PAGE TWO THE EVENING TIMES. RALEIGH, N.O. A DISASTROUS FIRE St. Paul's Churck Tojaliy Destroyed Last Night Much Criticism of the Fire Depart ment and Its New Chii'f Insuffic ient Pressure Damage Ayiounts to Over $50,000, WitlInsurance of $21,800. One of the most unfortunate oc currences that has befallen the people of Raleigh In many years was the destruction' of St. Paul's church by fire last night. It was one of t'-ow happenings that disgust thinking people wit n young America's way oi" celebrating the Koi;it.h of .Inly a. id Hivi:, V'si io illp O'l.1 ;i ion - is h worth whilo? The church was by far ilu' luiml soniost. colored church in i lie .mate and one of the finest in-the south. H was built through !!" jears of inces sant labor and was a splendid monu ment to the zeal of the colored peo ple of the city. Last night a fire balloon set adrift by some thoughtless person lighted on the shingle roof and started the blaze that destroyed the building. The same iniquitious contrivance set fire to a building in East Raleigh, calling the firemen out for a long run to box 24. Immediately after this alarm the fire was discovered on the church roof and box 32 was rung in. Then ensued a tragedy of errors. . The Capital Hose Company, mistak- . ing the alarm, dashed to box 41 and passed directly by the burning church. Koine and coming. The fire was so small they did not see it. They turned and went to box 24, and when they got there they found the fire out. Meanwhile, the alarm had come in front 32 and back to the other end of town went the tired horses. Rescue No. 1 was first on the' scene and had a line of hose laid when the blaze was a very small one "not larger than the top of a de livery wagon" to use a descriptive term employed by a spectator. The water was turned on and there was not pressure enough to throw the wa ter above'the windows. The steamer was on hand, fired up and ready for service, but was not used. After considerable delay, during which the fire was spreading rapidly, "direct pressure" was called for and was finally furnished, when it was too late to do any good. It was a mystery to the thousands who watched the fire why the big steamer was not used and it is still an un solved wonder to the people of Ral eigh. It is generally conceded that the building would have been saved if the fire could have been reached when the first of the hose companies and the steamer arrived. The fighting efficiency of the fire department was considerably weak ened by the absence of the two teams now attending the Firemen's Tourna ment in Asheville. The city's best fire-fighters ha the misfortune to be away when this, the most disastrous fire of recent years, occurred, and doubtless, no one regrets their ab sence more than do thev. If these men had been here there mii?ht nave been a different tale to tell. The Times' man has talked wth dozens of citizens, white and colored, about the fire, and the methods of fighting it used last night. He found the people not at all satisfied with the work done bv the depart ment and few of them hesitate to say so. Chief Lumsdcn's Statement. Mr. Ti. H. Lumsden, tlm new chief of the fire department, when seen to day told of the coming in of the alarm from 24 at 10:30, and at 10:43 the alarm came in from 32. According to Mr. Lumsden, when he arrived on the scene there was 45 pounds of tower pressure on. This was inade quate and he called for direct pres sure. At 10:55 he got the pressure and it increased at the rate of a pound a minute until about 90 pounds had been attained, which was as much as he needed. It was, how ever, too late to save the church and his efforts were directed at Baving adjacent property. As to not using the steamer, Mr. Lumsden said he did not need it. He only had it called out to use in case of emergency as, for example, if the pump station should go wrong or if the fire should get beyond con trol and begin to spread toward the CURE MIR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger life When a Ral eigh Citizen Shows You the Cure. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back ache, urinary disorders, lameness, headaches, languor, why allow them selves to become chronic Invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan's Kidney PHla Is the remedy to use, because it gives the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, cure yourself now, before diabetes, dropsy of Bnght's disease sets in. Read this Raloigh testimony. J. A. Bragassa, south McDowell street, Raleigh, N. C. says: "I have used Doan's Kidney1 Pills and can rec ommend tlicm as a remedy of unques tionable merit. I suffered a groat deal from backache, and was unable to ob tain relief until I took Doan's Kidney Pills. Tliy went directly to the eause of my trouble, and it was not long be fore J was cured." For sale by 'ill dealers. Price HO rents. Poster-!! ilbuni Co., Huffnlo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's -and hike no other. BIG CROWD CELEBRATES Efforts, Id Washington Were Successful. Four Thousand Visitors in the City, Rrd Men HaVe Bl Occasion Merchants Pleased With the Cele bration. rib; the rear of titc iimib i i hurch. He admitted that the pressure was not sufficient to throw the water on the roof at first, but declared that it was furnished as soon as asked for. When questioned further about the engine he said that he could have ased it but did not think it would do any good. Besides, he said that