-?"" ,..' '''' . ' 4 7 ':IM i ' 1 5 v '- A y v'-y-- lt ' -;i ' ? Waehingtoni July 3.F6recaat for ' c it;iivirtobiEht 8tt18UB4y; Partly ' - i , it r ? M v V' xonigni an? uflpay; , rrartiy. il rpoiiijy !id Somewhat ,ooier tonight' van 'Sundaj. Variable ,wladB. W t Wrt f ) s ' " I - i -It i ' liiiltilfnip'n IS V: K'. j??. other ml -. --.11 timfflM 01 m - i ar & ja. '-.., v- a at - 4 i -1' jj.-;-r -it lllliutl III j 1 ?W-jiH "i.;.':?s--..'T.-M.l. 0 Admintatratlve Featarea of the Tariff ' Measure Are Yetrto be Disposed of Thta ConloA Are! the Provision :PoirjWa.yiksI4ltBly 'toTbW. im- : 7 portant- liiscasslon ; Upon The ;.. Featttrno Cuatomg Court Matter ' la Ktiniecialiy Objectionable , to "v Soine. Relnocrata Today v in tli "r Senate.--; ; - ; - ' -: ..- . jf4 -ii Leasediwire to The litres) i i:; iJ Washington! July 1 3 The -oomei , xwhat sudden 6dlng of the fight yes :S terday In :thraenata oveir;the income x r ta cand the corporation tajc Is be lleted t6 indicate an earlier adjotiro - ment: of Congress Chan ' Was antlcl- a :' tintfxA taut 4rak ' ', " : ,'. Th ndmlnlstrailvR fpntiirea of (the .-i". " . - torlff measure are yet to. be disposed of. by thenenate. .The chief sectlona . 'ln lhls connection, are the provision r for. drawbacks, by which the treas- ufy return under certain conditions the amount of duty paid by majiufac- litmrera'nponraw .materials .which go into ' articles' made for export -the 'customs court amendment of the sen ate, which enables, a quasi-judicial t body to pass upon all customs mat7 tera of Aw; and the maximum and s. . minimum clause which will enable ' '-. the d resident to enforca a hfaher $.MiSr -'fcbi " Wtntof dutv than th established rate ''JiH r-"'V''8ta''yIl imports of ,;Uto8ft-U'a-5r;,NrtBB.';Hiqh5'J' maKff'v'ditscriminatotry. r tftrlCiHhedale,s' agalifiki the United tfy'tfrttiUmiiZbir via';.likelr to; be eom li 'S 'J:? -k '- Itoporuntdlscussion ttpoh all of these faatures.-'y, -' r. " -v, " v Tha customs court matter ireaitec- -. tbjctfoiabl'.to some democrats ' .'. , who,' contend that It is merely a body '''.ta be nebted to provide fat Jobs for some -tariff favorites. It wfji cost :, more than' $100,000 - to maintain The worklt is calculated to do Is now done by the board of general apprals ers ami the federal courts. Thecus- ' . , totns court-matter and the maximum - and minimum features hive been re ', ported- to (he senate la the ,form of , amendments to the bill; but.the (draw back feature ia yet to come fVob the i. ' . -r-. committee, y it - probably will''" be ;. ' : reached 'on Monday, " There is no : , ; ?- provision in the "house bill for a cu ,:V':V' -'.''-"'. tpma 9ourt and the maximum and .' minimum section In, (he Payne bill is ':;C:' '. , '. aulte dlferentt; from . the Aldrkth v proptfsltilon. : These matters wlfl be adjusted Iil. conference.; y-1 . ' K ? . : Already -the leadera who will be ; 'U- the probable conferees are endeavor-' J . lngo-gei vogemer u.pou aoine oi lue : ainerences a vtne iwe pleasures' iu ' border to facilliate their, dlspositlgn . :i' - ' ; when the bill gpea to conference .. - -The .'senate ritet at.' 10 o'clock and 41 " ,y . . Senator- Depew, of IJeW York, re ' K ported the Porto Rican bill, sabatan- tlally as it passed the house. ' ';, -Senator Brown of Nebraska; asked ' - 'r s V.niwnlmous copsent for. fixing one .V' -a-cclopk aet Monday, as. a- time, for ." r''" , v,otlng n his joint ' resolution pro- ' "fidiog an amendment to the conats' 4,:-:V3tAon to enaoie congress t; lay ana ' s. ,'..v eoltoct aw Jjfeoine Ux ?.y.i':Vt ' ' V .r ' , ' His yequest was agreed Co.; Sefea ' '( , -.i tor ' A4f lengthen laid before the, aen--4 -s : jjhto the niaxlmjim and "mlnlmiuft tro ' v " . visions. .Befoitoi1 Daniel, of Virginia, v-V' spokTln opposition, contending