IHE EVENING TIHES JE3LEIGH, If. 0. paqbt: TTITla PURELY, o to .VEGETABLE The absolute vegetable purity of S. S. 8. has always been one of the Strongest points in its favor, and is one of the principal reasons why it is the most widely known and universally used of all blood medicines. A great many of the so-called blood purifiers are really nothing mora than strong mineral mixtures which act so unpleasantly and disastrously on the delicate membranes and tissues of the stomach and bowels, that even if such treatment purified the blood, the condition in which the digestive system is left would often be more damaging to the health than the original trouble. Not so with 3. S. S. it Is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and at the same time is an absolutely safe and harmless remedy. It is made entirely of the healing and cleansing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and barks, each of which is in daily use in some form by physicians in their practice. Years of work and research have proven S. S. S. to contain everything necessary to purify the blood and at the same time supply the system with the purest and best tonic effects. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Oatarrh,(Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Oontagious Blood Poison And all other blood troubles7 and it leaves the system in perfect condition when it has purified the blood. Book containing much valuable informa tion on the blood and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. CLARK ON THE TARIFF SOCIAL NEWS OF MOREiltAD CITY (Special to The Times.) Atlantic Hotel," Morehead City, June 22. Unusual interest is being taken in-the fishing at Morehead this year. One of the finest hauls of the season was brought in yesterday by Messrs. F. W. Clare, P. H. Dillard and Wk S. Garrett, of Rocky Mount, Va. By 12 o'clock they lmd caught over two hundred trout and mackerel, anil would have made tin even larger catch had their halt not given out. They very kindly allowed .the other guests of the Atlantic to enjoy tho results of their luck fishing. Mr. W. L. Kennedy, of Falling Creek, N. C, is also 'taking advantage of the good fishing this year. He has taken several parties out in his beautiful boat, the "India," and each has had very good luck. Mr. ana Mrs. Kennedy nre both very gen erous with their"boat. Mrs. Ken nedy gave a sailing party Saturday morning to twenty-five or mor of her friends. Alter the sail the party went by the beach where they had a fine dip in the surf. Sailing parties seem to be quits) the chief form of amusement just now. Sunday morning Mr. E, K. Uulley, of Goldsboro, gave ono . In honor of Miss Pattie Bougham, of Washington, N. C, who, like num bers of others, spent the week-end at Morehead. ''... Mr. S. Peabody, Jr., of New York, also gave a delightful sail Sunday night. Surely he could not have se lected a morp perfect night, nor could he have done anything more to make the sail an Ideal one. Delicious re freshments were served aboard (fir ing the evening. With these numerous sailing par ties and -dances this past week-end has been quite gav. Mr. Adolph Nunn, with Miss Maude Hunger, both of New Hern, N. C. came down to lead the gernian Saturday night. Many New Bern people were down for the dance. Among them was a party of young people on their way to the Meadows' summer home at Saltair, The party consisted of Misses Jane Stewart, Henrietta Han cock, Suse Gulon, Lillle Groves and Messrs. Wade Meadows, Ralph Smith, James Bryan and J. Vernon Blades. Roots, Herbs nnd.Bnrks. You can no. doubt recall the collec tion of roots, herbs and barks your grandmother made every fall for the family medicine chest. It is interesting to note that the most successful remedy for female ills had its origin-', more than 30 years ago in one. of these home medi cine chests, and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made today in Immense quantities from those same roots and herbs with extreme accuracy, care and cleanliness. H KSTOLE