THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. 0. PAGE SEVEN 7-. The. Best nr r BASE M BALL IP ;-At''Q and Other fS $ports j& Winder . Harris, Sporting Editor. s& (WMMUMMU SPORTING SIDELIGHTS. '. THE TKAM OF OVH DIM", A.MS. Nine batsmen that walk to the plate each day, 1 While the only tune that the band can play Is "Over the fence and far away." Blng! On the crest of the old trade mark. Soaring up like a winging lark, Over the fielders and out of the park. With never a strike-out and never a "pop," And never a drive that the fielders . -''can stop, But batting "one , thousand" with never a drop. Nine fielders that grab every bingle In Bight, SlamB to the left of "em hits to the ' right, Pulling 'em down, though as high as a kite. With never an error and never a "boot." With never a fumble, however they shoot, . . Or wlggte or wobble or skim out or BCOOt. "Squeezing 'em tight" overhead, un derneath. One hand, or both, as the drives skim the heath. Or when this is imiossible, using the teeth. A slab corps that faces each team at the bat, Shooting them over in this way or ' that, :-X But striking 'em out with terrific . eclat. , . With the speed of a Krupp when the enemy's shelled, With "control" of the type that the Standard Oil spelled, - With the curves of I. -.Russell or Ma dame A. Held. , - With never a base-hit secured by the foe,1 . Yet right td the spot every time they must go -Now, honestly, truthfully isn't this so? By Grantland Rice in the NashviKe Tennessean. Yesterday afternoon's practice was a source of much pleasure to the two hundred fans -that gathered at the A. & M. Athletic field. Never be fore has a Raleigh team exhibited so much ginger, pepper, and other things that go to make a great base ball team. The infield work of the regulars was so fast that a greasy streak of blue ligbtning would have felt ashamed of itself. Hoover, Brumfleld, Murray and Brouthers certainly put in some great work. The Regulars and Yanlgans ".Ined up for a few Innings with Brown and White, both southpaws, doing the slab work. Brown was working for the yanlgans, and he loomed" up as another star upon the baseball hori zon. White delivered the goods for the regulars in great style, the Yanl gans only securing one run off him and that was on a home run by M ManuB, the first man up. Both of these twlrlers promise to give some of the would-be pennant aspirants a bunch of trouble. Fuclch was on the gro.nnds, but was not called upon to show his art in the pitcher's box. He officiated In We ATiV AMULET CORN ....... COCK A UK HYK . . , Eureka Kye Lan Itlver Rye ........ Grey Goose Hye ....... Satisfaction Rye Old Henry Rye Greenwood Rye Jefferson Club Rye' .. . . Hlghsplre Rye N. C Tuckahoe Corn... N. C. Swallow Corn ... Vllirinln Corn Whlihv Very Qld N. uia uurro corn Whiskey Holland Qln Apple Brandy .......... Peacl Brandy rniKfN tmuwwuuummutttHm tuumwMMUtMtuuunMMtHum 4. 0 A n 1 yiiiiiiif . J f i Ii. I V 1 t,: x. -writ- its This is u picture. of Kvans, the St. Louis Nationals right fielder. He has been' playing great bail during the present season. the left garden in Hoffman style. Mc.Manus was also lio'ding down an outer garden with great, success. Hampton was seen behind the bat for the first time, and although it was very plain that he was not in the best of form, he looked to have the , , ' i maklnRB of a good backstop after a lew aays oi imiu wuik, jiwm, iu was' on; the job for the Regulars, was :rz. ,i uL". .... - i mere in muik- "'b - He is there with the be Is on. I The work of the entire squad jas of such a high order that it would be a tough proposition to single out any one player as tne sinning tignt in yesterday's practice. But it may be said without the slightest hesitation or exaggeration, that Dick Crozier has two sets of Inflelders, either of I which would equal our wildest expec tations. For the Regulars, allow me to reiterate that the work of Hoover, Hrunifield, Murray .'and , Brouthers was so fast that the crowd of onlook ers were .continually ...applauding' the sensational stops, throws and other good plays. Suffice to say that Croz- ier and Hoffman were romping around the outfield.; Tiiey were never known to, fail to star in that capacity. Large crowds are attending the practices every ''afternoon, which' goes to show that the professional baseball spirit, which has