-r r PAOS TSOZ2 THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, ST. 0. r HOTEL MEN TAKE NOTICE The Rockingham Hotel, recently oc cuk'dvty the McKanna 3-Day Liquor Cure Is now for rent. A good opeifflt for a live Hotel man. The .McWnfta 3-Day Liquor Cure Co. hav ing moved to their new elegant mod ern fioje on riouth Main Street, where they are still administering the only cure for the Liquor and Drug Habits. Y'lte for Information. THE McKANN A 3-D AY LIQUOR CURE CO., IM.oneo. 145. v. BEIDSVljLK, X. C. BOX No. 2()00. ' INTERESTING SESSION mheuser Busch Be Day 20 cents pa dozen lot. returned Budweiser bottles. F. O. B. RICHMOND. ORIGINAL BUDWEISER. 4 dozen, - . $ 5.00 1 8 dozen. . . 10.00 10 dozen. - . 12.00 I relU" PALE LAGER. (Blue Label.) 4 dozen a'nn I Wepay30 cents per dozen for ,"T ' in on I returned Kale bottles. 12 dozen, - 10.20 J NON-ALCOHOLIC. 4 dozen Bevo, ..... $3.60 1 We pay 20 cenU 1 dozen pts. Malt Nutrine, . 2.50 per dozen lor re- 2 dozen Splits Malt Nutrine, 2.75 J turned Bevo bottles Remit either postal or express money order or registered letter. COUSINS SUPPLY COMPANY, Richmond, M. I. HESSBERQ & SON, Proprietor!. 2 HAVE YOU BpNEY in the What happens to it when you are disabled by accident or ilhcss? Doctor's bills, hicdicines, etc., EAT UP savings rapidly. You pay a small annual premium and WE PAY YOU a stated income when you are ill or injured, at a" time when your regular income ceases and you need money to J take care of increased expenses. PROTECT YOUR SAVINGS. Isn't it worth a few dollars a year to feel that if you arc ill or injured you will not have to use up your savings? We sell the most liberal poncics on the market and settle all claims promptly. No red tape-no quibbling over technicalities. - Wc are one- I of the strongest companies in the business. THE PENNSYLVANIA CASUALTY CO. SCSMtoa. ft. KEEP YOUR mmicy in The Hunter-Dr ewry Co.,, the bank State AgeuU, LET US DO RALEIGH, N. O. YflllR WORRYING IIICllll OUR SPECIAL OFFER, 4 FULL QUARTS WITH B0TTlE FREESS WE are making this special offer in order to convince you that we give you the best Whiskies for the money. This bottle, which we give away with every order of four quarts of Old North Carolina Corn, is tine old Longstreet Whiskey. Com Whiskey is the purest Whiskey made "Old North Carolina" is the purest Corn Whiskey, hence its rare mellow flavor. It is aged in wood and Guaranteed under the National Pure Food Law. .lust remit $3. by registered letter or money order, and the f.mr full quarts will bo sent you and the freo bottle with our com pliments. Wc prepay the express charges, and ship in plain pack-. ages. As this oiler is limited ORDEK NOW. The N ewcom b Co., . PETERSBURG VA. . "THE PROMPT MAIL ORDER HOUSE. I r.i n Bottled in Bond Whiskeys All Our floods QairinteW Uader Tin Nithaal Pn Fni ICS MJ Established tlility yean record for handling onlv reliable . irnrnlK. Honil rotir mall firit.rN tt n. Hatlat'-nilnn H uriltrsllUed day rocelved, shipped In plain packages. . VK I'llRl'AY KXI'RRHS 'SHOPM AfcrFR" RVF WHKkFV quarts s.oo 1 u. s. oor ......... 7 ", l Boilka la Bond I "fine"..;.. .'-IGal. Lazarus Club, "Cream of Whiskies".. i, .$4 00 Virginia Mountain (strt., 7 yrs. old)... 4 00 3 00 2 60 2 25 3 60 2 60 A II I - D.. Cabinet Rye XX Red Rye..... Red Cross Malt Whiskey... Yadkin River Corn.;.. .... Georgia Corn, pure white or yellow... 2 25 Virginia Apple Brandy 2 60 Shoemaker Rye (bottled In bond) 5 full Qts. 4 Qts. $4 00 4 00 3 00 2 75 2 50 3 60 2 50 2 60 2, 75 5 00 Stamp 12 Qts. $11 00 12 00 8 50 7 50 6 50 11 00 7 00 6 50 7 50 i 12 00 Rend trial order to day for any of the abort, 'n't guarantee the quality a refilled or money rotiinded. Cfluiprote price list and booklet of all brands of rYhlikeyi lent on request. w..v.rdi..ppoint. 