V ... PAGE EIGHT n. .3 .B ..--I . THE EYEINa TJMES, RiLEIGH, N. 0. FOR BETTER HIGHWAYS V 4 H .u :V ..y:-V: s4 Stops fain cr it IS Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddl e cakes, rolls and muffins. The only Baking Powder Made frbm Royal Grape Cream of Tartar THOMAHVIMiK XKWS. Itesnlt of Municipal Kle (ion School Closing Xew. Methodist Church. (Special to The Times.) Tlioniasville. N. ('.. May 5 The ol.iein.r ov,.r iu..u llui Tlinnmsvllln graded school will be held on Thurs day and Friday of this Week. On. Thursday evening Hew P.ato Dur ham, ot Concord, vill deliver an ad dress and on Friday evening an op- oretta, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarts" will be given by the school. The public is invited to all the exer cises. Monday night, for the first time, all the merchants of the town as per agreement, closed their places of bus iness at 7:30 and promptly at that time all places were dark. By this arrangement all will have shorter hours tor transacting business. Monday the municipal election was , held. Everything passed 'off quietly and the entire ticket named ins the primary was elected as follows: , For , mayor, v . a. . Bin gin. ne received 201 votes. Town Commissioners: .7. C. (ireen, L'21 : .1. R. Myres, 1st: .1. W. Lambeth, 179; A. H. -Ragnn,. 211 "1 : and H. Kapp, 1SI. This ticket is composed of good men and they will give the town a good administration all the business interests are repre sented and each and every one has the material advancement of the town at heart. The people of the town ex pect great things from this board and they will not lie disappointed. Work-in the new Methodist church is neaiing completion and no doubl by the first of June it 'will be ready for use, the benches have "been or dered and will bo here in a few days. antl v The nlne of Proprietary Medicines is proven by the very large pereunt age of physicians' prescriptions for I je saute remedies found in every drug store in America, but as they are written in Latin, few patients realize i his f'.ict.. Tile old standard proprietary -medicines lue l.ydia 10. I'lukhnin's Vege? table Compound, that have stood the test of t line, deserve a place in every family medicine chest, and it is most cerium I hey 'would not be .prescribed, by physicians if they were able to de vise a formula equally as efficacious. Henderson Xews. (Special to The Times.) Henderson, N. ('., May .V ' There being no opposition, the viile.cast for town ollicers yesterday, was the light est that has been for years. Henry. T, Powell was elected mayor, Alphus Cook, first ward; Joseph T. second ward; .'.Geo. A. Kosi ward, and li. F. l'ayue the ward; tour commissioners Jotles, third foil nil The mayor and commissioners will meet tomorrow night lor the purpose of electing police officers. Mr. Clifton Payne, accompanied by Miss Maggie, daughter pf Mr. Rich ard Hushtnan. drov over to Oxford yesterday, where they were happily married. The young couple boarded the southbound train for Durham and will be absent for sometime before returning home. They will make Henderson their future home. KXITTIXO MUX FOR AI'EX, New Buildings of All Kinds for the Metropolis of While Oak , Township.' Mr. Percy J. Olive, of Apex, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Olive is the leading attorney of his thriving city and speaks enthusiastically of ' the progress that has been made by Apex. Several new brick stories are now in course of erection and a large number of residences. Tomorrow there will be a meeting of the stock holders of the new knitting mill which is soon to begin operations with a paid in capital stock of $20. 000. Nearly all of this stock is held by local capitalists, showing the pro gressiveness of the business men of ' Apex. f$ f'lOirOlf ijt.i4.lii ,f t ATK MIU. XKWS ,9 1 I Vol k - I ll 11101' IJi Vi- V nk I ii tiiDis received In this hiii i k.-t arc to Uic effect that thf -Athens coitoii mill at Athens. Ala.. Avjll shortly I'liaiiHc hands. . Zi'liiilon, X. C.