THE EVENING TIMESRALEIGH, 27. G. '-"'-'" ' '""T ' PAGE THUEE CLOSEED LAST EVENING Your Hair is Worth It Afraid to use hair preparations? Don't know exactly what to do? Then why not consult your doctor? . Isn't your hair worth it? Ask him if he endorses Ayer's Hair VigMj for falling hair, dandruff, a hair tonic and dressing. Have confidence in his advice. Follow it." fc&Anffii: BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. 1 BOYIAN-PEARCE CO. 1 V National Peace ; Conference Ends Important Session STILL LEADING SUMMER QUARTERLY STILE BOOK WITH FREE PATTERN, 20c. Other Contestants 4re Doing Chicago Board of Commerce Will ' be Host a .BIr Banquvt Tonight AVhen Two Hotels , and Three ' Dining Some Extra Fine Work Rooms Will be Necessary to Seat the Banqueters. 1 , , Ml ANDREWS (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, May 5 The third and last day of the National Peace Con ference was the busiest of the meet ing as well as the biggest in point of attendance and public interest. The congress reopened in Orchestra Hall at 9:30 o'clock. Not only were all the delegates in their seats but the galleries were crowded with Chicago residents whoso interest had boon arousd by the greatest exhibition of the growing peace sentiment ever known. The conference will close this evening with a large banquet. Two hotels and three dining rooms Will be necessary to seat the banqueters. The Chicago board of Commerce will be the host. Justice Joseph B. Moore, of the Michigan supreme court presided at . the earl)' session of the conference. The time was given to reports of the work accomplished in the interest of peace and the consideration of plans for systematizing and organizing the movement for the future. Attention was given to plans for the organization of state peace asso ciations to hold annual congresses. A movement was started to strengthen and make permanent the peace organizations in colleges and schools. An interesting report from the peace society of Japan was pre sented by Rev. Gilbert Bowles, of Toklo. Kills to Stop the Fiend. The worst foe for 12 years of John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., was a run ning ulcer. Ho paid doctors over $400.00 without benefit. Then Bnck len's Arnica Salve killed the ulcer and cured him. Cures Fever Sores, Boils, Felons, Eczema, Salt Klieum. Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns. 25c at all druggists. FIGHT FOR CHILD. Father mid Mother Engaged in Bat tle for Possession of Son. (By Leased Wire to The Times) ' San i Bemrdlno,-Cal., May 5 Bryan Alexander, 12 years old, the son f I. J. Alexander, was stolen away from his home near Bedlands and placed aboard the Salt Lake Lim ited yesterday, bound for his o'.d home In Morton, Tenn., where the boy's mother resides. The lad was headed off at Salt Lake City where ho is held in custody in response to a telegram from Deputy Sheriff Bald win of this city, who had been ap pealed to by the father. Alexander, with his children, came to Califor nia for his health, His wife refused to follow and is believed to have fur nished the money to start the lad home. The father has left for Salt Lake City. Wills This popular remedy never fall to effectually cure Dysptfpsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness Apd ALL DISEASES arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural result la good appetite and solid flesh. Dose amall; elegant ly augarcoated and easy to swallow. Take No Substitute. SENTENCE FOR BRIBERY The Pittsburg Grafters Get Penitentiary Sentences . Day by Day Brings Nearer tlie Kxcit- - ing Hour Every Contestant Will Do Well to Have Enough, Votes in Reserve to Feel Confident of Will' ing at That Hour. Seven of Graf tors, Including Counrll iih'ii, Hanker, Killed Heavily ami Sent to the Penitentiary ly Judge Fritzcr Two Jury Fixers. