PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. 0. i ir mia jr." "i" r CLEARS THE COMPLEXION OVERNIGHT. Pimples, Rash, Eruptions, Etc., Quickly Eradicated by New Skin Remedy. Ever Bince its discovery, poslam, the new skin remedy, has, in its ex traordinary accomplishments, exceed ed the most sanguine expectations of the eminent specialist who gave it to the world. It has cured thousands of cases of eczema and eradicated facial and other disfigurements of years" standing. The terrib'.e itching at tending eczema is stopped with the first application, giving proof of its curative properties at the very out set. In less serious skin affections, such as pimples, rash, herpes, blackheads, acne, barber's itch, etc., results show after an overnight application only a small quantity being required to ef fect a cure. Those who use poslam for these minor skin troubles should immediately secure one of tire special 50-cent packages recently adopted to meet such needs. Both the 50-cent package and the regular $2 jar may be obtained in Raleigh, at the King Crowe!! Drug Co., and other leading drug store:;. Samples for experimental purposes mav be had free of charge by writing direct to the Emergency Laborato ries, V West street. New York City. A POZKX NEW M. J)'s. Medical Department of I'niversity of North Carolina Turns Loose a Well-equipped Class. The seniors of Hie t'niversity of North Carolina Medical Department stood' their last, examination venter-; dav afternoon and last 'night the re sults were announced to them. Every man passed and their djplomns will be awarded thorn next week at the I'niversity of North Carolina com mencement. The class is composed of the following young men. among whom may be found some of the best athletes the state has produced: W. H. liraddy, Washington: W. B. Chapin, Pittsboro: 1. V. Dunlap. An sonvilie: C. S .Kagles;' -fountain ; H. C. .lohnsoti. lngokl: B. I!, Lloyd, Chapel Hill ; J. M. -Manns. .Hemp;' V. A Strowd, ..Chapel Hill: V. H. Spen cer, Swan Quarter; A. f . Kiggsbee, Durham: J. K. Tally; Statesville: .1. Al. ("Hull") .Thompson; Graham. : The class will stand the . .State llnard examination for license- to pi.utKe On June (It'll. The. whole class i.4 splendidly equipped and will pass the examination easily. . aureate sermon was ably and help-j fully preached by Rev. R. T. Liston, . of the Presbyterian church, and at , uight the Y. M. C. A. address was. most acceptably delivered by Rev. . Dr. McLeod. Monday night the Ring- j exercises morning, in place of Bishop Wilson, the first speaker selected, who is too unwell to meet his engagement. The class day exercises will be on Wed nesday evening and the graduating when SO diplomas and cer- ham Military band of nineteen mem- tilicates will be issued to the graduat bers gave a delightful open air class, will take place! "on Thurs cert on the lawn. Tuesday night a jday morning, followed by the literary varied musical program, consisting : address before the faculty and stu of vocal and instrumental solos, a ! dents of the college by Prof. John S. quartette, cornet solo, violin solo. Woolen. ' : , etc., was given and the honorary scholarships and some of the hand some medals were delivered. Wed nesday night a very fine debate took place, the query being the subject of Japanese immigration and the rights of the Japanese in California., The University of North Carolina scholarship . was awarded Thomas Gore, and that given by the Washington and Lee University was awarded to Mr. Harvey Ulair Jones. The Herbert Bingham schol arship was given to Miss Isabella W. dray, who stood first in scholarship for the past three, years. Many weak, nervous women have been restored to health by Foley.s Kid ney Remedy as It stimulates the kid- ineys so they will eliminate the waste i matter from the blood. Impurities de I press the nerves, causing nervous ex ilv.uistlon and other ailments. Com- inerice today and you will soon be well. Don't Abuse your stomach and bowels 1y using Purgatives, Nauseous Draughts. Get a tasteless, scientifically compounded pill such a little pill is Vick's. It is a ion c. to liver and bowels and 'mild but efficient for adult or child. 