V PAGE FIVE k,:p ;-;-.:.ifis .4' ' - i 0 4 Si ttDlfPRKETS Stocks, Cotton, NSwir6rk stocks. ; New York, July)t 6--Gains ranging from fractLpjlatto ojeionewj Inf. were made In un&r o th active is sues at th opening f the stock ex change after its triple holiday and all through the first fifteen minutes trading was, brisk and a strong tone generally prevailed.. '' Union Pacific in that period made a gain of , selling ai: the highest point reached sofar on this movement and -Southern. Pacific which was about, the strongest feature on the floor, show led, an opening increase of 1V& points, 199 T nwuuloJ o llltlo fin ' e. later transactions.' Reading, af ter, making a fractional gain, reacted ' tp.. Friday's ' close but Delaware Hudson was in demand and was taken at an advance of over one ' point.' Steel -common, after making- a fractional advance, was freely sup plied. ' The minor industrials in steel were firm New York Stocks. N (By Leased Wire to The Times) ' ;, Closing. Amalgamated Copper . . . . American Sugar; Refinery . American Smelting ... . ..: American Locomotive . . . American Car Foundry . . . American Cotton Oil . . 82 26 94 60 57 73 American, Woolen . . 33 Anaconda . . . 48 Atchison . . . 116 Atlantic Coast Line 128 Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . .. 79 Baltimore & Ohio 118 Canadian Pacific . . ....... 183 Chesapeake & Ohio . . ..... 76 Consolidated Gas 139 Central Leather 30 Colorado Fuel and Icon . ... 44 Colorado Southern 56 Denver & Rio Grande 48 Distillers' Securities 39 Erie 37 Erie, pfd. . . 53 General Electric . . ....... 1 6 4 Hocking Coal and Iron 63 Illinois Central . . . . ; 148 Interboro . . 16 Interbbro, pfd . . 49 Iowa Central . 29 Kansas City Southern 29 Kansas City Southern . . . . 46 Kansas & Texas? . . 41 Kansas & Texas, pfd 73 Louisville & Nashville . . ... 140 Missouri Pacific 73, New-York Central . . 132 Northwestern . . v. .182 National Lead . . 86 ' Pennsylvania 136 Pacific Mail . . 30 feople's Gas Co.. . . .... 114 Pressed Steel Car 43 Reading . . ...157 Rock Island . . 33 Rock Island, pfd . . ....... 70 Republic Iron and Steel . ... 31 Republic Iron andl Steel, pfd. .104 Sloss-Sheffield , . 82 Southern Pacific . 133 Southern Railway 31 Southern Railway pfd . . ... 68 St. Paul . . .154 Tennessee Copper . . 37 Texas Pacific 34 Union Pacific . . .194 U. S. Steel . . 68 U. S. Steel pfd ,. . .125 Virglnia-CaroJ.ina Chemical . . 54 Western Union . 72 Wabash . 21 Wabash, pfd . ...... . 55 Westlnghouse Electric . . . . 84 Wisconsin Central . 57 New York Produce Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 6 Cash pro duce:.. Minneapollsh, No. 1, northern wheat, .126., . Wheat Easy; No. 2,. red spot, nominal, 145 f.o.b. ' . . ' Corn Easy; No". 2, mixed, 78 in elevator.: f . Oats Weak; No. 2, mixed, 57 In elevator. Rye Dull; No. 2, western, 96 f.o.b. , Barley Dull; feed, 78 to 80c. c.l.f. New York. ' Flour -Dull; spring patents, 6.40; . winter straights, 6.50. - . , , '. Mill Feed Easier; western bran to arrive, 24.35. i ; r . fT - Pork Steady; mess 21.25. QLard Firm; prime western, i.U.- , . .,j,t , : Tallow Dull; ..prime, clt,. 5, 9-16. Coffee Easy: No. 7, Rio, 7.., Sugar Easy; granulated, '4.85. . New York Monef Market. New York,, July .6 Money y on eall, 1" to 2; time loans, firm;. 60 days,' B to 2c; 90 days. 2 to 2 ; ' six months, 234 to.3. Posted rates: . Sterling exchange.- 8T to 489 with actual business in, bankers' bills at 487.90 tOi ,95 for demand and at 486.60 to -17 5 for 60 day bills. Prime 'mercantile paper, quiet at 3 to 4 per cent for best names. : J,-'v -Naval Stores. . Savannah,- July 6 Turpentine: . Firm, 43 to sales, 679: receipts, '.Roaini:' Firm;: sales, 1.639; re ceipts, 1,973. " , ' Quote: , 5f.W, 5.20 ,to 5.45; WG. , 6.15 to S.iafl, J5.101- M, 5.05; K, - 4.85? 14.26; Hi 4.10: O. 3.90J F, .8S; XVJ.60; C. B, A, 2.70. Grain and . j,i ' New I'ork Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) . New York, July 6 In response to firm cables and buying orders at tracted by last Friday's bullish gov ernment report cotton this morning opened excited and stronger at an ad vance of 5 to 9 point's, the market scoring new high levels for the sea son. Shortly after the call Decem ber sold at 12:26 and January 12.22 despite heavy profit-taking. The cot ton was absorbed without difficulty and it was not until 10:15 o'clock that the pressure began to assert it- self. In the south the weather over tha holidays was favorable. Later cables turned easier. Opening: July, 12.10 bid; Aug ust, 12.10 bid; September, 12.16 to 12.17; October, 12.18 to 12.20; De cember, 12.18 to 12.19; January, 12.15 to 12.17; March, 12.17 to 12.18; May, 12.22 to 12.23. Open. High. Low. Close. April . 