LEADING BANK PRESIDENT VISITS THE GREAT ANDES Enormous Sales and Scores of Remarkable Cures Attracting Attention Throughout Entire North Carolina. Celebrated Advertiser Will Leave Bobbitt-Wynne's Drug Store in Next Few Days. Among tlie hundreds of prominent citizens of the Old North State who visited The (J rent Andes, advertiser and lecturer, at his headquarters In the Bobbin-Wynne Pharmacy last week was Mr. V. H. .Harward. one of the leading citizens of the stale and a man of prominence in Apex. Wake county, where his main busi ness interests are centered. Mr. Harward, who is enterprising and progressive, has been sintering from catarrh for several years and came to Raleigh solelv, it is under stood, to purchase Andes' Great Pre scription for his trouble. His skepti cism about proprietary medicines was removed by the countless stories told of the remarkable cures accomplished by the jusllv-celeln aled Andes' medi cines. Mr. Harward, in addition to being president of the Merchants' and Far mers' Rank, the leading financial In stitution of Apex, is a member of the drug firm of A, V. liaucom & Co., of which Mr. A. V. liaucom is active manager, and is also actively in con trol of the large mercantile, concern known as Harwards .Department Store, in Apex. Following the visit of Mr. llarward to The Great Andes in Kaleigh the Baucom Drug Co., of Aucx, purchased a large quantity of both Andes' Great Prescription and Andes' Great Oil. be ing given the exclusive agency of those preparations for that Immediate section. Already 'numerous cases of stomach, liver, kidney and bladder trouble have been cured in that neighborhood and numerous sales are being reported among those aware of the superb curative qualities of the remedies. This week has been, so far, the Sail ford School Closes. (Special to The Times I -San ford. May 5 The Santord grad ed school has just closed a verv suc cessful year. The .sermon was preached Sunday morning by Rev. R. J. Heattie, of the Presbyterian church.' Class exercises were had Monday night, after which a recep tion was given the graduating class by the pupils of the ninth grade. Tuesday night the graduating class delivered their addresses and essays which were intermingled with de iligbtlul music bv Miss Ferguson's music class, then itibles and diplomas were delivered the graduating class, which consisted of one young man and five young ladies. This was tul lowed by an address bv Prof. K. ('. Brooks, of Trinity College, which was full of interest and much enjoveil by all present. Professor Brooks com plimented our school and its work, of which our people are justly .proud.". Copyright 1909 The Houv of Kuppcohdnwr Chicago " ":. ' ' I ..:,. Knowing that your clothes arc just right 'adds much to your pleasure these Hpring days. That easy swing and grace, so important in this Spring's style, you'll find perfected to a 'limit's heel in our Clothing. A well-made stylish garment, $10. Better ones at $12.50 and $15.00. J. R0SENGARTEN CO., RALEIGH. N. C. most successful of any in The Great Andes' work, the sales, the interest, the cures, the advertising, having been larger, more interesting, more valuable, than ever expected. The campaign in this state, which is spreading like wild-lire throughout its farthest confines, has been unsur passed even bv larger and more popu lous districts and the announcement that both a mail order and a 'Whole sale department had been installed by the Andes' company, in Raleigh, to meet the tremendous demand for the famous medicines, has met with unqualified approval. The mail order department has been installed at the liobbitt-Wynne Drug Co., where The Great Andes makes his headquarters, and all or ders, all inquiries, all letters, are given prompt attention. . A copy of the booklet. "Health and Happiness", is mulled everv one on request. The wholesale department, will he located with the W. H. King Drug Co., of Raleigh, and all druggists and dealers desiring a supply, of Andes' medicines to meet the demands of their trade may secure same through this concern. The following facts relate another remarkable cure accomplished in Raleigh: Mrs. Frank AY. Pralher. of 25 llavti street, said she and her husband were living in New York City when she look ill with stomach trouble and weakness. She had suffered severely for three monihs when her mother sent her a circular telling of Andes Great Prescription. She sent to the laboratory of The Great Andes: pur chased three bottles of the prescrip tion: used them and was entirely cured. Kleclioii at Sanford. (Special to The Times) Santord, May 5 The municipal election here passed off with a light vote tor the nominees of the citizen's primarv. there being only one tiscket out. The ticket was as follows: Mayor--T. T. Chisholm. Aldermen 1st ward, C. H. Smith' and W. H. Kelts: 2d ward, D. F. Grace and ,1. R. Kelly; I'd ward. Rev, G. R. I nderwood and G. H. Wilkie: lt.li ward. (.'