25c, 40 in a vial. Co.,.- Fayettevllle Streets. Central Methodist l'ic-Xic. TlrWEIOJJAL DR. L. J. HERRING, VETERINARY 8URCEOX AND DENTIST. Office annex of Freeman & Sor- rell's stables. Entrance 120 East Morgan street and Wilmington street. Graduate of Kansas City Veterinary Central Methodist Sunday school 1 College. Will go anywhere called. Hoarseness. bronchitis and other throat 'trouble's are quickly cured by ."oieys llniiey anil Tar as it soothes and -heals.--the . inllatned throat ami luoiiehlal iulies and the most obstinate rough disappears.' Insist -upon having the genuine foley';; Honey and Tar. K'iiU-'l'ovi M Drug Co., f ayel tevllle X- Half-It St. Smashes AH Records. As an all-round laxative tonic and health-builder no other pills can com pare with Dr. King's New Life Pills, They tone and regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, strengthen the nerves; cure Constipa tion, Dyspepsia, Bi'.iousness, Jaun dice, Headache, Chills and Malaria, Try them. 2oc. at all druggists. lil.MiHAM SCHOC'L CLOSING. Commencement a (ireat Success- A warding of Medals and Srliolar- ' ships.'. (Special to The Times.) Uingham School, . Mebane, N. C. May 2."i The commencement, exer cises at Bingham were a great suc cess. Sunday morning tile buccal-- LITTLETON FOLLWiE CLOSING. Sci'iimii by Rev. II. II. ISrooin to Y. W. ('. A. Baccalaureate Sermon by Dr. Ivey. (Special to The Times) Littleton. May 24 The commence ment exercises of Littleton College begun yesterday morning in the ele gant new auditorium of the Metho dists with a very able sermon by the Rev. R. !i. Broom, before tin1 Young Women's Christian Asoeiation. from Psalms'. I -LI.: 1 i, "That, our (laiisvhiers may be as corner stones, pole-died af ter the similitude of a palace".. Mr. I'.rootn is very generaly re garded by. ihc: Littleton people as the strongest preacher that, has spoken to Littleton 'audiences of any denomina tion since the death of Rev.'. Dr. l!ur ton. Mis ! sermon t.o the young ladies yeslerday' liiorning was full of soul food for them, and seemed to -us to make a , profoiin'd impression upon, tile nudien.-e. After tlu'pl-aver. which followed the sermon th.e speaker said to the audience 'that lv. -believed "Littleton College stood for that which is high est in the preparation of young wo men for usefulness in the world". We doubt whether a speaker 1 could pay a higher tribute to any institu tion of learning than this. The alumnae banquet .'will, be at the Ron Air Hotel on Tuesday even ing. Dr. T. X. Ivey will preach the i. baccalaureate sermon on Wednesday ( .will "have their annual pic-nic and outing on June 2, at Euquny Springs. The principal reason of the selection of this place is, that a long trip on the railroad is both tiresome and dan gerous to the small children; besides, it is a most ideal place for a pic-nic, with plenty of good water. A special committee has been j named to have charge of the refresh-) ments and amusement. This com- mil tee is composed of J. R. Norman, i I). I!, liyrum, J. E. King, J. E. Rudy, i .1. II. Wiggins, Ralph Crowder, and j nam liogasse, 'Jr. Phonos: Capital City, 94: Raleigh. 