THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. a PAGE FIVE TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, New York Stocks. ' (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, May 26 Af tier a little irregularity in opening transactions the stock market doveloped heaviness similar to that which prevailed dur ing Ihe greater part ' of Tuesday's trading and in the first 15 minutes prices generally tended downward. There was a show of strength in steel common, which opened at 61, an advance of and some specialties, including American Locomotive, made fractional gains, while leading railroad stocks yielded under mod erate selling. At the end of 15 min utes nearly everything In which there was any business showed small net losses. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison . . . Atchison, pfd , Baltimore & Ohio . ....... Canadian Pacific . . . . .... . Chicago & Alton ........ . Chicago & Alton, pfd .. ' . . . . Chicago & Northwestern . . , Chicago & Northwestern, pfd Colorado Southern ...... Denver & Rio Grande . . .. Denver & Rio Grande, pfd , Erie . . .... . . .......... Illinois Central . . '.. .V. , . Louisville & Nashville Manhattan L. . . . Metropolitan Street Railway Missouri Pacific . . ........ New York Central . . '.'. . . .". Pennsylvania . . "... .T. . Reading , ............... Rock Island . . .... ... . . . . . Rock Island, pfd . ........ St. Paul . . ... ...... .... . Southern Pacific . '. . . Southern Railway . . ..... Union Pacific . . Union Pacific, pfd . . . . . Wabash . . ... ... ....... . Wisconsin Central .'-..' . . . . . Interboro-Metropolitan . :, ; . Interboro-Metropolltan, pfd . Great Northern, pfd . .. . . . . M., K. & T. . . ........... M., K. & T., pfd . . Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line. . . Amalgamated Copper .'... American Car & Foundry . . American Locomotive -.. . . . American Cotton Oil . . Am. Smelting & Refining . . Am. Smelting & Refining, pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit ..'."'-, Colorado Fuel & Iron . . . General Electric. . . International Paper . . ... National Biscuit , .... . , . ; National Lead .......... Pacific Mail . . . . . People's Gas Pressed Steel Car . ..... Pullman Palace Car . , . . . Sloss-Sheffield Steel . , ' Southern Pacific, pfd . .;'.:. Sugar . , . ... ... . . . . United States Steel . . United States Steel, pfd . . Western Union . . . ...... Mackay's . Mackay's, pfd . ....... . Va.-Caralina Chemical Va.-Carollna Chemical, pfd , Westinghouse Electric . . . Republic Steel . . . . . .",'.' .10S .104 .114 .179 . 69 . 73 .181 .218 . 64 . ro . 87 . 34 .140 .138 .146 . 25 .73 .129 .134 ',4 .154 . 31 . 69 .150 .122 . 30 .188 .93 .20 . .57 Vt , 15 . 41 .146 .41 . 71 .127 qov .109 . 78 . 40 .159 . 13 .106 . 86 .28 .113 . 41 .188 . 81 .125 .133 .60 .119 .75 . 78 '.' 73 . 49 .118 .82 . 28 New York Provision Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York May 26 Cash products Minneapolis No. 1 northern wheat, 134.. . Wheat Strong; No. 2 red, 146 f. o. b. Corn Dull; No. 2 'mixed, 85c in elevator. Oats Dull; No. 2 mixed, 63 in elevator. Ryts Strong; No. 2 western, 97c f. o. b. - Barley Nominal; feed, 80 to 82c, C. 1. f. New York. Flour-Firm; spring patents, 6.65; winter straights, 6.50. Mill Feed Dull; western bran to arrive, 28.10. Pork Strong; mess, 19.50. Lard Strong; prime western, 11.25.' Tallow Steady; prime city, 5. Coffee Dull ; No. 7 Rio, 7 Sugar Quiet; granulated, 4.95. ' Cotton Port Receipt. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York. May 26 Cotton port receipts were as follows: New Orleans, 6,932 against 5,931; Galveston, 3,676 against 2,640; Mo bile, 1,342 against 246; Savannah, 1,256 against 918; Charleston, 5 against 157; Wilmington, 82 against 305; Norfolk, 311 against 416; New York, 2 against 0; Pacific coast, 91 against 0. Total, 13,697 against 10,- 673. ' Interior' Receipts: Houston, 1,117 against 1,673; Augusta, 57 . against 338; Memphis, 806 against 432; St. Louis, 678 against 1,196; Cincinnati, 172 against 138. Total, 2,830 against 3,777. .. Raleigh Produce Market. (Reported by L. H. Adams.) Butter, 20 (g 25c. Eggs, 17 c. Hams, 16c. , Hens, 35Q60C. Spring