. C. Hatch and S:.M. Wat- SOIL The niavor succeeds himself and all of the aldermen are new members exr cept I). F. Grace. The board is com posed of success! u I business and pro fessional men, who are competent to keep apace with the rapid dovelop nieiil of Sanford. . l'aie Delicate Women i id Girls. The Old Standard C.HOVK'S TASTT LKSS (Ml ILL' TONIC, drives out ma laria and builds up the system. For grown people and Children 50c. DISTRICT CONFERENCE Many Methodist Pastors and Laymen Here Interesting Sessions Being Held at Jenkins Memorial Church Fine Address Last Jilght Laymen's Movement Discussed. The Raleigh District Conference of the Methodist Episcopal' church (South), is now in full swing at the Jenkins Memorial church, in Glen wood. A large number of workers are in attendance. Yesterday was taken up with routine work, hearing ! reports from various charges, etc. Last night Rev. A. D. Wilcox, of Zebulon, delivered a stirring lecture on mission work in China, illustrating his address with pictures of much in terest. Today the discussion of the lay men's movement was begun. Mr. Joseph G. Brown, of this city, pre sided. The following program has been arranged: The i'nme'asured Possibility of ihe Laymen L. H. Allied. The Double Blessing of Service: 1. To him who serves W. S. Stevens. 2. To those who are served V. A. Kdgertou.: Address, by General J. S. Carr. Address by Dr. D. B. Zollicoffer, con federate leader of the laymen's move ment. . Christian Character Requisite for Highest Service Dr. J. A. Morris. Service Requisite for Chtfracter Building J, G. Brown. The Layman in Church Finances .1. D. Spiers and F. B. McKinne. The Layman in the Country Church C. X. Allen. . Round Table Discussion. S p. m. Address f by J. T. Flyt.he. of Jackson, N..C, treasurer of board of missions. Among the laymen present as dele gates from their various churches and visitors are: . : J R. Breeze, of-Cary : C. N. Allen, of Auburn: .I S. Kelly, of Raleigh R. F. p.; D. M. Robertson and John F. Sanders, of Clayton: W. D. A vera and W. S. Stephens, of Smithfteld; H. F. Kdgerton. of Kenly; W. H. Hester, of Wendell: De Soto Fordham. ot Zebulon; M, Mial, of Clayton:: V- B. McKenne and L. P. Hicks, of Louis burg; O. S, Macon, of Louisburg; .1. P. Hunt, of Henderson; L. B. Turner i and C. G. Mangum, of Oxford. The pastors in attendance are full of enthusiasm and hopefulness. Among those present are: Rev. L. B. Jones, of Raleigh; Rev. P. D. Woodall. of Raleigh; Rev. J. D. Pegram. of Cary; Rev. G. B. Starling, of Clayton ; Rev. W. H. Puckett, of Selma; Rev. C, B. Culbreth, of Ken ly; Rev. A. D. Wilcox, of Zebulon; Rev. G. T. Simmons, of Mtlbrook; Rev. 1). U. Parker, of Youngsville;. Rev. . K. Colt rane, of Franklinville; Rev. D. W, Starling, of Kit I roll; Rev. A. S. Barnes and Rev. L. S. Massey, of Oxford, and Rev. C. W. Robinson, of Stem; . Besides (hose the following are in attendance": Rev. T. N. Ivey, editor of (lie Raleigh Christian .-Wvocate; Rev. ,1. N, Cole, president of the Melbodist. Orphanage; Rev. .1. M. Rhodes, president of Littleton Fe male College; Rev. W, S; Hester, of Oxford. Won't Slight A Good Friend. "If ever I need a cough medicine again I know wliat to get," declares Mrs. A. L. Alley, of Beals, Me., "for, after using ten bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, and seeing its excel lent results in my own family and others, 1 am convinced It is the best medicine made for Coughs, Colds and lung trouble." Every one who tries It feels just that way. Relief is felt at once and its quick cure surprises you. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Hem orrhage, Croup, LaGrippe, Sore Throat, pain in chest or lungs its su preme. f0c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. That Hlhle Incident. To the Kdltor of The Times: I have read an article in Saturday's paper refciThiK to the act ion of a young S.vrian In burning a Bible Klven to liini by Mr. John Pullen. Under the circumstances I cannot blame Mr. Pullen for being vextd at the Syrian, but wish to say this: The boy, who is only 16 years old, did not know what the ibook was and thought it was an advertisement for some medicine. The boy has been but 12 months In this country and had no Intention of burning a Bible. As for the statement mnde by Mr. Upchurch that we are not human and are Turks, that we do not pay taxes and have no religion, that we were forced to leave Norfolk and Rich mond and should be forced to leave here, I want to say this: We have been 12 years In this country, and pay from $700, to $900 a year taxes. As to our religion, we try to live It In our homes, and let others do like wise. We are all members of the Catholic church. , . , I want to ask Mr. JJpchurch how many Syrians in this city have been In jail or