' -'"T- " THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. 0. rT ."" ' r' - ' ' r"T PAGE SEVE2T WE T GLOSIN OUT NO ) fc li ili to Hi ( ii ST v i ii to l to to to to it to to to W. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to A OUR ENTIRE STOCK, but we are going to close out our lot of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, of which we have an unusually large stock. For the next season we are going to buy from a new firm, and in order to get rid of the present stock, we are positively going to offer many values at less than cost. This sounds like the same old story, so familiar with others, but is absolutely true in this case. We will not be the losers either, as the new firm we expect to buy from is backing us in this mammoth sale and they will stand the entire loss. Every article we are offering is one of worth. This will be a sale that you cannot afford to overlook. If you fail to come and buy it will be your loss. READ OF THE STARTLING VALUES 2 MUSLIN SKIRTS--We have a lot of Muslin Under skirts going at untold prices, such as 58c, 79c, 89c, $1.09, $1.39, $1.63 and up to $2.50. GOWNS I1 tms sa'e our entire lot of Gowns are included. As for values, well, you will see for yourself 43c, 59c, 79c, $1.09, $1.25 and $1.59. CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS-P,ain and fancy, and many dainty designs. They are all included in this sale at 17c, 21c, 39c, 59c, 63c, and 79c. UMBRELLA DRAWERS-Drawers of extra width, made from the best material, in all sizes. A strictly 75c. value for 39c per pair. LINEN SUITS AND DRESSES--We are going to offer, during this sale, our entire lot of Linen Suits and Dresses at greatly reduced prices which will enable you to buy two in stead of one. Suits from $1.98 and up. Dresses from $1.29 and up. This will be your last opportunity at these suits and dresses and it would be advisable to buy early. First come, first choice SALE BEGINS MONDAY MORNING, JU AND LASTS THROUGHOUT THE WEEK. THE WOMAN'S STORE MASONIC TEMPLE AM EMOTIHIEIRS, ra S,"E RALEIGH, N. C. HARGETT STREET BASE W BALL f and Other r Sports j& Winder R. Harris, Sporting Editor. j& hVVW THE GIANTS HAMMER BROWN AT THEIR WILL (Special to The Times.) Uoldsboro, C.j June 5 The Giants jumped on Brown at the very beginning yesterday and hammered him at will, a total of thirteen hits being secured off his delivery. Four of the hits were for extra bases.. Otis was on the slab for the home team, and although he was hit hard at times, he was never in danger of ballooning. The Giants were always Receipt That Cures Weak Men --Free Send Name and Address Today You Can Have it Free and be Strong and Vigorous. I have In my possession a prescrip tion for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened manhood, fulling memory and lame back, brought on by excesses, unnatural drains or the folies of youth, that has cured so many worn and nervous men right In their own homes without any additional help or med icine that 1 think every man who wishes to regain his manly power and virility, quickly and quietly, should have a copy. So, I have determined to send a copy of the prescription, free of charge, In a plain, ordinary sealed envelope, to any man who will write me for It. This prescription comes from a phy sician who has made a special study of men, and I am convinced It is the surest-acting combination for the. cure nf deficient manhood and vigor-failure ever put together. I think I owe It to my fellow man to send them a copy In confidence, so that any man, anywhere who is weak and discouraged wtth repeated failures may stop drugging himself with harm, ful patent medicines, Becure what, I believe. Is the quickest-acting, restor ative, upbuilding, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever devised, and so, cure him. self at home quietly and quickly. Just drop me a line like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, 4816 Luck Bldg., Detroit, Mich., and I will send you a copy nf this splendid receipt, In a plain, ordi nary