PAGE sn ffHB EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N.' 0. "" SOCIETY. THK CX)NQUEKEI BANNER. Furl that banner, for 'tis weary; Round its staff 'its drooping dreary; Purl It, fold it, it. Is best; For there's not a man to wave it, And there's not a sword left to save it. And there's not one lerf to love It, In the blood which heroes gave it; And Its foes how scorn and brave It; Furl it, hide it let It rest! Furl that banner, sofly, slowly!" Treat it gently It is holy For it droops above the dead, Touch it not unfold it never, Let it drop there, furled forever, For its people's hopes are dead! Father Ryan. Mrs. J. S. Eetts Is visiting Mrs. L, P. Wilkins, at Sanford. .Dr- and Mrs. W. E. Galloway, of Tarboro, are in the city. Mr- and Mrs. W. A. Myatt arc spend ing a few days at Richmond. Mrs, Clarence Oetinger. of Klnston, Is visiting Mrs. Flank Ellington. Mrs. R. W. Shields, of Scotland Neck, is the guest of Mrs: V. N, llutt. Mrs. H. C, Williams has returned to Sanford, accompanied by Mrs. R. L. Rand. : Mrs. J. B. Webster and children, of Henderson, arc visiting Mrs. C. H. Beckham. '. ; Mrs. W. W. Reid, of Stanford, lias returned home after a visit to Mrs, R O. Reid. - :' Miss Myrtle Lee, who spent the win ter in Raleigh studying voice at the Baptist University, has returned; to her home at Chattanooga, Tenn. . .'.'' Mrs. E. C. Winchester, and little son Edwin, of Monroe, after visiting Mrs. Herbert E. Norris have gone to Pittsboro to visit Mrs. R. M. Burns. .-. SHAKESrERIAN MVSICAI.K. Delightful Final to Study of Shakos- peare by Keniitncss Book Hub. The Shakesperian Musicale at the j home of Miss Eleanor Vass yesterday afternoon came as a delightful climax to the study of Shakespeare that the Kcnntncss Book Club has been making during the past season. The musical meeting was somewhat of ah invoation to the usual order of the meeting and was all the more delightful The social side of the meeting was strongly emphasized ,each member bringing a friend. The visitor wore charmingly wel comed by Miss Vass and other mem bers of the club. After being served with delicious fruit punch in the hall the guests gathered in the parlor, hall and library to enjoy the delightful program which was in charge of the secretary Miss Loula Hall Biiggs. Miss Briggs read a highly interest ing paper on "Shakesperian Music," 'written bv Prof. Wade Brown' showing how Shakespeare had left a great In fluence on music, the musician owing more to him than any ; other, artists, or any other profession. The musical program that followed were examples . showing what his in fluence had been and added delightful emphasis to the facts that had just been read. "Hark, Hark the Lark," Trom Fray Schubert was sung by Mrs. Horace Dowell. Mrs. YVmlo Brown sang a charming group of old English Ballads and ancient melodies, the contrast in them being 'brought out by her true and beautiful interpretation. They were: "O "Mistress Mine," "(Twelth Night:) "t'nder the Greenwood Tree," as You Like it;) "Old Melody of Heartoase," "(Romeo and Juliet;)" "The Airs Sung by Ophelia," ("Hambt) and Heigho for a husband,"; (Ancient Melody.) . This was followed by a number of old times, "Lights o' lso :e," "The Car man's Whistle," and "Greenslcevcs," played by Miss Futrcll. Mrs. Brown again sang "Should He I'pbrald" from Taming the Shrew. Five dances mentioned by Shakes peare were played by Miss Kutrell and the program came to a close with the beautiful song from Shubeit "Who is Sylvia," sung by Mrs. Dow'cll. Misses Bessie Futrel 1 and Sadie Duncan were the accompanists. The program was a great success, greatly enjoyed by every one. "... Delicious refreshments were served and a delightful social meeting follow ed. ' ; SWEETS are graded by degrees, fro m crude liquid molasses to refined NUNNALLY'S candies. There are all sorts in between, but none beyond. , People may start with a lower grade and gradually cul tivate , the taste for a higher. But no one who tries NUNNALLY'S is ever content with any other kind. v A fresh supply always kept by t. T. .Ilcki Company. ' i "NoMWkc Nunnally'i." after- 'Miss Alma Davis, of Apex, Is the guest of Miss Mamie Thomas. Miss Mamie Baldwin returned to the city this afternoon from Durham. Mrs. Ira Rogers, of Gastonla, was in the city today while on her way to Henderson. " Mrs. M. K. Crews, of '" Goldsboro, has returned home after a visit to Mrs. D. F. Fort. ' Mrs. D. Y. Cooper, of Henderson, in the city the guest at the home of Col. A. B. Andrews. Mrs. W. M. Foster and Mrs. Leila Mansfield left this