?AQE EIGHT THE EVENIKO TIMES, RALEIGH, N. a THOMAS A. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. We have on SPECIAL SALE a beauti ful assortment of well made muslin Under wear; Gowns, Petticoats, Corset Covers, Etc. BETTER SEE THESE Remember we sell the "P. N. and "C. B." Corsets. None superior, 50c. to $2.50. THOMAS A. PARTIN CO., Next to Masonic Temple, RALEIGH, - - NORTH CAROLINA. WU TING FANG SPEAKSON PEACE l.alie Moho.ik, X. Y.. May 20 In terest at the annual Lake Mohonk peace conference centered today around Wu Tins Fang, the Chinese minister to t lie I'nited States The minister delivered an address on 'China's Altitude Toward Arhi tration". In opening Dr. Wu re minded the conference that the art. of war was one that had been 'murk practiced in China, and continued on the subject of arbitration: "And what is arbitration? (s it not to submit, to the judgment of an Imperial court, the decision of the rights and wrongs of an international disagreement or misunderstanding? Is it not to do away with the old and barbarous way of settling disputes by bloodshed and murder? : In short, when we have arbitration we drag down the god of war from his bloody throne and Install in his stead just tice and law. My people, therefore, welcome the dawning of this new day, We are elated at the triumph of law and reason over brute force. Arbi tration is in accord with our best sen timents and we only regret that our efforts to carry out the provisions of The Hague peace conference have not met with that encouragement which thev deserve. ."China is strongly in favor of arbi tration and hopes the day will soon arrive when compulsory arbitration will be the law of the nations." Smashes All Records. As an all-round laxative tonic and health-builder no other pills can com pare with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They tone and regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, strengthen the nerves; cure Constipa tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Jaun dice, Headache, Chills and Malaria. Try them. 25c. at all druggists. fJRKAT 11 KK I.N.H ItKI). Wild Binge, Laden Willi Stone, Runs ..Into I'ier. Cape May, X. J., May 21 The great iron pier here was 'partly de molished today by a stone-laden gov ernment, barge running wild along the coast, after having been torn from its moorings by. the high wind and heavy seas. Thousands of spectators on the boardwalk saw it demolish the theatre erected on the ocean extrem ity of the structure. The damage is estimated at about $25,000. 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Overcomes Loss of r Nervous Force in 0 Men and Women 0 oooooooooooo Men and, women who are nervous wrecks, who lack energy and ambi tion, who suffer with nervousness, dread,, anxiety nnd n general Inability to be happy or act naturally and ra tionally at all times, may try this treatment with a certainty of aston ishing results. The ingredients can be obtained separately at all well-stocked drug stores. At any Jeadlng drug store get three ounces syrup sarsuparilla com pound In a half-pint bottle. Get one ounce each of the following in sep arate packages: Compound fluid balmwort, compound essence cardiol, and tincture cadomene compound not cardamom). Add balmwort to sarsaparllla: let stand two hours, then add other two, shake well and take a teaspoonful after each ieal and one at retiring. ' If unable to obtain these Ingredi ents from your regular druggist you can readily oblaln thera from the KiBK-CroweUJM-ug Co. PARTO CO. DEVELOPMENT IN ; (By Leased Wire to The Times) Atlanta, May lit) Two sensational moves in the strike of the Georgia Railroad .'firemen were made today. K. A. Hall, second vice-president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men, telegraphed the chairman of the ,iitit boards or aU railroad lines in itlie south to ho ready to convene Wj?ir boards in Atlanta on short no pending a sten