I V-ri i j-ff t mi a i'i 'a ia, I ' .-' THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. 0. PAGE FIVE TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Now York Stocks, i v New York, May 12 The stock market opened strong with buying orders on a large scale. All the an thracite issues showed pronounced strength and activity with the higher priced stocks moving up a point at a time between sales. Jersey Central made a-new high record, advancing 2, while Delaware & Hudson moved up over 2 points. On large trans actions Reading made a gain of near ly one point over the high price yes terday. The leading railroads roads fractional gains. Erie with an ad vance to 34 3-8 reached its highest point on this movement. American Can continued its upward movement, the common advancing a pointy and preferred making a fractional gain. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison . . . ...... 109 Atchison pfd ... . . . . , . - ... .103 Baltimore & Ohio . . ....... 115 Canadian Pacific . . ...... ..181 Chicago & Alton . . . . . 71 Chicago & Alton pfd . .... . . .:.' 75 Chicago & Northwestern . ..'. .183 ChrnM Sr VnrthwpRtprn ift . .217. Colorado Southern . . . .... 64 Denver & Rio Grande . . ... . . 50 Denver & Rio Grande pfd .,'. 87 Erie . . .................. 34 Illinois Central . . ...... . . .147 Louisville & Nashville . . . ..138 Manhattan L. . . . ... ... . ,147 Metropolitan Street Railway . 29 . Missouri Pacific . . ........ 75 New York Central ....... .131 Pennsylvania . ..... .,. .... .135 y8 Reading . ". "''. . '. .'. . ; . . .;;". .155 Rock Island . . ... ........ 33 Rock Island pfd . . ........ 71 St. Paul . ....... ..........151 Southern Pacific . , . .... . . .122 Southern Railway . . . . . . V. . 30 Union Pacific . ........... 188 Union Pacific pfd ........ . 96Vi Wabash . . 19 Wisconsin Central . . . ....'. . 58 Interboro-Metropolltan . . . . 16 Interboro-Metropolitan pfd , . 45 Great Northern pfd . . .... ..115 M., K. & T.). . ............ 43 M., K. & T., pfd . i ...... . '73 Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line ....... 126 Amalgamated Copper . . ... . . 83 j American Car & Foundry . ..''. 54 American Locomotive . . ... 57 American Cotton Oil . . .... 66 Am. Smelting & Refining ... 93 i Am. Smelting & Refining pfd .109 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .".' . . 79 Colorado Fuel & Iron . . . . . . 39 General Electric ...''. . ...... ,'.159 . International Paper ... ...... 13 National Biscuit .. . ....... .106 National Lad i. . .......... 88 Pacific Mail . . 30 People's Gas . ............ 115 Pressed Steel Car . ... ... ... 41 Pullman Palace Car . . .....186 Sloss-Sheffield Steel ...... . 80 Southern Pacific pfd'.,'." ....124 Sugar . .:. ........... ......133 United States Steel , . . .... .'. . 57 United States Steel pfd . . .118 Western Union ....... ... . 76 Mackay's . . . ... . . . ....... 78 Mackay's pfd . .......... . . 73 Va.-Carolina Chemical . . . . .' 50 Va.-Carollna Chemical pfd . .118 Westinghouse Electric ... . . 83 Republic Steel'.;. .......... 26 Republic Steel, pfd . -., ,". . ... 86 Chicago Grain. (By Yeased Wire to The Times) Chicago, May 12 Light northwest receipts, good decrease in Minneapo lis stocks, lack of rain In Kansas with none in the forecast, offset the unre sponsive cables, causing a steady market in wheat with prices holding around yesterday's level. The senti ment was mixed, with commission houses on both sides. Opening prices: Wneat July, 113 114; corn July, 69 ! oats July, 51 62; pork July, 18.17; lard July, not quoted; Sept., 10.a2; ribs July, 10.00 10.02. Wheat had fewer friends today and prices closed to c. lower for the day. Corn was choppy at the close, May advancing c, July un changed, September c. lower, and December steady. "Oats were to c. higher, and provisions were un settled. Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: Wheat Open. High. Close. May . . 