1 LAZARUS. GOODMAN CO.. J ROANOKB, VA. "Onlckt than the quickest." 'street and Boylan avenue and it was referred to the proper committee. A fountain was asked for at the corner of Johnston and Halifax streets. The request went to the water committee.' The North Blount sewer question came up again on motion of Alderman t'pclmrch, putting the matter up to the board of audit and finance. He spoke of he great need of the sewer Salvation Army Question Will Get and declared that It. was an absolute Additional Airing 1111 An End to necessity. If the money was lacking the City Hone-yard After the Fly- in the sewer committee's budget it Nuisance Noisy Advertising With should be taken from the emergency Wagon Signs and Clanging Bells , funds. He moved that the matter be Of Board of Aldermen Held Last Night. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCECO. I IT TAKES BOTH QUALITY AND PRICE TO CONSTITUTE A BARGAIN. Ban-oof Gets n Solar Plexus Blow The Mayor Is Authorized to Issue Bonds For Municipal Building. (p M.GornWhiske ( '; lm Kp w J 1 The board of aldermen was called to order by Mayor Wynne at 8:35 last night.. The minutes of the prev ious meeting were read and approved. Under the head of reports of com mittees Alderman Womble spoke of the bad condition of Mt. Hope cem etery and the very fine condition of the city cemetery. Alderman Wright, for the market committee, reported the purchase of chairs for the police court room. He also recommended that the stalls In the rear of the market .house, which he found to bo very unsanitary, bp not rented. The report of the street commis sioner, showing great extension of streets and much work being done, was read by Clerk Wilson. It was referred to the street com mittee. Chief .T. W. Beasley's report, which was published in The Times yester day, was also read. His report showed fines imposed amounting to $322. The report of W. A. Howell, keeper of the park, showed the park to be in condition to receive visitors". Report of Building Commission. . Col. Chas. E. Johnson offered the report of the municipal building com mission as required by law, showing what has been done in the matter of securing a new municipal commis sion. He told of the conditions un der which the Law building property was purchased and the provisions of the deed to the property, which Is now in escraw in the hands of the Raleigh Savings Bank. The neces sary legal papers for the carrying out of the provisions of the act authoriz ing the erection of the municipal building, were duly filed and a reso lution was offered by Alderman Brown approving the work of the- commission and authorizing the pay niont. of the purchase price of the site for the building. A petition was read from citizens on North Boylan and Kane streets, asking for the extension of the water mains and an increased supply. Re ferred to water cimmittee. Attorney Gat ling appeared before the board in the matter of compro mising the claims against the city by Mr. Van Moore and Mr. - Nunn, arising out of the condemna tion of lands of these partises for streets. A committee consisting of Messrs. Wright, Ellington, and l'p church was appointed to look into the matter. Alderman Cooper, for the street committee, recommended that the offer of Johnson & Johnson to furnish ice for a public drinking fountain be accepted and recommend that the fountain be installed In a sanitary manner. The petition of W. D. Brown for refreshment privileges at the park was refused. The petition asking for the open ing of a street from New Bern ave nue to Hargett street, between Swain and Haywood streets was reported unfavorably by the .street committee. On motion of Alderman Harden a copy