SOCIETY. FLAG DAY. Fling the Flag out to the breeze, Iiet its folds fly freely. From Each building and each home Honored truly really. " In the trembling hands of age, In the child's soft lingers. In the grasp of sturdy men, See it fondly lingers. When the flag first waved aloft, 'Twas an infant nation - Under it, in blood" and strife, Worked out its salvation. Now the triumph of that flag Has a world-wide meaning, From its power, other lands Hope and freedom gleaming. Let the country honor it, As our freedom's banner: Love It, as our dearest right, In both fact and manner. Guard it as a sacred trust In hold naught can sever. Pray God, free from stain or loss, It shall wave forever! Baltimore News. Supt. and Mrs. gone to Morehead. J. Y. Joyner have Mr 8. Thomas Burns Morehead City- has gone to Miss Salllo Pleasants, of Loulsburg, was In the city today. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Drake, Jr., today for, Wrlghtsvllle. left Mrs R. T. Onwan has gone to Nash ville to visit relatives. Miss Margaret Faucett has returned from a visit to Chanel Hill. Mrs. Ohas. Warren has returned form a visit to her parents at -Durham. Mrs. 3. C Ellington, Sr., and Miss Kate Cuinmings are visiting at Clayton.- Mis. J. D. Riggan has returned to Funuay Springs after spending several days in the city. Miss Ida Belle AVicker has returned to her home in Moncure after visiting Miss Cornelia McDonald. - . Mips Ethel Hughes, of South Caro lina, after a visit to Mrs. A. W. Knox, has gone to New Bern. - . Mrs. J. S. Lancaster, of Loulsburg, has returned home after a visit at the home of Mr. Lindsay V. Lancaster. . . Mrs. D. II. Ma'ng'um has '.returned to her home in Henderson, after .attend ing the funeral of Mr. C. B. .Edwards, Jr. '.- Mrs. M. E. Hale and Miss Mabel Monahani, of Boston, after a visit at Neuse are visiting Miss Nelia Hunter in the city. -.'. Missess Mctta Bindick and Alice Harrington, of Adams, Mass., are visit ing at the home of .their uncle, Mr. H. B. G reason,, on Halifax street. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Penn, left today for their home In Clayton. -. Mrs. W. E. Bdgerton. of Selma, re turned home today after visiting rela tives here. Mrs. E. F. Early and daughter Ruth, of Loulsburg, were In the city today to Aulando. " . Mrs. Etta Jones, of Durham, was In the city today returning home from a visit to Wendell. Miss Edith Kerschuer, of Spencer, left today for Godwin, after visiting Mis. W. L. Domett. ' . . Mr. and Mrs. George St. Jones, of Richmond, were In the city today going to Fayetteville. .. - . Misses Bertha MayfloUl and Lula Fain, -of Murphy, passed through the city today eiuoute to Morehead. . Mr. and Mrs. Reid Pleasants, of Loulsburg, spent the day In the city, while on their way to Greensboro. Mrs. W, H. Alston, Miss Neta Wat son and Miss Birdie Watson, of Hen derson, passed through the city today going to Wilson. Mrs. H. W. Jackson, Master Herbert Jackson, Jr., Master Samuel Jat-Kson ind Mrs. E. E. Moftit have gone to Morehead City. - ' . '' Mrs. J. S. Merritt and children and Mr. William McDowell, of Scotland Neck, are guests of Governor and Mrs. Kitchin at the mansion. Mrs. J. H. Separk and Mrs. W. B. Morriss, formerly Miss Maude Separk, of this city, now of Castonia. are visiting Mrs C. W. White. PEXX-HAYMAX. Married At Central Church Last . Xlght. There was a julct marriage at Cen tral Methodist Church- last night when Mr. William Seott Bonn, of Clayton, and Miss Carrie Lee Hayinau, of lCli.a lieth City were united in 'marriage 'by the pastor, Rev. L. 1!. Jones. They were - 'accompanied by the cidimi's sister. Miss Annie Penn, of Uatulletnan. Mr. and Mrs. Penn left today for their hotne at Clayton, where the grown Is collected with tin; Clayton Enterprise. ' ' Both are popular-.young people, with many friends who will wish them much Joy.'..:, .' ' m THE WOMAN'S STORE II THE WOMAN'S STOKE rj ; - ; tf? oil WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOB PEERLESS PATTERNS, tjf Strati Inifs LUC You were lucky if you have attended -!'.-.- . J !.