chickens, 30 35c. MARKETS Grain and New. York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, May 26 As a result of heavy rains in the Mississippi valley, Vicksburg reporting 3.24 inches, cot ton opened firmer this morning, 1 to 4 points up. In the early dealings October sold within four points of yesterday's high level, the top for the season. Private advices from the flooded sections reported considerable damage. This induced good buying by commission houses. Opening: May, 11.29 to 11.35; June, offered, 11.15; July, 11.09 to 11.10; August, 10.99 bid; Sept., 10.93 to 10.94; Oct.; 10.91 to 10.92; Nov., offered, 10.91; Dec, 10.92 to 10.93; Jan., 10.S5 to 10.86; March, 19.S5 to 10.87. " Open. High. Low. Close. 11.20 11.02 11.00 10.95 10.90 10. S8 10.85 10.88 10. S2 10,87 May June July Aug. 11.32 11.09 10.99 10.97 10.92 10.93 '10.85' 10.S7 11.34 11.20 11.15 11.04 10.97 10.97 . . .10.99 10.92 10.93 10.99 10.94 10.92 10.87 .10. SO 10. S'2 10. 87. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. : Mar. Market dosed barely steady. New York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, May 26 Spot cotton, quiet and unchanged,' at 11.65; No sales. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close. May . 11.10 11.10 11.00 11.05 June . . . . ; . ... . r 11.05 July ;' 1 1.25 11.29 11.15 11.20 Aug. . 11.08 11. OS : 11.08 11.00 Sept. '..- 11.0S I1.0S 11.01 11.02 Oct.. . 10. SS 10.95 .10.84 ' lO.S'n Nov. ,' . , r . . . . . -.' ; .:...: ' 10. SO Dec. ,. 10.88 10.95 10.84 10.86 Jan. V 10.93 10.95 10.87 10,88 Mar. . 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.91 Market closed steady. I,iveiMol Cotton. (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool, May 26 Cotton spot. 841 quiet; middling, 5.S7; sales, 8,000, 55 1 of w"'(''1 .s00 were . leriean. Ro 5'7 jeeipts, . . . .. -. g5 I Futures opened quiet and steady t I ..1 1 . , u,lu t;iuMcn uie bantu. : i . , upen. 5.74 5.72 5.72 ffi 5.73 5.74 ft). 5.74 5.79 0 5.81 5.78 fn 5.78 5.76 : 5.74 Oi 5.76 5.73 (a 5.74 Close. 5.76 5.76 5.77 5.83 5.81 5.79 5.78 5.77 5.77 5.77 5.77 May . . . . . . May-June ., June-July .. July-Aug. , Aug.-Sep. .... Seit.-Oct. . . Oc,t.-Nov. . . NoVi-Dec. .. Doc-Jan. . . Jan.-Keb. '.. Feb. -March . fi.72 (& 5.74 5.74 X&leifh Cottoa tttrke. Good middling, lie. Strict middling, 10 c, Middling, 10 r,i I0c. Receipts today, 15 bales. New York Cotton Letter. . (By W. B. Hibbs & Co.) New York, May 26 The market was quiet but firm from the opening and advanced 4 to 8 points from last night's closing. This was due chiefly to further aggressive buying by the bull Interests on the steady markets aboard and In anticipation of more bullish crop reports coining out this week in the effort to forecast the gov. ern men t crop report on the acreage and condition due next Friday. Af ter advancing to 11.34 for May and 11.15 for July and 10.96 for Decem ber, there was so much further profit taking by old bulls the market later reacted and relapsed into dull ness. New crops continue to receive the principal support from bulls. On the other hand the May and July op tions just now are feeling the pres sure of the heavy Increase In con tract stocks here to about 115,000 bales against 87,000 last week and 65,000 on May first, with the pros- pent of 40,000 bales being delivered from this stock to holders of expiring May contracts to Friday. Indications point to a continuance of Irregularity and erratic fluctua tions In the stock market the rest of the week. The situation and outlook Is very mixed. Everybody seems to be load ed up and very bullish and anticipat ing a further boom in prices. Under the circumstances It would be safer to continue liquidating gradually or reducing speculative holdings on fur ther bulges so as to be well even up before the government's crop report comes out on June 4, rather than In crease commitments to any extent In the meantime. Naval Stores. Savannah, Ga., May 26 Turpen tine, Arm, 38; sulcs, 326; receipts, 690. Rosin Firm; sales, 2,299. Re ceipts, 2,448. Quote: WW, 5.25; WO, 5.20; N. 4.90 to 5.20: M, 4.90; K, 4.80; I. 4.10; H, 4.00; G, 3.70 to 3.80; F. 3.65 to 3.75; E, 3.45 to 3.60; D, 3.20 to 3.30; C, B, A, 2.75 to 2.90. BY WIRE. 