1.28 1.28 1.27 July . . 1.13 1.14-1.13 Sep. . . 1.06 1.06 1.05 Corn . May . . .72 .73 .7a July . . .69 .69 '.68 Sep. . . .67 7 .67 Oat ' " ' May . . .58 .58 .58 July . . .51 -52 .52 Sep. . . .44 -.44 .44 Pork '-' ' May , . ..... 18.02 July . . 18.17 18.20 18.20 Sep. . . 18.16 18.17 18.16 Lard ; May . i 10.45 10.55 - 10.55 July . . 10.62' 10.60 10.60 Sep. . . 10.62 10.72 10.72 -: Riba - May , .10.08 ..... 10.05 July . . 10.00 . 10.10 , 10.07 !' Bep. 10.07 10.16 10.16 i' ' v: i v" ' - '- ' .- . . .. t- -: . . . .j . i -. . - ... .. i. . . .-...-.. . i MARKETS New York Cotton.' New York, May 12 The bull movement of yesterday was resumed this morning on strong English cables. First prices were 10 to 13 points higher and would have been much greater but for the tremendous profit-taking by commission houses, especially those with connections in the south. At the end of fifteen min utes tradhrg the improvement was still held. Opening prices: May, 10.85 10.90; July, 10.65 10.68; August, 10.5810.60; Oct., 10.62 & tt. 62 ; Dec, 10.63 10.64; Jan., 10.63 10.64; March, 10.6210.63. Open. High. Low. Close. 10.99 10.82 10.78 10.75 10.74 10.74 10.77 10.77 10.74 10.73 May . . June . July .. Aug. . Sep.. , Oct. .. Nov. ..' Dec. .. .Ian. .. March . 10.85 10.69 10.60 10.70 10.62 10.72 Id. 64 10.62 10.62 11.03 10.84 10.64 10.58 10.61 10.60 10.72 10.63 10.61 10.62 10.85-- 10.77 10.80 10.81 10.82 10.85 10.S3 10.77 Market closed nervous. New York Spot Cotton. ( By Leased Wire to, The Times) New York. May 1 2 Spot cotton, quiet; 20 points higher, at 11.30. Sales. 521 bales. Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, . May 12 Spot cotton, firm; middling, 5.72; sales, 10,000, of which 9,200 were American and 500 were for speculation and export; receipts, 12,000, of which 500 iere American. .'- Futures opened firm and closed steady. Opening. Closing. May ....... 5.56 ft5. 58 5.56 May-June . . .5.57 5.60 5.65 June-July .. .5.64 ft'5.6S 5.73 Aug.-Sep. ". , .5.62 ft.' 5.66 5.71 Sep.-Oct. .. . . 5.60 5.65 5.69 Oct.-Nov. ...5.58 5.63 5.67 Nov.-Dec. ...5.57 5.62 5.67 . Dec-Jan. . ..5.57 ft 5.62 5.66 Jan.-Feb. . ..5,57 05.61 5.65 Feb.-March ..5.59 5.66 . March-April .5.68 5.63 5.66 New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High, Low. Close. I May 10.66 10.67 10.66 10.74 10.65 10.64 j June ."i... July - 10.75 Aug. .10.65 Sept. .10.74 Oct. . 10.54 Nov. . .... . Dec, . 10.55 Jan. . 10.55 10.79 10.93 ' 10.78 10.91 10.77 ,10.7; 10.74 10.54 10.69 10.69 10.70 10,71 10.74 10.75 10.53 10.55 Market closed very steady. Cotton Seed Oil. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, May 12 Cotton seed oil prices, based on primo yellow, ranged as follows: ' Closing May .... .... June . . . . . . . . July . . ...... August. . . . . . . . September . . . . . . October . . . . ... . November . . . , December ....... ...-', 5. 71 5. 72 . .'.' '.. 5.74 5.77 , . . . . 5.86 5.87 . .. .. 5.95 5.99 v . . . . 6.05 6.07 6.00 6.01 . ... .. 5.665.68 , ... . . 5.50 5.55 Market closed steady; sales, 3,700 barrels. New York Provisions Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, May 12 Cash produce: Minneapolis No. 1, northern wheat 127. , Wheat Normal; No. 2, red, 143 bid f.o.b. Corn Easier; No, 2, mixed, 82c in elevator. Oats Easier; No. 2 mixed, 60 c, in elevator. Ryo Dull; No, 2, western,: 94c f.o.b. Barley Nominal; feed, 78 c.l.f. New York. Flour Dull; spring patents, 6.25 winter straights, 6.15. Mill Feed Dull; western bran to arrive, $28.85. Pork Firm; mess, 19.00. LnrdFirm; prime western, 10.90 Tallow Easier; prime city, 5c, Coffee Quiet; No. 7, Rio, 8 to 8c. . v Sugar Quiet; granulated, 4.95 Cotton Port Receipts. , New York, May 12 Cotton port receipts were as follows: New Orleans. 5,664 against 3,764 Galveston, 5,027 against 514; Mobile, 162 against 323; Savannah, 2,288 against 1,066; Charleston, 251 against 232; Wilmington, 200 against 738; Norfolk, 937 against 556; New York, 150 against 73; Bos ton, 0 against 30; Pacific coast, 841 against 0. Total, 15,520 against 7,296. ' ,, '- Interior Receipts:: Houston, -804 against . 