12.18 12.35 12.18 12.34 May . . 12.22 12.41 12.14 12.38 July . 12.10 12.25 12.05 12.20 Aug. . 12.11 12.25 12.07 12.24 Sep. .. I2vl6 12.25 12.06 12.27 Oct. .. 12.16 12.33 12.09 12.29 Nov. .. 12.44 12.27 12.14 12.29 Dec. .. 12.19 12.40 12.12 12.36 Jan. ... 12.25 12.37 12.08 12.34 March. 12.18 12.38 12.08 1234 Market closed steady. New York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire o The Times) New York, July 6 Spot cotton quiet fifteen points higher at 12.75. Sales, 700 bales. Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool, July 6 Cotton spot, firm; middling. 6.68; sales, 5,000, of which 4,800 were American. Re ceipts, 6,000. Futures opened firm and quiet. Open. closed Close. 6.47 6.47 6.42 6.40 6.38 6.36 6.36 July 6.51 July-Aug. . . Aug.-Sept. . . Sept.-Oct. . . Oct.-Nov. . . Nov.-Dec. . . Dec. -Jan. . . , Jan.-Feb.' . . Feb.-March . . March-April . April-May . . May-June . . 6.52 6.47 6.46 6.42 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.36 I 6.37 6.37 6.37 6.37 NVw Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close. July .. 12.24 12.42 12.1-4 12.42 Aug. .. 12.21 12.45 12.21 12.44 Sep 12.42 Oct. .. 12.18 12.34 12.07 12.31 Nov 12.30 Dec. .. 12.17 12.35 12.08 12.34 Jan, ... 12.18 12.37 12.10 12.34 March. 12.25 12.42 12.21 12.40 Market closed very steady. Chicago Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, July 6 The market opened steady but declined c short ly after on selling by pit crowd and local professionals led by Gifford- Bloom and O'Neill buying on the de cline by scattered commission hous es. Little short covering in July caused a bulge of 1 . Other months were not affected. World's shipments were about, as expected, the amount on passage decreased 768,000. Liver pool comes d higher to d lower against, our decline of to lc. Fri day. Broomhall says strength in near months is due to better demand for spot and continued good reports from Russia and America. Visible decreased 416,000 against a decrease of 2,600,000 a year ago. Opening: Wheat, Sept., 109 to 110; corn, Sept., 65 to ; oats, 42; pork, Sept., 20.75; lard, Sept., not quoted; July, 11.90; ribs, Sept., .11.25 to 11.27. The fact that the new crop wheat was, sharply lower in the southwest, receiving a "black eye" In the board of trade parlance, caused losses of 1 to 2c. Market was under pres sure and it closed around the lowest points reached. . Cash sales were small here at 15,000 bushels. Corn was off I to 2c. Oats were off to c, whlls provisions were better. Grain quotations . ranged as fol lows: Wheat Ope?. High. Close. July . .1.14 1.15 1.13 i Sep. . . ,1.09 1.10 1.07 Dec. . . 1.08 1.08 1.06 Corn ' -. July....-. .69. .69 .67, Sep. . 1 .65 ,65 .64 Dec. . .56 .56 .55 Oaty July .- . .47 .48 .47 ' Sep. . : .42' .42 .41 Dec. . . .42 .42 .47 Pork ". July . ...... . ... . 20.50 " Sep. . . 20.72 20.75 20.65 Lard ' July, . ..... ..... 11.82 Sep. . . 11.90 11.82 11.82 Oct. . . ..... 11.75 Ribs . , July , . . - , .11-20, ' Sep. . . il.25 11.32 11.17 .. , Oct. . ........... 1Q..97 BY WIRE.J I Provisions. I THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STOEY . . (By T. C. Shotwell.) New York. July 6 Union Pacific was the feature of trading in Wall street today. It sold at a new high record of 195, an advance of of a point. Southern Pacific also exhib ited strength and rose 1 points to 133 in the first half hour of the ses sion. Steel shares were heavy, the com mon declining half a point and the preferred about the same amount. Smelters rose a point, while Amalga mated Copper was steady around its closing figures of the previous ses sion. J he traction shares were heavy er the leadership of Third Ave nue, which touched the new low rec ord for this movement of 16. Brooklyn Rapid Transit, lost 1 point. Interborough-Metropolitan shares were steady. American