been dormant for the past several months,, will soon break forth in all its fury. The crowds arc: as we'.conie as the flowers in May, as it encourages the players to do their very best to get. in trim for the hard race ahead. ' Those right field bleachers are still doing business at the same old stand. Uick Crozier was forced to run nearly tp the top of them yesterday when he attempted to gather in a lino drive to right centre? He eilhiu' had to take his chances by running up the bleach ers or fall over them, which; would have been as bad. What argument can 1(0 offered against the removal of Goot Whiskey costs you no tored" brands. The teDUtation ble Mail Order House was built on lowing well-known brands: Pay All Express Charges. In Jii(t. ' Per Gill. 3 Gal. la II Kiln. a.5 S.15 X45 .T0 8.20 4.00 4.50 B.00 (1.00 8.20 ..Vim .v7.v . . 2.M (1.45 . : uao . . S.M) K70 ,. ulo.(M .4.00 11.40 4.00 ft.00 2.00 2.BO 8.00 11.40 14.00 8.75 T.30 M.70 10.00 C. Corn Whle key. 8i50 4.00 8.40 - 2.70 4.00 ... 8.00 H.TO . . . X50 7.20 ... 8.50 10.00 QlIPPI V m M.I. H...b.r, these hindrances to the playing of the right and centre fielders? Every body that goes to see the practices remarks, "Why don't they move tliose bleachers in right field? And no otie seems to be ab)e to give them a rea sonable answer. , . , : ' I The atmosphere down around the village on the raging Cape Fear has cooled oft considerable , in the past few days, or the cover will not stay tucked in at the foot of n certain Fay ttteville rooter's. bed.. A great wave of morality has struck the fan that offered to wager that Kayettevllle would take the first game, or he has been putting his feet close to the ice box. Which is t:ie most probable? That Dick, Crosier lias not secured Waits Ilanirick, one of the catchers of the'. Railroaders in '07, Js welcome news heVe. llamriek has a nuniher of friends in this city who would re gret his presence in this league if he jjvasn't over here. He is one of the coming catchers of bal.dom, and Ins lilttiiiLT makes him :i valuable .-issft. (and with all of this he is an exceed ingly clever Record. fallow. Rocky Mount 1 Fear not, my lad, nor let not thy I teeth chatter, but put this away in your knowledge emporium. "If Waits nuiuricK--. piays : unu mis season, ne will be seen in a Red Bird uniform." Bin mere are otiiers. ilig Irwin Is ; give uie com snivers to tne young and unsophisticated. I At the rate Frank Smith is win ning games for the White Sox this early in tile campaign, many baseball fans look for the piano mover to sur pass the wonderful record of Ed. Walsh in 1908. During last year's American League race Walsh made I a record of forty victories, fifteen de. feats, one tie, taken out once, and finished nine games, . . . i iiiu.v u, naieigu league, i, anc t;ien jllst think Trinity 0. and Phila Trinity 0, Raleigh League, deiphia 1 (with Coveleskle pitching.) Vo n,.Ai. ,...h f,,.,f ,,Q ., 'A.y At1 Greensboro: Greensboro, 1; ie uui fCrlbe i the capital city. No use to !..., v. Ue agajn wh that U)bl)er fls tQ whk.h ,g the (astest the Caro;ina or Kast rmlin;l hllt s, tn 1:llm. ,ng the chanil)on!ihil) of tne Ieague and back your' assertions on the above figures. But : back to earth again, that looked well for the Red Birds, and if you keep that stride you won't tail end the lea guff But we still insist that we must have a three daps awful rainy spells if Raleigh ends the first week with a thousand percentage. Rocky Mount Record. Thank you. It is indeed kind of you to condescend to give Raleigh a j)osition abov,;the bottom rotlnd ot the ladder. Pardon inquisitiveness, but will you please enlighten your humble servant on two subjects: Will you put the expression, "three daps awful rainy spell, etc," in a '.it tie plainer English; and put me next ta the source of your knowledge about Raleigh's claims to a 1,000 per centage at the end of the first week of playing? .': Judgment. Did you ever hear anything but praise for Vick's Croup and Pneumonia Salve? it Is" Mho best, it's worth 25 to 50 dollars and often more to any family. ' 25, 50 and $1.00. All Druggists. more than of this Old the fol otllea. NUM. B.(M , 6.00 4.'