-Woik 'lias been tailed an the new ' SS'iO.Of'O culton mill o avIu 'the largest h Archibald Meldrum is toekholder. Marietta. S. ,('. U. L. "Walker ami ' Z. T. .McKiuncy 'of . (,'reenville ('.. .;anl YV. H. Patterson, of Atlanta, tin., ;are reported Interested' lit -u plan for the erei-ticiji of .a larjje cotton factory at .Marietta. S. C. . !- Penl-osc X. ('.--Penrose Manufactu ring Co. has been incorporated by H. P. .Moore anil W. W. Ziiekerv. prin cipal stockholders. The paid in eap i ital is Ki.lKm. , Manufacturers of ho 1 siery. yarn. doth, etc ! - Anierieus. (lit. -The board of trade, ' Ameiicus. (in., is lilaiiiiing the Virnan izatjoii of a . company to build a 1'0,- 000 spindle cotton mill In that city. This would r $400,000. lUil'c tile Investment of Shelby, V i'.-Tli, Kiln - Mills have' the !.. N. Parks placed contract with must hedge and New Hi leans should complete equipment I' the well known 1 Turbo lluiniililieis fiir th arcling, splnnii; and '"weaving rooms. . Laijcasti r, S. t . 1 1 is reported that Col. I.emv Springs will build another large c-iHion mill. Tl. -'.-will be located at Lancaster. S. ('., Where Col. Springs lias another mill iii opination. The 11, 'W one will pi'olialily bi' known as the Lancaster So ' : . The le-w tiiill will Cost,. It Is said, in aily half a -million dollars and will operate ahoiit L'n.01111 spindles on yarns, , lii-eer. S. i". Tile gentlemen' appoint ed at the recent mill mass m eting to jnvure suliscriptioii!'. for the undertak ing are nu- ting with a hemMy 'response, and the ai.iiouiicemeui made, ihaf only $10.1.1011 is neeileii to .make the amount which Mr. lioliinson stipulali'd. The niovenienf was "given a great linpetus by. the mass meet ing and the commit- tee but had little trouble in securing lat.oiit Mi.ii,o ioiiiuioiiai. iiiaking uie toial aggt'cgaicMii uie neiKiiiiornoon $11,1 The . this c.initllittei Smith. K. IV F. A. Ihii'giss lliuitsville, : .MaiiufaetiH'iug gentlemen coinpoijiiig weie MeKsrs.; T. L, i.ec, II. V. Holtzelav.', iiinl A. 11. Miller. All The ( ! reon wooil V, composed pilnei- pally of eeapalalii-l.-i of Huntsvllle. has been chartered under the laws nf: Ari zona.' with , an authorized -'capital of J,".ii.i:i'ui for operating cotton, .woollen and knitting mills. The incorporators ale: Frank J.v Thompson,' .Tracy W,' I'laif. W. li. Hutton and ("..Green and the officers r l Green. "president; Ti.icy V. I'ratt. vice president; W. ft. Hutton. treasurer; lien I", Hunt, secre tary; V Y Green, T. .Pratt, V. K. Hutton. .1. J. Kiailley ami Mrs. Annie 1), Thompson nre directors. A .large tract of land at Flora, Teiin.. has already been secured, with a IniihliiiK site on the Nashvile, Chatta nooga & St. Ixmis Itallway, water privileges and other valuable conces sions. Tlie company win Duua a coi -ast lo,oi;o spindles, j at a later date to ton mill -with at lea It is the purpose manufacture woollen blankets. Joseph J. I'.iadley, one of the directors, Is Kencial agent 'fur the Merrimack Man ufacturing Co., Tracy W. Pratt, an other director. Is one of the best known cotton.' mill operators in the South ar.d Is principal owner and bead of the West Huntsvllle Cotton Mill Co. Am rlean Textile Manufacturer. . Mis Gill at Vuiverslty. ' Miss Laura Drake Gill spoke at the Baptist University yesterday not only to the faculty and students of that Institution, but to those of St. Mary's a;id Peace as well. ' ,'Her subject was "The College Ed ucation as an Equipment for Life." It was an interesting address present ed in a forceful manner. Smashes All Records. , As an all-round laxative tonic and health-builder no other pills can com pare with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They tone and regulate stomach, liver ana moneys, puruy tne d.oou, strengthen the nerves; cure Constlpa-; tion. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Jaun- dice, Headache, Chills and Malaria. Try them. .' 