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Pittsburg, Pa., May 5 For the al leged corruption of councilmen lay bribery in securing bank deposits of city funds, Judge Frazer at the open ing of court today imposed the fol lowing sentences: Former Councilmen John F. Klein, ?1,500 fine and costs of prosecution and three' and one-half years In the penitentiary. Former Councilman J. C. Wasser son, $500 and costs and one and one half years In the penitentiary. Wll'.iam Brand, former president of the council, 500 and costs and one and one-half years in the peniten tiary. Former Banker W, W. Ramsey, $1,000 and costs and one and one half years In tho penitentiary, H. M. Bolger, hotel proprietor, $500 and costs and two years in the penitentiary. John and Charles Cuijert, convict ed of jury fixing; fined $500 each and two years bach in the penitentiary. home-built autos. Buggy Company at Henjjerson Turns Out (ioml Maclihi'e. (Special to Tho Times) Henderson, May 5 The latest ar rival on the streets of Henderson was a home-built automobile, that made its first .-appearance here yesterday, and It wasn't a freak machine either, but a runabout put up by the Corbitt Buggy Company, of this city. This was the first machine turned out by this company, and it presents as neat an appearance and as smoolh run ning qualities as anything we have seen in that class. A number of ord ers have already been placed, and tho Corbitt Buggy Company will begin to market their new product as soon as they can be turned 9iit. Work has been begun on the. tower of the new municipal building, which will be completed in thO'eourse of a few weeks, and Mayor Powell will be gin his administration in the new building. '"'' THE TIMES ADVERTISING CONTEST This coupon, when neatly cut out, name and address properly tilled In and brought or sent to the Contest De partment of The Evening Times, Raleigh, N. C, will count US ; 5 VOTES For Miss or Sir. Not Good After May 'loth. The time from now until the con test closes is comparatively short and If you want to win one of these fine prizes it will bo to your Interest to get every new subscriber, every ad vertisement, and collect every bill you can hear of while you have the .time and while your friends and sup porters arc willing. Remember there Is no time like the present, and those who work now will have tho best chance to win. ;.''. This contest has been the greatest one of this nature that has ever been offered by any newspaper In the state, and the success that has been ac corded it has been better than tho fondest expectations. The prizes are the most atractive ones that has ever been given away by any paper in the south, and the boys and girls of Ral eigh have not been slow to find it out. The scores of pretty girls and fine young men that has entered and worked so hard has been a big fea ture in the success it has achieved. The average has been well sustain ed In the last few days and candi dates should do all in their power to keep up the record and do just a lit tle more tomorrow and next day than I you have on the other days. It can j be done. Get your friends to sub scribe. New subscriptions will count like gold at the close of the contest. Contestants should do all in their power to make this next week their banner week. Don't think because you done so well up to the last week that you can't do it, for you can. It seems that there Is no lack of interest in this contest. And why' shoiCd ; there be? Day by day the end is I drawing nearer, and this fact alone 1 should warrant a vast increase of In i terest. Contestants should realize , tho fact that a few new yearly sub j scriptions will be hard to beat, as each one counts 20,000 votes. Kow is the accepted time. Following is the standing of the contestants: MIsb Ada Andrews ....', .. .161,530 Miss Annie Weathers. . . . . . 