1 Provisions. I J THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. Shotwell.) New York, May 26 Although the stock market was heavy In the early trading today it was not without its daily high record in steel common. The stock sold at 61 and immedi ately declined . The excuse for the new high record was found in the election of J. P. Morgan, Jr., to suc ceed H. H. Rogers as a director and member of ; the finance committee. The fact' that Rogers' Interests are largely out of steel confirms the com mon report, that Mr. Rogers and Wil liam Rockefeller were both compelled to part with many millions of their investment holdings in standard is sues to protect specialties in whlcn they were involved in the late panic. The incident further furnishes con firmation of the report current for the last year or more that Harriman, Hill, Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller have formed an alliance leaving out the speculative element of Standard Oil. This also accounts for the fact that Edwin Hawley is working in harmony with 10. H. Harriman and Hill at the same time. This further confirmation of ab solute peaco in responsible quarters gave the street a dull market today and there was but, little real liquida tion in the early trading, although prices sagged. Most of the selling was oa the part of professionals here and it was done by highly specula tive professionals at that. They pre tended to be diappoinled that, no big financing plans were announced by the Harriman companies or by the hard coalers. Their stocks found ready buyers and the Important bank ing interests expressed complete cony fUUnice in the safety of the bull posi tion. Western Maryland declined to a new low leveK for the movement, when it sold at. 18 . Good buying ap peared in all the other Gould issues, especially in Missouri Pacific and Wabash. : New York Central and Southern Pacific were accumulated by the strongest interests. On the curb market transactions were on a light scale, but prices held firm around the high levels of yes terday. Wheat was slightly lower. Chicago Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, May 26 Weakness in foreign and bearish foreign crop advices as reported by Broom- hall causing an easier market, prices were off to lc. Considerable long wheat came out. Commission houses were on both sides. Broomhall special reports on for eign crops arc very optimistic. He estimates that shipments from India syid Russia will aggregate 5,600,000 bushels weekly and that the United Kingdom stocks on June 1, will show a smaller decrease than expected. He reports Italy as supplied with sufficient wheat to last until harvest. Opening prices: Wheat May, 133 to 133; July, 117; corn- May, 75 to ; oats July, 55 to 54; pork, not quoted;, lard- July, 10.97; ribs July, 10.30; Sep tember, 10.32. WhM'e the wheat market closed at declines of to l c. there were sharp reactions late. The Bartlett Patten house led buying late and caused many early sellers to cover. Corn was unsettled and to c. lower. Oats were oft to lc. and provisions were up all around. Grain quotations ranged as follows: Wheat Open. High. Close. May . . 1.33 1.33 1.32 July . . 1.17 1.18 . 1.17 Sep. . . 1.10 1.10 1.10 Corn" : . May ; , .75 .75 .75 July . . .70 .70 .70 Sep. . , ,68 .68 .67 Oats v.' May . . .62 ,62 .61 July.. ,55 .55 .54 Sep. . . .45 ' .45 .44 Pork : May . . 18.75 19.00 : 18.95 July . . 18.75 19.00 IS. 95 Sep. . . 18.85 ' 19.10 19.02 Lard May . . 10.85 10.95 10.92 July . , 10.82 10.97 10.92 Sep. , . 10.95 11.10 11.05 Ribs May . , ..... 10.37 July . . 10.30 10.40 . 10.37 Sep. . . 10.32 10.40 10.37 Cotton Seed Oil. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, May 26 Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yeljow, ranged as follows Closing. May , . . . ... ..... 5.80??) 5.87 June .......... .. 5,80' 5.87 July . . . . . 5.90 & 6.91 August,. ...... .. . - 6.02 6.07 September .. .. .. .. 6.11 6.12 October .. .. .. .. .. 6.12676.13 November 5.83 & 5.84 December . . . . 