afternoon for Win ston, to spend several days. - Miss Ethel Glenn returned to her home In Henderson this afternoon, after visiting friends in the city. Mr. O. P. Shell, and family,, of Hen derson, have moved to this city and are residing on north East street. ';'''; Miss Myrtle Lee, a student tit the B. IT.. V, left yesterday afternoon for her home In Chattanooga, Tenn. Rev. and Mrs. Berkley, of Moyodan. arrived in the city this afternoon to attend the Episcopal Convention,, . : Mrs. Ellen Daniel, of Henderson, arrived In the city this afternoon and is the guest of Mrs. R. C. Badger. ''.:. Rev. and Mis, Walter Smith, of Charlotte, arrived in the city this after, noon to attend the Episcopal Conven tion. '.' ;.';'.:' Mrs. D. H. Blair, of C,reensboro, arrived In the cltv this afternoon and Is the guest at the home of Mr. I. C. Blair. ' llesdames Jnr Wilkes and Rl Ii. Jones, of Charlotte arrived in the city afternoon and the guests of Mis.H. F. Adleks. : , . Misses Carrie and Rosa Brnughtoii have returned home from a visit to Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Massee, at Chatta nooga, Tenn. ' .... ".'" ..' .' Mrs. R. H. Thornis, of Henderson, after spending several days In the city the guest at the home of Mr. V. W. Robaids. returned to her home this afternoon. .':, vf:l Rev. and Mrs. Horseflcld, of Oxford; arrived in the citv this afternoon to attend the Episcopal Convention, they are the guest at the home of Dv. I'it tcnger. " '. Rev. and W. P. EulKi'nks and son, of Pittstoii.' are In the city to attend the "Episcopal. 'Convention; they are guests at the home of Mr. John W. Brown. The announcement of the engage ment of Miss Leila Alma Shannon. '.of Henderson, to Mr. llailey 'Wilfred Jefferson, of Sparta, Wisconsin, will be of interest to many friends In the city. The '.marriage is to take place In June, :. ' St. Luke's Circle. St. Luke's Circle of King's Daughters will meet In the Elks Hall tomorrow ut 4 o'clock. .' Miss Ellison Entertains. Miss Musa Ellison will entertain the Senior music pupils of the Baptist University, at her home this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock! V;J ' Preps 3 Bent HpecialM. The preliminary basket ball games at the Baptist University resulted in I Specials, .. ..6 i',6 V.6 ..6 ..6 ..6 ; the following winning teaiiis,.H.ciuls, Preps '-three, and Juniois. 'the first of the linal games were playcdyester '. day ; afternoon between the Specials and Preps three, resulting in the score of 15 to S in favor of Preps three. The .decisive game lor the silver loving cup will be played by Preps three and the Juniors. Miss Williams Gives Recital. The third graduating recital In piano of the Baptist University School of Music, was given in the auditorium yesterday afternoon by Miss Daphne Williams, of Clayton, who has been a pupil of Miss Cronkhlte for the past I three years. Miss Williams exhibited much musi cal talent and ability, her work bring ing out unusual art and skill in so young a, performer. There were a 'number of Clayton people, present for the recital. ' Trinity College Commencement. The Senior class of Trinity College requests the honor of ytiur presence at tho : exercises of weak, June nlKth to nine, Durham N. C. Sunday, Juno 6 8:30 p. in. Bacca laureate Address, Pres. John C. XiilKO. Tuesday, Junes, 11 a. in. Baccalau reate Sermon, Itev. Hugh Black, D 1, New York. . Tuesday, June 8, 1 p. ni. Alumni Dinner Addresa, William Arnold Lam beth, class '01, Walkertown, N. C. Tuesday, June 8, 8:30 p. m. Gradu ating oratlonj. ' Wednesday. June 9,10:30 a. m. Com mencement Address, Hon. Jonathan . Ddlliver, Iowa. . Conferring of Degress. Tuesday Afternoon Club. The Tuesday Afternoon Club hold a most interesting meeting with Mrs. Franklin McNeil yesterday afterno m. the subject of the meeting being "Lorna Doono." This proved, to 'lit an unusually interesting subject. Thq Miss Katie B'fwn left this noon for Klnston. book was discussed by Mrs. R. O. Burton. Mrs. R. B. John read a paper on "Blackmore," the author of the hook. There wal also a paper on "The Political and Civil Conditions of Ens hind at the time the book was written," by: . Miss Daley Penson. The papers were reaty enjoyejl. This was next (9 the last meeting j will continue all the week. Our store was crowded all the morning with eager buyers. We have the greatest bargains ever offered. WATCH US WW QDOD 1 Ul , U ' '. U Mb - . '" :' i OPPOSITE before ' the club breaks up for Hie sum mer, .'and It was an unusually full one. quite a number of -visitors bohiR pre- ent, anions