TEE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. a "PAGE FIVE f TODAYS Stocks, Cotton, Grain and New York Stock Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, June 15. There was a good deal of excited trading in Wa bash Issues at the opening and all through the first fifteen minutes with wide openings in both common and preferred stocks, at sharp advances from yesterday's close. First sales of common were reported as 3,800 from 23 to 24, the stock selling a part In different parts of the board at the same time. The preferred open ing was reported as 2,200 from 61 to 61. The buying of these stocks was partly by brokers closely affiliat ed with Gould and Lackawanna in terests and was much of the same character as prevailed yesterday when Joseph Walker & Sons were the principal buyers of the preferred stocks and Simmons & Slade took the common stock persistently up to the close. Those directly concerned In buying said that accumulation of the stock for some time past Including yesterday and this morning was In connection with the assumption of control by important connecting rail roads. They said that one of the roads most concerned in the matter was the Lachawanna and that they look for an announcement that Lack awanna would either guarantee or join In a guarantee of 3 per cent on Wabash preferred, perhaps today. Price movements In other issues wore confused. Steel common receded half a point. Reading made a slight frac tional gain. The majority of changes were in the shape of fractional declines.--.. New York Closlnjr Stock List. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Atchison . . . . . . . . . ;', Aachison pfd. . . ... . . . , Baltimore & Ohio .... ... Canadian Pacific .. . . . . . Chicago & Alton . . . ; Chicago & Alton pfd. .. .. Chicago & Northwestern . . Chciago & Northwestern pfd Colorado Southern Denver & Rio Grande Erie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Illinois Central ..... . . LoLulsvllta & Nashville Manhattan L. . . . . . . . .' Metropolitan Street Railway Missouri Paclflc .. .. .. .. New York Central ,. .. .. Pennsylvania ... . .. Reading .... ... ;'"''. . . . Rock Island . . . . . . . . . . Rock Island pfd . ; St. Paul .. .. .. .. .. .. Southern Pacific . . . . .. . Southern Railway .... . . Union Pacific .... ...... Union Pacific pfd. .... . . . Wabash ... . . . . . w . Wisconsin Central . . . . .. . Interboro-Metropolitan . . Interboro-Metropolltan pfd. Great Northern pfd. . . ... M. K. & T . . M. K. & T. pfd. . . .... . Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line . . . . . . Amalgamated Copper . . American Car &. Foundry . American Locomotive . ... American Cotton Oil . . . . Am. Smelting & Refining . . Am. Smelting & Refining pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . Colorado Fuel & Iron . . General Electric . . . . . . . International Paper . . . . . National Biscuit . . . . . . atlonal Lead . ... . . . . Pacific Mall . . . . . . . People's Gas .V .. .. .. Pressed Steel Car .'. . . . . Pullman Palace Car . . . , SlosB-Shefneld Steel .. Southern Pacific pfd. . . Sugar . . ... , United States Steel .... United States Steel pfd. . . Western Union , . ,. . . . Mackay's . . .. . . . . . . . . Mackay's pfd. . . . . .... Va.-Carolina Chemical. . . . Va. -Carolina Chemical pfd.. Republic Steel . . . . . . , . Republic Steel pfd. . . . ... .114 .106 ..117 , .182 ; . 69 . . 75 . .182 ..220 57 ... 50 .. 35 ..148 ..142 . .144 ..25 ..74 ..131 . .136 ..154 ... 31 ..69 i.154 . .130 ,; 31 ..191 . . 97 .." 23 ..58 ..17 .,'.48 ..149 .. 42 ..73 ..131 ..84 ..56 . . 59 ..73 . . 94 ..109 ..79 .. 43 ,.161 .. 15 ..105 ..84 .. 29 ..114 ..43 ,.189 ..82 ..181 ..125 '.. 67 ..124 .. 74 .. 80 . . 74 .. 