934; Augusta, 454 against 906; Memphls, 1,410 against 443; St. Louis, 603 against 1,459; Cincinnati, 662 against 671. Total, 3,833 against 3,697. . i Raleigh Poultry Market. (Reported by L, H. Adams) Hens, 60c, Spring chickens, 4045c. BY WIRES i Provisions. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY New York, May 12-vHigh records were numerous- in Wall street this morning. Among the stocks distin guishing themselves were Reading at 157, Delaware & Hudson at 193, Brooklyn Transit 80, Consolidated Gas at 140, Missouri Pacific 176, Rock Island at 31 3-8, American Car 13 and the preferred at 82. Even Erie made a high record, soiling up to 35 on very heavy transactions. All these records were made in the first half hour of trading and most of them held in spite of profit-taking. In several cases improvements were made. Steel common sold up to 58 and Union Pacific rossed 189. Both held steady around these figures. The greatest activity was apparent in stocks that have boon relatively dormant of late and of this list Erie, Missouri Pacific and Consolidated Gas were conspicuous. The old story f an Increased dividend on Reading was made to do service again and the specific report -published in this col- ttnm last week of a six per cent divi dend was revivved. London was cheerful in all depart ments and sent over somewhat higher iriccs for American stocks. On the cotton exchange tliere was ilso considerable excitement. Every option on the list opening at least 10 points higher - and some gained much, as 15 points, lu Chicago tho wheat market was strong 'with frac tional gains. On the curb-market (lie Nevada Consolidated, Kerr Lake. Ray Cru ral, .inspiration, and l,at:ose were the leaders, all selling at 'high record prices with very ..active-1 lading on ti e entire list. Yukon Gold advanced slightly for he -first time in recent weeks. New York Cotton Letter. (By W. B. HUMS & CO.) New York, May 12 The cotton market continued its upward tenden cy from the opening, today, advancing 16 to 21 points over last night's clos ing under lead of October. During forenoon May advanced to 10.92; July, 10.72; August, 10.69; October, 10.71; December, 18.72; January, 10. 69, establishing new high records for the season. At the opening there were large buying orders from Wall street, local and western operators which advanced prices sharply. There was considerable realizing, however, during the advance, but offerings were so well absorbed that the mar ket held most of the advance up to close. - ' Weather in Texas still continues unfavorable, only rain reported in Texas overnight was .06 of an inch at Corph Chritsi. Weather over rest of the belt being clear and; fine with maximum temperatures of 72 to 88 and minimum 46 to 70. The fore cast for the next 36 hours for eastern Texas is partly cloudy with showers in southwest portion and fair and cooler for western Texas. Liverpool, which was due to come 4 to 1 1 higher to have met out advance of yesterday opened 9 to 12 points higher and closed steady at net ad vance of 18 to 19. Spot cotton there was in much bet ter demand and advanced 14 points to a basis of 5.72d for middling. The present bull movement Is pre dicated on poor sart of the crop in Texas and the uncertainty of the new crop in the Mississippi valley, These features on next year's crop rather than the old one, supplies or trade conditions is the speculation. The present activity, howevor, is fully dis counting the anticipated effects of tho governments coming report. New York Money Market. Nev York, May 1 2 Money on call, 1 2; time loans, firm; 60 days, 2 ; 90 days, 2 ; six mouths, 3 Vn Posted rates: Sterling ex change, 4S7488, with actual'buB iness in bankers' bills at 487. 75(g). 