALEIGH, N. O. ' etc., EAT UP savings tapidly. pay a small annual premium and when you are ill or injured, at use up your savings? We sell the JI and settle all claims promptly, f f KEEP YOUR MONEY III ewry Co., the BANK ' m m mm A M M ' Apconts, Ltl, Ud UU RALEIGH, N. . ' YflilR WORRYING PARTI CO., ETHING NEW, AND Mm ICO '. ' As Strong M the Oldest. of Llabijltlea. mm '. K mi

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