penitentiary? How manfl have been drunk on the streets in the 12 years we have been here? Howl umny nave ueeu tramping wunoui, an occupation? Are there any Syrians who drink up tbeli; money, while TTTTC TYF-VEm-DCi BUST MAKES ARMS AND NECK BOUND. "If your bust lacks develop ment, or firmness you can rely on both increase and firmness from the persistent use of the following: ( Obtain from the druggist two ounces of glycer ine and one ounce tincture cado mene compound (not carda mom), mix and let stand several hours; then add a tablespoonful of borax and three ounces of rosewater. Shake well and ap ply to the neck, arms and bust, rubbing and massaging until it is completely absorbed: then wash the parts treated with very hot water and soap and dry thoroughly. Apply the treat ment morning and night regu larly for several weeks or ..months as the case may require,:' and the most exquisite 'firmness a. id rounding out of hollow places will reward you. If unable, to obtain these in gredients from your regular druggist, you can readily obtain them from the King-Cmwelj Drug Co. HUttUUMiHlltttUW their families ar.o in want ? If Mr. Cpchiirch can show where any S.vrian in this city has done any of these things then I will acknowl edge that we are not human; if not., 1 will ask him to kindly correct, his mistake. J. H. MOTTKR. PROFESSIONAL DR. L. J. HERRING, YETERIXAKY SVIMiEOX AX I) . -: DENTIST. . Office annex of Freeman & Sor rell's stables. Entrance 120 East Morgan street and Wilmington street. Graduate of Kansas City Veterinary College. Will go anywhere called. Phones: Capital City, 94; Raleigh, 263. Calls answered both night and day. '.-"."" l)r. S. I. Xorrls. Dr. S. E. Douglass. Office Hours: 8::lO to 0 P. M. Drs. Norris & Douglas, I . V ' Dentists. '.. j We are giving a liberal cash dis count on all Dental Work, and on all i old accounts foPthe next 30 days. A written guarantee given with all work. Office 228 Fnyetteville Street. jiver ii. .viituicr s ewiis jewelry more. PRACTICAL HATTER, Hats of all kinds Cleaned, mocked, Trimmed and Shaped While You Walt. We cleun and press Derby, : Felt, Straw, Panama, Silk, and Ladies' Hats. All styles of new Hat Hands. Gl'S KISSOS, 305 Fayetteville St., Kaleigh, X. C. yoi" CAN GET alone without elec tric light in your store or your home, hut you miss pleasure and conven iencc every day of your life If you disM'iise with Ibis necessity. Through the efficiency of Tuiigstiu lamps, elec- (ricily is an economical light. "'..'- Carolina Power & Light Company, s OTEY'S BARBER SHOP, Yarborough House. mm" V (miiMM INS KM (St SMS. It CtoSm 311 MakM CROSS QL if """ FA YKTTE V1LLK BTKKKT o- er it is Strao n High time now to discard that old worn winter hat and take up a fresh Straw Hat for the hot summer days. V - .- Our Straw Hats have arrived and are not to be equaled in style and variety. They are ready for your inspection and selection. Edgar E. Broughton, HABERDASHER. " The Raleigh Savings Bank JNO T. rULLEX, President. CHARLES BOOT, Cashier. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per rent, interest paid on for further Information. SAFETY DEPOSIT THE ;.-V:; RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. WITH 0 An unsurpassed history behind it since 1868 (Safety te its Depositors. AceommodaUon to : V- CHAS. K. JOHNSON :' : President. Shirt waist i ':. ..' -. ". '; 't. Are easily soiled, but with our Laundering process they are easily cleaned. We Rive special attention to work of best. . Oak City Steam Phone for our RALEIGH, G 0 1 N G T 0 EU ROPE ? We sell American Express Company Checks in de nominations of $10 up. Available anywhere in the world without identification. Most travelers use them. The Commercial RALEIGH, N. C. Capital and Surplus STATKMKXT OK CONDITION THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK , KALKIL'II, N. V. To the Coinplroller of the Currency, April 28, 1001). Ki:soi'iMi'.s. V. S. Ilonds, par,... 22."i.0(iO.0O Loans and investments 7 IS, 0.10. It Cash . . ....... 3S7.731MS0 One from banks . ... 92,134.05 $1,322,914.06 o' BE DRESSED STYLISH Nothing makes a better impression ' in a man's dress than the style. Our Clothes are made for the style and in dividuality of every man. It is high time now you were think ing of that summer suit as the hot weather has come to stay. v We have everything here for,th& men folks. ft ' 14 LINEHAN at Time deposit, Call in the bank, or write BOXES FOR RENT. Its Cnstomers. Willing service to Its Friends. F. H. BRIGOS, Cashier. White Skirts (his class, assuring you of thA very ".'.' , Laundr Co., Waon. 'ORTH CAROLINA. National Bank $200,000 if LI A 1 51 LIT I F.H. Capital . . ... 100,000.00 Surplus nml profits . . 178,424.82 Circulation . . 100,000.00 Deposits . . . 944,489.24 ,11.322,914.00 "0 COMPANY RALKIOH, N. C

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