THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. 0. I f-"-a r. PAGE FIVE ' ( TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain and New York Stocks. V (By Leased Wire to The times) New York. June 5. Price move ments this morning were decidedly mixed,' but the stocks which had been market leaders In the sensational trading during the week were gener ally under distinct pressure, follow ing declines in London, and many of them sustained substantial losses. There was continued absence of the recent aggressive buying in Steel share, the common falling to be low 67, whjle the preferred dropped to 125. Brooklyn Rapid Trans It, Southern Pacific, Union Pacific and Atchison were among the Issues that displayed heaviness in the first few minutes, dccllnlng'from fractions to about one point while the Eries showed pronounced strength. Before the end of 15 minutes the market de veloped a generally stronger tone all around the room with the market leaders recovering part of their ear ly losses. New York Closing Stock List. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Atchison . . .". ..... . . .114 Atchison pfd .. ..105 Baltimore & Ohio ... . , . . '.'. .lis Canadian Pacific .. .. ... ..184 Chicago & Alton .. .. .. ... 71 Chicago & Alton pfd. .... .. . ' 73 Chicago & Northwestern , . . .182 Chicago & Northwestern pfd. .220 Colorado Southern .. .... .. 64 Denver & Rio Grande ...... 51 Yt Denver & Rio Grande pfd... 89 Krle . . .". .... .... . . ' ', 38 Illinois Central . . . 149 Louisville & Nashville . . . . .142 Manhattan L. .. .. .. .. ..146 Metropolitan Street Railway.. 21 Missouri Pacific . . ... . .... 76 New York Central .. .. ..133 Pennsylvania . . ... . . . .". 137 Reading . . .... . . ... .156 Rock Island . . . . , . . . . . . . 33 Rock Island pfd. .. .. .. .. 71 St. Paul ... . . ... .'. ' . . 156 Southern Pacific . . .. . . . .131 Southern Railway .. .. .. .. 31 Union Pacific ..191 Union Pacific pfd.. . '. . ' . . .'. 96 Wabash . .' . . '. ... ... 21 Wisconsin Central ... . . . . , 5S Intorboro-Metropolltun .'. . . . . 16 Intorboro-Metropolitan pfd. ... 4 3 Great Northern pfd. . . . . . .150 M. K. & T. . .. .. .. 42 M. K. & T. pfd -", .. .. 72 Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line . . . , . . .".131 Amalgamated Copper .. .. . . 87 American Car & , Foundry . . 57 American Locomotive . . .... 61 American Tobacco ': .'-.' . . . . 430 American Cotton Oil . . . 70 Am. Smelting Sr Refining .... 96 Am. Smelting & Refining pfd.. 113 Brooklyn Rapid "Transit .... 81 Colorado Fuel & Iron . . .... 44 General Electric ... . . . . .160 International Paper .. .. . . 15 National Biscuit , . . . . . . . . .106 National Lead . . . . . . .. . . 88 Pacific Mail ... ' .-. . , , . . . 29 People's Gas .. .. .". . .. ,.115 Pressed Steel Car . . . . , . ; . 44 Pullman Palace Car ...... 187 Sloss-Sheffleld Steel . . . . . . 84 Standard Oil . . .. .. .. . , .673 Southern Pacific pfd. .'. . . . . 132 Sugar . . ..' 132 United States Steel , . . ..... 68 United States Steel pfd 125 Western Union . . . . . . . . . .... 74 Mackay's , . ... . . . . . .... 82 Mackay's pfd .. 74 Va. -Carolina Chemical .. ... 51 Va.-Carolina Chemical pfd. . . 120 Westinghouse Electric 85 Republic Steel . . 32 New York Provision Market. New York, June 5 Cash produce: Spot cotton, 11.50. Minneapolis No. 1 northern wheat, 132. Wheat Strong; No. 2 red, 150 fob. Corn Frm; No. 2 mixed, 86c In elevator. Oats Dull; No. 2 mixed, 62 in elevator. Itye Dull; No. 2 western, 94 fob. Barley Dull; feed, 80 to 82 cif New York. Flour Firm; spring patents, 6.65; winter straights, 6.55. Mill Feed Easy; western bran to arrive, 27.10. Pork Strong; mess, 20.50. Lard Strong; prime western, 11.60. Tallow Quiet; prime city, 5. CofTeo Quiet; No. 7 Rio, 7. Sugar Dull; granulated, 4.95. Cotton Tort Hfrrlpts Today. New York,, Juno 5 Cotton port receipts today were as follows: New Orleans, 1,754 against 4,842; Galveston, 8,881 against 108; Mobile, 138 against 154; Savannah, 454 against 2,152; Charleston, 11 against 675; Wilmington, 76 (agalnBt 306; Norfolk, 293 agalnBt 1,304; Philadel phia, 45 against . . ; arloug ports, 25 against 25; Boston, 100 against 32. Total, 6,752 against 10,218. Interior receipts: Houston, . 