2IH. Calls answered both night and day. " lr. S. P. Nonis. Dr. H. K. Douglass. Office Honrs: H::l to 0 T. M. Kills to Stop the Fiend. The worst foe for 12 years of John Deyc. of Gladwin, Mich.,' was a run ning ulcer. He paid doctors over $400.00 without benefit. Then Buck len's Arnica Salve killed tha ulcer and cured him. Cures Fever Sores, Roils, felons, Eczema, Salt Rheum. liifaLible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns. Us'ic at all druggists. Drs. Norris & Douglas, Dentists. ': We nro giving a liberal cash dis count on all Dental Work, and on all old accounts for the next 20 days. A written guarantee given with all work. Office 228 Fnycttevillo Street. Over II. Mahler's Sons Jewelry Store. TUTORING By S. L. ROTTER, H.A., M.A., (Columbia I'niversity) IV SCHOOL AM) COLLEGE WOItK. ION WILL HIP 11." Polk Street, or Comiiiercial Rank I'.uildiiiS. Plioiies, 2IS Raeili (i:J(l Capital Cityf NOT GO TO EUROPE TutfsPii After eating, persona of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. If you have been DRINKING TOO MICH, they will promptly relieve the r.ausea, SICK HEADACHE - andnervousnesswhlch follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy feel ings. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. New York. May 25-.Taek Johnson, the heavy-weight champion, is "not going to Europe at all, but will Hay at home to meet any one who cares to meet him. His object in remaining Is largely to clash with Al Kaufman 'In Philadelphia.-'.. Billy Delaney, the manager of the Californian, has "promised the ! negro 'hat tie will lot nis man ngnt him for $1,000 a round or a percent age of the gate receip's. and he de clares that he hones ti at the vot- I eran will keep to his promise. Johnson is going to try to have the date of the Ketcl.ei match, which is set for October l:t, set back, as he wants more timi. to "ti;iin for such a difficul' match. Johnson says he will meet Kauf manaccording to n'0;-en! indica- i tions, in five or six weeks, and will go into trnining at onci for the con test. The champion had his tickets bought for his spiling .'today, was tint .'-until last T'giil ihat elded to abandon' tlr: tria. camAdwriting Ad-wnten earn $20 to $100 pa week You can secure a complete course by ut- tcnbing to the southern Advertuing Journal, alto valuable Articles on Advertuing by Experts. 1 he brtt lessoo appears in their April, Num ber. Send $2 .00 for a year's sub scription. Southern Advertising Journal IW RirnmtaJ Vininia 4 m Look at this REGAL Oxford in our - Window the next time you're passing out store. Note its trim, smart lines and exclusive custom shape. It's an exact reproduction of an expensive model designed by a famous New York custom shoemaker. And we can show you other Regal styles just as smart as this one, if you will step inside our store. Regal Oxfords hug the ankle, and Regal quarier-sizes insure an exact fit We want to fit you to a pair of these Regal Oxfords', because we Jfcnoio they're the greatest shoe values in the world and w3r give you complete satisfaction. $350 $400- $500 $X EDGAR E. BROUGriTON, HABERDASHER V - . Fayettevllle Street, Raleigh, N. C. ST.VriOlKXT OK CONDITION THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK . RAIiFIOH, X. C. To the Comptroller of tin- Cniicncy, April 28, 1900. ; iu:sornci:s. U. S. Bonds, par, . . .$ 225,000.1)0 Loans and investments 718,040.41 Cash . . ; ..... ... SG,9S8.45 Due from banks . . 2:i2,t!S7. 20 $I,S:V2,14.0C l.lABIIilTlKS. Capital . . 100,000.00 .Surplus and profits . . 178.424.82 Circulation . . . . .... 100,000.00 Deposits . . ........ 944,489.24 l. 322, 914.06 ' 49 CllfllS -..;:'':-.: THE ' -:-': RAXEIGH BAITING & TRUST COMPANY. ' ' r,..W.,. , I The Houw of Koppenhnoier ChicMQ I but it he de ll AM1I.K K01K;KKS' M 1 LLIOXS. AN APPEAL to Taste and Economy , "(lou'l fjislci's" l)iiy our cltilhcs t'lii1 two rciisims: They ,'irc uuidc riiit : ;nul llicy ctinliiHK' lt ltiok riujlit jis loiit;' as you wiint 1 lit sumo suit. ; ; Don't let-this cool spoil flicat you out of a ick anions; the hest rlothcs niado in America. They begin as low as 1"). Wo are showing special values in suininei wliite shifts at 50 cents. SUIT CASE VALUES. If you intend to take a trip you had .better look at your old suit ease; if it's "ru:-ty" looking you will need another. Think of an all solid leather ease for $5.00. Satchels as low as fl.00. J. ROSENGARTEN CO., FAYETTEVILLE STREET. CANNED VEGETABLES. Tomutocs, l."c, 2 for 25c. Corn, 10c, 2.V., 2 for 25c. Peas, 10c, 15c, 2 for 25c. IS. Iloans 13c. Reims, 10c. String Itcanc, 10c. '' . Succotash, 15c. Coi n and Touuitocs, 10c. KVKlIYTHlXt IX CAN'S. lloUi 1'lioncs. RUDY & BUFF ALOE 108 ;Kai.t Uargctt Street. ... . -- WITH J A An iiuhui pscd history lu-hind It incp IMS f (jafctjr tm If IK Hi1tr. AccOmmo.!alou to (In Cuftoinrrs. Son-in-law of the Standard Oil Man Will Succeed Mr. Koiici-s in Wall ; ' Street. - ' ( Ily Leased Wire to The Times) New York,: May 25 When the will of 11. H, Rogers is read, that testa-iii(-ni's provisions, it was declared to day, will clearly indicate that the Standard Oil man's intercuts of prob ably $1mi, ono.OOO arc to he admin i.Htered by bis son-in-law, Urban H. Uroiishton, iitid not by his son, H. H. i Koyers, .lr. This disposition of the I affairs of the late dominant factor in the Standard Oil C'oniiianv and lh 1 the f -upper situation in the United States means that Mr. Ilrotigliton will be the successor of 11. H. Rogers in Wall street and therefore ' ono of the ; Ki-eatcst powers in the financial world. - j- The late-Mr.' HORcrs had the hlgh- est regard for his Eon-ln-Iawv Mr. liroiiKhton was the right hand man in all of his great undertakings nnd it! is to li hit rather than young Kogers, that. he. looked for counsel at such times as he thought necessary AT THE . SEA FOOD CAFE IMI'ORTKI) IIOI-OGNA. IMI'OUTKI) Flt.WKFUKTEnS. POTATO S.VI.AIl. imi'oi:ti:i switzkr. IMl'OKTKI Xl.MIU'KOKH. SOFT SHF.IA, CUAHS. IIF.VII.I.FIM'KAIW. IlTTliF, NFCK CLAMS. FANCY FISH AND LOBSTFKS. "WlliSO.VS THAT'S ALL." O CHAS. K. JIOMNSOJi Prentdent. U'llllaK ftervkw to iU Krlmada. F. H. BRIGGS, . Caahler. White run mu unit t IJM1 US C Waist Our SpeGialty. ' Our plant is I'lpiipped with the verj- l itest nincliincry. We give the work our personal attention uud would lipprt'i'latc your patronage. Oak City Steam Laundry Co., r.oth lMiones, : RALKIGH, N. C. OTEY'S BARBER SHOP, Yarborcugh House. rk n an A v? iTnAiir o We sell American Express Company Checks in de non;inations of $10 up. Available anywhere in the world ( without identification. Most travelers use them. I 0 ''"' I II a '-' t t ine uommerciai Nanonai mm 'V RALEIGH, N. C. ' 'X'- K Capital and Surplus . . . . . $200,000 KILLF.t) IX rilVRCIt. illeiny Pulp While Kneeling In Trnyer , Shot by Hi Ili-otlier.hi-l.iw. (fiy Leased Wire to The Times) Kennett, Mo., May 2." While kneeling in prayer at church in Euro pa, Henry Culp was shot and killed by his brother-in-law, Charles Champ, 18 years old, who fired three bullets 'Into Culll'8 bodv. Citizens h ended hv !the sheriff are searching for Champ. Culp killed Harry Champ, brother of the slayer, last August, after hav ing been driven from home by the Champ brothers. He was ncqultted, ithe jury deciding his act was justi fiable. Q 'i " l- " in rai nam nm !:Mi::Tlfi'; 17 "0 T:J ','":-. lletej-tive Awsted. ; Plltsburg, May 25 SlmulUneoug ly with the resumption of the grind Jury's inquisition Into the municipal graft scandal today came the arrest of Thomas Donovan, one of the pri vate detectives employed by the Vot ers' Civic League. The entire men bershlp of common council' and 35 members of select council have been subpoenaed before the grand Jury. :-.:' : .: .-.:.'. ',.:'.'''-' .. '.'. ' :- '.""'!:'' ' ""''' We cannot repeat too often the importance of quality in Men's Clothes. Without quality style is as nothing, for it takes quality to keep the shape permanent,' and when a garment loses shape that is the end of it as far as style is concerned. This talk about quality leads us to our well known makers of. clothes, for if there is quality anywhere it is to be found in our Everything for the men folks. CROSS SI LINEH AN COMPAN X FAVETTEVIlJk STRKET . - . . . . . - . . . . RALEIGH, 6. o.