.'0 .4.7S 0.25 .1'5 T.7 8.78 U.7B 4.UO wmmm FE COUSINS SU1 . vurri.n w"' 7.75 0.40 B.a.1 -T.7.1 SOLE VHMOND, VIRGINIA 4 Son, p MlllPl p N N G G MEDICINE To Wake up your Liver and Purify your Blood TAKE IT NOW THE CENUINE has h. RED Z on lha front ol each paokaoa and lha signature and saal ol J. H. ZEILIN CO., on lha side, IN RED. YEST Kit I . Y'H R F.Sl ITS. National League. I At Philadelphia: Philadelphia, 5; New. York, 2. At Chicago: Chicago, 0; Pitts burg 1. ( 1 1 innings. ) At ".Brooklyn: Boston, 7; Brook lyn, 6. Second ;;amc: Boston, 2; , jj, - .'. '-. I " ,' American League, At Cleveland: Cleveland, 10; Chi cago, 2. At Boston: Washington, 1 ; Bos ton, 0. At New York:' New York, 11; Philadelphia, I!. At St. I.nnis- Kt T.nnis 4- Hp- troit 2. South Atlantic Lengue. At Charleston: Charleston. Chattanooga , At Jacksonvill 'Columbia, 2. Jacksonville, At Columbus f!i Augusta, Columbus 2. At Savannah: Macon, 2; Savan- nah, 0. (11 innings.) Southern League. At Birmingham, Ala.: Birming ham, 9; Montgomery, 3. At Atlanta, fia.: Xashvi'.le, 1 At- lanta.'O. At Memphis, Tenn.: Mobile 2; Memphis, t. Carolina Association. At Spartanburg: Spartanburg, 6; Charlotte, 3, At Winston-Salem: Winston-Salem, 3; Anderson, 0, Ut 3reenvllle, 0. Virginia League. . At Roanoke: Roanoke, ' 4 ; Dan ville, 3. j At Lynchburg: Lynchburg, 4; Portsmouth, 0. ' At Norfolk: Norfolk, 4; Rich i niond, 3. Other Games. At Rocky Mount: Rocky Mount, 3; A C College, 2. ' . At Princeton, N, J.: Virginia, 0; Princeton, 3. At Washington, DC: Carolina, 4; Georgetown, 2. At Fayetteville: Fayetteville, 4; Raeford, 0. At Macon, Ga.: Mercer, 3; Geor gia Tech., 2. OA.MKS TOD.W. Nntional league. Pliiladelphia at Hrooklyn, rain, 4 p. .111. New York at Boston; cloudy, 3: ISO p. m. St. ! .on is at Pittsburg; cloudy, 8:30 p. m. Ciiii intiati at Chicago; clear, 3:30 p.; m. .;;' ' ,' ..' American league. Boston at New York; rain, 4 p. m. Washington at Philadelphia; cloudy, 3:30 p. m. Chicago at Cleveland; clear, 3:30 p. m. .. ;'.....-' .'.."' Detroit at St. Louis; clear, 3:30 l. m. Kills to Stop the Fiend. J The worst foe for 1 2 years of John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., was a run ning ulcer. He paid doctors over 1400,00 without benefit. Then Buck len's Arnica Salve killed the ulcer and cured him. Cures Fever Sores, Bolls, Felons, Eczema, Salt Rheum. Infallible' for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, 25c at all druggists. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES. HOT WATER BOTTLES. The Famous "Kanlloek". Guar- nnteeil. ( Trices from 91.00 to $.1.00. TttE HICKS VRVG COMPANY. Both Phone. : : : experience : : : Keeps a Dear School ! Bridgers Tailoring Co. 120 PAYKTTKVII.I.n STKKIjf, - - - - - ItALHfGH, ' N. C. Ii. II. WYATT, Seeretary nnrt Treasurer. JOHN' E. WllDGKItS, Pres. E1MJAR L. HKIDGKliS, VJce-Pres. A. C. HINTON, North Carolina's Foremost Tailor. Carolina Trust Building. RALEIGH - - - ....... N. C. Wedding Lent, with its enforced social sedateness, is over and there follows Spring and the season of weddings. Can you think of a more appropriate and satisfac tory wedding gift than a selected chest, or single dozen forks or spoons in any of the handsome de signs we are showing in Sterling Silver? We have a large variety of select jewelry and silver ware, all suitable for such occasions. If you have a gift to purchase call and see our stock and learn our prices, they vill surprise you. JOLLY-WYNNE JEWELRY COMPANY, FAVKTTKVIIXK STKKKT. KAI.KItai. N. i Hammocks for Summer ! Hohlfeld make- No other like ; . them. : New stock of pound Papers and Envelopes. Hurd s fine stationery. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO If you had experience with clotlies that are not made of all Wool materials we know you will appreciate the piece in the suit we make for you. We guarantee solid all Wool fabrics That means long shape holding wear Also give you the lit and tailoring that will guarantee your satisfac tion, t . "We tuiike clothes right." now about your Spring Suit? TAKE HALF AN HOUR OFF! Come over to our place, se lect your preference of our elegant assortment of Wool ens, choose your fashion, have us take your measure, and tell us to get busy on your SPRING SUITS We'll give you superi6r workmanship and exclusive fabric, correct style and not able individuality of appear ance. Complete satisfaction in every detail. Don't delay come today. ills! J? n Proprietor!. """M tUAMN' m''-' "'". xiar. InonHiMim Tht Old RtllabU Mail Order Hout: Richmond, Va. It - ') V ' . t I ,