t- r, . (THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, !T. 0. -r FAGOT) GOVERNOR KITCHEN REVOKES A PARDON Governor Kitchln today revoked the par4onof John Stailb, of Samp ton county, granted by Governor R. B. Glennrin 1906'. iThe pardon was conditioned on ?ood behavior and Btaub has violated the condition. Concerning the revocation of this pardon the governor Issued yesterday afternoon the following statement: "John Staub : at the ' May term, 1 1903, of Sampson superior court, was convicted of a secret assault and sen tenced to eight years in the state's prison. On February 21, 1906,- Gov ernor Glenn granted him a pardon oh condition that h'e remain of. 'good behavior' and be 'sober- and indus trious' and he was released. "On April 10, 1909, complaint was made to Govem6r Kitchln, support ed by affidavit,, that John Staub had Violated the condition of his pardon fetid its . revocation , was asked. Un der an order from Governor Ktchin Staub was promptly arrested ' and lodged In Jail, and the governor at once proceeded to investigate1 (the facts. The clerk of the superior court of Sampson county was direct ed to take the evidence. Both sides were represented by counsel, and both sides offered evidence, and the same was taken and transmitted to the governor. After a most careful Consideration of the evidence the governor found as a fact that Staub had violated the conditions' of his pardon, in that he had been repeated ly drunk and disorderly, having been convicted . of breaches of the peace and violation of town ordinances in several different cases. He finds as a fact that he got drunk before he got home from the state's prison, tfiat he was convicted of being drunk and disorderly on February 23, 1907, of being drunk and a nuisance on August 13, 1908, of an affray with one Wilson, of an assault upon one Pope and of being drunk and disor derly on April 10, 1909. "Finding these facts the governor considers himself bound under the law to revoke the pardon and remand Staubrto the state's prison, to serve the balance of his sentence, which was done. today. ' "' i " "The governor wishes It well un derstood that when a condition Is In serted In a pardon It is put in to be kept and if it Is violated the person pardoned will be promptly arrested and remanded to the prison to finish his sentence, . ' " '.ft- jg - thought that conditional pardons can be used to great advant age in bestowing executive clemency, but in order for this to be so, it is absolutely, essential that people know that 'the conditions are Imposed in all seriousness and must be kept, or else the pardon will be revoked." Everone would be benefited by taking Foley's Orlno Laxative -or constipation, stomach and liver trouble, as it sweetens the stomach and breath and gently stimulates tho liver and rettulatos the bowels and Is much superior to pills and ordinary laxa tives. Why not try Foley's Orlno Laxative today? Klnpt-Crowell Drug Co., corner Fayette ville and Hurgott streets. - Justice Robert's Court. This morning in Justice Roberts' court he was busy dealing out justice In samples suitable to the demands of each case, y- State vs. Sid Crabtree and W." F. Draper,' affray. The evidence was such that the Judge discharged Dra per and adjudged Crabtree guilty of -an unprovoked assault and ( battery on Draper, who to avoid a personal difficulty-did not even strike back after being struck. From the fact that Crabtree was fined and taxed the costs In the police court for pub lie drunk, the causo of this assault and being a man of family and hard working man,' on motion of Mr. J. R. Fowler, - his friend, judgment was suspended upon payment of costs. - State vs. J..B. Walden, drunk and disturbing the peace and quietness of bis own home and making use of threatening languago was delivered a caution as to such future actions and let off on costs. State 8. Van Gill assault and bat tery. "On motion of his mother, who was the .assaulted party and com plainant' and the fact that Van's AN ITCHING PALM. No Cnra for it. Other Forma of Itch v. :' log Preferable. There Is no cure for an itching palm the money kind. Even pos it m, the new skin 'discovery, cannot help, it " But 'when it comes to eo eema, the' most annoying of Itching 1 skin troubles, poslam will stop the Itching In a few days. So with hives, ' rash, scabies,' split toes, piles, and caly scalp, fell of which are differ ent forms of ectema, accompanied by severe itching and caused by imper fect digestion and careless diet. 