80 for demand, and 4S6.40.50 for 60 day bills. Prime mercantile paper in good request but supply poor iX 3 to 4 per cent for best names. Naval Stores. Savannah, Ga., May 12 Turpen tine Firm, 37; sales, 235; receipts, 988, . " ' Rosin Firm; Bales, 1,940; re relpts, 2,557. Quote: WW, 5.25; WG, 5.15; N, 4.90 5.00; M, 4.80; K, 4.75; I. 3.90; H, 3.90; G, 3.75; F, 3.60(8) 3.70; E, 3.60; D, 3.35; C, B, A, 2.90 2.95. At a Bargain! Sweral choice building lots for sale on Park Ave nue and Ash Street, West Raleigh. Address, "Real Kstat'," care The Times. ' 12-tf FOR KENT OR LEASE The Lacy House N. Blount street. Apply to Henry E. Lltchford. 12 t. f. AT A BARGAIN' Several choice building lots for sale on Park ave nue and Ash streets, West Ral eigh. Address,; ."Real Estate,'.' car Times. ls-tf lc. WANTS lc. ) ClMalfled advertisement for this colnma will be accepted at oa cent pep word for each brae, CASH with the order. No ad vertisement ander this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for lew than 10 CENTS an inser tion. lc. WANTS lc. WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks completes, 60 chairs constantly busy, careful in structors, tools given, diplomas granted, wages Saturdays, positions waiting, wonderful demand for gradates, Writo for Catalogue. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 8-Ct ; WAXTEIl To buy Iron Safe; wcght one to two thousands. Address It, care this office. . 12 2t. WANTED An experienced clothing salesman. Apply D, care Times. WANTED Correspondent at every county seat in North Carolina. Either man or woman. Write us for our proposition. Address, Cor respondence Editor, The Evening Times, Raleigh, N. C. WANTED One or two young men for table board. Private family. References "-required. Address Box IIS, care Evening Times. S - til. WANTED Customers for (lie best Towel in town, 15c. two for 25c. Hunter Bros & Brewer. 10-tit. WANTED KE.ITIIEK BEDS To clean or make into mattresses. Hair, Wool.- Cotton and Kelt Mat tresses made over. Satisfaction guaranlved. The Eureka Mattress and Cleaning Co., No. 329 S. -Alc-Dowell street. Capital City '-'Phone No. 132. 10 Ct. MISCELLANEOUS IE you meet a speechless woman, don't be frightened, she has seen ur new line of China, Glassware, Jap China and Toys. Toyland. 12 4t. ' NOTICE Another shipment of 25c. Silks; also 30-inch at 39c. Hun ter Bros. & Brewer. 10-6t. KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED 10c; prints, 3c. and 4c. each. Miss Bertie Darnell, Darnell & Thomas' Music Store. 8-Ct KRESIt CRABS EVERY Smith's Cafe. DAY AT 6 6t. THE KIMBALL PIANO STORE sell everything in Sheet Music at 10 to 20 cents a copy. Mail or ders solicited. 28 t. f. $3.-)0 LARGE SIZE FRENCH WAL- nut Piano; slightly used. Quick sale $237 ?15 cash, $7 per month. AVrito for bargain list. The Kim ball Piano Store, Raleigh, N. C. 28 t. f. .' l'RKSH CRABS TODAY AT SMITH'S Cafe. 6 6t. NOTICE An examination of appli cants for white teachers' positions iu the Raleigh Township Gradod Schools will be held in the High School building on Saturday, the 15th instant, at. 10 a. m. Subjects: V. S. History, Georgraphy, English Ciiinimar, Aritchmctlc, and Mc Munay's Method of tho Recitation. Frank M. Harper, Superintendent. May Jib, 1909. 6t WE CAX DEVELOP AND SELL your suburban property. Our suc r ss in this line has been wonder ful. Wo would like to take the inalter up with you and refer you lo pleased clients, llighlower & Fort. ' 8-6t SOIREE OVER BALL'S STORE Wednesday night. Music by Lev in's Orchestra. 10-3t MON ICY TO liOAX -On cty or coun try real estate in Wake County. I'cele & Maynard; Attorney. . 10 ct. - FOR RENT FOR RENT Seven-room dwelling. Modern conveniences; on car line. . Address Box 521. 