5.697 5.72 Market closed easy; sales 1,900 barrels. A SWINDLER CAUGHT. Man Charged with "Check-flashing" is in the Common Jail of Wake. . Charles W. Harrison, of Hertford, Perquimans county, was arrested this morning at Zebulon and brought to Jail here by Deputy Sheriff Wyatt. The warrant on which he was arrest ed was issued in Perquimans coun ty, charging Harrison with getting money under false pretense. He is charged with being one of the variety of crooks known as "check-flashers." He had a bogus draft cashed in Per quimans and will be taken back there for transportation and a suitable es cort from Perquimans, he will reside at Sheriff Sears' boarding house the county jail. SKXTKNCE CO.M.MI TEI). Charles Kadrcll Will Not Hang for Minder of His Wife. Governor Kitchin today commut ed the sentence of Charles Fadrell, a negro, sentenced to hang in Winston-Salem on May 28th, to life Im prisonment. Mr. D. D. Hawkins, at torney for Fadrell, has put up a hard fight for the life of his client and to day carried back to Winston-Salem the paper that saves the negro's neck. Fadrell was convicted of the mur der of his wife at the February term of court and sentenced to hang April 30th. lie was reprieved till. May 28th and today his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Ml'dl MARRIED MAN. Will Serve One Year For Each Wife He Had. John Howell, a Cumberland coun ty man recently convicted of bigamy in the superior court of that county, was today brought to the state prison to serve a five-year term. Howell was five times married and three of his wives were witnesses against him. Deputy Sheriff J. C. Cullireth, of Fayelteville, brought Howell to the pen. ! ' PRESS COMMENT "'.Stopping (he Leak. The liii-giilarlties being turned up tin ouch the New York eustom Investigation, are not more surprising than Is the.' fact that they were not discovered before. It must remain 'one of the mysteries' .sealed in the sep uleher of time how they escaped the reign of the inuekrakers 'from 1904 to 1907, when there was a hand with a stone in it for every head. Hut as the mills of the gods grind slowly they grind exceedingly -'.fine,' -and .so 'it was that tli'e. j eustom house crooks w ere bound to come to their fate, though at a time when the people of the land are a little wearied of "reforms" and "in vestigations.". It Is. time though, when there is no danger', that ."through haste in clean ing our, Augean stables any lurking corners of filth will he overlooked or concealed with a deft slap or two with the whitewash brush. The men conducting, this investigation are new to their task and primed with energy: They have not so many similar cases that they are likely to lose sight of this one in the confusion. The custom house of the port of New York is go ing to ret the thorough airing it has earned. The relation of the customs service of any country to. commerce affords unlimited temptation to its employes to enrich themselves at the expense of the government they serve. Instances of the false valuation of imports are doubtless frequent. Collusion' between transportation employes and customs Inspectors is so common as to afford a pleasing topic of conversation be tween the travellers. The -acceptance of bribes is at least occasional, while many an unscrupulous importer knows I mure ways than one "of skinning a cat." Perhaps such practices can never be wholly eliminated from the customs service, but they should at least he made hazardous, and a timely official Investigation of the conditions at every port of entry In the country might not be the most despised means of Insuring to the United States an iiir creased revenue for the coming year. II is good economy, at least, to stop the leaks. Washington Post. - Carniaek On Religion. I dispute no man's freedom of opin ion, though-why any man should bt willing to believe that; mull has mi pre-eminence over a beast I do not know. You say that you cannot lie- live the. miracle-of the resurrection. Let me tell you the story of a greater miracle' than that. It is the story of a poor peasant, a member of a despised and subject race, himself despised, the place of his birth, despised by his own countrymen, in a little while he dies a felon's death and all those above h I in forgot he ever lived. Yet some how his words lived on. Philosophy. " with all It wisdom, priesteraft with