that ' "4 ( j , Jfrfta tincouatltutional in that . it ,V '?,- f granted legislative powers ti the ex-S'J'-'r' ; cutlvevt ;'S-':;5':-'j'-q:;v: '"-,::" V '' --.'''j The JniependenC'olTroducers have 3' te ' j1" V;f nroposed a new plan for 'protection to "":) V-Y',' '-. ,i - their industry to theenata finance rs. r '; H "committee. -1 ta n. ,i ame'hdment lv 5 ' i whinh will be offered brovidine for t$4tt&& "f imposition jo a 'conntervaillng f.uty oaji;cruae peinMeum .;equar ; io v;-'.y';-.r4;yiilkalf,Ot" the; duty imposed , by : countries on American on.: ; der tke existing; law the conn- tervalllne" duty is equal to Ahe full iaW imposed by other countries'., The amendment relates only tf crude 'tjeum, and doea not effect, the nV) toroduot of the by-products. At. the" conclusion of. hla. remarka senator iJaniei pnerea an amenaiueui atrllrlnir ant the maximum Drovlslon V.,Vl ' t .'i- -.,(M a !ntv nf . tan Mtnta)" a ?' ' r pound on tea .and $ve cents a pound . "",;'" "''-:-.'"'--''- on coffee..--... - t ;.. J . ti ; CiV f -" Benator NWsonf Mlnnesdtaf aaM "V4"V '- would willing to support the f ? . . ;masimnta ana minimum- aiuenameni i.. vf Uiis feature waa Umiha(ed. .Jni KiSi-s f;(CwOnea .Pf drT T?J?. ;wrj7vT' '1, ivr'K4;'1;?1 CI1re.ra.-r-v.:; . ..year, . ; .; -v -;-;J in - MCE SHIFTED FROM to Its Plant at El wobtf, Ind. iHILL STARTS JUESDAV Indications Are That' the' . American Sheet and . Tin- Plate VCoinpairf ' Means to Centra Its Fla-ht Ayfafnst - the Striking, 8tee( and Tin Workra ; ta the West in Preference1 to the East I-Nfty Strlke-hreikerai Were Taken From the, East to fit wood, Arriving This Morning Now Have Seventy Men in the Enclosure and Will Start to Work Tuesday. , '(fly Leased Wire to The JIines)' filwood, Ind , Julx 3 The- lndica tlons are that the - American Sheet and Tin Plate Company means to enter the flsht against tiie Amalga mated Association of Iron, steel and tin workers at the' plant lnthls city In preference to -the east ' Fifty practical hot .'mill men from the ''open shops" ih': the east were Drought to tne city tins morning, ar rlvlne here at 6 o'clock on a special train, which rah directly inside the nlll enclosure. ' Nineteen Blmwood hen worked last nleht.' making a f'brce if practically 70 men how in ilde the- enclosure. The mill closed at midnight, but will, resume Tues day morning. The Elwood strikers wefe notified today that if .they- will return to work Tuesday morning the strike-breakers would .be " returned to .Pittsburg immediately.-: Thl of fer was refused. '. ' ; : ' .':' , ? : .meputy snerins, prpTioed'py '"tne company of flcials, 'are patrolling the plant .with orders . to . protect the 3trlke-breakerg- , under all clrcum stances. The men will be fed and Doused Inside the plant.- It was an- aouncea tooay mat men wouia ue Imported - from foreign countries If accessary to carry oift the Open shop policy; .. . -'-,. . -- I'nioiiize All Mills. -' (By Leased Wire to The Times) Cardie . and .other national officers if : the ' Amalgamated Association of Iron,. Steel1 and Tin Workers are- go ing to begin unionising the unorgan ized plants or the steel corporation, aiany of which have been allowed to run non-union by a truce between the men anj.' the eompany. This is in retaliation for the, opening of the ldle Rills .at Demmler and the Monotiga- Ivla plant, non-union, and -the draw Ing of the fires at. the Newcastle and Sharon mills' by the corporation. fhree-of the fourteen plants in which the strike order is effective have been olosed down by the company. Both sides stick to their - original claims: v- - O ' ' 1 The- men that 8,000 are out and he company is crippled. The cor poration, that they can get along without the strikers. ' i Vice-President Lewis of the Amalgamated, Is In Cambridge, O.