992 against 1,351; Augusta, 86 against 134! Mqmphls, il6()P against 1,077: St. Louis, 204' against 472; Cincin nati, 122 against 883. Total, 3,013 against 3,917. . , , MARKETS I New York Cotton.' ew York, June 5. Influenced by disappointing cables and favorable weather in the belt the cotton mar ket this morning opened easy, at a docline'.of 1 to 6 points. After the call July fell to 10.90 while later positions remained at the initial price for a time trade being rather light and rather professional. Opening July, 10.93 (ft 10.94; Au gust, , 10.84 1 0.87 ; October, 10.77 &) 10.78; December, March, 10.73 bid. HOLTS; 10.74; Open. High." Low. Close. io. sn 10.90 10.81 10.80 10.77 10.7S 10. 7S 10.73 10.71 June July Aug. Sept. Oct.. . Nov. Dec. .Ian. Mar. . 10.94 .10.85 .10.78 .10.78 .10.78 .10.74 .10.74 10.96 10.88 10.78 10. SO 10.81 10,77 10.76 10.90 10.85 10.78 10.75 10. 7X 10.73 10.73 Market closed barely steady. New Orleans Cotton. (ISy Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close June . ..... July 11,06 Aug. .10.96 Sep. .. 10.92 Oct. .. 10.78 Nov. . Dec. .. 10.74 Jan. .. 10.77 March. . ... . , . ... . 10.99 11.13 11.05 11.05 10.96 , 10.96 : 10.95 10.95 10.92 10.94 10.79 10.72 10.72 ..... 10.73 10.76 10.71 10.70 10.79 10.72 10.72 ..... ..... 10.77 Market closed steady. Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool. June 5 Spot cotton, steady; middling, 5.S2. Sales, 4,000 of which 3,300 were American. Re ceipts, 6,400, all American and 500 for speculation and export. Futures opened quiet and steady and closed quiet. Opening. Closing. June . . . , . 5.68 5.68 June-July . . 5.6 S 5.68 July-Aug. .. 5.74 5.73 5.76 Aug.-Sep. .. 5.71 (ft 5.73 5.76 Aug.-Sep. ..' 5.71 ft 5.73 5.71 S,pt.-Oct. . . 5.69 (a 5.70 5.69 Oct.-Nov. ... 5.68 (a 5.71 5.68 Nov.-Dec. ... 5.67 : ft 5.69 ,5.67 I Doc.-.Ian. ... 5.67 ffj 5.69 5.67 Jan.-Feb. ... 5.67 ft 5.70 5.68 Fcb.-March. 5.67 5.70 : 5.68 M'rch-Ap'l . 5.68 5.70 5.68 Cotton Seed Oil. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, June 5,- Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Closing. June .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.70 5.78 July . . . . . . . , ... , 5.825.83 August . . . , .. . . .. 5.92 ft, 5.9S September . . ., . ... 6.07 ft) 6.08 October ....... . .. 6.07 6.08 November . . . , . . . . 5.80 5.81 December"-;."... .. .. 5.645.66 January ., .... . . 5.50 5.60 Market closed quiet. Sales, 2,70'J barrels. ." Chicago Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, June 5 Fine weather all over, confirmation of rain in Argen tine and larger receipts northwest is causing an easier wheat market with prices for September and December off about on scattered selling by commission houses. July is holding steady on support from the Patten house. Liverpool conies unchanged to d lower. Broomhall says easier tone there due to rains in Argentine. Minneapolis stocks decreased 150,000 for one day. Northwest cars for week 781, against 1,127 last year. Opening: Wheat July, 118 to ; corn July, 72 to ; oats July, 53 to ; pork July. 19.90; lard October, 11.4 2; ribs July, 10.62. : July wheat closed : c higher for the day, while September lost ' and December was off c. There were losses of to c in corn and to c in oats. Cash Bales were 114,000 bushels wheat, 80,000 bushels corn and 140,000 bushels oats. Montreal reported six loads for export. Pro visions were unsettled. Grain quotations ranged as follows; Wheat Open High. Close. July. . 1.18 1.19 1.18 Sep.. . 1.09 l.Oj'ti 1.0? Dec. .1.08 1.08 1.07 Corn ' July. . .72 .73 .72 Sep.. . .69 .69 .69 Dec. . .58 .58 .58 Oat July. . .53 53 .53 Sep.. . .44 .44 v44 Dec.. . .45 .45 .44 Pork July. , 19.90 19.95 19.85 Sep.. . 