'i- Poslam comes ' in two-dollar Jars, but fifty cents' worth will: answer in luring any of the diseases mentioned. It can be had of any druggist The Klng-Crowell Drug Co, make a spe cialty ttt It ' That'results are Immediate will be : limply demonstrated overnight by the tise of the experimental sample which Uhe Emergency Laboratories, 31 West Twenty-fltta. street, Neir YorirClty, will tend free by mall, W plain wrap- wer, tp any one who will writ for It Does ; not Color the Hair J J ; Aycr's Hair Vigor , - . is composed of Stftotw. Glycerin, Quinla, Sodium CMorld, Capaicam, Sake, Alcohol, Water, Perfume. Show, this to your doctor. Ask biro if there. Is a tingle injurious ingredient. Ask him if he thinks Ayer's Hair Vigor, as mad from this formula, is the best preparation ybu -could use for falling hair, or for dandruff. Let him deckle. He knows. ' iAUCSSSt grandmother Is now at the point of death, complainant was allowed to pay costs and action nol pressed. Two perambulating Inspectors of the proposed new automobile route from New York to Florida were urg ed to hasten on their way and linger not within the jurisdiction of the court or they would be introduced to the more limited confines of public road work In Wake county. The balance of the day with Judge Roberts was taken up in disposing of and issuing civil actions. Men Past Fifty In Hunger. Men past middle life have found comfort and relief in Foley's Kidney Remedy, especially for enlarged prost ate gland, which is very common among elderly men. L. E. Morris, Dexter, Ky., writes: "Up to a year ago my father suffered from kidney and bladder trouble and several phy sicians pronounced it enlargement of the : prostate gland and advised an operation. On account of his age we were afraid he could not stand it and I recommended a bottle of Foley's Kid ney Remedy, and the first bottle re lieved him, and after taking the second bottle he was no longer troubled with this complaint-." Klng-Crowell Drug Co., corner Fayettevllle and Hargett streets. DEATH OF CARfL CARTER, Was Drowned in the Potomac River Lust Sunday. The Evening Times has received the following letter: : Sunday, June 13th, a-party of boys were strolling near Alexandria, Va., came to the Potomac River, we decid ed to have a swim. It wasa pleas ant begininng but sad was the end. One of -the party, Carl Carter, a bar ber from' North Carolina, was taken with cramps. He battled with the cur rent some time, but being weak from the effect of a bullet wound receiv ed not long since, he gave out and sunk before, any of us could reach him. - I ask you Mr. Editor, to print this with a. good, head line. He has peo ple somewhere In your state and. I woifld like them to know of this sad affair. From his Pal, HENRY GRIER, Atlantic City, N. J. Deaths In Concord. Concord. N. C, June 15 J. B Caldwell', ex-mayor and manager of the opera house, was taken 111 sud denly Saturday night at 10 o'clock p. in., at the opera house. He was taken home and medical aid Summon' ed but death came at 1:30. Will be buried from his residence Tuesday morning at 9 a. m. Funeral by his pastor, Dr. J. M. Grler. Mr. Caldwell was a hale fellow well met. He belonged to the K. of P.'s, the Elks, Woodmen and Juniors and will be burled by the several or ders. '. Mrs. J. C. Blackwelde, of near Balla, died of heart failure early yes- ifsrday niornng. She was out after breakfast lookng after her domestic affairs when the summons came. Sbei was the mother of fourteen children. She will be burled at the burial grounds near Balla today. Another of tho bravest of the brave answered the roll call to come up higher Saturday evening at the coun- ty home in tho person of Moses Rice, aged ninety-five years. He and his son fought through the war together The lines grow thinner day by day. " Women Who Are Envious. 