I? 8 MTY. A PETITION TO TIME. T. ,h ut gantly, Time! 1 L t us glide adown "thy stream, G." My.as we sometimes glide U, rough V quiet dream!, Rumble voyagers are we, Husband, wife and children three , (One Is lostp-an angel, fled v ' to the aaure overhead). ; v Touch us' gently, Time! Wa'veVnbt proud nor soaring wings; : , Our ambition,, our content, Lies in. simple things". Bumble vhyagers are we O'er life's! Bim,'' unsounded sea, Seeking oijy (wme calm clime Touch urgently, gentle Time! Mrs. R' T. McAden returned evening from Seven Springs. last 'Mrs. O. Q. Beavers, of High Springs, JMa., Is visiting friends in the city. 1 1 v : f Mis Annie B. Duncan has gone to ,WrihtavHle Beach, where she will . 'spend the summer. ' ' Misses Dee B. Duncan and Margaret tacKinnnn have eoue to Beaufort to spend the summer. i-..: . . ' Mrs. Bennet Smedes and daughter, Miss Mary left yesterday for Arden, where they will spend the summer. Miss Canelle Yates, of Cary. ls Spending some time in the city the guest of her cousin, Miss Maybelle Jordan. Miss Mary Thompson, of Louisburg, arrived in the city last evening to be come a matron at the Methodist Orphanage. - Miss Vallle Blanchard. left last even ing for Manning, S. C to spend some time with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Blanchard. - Miss Lea Franklin, of Houston, Va., after spending some time in the city the guest of Mrs. Jos. Perrall, return ed home last evening. Miss Louise and Mr. Thomas Roe, of Hampton, Va., are in the city the guests at the home of Mr. J. H. Gosney, ' on North Wilmington street. ' " Miss Kate G. Shellum, accompanied by her friend, Miss McLeoud, of Car . thage, have gone to' Knoxville, Tenn., to attend the summer school there. Mrs. M. G. Council, of Fayetteytlle, arrived in the ctty last evening and is the guest at the home of Mr. J. A. Sheets, on North Blood worth street. ' Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Rowland left to day for New York and Canada, where they will spend the summer. They will return to the city about August 15th. THE WOMAN'S STORE xx 9? WE HAVOB THE AGENCY When we say we fil - - -:: ; & m TP n n imrtii n 1 nnn n f n Z - " J ings we include all Keady-to-Wear Ap- J Sparer for the women folks. Under- $ $ wear, Hosiery, Corsets, Underskirts, $ Skirts, Shirt-Waists, Dresses, in fact we $ have a general line, and those who have $ visited our store know that the prices are hard to beat elsewhere. WE BUY CLOSE, When it comes to m beat We are continually stud vins: the in styles and are always show the new arrivals. 9 q nave you seen our Mmonas ana $ DressingSacks ? They are beauties and j to be comfortably dressed around the house, you should have one. All prices w from 98c to $5.00. - g FfATW ATT I1AC03I0.T. .;Mr. Frank Gunter left, this afternoon tot Salemburg. ; , Mr. M. B. Wiggins, noon for Klnston. left 1 this after- Mr. W, A. Cooper returned to the city this, afternoon- from Thomasvllle. Mrs. J. B. , Cheshire left today for southern Maryland to spend some time. Mr. J. S.' Parbam left this afternoon for Wrightsville Beach, to spend sev eral days.;: "V. '. ' ' , . Mrs. W; R. Crawford left this after noon for "Wrightsville Beach, to spend the summer. Mesdames W. N. Snellings and H. T. Hicks left this afternoon for Morehead City to spend some time. Miss Ester Hart, of Greensboro, ar rived in the city this afternoon and ls the guest of Miss Musa Ellison. Misses Ida and Alice Bynum, of, F iisboro, passed through the city this; afternoon en route to Morehead City. - Mrs. David Shaw, of Pittsburg, Pa., after visiting at the home of Mr. S. B, Sharp, left for her home this after noon. Mrs. John Sasser, of Savannah, Ga., arrived in the citv this afternoon and 3 the guest at the home of Mrs. Frank Faison. Mrs. N. B. Josey, after spending several days in the city the guest of Mrs. S. W. Brewer, returned to her home In Scotland Neck today. Mrs. A. L. Sasser, of Goldsboro, after spending several days in the city the guest at the home of Dr. T. M. Jordan, returned home this afternoon. YATES STOKES. Prominent Young .Couple to Wed This Evening at 9 O'clock at Residence of Mr. L. H. Woodall on Hargett Street. This evening at 9 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. h. Woodall, on East Hargett street. Miss Reba M. Stokes and Mr. Cleron E. Yates will be united in marriage. Rev. L. F. Johnsbn, pastor of the Christian church, will perform the ceremony. Miss Stokes Is a popular and attract ive young woman holding a responsi ble position with the Mutual Publish ing Co. Mr. Yates is a prominent young busi ness man who holds a position with the same company. Lawn Party at Smithfleld. (Special to The Times.) Smithfleld, June 29. On yesterday evening Messrs. Avera Winston and Robert Etheridge gave a delightful and Smithfleld on the lawn at the lawn party to their friends in Selma THE WOMAN'S STORE Vf 0 FOR PEERLESS PATTERNS. sell ladies furnish-; JJ WE SELL CLOSE. 