to make the fight of "(tlie firemen a national one against according to Hall "negro supremacy in our department of railway opera tion.". ' Thomas K. Scott, general manager of the Georgia Railroad. , formally notified the Vnited States district at torney in Atlanta that the handling of the raited States nuiils was being delayed by the strike and asked the intervention of the government. District Attorney F. Carter Tate, this afternoon instructed Postoffice Inspector Sutton to investigate the situation and report upon his findings and upon such action as the govern ment xliould take. ruder t lie federal statute which provides that "it is a violation of the law for any 'person to obstruct or re tard the passaged!' tile 'limits' it is said government action could be ta ken. . A Bl'RGLARY K11IKMIC." Houses of Several Durham People Filtered Other Xrws. ; (Special to The Times) Durham, May 21 There appears to be a burglary epidemic .in ' town. Houses of various citizens in the last week or two have been entered, but so far the only one caught is Koonce Patterson. However, no serious dam age is reported. It looks as if one or two negroes are making a spec ialty in ibis grade of felony and per haps, without knowledge of what It might cost them if caught. The annual commencement at the Conservatory of Music Is on and as usual the musical recltntions are high class. The regular address by Mr. Howard A. Foushee was heard by a large audience and much enjoyed. "Mr. John Allen Morgan, a gradu ate of Trinity College, for the second time hfrs won tho political economy fellowship at Cornell University. It is worth $500 and it takes a brainy man to win such a valuable prize. Trinity and Durham are proud of him, . COST OF GRAFT 1'JtOSKCT'TIOJJ. (By Leased Wire to The Times) San Francisco, Cal., May 21 It lias cost $2i:t,:!74.20 to run the graft prosecution up to date. According to a statement produced by Rudolph Spreckels at the Calhoun trial, this amount has been actually paid out of the private funds issued for the investigation which has been going on for the past three years. It, la separate and Apart from atl expense incurred by the city government. The statement, which Is compiled as of last Monday's date, May 17, shows excerpts from various sources 213,391. 50. Deducting from this the total of disbursements, there la shown to lie a balance of just $17.30 on the credit side of the ledger. Kills to IJtop the Fiend. The worst foe ror 12 yean of Jobn Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., was a run ning ulcer. "He paid doctors over $400.00 without benefit. Then Buck len's Arnica Salve killed tha ulcer and cured him. Cure Fever Sorea, GEORGIA STRIKE Bolls, Felons, Eczema, Bait Rbeum. I Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds,' Cuts, Corns. 25c at all druggist, j I OR. POTEAT SPEAKS Baccalaureate Address Wake Forest. at Kxercises Consist of Orations by Members of the Graduating Chis, Presentation of Diplomas and the Baccnluureate Address by Dr. Po. . teat. . ;.'..'.':".. : .:''" (Special to The Times) Wake Forest. May 21 The exer cises this morning consisted of ora tions by representatives of the grad uating class, the presentation of di plomas and . the baccalaureate ad dress by President Poteat. The class is unusually strong In speakers, and no better orations have ever been de livered by members of a senior class. The speakers were as follows: Philomathenian Society: O. W, Henderson, of Baltimore, Md., "The Majesty of Law": W. B. Hampton, of Surry county, "The Blending of the Sect'.ons": .1. .1. Hayes, of Wilkes county, "The Demand for Washing tonian Conservation". Kuzelian Society: J. Santford Mar tin, of Yadkin county, "The New North"; W. H. Hipps, of Madison county, "The Return of the Sceptre"; K. K. White, of Alexander county, "The Last of the Tribuness" a eul ogy on Grover Cleveland, Last night Dr. Oscar Haywood, of New York, addressed the alumni