-, andeavorln to get some of the men who failed to strike on Wednesday to join meir reuow .worRers in me strike. .. ' ' i-t-,:: ;.: ' The Standard Tlh Plate Company, it Canonshurg, will xjpen July , em ploying 900 men in 1. mills. , : RACE QUESTION IN NEW VORK: White Teachers . Object to " Negro Principal and Ask to JSe Trans ferred. :g (By Leased Wire t0,The Times) NewTfork, t Jmy ' . The , race auestlon Jias suddenly entered the public school situation Inxthe appoint ment of William L. Bulkeley, a.u gro, as principal nf- school 126 at 1W Wooster Btreet. v -.. Many of the women teachers de clare1 that they will hot work vnder Bulkeley, who a the only negro prin cipal in the city schools. :; It la un derstood that Aore than 20 or the 31 teachers In the school banded ' them selves; together t a recent indigna tion meeting and determined to ask for their, transfers to other schools. OFFERS REWARD. $2Q0 for the Capture of MarvlnJ Shelton.. . - ' f vernor, Kitchln today offered a reward of 1260 for thA annreheuion ef Marvin Shelton, A a young white man of Stokes . county, charged with th murder , ot Oscar oolwfne,. a farmer of Rockingham County, .The killing was unprovoked SEErJEOFFIG l1' . RALEIGH NEWORKFACES, K . BREAD FAMINE : iff flN " (By Leased Wire to The Times) ; . v; yOfe:?;; ' Wo? New "York5, JulyJ New York to- -V lfffi' 'J VA day faces the most-extensive bread. ' ft J&MA. romina i liiatnrv 1A.H0O union if f-.wimki vA ibakers have threatened u strike un- 'W tees the master bakers yield to their "v f -aV f demands. ' ' - i X. S 1V This was announced bj Cstlan IS J, S y , Karker, executive secretary ot the 1 1 j .4 Uakers anion at theeud of the tri- f t I I i umphal parade-of 3,000 Kosher bak- f (JKA ' ' ' XtU X I i ers trho recently won their general i f i . f ? 1 Strlkfe 'for union recognition. The .- f l?""' - it bakrs,'helr children - and wives - S ' V -7 paraded '.the sh-eets wijji six bands1 ' f. - fy -i 1 1 Playing the "Marseillaise" and with , VfT Zrl'' U a 'monster loaf of bread, weighing' ' i ! jrjr " 4"i 60D pounds. ' ZpJ'y "S7 ' Mr.-Kerker announced that three V fZ"!f v "&" ! 4 ' ' ' iff conferenses; had bsen held. x, . ' V V h ' ffC X l -imvfJt'v h" Vill Sill " . , , Ml 0 w-ps- -By -ill V'f'WI v- r s?" "-j lif EL - ' OFFER CITY SQUARES Aldermen .Approve Open Air Aldermen Assure Third Regiment Band f Their . Appreciation of Band's Generous Offerw-Offer Moore and Nash Squares For Coil certs Not Ridiculing Dr.' Dl von. Last' night the board of aldermen took a, hand in the blind concert mud dle and offerad a solution of I lie problem. Alderman Cooper saTd he had read in the evening paper that the boys of the Third Regiment Band had been denied the use of Capitol Square for the free open-air con certs 'that, they had proposed to give and he offered a resolution, com mending the boys for' their publlc- spirltedness and offering the use of Moore and Nash squares and assur ing them of a hearty appreciation of their efforts in behalf of the people. The resolution was f passed unani mously. ' V. As stated yesterday Dr. Dixon, who tfut aB snd to the-, band concerts, could not be interviewed. The Times man' knew of no one authorized to speak for Dr; Dixon and di.dv not in terview any of Dr. Dixon's friends, but left . tlie 'matter open with tne promise that Dr. Dixon's statement In regard to it would be given full publicity as soon as it was obtain able. ' .:.: ,:A telephone .message received late yesterday afternoon from a friend of Dr. Dixon's expressed great regret at the publication of yesterday's story. He declared that he knew of the "an imus" behind it and said tiiat the ar ticle was an attempt "to ridicule Dr. Dixon" and that Dr. Dixon was not a man to V ridiculed.