sealed envelope, free of charge. So far In the lead that a lew runs by the Red Birds caused no uneasiness whatever. Doak, the most Consistent swatter in the league, was responsible for live of the seven runs mado by his team., lie smashed the sphere lor a single, a double and a triple out of four times at bat, sending four runs across tile pan, and ho later scored himself on the Dago's singled Tills is the fourth game that Doak has won for Goldsboro by his sensational hitting. Bill Irwin protested a decision of Umpire Carter so strongly that he was fined $5 and escorted from thj park. ' ' The Tabulated Score. Goldsboro, Sharp, c; f. . , . (iettlg, ah. . . . Steinback, 'lb.. Crockett, lb... Doak, r, f. . . . Zanelli, s. s. . . Seal, I. f. . . . . Fulton, c. Otis, p. , Totals . . . . , A.B. R. H. V.O. :, l 2 2 5 2 it 2 11 1 10 A. K. 0 0 2 0 I) 0 0 0 0 1 2 32 7 13 27 11 Raleigh. AM. K. H. P.O. A. K. Dawson, r. f.. . 4 0 0 0 0 0 Crozier. c. f. . . 3 0 0 2 0 0 Haas, lb. . . . . 3 1 1 10 0 1 Hoffman, I. f.. . 3 0 0 1 0 0 Murray, 2b. . . 3 11 1 1 i) Hoover, 3b. . . 4 1 3 1 2 0 Brumlield, s. s. 4 0 2 3 2 0 Irwin, c. .... 2 0 0 3 1 1 Brown, p 2 0 0 1 4 2 Rowe, c. . . . . . 1 1 0 2 1 0 Totals Irwin Inning. Score by Goldsboro , Raleigh Batteries: Irwin and Time, 2:00. Summary , i 29 7 24 114 put out and fined in fifth Innings: . R. H. E. . .101 030 20 7 13 0 . .000 100 2003 7 2 Otis and Fulton; Brown, Rowe. Umpire, Carter. Attendance, 800. : Stolen bases, Steln- back, Crockett. Sacrlfld hits, Crock ctt, Fulton, Otis, Hoffman. Sacrifice flies, Rowe. Two base hits, Doak, Steinbaek, (iettlg. Three base hits, Doak. Bases on balls,. Otis. 3: Brown, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Otis. 1; Brown, 2. Struck out by Otis, 0; by Brown, 5. Wild pitch, Otis, 1 ; Brown, 1. Pass balls, Fulton, 1. l,ff on bases, Goldsboro, 7; Raleigh, 5. J Double plays: Brunitield to Haas; OTHKIt scouf.s. National League. All games postponed; rain. American League. Detroit, 5; Boston, 0. All other games postponed; ram. Southern League. Nashville, 3; New Orleans, 2. I First game.) Nashville, si; Xew'OV leuve, 0. (Second game.) Kittle Rock, 1 ; Montgomery, 0. Birmingham, 3; Mobile, 2. i First game.) : Mobile, 10; .'Birmingham, I. (second game.) Atlanta, 4; Memphis, 3. First game.) Atlanta, S; Memphiii, 4. (Second game.) South Atlantic League, Charleston, 2; Augusta, U. (Miattanooga, 2;. Columlila, 0. Macon, 4; Jacksonville, 2. Columbus, 8; Savannah, 2. Virginia Lennup. Danville, 8; Roanoke, 0. Portsmouth, 1; Richmond, 0. No otlier game; rain. THE MIGHTY ANDERS ON LOSES ANOTHER GAME (Special to The Times) Wilmington, N. C., June 5 The Tobacconists outplayed the Sailors yesterday, but hard luck turned vic tory into defeat. The visitors more than doubled the locals' hits and made not half as many errors, anil still Dame Fortune failed to smile upon them. Anderson lost his own gama in the thirteenth inning on a wild pitch. With two men down and a man on base in the ninth inning, Mate Smith laced the sphere to the suburbs for three bases, sending in till' tunnel' ahead of him and tieing tlie score. The score remained the same until the thirteenth, when Jayes bunted safely, stole second and scored on a Wild pitch. This game was Anderson's third defeat out of six games pitched. . The Tabulated Score. Wilson. A.B...R. H. P.O. A. K. Moore, c. f. . v. 4 0 1 0 0 II Guerrailt, II) . . 0 0 2 17 1 0 Yerkes, S. s. . . G 0 1 2 3 1 Miller, r. f ti 0 12 1 0 Cooper, 2b. ... 6 0 2 1 3 0 Bird, 3b. . . . . . 5 12 2 10 Armstrong. I. f. 4 0 1 1 H O Holt, c. . . . ... 5 0 0 12 1 0 Anderson, p. . . 5 0 1 1 7 0 Totals ..... 47 7 1 1 38 17 1 Two out when winning run made. Wiliiiiiitttoii. A ll. It, H. P.O. A. K. PITCHERS' BATTLE AT RAILROADERS' TOWN (Special to The Times.) Kocky Mount,' N. C, June "i In a pitchers' battle between . Waymack and Waters, the Railroaders won out over '"the. 'Highlanders' here yesterday by the close score of I to ((. . Way mack was In line form and only al lowed I wo hits. Waters was also in good form anil only allowed live safe bingles, but lost the game on two er rors by his learn mates. .