8-tf FOR REXT Furnished room; con veniences, private family, 116 Fay ctteville Btreet. . : ' FOR BALE. FOR SALE One good 7-year-old family horse. Address, "H.", care of Evening Times. ll-3t Delicious White House Tea in quarter pound net tins for 15c; especially for Ice Tea. Just as good as White House uonee. jrirst-ctass urocers. A MULTITUDE OF ASPIRANTS. W'ould-be Supreme Court Justices Arc Plenfful. Since the appointment of Judge Connor to the federal bench became a certainty rumors as to would-be suc cessors of the able jurist on the su preme court bench of North Carolina have flown thick and fast. Tire friends of Judge W. R. Allen, of Goldsboro, and Mr. J. S. Manning, of Durham, have been especially active. Since they were announced the fol lowing have entered the field: Judg C. C. Lyon, Judge G. W. Ward, Maj. C M. .Stedman, Prof. N. Y. Gulley, Hon. A. L. Brooks, Judge O. H. Guion and Judge J. Crawford Biggs. All of these men are probably not actively in the race. They are "fa vorably mentioned" and will be there when the roll is called pushed into the ght by enthusiastic friends. Governor Kitchin is up against a proposition harder to handle than the one which faced Mr. Tal't. All of the men named are of "supreme court calibre" and it will be hard to make a choice. IX THE IXSUHAXCE WORLD. M::ltets of Interest in the Ofliee of the State Insurance Com missioner. The insurance commissioner today admiMcd to do business in this slate the Supreme Tribe of Hen lfur. a fraternal order.. Application lor ad mission was made by the Traveller's Indemnity Co., of Hartford, The commissioner is today mailing out copies of the fire-escape law to every city in the slate. The new law which was framed by the brilliant young senator from Rowan, Hon. Whitehead Klut.tz, and by him fought through the general assembly,' is ap plicable' to all hotels, lodging-houses', school dormitories, 'hospitals and san itariums' hereafter . constructed', and will '.provo a great protection to hu man." life. . He is also sending to all the fire companies licensed in this state cop ies of the law requiring I hem to make, deposits' : wiUv the .commissioner; for the-protection of their contracts, Mi'. W. A. Scott, deputy commis sioner, is in Wilson this week ap pearing against Jack Ron u tree, an alleged fire-bug.; COL. LVDliOW REAPPOINTED. Succeeds Himself on the State Hoard of Health. The governor today reappointed Col. J. L. Ludlow, of Winston-Salem, a member of the State Board of Health. Col. Ludlow has served on this board tor many years and is a valuable man in the position. The law requires that one member of the board be a sanitary engineer and Mr. Ludlow is recognized as One of the best in the United States. .COLORED ORPHANAGE BIRXED. Homo At Oxford 'for ' Colored Chil dren Totally Destroyed. (Special to The Times) Oxford. N. C, May 12 In the early part of last night the Oxford colored orphanage was totally con sumed by fire, it being located some distance out of the corporation limits it was impossible for the fire department to be of any avail.; It was an institution for the protection of the coolred orphan children. The total valuation was placed at two thousand dollars with only a small amount of Insurance thereon. Death of An Infant. The little infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonsso L, Bailey passed away at their home on Blood worth street this morning at 3 o'clock. He was not quite five months old, The funeral services will be held at tho residence this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, con ducted 'by Rev. L. B. Jones, pastor of Central Mel hod'st church. Tho interment will lie in Oakwood. ceme tery... ,. - A telegram to Col. F. A. Olds this afternoon says the house of his son, Mr. Fred C, Olds, at. Dallas. Tex., was burned last night. No details have yet been received. Mr. Olds was In Dallas, his family belag at Ashe ville. .':.-'': Chicago Live Stock. (By Leased Wire to The Times) I'niou Stock Yards, Ills , May 12 Uegs: Receipts, 24,000; market l.iow to 5c; lower. M'xed and hlitch- ers. 0.S5 h 7.3P ; good heavy, 7.1.rr('i 7. 