54 .,120 ..31 ..106 Naval Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Savannah, Ga., June 15.' Spirits turpentine Firm;- 40; sales none; receipts, 1.406. Rosins Firm, sales, 2,203; re ceipts, 3,233. ' , Quote WW. 5.40; WO, 5.40; N, 5.30; M, 6.10; K, 6.05; I, 4.30; H, 4.15; G, 4.00; F, 3.95; E, 3.45; D, 3.00; C B A, 2.70. : Cotton Seed Oil.. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, June 16 Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: : -' ; ,!- :. Closing. June .'. . . ., . . . .'''.-6.7304.74 July V,; ... .. V, ., '.. '6.765.77 August .. 6.89 6.90 September . . . ... ... 6.05 6.08 October.'. .i. ,. . 6.0496.06 November ; , j'. . J . December V J . . . i : t ' Market closed quiet, (barrel.' ir,'-, v. JsC' Salee, 4,200 MARKETS New York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, June 15. Influenced by the strength of cables, together with unfavorable crop accounts from the central belt due party to exces sive rain the cotton market this morn ing opened firmer 2 to 5 points high er. Commission houses were fai' buyers and offerings were rather light After the call the list worked off a point or two selling by traders who have held cotton for some time. Opening July, 10.85 10.87; Au gust, 10.85 10.8G; Sept., 10.89 bid; October, 10.8810.S9; December, 10.!H 10.92; January, 10.91 bid; March, 10.91 10.92; May, 10.91 bid. . Open. High. Low. Close. 10.91 10.97 10.91 10.94 10.94 10.89 10.89 10.94 10.89 10.89 May . , June , July . .10.88 10.8S 10.88 .10.99 10.99 10.94 .10.85 10.94 10.80 .10.86 10.95 10.84 .10.89 10.99 10.88 .10.88 10.91 10.88 Aug. . Sept. . Oct. . Nov. . Dec. . Jan. . .10.92 .10.91 . iO.9'2 10.94 10.92 10.92 10.85 10.82 10.84 March Market, closed firm. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Open. High. Low. Close. Juno . .......... '. ... . 10. 8S July ..11.03 11.05 10.97 11.02 Aug. .. 11.07 11.08 11.01 11.08 Sep.-'.... ..... ..... 11.01 Oct. .. 10.89 '10.90 10.81 10.89 Nov. ..... . ... . 10.89 Dec. .. 10.87 10.89 10.80 10.88 Jan. ..10.87 10.91 10.81 10.89 March. 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 Market closed steady. . Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times.) Liverpool, June 15. Spot cotton, firm, 5.92. Sales, 8,000 of which 7,400 were American. Receipts, , 000. Futures opened steady and closed barely steady. Oepn. Close. 5.76 5.7G 5.79 5.77 5.75 5.74 5.73 5.73 5.73 June . ... . June-July July-Aug. . . ..5.75 ..5.80 . . 5.77 ' ..5.74 . .C.73 . .5.75 . .5.75 .5.75 . . 5.75 Aug.-Sbpt, . Scpt.-Oct. . . Oct.-Nov. . . Noc.-Doc. . . Dec-Jan. Jan.-Feb. . . Feb.-March March-April April-May . . 5.74 5.74 Raleigh Cottca tttrkeft. Good middling, 11c. Strict middling, 10 C. Middling, 10 5-8c. Receipts today, 25 bales. New York Cotton Letter. (By W. B. Hlbns & Co.) New York, June 15 The reaction in tV stock markets' had some ad vcrso influence on the cotton market today as it induced considerable li quidation from that quarter Just at a time when some of the old local cot ton bulls were realizing profits. This somewhat upset the market. There was an advance of 3 to 4 points at tho opening which carried the new crops to within 10 points of the sea son's previous high record with Octo ber' selling at 10.89, December 10.93 and January 10.92, but this was soon lost and before the end of the first hour the general list slumped to 6 points below last night's closing. New Orleans and local traders helped to make these prices by selling freely. This movement, however, soon ran its course with the reap pearance of fresh bull support, and a better class of buying by commission houses and trade Interests. The mar ket rallied only slightly from the low est In the late trading as the weather and crop news on the whole contin ued good and Liverpool's closing tone was somewhat disappointing. It seems as though the liquidation which has been progressing in the July option for the past two weeks Is now nearly over. Continued good trading market Is expected. The tendency will be grad ually toward a higher level rather than otherwise on the Improving gen eral business in textiles stimulating a better demand from spinners for the balance of the crop, and broaden ing speculation on the continued rel ative cheapness of the price of the staple compared with al other com modities. Chicago Live Stock. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ; Union Stock Yards, 111., June 15 Hogs Receipts, " 12,000; market steady to strong. Mixed and butch ers, 7.25 to 7.95; good heavy, 7.75 to 8.05; rough heavy, 7.30 to 7.70; light. 7.10; to 7.80; pigs, 6.30 to 7.00, '.',.- Cattle Receipts, 2,000; steady; beeves, 6.35 to 7.25; cows and heif ers, 2.28 to 6. 30 ; stockers and feed- 6.70 6.72 ers. 8.76 to 6.60; Texans, 6.26 to 6.516.64l6.10r ealves. . to .00. v x 6.49 6.62 Sheep ReceiptK, 10,000;. slow, sheep,; 6.26 to 6.10; lambs, 6.25 to BY WIRE. 1 Provisions. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. Shotwell.) New York, : June 15 A report from Washington that the govern ment would investigate the sugar trust more Closely and that there was a chance of readjusting the tar iff In such a way as to cut down the profits of , the trust caused a sharp break in the prices of sugar stock in Wall street today. The price broke from 131 to 123 in a few minutes on very small offerings. At the bottom price there was no bid for a few min utes, but orders soon came from trust headquarters to take-all the shares thrown on the market and a quick rise to 127 succeeded. The break in sugar incited attacks on other stocks. St. Paul was under pressure as a result of disappoint ment that the' company should re quire a bond issue after its enormous issues of stock. Wabash yielded af ter making a new high record early in the day. The rumors of a deal with the Canadian Pacific were offi cially denied and the advance is now believed to bo due entirely to a spec ulative campaign, engineered by one of the younger Rockefellers. Steel shares were heavy through out the session. Harriman stocks were also freely liquidated. Great Northern Ore certificates were strong but the other Hill stocks were heavy. London was irregular throughout the session and American stocks were sold freely abroad. London was also a heavy seller of stocks in Now York. On the curb market the chief fea turs were Miami copper and LaRosc mining, both of which sold at high record prices. All the Porphy cop pers were strong on the curb. Chicago Grain. ! Chicago, June 15.- A fine weather map and lower cables caused an easier wheat market, with prices off to c. There was fair scattered sell ing by commission houses and local bears with little buying against the downs holding the market. Liver- J pool comes d lower. Minneapolis stocks decrease bzt, 000 for three days. July wheat was again under pres sure of selling orders, coming large ly from local commission houses in stead of countries where the crop is of such a promising character. It sold from 11C to 115 to 115 and closed at 115 to against 116 to yesterday. The more deferred months were c lower. Corn was to c lower; oats were off to c, and provisions were 2 to 17 c lower. Grain quotations ranged as tol lows: . Wheat. Open. High. Close. July . . 1.16 1.16 1.15 Sep. t . 1.09 1.09 1.09 Dec. . . 1.07 1.07 1.07 Coin July . . .72 .72 .72 Sep. . .70 .70 .69 Dec. . . .59 .59 .59 Oats : '' July . . .51 ; .51 .51 Sep. . .44 .44 .43 Dec. . .44 .44 .44 Pork July . . 20.50 20.50 10.37 Sep. . . 20.80 20.80 20.57 Lard July . .11.85 ..... 11.72 Sep. . . 11.92 11.92 11.80 Oct. . .11.85 ..... 