- .I'M our sale and you will be lucky if you get THE $60 Singer Sewing Machine Some one will get it, Maye you. WATCH US. m We I have a few Straw Bonnets, $ ifi for children, left in our stock and as the $ $ season is getting late we are offer- 5 J! ing them at special prices. Bonnets $ if trimmed in Blue or Pink and just the headwear for the little ones during the $ WEEK! 1 i . We are showing beautiful Fibre Art . Squares and Rugs. . CREX RUGS FOR THE PORCH. Royall & Borden Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville St. Raleigh, N. C A N E X A M I N A T I O N. Of our showing of table cutlery will reveal to you "the" gift you're going to make to that couple soon to be wedded. - We have an unusually wide choice to offer you and it's every bit good Cutlery, too. v We are just as partic ular about the quality of steel as about tho goodness of the silver or horn in the haudles. The designs are both pretty and appropriate. H. MAHLER'S SONS, 'elkrs baleigh. n. c L VZB CVCLOXK IN ST, MATTHEWS. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. hot summer months. ft m Parasos Have you seen our magnificent J showing of Parasols, or Sun Shades. All jj the very latest colors are here. 2 ; These Parasols are just in the height J J of the season now and is, something J 5 every well dressed lady should have. J m :'X- Mrs.' Howard "White' left . today for Portsmouth. '.' ' Mr. anil Mrs. W,. W. Itobardx left today fur Knckbiidge Alluin Springs .-'.-' Miss Annie Pulley and Mis floo ScarbVirtiiiKh . wi-ii In the city Unlay going to Monhoiiil. .-' Miss Kosa Martin rvturnrd 'to ln-r home at HurlhiKtu'i today after a vifit to Mis., J. It. Haley. Mrs. M, T. liiaekiiall left today for Waterbuiy, I'nim.. to visit her daught er, Mrs. U. II. I liiweiK. " Miss Mary (lllbert. of Fuuuay SirliiRH, spent a few 'hours In the city today going to Morehead. Miss Alma Smith, of MeCullers. was In the elty today going to Morehead for the Toaehers Assembly. .'... . - :'.';. '.-;. Mr. and Mrs; William Royall left yesterday for Mrooklyn, X. Y. They will spend the summer at the nrth. -' Miss Maida Jenkins and Miss Maltie Kate Shaw, .of rthae. were in 'the eily toduy on their way to Morehead. Mrs. W. R. Mills, of Ijiiulsburg, passd through the eily today going to Wilson. She was accompanied by Mr. Mills, who was on his way for the Teaehers Assembly. . ,"' Miss Mattle lSyiium Hester, of Cllils boro, after a visit to her graudtnoiher. Mrs. Hawkins, at PitlHboro, was in the I eily today going In Loulsburg to vlsli relatives. Mie was accompanied by Mrs. Hawkins. Miss Ivcy "At Home." Miss Ruth Ivey will entertain this evening from 5:30 to 7 In honor of Miss Mildred Patterson. - ':'' ' LOVICK-PESCTD. Marriage to Take Place 'Tomorrow Morning At Christ Church. The marriage ot Miss Annie .Laurens Pescud, daughter of Mr. John Shaw Pcscud. and Mr. Hugh Jones Lovlck, will toko place tomorrow morning at 11:30 o'clock at Christ Church, IX POUCH COl'IiT. The "Ski'py Xcipii" Turns I'p Witli "Son. Ankle." There was only one case before Judge Stronaeh today State vs. Kill son Doster. Kllison was charged with being drunk again. -Last time he swore that he was not drunk, but hud bepn losing sleep and the weak ness arising from loss of sleep caused him to stagger.-': Judge Stronaeh let him oil that time with $2.00 and costs. .Tills morning Ellison said'ho was not ('rtink, but was staggering because his ankle hurt. Judge Klroi! aeh .did not believe him, but taxed him J." and 'casts, a total of $7. S3, Mr. W. C. Hodges Tells of a Terrible Storm Yesterday. v. Mr. W. C. Hodges, of St. Mat thews township, was In the city to day on business. He told of a ter rible ruin and wind storm in his sec- it ion yesterday which played havoc with orchards, corn and cotton. ' : It lasted only twenty minutes but in that time acres of fine corn and cotton were s totally ruined,; ditches i washed out, fences torn down, fruit Urees torn up and roofs lifted, ' A I peach tree near Mr. Hodges' house 'was broken oft close to the ground land carred a hundred yards. A big !,i.nttiit i'.i wafl nurnnlail tinrl . 1 1 ,..1 over and over. Half ot the roof wus blown from Mr. Hodges' house. A terrible hail storm followed the cy clone, wrecking what the wind had spared in the way of crops. ItALEIGH BIS1XESS ATEI. 1XCOKPOK- t'liiiinlHT of Conuiieivc Minting. This evening, at 8:30 o'clock tho Chaniler of Commerce will hold -'Us., regular monthly mcetiiip and it is ile si red tint t there .be-' a good attendance. Tho matter of securing for Raleigh the Pythian .'Orphanage will be jire sented, many persons specially wishing it to be located here at the capltol, where this order Is very strong and zealous. .Another matter of particular Importance will be regarding the auto monllo highway. The scout cam of the Xew York Herald and Atlanta Journal are -on their way northward from At lanta and will come through Raleigh. The people here should shww their In terest In this matter, as the securing