25c. at all druggists. . I i i.r. Soon;' Great Convention to Held iii Rich moiul, Va., May 14th and 15th Movement to Combine All Or ganizations Working' for 'Better Roads. The following invitation has been received at The Times office from the International League for Highway Improvement: '; "You are cordially invited to at tend a conference of the National Executive Committee of tile Interna tional League for Highway Improve ment (incorporated unde the laws of Florida at St. Augustine, Feb. lath, 1909, as the National Associa tion) to be held on Mav 14th and '1.1th in Ihe auditorium of tlfe Hotel ' Jefferson, Richmond, Va. I "Many men of prominence have been invited to attend the conference, ! among them President Taft and Sec- jfetary of Agriculture .Wilson. Sec retary Wilson has already signified jhis intention of being with us if pos- ' sible. ' I "Ah entertaining program has been , prepamnttrottgh the courtesy of the j high way improvement associations of Richmond and of Virginia. "A special meeting on organization and plan and scope of the National I Executive Committee of the Interna tional League will be held on Satur day morning, May 15th, at 11 o'clock. "The proceedings of May 1 4th comprehend a general discussion of highway improvement by men who have a thorough knowledge of the subject. - "You are earnestly urged to be present on this occasion." This organization was formerly known as the National Roads Asso ciation. Mr. John A. Stewart, of New York, is president and Mr. Har ry I,. Brown, of St. Augustine. F.Ia., is '.'secretary. J. E. Ingraham, also of St. Augustine, is treasurer. The vice-presidents of the organization are Albert Lewis, Bear Creek. Pit.; Eugene Masters, St. Augustine, Fla.; K. I. Leighton. Cleveland, Ohio. . This organization is working to combine all the various movements for improved highways into one com pact organization In-order, to' more effectively place the needs of the peo ple before the National Congress. The question of good roads is a vital one and was so recognized by the leading thinkers and nationnl leaders of the last century. Abraham Lincoln said: . "I am in favor of ah internal im provement system, and believe that the poorest and most thinly populat- ed countries would be greatly bene fnl(i by the opening of good roads sincl in the clearing of navigable streams." . liefore the day of Lincoln the great John C. Calhoun, in a speech before ihe house of representatives in isitl, said: ; "What can add more to the wealth, strength and political -prosperity, of our country than cheapness of intercourse? . . . . . . Let us then bind the Republic togeth er with roads," The movement for betters roads is growing every day and will finally result in a greater nation. Mved 152 Years. Wm. Parr England's oldest man married the third time ,a.t 120, worked in the fields till 132 and lived 20 years longer. People should o youthful at 80. James Wrleht. of Spurlock, Ky., shows how to remain young. . "I feel Just like a 16-year- old boy," he writes, "after taking: six bottles of Electric Bitters. For thir ty years Kidney trouble made life a burden, but the first bottle of this wonderful medicine convinced me li had found the greatest cure . on earth." They're a Godsend to weak, sickly, run-down or old people. Try them. 60c at all druggists. CAI GHT FOR GAMBLING. Negro in Jail Charged With Indulg ing In a "Skin Game." Frank Holmes, a negro, has been committed to jail to await trial for gambling. The warrant charges HnlniPH with "nfnvfncr tin A hatHnir j - - n M.ia ; -1 " O Fmoney at- a game - of chance called 'Bkin game,' the same being played with cards." Constable D. R. Byrum, on Infor mation, had the warrant issued. A great deal of gambling Is being done here by a low set of negroes. A few davg g0 tw0 negr(JeB were ghot ,n a quarre, ar,Bng over a ..Bk,n offlcer Bvriim , ,,p.prm,nB . an end to vagrancy and gambling among the negroes of this city and is going after the wrong-doers. Pale Delicate Women and Girls. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTT LF.S8 CHILL TONIC, drives out ma laria and builds up the system. - For ' grown people and Children 60c. . Tableaux at St. Saviours. The Interesting tableaux which were given at St. Saviour's Chapel last Friday night will be repeated Saturday night. Miss Frances Ren frow will recite, -sciatica or any pain in the nerves is quickly re lieved by an applicatioi of -Sloan's Liniments It penetrates right to the seat of the trouble, quiets .the excited nerves and gives permanent as well as immediate relief. is an excellent antiseptic rem edy for cuts," burns, bruises, poisonous insect stings and . sprains. " At atl Druggists. Price 25c, 60c. and fl.00. Dr. Earl S. SloanBoston, Mass. OFJESSIONAL DR. L. J. HERRING, VETERINARY SlRfJEOXANl) DENTIST. . Office annex of Freeman & Sor rel l's stables. Entrance 120 East Morgan street and Wilmington street. Graduate of Kansas City Veterinary College. Will go anywhere called. ' Phones: Capital City, 94; Raleigh, 263. Calls answered both night and day. . . Dr. S. I. NoiTis. Dr. S. E. Douglass. . Ofllce ITours: 8::l0 to C V. M. Drs. Worris & Douglas, ' : Dentists. .' We are giving a liberal cash dis count on all Dental Work, and on all old accounts for the mxt !!0 days. A written guarantee given with all work. :-- Ofllce 228 Faycttcville Street. Over H. Mahler's Sons Jewelry Store. PRACTICAL HATTER, llats of all kind Cleaned, ISlcKkcd, Triiiinil mid Shaped While You Walt. .We rlean ami press Derby, Felt, Straw, Panama, Silk, and Ladles' Hats. All styles of new IIatHauds. Gl'S lil'SSOS, SOS Fiiyetteville St., Knleigli, N C. YOl' CAN GKT along without elec tric light, in your store or your home, but you miss pleasure and conven ience every day of your life if ynu dispense wllh this neccssify. Through the cfflcicncj-of Tniigstin lumps, elec tricity is uii economical lights Carolina Power & Light Company. Sloan's Liniment FOR THE MEN FOLKS With the hot weather comes new clothes, not only the outer suit for man, but everything he, wears. We study the nature of the dressers, as there are men of all sorts with all sorts of ideas and taste, and we have prepared for them We can come prefty near furnishing anything a man wears, pur stock is immense and complete in all departments. Come to see us and let us fit you out. Y I. ' " - , I GROSS fSl LINEHAIVJ J TAYETTEVnii flfTREET. - Straa 111 High time now to discard that old worn winter hat and take up a fresh Straw Hat for the hot summer days. Our Straw Hats have arrived and are not to be equaled in style and variety. They are ready for your inspection, and selection. Edgar E. ' Broughton, HABERDASHER. The Raleigh Savings Bank. J NO T. ITLLEN, President. CHARLES ItOOT, Cashier CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per cent. Interest paid on deposit. Call In the bank, or write for further information. . f SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COUP ANY. (ft v ' WITH . (ft. An unsurpassed history behind It since 1MI Hafety U Its Depositor. : 0 Accommodation CHA8. E. JOHNSON O Prtldent. Shirt Waist i White Shirts Are easily soiled, but with our Laundering process they nre easily cleaned. We give special attention to work of this class, assuring you of the very best. '-" ' Oak City Steam Laundrj Co., Mione for our - . ... - RALEIGH, - GOING TO EUROPE? We'sell American Express Company Checks in de nominations of $10 up. Available anywhere in the world without identificStion. Most travelers use themi The Commercial National Bank RALEIGH, N. C. Capital and Surplus . . .... . . . . . ... $200,000 STATKMKNT OF COXDITIOX THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK ItAIiFKiH, N. C. To the Comptroller of the Currency, April 28, 1000. KKSOCKCKS. IT.. S.' Bonds, par 223,000.00 Loans and investments ' 7 1 8,0 i 0.41 Cash . . . . . . . . . . ... 287,730.60 'Due from banks . 92,134.05 I- . 11,322,914.06 lo) JVll fill li irnc to Its Customers. ' ' WUlIng service to 1U IYIends. (ft F. It. BRJGGS, Cashier. 9 W.ison. . - VORTH CAROLINA. MAUIMTIF.S. Capital . .. ........$ 100,000.00 Surplus and profits .. 178,424.82 Circulation , . ...... 100,000.00 Deposits . . ... . 944,489.24 11.322,914.06 ' ' --' 1 ' , COMPANY HALEIOH, n. O ", . . i r ' i : IS !! v "V" ) 1 .jvnnm.n- i iff iiiii

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