-''Neither of the gunners bit a batsman nor gave a base on balls. In an alti-niil to purloin second in the lirst; inning, Diilison, of the High landers, was on .the' riglit : arm, near - I he wrist'.. 'I'.ii' wouinl was of sui'li fxtciil thai il was necessary to take six stitches and will probably keep him out -of the game for at U'ast ten days. The Tabulated Score. I'ayeticvilli.. A. It. It. II. P.O. A. K, I-ohr, c. f. . . . . 4 ' 0 0 1 .1 II Dobson, II). , . I 0 I 0 1 I) t'lenients, 1. I'.. I! 0 0 0 0 0 Hart, 2b. . Carolan, r. I'. . . O'N.'hI, lb;. Fullmer, ;ib. . Iluhlin, c. . . . Aliiir, p. . . . . .Moss, s. s. . . . Waters, . . . . . Totals '.-..". 0 2 0 1 I 13 0 (I 0 1 0 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 IX. 0 2 24 12 Roky Mount. A.lt. U. H. P.O. A. K. Johnston, s. s. . Krebs, c. f . . . . James, I. f. . . . O'Gara, r. f. . . Stephens, c. . . . Moran, lb. ... Hemp, 3b. .... Wayniai k. p. . . Lambert, 2b. . . 3 112 0 11 0 2 2 1 Carolina League. Spartanburg, 4; Charlotte, 3. Oreeuvllle, 2; Winston-Salem, o. , Anderson, Greensboro, 3. (First game.) Greensboro, 7; Anderson. 2. (Second game.) Rvorone would lie benefited by taking Foley's Orluii Laxative or constipation, stomacli anil Iver trouble, as It sweetens the stomach and breath und gently stimulates the liver and reKUlateg the bowels and Is much superior to pills ami ordinary laxa tives. Why not try Foley's Orlno r.axatlve today? Klnif-i 'rowvll ImiK Co., coiner Fayettevllle and llargett streets. Sliarpe, 2 b. . . . Streaser, I. f. Smith, 3b. . . . . Levy, p. .. ... Kite, e. ...... Jayes. c. f. . Simmons, s. s. . hox, 1 b. . . . Howard, r. f. . . Wulf, r. f . .. . ; . 4 1 0 9 2 2 0 3 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 Totals . .... 42 2 ? 3D 1 3 Score by innings: , R. If. K. Wilson . 0.10 010 000 00() 01 II 1 Wil. .. .000 000 001 000 12 5 3 Batteries: Anderson and Holt; Levy und Kite. Summary: Two base hits, Moore, Yerkes. Armstrong and Levy. Three base hits, Smith. Double plays; Sim mons 'to' Sharpe to Fox. Bases on balls off Anderson, 2: oft Levy, 1. Struck out by Andersoh, 12; Levy, 8. Wild pitch, Anderson. Sacrifice liltss. Bird, -Armstrong, Fox. Stolen bases. Cooper. Bird. Armstrong, Levy, Jayes. Time, 2:20. Umpire, Mr. Barr. Attendance, 500. . Totals ' . :. . .... .28 1 '-5 2ft 7 Time, 1 : ii"). :.' t.'nipire, .Mcluiiihliu, Attcndancp, "on. Score-by innings:' R. H. K Fayettevllle . 000 OHO 00.1 0 2 3 Rocky Mt. . . , 100 000 Oil 1 r. 1 Uatieries: .Muir and Dublin; Way mack ami Stephens. . .orroik I'Aciirsion ,lim Nth, over S. A. L. $:$.!( roiuid trii. ,". It. YESTFRDAVS RKSVLTS. Rocky Mount, 1 ; Fayettevllle, n. Wilmington, 2; Wilson, 1. Goldsboro, 7; Raleigh, 3. Standing of the Clubs. Wot). Lost. P. C. Wilson . ..... 9 U .tiOO Goldsboro. .. ..10 7 ,r)SX Raleigh ... ..8 7 .633 Wilmington,.. .. 9 8 ...L'ii Rocky Mount .. 6 9 .400 Fayettevllle, ... 5 10 .333 Schedule For Monday. Wilmington At Rocky Mount. Goldsboro At Wilson. Raleigh At Fayettevllle. Every Woman U interttHted and should know about th(j woudunul 9 Marvel wirn kv w milium Sff.f,, Ask onr drn?rtt for it. If h emmut (uupl Ilia MARVEL. accvDt no otoar, out nena mamp mr niofl- iritivu uuok fwaieu. i ivun iuii mjjy lu Udlw MARVEL CO. 44 E. 234 St.. N lot People in a run-down, weakened condition need a simulant, not just a tonic, but a tonic and stimulant. They should take ROONEY MALT WHISKEY - There's strength in every drop. It will build up those in a weakened condition, and help them to quickly regain their health and strength. FOUR FULL QUARTS, - - - $ 4.00, delivered.) Express prepaid TWELVE FULL QUARTS, - - 10.50, delivered.) to Any Point. For sale by all leading mailorder houses and dealers. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us enclosing P. 0. or express money order or registered letter and we will have you supplied. STRAUS, GUNST & COMPANY, Makers of the Famous Rooney Malt, RICHMOND, VA.