- So far: as the matter of "animus", is- concernea, The 'Times man, had none wiiatever. He only; made an honest attempt to reflect in his gtory-the expressed feel ings of the people. Nelther'was there desire to ridicule Dr. jJlxon. , Dr. Dixon, It ia admitted," is not a man of that kind. - He U above ridicule, but can hardiv be said that he ts above crlticjam. Not even Governor kitchln nor President Taf t can 'claim such an exemi&ioo! , - A The only ridiculous feature abouv the- matter-: is the contention of tae capltol faborera that the replacing of the benches oik the lawn was! such tremend'jua . -undertaking - that : It threatened to niake their; labors' iiu" bearable. N C.f SATURDAY, JULY 3, 190' Leon Ling Supposed to Ha ve " Hidden Himself jn the South ffiy Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 'A Tile latest de velopment today in the murder of El sie Sigel, the .Chinatown missionary, show that Leon Ling, the supposed slayer, escaped the cordon of police thrown around him and fled from Jersey City histSunday for New Or leans.. - The Information that Le'on was in New ; Orleans, qj on his way there, was obtained through a telegram Leon ' sent to"""hls most intimate friend and partner, Yung Got; known by his American name as Arthur Young. , Leon, It is said, wired from Jersey Cityrhat he was about to start for New Ojieans and asked his friend to join hi mby a round-about way. .Yung Got started for v Boston Sunday night, the same time Leon Ling started sbutli ward, and it is be CUBAN PATRIOTISM RUNSHIGH IN NEW YORK New York, July ' .''S-i-Cubaii' flags fluttered beside the lnion Jack and Cuban patriotism ran . high in New York Bay today when, the Ward line steamship Monterey came Into port wfth; Misses iNarcisa and Marina Go mel and Joste Miguel . Gomez, Jr., childfen"ot President Gomez of Cuba. onboard. The young folks have been sont here by their fafhervto 8et an education and Misses Narcisa and Mariana will '. attend a young Tadies school in Newf York, frhile'' their brother will be a student at Annapo- lis. -I-' 1 Young Gomez departs at once for the naval academy,' where he will fa miliarize .himself with yje system th?r. . His sisters wil travel until Septembers and then enter' . school. president Goinez believes the Ameri can educational system Is t?he best 'in the World, an this Is- Why he hKs.sent r A sketch of Miss Slgel, body via sfound in a trunk whose in the room of a New York Chinaman, and which hiut furnished the New York police one of the most baffling mys teries in tit - annals of crime in New Vork city, ilelow is a picture of the room in which the trunk was found JUKI Donj'-'Wiiij; and Joe K. Seon, who have Jji'f n arrested on suspicion. lieved today that the two have met. Last Friday Leon was concealed ;n a Newark laundry, but later (led to Passaic, then to Jersey City, where he remained until Sunday night. All the laundries in which he was con cealed were owned by members of the Yung clan. It is stated today by men who knew Leom well' that there are ?n New York only about 100 persons be longing to the Yung family, of whlc:i Leon is a mejnber. But in New Or leans there are about. 300 members of the clatl. When he decided on his dash to the south he doubtless haa this fact in mind. , Leon was an actor In China. He is an adept at disguises and has been dodging the police ever since the dis covery of Elsie Sigel's .pody by adopting a clever system of disguises and by a rapid series of movements. NATIONAL COUNCIL EllUCATiflN MEETS tBy .Leased Wire to The Times) Denver, Col., July 3 The Natio nal Council of the National Educa tional Association convened here to dayv Joseph Swain; president of Swathmore University, the head of the coffllcil, opened the session,4 after whloh James H. VanSicket, of Balti more, and, James M. Greenwood of Kansas