PAGE TWO ", THE EVENING TIMES, RAIaSIGH, N. 0. NEWu PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove ensures quick work and a cool kitchen. The "New Perfection" has a substantial CABINET TOP for warming plates and keep ing food hot after it is cooked. Also drop shelves on which to set small cooking utensils every convenience, even to bars for holding towels. 6 Made in three sizes. Can be had either with or without Cabinet Top. If not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency. Th. RSOb powerful light and burns for hours with one filling. Portable, safe, convenient just what every home needs. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) Federation of Woman's Hub Elect Officers Mrs Whitsett. C ub in good conui- n . ' ' , ; , , ,... i The report of the clubs was resum mon, ready to aid in an ciic in ,., ...;.,. KmhrniarV rlnh" provement work. 1 "Greensboro Art Club" reported by i ......... Mrs. R. D. Douglass. Reported pros- K"m''r: . V rit perous but not particular eventful 'The oman s C ub of K.nsto... love. Now essentially a working reported by Mrs. W oodle The de- . ' part.nients were all ulive and at work. " "The Revic ers Club" of G, eens- ' "The Wise and Ot henvise Club," of boro reported. ,'l'"olr- ,e'Jlf bf , Mr. Batt,e, president of the Good "The Club of welve, of Lexing Government Association of Raleigh, ton. Reported by Mrs. Mendenhall. was recognized and spoke a few "The Lexington Sorosis. reported words to the federation. Knew of .v Jlrs. Watersall. no organization that could do more ; The Federation adjourned at 1:00 good than the federation. Men will o'clock to have their picture taken, welcome the aid of the women every- after which they enjoyed a delightful where ! luncheon served at the Woman's Club "Then End of the Centurv Club" ! by the Raleigh Woman's Club, of Greenville was reported by Mrs. The club building was cool and In Cotton. The club is a purely' literary j viting. Iced lemonade was served in and social one. ' the hail. "The Woman's -Tuesday- Club" of ! The tables were a thing of beauty, Henderson. Reported bv Mrs. Har- as on yesterday, with the decorations rison. "The Student's Club of Henderson. Reported by ........ Club i olives, lee cream ana eatie was cnarm- had made interesting study of history j ingiy served by mumbers of the t!o of North Carolina. ! most ic science department of the Wo- "The Alma Club" of Henderson man's Club, was reported bv Miss Cooper. Much! The Federation Will resume bus- attention had been given to study of literature, especially of Shakespeare. . Further reports from the clubs were suspended until the nominating com mittee reported so as to have the election of officers well in hand be fore the hour for adjournment. Mrs. R. R. Cotton, chairman of the nominating committee, reported. The report was accepted. There be- iub uu umn uuimuuiiuua was cast bv each delegate for the " I ficers nominated. The '-unanimous vote elected the following ladies as officers of the North Curolina Slate Federation for the ensuing year: President Mrs. Eugene Rellly, of Charlotte. First Vice President Mrs. Sol Weil, of Goldsboro. Second Vice President Mrs. J. A. Briggs, of Raleigh. Recording Secretary Mrs. W. C. A. Hamme1, of Greensboro. Corresponding Secretary Miss Ca tnille Holt Hunt, of Lexington. Treasrer Mrs, Alice Feilds, of ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of M Fac-Slnila Wrappar Below. YaVT SBd sw4 M M7 FOI HEADACHE. roi DISINESS. n iiuouuek. FOR TORPID LIYU. FOR CORSTIPATIOR. HI SALLOW SUM. FOR TNECOMPLEXIOR mm iwtMiwiwwvM. . r I totAMMflfO. CARTERS Don't Heat the Kitchen All the necessary family cook ing: may be done as well on a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove as on the best coal or wood range. By using the "New Perfec tion" Oil Stove, the annoyance of an overheated and stuffy kitchen is entirely avoided, even in midsummer. The scientific construction of the Lamp and very hand is aubctantially made of brass, finely nickeled and vcrv handsome. Gives a 3Q Kinston. Vmlitor Mrs. K. R. Harris, of Henderson. General. Federation State Secretary Miss .Margaret Lovell Gibson, of ..r - .,.;,,.,,..,,, ' ., ,,.,. t,i i,v Mrs. of vellow. Theihinch of chicken salad, ham, rolls, butter, coffee, pickles, iness again at 2:30. Reception at Capital Club. The Capital Club of Raleigh will entertain the delegates and members of the Woman's Club at a delightful reception sit the club this evening from 5 to 6:30. The naturally beautiful rooms of the club were enhanced by decora tions of palms, ferns, cut flowers, ... .,,, .,,i ,, Tli sweet peas being used especially In Hie dining-room, where the Ice cream was In pastel, or sweet 'pea shades. Receiving in the hall will be Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Robards. Mrs. C M. Busbee, Dr. and Mrs, F. L. Stevens, Mr. A. L. Cox, Mr. W. G. Briggs. In the receiving line: Mr. and Mrs. H. 10. Litchford, Mr. and Mrs. Pai- mer Jerman, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Grimes, Miss Gibson and Mr. J. A. Duncan, Dr. and, Mrs. R. E. Turner, (.'ol. and Mrs. A. B. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith. Extending into the adjoining jnr lor receiving were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Drewry, and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Albright. . Mr. Billy Boylan will present "lie guests to the receiving line. The following young ladies will serve In the dining-room: Misses Mary A. Jones, Annie Root, Dee Dun can, Busbee, Annie McKimmon, Daisy Haywood, Mary Chamberlain, Cad Hervey, Kli.abeth Thompson, Katherine MacKay, and Mrs. P. H. Thomas, of Henderson. . Concert Tonight. The Federation will come to a close tonight with the concert at Raney Hall at 8:30, given under the aus pices of the music department of the Woman's Club, of Raleigh, of which Mrs. Palmer Jerman is chairman. This will be a brilliant close to such a delightful and inspiring ses sion of this great body of North Caro lina women. , . Session Yesterday Afternoon. At 2:30 yesterday afternoon the business of the State Federation was again taken up. 1 Mrs. F. L. Stevens, chairman of the department of education, was heard . from. -The report of the joint com i mittee of the women's division of tbe ' National Educational Association was i presented by Mrs. Cotton. Mrg. W. 1 R. Hollo well spoke on "Betterment of Public Schools. ' There were reports from tbe de partments, Industrial and Child La bor, Reciprocity, Child Study, House hold Economics, Literature and For estry. 1 ..'..-.'....- 'Woiuaus' Branch of Farmtrrs' In- ' stitutes was presented by Mrs. W. N. Hutt. After some further business the meeting adjourned. " Ailtlress Last Night. Miss Laura Drake Gill, of Wash- need Of some vocation or profession, ington, D. C chairman of the com- The interruption of marriage and mittee on education of the General ' care of children is to be expected, but Federation of Women's Clubs, has" her training will be in keeping for been the honored guest of the Ral- later demands. . eigh Club during the meeting of the' If a woman remains at home and State Federation here. She is a wo- works, she can do two bad things: man of unusual ability, brains andiShe can spend all she makes on her equipment and her address at the self without saving anything. An capitol last night was one of the best other is to work for a lower rate than features of the Federation. j another girl can come to the city and Combined with a personal charm work for. What she does is far more of manner, she had such a confidence to a woman than what she earns. It in :ier subject and self assurance that , made it delightful to listen to her. Before her introduction by Mrs. F. 1,. Stevens, chairman of the North Carolina Federation of Women's , Clubs, iMisses Helen, Mario and Har riet Day and Mrs. Wade R. Brown bane; that beautiful trio from Elijah, "Lift Thine Eyes." Mrs. Steven's Introduction. The last ten or fifteen years has seen a great change in the idea of education in general. Tonight we are to see the girls' phaze of the sub ject. If she is to take her place In the world she must be equipped fori""- " u s "r """icys ami uiau place. But the Federation is notl' I'uriiles the .Wood and Restores limited to the women's side alone, as the men's colleges of the state have offered scholarships. A. & M., 5; Chapel Hill, 3: Trinity, 2, and Wake Forest, 1. The speaker tonight is one j that knows the subject well. She was seven yeurs (jresiueui ui a ji uiiuuvui girls' college. Miss Gill. "A Woman's Equipment" was the subject of Miss Gill's inspiring ad dress. It was one especially suited to the earnest body of workers gath ered before her, women who recog nized some especial purpose in life. "Fifty years ago the activity of women was divided between skilled and unskilled labor. Now the pro fessional has been added, and in that we have formed the "new woman.' As the skilled labor went out of the home to the factories, the line be came drawn between those women who had to go out into the world to work and those who were sheltered at home. . V "Twenty per cent of all American women are wage