TOBACCO. Jimmy Inscore Hreuks Into Jail at mi Kai'ly Hour Today. Jimmy Inscore, a whits youth who lives midway between Apex and Cary, either of which rival cities may claim the honor of .numbering'! him among its citizens, was lodged in the county jcil! this morning at 2 o'clock by Deputy Sheriff Wall. Jimmy has long evaded the watchful officersof both Cary and Apex, who were searching for him diligently because of the-larceny of a box of tobacco from C. J. Bright. The tobacco was valued at $ 4 and was stolen March 1 Inscore will be tried before.. Judge I'pchiirch. Fourth of July Kouiul Trip Kates Viu Southern Railway. Southern Railway announces the sale of very low round trip rates ac count Fourth of July. ; Tickets will be on sale July 2, -8, 4, 5, with final return limit July 8, 1909. Every body who wishr- to take a trip should take advantage of these cheap rates. For full information regarding rates to and from all points see near est ticket agent or address the' un dersigned. R. H. DeUUTTS, Traveling Passenger Agt., ' ',. Raleigh, N. C. Doesn't Expect Rates to be - Lowered. FEATURE --A1RD0ME A I R D 0 M E ADMISSION lOc. . .1 1,1 I.' " - 1 ...in l.i TI.....J A 1 . i WW 1 V 7 . i I.. ' J r'-'V - fc ' -ft A" . - V! . u V3r. I R D 0 M E AIRDOME OPENS 7:30 GEM THEATRE PROGRAMME PICTURES AT GEM. , : , BLIXI) MAlf OF JKRTMALKM. '" '. -' (Special.) ,' '" -GLORIES OK SUNSET. , PICTURES AT AIRDOME. AXMK LAl'KIE. . (Special.) FALLS OK SWEDEN. MATINEE, 3:00 and 4:30.' . EVENINGS, 7:30. 5 and 10 Cents. Champ Clark Says Those Credulous Persons Who Still Hope for Lower Rates Will Find Themselves Very -Much Mistaken-i Personnel of the " Conference. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. . (Special to The Times.) Washington, June? 23. "President Taft and the stand-pat republican newspapers profess to believe there will be a wholesale lowering of tariff rates vrtien the Payne-Aldrlch bill reaches conference. Do you think so?" " - ' I put this question to the Hon. Champ Clark, leader of the minority In the House, and the man who is being talked of in congressional cir cles as the logical democratic candi date for president; in 1912. Mr. Clark will himself serve on the con-: ference committee that is to have the last say in the framing of thtl new tariff bill. "What do I think of the prospects of improvement of the tariff bill in conference?" said the minority leader, looking up from a desk piled high with tariff hearings. "Why, I think this: that all those credulous persons who are expecting a marked lowering of duties when the tariff bill gets Into conference will finally wake up and find that they are woefully mistaken. "Here is the situation: The Payne bill raised 'the Dingley rates considerably and the Aldrich bill, so far, materially increases the Payne rates. All that the conferees can legitimately consider are the rates of the, Payne bill and the rates of the Aldrich bill. "Query No. 1: As the rates of both the Payne bill and Aldrich bill are higher than the rates of the Dingley bill, how can any compro mise by the conferees as to the Payne and Aldrich rates result in rates lower than the Dingley rates? "Query No. 2: Does anybody with any sort of claim to a reputation for veracity assert that the republicans promised last year to Increase the Dingley rates or that congress was convened in extraordinary session to increase them? "Query No. 3: By what name should an increase of rates after the election, when a decrease was prom ised in order to carry the election, be called? Answer: A stupendous bunco game! . "If the plain people were as much in the habit of using the short and ugly word as was the mighty Ameri can nimrod, now rusticating in th African jungles, when he was in the White House, they would say that republican platform promises and re publican promises in newspapers and in speeches to revise the tariff were a pack of lies. "Query No. 4: Who will domi nate the conference? Senator Nel son W. Aldrich, of Rhode Island, and Senator Reed Smoot, of Utah; for let it not