11.75 Ribs-; July . . 11.07 11.10 11.02 Sep. . . 11.07 11.10 11.02 Oct. ....... ..... 10,95 Xe'w York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, June 15 Spot cotton, quiet, 5 points higher at 11.40. Sales, 100 boles. WANTED Bv couple, room near good boarding house. Permanent, Answer quick. "J. H." care Times 15 2t. TOR SALE A nice colt, fairly well broken and is three years old. He is a beauty, well bred, raised on my farm near Raleigh. He is kind and gentle and works well any- . where. John C, Drewry. 15 tf. Delicious White House Tea in quarter pound net tins for 15c; especially for Ice Tea. Just as good as White House Coffee. First-class Grocers. HUBBARD BROS SCO. BtANOTKB bquajrb, nkw TOItK MJBMBBR8 of New York Cotton Bi hange. New Orleana Catton II ekanca, Aaaoclata Ifembara Uver paol Ootbm AMoeiatlaa. OEDBR8 BOLICITBD Far Ue par , akaaa and aala of eottoa fat fotan allrari. "Oarraiowdeaiae UvMae lc. WANTS lc. Clauifled adTertlsemenU for this columa will be accepted at oae cent per word for each lasae, CASH with the order. No ad vnrtimneata aader tola head will be charged. No Adv. taken for lea thaa 10 CENTS aa fauer Uoa. lc. WANTS lc. WANTED To buy light spring de livery wagon. Weathers Furniture Company, 121 East Martin street. 14-2t. WAXTOD To buy two second hand Job Presses. State kind, condition and price. Address "Job Man," care Kvening Times. 12 6t. t'KJ.VK SALESMAN WANTS!) Ex perience unnecessary. $100 month ly and expenses. Central Cigar Co., Cleveland, O. 14 7t, WANTED Lady Cashir. Hours from two until eleven p. m. "Cash i'.'r" care Times' Office. 14 3t. MISCELLANEOUS NEW ARIHVALS-Case Corsets, Cass Wrappers, to sell for $1.00; Case Hosiery to sell 15c two for 25c colors black and tan, pink, blue and ox blood. Hunter Bros. & Brewer. 14 7t. FOl'Xn Bunch of Keys at Park. Five keys and shoe buttoner. Owner apply at Times' Office. ... 11 t. f. .':;'' BOYS. : IP .YOU ARE INTERESTED in winning a Brownikar, write for catalogue today. The Evening Tillies' Auto Dept. 12 5t. STRAYED OR STOLEN A Spotted English Bull Terrier, answering name of "English." Return to Mrs. W. T. McGee, Hillsboro aua Dawson streets for reward. 31 t. f. lU'BBSH ST A M V S, RUBBER Stamps. One line not exceeding 3 Inches in length, 15c. each addi tional line, 10c. : Autographs, " $1.25. Datcrs, 15c to $1.50. Try ! me with your next order, Satisfac " tion guaranteed. W. T. Terry, "'210 Fayetteville street, Holle man Building. : 12t-Tues Thurs., and Sat. . TORRENT FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 408 N. Bloodworth street. 9 tf FOR KENT OR SALE Residence of late Mrs. Lucy C. Capehart. Ap ply to Ben. M. Moore or Bart M. Catling. 10 tf. thurs. sat. mon. FOR RENT-Several high class dwel lings. R. E. Prince, Tucker Build ing. ,; : 12 2t. FOR RENT Seven-room dwelling. Modern conveniences; on car line, Address Box 524. 8-tf FOR RENT Furnished room for one or two young men, $8.00 per month. Two blocks from capitol. Address B. Times. 15 It FOR RENT Betts' choice flat. 7 rooms. All modern ..Improvement. Water bill paid, $18.50 per month. Cor. Morgan and Person streets. 15 It. FOll RENT Furnished front room, dressing room attached. All mod ern convenience. Two blocks from capitol. Address, T. R. care Times. ,15 3t. :- FOX BALE. FOR SALE Either my resldencs, 408 HillBboro street, or my farm, seven miles from Raleigh, 126 acres, one of the most beautiful in Wake, over 3,000 fruit trees, new house and new barn, an Ideal, ,im proved country home with fine pas ture, and a beautiful lake, btock on the farm. A Dughl." FOR SALE Small lot of new house hold furniture, in use only few weeks, party leaving tho city. Cot tage can also be rented. All con veniences, electric lights, gas range, etc. Address P. O. Box 22 FOR SALE The Cox Residence at West Raleigh and 2 acres of land. Apply to S. A. Ashe, Jr. . 