earners at some time In their life, with the average duration of four years. Most Ameri cen men choose a calling and follow it. ' Marriage comes into a woman's life and lessens the' incentive for a profession. More women work In the cities than in the country. "There was a great leap forward between 1880 and 1890. There was only a paltry Increase of one per cent in the last decade and that has come in professional work. The new wo man is the professional woman, th9 journalist, architect, clergyman, nurse, Janitor, artist, physician, sur geon, teacher, etc. "Seventeen per cent of the Amer ican women serve for wages for a few years; three per cent go on as pro fessional women, working as men, but what of the remaining eighty per cent, living in their homes, doing as they please, spending ninety-five per cent of the family income? Are we tempting them to their best efforts? "Vocational training rightly given is just the training we need. Method is a valuable thing, then add' mate rial that will be of use. Have simple material for girls of material taste. Technical schools give just the right training. To the smailer class of girls of more Intellectual tate, the whole professional world opens up, although conditions are not yet equal. The fundamental qestion re mains, can women wisely take up professional life It will always re main for women to be the mothers and home makers." Miss Gilt related two incidents of women after the storm and stress of early life was over. To the trained woman came the need for money and DON'T EXPERIMENT Vou Will -Muke No Mistake If Voif Follow This Raleigh Citizen's Advice. Never neglect your kidneys. If you have pain In the back, urin ary disorders, dizziness and nervous ness. It's time to net and no time to experiment. These are all symptoms of kidney trouble, and you should seek n remedy which Is known to cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills is Tho -remedy to use. No need to experiment. It has cured many stubborn cases In Ral eigh. Follow the advice of a Raleigh citizen and be cured yourself. N. A. Spencer, Sr.. 423 South Wil mington street, Raleigh, N. C: saya: "Kidney trouble had me In Its grasp for years and although I used various remedies, I was unable to obtain re lief. The kidney secretions deposited a sediment and were otherwise- unnat ural but the most annoying symptom of my trouble was a dull, nagging backache, coupled with sharp twinges throughout my body whenever I stoop ed or lifted. Learning of Doan's Kid ney Pills, I procured a box at the Bobbin-Wynne Drug Company-and after using thtm a short time, I passed several gravel stones. From that time on I steadily Improved, until my trou ble was a thing of the past. I have since recommended Doan's t Kidney Pills ut every opportunity . and will continue to do so. For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buunlo, New York, ole agents for the United States. ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other. , ; ; sliu was ready to meet the need. To1 the untrained woman came the need for work and she just happened upon It. I After the stress of life comes a de- ( mand for work it is then comes the is a commonly recognized fact that a woman is no good unless she likes what she does. The union of man and woman should be based on union of activity. There' is so much service waiting for us and so much more work than we can meet that there shoufid be no reason for despair. The restless American home will pass out when women are given some definite work to do. If you want to feel well, look well ami lie v ll. take Foley's Kidney Renl- health and strength. Pleastant to tak and contains no harmful drugs. Why not commence today? King-Ci'owell Drug i 'o., Kavetteville and HareeU Streets. Deacons Elected. At a business meeting of the Tab ernacle Baptist church last night the following additional deacons were elected : Professor Boomhour, J. D. Berry. L. V. Alderman, C. R. Boone, and C. W. Mitchell, ; . ' KALKKiH vs. (JUEKXSHORO. State II lab School Championship Will 1m- Decided Tomorrow. The teams of Raleigh High School and the .Greensboro High School will play a game of ball tomorrow after noon for the state high school cham pionship. Raleigh has defeated Goldsboro, the champions of eastern Carolina, while Greensboro has de feated Durham, High Point, and all the western high schools. Briggs will be on the firing line for Raleigh, while Pryor will pitch for Greensboro. r 'Let everybody come out to see these juvenile teams battle for su premacy on the diamond. The probable line-up for Raleigh