'Those attractive women .who are lovely in face, form and temper are the envy of many, who might be like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipation or Kidney poisons show - in pimples, blotches, skin eruption and a wretch ed complexion. For all such, Electric Bitters work wonders. . They regulate" Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure . breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion. Many charm ing women owe their health and beauty to them. 60c. at all druggists. STATE ENCAMPMENT. Dates Are Fixed for. the Annual OuU . Ing of Eacli Regiment' Adjutant General Armfield yester day afterrtoon announced dates' for the annual -encampment of the North Carolina National Guard as follows-: July 8-14 Second Regiment un der command of Col. H. C. Bragaw, of 'Washington. , 'July 19-25 Third Regiment,' un der command of Col. J. N. Craig, of ReldsV'lllor the Reldsville Hospital Corps, and Battery A of Charlotte. July (28-August 3 First Regi ment, under command of Col. J. F, Gardner, of Shelby: the Charlotte Hospital Corps Detachment t Foley's Honey arid Tar Is Especially reeommendrd for chronic throat ' and rung troubles; " and many sufferers from trtmchltlk asthma and ' con-Aumptlon-Jiave found eomforUand rT lief, by using ' Foley's Iforiey . and Tar. Klnc-d-oweH - Drur "Co.. corner ('FyettevlUe and Hargett struts, NEWS FROSl THOMAS-f ViUE-eOOD PATENT (Special to The Times. ) "" ThQmasville, N. C, June 15-Mr. J. H. Thomas, Bon of Hon. . P.';iC- Thomas, of this' place, -has invented one of the simplest little inventions evr seen here for the purpose of pulling corks of all kinds from bot tles. No matter how tight the cork may be In. the mouth of the bottle, with this littler invention It can Be easily extracted without damaging the cork in the least, i,'":, " Misses Foy Johnson, of Ralelgft, and Stephen- Carriek, of High Poimi, spent a few days the first of the welk in the village visiting Miss Mary. Johnson. f The foundation for the $20,0$ residence of Mr. F. S. Lambeth haft been laid and work on the body of the residence will begin this weeK, When this residence Is completed It will be by far the handsomest resi dence in Thomasville. They hope t have it completed by early fall. Mr. J. A. Morris spent a few days last week in Hendersonville attend ing the meeting of the Grand Lodge Of Knights of Pythias. r Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Thomas spent last week- In the western part of the state ' at Mrs. Thomas' old home beyond Lenoir, visiting home folks. They returned the first of the week. : , r The fence that was ordered some time ago to be used in fencing In the town commons has arrived and will be put up this week. This will pro tect the-grass and trees and will help the appearance of the center of town very much. The board of aldermen should pass tn orclincuce prohiibting any one walking across the commons except In the walks laid off for that purpose. If the' plot is not protected the money spent in beautifying it will bp simply thrown away and it will be remembered that all this work Is being done without a penny's cost to the town. '' " July the Fourth comes on Sunday this year and the great celebration that is being planned for that day will be held Saturday the 3rd. An elaborate program is being arranged and the entire day will be Interesting from early In the morning till lata that night. Prominent speakers will be here that day and will address the people. Every effort possible will be put forth to make the day enjoyable and a large crowd Id expecteTr and will be prepared for. The Building and Loan Association has now organized and the first series of stock is now open and first pay ment is now. due. This association will do more for the upbuilding of Thomasville than any other single agency we have. Every citizen in the town should take at least a share and encourage the enterprise. It helps the poor man as well as the rich and one and all share the same. If you have not subscribed to this series of stock, do so at once and get on the' ground floor. To avoid serious results take Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first sign of kidney or bladder disorder such as backache, urinary irregularities, ex haustion, and you will soon be well. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy today. Klng-Crowell Drug Co., corner Fayettevllle and Hargett streets. Gone To Morcheud. Governor Kitchln, Dr. J. Y. Joy- ncr, Dr. D. H. .Hill and many other educational leaders of tba section left last night for Morehead City to be present at the annual meeting of the State Teachers' 'Association. Gov, Kitchln will make the address of the occasion. Detroit Club Entertained. Washington, June 15. Reprcsctf tative Denby, of Michigan, entertain ed the Detroit baseball at luncheon today In the house of representatives restaurant. ' Representatives Smith and Townscnd, of Michigan, ' were also guests. CURE 8lrk Beadacbs tad tvllevo I tli trnnbtea rof dent mi blliou auta of Hie jmtcm, aucb M SIschWM, Hhio. Drowiiucw. DUtrcM altd aatlDB, Fain In the Sblo. o. Wlii!a thrif rnoel Nmaikable aucceat Uat bouo ihown la curing BekAaeha, JM. Carter't Little 'Liver PHI ri qoall valnablcln Conitlpatkm. curing and pn Tooting this nnnylngrotu plaint, while theyileQ ofrectalldlaordcraof iheitomach. atlmnlathe -rar and regulate tbe buwelt. Kvcc 'J Uicjouri Ache tbey would be ln.:t prloeh-ra to ihoea wM f l.t-'l., k . . 1 ..... .. WUUV. H"m MltBUiVUVBBIII CU1II Kill,, aatelj tbelr gnodneaadot-e not end here, end thnefl wao nce wj toun will nna tneee nine puie vaia able In eo many wav that they will pot be wtl ilog todowUhctKlhem. But after aiiek bal .k ACC-3E til kaae of ao many lives that here wVra a make onr gieat buaat Out pule omit arkUl era do not . tutrrti l.litle tlret Pine roe vary email m wy eay In uk. Ooenr Iwiiplllamak a dnaa. TWrer.. ili wirluble and do not i!le ot Mraa. tint ojr itieii.geuUe acttoo phaaaail a il?n mitSDlV OA.. S1Y tOU.'.''. blE fcfci CAKTEKSU , Clime Tr"r BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN AGENTS FOR THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS. ANY 15c,' JA-TTERN WITH QITAR ' TERLY STYLE BOOK F JR 20c.: PATTERNS 10 and' i5e., NONE HIGHER. MONTHLY- STYLE book free. -- ' - - : .:::r:::'.?''i :' G SWEATER RAL.EIGH WITH HER 2 9 38 7 PEOPLE YET HlH CITY CAN BOAST OF ONLY ONE. Woman's Exclssive Dry Goods Stors That's Us NO WONDER WE DO THE BUSINESS. CLEARING UP AND CLEANING OUT." Just now we are doing the house t-Icuning stunt, culling from general stock all the short lines, f odd pieces and seasonable stufl'H for summer that will not pay us to winter, banking them on ta bles, piling them on counters and. otherwise displaying them within easy reuch at very fascinat ing prices. . . ' ' '' "';'' ':'-' - FANCY STRIPE LINEN SUITINGS. LuuihliKs, Silk and Satin Foulards have led all season. Qualities that sold for 75c. and 89c. are now ...... ... ... :.. ...... ...... ... ...... .:.50C Silks with Bird-eye Satin Dots at ... . ........ ggc 50c. Itumchunda Silks for . '. ..... ...... ,.. 27VC Scco Silks, plain colors, not many J"22V6C STYLISH SUMMER SILKS. . Seven or eight -stj-les fancy colored Linen Suitings worth 25 to 87c, reduced to. .... . . . JQri SPECIAL IN LINEN SKIRTINGS. ' Merceriiserl . ahd .Soft Finished Canvas Cloths and Stripe Skirtings worth 25c, :i5c. and 50c. mark ed down to ...... ............. j. ....... ......... i .jgri Extra Special in 38-inch,': WhltcV Lirten Lawn ....'.'. t i ... ... 25g TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS . Pull and hnlf . bleached Satin Damasks are marked down this way. The $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75 val ues arc marked nt. . . . . . . . .... . . . 75,, 85c. ft,,d $1.25. Table Nankins, balance of our stock, slightly soiled, but will all wash out about 30 or more dozen, value $2.25 to $7.00 per dozen, clearance price ........................ .g gQ to QQ BIG BATH MATS AND TOWELS. Extra thick quality, Terry Cloth Towels, pink and white, blue and white, etc., two qualities 65c. $1.25. 30x60 Blea Turkish Towels. ................................ . ... ...... 