160,990 Miss Mildred Olmstcad .... 116,770 Mr. Henry C. Reece ...... 111,809 Miss Pattie Yearby . ..... 72,620 Miss Rachel Edmundson . . ,; 56,045 Miss Margie Terrell '; . . . ..' 55,020 Miss Ray Brown . . ... . . . 52,790 Miss Emma Roberts ... . . ,: 62,685 Miss Sudle Lewis .''.." ...... 42,565 Miss Christabelle Howell... 27,655 Miss Mamie Shaw .... ... . 27,500 Miss Annie Ford ........ . 25,960 Mr. Henry Baker ...... ... 22,990 Miss Ruby Lumsden . . . . . 21,585 Miss Margaret Brldgers ..18,980 Miss Miriam RIggan. . '. . . . 17,855 Miss Susie Busbee . . .-. . . . . . 16.055 Miss Helen Brown . ..... 12,905 Garland Wliams ......... 12,845 Miss Mamie Denton . . . 10,250 Miss Ercelle Taylor 8,910 Miss Ethel Glenn 8,590 Miss Daisy Haywood ...... 8,020 Miss Kathnrino Sherwood . . 6,580 Mr. Lewis RIggan 5,205 Miss Alice Wilson . . ....... 2,210 McKeever Allen . 1,310 Miss Mary Stronach ... . . ., 675 Payton Brown ............ 600 Miss Nattie Gould . . . . , . 310 M A Y SVI I L L I N E R Y Just Tor this week s selling we offer all Paris Pattern Hats at Half Price and New York Pattern Hats at One Third off. Paris Pattern Hats were $10.00 to $15.00 will now be sold . Tor .......... . .Jjjrj qq to $2250 New York Pattern Hats were $6.00 to $18.00 will now be sold for .... . jj QQ $12.00 BIG SALE OF WHITE HATS FOR SCHOOLGIRLS. Just as you see them, or made to order. Swell upturned- Pot-like Shapes . .'' . . ... .Jjjg QQ JjjJQ QQ ............................. . . . .$2.50 to $8.50 ..... .,. .......... 50c. to $2.50 . . . .... . . ....... ... ... .25c. t0 $1.50 Fresh Hats, just from the work room Sailors-Split or RoughStraws. .... . . . Infants and Nurses' Caps . . ..... . . GOVAfl'S PREPARATION EXTERNAL ANTISEPTIC For Mountain or Seaside. Imtanl nlM far rmnn rM. Sore Throat, Sunburn, Insect Bitot, Burns, Sprains, Diuixs, iMicumauim, Dwelling, Keaucei rever. BIG Cooking Demonstration NOW GOING ON -FOR ONE WEEK. Corner Hargett and Salisbury Streets. A P M I S S I 6 IM F R E E . . - AT 4 P M M I S S E MILY W. COLL ING, ' America's Foremost Demonstrator and Lecturer, The Daintiest as Well as the Plainest Dishes Cooked Every Day. THE RUUD M AN An expert demonstrator frill be at the Gas Exposition today and to morrow to explain 'and demonstrate the operation of the Ruud Gas Water Heater. This heater makes it possible for you to have Hat Water in any ; quantity and at any time. No waiting; just turn the faucet and the hot v water fcomes" instantly; closed the faucet and the gas goes out,. Don't fail to : call today and see this wonderful heater in operation. SPLENDID VALUES IN SUITS. All exceptional values, as you will readily realize when you see them. Sample Suits of Rough Silks, Satin Messelincs, Foulards and Taffetas. Braided Coat Suits. Tailor made Linen Suits, White Lawn Dresses, Lace and Embroidery trim. These are all figured Vt to 1-3 off regular price. The slyle you want at the price you'd like to pay ........ ... . . . . . . . . . WHITE SKIRTS AND WASH WAISTS. Linonette, Poplinette and Real Irish Flax Skirts ... ....... ... . . . . . . . New Net, Silk and Lingerie Waists Separate Woolen Skirts. Values to $7.50 for . , . ... . . CARPETS RUGS AND MATTINGS. Before getting settled for the summer a general cleaning up will take plaee. Tho old hot Carpets will have to comfe up, and cool mattings, fresh carpets and Hall runners, Art Spares, Rugs and door mats will make tho houso sweet and clean. . Straw Mattings, all prices. ......... . . .. .................. . ... ... 