as sociation. After the address the alumni, sen iors and visitors retired to the gym nasium for the informal alumni ban quet. Throughout It was a most de lightful occasion. The class exercises took place yes terday. The class oration of J. L Lanier, of Harnett county, was very fine. The histories, prophecies, and poems of the '..class, were" 'read. ''."The officers of the class who read were as follows: : Senior: A. D. Morgan, historian: E. B. White, prophet: RE. .Walker, poet; .1. H. Beach, testator. IF IT DISAPPEARS, IT'S ECZEMA. llou to Tell Whether a Skin Affection In An Inherited I Hood Disease or ..'Not. : ..:.. Sometimes it is hard to determine whether a skin affection is a sign of a blood' disorder' or- simply a form, of eczema. Even physicians are often puzzled in their diagnosis. The best way for any one afflicted Is to go to the King-Crowell Drug Co., or any good druggist who handles pure drugs and obtain 50 ents' worth of poslam. Apply this, and If the Itch ing stops at once and the trouble is cured in a few days, it may be set down as haying been eczema, as this is the way poslam acts in the worst rases of eczema, and in curing acne, herpes, blotches, tetter, piles, salt rheum, rash, barber's and other forms of itch, scalp scalp, and nil surface skin affections. Any one who w-ill write to the Emergency Laboratories. No. 32 West Twenty-fifth street, New York, can secure, by mail free of charge, a supply sufficient to cure a small ecze ma surface or clear a complexion overnight and remove pimples In twenty-four hours. FOIL MI RDKU OK GIRL. Her Throat ('ut and Otherwise Bru tally Attacked. Los Angeles. Cal., May 21 One of the foulest murders ever committed in I.os Angeles county came to light today when the body of little nine-year-old Anna Poltera, her throat cut, with both jugular veins severed, her clothing torn from her body and other evidences of having been bru tally attacked, was found in a path near the northeast entrance to Grlf- j fith Park by a park employe. The murdered girl was the daugh ter of .lolin Poltera, a chicken ranch er. The last seen of her alive was at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon when she bade goodbye to one of her schoolmates and started on her way home along the road which passed by the edge of the park.. To Drive Out Malaria And Build l'p The System Take the old Standard OBOVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. Tou know what you are taklntr. The formula Is plainly printed on every ' bottle, snowing It Is simply Quinine and Iron In a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown peo ple and children 50c. WILL INHERIT FORTUNE. Miss Marlon Rogers M ill Oet ;Five Million From I'ncle'H Estate. , (By Leased Wire to The. Times) Chicago, May 21 Miss Marlon Rogers, 1439 Leland avenue, nleceJ ana iavortte or H. H. Kogers, the late oil magnate, will, according to her friends, become one of the rich est women In Chicago when the Rog ers estate Is settled. It Is said aho will receive $5,000,000. Mlsa Rog ers, daughter of Rufu A. Rogers, an Insurance broker, has since child hood stood high in the graces of her wealthy uncle. She has made fre quent visits to his home In Fall1 Ha ven, Mass. . - COUAII'S PREPARATION " EXTERNAL ' ' 4NTKBTll! Foi Mmintals or Seuldt. buUat relief lot Cm, CoMi. Sera Tbnal, Swibara, IohcI Km, Bum, SpraiM, ' oranei, Knnuuuia wUit Radtwu Hni. , J THE FAMILY TREASURE is Vick's Liniment'. No scars left from cuts 'or ' wounds when it is used and does not burn like other liniments. Vick's is best , i for man and beast. 