of Hills new directory of the city of Raleigh was ordered to be purchased, at a price of $4.0'. The matter of Installing sewer ou Kane street, at a cost of $91.90" was discussed briefly, and was ordered to be .constructed.. The North Blount street sewer went over, on request of Alderman Harden. : City Attorney Jones recommended the payment of the interest demanded by Mr. R. T. Gray on warrants held by him. The matter had been re ferred to Mr. Jones for investigation. The amount Involved is about $21.00. It was ordered to be paid. A hydrant and fire alarm box were asked for at the corner of Cabarrus WE ARE OPEN SUNDAY THE HICKS DPVG COMPJNY. Both Phone. referred to the sewer committee with power to act. The Oconeechee Tribe, No. 16, of the Improved Order of Red Men, asked that the order be allowed to get the Gentry Dog and Pony Shows for a benefit performance, free from tax. On motion of Alderman Harden it was allowed. An arc light was asked for a part of the city near Boylan bridge. Dr. C. F. Meserve asked for a sewer on Sniithfield street for the use of Shaw University. , The American Salvation Army question came up again and a peti tion from 15 citizens was read, ap proving the army and its work. On motion of Mr. Upehurch the mayor appointed a special committee to look into the matter. The committee is composed of Aldermen Upehurch, Peebles, and Holden. Kxit the City Bone-Vard. Mderman W. A. Cooper offered an" ordinance which has for its object the elimination of (he city bone yard. His ordinance provides that every cit Izen who has a dead animal on his promises, or other nuisance, must re move the same from the city limits, faking it at least half a mile from the city limits and must bury it un der the direction of the city sanitary inspector at his or her own expense. A penalty of $25.00 is fixed for any violation of the ordinance. Alderman Cooper stated that, Sani tary Inspector Brown had already prepared a long ditch at the city farm for disposing of all carcasses and disease-breeding garbage. The rules were suspended and the ordinance was passed. Anti-Fly Ordinance. Alderman Ellington moved Ihe suspension of rules and the immedi ate passage of an ordinance having for its purpose the protection of hu man life from-Spread of disease by flies. The ordinance provided that nil surface privies must be screened and kept fly-proof, under a penalty of $ 1 0. The rules were suspended and the ordinance was duly passed. Alderman Brown offered an ordi nance providing for the issue of $J 25,000 in bonds for the municipal building by the mayor, as provided by the act of the legislature. The rules were suspended and the ordinance was carried. Alderman Brown also offered tin ordinance for refunding $25,000 bonded indebtedness of the city. The rules were suspended and the ordinance was carried. , The End of n Nuisance. Alderman Harden offered an ordi nance prohibiting advertising on the streets by means of signs and bells on wagons, a nuisance of long stand ing. The ordinance went through with a rush, the rules being sus pended and ordinance adopted. Col. Fred A. Olds appeared before the board and spoke of the automo bile highway and many other matters that need the attention of the city fathers. Alderman Cooper offered a resolu tion endorsing the automobile high way and appointing a committee to push the work. The mayor and Al dermen Cooper and Brown were ap pointed as a committee. Alderman Brown offered a resolu tion appropriating $500 for the lire department. Under the rule the mat tor Went over to the next meeting on objection by Alderman Upehurch. Aldermaa Peebles spoke of the need of a horse by the Capital Hose Company. Alderman Upchltreh Spoke earn estly for economy In expenditures, opposing