25c ' 60c Carpets, new Spring Patterns . . , . . .. .... . . ..... . . .... 60c. to $1.00 Hugs and Art Squares . $7.50 to $19.50 ..$1.00 '"$6.50 $1.00 t0 $4.98 $4.98 $1.50 t0 $25.00 BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. HANTS TO MM THE mm prosperous (By Leiised Wire to The Times) Washington, May 5. -President Taft, it is 'learned' today.,. Intends to ask congress at the next session to Sardines amend i.tio interstate coniniene art. While the president will not adroearc that "the government recede .from its attitude towards the railroads, neitb er will be propose such amendments and will tend to cripple the rommon carriers."' lie will wish to do what lie can to make them prosperous and to enable them to extend their lines. At the sometime he will propose no laws that will take away the government's contention as to the right of control and supervision. Hy December tho administration will prepare, il is un derstood, to meet the loopholes left by the commodities decision. No. 1 and 2 New Mackerel. Yarmouth Bloaters. Boneless Codfish. Canned Shrimp. Deviled Crabs. . 'Salmon. Lobster. ! All Fresh and of the best Quality. J. R. FERRALL & GO. LKADINQ GKOCKHS. Fayettevillo Street. JUleluli, N. O. WRIGHT IS RIGHT! When it cornea to something nice to eat. That nice French Drip Coffee makes a man feel mighty good. Try a cup with some of Mother's Home Made Pies, Cake, or a nice lunch. "GET THE HABIT." WRIGHT'S CAFL i ' ; i ' rTTTTT' SQUARE CANNED VEGETABLES. ToniHtopH, J 5c, 2 for 2rtc. :orn, 10c 2.V., 2 for 2.V. Pens, 10c., 15c., 2 for 2,7c. B. Beans, 15c. BenuN, 10c. Siring Beanc, 10c. Suecotflsh, 15c. Corn and Tomatoes, 10c. , EVERYTHING IN CANS. Both riioaes. RUDY & BUFF ALOE 108 East Harnett Street. r n. i. iii. i . hi 1 1 A. J. REACH & CO BASEBALL GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Thos.n.Briggs&SonsM KALEIQH. N. C. The Big Hardware Xfei. SKATING RINK CLOSED FOR THIS SEASON. GLENWOOD SKATING RINK. CRINKLEjY'S LOW ITT SHOES. Ladies' 1 Strap Pumps $1.75. Men't Tan Oxfords, $1.00. Infant's Angle-strap S1ipM'rHl Ladies' mid Child's Sailors. ( Men's Hats, 1 Or. to $4.00. Hporlnl Panama, $2.00. THINK HEAIyi-ATEUS. Suit Chkoh, OOe. to $0.50. MattiiiK Suit Cmkch. Mosquito Netting, 30c pieces, 7c. yd. Clocks, 70c, $2.00, to $1.50. Boy's Pants, 25, 5, 50, 5, 85c JAPANESE POUCH SHADES, x, OOc i Hx8, $1.20. Wrntcr CiMtlers and Freezers. Lawn Swings and Settees. Srreeii Doors and Windows. CRINKLEY'S. SPECIAL AT THE GEM TODAY COMPLETE CHANGE 09 PROGRAM DAILY. The Passion Play. I HAVE LOST MY TOBY. MRS. PULLETS (JOES LAND- SCAPING. A WAR-TIME TALE. JACK'S Sl'CCESSFL'L BIA'FE. TROMBONE SOLO: "Face to Face." PRICES: . . Be. and 10c. Foster & Mansfield j, Ad-writeti ttn $20 I $100 la week , i ou cto train comphut come by nib- M-nmng id inn nouincm ortuing juuimu, am. WIMDW fVltOtt CM AcitTtanB by t-Jtwrd. The tinl imnn appan in Itww Apnl IHum- Drr. arnd.uutorayrtHib enpuon. Sonchero Advertiiinr Jmirnil BIDS WANTED FOR A SUITABLE SITE FOR NEW MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN RALEIGH. The Munlelpal Building Commission, authorized to orect a, large and com nmtllouH City Hall In BalelRh, de sires owners of sites suitable for' such building to send In writing bids for the sale ot such sites. Parties desiring to ofTer sites are requested at once to ac company their offers by . written state ment shewing dimensions of th lot and the lowest pries for the same. CHAR. R. JOHNSON, Chairman. IIERBRRT W. JACKSON, Sec'y. Municipal Building Committee,

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