PAGE FOUR r TEE EVENING TIMESRALkIGH, N0.' ' .. - -. l)Z CCtj01ttn0 Ulttt00 Published Every Afternoon. (Except Sunday) THE TIMES' BUILDING, 12-14 East Hargett Street, Raleigh, N. C. J. V. SIMMS, Publisher. Both Phones All Offices 178. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year . . . . $5.00 Six Months . . . . 2.50 Three Months 1.25 One Month ...... . . .... .45 One Week . . . . .10 Subscribers desiring: The Evening Times discontinued must notify this of fice on date of expiration, otherwise it will be continued at regular suoscrlp tion rates until notice to stop is receiv ed. Parties accepting paper from the Post Office after date of expiration will be required to pay for full time It is received. If you have any trouble getting The Evening Times telephone or write to the Circulation Department and have It promptly remedied. In ordering a change of address give both old and new address. It Is Imperative that all communica tions be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. Ol'R FIRE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh has the best and by far the most efficient volunteer fire de partment, in the entire country. We doubt if there is a town in the coun try with a well paid, department that can show a better or as good a rec ord as our department. The-': de partment has been worked up to its high state of efficiency because all the boys have felt proud of our de partment and have taken an interest in it. This paper has been an ard ent supporter of the department and we had hoped that in the near fu ture we would see the department' turned into a. well paid department and every part of it strengthened and fitted with all the best and latest fire-fighting 'appliances and that we would have a fire chief paid for all of his time.' Every department must have a competent head and this man must be so that he can give some time and thought to the development of his department, otKefiulae'JC wDl'.Be teriorato and the men will lose inter est and become disorganized. We have had a good chief and we had hoped that more interest would be taken in his department and that it would be placed on the level with other departments and that he would be paid a regular salary and that the city would have all his time (or some other competent man) to direct our fire department. As it is we see that the chief has his salary cut in two and the driver gets more than the chief. Competent men are not going to work and risk their lives for nothing and the city hould not expect it. Raleigh Is growing fast and is becoming a big city with millions of property to pro tect from fire. On account of the enormous number of wooden build ings In the business section of the city we need more protection and more men and nten who are paid to look after the safety of the city. A volunteer department goes to pieces when the Interest : goes down and when the city shows tills kind of ap preciation for the chief it is likely to produce had results. We are not saying this in a spirit of criticism, but on account of the in terest we have in our department and the interest we have In the men who are conducting the business of the city. We feel that the department should be developed and improved and that the safety of the city should be the first consideration. We may save a few dollars In salary and lose half the town any night by a fire. We have been very fortunate In the past, but let us remember we are living In a city that has hundreds of old fire traps In the heart of the city. This i3 proving a notable week In Raleigh, with four college commence ments in progress at the same time. Many visitors have been here to at tend the closing exercises, and with the hundreds of boys and girls in the various schools enjoying the greater liberty of commencement week the city has taken on somewhat of a holi day appearance. It Is a matter of gratification, not only to Raleigh, but to friends of the institutions every where, that the schools have all en joyed a year of unqualified success. Peace, St. Mary's, B. U. W. (Mere deth College), and the A. & M. have CTRADESI i . ic c COUNCIL all had a successful year's work, un- 'interrupted from any cause, and rich in results omaineti ana tne proauci sent forth to battle with the affairs of life. Dr. Stockard, Dr. Lay, Dr. Vann, and Dr. Hill may well feel proud of the result of their efforts. In noting the closing of the colleges it it also worth while to note the clos ing of the State School for the Blind, which occurs Friday. While its work differs a great deal from that of the other institutions noted Its purpose is the same, the equipping for the work of life of ourvoung people. That these students are handicapped makes the work harder and the path more difficult. But wjth sublime' patience the instructors of the blind have done their year's work and are rewarded with abundant success. The closing exercises will take place Friday night at the institution, and those who at tend may expect to be surprised at the wonderful exhibitions shown as a re sult of patient, practical teaching. The ..efficiency, of the students will prove a revelation to many people. (TTTIXti (iOVERX.MEXT EXPENDITURES. The government expects to save $10,000,000 by cutting down ex penses in the departments, stopping custom house leaks and smimsrlina: frauds. That there is much unnecessary ex pense attached to the administration of the government everyone believes, and that the government -' is losing millions of dollars through custom house frauds no one who has read the papers during the last few weeks can deny, it is an encouraging sign to see the heads of departments cut ting off expenses in ten million chunks, as has been done in the army and navy departments. Collector Loeb's activity in cleaning out the rascality in the New York custom house is also encouraging and is to be .' commended. Collector vLoeb as secretary to the' lute. 