stocks were quiet in Lon don, with Southern Paciljc the strong feature. On the New York curb market trading was quiet, with no material change in prices. Speyer & Co. announced that they had placed $10,000,000 of St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Company bonds with a French syndicate' and that the issue would be listed on the Bourse. Now York Cotton Letter. New York, July C While the ex citement which developed from the publication of the bullish govern ment crop opinion Friday quieted down considerably today there was no break or even slump in the mar ket from the big advance of that day. There was enormous profit taking by local, New Orleans and Liverpool operators who had been trading heav ily on the bull side the past month. But the market absorbed this liquida tion in such a manner by trade inter estas, and other speculators and ouN siders as to leave no opportunity for any successful bear attacks. I The bullish character of the gov jernment's crop report in detail by states was too impressive for anyone to undertake to raid the market. The seriousness of the crop situa tion Vas too widely- appreciated by those making a study of cotton to encourage such a movement. Too much is now dependent upon very, favorable averages throughout the month of July to dissipate the ap prehension now existing over the probabilities of a very short crop. Therefore, while the price of over 12 cents for the option list seems high, compared with 11 cents only a short time ago and 10 cents early last month, the bull side of the market is still the one to follow, as the ten dency will continue upward until the crop has made sufficient recovery to change the present intentions of such loss in prospect than a probable yield of 11 million bales. Such reactionary movements as may occur from further profit-taking or bear raids, or lulls in the domestic and foreign demand, are not likely to go far or prove more than temporary, Liverpool made such a good res ponse over holidays to the violent rise of Friday afternoon and there was so much further outside buying and belated covering of shorts, the market had . a strong and excited opening and advanced 10 to 12 points further. This carried every thing on the list to another new set of high record prices for the last two years. October sold at 12:22; De cember, 12.20; January, ,12.22, and March, 12.21. Raleigh Cotton Market. Good middling, 12. Strict middling, 12. Middling, 12. BORROWS $10,000. To Meet Necessary Expenses of Coun ty Gorman R?leased. The County Commissioners of Wake county met this morning In the ; on the the 13th day . of July, A. D. county court house. The meeting! 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, at which time was presided over by Chairman W. the said creditors may attend, prove C Brewer their , claims, appoint a Trustee, ex- " Regular routine business' was;a'nlne vthe, bankrupt and transact such transacted and then the commission- ?! b"!!!' "ay properly eome ers took up the case of Maxell Gor man. ' ' V Mr. 'Watson, representing Gorman, asked the release of his client from the county jail, where he had been placed on account of temporary; In- sanity, caused by excessive drinking. Gorman had also been refused admis sion to the state hospital for the in sane. ' .. V Mr. Watson presented certificates from Drs. Ferebee and J. J. McCul lers, and upon these certificates Gor man was released. The board authorized the borrow ing of 10,000 from, the Raleigh Banking and Trust Company to meet the necessary expenses of the- county. (Reported by. L. Butter, 20 25c. ' Eggs, 18c. Hams, 16 e. ; H. Adams.) SENATORjALDRICHTALKS On the Financial Condition of the Goubtry Doesn't Want Any Financial (Legisla tion at This Time But Expects to Hove Preliminary Report as Chairman of the Monetary Com mission to Offer N?xt Session. (P.y Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, July 6 Senator Ald ricli, who besides being chairman of the senate finance committee, is also chairman of the monetary commis sion, announced today that he ex pects the latter body to be. able to make a preliminary report some time during the next session which will in volve some 'different provisions with reference to the' character of United States bonds to be issued