he did not want to tear the church walls down and this would have been the effect of using the engine. He also told of the long run to 41, the men having mistaken the signal. From this it would seem that the fire alarm system is out of order. A number of citizens, speaking of the chief's reasons for not using the steamer, have laughed at the idea that a 26-inch brick wall could have been torn down by a stream of water, but the chief's statement is here given for what it is worth. The Damage. The church cost about $54,000. It was handsomely furnished inside. Contracts had just been let for the finishing of the church steeple and replacing the shingle roof with a slate one. The insurance on the building amounted to $21,800. There was $1,800 insurance on the new $2,500 pipe organ. A $400 piano and many chairs were saved. (Special to The Times) Washington, N. C, July 6 Never in the history of the city of Wash ington, was such a large assemblaee of people gathered as was present in tiio e:ty jesterday. The streets were decorated In profusion, and early in i.ho (,'. ev! road was bringing in its share of passengers, if s aafely estimated ilial we hart ovftr 4,000 visitors in the city. Tie parade was started promptly tit i' ::;o o'clock, and was without a donhi one of i tie best that this citv Jtas oxer had. Mr. On is WinfieM 'deserves .mvtu praise for the interest he litis displayed in making the 10th anniversary of Tau Tribe, No .S, such a s'tccess. The parade formed as follows: The chiefs of the tribe were in the lead, 26 in number; then came Mr. K. H. Hyman, secretary of the cham ber of commerce, representing the merchants and c'tizens, followed by. the Washington Cornet Band. The band was in a large float pulled by i four horses, decorated with plumes. Then came the Red Men of the visit ing Tribes, and next followed the many floats, there being 16 in line, some of which took several weeks to build. n A great barbecue was given in the banquet hall of the local tribe at noon, which was enjoyed by all. The banner event of the day was the burning at the stake last night of a pale-face, and the Indian war dance participated in by 60 chiefs in cos tume. This was followed by a public installation of the officers and a fine banquet at 10 o'clock in the wigwam All the merchants had the largest day s trade for some time and are well pleased with the efforts to take care of the crowd. SOGABMAGNATES ft PLEADNOTGUILTY (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 6 The six officers and directors of the sugar trust and their two alleged co-conspirators from 'toe Pennsylvania Sugar Refin ing Company, indicted last week by the federal grand jury today appear ed before Judge Hand in the United states district court and pleaded not guilty to the charge of violating the Sherman anti-trust, law. ' They were raroled in custody of their counsel ind a hearng set for two weeks from today. IE HE HE 31 NOW: isten at T v Attack Imminent. (By Cable to The Times) St. Petersburg, July 6 A dispatch receix-ed today from Teheran, Persia, says ihai the city is surrounded by revolutionists and that an attack is imminent. The shah has been in formed by the British and Russian foreign ministers that he cannot ex pect foreign support. Early Spring buying is over. We have a few patterns, about 75 in number, which we are mak ing a reduction on. The yardage in these patterns are limited and you will have to be in a hurry to get in this sale. Many of the patterns are of our latest Spring styles.. We are only' cleaning up some of these where the yardage is limited. HERE ME SOME REDUCTIONS $21.50 Suits Reduced to $15.00 HOUSE WHIP AFTER ABSENT MEMBERS (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, July 6 Expecting that the senate will complete Its con sideration of the tariff bill late this week, Representative Dwight, of New York, the republican whip, last night and today sent out telegrams re questing the members of the major ity to be present when the house meets on Thursday. The hot weather and long contin ued debate in the senate caused many of the members of the house to return to their homes, or to seek cool breezes ?.t distant resorts. As soon as the senate nasses the ion!l measure it xvtll be sent to the house, and Spnker Cannon and the republican leaders desire--' that no time shall If losrin pending the bill to conference. Delay ill taking Foley's Kidney Remedy if you have backache, kidney or bladder trouble, fastens the disease i;pm you and makes a cure more dirti er.!!. Commence taking Foley's Kid ney todnv and vou will soon bJ xvell. Why risk a serious malady Ktng-Crowell Drug Co. THAW GAINS A VICTORY TODAY (By Leased Wire to The Times.) White Plain, N. Y., July 6 Jus tice Mills this afternoon directed tnat Harry K.'Thaw be transferred from the Matteawan asylum to the White Plains jail. This is a distinct victory for Thaw. Justice Mills said he would re-transfer Thaw to Mattea wan u justice uaynor granted a change of venue to the Btate attor ney general. Former Governor William A. Stone, of Pennsylvania, was caled as a witness by Attorney Morschattser, representing Thaw, in order to prove that, at the time of Thaw's bankrupt cy proceedings his mind was clear Stone was the lawyer who handled Thaw's accounts and had ample op portunity to observe his client's men tal condition. "His acts and conversations were perfectly rational," said the former governor upon the witness stand. It was late afternoon before the iicontifr proceeded today on account of the absence oi word from Justice Gaynor, who heard arguments last Saturday. 