of this will mean a vast deul to Ra leigh and this section and it Is felt to be tho best route for winter travel. W. B. Maun & Co. Chartered to do a , Grocery Business Other Cor- porntions. Today the old established grocery business of Mr. W. B. Mann was In corporated. This business was es tablished Jan. 1, 1879, and is one of the best in Raleigh. The new stock holders are Messrs. Phillip J. Thlem, for twenty-one years connected with the M. Rosenthal Co., grocers and J. F. Holt. .The company has an au thorized capital stock of $10,000, with $G,000 paid In, tho stock being i equally divided among W. B. Mann, j P. J. Thiem and J. F. Holt. ', The Holton Drug Co., of Greens boro, was granted a charter. The paid in capUal Is $300. E. E. Hol ton, J. P. Bradley and A. F. Fortune are tho stockholders. . The Briggs-Shaffner Co., Wlnston- Sulem, general construction business. Paid in capital, $21,300: yW. C. Briggs, W. F. Shaffner, F. H. Fries, and others, Incorporators. ' ?-Mr. William Scott Penn, of Clayton, and Miss Carrie Lee Haymon, of Iillr.a- beth City, have' been granted license to marry. '; ' ''. if H tt I eaiinot (apply sr - 3IARVBL, Kept ' Every 7cn::3 k iBtmsiai) mmi bosld kaow boot tlx woanwnil m Mirvel tmtmd hoobMJd. It fflTM ffaH - --' - - k..l uliMMiln.. (.In.VllM. GWm. IMIVH. CO. 4 2M tM IN Tl Red Cedar Flakes tiM'J . EALEIQH, N. 0. rjv 1IAS0NI0 TEMPLE A sure protection against moths. Agreeable oaor, sure in enects. targe packages idc KING el-Hi (.: Drtm Go: ExclusiTo Agents for Huylcrs Carilca, .; , "THE RE ELRV." SOMETHING NICE. Any Soda we serve Is nice. Every Soda has a sort of charm that brings people: back again for more. ' , .Try any Soda once and you'll join the procession, . Everything you get "Is pure and it's skilfully blended and daintily served. Masonic Temple Pharmacy, O. G. KING, Proprietor. C. C. Phono. No. 244. Raleigh Phone, No. 154. WHAT OTHERS THINK. , Charlotte, N. C, ? May 27, 1909. Pooples Laundry, Ralolgh, N. C. -Gentlemen: ', :. v - I always please' myself and my creditors by paying my bills prompt ly. It is with peculiar pleasure I am now enclosing $3.22 to you In settle ment of my laundry bill. Why? Because the work turned out by your laundry was the nicest, best, and still, most reasonable priced which. I have had done since Janu- XeW and Tp-to-dntc Moving PlcturV Show OjK-ns Tomorrow Afternoon. "Thn' Tvt.lrvM la thn nnnin ,,f ihttl new moving picture show that will, bo rr 1,r"' " "'" opened in Raleigh tomorrow. ' The store formerly occupied by tho Guaran tee Clothing Company has been con verted into a comfortable and up-to-date little theatre. Tommorrow , afternoon at three o'clock the public will be given the chance to test .ts merits. Some fine plcturer will be put on for the grand opening the main one, "La-Tosca"'la founded on a play written by Sardori for Sarah Bernhardt and acted by-her. This1 will no doubt prove , a drawing card. . - .' ' -' Souvenirs will be given to ail the ladies and "good looking'" gentlemen. Ppeclal music will be furnished by the "Revelry" lady, orchestra, under the direction of Miss . Harriett Campbell Coggswell. :' '''- -. HOWARD SUCCEEDS 8TELL. Chief Stcll Will Spend 15 Dan lu s ' - Virginia. . -. .-', -,:': - ; Deputy Stterlff J. J. Howard,, "ot. Barton's' Creek -township,' today suc ceeded Mr.-J. P. Btell.jis chlof depu ty Ip the Office of Sheriff Sears. .: - M;r. Stell -today entered upon his duties as chiof of polio of the Mty of. Raleigh. He has rbBen , directed bx the police mmission ta study -the police; sy-tetno let.Norlotk, Hlhm8rftn and other cities And will leave soon to begin his studies. On July 1 he Witt tiiha ftcUvo charge, of, Jb,e work. boon compared, by actual work, with about twenty other laundries. JTours very truly, 'r . . ee '- BAIR n&t&SSINa HAAICtTBCfa. i "UOTQ BO BBAtTTIPUlA vnil nrtan linai flhli ftnrt Alan vAAjl ' about it, but only you wbo late triad : It realize Us difficulties without Pro fessional assistance. Here you fan'. procure expert halr-dreetng. maul- - caring, and scalp A and facial treat ments, with all the secret aids em- ', ployed by the most noted specialists. Mrs. S. Parker Ourley, 408 Masonic ' Building. . - a - !' -'" "" ' '. JupaJring PurnlUire for gvwjrbody, ewrywhere, tntriH . ' parrJahv BaJelgb R. O. 0 lofi or . ma wumiito' JjOolfior ars( class worfc . . fn firm class i style.. " - 3 gee tifr (Wlnjr .f or l!pfiolsterlWsj.V TTofe ls the 4Ufct coma.' :; ;-' J feiry 'aTntfVlf Ahfjline- Jor is tite time for yon. qooa nd low prices, t