all Its terrors, kings weildlng the iron power of al' the world, but over armies, over dying dynasties and crumbling thrones, rivers of blood and seas of fire, that power swept on and on untu It has made conquest of the earth, until every , klMR on every throne bows down In adoration to the dead peasant of Gall- lee, and the very Instrument of his felon's death has become -a symbol of salvation to all munklud. Do you believe that story? It Is u story of a greater miracle than that a man died and rose from the edad. Young gentlemen, be not among those who scoff at religion, which Is the IciKt hnna nf the world, whose conso- )ation yourself will need In the time 0f affliction and the hour of death. E. W. Carmuck. lc. WANTS lc. Claaaifled advertisement for thla column will be accepted at on cent per word for each larae, CASH with the order. No ad vertisement! ander thla head will be charged. No Adv. taken for leu than 10 CENTS an laaer Oon. lc. WANTS lc. HORSK AXI BUGGY WANTED for the summer. Any one leaving the city can arrange to have horse well cared for. Apply to W.(McC. White, 204 S. Dawson St. 21 St. WANTED Two or three furnished rooms with board for four, private family preferred; references fur nished. Address "Marion" care Times. 24 2t. WANTED Vantriloquist figures. Prof. Harris, Raleigh, N. C. 21 2t. . WANTED Railway Mail Clerks, Postofficc Clerks, Mail Carriers. Salary $600 to $1,600. Examina tion In Raleigh soon. 8,000 ap pointments coming. Preparation free. Write Immediately for sched ule. Franklin Institute, Roches ter, N. Y. e. o. d. 1 It. MISCELLANEOUS COUPLE. WITHOUT CHILDREN wants rooms and board in a pri vate family. Permanently located in Ualeigh. and want a place thai Will be Inline. References ex changed. "M. M.", care. Times. 20-31. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Silk Ginghams, 12 c; While and Col ored Parasols, $1.00; White and Colored Skirt Goods; Men's $3.50 Oxfords, $2.25. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. 24-0e. SAVE Yt )U It MON E Y-r-From May 25 to June 25 Riggsbee, the photo grapher, will make cabinet photo graphs of children and young ladies under IS years of age at unheard of low prices. Place, 105 Fay elteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. ' 24 2 1. WAKE COUNTY HONEY IN THE Comb. D. T. Johnson & Son. It THE DANCING SCHOOL WIIJL Close Friday night with a Soiree. 26 2t. ' .. . '':"-'.';''-; "- -.' PATENT YOUR, IDEAS AND MAKE money. Send for my new book 'How to Get. Them". Best service, Joshue R. If. Potts, lawyer,. Wash ington,' 1). C, Chicago, and Phila delphia. ' 23-30 IF . YOU WANT YOUR HORSE boarded right, bring him at once to Simpkins' stables. This is our specialty. No extra charge for cleaning harness, washing vehicles and delivering them at any time or place in the city.: 21 t. f. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO 1NVA- lids Celebrated Seven Springs Water, so highly recommended for Kidney, Bladder, Indigestion and Stomach troubles, for sale fresh from the springs daily at W. A. Simpkins, 123 East Martin Btrect, Raleigh, N. C. 18 t. f. FOUND -A Pair of Spectacles. Owner can get same by describing and pay for this ad. Apply to Times' office. '. , FOUND A Purse with money in front of G. T. Powell's store. Owner can get it by description and paying for ad. . '24 2t. NEW PICKLE MULLETS, FRESH Mullets and Mix Fish for sale at A. S. Simmons, Charleston; 8. C; also consignments solicited on Poultry and Eggs. 15 e. o. d.- 6t. FOX BALE FOR SALE Fine 8-year-old, stylish combination.'., buggy-, and saddle horse and excellent buggy and harness. A bargain for one who wants a nice outfit. I am leaving the city and expect to sell before June 1. Apply to Capt. E. T. Win ston, 403 N. Wilmington St., at army recruiting oflice, opposite postofiice. 22-tf . TO SELL UNDER ORDER OF Court, at public out-cry, at the court house door, on Monday, the 7th day of June. 1900, 22 acres of land in Garner, N. C, with all buildings and Improvements. Ap ply to W. J. Peele, J. H. Fleming, Commissioners. Peele & Mayn ard, attorneys. 