the reckless distribution of money and favoring1 the proper equip ment of the fire department. A motion was made that the mat ter of securing horses for the crippled company be left with the fire commit tee. ; Mayor Wynne spoke of the good work that has been done in cleaning up the city, and gave notice that be ginning Monday every lot In town will be Inspected and every lot not already clean will be ordered cleaned up. The board adjourned at 10:30 That is the official command from the President. General orders to every employee to sell but all Summer Stocks, trim the ship for smooth sail ing and get in readiness for the Biggest Fall Business that is surely coming. FOR SEASIDE RESORTERS. The cool mornings, hot middays, and evening dance. Linen, Repp and Woolen Suits. Long Swinging Auto Coats. Lawn, Crepe, and Silk Kimonas. Dainty Trimmed Lawir Dresses, Fine Lace and Embroidery Trim. Messeline and Foulard Silk Dresses. Every item at a marked-down price. RETAILING LINENS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. : Drummers entire sample line of Table Cloths, Napkins, and Towels, augr; mented by pickings from our own stock. One of our most attractive offerings.7: THE PRICE OF SILKS TAKE A TUMBLE. Self Dotted Seco Silk Striped Taffeta Silks . Natural Rajahs . All Dollar Foulards . . 35c 49c. 85c. 88c. 29c. Seco Silks at . . . 2212c. SOc. Rumchunda Silks 27y2c. 50c. China Silks 43 c. 75c. Foulard Silks . . .59 c. LINGERIE AND NET WAISTS. A Bargain is a better Grade for a less price. Prices on Lingeries cut from $2.00 and $2.50 to ... . ... .. . . . $1-50 Three and three-fifty Waists for .... . .... . . . . . ... .... . . $2.00 The four and five dollar Waists for ...... . ...... . ... .... .$3.00 Newest styles in Net Waists, worth $5.00 ............ ... . .$3.98 White Ecru and Cream Waists; values to $7.50 ...... V H98 TAKE A PLUNGE IN THE BRINY DEEP. Nautical ideas carried out in the new Bathing Suits for the Beach. Bathing Suits at ..... $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, and $5.00 Water Wings, Caps and Slippers . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . 25c. and 50c. SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS FOR THE BANKS. To protect you from the blazing heat on the pebble sands, we make a spec ial offering of Sun Umbrellas and Parasols. Prices ranging from . . . ........ . . . . . . . ... . .. . $1.00 to $3.50 HALF-PRICE MILLINERY. Large Crown and Wide Brim Hats to protect you from the sun-rays of the ocean glare. MARKED-DOWN GOODS EVERYWHERE. The store is literally placarded from the front door to the back entrance with offerings of marked-down lots that cannot find space in print to advertise B DYLAN-PEARCE CO MP ANY. S W WW WWW WV WW WVfc WW GRINKLEY'S Flower Pots, 2 He. to 40c. Porch Kockcrs, Bed or Green, $1.25. Hoeking Chairs, 50e. to $5.00. Japan Porch Shades, 90c, $1.20. $1.25 Lawn Settee for $1.00. Jelly Tumblers and Fruit Jars. TRUNK HKADOUABTKBS. Nice Line of Bags and Suit Cases. Irfidies' Ankle Strap Pumps, $1.75. " Mosquito Canopies, $l.:t5, $2.50. Bargains in Men's Huts. Screen Doors and Windows. Rubber Hoso, Dr., 10c, lie. Freezers and Watvr Coolers. Refrigerator Special, $8.00. Umbrellas, 40c, 50c, flOc, 70c, $1. Baby Go-Carts, $1.85 to $11.00. CRINKLEY'S. Trouble Makers busted. When a sufferer ' from stomach trouble takes Dr. King's Now Life Pills he's mlRhty glad to see his Dys pepsia and Indigestion fly, but more he's tickled over his new, fine appe tite, strong nerves healthy and vigor, all because stomach, liver and kidneys now work right. 