20.00 20.05 19.97 Lard ' - July. . 11.30 11.37 11.32 Sep.. . 11.40 11.74 11.42 RIIm July. , 10.62 10.67 10.62 Sep.. v 10.67 10.72 10.67 KAlelfta Cottoa ttarkel Good middling, 10c. Strict middling, 10 c. Middling, 10 c. Receipts today, 17 bales. BY WIRE. 1 Provisions. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. Shotwell.) New York.' Jurte. S Wall street ex perienced another exciting session in the stoek market today. New high records were made in many Issues with advances of from 2 to 3 points. This time the low priced specialist such as Colorado Fuel, Republic Steel and Ontario & Western were Hie domi nant features. TntdliiR wan very heavy, the tape at times being several minutes behind the actual .transactions on the floor of the exchange.'. Ontario & Western was one of the most active Issues with a gain of 2 1-8 points to the new high record of 34 1-8. Colorado Fuel rose to 4,", Erie to 37 5-8, Atchison to 115 3-8, Republic Steel common to 32 7-S and the preferred to 105 1-2. Heavy realizing sales appeared in the steel share's, causing a decline in the 'common of 1-2 point and in the preferred of one point. Union Pacific also showed evidences of profit-taking while Southern Pacific was only frac tionally higher. In London, American shars were strong in the early trading but later became" Irregular. The fearture of the foreign market.' was the continued buoyancy of the mining shares. On the New York curb market La Rore sold at its previous high record while then? was a good investment demand for Nevada Consolidated, Cumberland-Ely, Ray Central and Nipissing. The National Enamelling and Stamp ing Company announced the sale of $:i,"00,00( of twent y : year, : 5 per cent bonds to. New York bankers. New York Cotton Letter. (By W. B. Hibbs & Company.) New York, June 5 Today's mar ket was uneventful. Trading was dull throughout with narrow and un important fluctuations. Prices de clined 6 points early with July slumping to 10.90 October 10.75, De cember 10.78 and January 10.73. This was chiefly because Liverpool and Manchester regarded yesterdays' government report as bearish. There was litle demand there for spot cot ton at a point decline from yesterday with middling at. 5.8 Id now, while futures closed 2 to 3 points lower. The less favorable reports from abroad and tine clear weather in all the cotton states with indications of a continuance of these conditions to promote the rapid development of the crop proved too discouraging for the bull interests here to assume an ag gressive attitude. They were merely content to prevent the market from breaking. : In the late trading prices recovered half of the early loss on moderate buying from some of them. The situation and outlook remains the same as outlined at length In our letter and advice of yesterday. The trade everywhere regards yesif day's crop report situation so much better than had been expected from the sen sationally bad reports circulated dur ing the past month that It will re quire very bad weather conditions before a new crop scare can be work ed up. In this connection it should be noted, however, that Ideal weather conditions are now setting in. At the same time bullish sentiment is so pronounced from the bull wave which has been sweeping over the stock market this weel and so strong is the conviction that, we are o have a boom In general business this fall that the price of cotton is still re garded as cheap, especially when con trasted with everything else. Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards, III., June 5. Hogs receipts, 13,000; market steady; mixed and butchers, 7.25 to 7.72; good heavy, 7.60 to 7.80; rough heavy, 7.25 to 7.55; light, 7.10 to 7.62: pigs, 6.25 to 6.90; bulk 7.10 to 7.65. Cattle Receipts; 700 market steady; beeves, 5.25 to 7.10; rows and heifers, 2.25 ft 2.45; stocks and feeders, 3.75 to 5.50; Texans, 5.40 to "6.15; calves, 6lt() to7.75. Sheep Receipts, 1,500; market steady. Sheep. 6.50 to 6.60; lambs. 