2 Maw TO SELL AT PUBLIC OUTCRY AT the court house door, June 7th, 1909, a lot with improvements In Raleigh, 100x50 feet, f on Stale street, just across the street, north, from the Soldiers' Home. Apply to . Peele & Maynard, Attorneys, City. 22-taw-St BIG SALE NEW POri'LAR SHEET Music. Specials 3 for 25 cents, 15 for $1.00. Kimball Piano Store. 26 3t. KOK SALE Pepper, Tomato, Let tuce Plants. Pescud's Drug Store, 12 Hargett street. 26 4t. FOR SALE 126 acres of timbered land in Harnett county, near rail road. Reason for selling: Need the money and will sell cheap. Ad dress "Land", care Times office. 25-3t FOR SALE Practically new Sun Typewriter. $25 cash or will ex change for good iron safe. Box 91. 25 2 1. FRl'lT AND CONFECTIONARY business for sale- two stores one at Durham and one at Raleigh, N. C. Store at Durham the handsom est, best lighted and best located in city, Average weekly sales at Durham, six hundred dollars per week: store at Raleigh, average sales nine hundred dollars per week. Reason for selling, have more than can handle at Fayette ville. Address W. F. Smith, Ral eigh, N. C. 26 4t. CASH REGISTER New, at a bar gain -price.: For full information, address Opportunity, care this of fice. " 17 12t. FOR RENT FOR RENT OR LEASE The Lacy House N. Blount street. APP'y to Henry E. Lltchtord. 12 t. f. 'OR KENT One 5-room cottage, '313 E. Cabarrus St. Apply J. H. Anderson. 24-3t FOR KENT Seven-room dwelling. Modern conveniences; on car line. Address Box 524. 8-tf FOR RENT Three .unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 408 N. Bloodworth St. '23 t. f. "OR RENT Furnished house, dress, "W. G.', care Times. Ad it FOR RENT Two handsome resi dences on North Person street. In quire at 504 N. Person St. 25-3t Delicious White House Tea in quarter pound net tins for 15c; especially for Ice Tea. Just as good as White House Coffee. First-class Grocers. AT WRIGHT'S is the place where you get the Fine French Drip Coffee and the Nice Pies like mother made. When you want something nice for dinner you should go to "GET THE HABIT." WRIGHT'S CAFE. HUBBARD BROS S CO. HANOVER SQUARE, ICIW YORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton JDx ehanga. New Orleans Cetton Ex change, Associate Member LlTr peol Cotton Association. ORDERS BOLICITBD rr ta pnr ehaa and ale ot otton far fatur 4llTrr. Crrao:nM tmwnm The Compulsory Ballot. In time of need It is assumed that every man of military age In this country stands ready to serve in the ranks for a defense of his country the South had already furnished the full piota to her armies before it was necessary to provide for conscription, and that the North engaged so many substitutes, and was obliged to enact a provifion for the draft appears In the difference between a war of in vasion ae.d one of defense. But the ohligatlon of military service Is not more urgent than that of care for the government in time of peace and those who advocate a compulsory ballot for us .'impeach', the patriotism of our people!) - nil Impeachment that may be deserved, nevertheless. Spain, has long been decadent, and her. people have had litle training in the 'duties -of il citizen as we under stand them it Is not surprising that Spain should llnd It necessary to force her people to the booths. The first election under the new election law has just been held, and the result i seems satisfactory. Under this, all male adults of legal oriaB,' al required to vote, and only uu- jrenee or sickness can lie pleaded to ex- cues. Judges, notaries and priests are excused, with men over 70 years of age. Failure to vote Is punished by publication of the failure: the fact to stand as a mark of censure in ease the parly applies for appointment to office, by a special increase of 2 per cent in taxation or by reduction of 1 per cent In salary If a public office Is already held; .-' Repetition of the failure to vote .may be followed by loss of. office. We must understand' that Influences are at work In Spain to keep the people from participation j In civic duties as was recently the case In Halv. Need Americans be driven to the polls? If so. how would the Spanish law please the advocates of a com pulsory ballot ? As yet, Spain has otilv tried tin- law In municipal elec tions; how would it do to give our take a hand. Florida Tlmeg-Uulon.