25c. PROFESSIONAL DR. L. J. HERRING-, VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST. Office annex of Freeman & Sor rel l's stables. Entrance 120 East Morgan street and Wilmington street. Graduate of Kansas City Veterinary College. Will go anywhere called. Phones: Capital City, 94; Raleigh, 263. Calls answered both night and day. Dr. S. P. Norrls. Dr. S. E. Douglass. Office Hours: 8:30 to 6 P. M. Drs. Norris & Douglas, ' ' "'"'' Dentists. I We are giving a liberal cash dis count on all Dental Work, and on all old accounts for the next 30 days. A written guarantee given with all work." - Office 228 Fayetteville Street. Over H. Mahler's Sons Jewelry Store. eanvAdwritin , I I . . AAA . TJ LM-wnure can zu to iuu pa week You can secure a complete course by sub- cnbing to the southern Advertising Journal, tho valuable Article on AdversauiB by fcjtpcrt. 1 he tint , leaum aDoean in lhir Anril Nam Y4 ?a V.uu tor a year s sub- icnpuon. Southern Advertisini? Journal tteat K.cJunud, Virgo CANNED VEGETABLES. Tomatoes, 1 5c, 2 for 2Bc. Corn, 10c.t 2r.c, d for 25c. Peas, 10c, J. "c, 2 for 25c. It. Henna, 15c. Itcans, 10c Siring Reanr, 10c KuecoUish, 15c Corn and Tomatoes, 10c KVKRYTHlNCi IN CANS. Roth Phones. RUDY & BUFF ALOE SJi)H East Hargett Street. AT WRIGHT'S is tho place where you got the Fine French Drip Coffee and the Nice Pies like mother made. When you want something nice for dinner you should go to "GKT THK HABIT." WRIGHT'S CAFE. AT THE SEA FOOD CAFE IMPORTED I50I.OGXA. IMPORTED FR A X K F CRT ERS, POTATO SALAD. IMPORTED SW1TZER. IMPORTED LIMlU'RCiER. SOFT SHELL CRABS. DEVILLED CRABS. LITTLE XECK CLAMS. FANCY FISH AND LOBSTERS. "WILSON'S; THAT'S ALL." OTEY.'S BARBER SHOP, Yarborough House. ft m KM am. it 'llilPi We cannot repeat too often the importance of quality in Men's Clothes. Without quality style is as nothing, for it takes quality to keep the shape permanent, and when a garment loses shape that is the end of it as far. as style is concerned. , This talk about qualityleads us to our well known makers of . clothes, for if there is quality anywhere it is to be found in our clothing. l - 'i Everything for the men folks. - j r . '., ; ' ..' . ; , ' ' GROSS & FAYKTTKVILLR STIKRT . Look at this REGAL Oxford in our Window t ''",-'' -.-'' - ' i the next tone you re passing our store. Note its trim, smart lines and exclusive custom shape, hV an exact ..reproduction of an expensive model designed by a famous New York custom shoemaker. And we can show you other Regal styles just as smart as this one, if you will step inside our store. Regal Oxford! hug the ankle, and Regal quarter-sizes insure an exact fit. ' We want to fit you to a pair of these Regal Oxfords, because we lytou) they're the greatest shoe values in the wold and will give you complete satisfaction. ' $350 $400 and $500 EDGAR E. HABERDASHER ; - THE .-, ' " RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COUP ANY. . WITH An unaarpaMed history Safety to ll Depositors. Accommodation to CHAH. B. JOHNSON . , lretdent. White Skirts and Shirt Waist Our Specialty. Our plant is equipped with the very latest machinery. We give the work our personal attention and would appreciate your patronage. Oak City S tea rn I, a u nd r Co. , Both Phones, 87. STATEMENT O V COMMTIOX ' THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK RALEIGH. X. C. To the Comptroller of the Currency, April 28, 1000. RESOIRCF.S. ;. 225,000.1(1 ta 718.040.41 V. S. Bonds, par Loans and investmen Cash . . . . . . . Due from banks SC. 986.45 292,887.20 $1,322,914.06 GOING TO EUROPE? We sell American Express Company Checks in de nominations of $10 up. Available anywhjere in the world without identification. Most travelers use them. The Commercial National Bank RALEIGH, N. C. Capital and Surplus '. . . . . $200,000. ETY I LINEHAN . . . . ... .. .... BRO UGTON, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. O. behind It alnce 1MI Its Ouatouiers. Willing service to Its Friends. F. H. BKIOOS, '.: Ostshler. - RALEIGH, N. C. LIABILITIES. Capital . , . ... . . ,. .$ 100,000.00 Surplus and profits .. 178,424.82 Circulation . . ...... 100,000.00 leposits . . ........ 944.489.84 $1,322,914.08 COMPANY . . ..'. ... . RALEIGH, N. O. '

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