'president was the liiitt of many a joke, but he has shown since he took charge of the New York custom house that he is tit for something besides serving as a scape-goat for the -former, president.' Getting back to the matter of gov ernment expenses a Washington spec ial to The Baltimore Sun contains the following: !!"That'the government has not re ceived the full share of its revenue under the Dingley bill has been made very clear during the past few months. The sugar trust case, in volving millions, is only one instance. Throughout the tariff debate Chair man Payne and Senator Aldrieh have insisted that there have been gross abuses 'In '-undervaluation which have resulted in the loss of large sums of revenue. On top of this conies the announcement lrom New York of frauds perpetrated upon the govern ment through smuggling in goods that should have paid duty, and Col lector William Loeb's activity in run ning down these smugglers is every where praised in Washington. "The efforts of President Taft and his cabinet committee on budget to prepare the estimate for federal ex penditures for the fiscal year 1!U1 and the joint effort to pare down the thousands of estimates submitted by various departments, indicates other fields for an improvement in finan cial administration. The fact that Secretary Meyer has been able to cut off $10,000,000 from the forthcom ing estimates for the navy and that $10,000,000 is to lie chopned out of the army estimates, while correspond ing reductions are to be made In other departments all are considered sig nificant. These things bear oix the contention of Chairman James A. Ta wney and others t hat this method of federal economy should have been put Into effect long ago. " "A prominent New England mem ber of the senate finance committee believes that '.$30,000,000 can be saved through the operations of the committee "oa budget of the senate and the work of the cabinet budget committee, If this ran he done and other millions can be saved through the Introduction of honest valuations and the elimination of smuggling, something like $10,000,090 may be saved the government during the fis cal year 1911." The Wrights are cettinz m-riom for Nlrshlps from all parts of the coun try. Not only are they getting many American orders, but from the unex pected places of the world. The Shah of Persia is one of those who has given an order and there are also orders from China and an inquiry has come from Iceland regarding the cost of delivering an aeroplane in that far away Island. The fever Is spreading and the time when we will all fly gets nearer and nearer. We cordially invite the editor of The Charlotte News to come over to Raleigh and see a real baseball team in action. Meredith College sounds good, much better than the name which the institution has borne heretofore. May the success of the college be as marked and as gratifying under the new name as It has been under the two old names. Perhaps that resident of Iceland who wants a Wright aeroplane has dreams of making a "dash for the pole". SALE OK VALUABLE RESIDENCE LOT. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a cetain deed of trust, which is recorded in Book 219, page 193, of the register of deed's office, I will, at 12 o'clock on'Mon- I day,' June 14th, expose for sale and sell for cash to the highest bfdder, . that valuable residence lot situated. ' on the south side of Hillsboro, street, I between the Saunders and Harris ' residence, being one of the West lots, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake on the south side of Hillsboro street; 142 feet east of Boylan avenue; runs thence in a southerly direction 150 feet to an iron stake; thence in an easterly direction 52 feet 3 inches to an iron stake; thence in a northerly direction 1 50 feet to Hillsboro street; thence in a westerly direction with the south side of Hillsboro Wjvet 52 feet 3 inches to the beginning, being lot No. 3 as shown by plot of the West property. S. B. S11EPHKRD, Trustee. 5 12-09, o. a. w. 30d. United States District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina. In the matter of The Ltllington Drug Co., a 'co-partnership, composed of J. M. Stewart and A. L. I'earsall. In Bankruptcy No. 29t. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of the Lillington Drug Company, a co-partnership, composed of J. M. Stewart and A, L. Pearsall, of Lillington, in the County of Harnett and District aforesaid: Notive is hereby given that on the 24th day of May, A. D. 1909, the said Lillington Drug Company was duly adjudicated' bankrupt-; and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held in my office, at 413 Tucker Building, at Raleigh in said District:, on the 7th day of June, A. D. 1909, at 10 o'clock A. M., before the under signed referee, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint, a Trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. V. H. HOYDEN, . .'" Referee In Bankruptcy. Raleigh, N. C. May 24. 1909. Further notice is given to credi tors that an order will be entered at the first, meeting of creditors, (if no objection b made thereto, and it shall appear for the best interest of the es tate) directing the Trustee to sell any Teal and personal property be longing to the estate of the bankrupt corporation, without further notice to creditors than this notice, in or der to save delay in the settlement of the estate. V. II BOYDEN, Referee In Bankruptcy. 