6.60 to 6.90. X-avhI Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah, Ga., June 5 Turpen tine Firm, 37 to 38; sales, ... ; re ceipts,; 549. Rosin Firm; sales, 3,077 : re ceipts, 1,491. Quote: WW, 5.30: WG. 5. 30: N, 5.25; M, 5.00; K. 4.93; I, 4.2); H. 4.10; G. 3.65 to 4.05; F. 3.90 to 4.00: E. 3.55 to 3.65; D, 3.25; C, B, A. 2.70 to 2.90. New York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, June 5 -Nothing said In money. Posted rates: Sterling exchange, 487 to 488, with actual business In bankers' bills at 4S7.85 to .90 for demand and 486 for six ty day bills. Prime mercantile pa per, unchanged. . 1 Raleigh rrortucB Mnrket. (Reported by L. H. Adami.) Butter, 2025c. Kkkr. ISo. . ; 1 In u8, 16r, Hena, 33 fit) 40c. Receipts today, 10 bales. r lc. WANTS lc. Claulfled advertisement for this col uma will be accepted at oaa crnt per word lor each isiue, CASH with the order. No ad vertisement andnr this head will he charged. No Adv. takes for leas tbaa 10 GENTS aa laser, tioa! lc. WANTS lc. WANTED Wood to saw. Chas. Day, blindman. Capital City 'Phone 851-Y. WANTED Second-hand bags and burlap, any kind, any quantity, anywhere. Richmond Bag Co., (Inc.), Richmond, Va. 2-10t WANTED Five- or six-room cot tage, centrally located. Perma nent renter. Address, "T", care Times. 3-tf COl'PLE WITHOl'T CHILDREN .wants board and rooms. Must be convenient, .as will be permanent. References- exchanged. Private home preferred. Address, with full information, "M. M.", care The Times. 4-5 1 WANTED Traveling salesmen to sell fancy fruit ciders. $150 per month and expenses. Red Cross Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. l-30-52t-Sat. Af.EXTS lji:j(M EVERY MONTH selling our wonderful 7-piece kitchen set. Send for sworn state ment of $12 daily profit; outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 3337 Bar ney Block, Dayton, Ohio. 5 It WANTED Man. Must be willing to learn and capable of acting as our representative. No canvassing or soliciting. Good income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., 1122 Maiden Bldg., Washington, D. C. : T -1 1 WA VIED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Prac tical experience from start. Care ful instructors, tools given, diplo mas granted. Wages Saturdays, positions waiting, wonderful de mand for graduates. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, Atlanta. Ga. ; 5 It SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL TO Grocers, Druggists and Confostion ers; $100.00 per month and ex penses.. California Cider and Ex tract Co.. St. Louis, Mo. 5 It PATENT VOI R IDEAS AND .MAKE money. Send for ray new book, "How to Get Them." Best ser vice. Joshua R. H. PottsLawyer, Washington, D. C, Chicago and Philadelphia. 5 It. WANTED You to attend the Muslin Underwear sale at Kaplan Bros., beginning Monday morning. 5 It WANTED Board and room In pri vate family by young man. Refer ences exchanged. Address Box 343, city. 5 It MISCELLANEOUS ORDER VOI R CREAM EARLY FOR your Sunday dinner from Dughi s, 25c. quart, $1 per gallon. 5 It XOTIICK Bargain week at Hunter Bros. & Brewers. Calicos, 5c; Lawns, 5c. ; Best Percales, 1 0c. ; Best Domestic, 5 and 6c; lot. of Remnants, half price. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. 31-6t I F YOU WA NT YOUR HORSE boarded right, bring him at once to Simpkins' stables. This is our specialty. No extra charge for cleaning harness, washing vehicles and delivering them at any time or place In the city. 21 t. f. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO INVA- : lids Celebrated Seven . Springs Water, so highly recommended for Kidney, Bladder, Indigestion and Stomach troubles, for sale fresh from the springs daily at W. A. Simpkins, 123 East Martin street, Raleigh, N. C. 18 t. f. LADIES insist on having Dr. Mar (el's Pills, the standard remedy. Best, safest, most reliable. At all druggists. Send for book, "Relief for Women." French Drug Co. 30 W, 23d St., N. Y. City. Sat-tf DOX'T FORGET THE MUSLIN" UN derwear sale opens at Kaplan Bros'. Monday morning. t 5 It ICE CREAM FLAVORED WITH best st.rnwherrles, peaches, also pineapple, vanilla, Tutti Frutti at Dughi's, 25c. quart, $1 gallon. 