11 3t. REFRIGERATOR Second-hand Re frigerator for sale at a bargain. Good Refrigerator and will sell t at your price. Address D, care ' Times. 12 t f. FOR SALE Flrst-claBS White Plume Celery Plants by Mrs. II. A. Roys tor, 121 8. Boylan Ave. 17 3t. )m 8ALK-Three ..seea-hand wooden Trunks, tail on Flint Cotton Mills, 'phone No. 139. , . : 15--3t.l Tue, Thur, Sat. . r" Hammocks for Summer ! Hohlfeld make- No other like them. New stock of pound Papers and Envelopes. Hurd's line stationery. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO Order your Whiskies from us. It insures stisf action. We hve established a reputation for selling QOOD Whisk'Ht nd for making the quickest shipments. EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID. 1 Cat Jug 2 CiL Jug 4 Foil Ob. 12 Full Qu. Clarks's Happy Valley Corn. . $2.50 $4.50 $2.75 7.75 Clarke's Old Tsr Heel Corn, . 2.85 SOI 3.25 'US Clarke's Selert Old Corn. . . 3.3$ 6.00 4 00 10 00 Clarke's Tar Heel R.e, ... . 3.85 7.00 4 00 1100 Clarke's Monogram Rye, . . . 4.75 9.00 5.00 14.00 4J AH goods guaranteed under the 5 All goods shipped by express order is received. ) rnce List The Raleigh Savings Bank. JNO T. I'LLLEN, I'rcsldent. CHARLES ROOT, Cashier. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per rent. Interest paid on deposit. Call In the bank, or write f'jr further information. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. HOCMAKCR. Bottled in All Our floods Qnaranteel ccosv ra KstaWlshert thirty yenrs reeord for handling only reliable Bonds, Kcnrt your mail orders to us. Hatlsfaction guaranteed Orders lilled day received, ghinped in plain packages. VH I'REI'AV KXPRESS "SHOEMAKER" RYE WHISKEY i00 1 Gal. 4 Qts. 12 Ota. Lazarus Club, "cream of Whiskies". Virginia Mountain (strt., 7 yrs. old) Albemarle Rye, "fine"....,.,...... Cabinet Rye....................... XX Red Rye.. ................ Red Cross Malt Whiskey........... Yadkin River Corn................ Georgia Corn, pure white or yellow Virginia Apple Brandy Shoemaker Rye (bottled in 8end trial order to day for any of represented or money refunded. i;ompieie price nsi aua uoomci or "We never disappoint." : 1 "Quicker than the quickest." j THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. ' : WITH An nnanrpaaaetl history behind It since 1MU d) O Safety ta Us Ueposllora. 0 Accommodation to Its Cnrtnmnr. dj Willing terrlce to tta Prlsarta. C.HA8. . OHNMO.I F. H. BRIGUS, dj PrealdMit. Canhler. 0 The Advantages of Handling Your Funds Through A THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK RALEIGH, N. C, SPECIAL SALE JiUXE 1st TO 15th, IXfLl'SIVE. In order to reduce our stock before tnkinu; our Semi-Annual Inven tory. 10 Discount on Every Cash Purchase. Office Supplies and Spec, laities. Carbon Paper, Typewriter Taper, Typewriter Ribbons, Blank Books, Box Taper, Mucilage, Inks, Taste, Li tter, Files, Pencils, Post Cards, 'etc. All kinds of Office Supplies and Stationery. THF. OFFTPR ST ATTOIMPR V PHMPATMV w. m.w j m.i.m ' " ' JAMES E. Tin KM, Manager. Capital City Pbona M4P, Tlmea BnlWlnf. ' U B. Hargett Btraet. National Pure Food Law. in plain packages the day upon request. : Bond Whiskeys Under The Natlonil Pare Food Liwi M oo . 4 00 . 3 00 . 2 50 . 2 25 . 3 50 . 2 50 . 2 25 . 2 50 $4 00 4 00 3 00 2 75 2 50 3 50 2 50 2 50 2 75 5 00 $11 00 12 00 8 50 7 50 6 50 11 00 7 00 6 50 7 50 12 00 bond) 5 full Qts. the above. Wo guarantee the quality as an Drands of Whiskeys sent on request, LAZARUS. GOODMAN CO., ROANOKE, VA. A Bank are Many, We 'will bo '?lal to explain them to yon jiersonallyiC you will call. Your business will be appreciated whether, it.be larce or. Kinall. m.sxmjm.. m. vuiuiiuiii I