5; rough heavy, 6.85 ft 7.05; light. 6.SOiii7.20; pigs, 6.00(ii 6.65; bulk 7.10'ii 7.25. Cattle: Itcceipts. 14, 00d; strong Beeves, 5.007.25; cows and heif ers, 2.40 Co-6.50; stockers and food- em, 3.75 1 5.60 ;, Texans, 5.15 (f .30; calves, 5.257.t)0. Sheep: Receipts, 12,000; market steady: sheep, 5.25 ft 6.60; lambs 6.50Q 9.45. Raleigh Produce Market. (Reported by L. JI. Adams.) Butter, 20ft 25c. Eggs, 17 c. Hams, 1 tic. Ileus, 50c. Spring chickens, 40 45c. Raleigh Cotton Itarket. Good middling, 1Q 5-1 6c. Strict middling, 10 Vic Middling, )0c. Rocolpts today, 15 bales. I' i m r i ' i ' 1 1 j sffE III 1 1 1 I . I ll I ll A. J. REACH & COm BASEBALL GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Thos.Q.Briggs&Sons., RALEIGH, N. C The Big Hardware Men. HUBBARD BROS & CO. HANOVER SQCARK. HEW YORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton ex change. New Orleans Cotton Ex change. Associate Memben Uvr peol Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED Fer the pu chaa and eale of eotton lor future 411 varr ParraanaadMiM iaHi HAVE YOU TRIED Powell's BLACK BAND Ileal?, Order a ton. It is fine. Phone 41. SALE OK VALI AI5LE RESIDENCE -- LOT. i'nder and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a cetaln deed of trust, which is recorded In Book 219, page 193, of the register of deed's office, I will, at 12 o'clock on Mon day, June 14th, expose for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder, that valuable residence lot situated on the south side of Hillsboro street, between the Saunders and Harris residence, being one of the West lots, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake on the south side of Hillsboro street; 142 feet east of Boylan avenue; runs thence in a southerly direction 150 feet to an iron stake; thence in an easterly direction 52 feet 3 inches to an Iron stake; thence in a northerly direction 150 feet to Hillsboro street; thence in a westerly direction with the south side of Hillsboro street 52 feet 3 inches to the beginning, being lot. No. 3 as shown by plot of the West property. S.-.B. SHEPHERD, Trustee i ,12-09,'. o. a. w. 30d. Get Season Tickets. Only the last days of this week re main in which season tickets for the festival can bo purchased for the price of $3.50. The sale has been better than last year but it must Im prove considerably else the festival cannot he a financial success on ac count of the greater expense incurred this year for the Pittsburg Festival Orchestra. . Raleigh ought to get behind the Choral Society in this laudable en terprise and see that every seat In the Academy is sold as a season ticket. Ol her towns in the south support festivals handsomely- and Raleigh as the capital of the state cannot afford to do otherwise, Get your season tickets tomorrow without fail of Mrs. E. C. Duncan at Woman's Club building from 1 1 to 1 o'clock or at Tucker Building Phar macy any hour in the day and thus no your part in making the annual festival a success. Jim Pollard, colored, was sent to (lie roads today to serve a thirty days'; sentence for vagrancy. North Carolina Post mast ers. ( Hy Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, May 12 Fourth class post musters were appointed to day as. follows: . North Carolina Weasel, Thomas J., Baugess. '.Negro On Going to Europe. Washington, May 12 Charles E. Magoon, former governor of Cuba, was a visitor at the white house to day. He called to see the president before leaving for Europe on May 22. It will be the first vacation Gover nor Magoon has taken In jten years. THE PERFECT MAN. There Is n man who never drinks, Nor smokes, pnr chews, now swears, Who never gambles, never flirts, Ami slums all sinful snares He's puiulvzo.d! There Is a man who never doeB A thing that Is not right; His wife can tell Just where he is At mnrnlng, noon and night He's dead !, Exchange,

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