5 It. TOWN TALK. IM tilll'S ICK tTlKAM all flavors, 25c. quart, 11.00 per gallon. 5 It Miliaria Cures Lorh of Appetite, The., old Standard.. GROVK"S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out malaria and builds up the system. I For grown people and cents. childron, 50 FOR KENT ROOMS OR OFFICES FOR RENT two front and two rear rooms on third floor. Woollcott Dry Goods Co. 1 -3t. FOR RENT Furnished room, con venient to bath, 519 north Blood worth street. Tues., Thurs., Sat. FOR RENT On Fayet.teville street, 5 rooms, with water and gas, one block of Capitol. Also one large room and two small rooms. Just the place for an office. Rent reas onable aBd will lease if desired for one or two years. Call or write at once. 1 .",1 . Fayctteville Street. Sat, Tues, Thnr-3t FOR REXT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, ins N. Bloodworth street. 5 St. FOR RENT- Nicely furnished front room convenient to bath. Apply Mrs. J. W. Fox. 110 Fayctteville street. 5 it. FOR RENT Three handsome up-to- date houses on N, Person street be tween Folk and Peace streets. In quire at 504 N. Person street, 5-It FOB SALE TO SELL AT PUBLIC OUTCRY AT I the court house door, June "Hi, 1909, a. lot with improvements In Raleigh, 100x50 feet, on State! street, just across the street, north, from the Soldiers' Home. Apply to Pecle & Maynard, Attorneys, City. 22-taw-5t FOR RENT Seven-room dwelling. Modern conveniences; on car lino. Address Box 524. 8-tf DAYTON COM PUTINC. SCALES FOR sale cheap. Apply to lid. V. Don ton, 17 Exchange Street,. 4-L't TO SELL UNDER ORDER OF Court, at public out-cry, at the court house door, on Monday, the 7th day of June, 1909, 22 acres! of land in Garner, N. C, with all buildings and improvement's." Ap ply loW, .1. Peele, J. H. Fleming, Commissioners. Peele- & Mayn ard, attorneys. 2 1 -taw FOR SALE Entire lot of .Muslin Underwear at greatly reduced prices. Kaplan Bros. , It Delicious White House Tea in quarter pound net tins for 15c; especially for Ice Tea. Just as good as White House Coffee. First-class Grocers. PROFESSIONAL DR. L. J. HERRING, VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST. Office annex of Freeman & Sor rell's stables. Entrance 120 East Morgan street and Wilmington street. Graduate of Kansas City Veterinary College. Will go anywhere called. Phones: Capital City, 94 ; Raleigh, 263. Calls answered both night and day. TUTORING By 8. I. ROTTER, R.A., M.A., (Columbia University) IN SCHOOL AND COLLEGE WORK. 115 Polk St reel, or Commercial Bank Building. Phones, 2 IS RalclRh (CMI Capital City. Dr. Sam Norrls. Dr. Ernest Dounlass Norris & Douglas, DENTISTS, 82H Fayctteville St., Raleigh, N. C. We will do your Dental tvork pi-omptly, neatly, and substantially, and 25 clieaper than any other first-class Dciillst In the state. Wo will give you a written guarantee that work done by lis is lii-st-class in every respect, and will preserve the teeth and remain lntuct periuaiiently. WAKE COUNTY. SAVINGS HUBBARD BROS SCO. HANOTRR RQCARR, REW TORR , MEMBERS of Nw Tor Cotton Kx bnK, New Orleans Cotton Kx ekanga, Assoclata Members Urif paol Cotton Assoelatiaa. ORDERS SOLICITED far taa pur aaaaa and aala of aotton fat future talltari. Carrasoaaaanaa (BTtta Jr f NTEREST tM t 1 'a f 4 t i By the author of ' . The Circular Staircase in .....'-'.''-..- t Ey Mary Roberts Rinehart The unexpected finlntlnn tartle the render.