1 1 styles we can't be & among the first to S 5! to a RALEIGH, IhC; ja it Our Recent CORSET AD .-: , v.. .. :-rx,,- :'.'. 1 , . .y . Produced Results. Remember you can always find the famous Royal Worcester Corset in stock. HOSDERY Our lines of 25 and 50 cents Gauze Hose for ladies, both in black and tan, are unusual good values. You will like them if you try them. THE 1700LLC0TT DRY GOODS CO. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. beautiful home of Mr. M.. C. Winston. The porch was brilliantly lighted and that, with the soft beams of the moon, made a lovely picture when the party from Smithfleld, who had had a' jolly hay ride, drove ' up and alighted. The guests were received by Messrs. Avera Winston, Robert Eth eridge, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Winston, who truly made the evening one to b'a remembered vith much pleasure by ail present. Delicious refreshments were served soon after which the guests reluct antly bade their charming hosts good-night. Among those present from Smithfleld were Misses Flossie Abell, Bettie Lee Sanders, Julia Fi delia LeMay, Rosa Peacock, Clara Lee Stevens, Anna and Nannie Un derwood, Ava Myatt, Katie Woodall, Lucy Hood, Errua Stevens, Mildred Handlers, Alma Easom and lone Abell and Messrs. Herbert Lowry, Boy'ce Hargett, J. A. Campbell, Lee and Ransom Sanders, Leon Stevens, Johnnie Hood and Jason Myatt. Mrs. S. B. Shepherd and children. Miss Lllllas and Master Jas. F... Jr., and S. B., Jr., left today for Atlantic City to spend a few weeks. N. C. STANDARD FOR ILLUMINAT ING OfXS. Elliott Closed Cup Adopted For Test . by Oil Committee. : The oil committee has adopted the Elliott closed cup to determine the standard for illuminating oils in this state. Upon' this subject "Mr. R. N. Reed, manager of the Gulf Refining Company, Atlanta, Ga., in a letter to Commissioner Graham, says: "I note there is some discussion as to style of fire-testing cup to be adopted. The Elliott closed cup Is the best and most severe testing cup .nefw in use in any of the states, north or south. It is impossible to obtain other than a correct test when the El liott closed cup is used. The writer, or any. other oil man who is thor Red Cedar Flakes A sure protection against moths. Agreeable odor sure in effects. Large packages 15c , Ui WGtCROVIELL ppiirj Co. 'tr oughly posted, can take and open cup made and make the test vary from 12 to 15 degrees. This of course de pending on where the device is setting at time test is made. If in a slight draft the vapors will be carried away as fast as formed, whereas in the El liott closed cup there is no chance for them to be blown away, they accumu lating under theclosed cup. "Pardon 'me for writing you on this subject, but I assume it is the desire of you and the other state of ficials to adopt the best testing cup, thereby assuring all residents of the state that they will secure a safe and satisfactory illuminating oil." DKATH OF SIRS. J. S. 8TELL. Mother of Chief of Police J. 1 SUI! of This City. Mrs. J. S. Stell died at her home, Rolesville, N. C, June 28, 1909. She had been confined to her room nearly three years, had not walked in two years. She was the mother of nine children, four dead and five living. Those living are: Mrs. J. A. Wiggins, G. D. Stell, Miss Minnie Stell, of Rolesville; J. P. Stell, of Raleign, and Mrs. J. C. Aiken, of Zebulon. She leaves and aged husband, to whom she was married in January, 1855. Mrs. Stell was a member of Roles ville Baptist church and had been for many years. The burial services were conducted by Dr. W. C. Royal, of Wake Forest, and the interment was in the family burying ground, near her home. . Mrs. Stell was 79 years old, and one of the finest types of Christiana. One Corporation Chartered. Orinoco Supply Co., of Winston Salem, was today chartered to manu facture and ,sell building supplies. The total authorised capital stock la f 125,0000 with $1,000, paid in. E. X. Mickey, U. E. Fries and Clement Manly are the incorporators. . July Cioc!i i.iiCi . , WE Inventory July 10 Our stock musf be reduced Until July 10th, prices wi 10 to 20 per cent. Everything in this store includ ed in sale. Royall & Borden Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville St. - Raleigh, I. C H. MAHLER'S SONS, The Raleigh JNO T. PULLEN, President. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS; $75,000.00. Four per cent, interest paid on deposit. Call In the bank, or fr farther Information. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR BENT LAKE MATTAHIUSKEET Will Be Sold by the Slate Board of Education It is Said That Mr. J. O. Wright, United States Drainage Expert, Has Effected Sale to Ohio Capitalists. $2 Per Acre Sold on Condition That Lake Must Be Drained. The state board of education held a lengthy session this .morning, the subject under consideration being the sale of Lake Mattamuskeet.. When seen today after the meeting State Superintendent J. Y. Joyner, secretary of the board, had but little informa tion to give out. He. stated authori tatively, however, that Lake .Matta muskeet would be drained. From other sources it (s learned that a sale of the property has been effected through J. O. Wright,' the United States drainage export. A party of Ohio capitalists have offered to take the property over at a price of $100,000, an average of $200 per acre. The North 'Carolina board of education has practically decided to accept the. offer. It is also . learned that the sale is conditioned on the formation by the Ohio parties of a North Carolina coi- iroratlon to drain the lake and that the purchasers niust join in the' drain age project with other land-holders in the Williatnsport drainage district. This will insure the drainage of that fertile region and at the same time allow the, state to get the. burden off Its hands at a satisfactory figure..' PERSONA LH . . f -r;:, ,-v,, -,v.,- Mr, J. A. Spehce, corner Martin and Dawson streets, is confined to his home with bilious fever, i j t The many friends of Mr. Ed Stalling Jr., will be glad to learn that he ls im proving. ' ' . ". ' . j .-. A NEGRO SHOT. A Trivial Matter Results in Shooting. Victim Win Die. V News has' just reached tne city of a near-homicide ,ln Barton's UrseK township in which Henry Johnson, colored, did the shooting, and Charley Johnson, his brother,, was the victim. The trouble arose over a very trivial matter.- .It is1 said .that Charley was using his brother's "Sunday tie" to wipe his feet withy when Henry, in a fit of race, selied Manchester r;fle and shot his brother at "close range. The ban passed entirely through the body, perforating the ; right , luny. The negro 111 probably 'dle. , TAKE 4 11 XUl mm - wm m v w r,: FOR THE .. ' HONEYMOON. June Brides, Bridegroouis and Wedding Gift Buyers will find here a remarkably complete assortment of SOLID SILVER TOILET WARE. . ' , ' The noticeable beauty and rich ness of our Toilet Ware patterns fit them especlalljr tor the intimate use of a cultured woman.- ' ' ; '.' . A set or single piece ls appropriate for wedding, birthday or any tther occasion where a gift rich and useful will be appreciated. JEWELERS ' RALEIGH, N. O. Sings Bank. CHARLES ROOT, Oashjer. THESE DAYS of Summer mean, additional wear and washing for -your Linen no matter whether you lead a strenu ous or. simple life. - . s - . Suppose, therefore, you send your work to us wo will not only lengthen the life of the' articles through scientific - laundering, - but always return them 'immaculate.' Both 'Phones, -74. PEOPLLES' LAUNDRY, (Inc.)a Office, 14 East Hargett Street. AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT. Gem Theatre, also' Air dome an nounces a complete t change of pro gram today. . " i - . At The Gem new songs, jokes. music and pictures. Airaome, new . pictures and music. LOCAL BRIEFS . S MrV O?1 K.' Holding, the leadlniL merchant and business njanpfWakg Forest, spent tho day in the city. r .' A Pre alrm, the first for many weeks. came in today about 3 o clock Jrom . box 24, v oovner of East and Davie streets. , The firemen found only a chimney burning' out. tio damage. was done. . ' s CAALEIGH P. AND P. WORKS. Directors Meet -Regular Annual Dtv- - idend Declared. The directors of the Caralrfgh Phos phate and Pertijlaier "Works' held the'ir annual nieetlng on .Monday ot this' wet-k. Only ' routine business ; wks transacted. . The old officers were re elected for the ensuing year and the regular annual dividend of 6 per cent was declared. The 'affairs Of the corporation were found to be. Jn ft . flourishing condition and the outlook: for the future Very bright 1 : Lawn Party Tonight. .: , , The ladles of the West Raleigh. Baptist church will give a lawn party at. the church tonight" The .public is cordially invited. '