50c 30-In. and 40-in. Bath Towels . . . . , . . ... ...... ...... . . . . -15c, and 25c 18x34 Linen Hack Towels, all Linen 12?c. to 15c, pair, at... ...2,0c Around the store are bargains displayed everywhere. v BOYLAN - Epworth League Meeting. Tonight at 8:15 the social and lit eray department of the -Epworth League of Central Methodist church wll hold Its regular monthly meeting. A program of Interest has been ar ranged and the league Invites the public to be present. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COVKT Eastern District of North Carolina. In the matter of A. C. Vick, Bankrupt In Bankruptcy, No. '297. To the creditors of A. C. Vick, of Jonesboro, in the county of Lee aud District aforesaid, a bankrupt: : Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of Juno, A. D., 1909, the said A. C, Vick was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at my office, No. 413 Tucker building, Ital elgh, in Bald district, on the 24th day of June, A. D., 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly como before said meet ing.. -.-V. ! V. H. BOYDEN, Referee in Bankruptcy. Raleigh, N. C. June 12, 1909. Further notice is given to creditors that an order will, be entered at the first meeting of creditors, (if no ob jection be made thereto, and It ap pears, for the best lnterest ot the es tate) directing the trustees to sell any real and personal . property be longing to the estate of tbe bankrupt, without further notice to creditors than this notice, in order to save de lay In the settlement of the estate. V. II. BOYDEN, . Referee in Bankruptcy. June 12, 1909. 15 2t. Notice to Stockholders. The anniinl nioetlng of 'stockhold ers of the Staudnr4 Gus A Electric Company will be held at tbe oNtce of the Company, 124 Fayetteville street Wednesday, June 16th, at 4 o'clock p. m. ' .'' SUPPOSE Tour Income Stopped TOnlORROW - ' '.- '.s.v :'-v ,i Would H not help a great deal to : know. Uiat yon have a Having .1 '; Accennt with na. ' . . MECHANICS'. BANK. PEARCE COMPANY. CRINKLEY'S Bowls and Pitchers, 50c, 70c.i 90c, $1.00., : Decorated, $1.25,.' $1.35, $1.65. Toilet Sots,, $2.40, $4.00, $5.00. 100 piece Dinner set, $8.50. Fruit Jars and Jolly Tumblers. -. Ladies' . Parasols, : 7 5c ' TKI NK HKADyiAIlTEKS. Trunks, $1,15 to $10.00. Bags, 30c. to $6.50 Boys' Punts, 25c, 3.r.c, 50c, 85c. Mosquito netting 7c. yd, 50c. piece. Canopies, $1.25 to $2.50. Jap Porch Shades, 90c, $1.20. Floor Oil Cloth, special 25c. yd. Men's Tan Oxfords, $1.85. Guitars, Violins, Banjos. "'', CRINKLEY'S. SUMMER HARDWARE Odorless refrigerators, .white mountain freezers. RUSTLESS GALV. FLY SCREEN V CLOTH. ' ' SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS, SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK. 50 DRUMMERS' SAMPLES. . HAMMOCKS. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY - This week on Summer Hardware. HART-WARD HARDWARE COMPANY. Th Paragon Hardware Store. fit. John's Day Masonic Celebration, Oxford, -Jf.. C, Juno 24, 1000. Account of. the above, occasion 'the Southern Railway announces the sale of round trip tickets at very low rates to Oxford, tickets will bo sold from all, stations, Goldsboro to Chap el Hill, 'N.,. C, also Henderson branchv On sale June 23, and for morning trains, June 24th, with final return limit June 25th. Everybody should take advantage of these very cheap ' rates and attend this popular celebration. Sufficient extra equip ment will hrf provided to take care of all who wish to go. For information regarding pates, etc., see posters or address the undersigned. R. H. DeBUTTS. Traveling Passenger Agent, - PEARCE CO. SPECIAL AT THE. GEM TODAY COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILY "What Drink Did" A Tem perance Drama repeated by request. Land of the Midnight Sun Scenic. PRICES r fcui lta. FOSTER A MANSFIELD. Tetley's Teas, Orange, Peco, India and Ceylon. J. R. FERRALL & CO. LEADING GROCERS. rayeUerlUe Street, Ralehjhv If . O. The best of them all ex cept the sun. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Carolina Power & Light 06. WILL SELL AND RENT AsBUodbyk nijFwnwUI eeU farm, timber and timber lands, and honaoB nnd lot. Will also rent hoiiRp and Iota, ' ... Those hvinnnch'prn)rty to dla pose of can. find t atKM. -. Pollnfe BtriWing FflTfttenller- MreeC, 1UU elgh, N. C. -I. H, FLEMING... n