hereafter. Mr. Aldrich said: "The condition of the treasury is such, and will be such until con gress shall meet again, that it will not be necessary to provide now for a different character of bonds of for an additional amount of bonds. Un der provisions of existing law, certi ficates of indebtedness to the extent of 1100,000,000 may be issued if ne cessary. For the last two months, the receipts of the treasury have been equal to its disbursements; and it is perfectly clear to my mind that no harm can come from continuing existing conditions until the meeting of congress in December. "The question of the issue of bonds is of course also involved in any changes which may take place in our monetary affairs. I hope the monetary commission will be able, at some time during the next ses sion, to make at least a preliminary report on the Important matters com mitted to it. This will probably in volve some different provisions with reference to the character of United States bonds to be issued hereafter. "The committee have thought it desirable to strike out all of the pro visions contained in the house bill with reference to bonds and to addi tional certificates of indebtedness and as to the cost of the Panama Canal, as they are. not strictly mat ters which should have consideration in this bill, and would certainly lead to a discussion of some length as to the character of the provisions to be inserted. AT OLD POINT (By Leased Wire to The Times) Old Point, Va., July 6 This resort is overrun with tobacco men today from all over the country who are here to attend the ninth annual convention of the tobacco association of the United States. President Carrington, of Richmond, presided and submitted his annua re port. The convention will be in session three days. Attention will be called to the prep aration of a map by the United States department of agriculture showing the different states and counties therein that produce the various kinds of tobacco.' The members of the associ ation are expected to furnish valuable assistance in the preparation T .... of this map. Two Charters Granted. There were two charters granted today. They were to the Charlotte Box Manufacturing Company, capi tal stock $25,000 and The Taylor Drug Company, of McAdensville, capital stock J25.000. United States District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina. In.the matter of Ralph W. Carroll, In Bankruptcy, Bankrupt. Notice First Meeting at Creditors. To the creditors of Ralph W. Carroll of the Borough of Manhattan, in the Eastern District of New York, a bank rupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of July, A. D. 1909, the said Ralph W. Carroll was duly ad judicated bankrupt: and that the first meeting: of his creditors will be held at the Federal Court Rooms, in the City of Raleigh in said District, V. H. BOYD EN, Referee in Bankruptcy, Raleigh, N. C., July 3, 1909. Further notice is hereby given to 'creditors in the above cause, that an .order will be entered af the first meet ing of creditors, (If no objection be made thereto, and it shall appear for "1 iT T ,, T'L i ; ingr the Trustee to sell any real and personal property belonging to the estate of the bankrupt, without other or further notice to creditors than this notice. This proceedure will Ing of creditors, (If no ogjectlon be be adopted to savfe delay-in the settle ment of the estate. Similar notice was give on June 15th, 1909, for the meeting to be held July 5th, 1909, in the copartnership-,, case of Wm. Gallatin Carroll & Co., of which firm the abow named, bankrupt is a -member.- - , V. .H.-SOYDEN, - ::, , Referee in Bankruptcy, July 3rd,' 1909. 6-2t. r..-,;:'; '.;. v'i ' TOBACCO MEN lc. WANTS lc. Classified advertisements for this column will bo accepts at one cent per word for each issue, CASH with order. No adver tisements under this head wii; be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CENTS an insertion. Each figure charged as one word. lc WANTS lc. WANTED EXPERIENCED DAIRY man. Single white man preferred. Apply Raleigh Creamery, Raleigh, N. C. 2-3t WANTED Strong, sturdy, healthy, well-formed girl, two years old; light brown, auburn, or golden hair, large dark blue eyes, good clear-cut features. Must make full surrender. Send description and photo of child to "Adoption", care Evening Times. 