-lVew York Sun. The Clrenlar Stitli'caHo marie a commotion but this arouses even greater Interest. Phila. Record Al ail iSot-k; filer Of Our Entire Stock of DRESS GOODS, If out for any kind of Worsted Goods, Silks, Voiles, etc., come to us. We have them in all the shades and qualities and will save you from 25c. to 35c. on each dollar purchase. If it is cotton goods, all kinds of wash goods, percals, ginghams, bleachings, etc., we will sell you a yard and a half to each yard of same goods pur chased elsewhere at the same price. BED SPREADS, LACE CURTAINS, TOWELS, AT COST PRICE. Great Sacrifices in Hosiery and Underwear Sale begins Saturday, 5th, and will continue for three-weeks. :-: LADIES FURNISHING GO 113 E. Harsrett St. Below Rosenthal's Grocery Store. THE SECURITY LIFE AND ANNUITY CO., OF GREENSBORO, N. C. As Safe as the Largest. ' As Strong as the Oldest. Large Margin of Assets in Excess of Liabilities. No Company More Economically Managed. The Only Purely Mutual, Old Line, Legal Reserve Company In North Carolina, and the Oldest Company In the State. It will pay you to get our rates and a sample of our policy before pl.icing your Insurance. SLOAN & KLUTTZ, District Agents, 302 Tucker Building , , . . : . ' . ... Raleigh, N. C. A few first class men wanted In unoccupied territory. During the Revolutionary War when Lafayette presented himself to Washington for a commission, in our Army, Washington in his usual digni fied manner asked WHAT CAN YOU DO?" to which Lafayette made the laconic reply "TRY ME." In quoting you the following high class SPECIALTIES we ask that "YOU TRY THEM" THEY WILL (Pull Quarts) 0 Kelly's Maryland Belle ( 'linicot. Rye) Old I'rivnlo Stock Maryland Kvp.';.. MissT cinpting (very line Eustrru Kye) . . . Huron Jvivoi (hnttlc(i in Knnd). ...... ... Si Old Tiverton (Pennsylvania Rye) .. ... . . . . . B KxtlU Kino Olil Kentucky Kye. ...... . . . . . Keil v's())cr IinI illecl .r's (liolt led in Bond) ft KpII'v's Barlev Malt (Ixittlod in IJutid). , . . . . r Donald Kenny (Mcdicinn ,,j Wcstovcr (licst the world I) Mull over for I he (Souvenir flask line goods with every Old Kentucky Bourbon. . , OS Dr. Lc. iSurron'.s Medicated Biichu Oin. 4 Kelly's Royal Corn (The Finest). .......... U Virginia Queen Corn (over 100 proof) fj El Maize Corn (best for tho money) " Bally Castle Irish (our own Importation) j Cairn Dhu Scotch (our own Importation).. J California Grape Brandv (American Cognac) Kelly's Choice Mil. Peach Brandy... . Kelly's Virginia Apple, Jack. ..... You may bay higher priced goods but you will not get better Kelly's quality. Our customers know thai we handle all orders wifhouSpec;ai Re ANY DELAY. Place your next order with us. wrie an extra The. above aro only a few Sl'ICCIALTlICS. Write forgne old Sour Mash enmpletiv price list and full information grades ot stock nuiK ana notuca at prices. Special prices made ort combination quarts, pints, and half pints, and on bulk goods in 3 anil 4 7-S gallon quantities. Goods nre simply.aM good as ran 1m made. TRY T1IEM and if not entirely satisfactory return to us at our rxensp and your money goes back to you by first mail. Can any offer be fairer than this? Phil. G. Kelly Co. Importers, Distillers and Distributors of FINF3 LIQUORS 1411-13 East Main St. RICHMOND, VA. IT E iM i The BOBBS-MERRILL CO., Publishers Raleigh, N. C. MAKE GOOD 4qts. 8qt3. 12 qt.i. I'i.OO $0..V) $13.25 4.50 S.?) 12.10 YOU PAY ONLY ONE 4.50 3.95 3.90 3.50 3.20 3.05 8.50 7.li5 7..V) (i.-.'i (.: 7.25 0.25 12.50 11.25 lO.IH) 9.75 0.40 10.35 O.OO 9.00 PROFIT WHEN YOU BUY FROM US. 3.25 3.10 Goods shipped money) 5.05 in plain pack ages, no maris to indicate con fenfs. Rtmll certified check t, post office or express money order ol WEST0VER) 3.00 3.40 3.85 3.20 2.G0 5.75 6.55 8.70 10.00 11.25 9.10 7..V) 12.90 12.00 14.00 11.25 11.25 .'... 7,15 6.15 4.05 8.75 8.75 0.75 7.65 7.65 4.40 4.40 5.00 4.00 4.00 order. covering al Whiskey corrcsponai This Is our cases, ew style Rlass Jug. Clean, strong and alto gether the aafetit and most up-to-dte package. It'a a beauty and you'll say so when you see It. 8afest for shipping and easi est tor handling. We use this pack age exclusively on all goods at or over 12.50 par frallon. Safely packed la 1 gallon $3.60 2 gallons 6.76 S gallons 10.00 neat PREPAID,

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