THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. 0. PAGE SEVEN 1 BASE M BALL and Other Sports j& . Winder R. Harris, Sporting Editor. PINK SUPS FACTORY BEGINS OPERATION SPORTING SIDELIGHTS. , "NEVER AGAIN." She Bat by my side on the bleachers, And she wore a monstrous hat That shut off the view of half the .field, .. - But 'she didn't care for that. She asked where the pitcher threw the ball, And what made the batter bat; I couldn't reply and watch the game, But she didn't care for that.' She wanted to know why nine men played, . And what was the game of "cat." I told her to watch the fielder's work, But she didn't care for that. - ' ...' I thought the limit was over-reached ' When the umpire yelled at Mat, And queered bis play by a crooked rule. But she didn't care for that. The bleachers arose, but while they howled, She stuck a pin In her hat; And I almost swooned to hear her say: "Oh, why do they yell like that?" Walter Jones Wilson in the Baseball Magazine. at their respective jobs around the swing of the circuit. Extensive mention has been made before of Hoovers' phenomenal work. Brumfleld is playing better ball today than he ever showed before, even when a star with Greenville: His batting yesterday was robust enough to split (he steel plate of a battle ship, while his base-running, fielding and general repertoire have lifted him several1 notches above the fold. And Murray has kept pace with his two pals. His work around sec ond will no doubt set a new standard for this league. Hardly a game goes by that hlstrustwagon-tonguedoesu't crash into the horsehide and chase one or more runners across. : There doesn't seem to be much doubt about Kid Dawson's ability to make good. The way In which he swats a ball and his great fielding makes him look like a mainstay. Here's hoping! Disheartened by three succes sive defeats at the hands of the Red Birds, the Methodists have cancelled the other two games that were to be played on Thursday and Saturday. '"Taint no harm to run when you git skeered." '. Not satisfied with their good show ing made on Monday and their good fortune when Mr. Pluvius butter In, Carolina invited the Red Birds over to their rrostlng place for a game this afternoon. , Crozier - and his sturdy flock flew away this morning with blood In their eyes, and If the writer is not very badly mistaken, Reddy Stewart will run Into a snag If he pitches today. Brown, Pope and Fucich were carried along to take care of the slab work. , Brown wj11 most probably start off if he feefs aft right. And It goes without saying, that if he starts off, there is no dan ger of him not finishing. He is the candy kid. Raleigh Red Birds and the Wake Forest collegians played a fourteen inning tie game in Raleigh on Satur day and the result has never been de cided. According to reports sent out from that place all the honor was due Pope, the Wake Forest pitcher, who has signed a Red Bird's contract. Rocky Mount Record. What brand Is the most popular down your way. That game went 16 innings, resulting in a 4 to 3 victory for the Red Birds. Sand your track, Horne, you are slipping. Stanley Robison, owner of the St Louis National baseball club, has taken out a f 50,000 Insurance policy trouuie on nis manager, Koger uresnanan. RED BIRDS R L HI The Raleigh Baseball Club is for tunate and unfortunate. Fortunate in having a nucleus of such good men to choose a team from; unfortu nate in having so many more first class men than there are positions to give them. The sulary limit, which Is only $1,250, compels Manager Croz- ler LU cm ma mjuuu uuwii lu ttuutll it men. To do this Crazier will have to let go six high-class ball players, either of which would make a valu able man for some other team in the ; league, or If any town In tile state is A real mother's sissy boy would thinking of putting out an Indejiend fare as well with a bunch of heavy-nt team these men would be vulu- weight pugilists as the Trinity Col- ab!5uf C'"f ''r' , . , , . , This is the hardest task a manager lege baseball team fared with the Red ha8 but lt ,mlst be done al,a the Birds yesterday, the visitors being BOoner it Is over the better .it will be unable to cross the pan, while the for the team and the players (hem- Red Birds ran up a total of ten tal-i8elves- From a11 indications the pink lies. TRINITY COLLEGE! Bob Gantt, who was expected to do the twirling stunt for the Methodists, was not in condition, and Worley was sent to slaughter. His handouts just suited the Red Birds' appetite, and