5-3 1 MISCELLANEOUS. WEST RALEIGH BAPTIST SUN- day School will pic-nic at Fuquay Springs next Wednesday, 7th. Train will leave junction at 7:30. Adults, 50c; children, 25c. 5-2t CELERY, COLLA11I), LATE CAB bage. Tomato Plants. Phone 113. H. Steinmetz, Florist. 5-6t LOST Gold watch, Elgin movement, leather pocket book, Saturday ar ternoon at cotton platform. Re ward. Alt', Duckett. It LOST Gold Cuff .Button; initials J. W. H. Reward if returned to Times' office. 0 2t. FOR SALE. FOR SALE New lot embroidery, dainty Swiss and Cambric sets, Allovers to match. Remember our parasols. Hunter Bros. & Brewer. 5-tf. REFRIGERATOR Second-hand Re frigerator for sale at a bargain. Good Refrigerator and will sell t at your price. Address D, care Times. 12 t. f. FOR SALE Old papers put up one hundred in a bundle. Circulation Department Evening Times' Office. 29 t. f. FOR SALE A nice colt, fairly well broken and is three years old. He Is a beauty, well bred, raised on my farm near Raleigh. He is kind and gentle and works well any where. John C. Drewry. 15 tf. FIVE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Number 117 to 125 West Hargett Btreet. C. A. Sherwood. 22 t. f. FOR RENT ONE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for rent with privilege of bath, electric lights. On car line. 117 South West. 'Phone 890F. 6 2t. Delicious White House Tea in quarter pound net tins for 15c; especially for Ice Tea. Just as good as White House Coffee. First-class Grocers. WANTED Good reliable tiobcr man to travel for well established newspaper. Salary and ex penses paid. .Man must give good references and be able t furnish bond. Give full infor mation in letter to "DAILY," Care of THE EVENING TIMES, Raleigh, N. C. NATIONAL FARMERS' CONGRESS, Great Organization Will Meet Here November 3-10. . ' Col. Fred A. Olds, the hard-Work- finS secretary of the Raleigh Cham, . . , . f , . ber of Commerce, has about complet ed arrangements for the great Na tional Farmers' Congress to be held here November 3 to 10; One thous and delegates are expected from all parts of the union. v ; Col. Benehan Cameron., president of the great organization, is doing all that he can to make the meetings a success. It is upon his invitation that the congress meets here andAe deserves the support of every citizen of Raleigh In Btrlvlng to make the meeting a success. 1 , ' : Norfolk & Southern Ry Harry K. Woleott and Hugh M. Kerr, IleoeiveTs. ROUND TRIP FOURTH OF JULY. EXCUR SION FARES. , ., r , ATTRACTIVE LOW ROUND TRIP FARES. TICKETS ON SALE JULY 3. 4, and 5, 1000. Final Limit July O, 1000. For further detail information, apply to Ticket Agent Nor folk & Southern Railway. . H. C. HUDGINS, General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. I J The House that Guarantees 4 Qts. Dew Drop Rye $3.20 4 Qts. Overholt 5.00 4 Qts. Melwood 5.00 4 Qts. Full Dress 6.00 4 Qts. Va. Dew, Corn 3.25 4 Qts. Old Dixie, Corn 4.00 Express paid on all above to any point in North Carolina. Miscellaneous Case Goods. 36 pints of AAAA Baker Rye, plain wood box $12.60 36 pints of A.AA Baker Rye, plain wood box '. 11.88 36 pints of AA Baker rye, plain wood box 10.80 36 pints of Chess Club Rye (e(x- celent goods) W.08 36 pints of Merrimac Rye 9.72 36 pints of Jefferson Corn 9.00 36 pints of Old N. C. Corn 10.08 75 half pints Jefflico Corn 9.75 75 half pints Old N. C. Corn...... 11.26 75 half pints Chess Club Rye .... 11.25 Other goods bottled and prices quoted on application. . SEE PRICE LIST FOR JUG GOODS. S. T. SMITH, P. B. GRIFFIS, President. Sec. & Treas. JEFFERSON LIQUOR CO. (Incorporated.) PETERSBURG, VA. PERFECTION OIL STOVES BAKES AND COOKS PERFECTLY Thos.fl.Briggs& Sons., RALEIGH. N C. The Big Hardware He. HAVE YOU TRIED Powell's BLACK BAND Goal? , x Order a ton. It is fine. Phone 41. HUBBARD BROS & CO. HANOVER SQtJAAB. RKW YORK. MEMBERS, of Nm Tort Cotton lb hang. New . Orient Cotton ' ftg ii. eatnge, Associate Members Uw peol Cotton As soeutiea. -. ' ORDERS SOLICITED rer tie pN i I mm uiu ma in wuuv m uwq, ' tellveri;. Ommmmumw flwtta r ' r "H ,.: f . - t : V-.;' .it y ;;t : t .:y,U ' ' ...1 .".o: r .(Mm- -.i'.'i r.ii I; -.lib I." i r X1 1

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