be forgotten that Smoot is Aldrich's righ-hand man in all this tariff business and seems to be the Rhode Island's understudy for the succession to the chairmanship of the great senate finance committee. To do Senator Smoot Justice he seems to be an Indefatigable worker. "Rumor hath it that Uncle Shelby M. Cullom, having declined service on the conference committee by reason of the uncertain condition of his health, the senate conferees will be Aldrich, of Rhode Island; Bur rows, of Michigan; Penrose, of Penn syivaniti; Hale, of Maine, and Smoot, of I : t all , for the republicans, with Daniel, of Virginia; Bailey, of Texas, and Money, of Mississippi, for the democrats. There is not one tariff revisionist downward among those re publicans. They are five of the most rampant stand-patters In the senate and will stand by Senator Aldrich to the last ditch. "The house conferees, so it is said will be Payne, of New York; Dalzell, of Pennsylvania; McCall, of Massachusetts; Hill, of Connecticut, and Boutell, of Illinois, for the re publicans, with Clark, of Missouri; Underwood, of Alabama, and Griggs, of Georgia, for the democrats. "Dalzell and Hill are stand-patters from away back, except that Hill - would like to have free raw materials i for Connecticut factories. Of course j Payne would not consent to cut rates below the rates of his bill. . McCall, i like Hill, would like to have free raw material for New England fac ' tories. Boutell leans toward mod- ' ' erate revision downward. I suppose , the ten republicans will segregate themselves and agree on a report bev 'fore consulting the democratic con ferees.' ' . " ) I "From the foregoing brief analysis every man can guess for himself how much cutting down of tariff rates the majority of the aforesaid ten republi cans will do. In my Judgment they will vote to Increase rather than to decrease the Payne rates or the Al drich rates.", ileus of Intense Interest ToGo-Aways and Stay-at-Homes To the vacationists planning outings; to the seekers of the mountains, the seashore or the far-away Alaska-Yukon Exposition, Here is news for the Money-saving-turn-of-mind. LADIES' LINGERIE DRESSES. Empire and Princess styles, with Dutch Neck or High Collars. Dainty Valenciennes, Baby Irish Lace, and Embroidery trimmed. Worth one-third more, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 and up. Pretty Fast Colored Lawn Dresses, and Tailored Wash Suits, $1.50 to $5.00 WHITE LAWN AND NET WAISTS. Ladies' Fine, Sheer, White Lawn Waists, New Sleeves, Embroiedry and Lace Trimming. Values up to ............ $2.50 for ........ .. .. . Values up to .... $3.50 for ............ . Values up to .. . . ...... . . $5.00 for . . . Cream and White Net Waists of splendid design. Values up to .... ...... .. $5.00 for ........ .. .. . Values up to ... . ........ $7.50 for . . .. .... .... . . COSTUME SILKS, SUITINGS AND WAISTINGS. Messeline and Foulard Satin. Values 75 and 85c, for . . . . . . High Class Novelty Silks. Values to $1.25 for .. ........ White China Silks 19 and 24 inches wide for . . . . . , . . . . . . . 27 and 36 inches wide for ... . 27-in Black Chinas 36-in Black Chinas " NATURAL PONGEES. Genuine Imported Fabrics 27-in, wide . . . . . . . . 36-in. wide .. .. .. .. SHAH AND RAJAH SILKS Black, White and Cream, of the Oriental Rough Weave; 27-in. wide, :.- $1.00 and $1.25 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES. Standard Brands Mohawk and Utica Steam Mills. 6-4 7-4 8-4 9-4 10-4 Mohawn Sheets ..: ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 60 - Utica Sheets . . . . .. . . . . . ..... ... . . .... . . 60 66 Pillow cases 42x36, 45x36, at Bolster Cases $1.50 $2.00 $3.00 $3.98 $4.98 . . . . 59c. .. .. .. .. 88c. . . . . 25 and 35c, 50, 75, and $1.00 50, 75, and $1.00 . . 75c. and $1.00 85, 87, and $1.00 .. . . . . . . $1.25 67 73 74 80 78 cents. 89 cents. i :) . 18, 19, and 20c. 33, 35, and 37c. B DYLAN.