when the melee was over there were registered to Dick Crozler's boys eleven safe blngles, three of them being for three sacks, while the same number were good for two sacks. Besides the ineffective pitching of Worley, the Trinity team did not put up its usual exhibition in the field. Five bad er rors, all of them costly, were marked up against them. The Red Birds performed in their usual good form, not a sign of an er ror being made by any one of them. Brandon pitched a steady game and was never in serious danger of being scored upon. The five bingles that the Methodists made off him were well scattered and did not cause any A special to "Sporting Life" brings a new phase of baseball to light. It reads as follows: Logansport, Ind. A baseball team composed of patients and attendants The game, as the score well shows, was decidedly one-sided and uninter esting from a neutral standpoint. But, from a Red Bird standpoint of view, it was very interesting to see that Crozier had rounded his team In such good trim in the few days that at the Northern Indiana Hospital for thev havo . WOI.u,n toother. the Insane has issued a challenge to Tne game was of such nature that any similar team in the United k can be under8tood Detter from the States. The team has as its star tabuIated score tnan by any remarks pitcher a patient committed from from the sportlng edltor. soum oena wno was once one oi me Tabulated Score. League.: Proceeds from the games ,toSo.tQ the. "entertainment fund" of the hospital patients. "Rube" Brandon (the boys his intention of attending Fayette ville's first defeat, which shall come to pass next Monday, provided he is have gent a pass to the game. Never bother honored him with the handle) show- about a pass, Prof., old boy. You ed yesterday that he is still there shall be guest of honor. Looking for witn tne gooas wnen ne is canea to ; you. the firing line. And not only has he improved in his pitching, but is learn ing rapidly to field his position. Six assists and one put out, which was made by covering first on a bunt, is not bad by a long shot. Did you get your peepers on that bunt of his yes terday? It would have done credit to either Crozier or Dawson, who are both artists in the bunting line. The most remarkable contrast be tween this year's team and last year's aggregation is their ability to play in side baseball. Even when the team has taken a slump in hitting, this in side baseball has been known to win game after game. Along this line the Red Birds yesterday pulled off two squeeze plays, a double steal, the hit and run game, and several other ex hibitions of this best method of run getting. Crozier made a flying catch of a drive in front of those dear right field bleachers that merits the de scriptive word "thrilling." It was in the ninth Inning. Trinity had no outs and ; no one on base. Cooper Bent a stinging line drive directly to wards the bleachers. Crozier, who was playing deep centre, ran over to get lt. It was heard on all hands, "That's good for two bags. He won't get in a mile of that. Gee, ain't lie going ater" Dick ran on. He must have seen vaguely, or felt that he was nearlng the bottom seat of the ' much-ln-the-way . bleachers. Stooping over as far' as possible, he put out his right hand to break his collision with the ground or those bleachers, and held his glove to catch the ball. The ball dropped Into It, and JuBt as lt was on the rebound he brought his right band Into service and held onto It, completing one of the most sensational jjlays of the sea son. Dick also made nis aeDui wun the willow yesterday. Three hits, one of which was a two-bagger, and a sacrifice, are credited to his prowess. Mighty good. Don't stop the good work. ' , , Without detracting In any way from the fine work of the rest of the team, probably the main cause of the Red Birds' great showing thus far can best be attributed to one big fea ture the remarkable development and ball playing extraordinary of Messrs. Hoover, Brumfleld and Mur ray. Th!s trio of athletes has bound ed into the spot light with a dizzy rush that upset all' calculations. They Will have no superiors. If any equals. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Nutlonal League. At New York Chicago, 4; New York, 3. At Boston Cincinnati, 10; Bos ton, 8. At Philadelphia Philadephla, 1 ; Pittsburg, 7. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 2; St. Louis, 1. American League. Detroit Detroit, J6; v New Bos- At York. 5. At Cleveland Cleveland, 1; ton, 5. At St. Louis St. Louis, 3; Phila delphia, 0. At Chicago Chicago, 6; Washing ton, 3. ' ; South Atluntlc Leamie, At Augusta Augusta, 0; Jack sonville, 9 (forfeited). At Columbia Macon, 1; Colum bia. 2. At Charleston Charleston, 5; Co- lumbus, 4. At Chattanooga Chattanooga, 16; Savannah, 10. Trinity College A.B.R. H. P.O. A. E. Suiter, 2b. 4 0 0 1 4 1 Fitts, r. f. .... 3 0 1 0 0 0 West, W., 3b. . 3 0 1 2 3 0 Cooper, c. f. . . 4 0 0 1 0 0 Flowers, c. . . . 4 0 1 0 1 0 West, C. s. s... 4 0 1 1 0 . 3 Kilgo, lb. ..... ,4 0 0 14 0 0 Harris, I. f. . . . 2 0 0 5 1 1 Worley, p. . . . . 2 0 1 0 4 0 Totals . .... SO 0 5 24 13 5 Red Birds. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. Dawson, r, f. . . 3 2 1 1 0 0 Crozier, c. f. ..4 0 3 4 0 0 Hoffman, 1. f.. . 4 1 0 0 0 0 Murray, 2b. ..2 1 0 120 Brumfleld, s. s. 4 3 3 3 3 0 Hoover, 3b. . 3 1 111 0 Brouthers, lb,. 4 0 1 13 10 Irwin, c. ... . . 4 1 2 3 2 0 Brandon, p. . . . 3 10 1 6 0 Totals . .. . ; 31 10 11 27 15 0 Score by innings: R. H. E. slip factory will begin operations to day. Bowers will be returned 1o Winston-Salem. Pearce, Sobeyroux, White, Hampton, and Brouthers- will also be allowed to fly 'the -coop. Hammond came to town yesterday after his release, so that he could accept a position with another team. All of these men are far. above the average Class D ball players, and are discarded because Raleigh has been very fortunate In securing a corps of extraordinary men to wear the Red Birds uniforms. Bowers, the merry widow third baseman that was loaned to Crozier by Winston-Salem, will be returned to Manager Carter. Bowers is such good material that, it seems a pity to have to let him go. He plays .' third base in grand style, plays the inside game, is a good hitter and a good base-runner. It would be a wise move Indeed for any other manager in th's league to secure his services. Brouthers is us good as most- any first-baseman in the league last year, but on account of Haas' experience and ability on the: initial sack he must also be allowed to depart to other regions, He, too, would make somebody a valuable man. The oth ers who will joint the pink slip brig ade are good ball players and fine fel lows. It is sincerely hoped they will land at some good place. Wright, who can play any position in either the infield or outfield, will be kept for a utility man. Rummy Wrenn will come over from Chapel Hill on Saturday. He is in better condition than ever, and will be kept for catcher and utility man. : : : experience : : : Keeps a Dear School ! If you hud experience with clothes that are not made of ull Wool materials we know you will appreciate the piece In the suit we make for you. We guarantee solid ull Wool fabrics That means long shape holding wear Also give you the lit and tailoring that will guarantee your satisfac tion. "We make clothes right." How about your Spring Suit? Bridget s Tailoring Co. 120 FAYCTTKVILLE. STItKHT, . - - - - RALEIGH, N. C. 1j. R. WYATT, Secretary ami Trenmirer. aOIIX E. BRIDGKRS, Pres. EIGAIt L. BR1DGERS, Vlce-Pres. Very Attractive Special Kutes Southern llullwuy. Via Trinity . . ,000 pOO 000 0 5 5 Red Birds. .420 020 11 10 11 0 Summary: Stolen bases, West, W., ( 2 ) , Flowers, Dawson, Crozier, Hoff man, Murray, Irwin. Sacrifice hits, Dawson, Crozier, Hoover, Brandon. Two base hits, Crozier, Brumfleld, Ir win, Worley. Three base hits, Brum fleld, Dawson, Hoover. Double plays, Harris to Kilgo; Suiter to Kil go; Brumfleld to Murray. Struck out by Brandon, 5; by Worley, 0. Bases on balls off Brandon, 2; Worley, 2. Hit by pitched hall, Fltts and Mur ray. Time of game, 1:45. Umpire, Frank Thompson. Southern League, Mobile, 2; New Orleans, 3. Montgomery, 7; Atlanta, 5. Nashville, 7; Birmingham, 3. Little Rock, 3; Memphis, 2. Carolina Association. At Charlotte Charlotte, 6; Green ville, 4. - At Anderson Winston-Salem, 3; Anderson, 1. At Spartanburg Spartanburg, 3; Greensboro, 2". Virginia Leagun. At Roanoke Roanoke, 3 ; Rich mond,' 1. ;.':.,.:;. At Danville Danville, 3; Norfolk, 9.: :' V ..... . - . . . . ': At Portsmouth Lynchburg, 3 ; Portsmouth, 1. . Other Games. : ' At Fayettevllle Atlantic Christian College, 3; Highlanders, 2. At Lexington. Va. -V. P. I., 9; V. M. I., 8. ' I : , COVAtl'S An Angler's Elysluin. According to the advertisements all summer resorts are alike. They are the best ever-but If fishing Is better anywhere else than it is In "Georgian Bay" we do not know where It is. There is a greater va- Charlotte, N. C Twentieth of May Celebration. Round trip rate from