25c. at all druggists, - ' i r i J O WHISKEY Notice, Bantcas! Every member of the Baraca Class of Centra Methodist .Church Is urged to be" present tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock. , Q Thote who knoa recognize that the name of R. W. Jones means good whiskey. Try it. You will recognize its superior flavor immediately. 100 Prerf. 1 C.1U of WMey .ml nif . . . . $2.1 5 2 Cllomof Wkukry.ndj.it ... 4 )0 3 G.llom of Wh.kcy and iui . . . 6 50 4 Gallon, of Wh.kr .nd wa . . . A M) I Cilkas 4 ran old WhUlu ... 2.50 i Clloti 8 tom-i old Whkrr ... 3.00 4 Qu.ttt I Oven old Whk-y . . . 4.00 of Whisker and iug .... 1.25 4 All goods guaranteed under the National Fura rood Law. Clarksville Whiskey House, CLARKSVILLE, VA. "These prices are F. O. B. Clarksville." EVERY WIDE AWAKE SHOPPER Takes Advantage of Our S P E C I A 1 SAL K S 1) AY K V K It Y F It 1 D A Y. Ne.l Friday, June 11th, One Box to a Customer, ic. 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c. FLASH ll.M CLKANKB. B K T T F It T II A N S O A P. Does Wonders For the Housewife. HART-WARD HARDWARE GOMPANY. The Paragon Hardware Store. Repairing Furniture for JJverybody, everywhere, every day, parrish, J. W., Ilalclgh, N. O. 0 look for me at 111 S. Wilmington. Look for lirst class work Jn first class stylo. gee me today for I'pholsterlng. JJere is the place; come, J buy and sell Antique. JJow Is the time for you. Q.ood work and low price. SPECIAL AT THE GEM TODAY .1,000 Feet of Moving Pictures, Featuring "Love Triumphs." (A Drama). "A Sound Slee'r." "The Winning Boat." And two other line subjects. PRICKS I Ic and 10c FOSTER & MANSFIELD. Smith's Lithia Water, Fresh from the Spring, pnre and health-giving, is now on sale by W. A. Simpkins, No. 12,1 East Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. The best. Lithia Water on the mar ket, and at reasonable prices. Unex celled record of healing of RHEU MATISM and ALL KIDNEY and LIVER DISEASES. Colds that hang on weaken the con stitution and develop Into consump tion, Foley's Honey and Tar cures persistent coughs that refupp to yield to other treatment. Do not experiment with untried remedies as delay may Change In Pullman Car Service on Southern Railway. Effective with first car leaving Greensboro nd Beaufort on .Inne 1. the present. Greensboro and Raleigh sleeping car Hue will be extonded to become a Greeneboro-Morehead City Beaufort line, and will be handled between Olreensboro and Goldsboro North Carolina, Wake County. In the Superior Court. Louis M. Smith, Plaintiff agatntt Smith-Forest Company, a corpora tion, defendant. NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that In the above - . entitled action pending In said court. an Order i wag entered on the 12th day of April, 1909, appointing Frank M. j Stronach Receiver of said corpora- tlun and directing that sixty dayB j f rom that duto bo allowed within which' creditors and stockholders of '.said corporation and dealers with and oilier persons Interested In the af 1 fairs of said corporation shall pre sent and make proof to said Receiver of their respective claims against said corporation and, If they sen fit, to make themselves parties to said action. This May 4th, 1909. W. M. RUSH, 'Clerk Superior Court of Wake Coun ty, N. C. F. M. STRONACTI, Tetley's Teas, Orange, Peco, India and Ceylon. J. R. FERRALL & CO. LEADING GROCERS. Fayptterllle Street, Raleigh, If. O. rAntilt In vonr cold Hettilnsr on vour lungs Klng-l'rowell Rrug Co., corner on tr",ns Nos. Ill and 112, as ttt Receiver of Smith-Forest Company Faycttevllle and Hurgett sticets. Jreamnt. I. H. DeBUTTS, J Daily 80 day. , ' ' ' A girl with a hubby admiring, Induced him to pay for the wiring. Then turning the switch, She said, "Gee! this is rich; I ran Iron without even perspiring." MORAL: ' '. Get an electric iron at once and take advantage of our TWO WEEKS' FREE TRIAL, i g&rol&a Pqto $ Light 99,