- PEARCE CO M P AN Y. -3" covered. The county has been di vided Into seven districts. The fol lowing conventions have already been arranged and programs prepared: District : No. 5, enibr.King the townships of Cedar Fork, House Creek and Cary, at Morrisville Chris tian chtirch, Sunday, June 27. District No, 1, embracing the town ships of New Light, Oak Grove and Barton's Civek, at New Bethel Bap tist church, Sunday, July 4. District No. 2, embracing the townships of Wake Forest and Neuse River, at Forestville Baptist church, Sunday, July 1 1. District No. 3, embracing t' townships of Little River and Mark's Creek, at Wendell M, E. churc.i, Sun day, July IS. District No. 7, embracing the town Ships of White Oak, Buckhorn and Holly Springs, nt Holly Springs M. K. church, Sunday, Aug. If). The committee hopes to form per manent organizations In the various districts, and to hold conventions from time to time of the Sunday school Workers of the different de nominations that will be inspirational and educational. : , Thrilling Rescue. How Bert R. Lean, of Cheny, Wash, was saved from a frightful death is a story to thrill the world. "A hard cold,", he writes, "brought on a desper ate lung trouble that baffled an expert doctor here. Then I paid $10 to $15 a visit to a lung specialist In Spokane, who did not help me. Then I went to California, but without benefit. At last I used Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me and now I am as well as ever." For Lung Trouble , Hronchltls, Coughs and Whooping Cough Its supreme. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. V Guaranteed by all druggists. ( . The Carolina Light & Power Co. The regular quarterly dividend of one and ono-half (IVj per cent) on the preferred stock of this company has peon declared for the quarter ending May 31, 1!H), and payable Julyf 1. 1900..-to stockholders of re cord at the close of business on May 31, lUOfl. The transfer books will not close. H. H. DALTON, Treasurer. Raleigh, N. C , June 14, 1909. IS 7t. WAKE SIWOAV SCHOOL. WORK, j Sunday School AxKoi'latloii Arranging for District Convent ions. The executive committee of the Wake count? Sunday school associ ation Is arranging for a series of district conventions to be held during the summer. When all have been arranged the entire county will bo NOTICE. It In not my desire hut tny duty to giirnlHliee or levy on all 1elliiincutJ. Thin In positively the lust public no tice that will lie given of unpaid tuxes. I'nlcHM nil tiivcH are puld in full by July ftth I "will proceed, im conllng to law. Thin applies to poll tax mid, tax on personal pWipn ty. JXO. H, JOM'H, City Tux Collector. Gaiety Amusement Co. THE REVELRY V MiW TODAY: W Till-: MOOXSTOXK. C.t .IIT OX Til K CLIFFS. OIUFCTIOXH OVKICCOMF. GAIETY THEATRE (Lust luy) OLD SV K FT H K A RTS OF M1NR. CKiAItKTTK M KI(J. THROl tilf SHADOW TO SVXSIIIXK. Gaiety Amusement Co. CRINKLEjY 'S Porch Rockers, 1.25, ?1.7.ri, yi.'ia. Porch Shades, 90c, $1.20. Lawn Settees, $1.00. Rubber Hose, 9c, 10c, 11c. foot. Hammocks, $1.00, $.1.40 , $1.90, $2.25. - Mosquito Canopies, $1.35, $2.50. Child's Parasols, large, 25c. Misses G0c, Ladies, 75c. Umbrellas, 40c, 50c, 70c, $1.00. Ladies' Vests, Gc, 10c. 15c Express Wagons, COc. to $1.75. Cook Stoves and Ranges. Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers. TRUNK HEADQUARTERS. Trunks. $1.15 to $10.00. Hags, 30c. to $0.50. ' CRINKLEY'S. SUPPOSE Your Income Stopped TOMORROW Would it not liflp a groat deal to know that you liavp a Savings Ao fount with us. MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. The best of them all ex cept the sun. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Carolina Power & Light Co. SUMMER HARDWARE ODORLESS REFRIGERATORS. WHITE MOUNTAIN FREEZERS. RUSTLESS UALV. FLY SCREEN CLOTH. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS. SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK. CO DRUMMERS' SAMPLES. HAMMOCKS. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY This week on Summer Hardware. HART-WARD HARDWARE COMPANY. The Paragon Hardware Store, HAVE TRIED YOU Powell's BLACKJAND Coal? Order a ton. It is fine. Phone 41.