tireni beinf? Mrs. W . V. Kltdiin, Mm. McNimli, ami Mi's. Smith,, of Charlotte. ''''. . Delicious ri fr-'Plinuiits . weiy fiervert at the close of the meeting. LOCAL BRIEFS o e , A false; fii-e . alarm.' was' 'turned in Inst nlKlit al:oul g:30 from box 37, coi ned West and Hargett sliwts. The coniiianics respyiided promptly. Messrs. ri. A. Doughton, : V. T. Orinond and J. H. Gordon, the leglti lative commilteo 'appointed to exam ine the claiins of the Shell Fish and Oyster Cnnnnlssion against the state, were here yesterday. They reported that they examined the claims and approved them all.' V The following delegation ' of Goldsboro men have been hero urging the appointment of Judge W. R. Al len to succeed Judge Connor: Col. A. C. Davis, Mr. H. B. Parker., Mr. George C. Royall, Mr. G. A. Norwood, Mr. W, T. Dortch, Mr, M. T. Dickin son, Mr, Joseph Rosenthal, Mr. R. K. Edwards, Mr. B. H.: Griffin nnd Mr. Donald Humphrey. '.-'. -Mr. -'.Keith, a young KiiglishmaA of Intelligent'- face nnd pleasini; manner, was a visitor at the stale department f iiKiiiuiture today. Mr. Keith de sires a- position-on a tobacco-plantation." '".. . CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Sought j Bwa th njf '' sJjiSLJ? 3. W. HUNTER, y President Midi Treasurer. K1NG-CR0VELL DRUG COMPANY - RALEIGH, N. C. MEADOW VIOLET TALCUM POWDER,' , PRICE 25 CENTS. : Respectfully, : , '; -; - . '-..s -.i-.-, " V'Wi, , . - - ..' KING-CROWELL Drug Co. ' THE REXALL STORE. POST OFFICE. Princess Jlarrles Painter. -.Berlin, May 1 2 Prnciss Victoria Eulenliortr, daisliter of Prince Philip Zu Kii!enl)org today weds Hans Heye, a young paitirer of Bremen. This llialieu the third tnesiillinnce in '1 he house of Kiilvuhcrg. Her older sister eloped with her'-father's secretary and her liroUicr married a Municli vnude lilc singer. '-' OM.V OXK KIM) OF , WORK "THK 111CST." Sl .MMKR ATTlltK i ' Means additional wear and wash. iiiK for your linen. If wo launder It you will find that tho additional washing and Ironing will but little ef fect the lastiii; and wearing qualities of your unrineiits. Your linen lasts the longest when laundered here. . riJOPl.tiS STIiAM JiAUNDKV, Incorporated. Of lire: It K. Hargett St. Itidh Phones, 74. If AIR IlKKSSlNO ft MANICITKING. TIIIO MOST HKAUTIKUIj' WOMAN in tho world will ho Improved by the ntd of professional treatment. The finishing touch will always bo added by tho expert hnlr-drcsKcr, manicure, or niaiiaticsc. An appointment wn be made for profeisloual service by com munication with Mrs. S, Parker Gur- ley, 408 Masonic Building. E. O. BIRDSONO, ( Vice-Pres. nnd Slec'y. Are Yoli Going to Travel? If so, let us show 127 Fayetteville St. H. MAHLER'S SONS, ... Royall & Borden Furniture Co., OFFICE SUPPLIES AND SPECIALTIES THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMKS E. Till KM, Manager. Capital City Phone HHP. Times IluildiiiK. The Raleigh Saviop Bank j:0 T. 1TLLEN, President. CUAULES ROOT, Cwhicr. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per cent, interest paid on deposit. Call In the bank, or write for further information. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOE RENT. re OMAS -A. in ALWAYS SOM ETH I NG N W. - An extraordinary Showing of New and Beautiful Muslin : . -" ..-. i Gowns, Petticoats, Corset Covers, Etc. Our annual sale of Muslin Underwear begins on Monday Morning, May 3, 1909, at 9 o'clock, E very lady in Raleigh and yj- xinity invited. You, will find Garments and prices ex-i. ceedingly attractive. v . "''" We sell "P. N." and "G. B." Corests. ' .' THOMAS A. Next to Masonic Temple, , RALEIGH, - - NORTH CAROLINA. II llllllll VI Jf.i ). ott f.ij.ii .i I I ill) you our Trunks. Don't forget us when you want a Refrigerator, tee Box, Water Cooler, Hammock, Swing, or anything for the Home. . ... Raleigh, N. C On the fact (hat we have tiperialljr stoi'ketl for tlie two spring events MiiiTiafte mul (radilation. . rir tlu former wo have a remark ably wide choice in Sterling Silver : for Table or Decorative use, Cut Glass, rldi and suiH-rb in design and appearance. Smalt Gold Favors for the. best man, bridesmaid, etc., etc. 'Kor-the latter, Watches In several different kinds of Gold and Silver Cases. lins, lirooches, Fobs, Neck, laces, Hhuj.s, etc., etc; Olir storks aro far too varied to be fully covered in tills brief Ad AVould you cull and inspect? - 'J.kwklkks baleigh, n. o. 12 E. Hargett Street. FMTM()., 0 If) PARTIN COS Ik'IBHIl.tMIL'i' it. : . 1 V I . ' ' t 1111 j:-.. I'lH, ' ! .V-- ':'" vt -V.v

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