will be: Briggs, p.; Pulley, c; Ivey, lb.; Elllagton, 2b.; W'yatt, lib.; Bill ings, s.s.; Faucette, l.f. ; Vtley, c.f.; Ranis, r.f. ' Many weak, nervous women have been restored toJiulth by Foley.s Kid ney Remedv as it stimulates ttie Kia neys so they will eliminate the waste matter from the blood. Impurities de press the nerves, causing nervous ex haustion and other ailments. Com mence today and you will soon be well. Pleasant to take. Klng-Ormvell Drug Co., FayettPville Streets. RED UlItLS vs. CAROLINA. Arrangements .Closed For a flame on Monday, May 10. President R. D. Godwin, of the Red Birds, has closed arrangements with the University of North Carolina for a game to be played on the local dia mond on Memorial Day, Monday, May 10th. This will be the local fans' only opportunity to see the Car olina team in action this season, and it will no doubt draw a large attend ance. : '-,- Rev. I. W. Williamson's Letter. Rev. I. W. -Williamson, Huntington, W. Va writes: "This Is to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy for nervou exhaustion and kidney trou bles and am free to say that it will do all that you claim for It." Foley's Kid ney Remedy has restored health and strength to thousands of weak, 'run down people. ; Contains no harmful drugs and It Is pleasant to take. - King I'rowell Drug Co, BAIL REDUCED. Ton M Kinney's Hail Reduced to $100 by Judge Lyon, The habeas corpus hearing before Judge Lyon today in the case of Tom McKinney, charged with , shooting two hoboes at Wendell a month ago, resulted in a reduction of ball from $250 to 1100. McKinney was re committed. to jail until bond Is given. FOUNTAIN . SYRINGES. HOT WATER BOTTLES. The Famous "Kantleelc", Guar. anteelL . i Prices from 91.00 to $.1,00. rac mcKS VDVG C0MPJNY. Both Phone. HI Lt'OHOL 3 PER CENT ANfcgetable freparaiionroras sirailutiiig rheFoodandtoula (ingdic Sictniciis andBowciiof Promotes Di&sliotiJCht ?rful ness and Restontalns witter Opiuni.Morphine narMiaeraLI NOT NARCOTIC, jtiroi-'.ikjmwtvm fimfJha ShJ" JbtStmm IMxl Soanr fkme. Apwito Remedy for CnrtsHpa tion ."Sour Srora?ch,Diarrrtoea Worms jCortvalsionsJ:everisB ness andLossorSHEKP. facsimile Signature of - NEW YORK, uariftteea Ex Copy of Wrapper, SXSSEam We will sliip you Fresh Beer six dozen crates and 1 0 dozen barrels. You buy direct from Brewer when you order from us hence the best quality at lowest prices. , Orders filled day received. P. O. or express money order. BEERS. 4doi. 6doz. lOdra. Bronco Export, $3.60 $5.40 $9.00 Virginia Pale, 3.60 5.40 9.00 Exposition, 3.60 5.40 9.00 ThfM Bern arr made al ine Conuimen Brewery (controhVd by ut) and are abwilutly pure and nutritioM produrh of the South' leading Brrwrry made from the bel Hops, Barley and Malt . Express Charges Prepaid Family Corn Whiskey. Special Cirri Whiskey, Comfort Rye, . , . Manor 100 Prool Rye. Empire Rye, . . Mission Corn, . . SEND ALL ORDERS DIRECT TO PORT5M0U1 HAVE YOU What happens to it when you arc disabled by accident or illness? Doctor's bills, medicines, etc., EAT UP savings rapidly. You pay a small annual premium and WE PAY YOU a stated income when yuu are ill or injured, at a time when your regular income ceases and you tieeJ money to talte e.:rc of increased expenses. PROTIiCT YOUR SA VI NGS. Isn't it worth a few dollars a year to feel that il you arc ill or injured you will wot have to use up your savings? We sell the most liberal policies on i;ie market and settle ull claims promptly. No red lupc-no Quibbling of the 'strongest compu.ik'S THE PENNSYLVANIA icaiafoa. Tire 8laU OFFICE. SUmiCS AND SPECIALTIES THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMES St. TH1EM, Mnaagf. -OapIUl City Vbone 844 P. Time Building. IS H. Bwrgett BtroeC To? Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Thirty Years MmnurwMiff, -!roorrT IRECT Direct from Biewerv in four and Remit with order; registered letter, F. O. B. Portsmouth. TEMPERANCE BEVERAGES. 4da2. 6 da. 10 doc. Rheinbrau, $3.60 $5.40 $9.00 Side. 3.60 5.40 9.00 Time two lempenoce beveram are highly Duiritiuiu. A icbaie ol 25 cenu per dozen illowed on II botllei returned. . on Following Whiskies: 4qU..$4.00. 12 qu $11.00 . 4qts., 3.00. 12 qt... 8.50 . 4qt... 300, 12 qu.. 8.50 . 4qu., 5.00. 12 qu.. 13.50 $1.50 per gal., express collect. $1.50 per gal., express collect. OBEY H.VA. in the over technicalities. We arc one' in the business. CASUALTY CO. KEEP YOUR unuiv in n. -' (id- AM AW IIuntcr-Drcwry Co., the i bank Aiiit. LET US DO BAWCIG1I, N. C. VnilR WORRYING ' CVRf tICK HEAOACHC.

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