'I he harina went on be en use Governor Stone was anxious to get .avvav. SOMETHING, NICE. Any Soda we serve is nice. Ex'ery Soda has a sort of charm that brings people back again for more. Try any Soda once and you'll join the procession. Everything you get Is pure and it's skilfully blended and daintily served. Masonic Temple ' Pharmacy, O. G. KING, Proprietor. C. C. Phone, No. 244. Raleigh Phone, No. 154. 25.00 " " "18.50 26.50 " " " 20.00 28.50 " " " 22.50 30.00 w , " " 25.00 35.00 " " " 28.50 . Our workmanship is not reduced, and the yardage that we have is limited in a great many instances. That is why you should make an early selection. ' A. C. MMTON, North Carolina's Foremost Tailor. 3G DC HE 1 WE INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT' If you become disabled by accident or illness a policy in The Pennsylvania 'Casualty Company will assure yon of an income.. By paying a small an nual premium you can become insured against accidents and illness. If snch happens we will pay you a stated income during your confinement. Let us talk to you. THE HUNTER-DRE WRY CO., STATE AGENTS, Masonic Temple Raleigh, N. C. Statement of Condition The Citizens National Bank, The President Central Figure at Ticonderoga A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night rulers are calomel, i cioton oil or suits pals. ?ot so with t: King's New Life. Pills. They never distress or Inconvenience, but always cleanse the system, curing Colds, Head ache, Constipation, Malaria, 25c. at all druggists. Gaiety Amusement Co. THE REVELRY NEW TODAY: T.HE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH. A PROFITABLE MARRIAGE. AN OBLIGING FRIEND, GAIETY THEATRE A GREAT WRONG RIGHTED THE CHILD OF THE SEA. $5,000 REWARD. Gaiety Amusement Co. RESOURCES. IT. S. bonds, par . . . . $ Loans and investments Cash . . Due from banks . . Raleigh, N. C. June 23, 1000. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. 225,000.00Capital $ 100,000.00 787,891. 38Surplus and profits .. 180,708.07 79,609.93Circulation 100,000.00 152,894. 89Bills payable 40,000.00 Deposits 824,688.13 Total .$1,245,396.20 Total .$1,245,396.20 The Rockingham Hotel, recently oc cupied by the McKanna 3-Day Liquor Cure Co., is now for rent, A good opening for a live Hotel man. The McKanna 3-Day Liquor Cure Co. hav ing moved to their new elegant mod ern home on South Main Street, where they are still administering the only cure for the Liquor and Drug Habits. Write for information. THE McKANNA 3-DAY LIQUOR CUBE CO.. Phone No. 145. REIDSVILLE. N. O. HOT No. onnn.' HOTEL MEW TAKE NOTICE 6 e AN OLD ADAGE fiAyn "A light purse is a heavy curse" . Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of nine tenths' of all disease. drills , CO to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of Jhe LIVER to normal condition. -'W: , Give tcnato the system and sclld flesh to the body. Tc&q No Substitute. the members of his immediate party were taken over to the old Pell man sion, wnere rerreshments were served. , Subsequently the presidential par ty boarded the steamboat Ticondero ga, which carried them to the ruins of Fort Frederick further up the lake There were no formalities here and only a brief stay was made. The vis itors re-embarked and were conve to Fort Henry, where they board the president's special and were c ned to Bluff Point. Here they hi dinner at the Hotel Chaniplaln, where they spent the night. WRIGHT IN NEW YORK. Went There on Business Fly Friday or Saturday. , Washington, July 6 Wilbur Wright left last night for New York city on private business and is ex pected to return here tomorrow or Thursday. - Ha spent a quiet . day yesterday. Before leaving the city he stated that a flight would not be Dossible until Friday or Saturday or even later.'.' OrVille Wright is expected to re turn to Washington, today or tomor row, from Dayton, O., where he went to secure material for the damaged skids, and ribs; of the aeroplane, THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. ' WITH , An unsurpaosed history behind it tine IMS Safety te HsDesoeitor. Accommodation to ft Customer. Willing aervlce to Its Friends. CHAS. JC JOHNSON F. H. BRIGGS, President. Cashier. o9. GEM FEATURING THE GILDEN SISTERS. -The Girls That Can Dance. ROE REESE, That Classic Impersonator. PICTURES THE TORRENT. , THEE SIMPLETON. AIRDOME FEATURING 1 THE BRENANS, The Musical Act That Pleases. JOB REYNARD, A Blm-k Face Comediun With New and Relined Jokes and Songs. PICTURES TAKE MAGGIORE ITALY. PIENOTS NECKLACE. lis for Summer! Hohlfeld make- No other like them. : ;.-; . ;':"; . New stock of pound Papers and Envelopes. Hurd's fine stationery. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO THE NEW PANACEA HOTEL :"',.: ;".;.'-,." "''' "- '..,',''' '.;-.. ;'' :1;--''vf PANACEA SPRINGS, WARREN COUNTY, N. C. " ' The hotel has recently been thoroughly .iil,mrt. it in vwh ; Carolina's leading resort. The location belntr unsuroassed. helnir Hltn.W midway of the Atlantic Ocean and Ihe mountains of North Carolina. (- . Panacea Water, the only Medicinal Sediment Water in the State. ..Dancing, Cards, and all out-door sports. Cuisine the best. Write for descriptive, booklet, rates, etc. Address, PANACEA HOTEL, - ' . ' Littleton, N. C, ' 1 A. J. COOKE, Lessee and Proprietor. , ' s -oA J.