25 2t. - LAZELL'S TOILET WATER. Dainty mid Fragrant Oder. Price 50 Cents. THE HICKS VR VG COMPANY. Both Phone. Ladies Attention 15 Cents SPECIAL SALES DAY, FRIDAY, MAY 28th. A PERFECT CAP FOR MASON'S FRl'JT JARS. ' 15 Cents a Dozen. One Down to a Customer. THE S-A-I-C-A-P Improving to the attacks of fruit adds or anything put up In jars. Sanitary no edges threads will not slip, HART-WARD HARDWARE COMPANY. s The Paragon Hardware Store. Bib Fains, Can cer, Scaly Sin, ram H. U. B. Cures Above Troubles, Also Eczema and Rheumatism. For twenty-five years Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ), has been curing year ly thousands of sufferers from Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison, and all forms of Blood and Skin Dis eases, Cancer, Rheumatism and Ec zema. If you have aches and pains in Bones, Back or Joints, Mucus Patches in mouth, Sore Throat, Pim ples, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eye brows falling out, Itching, watery blisters or open humors. Risings or pimples of Eczema, Bolls, Swellings, Eating Sores, take B. B. B. It kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich, completely changing the entire body into a clean, healthy condition, healing every sore or pimple and stop ping all aches, pains and itching, cur ing the worst ca ses. BOTANIC BLOOD HALM (B. B. B.) composed of pure Botanic ingredi ents. SAMPLES FREE by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. DRUG 3ISTS, or by express. $1 PER BOTV .'LE, with directions for home care. ENLARGING YOUR MONEY If it is a matter of repairing one room or the entire house you will tind your money will go furthest here. All the latest of Handsome Wall Paper Designs all the Richest and most appropriate of roliiHni; effects are now on dis play at prices per roll consider ably less than you could buy elsewhere. .Make an early :.. . choice, R. L. GREEN, II W. Hargett. CRINKLEY S Mosquito Canopies and Netting. TRUNK HEADQUARTERS. Nice Bugs, $0.50, $5.."0, S 1.7.1 down, Cook Stoves and Ranges. Oil Cook Stoves, $:$.!, $1.00. Special Floor Oil Cloth, 2."r. yard. Japanese porch Shades, ()c, $1.20. Hoy's Sweater Coats, 25c; Men's, 50c, Galvanized Tubs, Pails, and Boilers. Water Coolers ami Freezers. Screen Doors mid Windows. Rocking Chairs, 50c. to $5.00. Ki-d liOlinges, nice, $H.OO, Baby (io-Carts, $I.S5 up. ;l-in. White Dot Swiss, 10c. Tanglefoot, !5c. bov. HATS AND UNDERWEAR. CRINKLEY'S. HAVE YOU TRIED Powell's BLACKBAND Coal? Order a ton. It is fine. Phone 41. SPECIAL NOTICE. The manufacturers of Hie famous Excel Electric Irons have made us a special price and given us the privilege of selling 25 irons at .$3.2 each. It s a ease of first come first served. A hint to the wise is sufficient. io mmvwsr, Repairing Furniture for '. -.. JJverybody, ev(Tywhi-re, every day, iparrlsh, ?. W Raleigh, X. C. " O ,lt '"r me nt 1 1 1 S. Wilmington. JjOtik for first class work Jn first clans style, gee tnf today for Upholstering. JJere is the place; come. . .. n .1 ....II A ... I j aim m il will iiii-rt. I IT Aff JJow Is the time for you. Quod work aud low prices. .mm ' ClMiMfCE MJE Miss Thorn is offering at greatly reduced prices all of her Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed. A very important and unusual bargain oppor tunity, comprising as it does all the very latest styles and shapes, whites, blacks and colors. SUIT DEPARTMENT. Special prices made on a choice collection of Silk Dresses. High Class stylish models. Superior quality Silks. Consisting of hand some figured Foulards, Mes salines and Pongee Silks, Shantungs, etc. All the new est designs and colorings. Beautifully : trimmed. No charges made for alterations to perfect a fit. ' TUB DRESSES. Tailored Wash Suits. Charming Wash Dresses. Lingerie Dresses. Pure Irish Linen Dresses. English Repp Suits. Handsome New Models. SHOES FOR WARM WEATHER. Each style has that swaar- ger and up-to-date appear ance which appeals so strongly to women of today. Shoes for Children and misses. SPECIAL SALE OF SUMMER SILKS. Messaline and Liberty Satin figured Foulard Silks at only 63c. for regular $1.00 grades. Shantungs in a splendid range of colors Black, Jasr per, Cadet, Catawba, Lob lotoMi-Fcrraill Co 123-125 Fayetteville St N.B.- We prepay Express charges on all cash Mail Or ders of $5.00 or more to any point in North Carolina. HERY ster, Old Rose, Reseda, at only 39c. for regular 50c. grades. Yard-wide Japonicas at only 50c. A splendid sum mer silk. WHITE GOODS AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. 8-4 White Mouseline de Paris. 40c, 50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00 yard. 8-4 White Chiffon Organ dies. A splendid sheer ma terial, peculiarly suitable for the Princess Dresses now in vogue. 40c, 50c, 65c, 75c. yard. 50-inch White French Lawns. Washes like a hand kerchief and improves with the .laundering. 40c, .50c, 65c, 75c yard. 46-in. White Mercerized Sheer Batiste. 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c yard. 32-in. White Dotted Swiss. 20c, 25c, 50c yard. 32-in. Linen D'Indes, 10c, I2V2C 15c. yard. 40-in. Sheer Lawns, 10c, 15c, 20c. yard. 30-in. Barred Lawns, 14c. yard. SPECIAL SALE OF LACES. We have made up a spec ial department of these cheap Lace3 chaap in price, but not in quality. You will be greatly interested in them. Everyone is.

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