Raleigh, N. C $5.35; Goldsboro, N. C, $6.85; Selma, N. C, $6.25; Dur ham, N. C, $4.60. Tickets on sale May 17, 18, 19; return limit to leave Charlotte not later than midnight of May 22nd. : . Memphis, Tenn. Annual Reunion Confederate Veterans. Round trip rate from Raleigh, N, C, $16.70; Goldsboro, N. C, $17.60; Selma, N. C. $17.25; Durham, N. C., $16.15. Tickets on sale June 5, 6, 7, final limit to leave Memphis not later than niCdnight of June 14th. Morehead City, N. C. North Caro lina Teachers' Assembly. Round trip rate from Raleigh, N. C. $7.90; Sel ma, N. C, $6.70: Durham. N. C, $8.90; Graham, N. C, $10.10. Tick ets on sale June 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; filial limit to leave Morehead not Inter than midnight of June 20th. Aslievllle, N. C. National Associa tion Traveling Protective Association of America. Round trip rate from Raleigh, N. C, $8.35; Goldsboro, N. C, $9.85; Selma, N. C, $9.10; Dur ham, N. C, $7.60. Tickets on sale May 2S 29, 30; final limit to leave Ashevllle thirty days from date of sale. Memphis, Tenn.: Interstate Cotton Seed Crushers' Association.. Round trip rale from Raleigh, N. C, $33.05; Goldsboro, N. C, $35.05; Selma, N. C.,'.' $34.25; Durham, N. C, $32.05. Tickets on sale May 16, 17, 18; final return limit to leave Memphis not later than midnight of May 22nd. For further Information regarding rates from other points, schedules rlety of fish in this water than any where else, and they are always bun- and Pullman accommodation, ask any gry. The only place where you can .Southern Railway agent or address afford to fish .Is where the fish are numerous, big and delicious in flavor, and that place is Georgian Bay so the fishermen say. Suppose you send for booklet, Issued by Grand Trunk Railway System free, telling about the home of the bass, pickerel, pike and the noble trout family. Address F. P. Dwyer, 290 Broadway New York, N. Y. the undersigned. H. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. W. H. TAYLO10. G. P. A.. Washington, D. C. Special Rates Via Southern Railway to Oxford, N. C and Return Ac count of Luying of Corner . Stone of Confederate Monument May' 10, 1000. Account laying of corner stone of Stage Slur I'oNter PicturoH and Free Sheet Music Next Sunday's New York Maea-. ConfeJiM-ate Monument, Oxford, N.iC zlne will contain poster portraits In May lflth, 1909. Th Southern Hallway color, fit for wall decoration, of the w"IJ,ed0lbelo.n,, tr'" tuke,s at ,ute" following actors , and ' actresses: nam e ow' i Blllie Burke, Grace George, David, Rai,.K, m r ., . $2.30 PREPARATION , Tfjp.BT.c 1 the song are both colored men, bud r Moaiuta of Seutd. tutaat iiw iw Cm. Cou this song Is an old-fashioned "coon wi i iroai, atiMDnrm, umci aim, mm, ftpram ueiascoe, ueorge Aruss, w. h. tjrane Dnihuin, N. C. 1.50 and Jul'e Opp. Also a song, words ltound trip rates will also be on and music complete, from Cole and from other points. Dutes or al May Johnson's musical extravaganze, "The 9th ami loth, with final limit to reach Red Moon." now running at the "'iKlnul starting point not later than Majestic Theatre. Broadway. New :""" ' "'" " York. Cole and Johnson, who wrote aralm, KkMsuUtm. $wluu RadacM Fnwv song." v For further Inforniotlon regarding rates from other points address th undersigned. R. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. TAKE HALF AN HOUR OFF! Come over to our place, se lect your preference of our elegant assortment of Wool ens, choose your fashion, have us take your measure, and tell us to get busy on .your.- SPRING SUITS We'll give you superior' workmanship and exclusive fabric, correct style and not able individuality of appear ance. Complete satisfaction in every detail. Don't delay come today. A. C. HINTON, North Carolina's Foremost Tailor. Carolina Trust Building. RALEIGH - - --- ----- N. C. Hammocks for Summer ! Hohlfeld make- No other like them. New stock of pound Papers and Envelopes. Hurd's line stationery. : ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO con 15he OF SPRING Means house-cleaning time. Many new pieces of Furniture will be needed to replace the old discarded articles. We are prapared to furn ish you with any piece of Furniture. How about a Porch Chair? We have just received a car of Porch Chairs. Built of very heavy and best material, in red, green, or nat ural color. CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, Fayetteville Street, . - - Raleigh, N. C. I Mi i I,-,.... :

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