Clty,' read committee reports of public school 'training. General discussions were led by Walter. C. Martindale, superintendent of schools in Petroit, and 'William' D. Davidson, superintendent of schools In Omajia. This 'evenlng John W. Cook," presi dent.: of , the Illinois State formal School at DeKalb, 111., will discuss the advance, of education jn the f ast WOMEN SCRAP OVER BARGAIN Several Severely Injurad in Crush That Followed Cry of "Flghl" HUNDREDS IN THE STORE Hundreds of Women Had Crowded ' Into New Store Looking for Bar gains Two' Get Into Difficulty Over an Article and Cry of "Fight" is Mistaken for Cry of "fire," and r Panic Knsues Hundreds of Shop pers Turn Into Fighting Mob, In tent Only on Reaching the Stair way Floors a Sojid Mass of Screaming Women and Children. (By Leased Wire to The Times)' ' Detroit, Mich.", July 3. Half a dozen women 'were injured severely to-day when a cry of "fire" caused a panic in Kresege's five and' ten cent store, while th. place was jammed with people. One child is said to be fatally hurt. The Kresege concern was having its opening to-day in a hew location at Woodward avenue and state street. The five-story building was crowded principally with women and children. It is estimated that six hundred women were buy searching for bar gains on the second floor when the panic started. Two Women are said to have reached simultaneously for the same article and to hare begun scuffling over it. The cry of "fight" sounded like "fire" to those In other parts of the building and the panic followed. It turned the hundreds of shoppers instantly into a fighting mob, Intent only upon reaching the stairway at the rear of the building. "They surged down the aisles and packed themselves into such a mass on the stairs that the guard rails gave way, precipitating several of the strug gling women to' the floor below. In a moment the stairway, the floor Tote low and the second floor above were a solid mass of screaming women and children. Clothes were torn, hats were ripped off and those Who lost their" footing were trampled upon. - Employees of the store, assisted. by policemen, finally convinced the mob that the building was not afire and calmed the uproar. RKIDSVILLK NEWS. Teachers Institute Will be Held in August Negro Gets Arm Cat Off. (Special to Tne Times.) Reidsville, July 3. Prof. L. N. HIckerson, of Ruffln, has been spend ing the most of his time In Reidsville, recently with Prof. Hayes, familiar izing himself with the duties of the county superintendent, which posi tion he assumed on July 1st. The Rockingham county teacher' institute for white teachers will open at'Wentworth on the ninth day of August and continue for the two weeks following. : Prof. E. C. Brooks, of Durham, N. C, will assist the superintendent In conducting the Institute work. James Clemmons, colored, while feeding a threshing machine at Mr. S. H. Ware's farm yesterday had his arm accldently caught In the ma chine and torn from his body. He was carried immediately to Dr. Mc Gehee's office here for treatment. The Reidsville ball team Will play interesting games with the Madison club at the park here to-day and the High Point team Monday. ' ' ' WESTERN UNION INDICTED. - Charged With Aiding and Abbeting in Running a BuckH Shop. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Cincinnati, O., July '3. Tie grand jury has returned Indictments against, the Western Union .Tele graph Company and - Bingham H. Morehead, the latter being, charged with running a bucket shop and the former with aiding and abbeting by the leasing ot wires for the transmis sion of information and money. (" me inaicimeut . oi w western Union is an innovation in the fight of County Prosecutor Hunt to rid Cincinnati of bucket shops. Morehead is alleged to be con nected with the Consolidated Stock and. Grain Companj, which has been raiaea in a speciacuiar manner py Prosecutor Hunt and a dozen des- uties twice in he last iwo.weka7 W. D. Klausluun, LouIb W. Foster and . Samuel Foster, alt alleged- to be connected wlttr-the concern, wera In dicted several days ago and charged ,wnh running a bucket jhop. AND START PANIC SKTI'L. llAKCfeL Ttis to bcamec?. : I) lily tors 21 Ke;:..: ; c 7 CdI:eetl23t5iis; SIATtelT BY Ml'' 4 'When We Elected You Mayor, Jfr. Wynne, We Did Not Give Into Your Keeping (be Keys of Heav en," Saya Mr. Joslan, WUUflm Bailey k0er Routine BOali-'-, - $100 Appropriated to Each, ot t Five Compan le Mr. Banef O" t.OOO Barrets o( New 1toe Paving. Gaa Tar to 1 . " " ' :-' .! The maln attraction it the rer r monthly gathering of the city fas last night was ''the) American S tion Army case. AJderman Upcl cpnfessed to having been con v. unaer vn innuence or vapiaiu . . cnester and wife no a - new f-' thinking. He was quUe earns. eloquent in , his report on the i and i usefulness rat aue - cheaters.' ',', " Attorney Joslah William ;a P who represented . the Wine. Was invited, to address, the.bo did so with a display of ferv tory that would have :: done ci Patrick. Henry. The. apeech gem in- manyi:"reapctsr JTout'l an ugly flaw in H When he sfe.' "When , we elected you ,niay Wynne; We did not give.;; lato keeping the key g of 'heaven. ' we elected Mr, Btronach po tice we did not confer, iiport ! nnmr nt a Pnnthm Pilate in a w The board of kldarmen.t; i Vft to recommend that -tne Winciif : fe. be allowed to pfeacn on toe atkeet Their recommendation and; their actionvia in no way binding on'MayOr Wynne, but to preyent. friitlbn j; be Will allow the .Wiiicbte::fiN4. tinae work here. ' unuer -the .ordi nance the board of aldermatl v-jftafe, no rights irithe matter ona waf 4 another, but the mayor,; throttgtt;; courtesy, left the case to them.-; Mayor Wynne's Statement. Mayor Wynne submitted ita ment in 'regard to the matters plaining fully his position. His at,, ment is as follows: ' JtV" 'As so much ifc-feegBald8 written about street preaching begging' I wish to say that.I a now, and never have been, .01 to this kind of work, lay r to grantCapt. Wlnenester iar.a associates permits to preach and lect money on the streeta ;wt tended as a protection to our cit. The city ordinance aay.'fThe i(ui may grant permission to auchf sons as' he may deem proper if religious services upon the at' the city.' ; From all I had f heard about these people I think a permit ought to them.; I refused it, and sf 1. Was right; 5 Capt,! Wind made himself very objectk many of our best citizens ugly' talk when they decline when called upon. I could names of several who save e. attentpn to this conduct on h I happened; to be present wl asked one gentleman, for .mo- when th' person thijMjajfff t said 'I gave you. I dollar at v Capt. Winchester aeeWed to very indignant and aW; "X auppose. (the dollar , given 1 wilt pay our expenses tor t do you? , ' We must have m week to keep ap our rent expenses, and if that Is th leigh peoplflr look at it to some other city, there wllllnar to. support the ; w came Here to help.hund'uB We nrlng people, to the city ua to. leave, WOUldi nrt , t here; not. uftVliM'P?; I; Jiiat after ;fefUWitig the couple, man, and. i wprt for a permit, apd. when v I ound that they had been With Capl'.WInchaster bu' to go oat for-taemselve. ' 1 tot satisfy m that they w. ttraona. to be given' t' pr declined to4 give' it. ' 1 cam to me shortly an thia. couple-wad in ,.Jni! towiv This may or m: but ' I hav act : reason crrtotneaa ot the iff l .,4l' have ail sort W grant them 1I " loose 6n out citi poatersruhdf a Is .the proper con v(C0Dtlud oil

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