1 1 " - J ' y MEM Don't Heat the All the necessary family cook in? may be done as well on a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove as on the best coal or wood range. By using; the "New Perfec tion" Oil Stove, the annoyance of an overheated and stuffy kitchen is entirely avoided, even in midsummer. The scientific construction of the PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove ensures quick work and a cool kitchen. The "New Perfection" has a substantial CABINET TOP for warming: plates and keep ing: food hot after it is cooked. Also drop shelves on which to set small cooking; utensils every convenience, even to bars for holding: towels. Made in three sizes. Can be had either with or without Cabinet Top. If not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency. The hB and vrv hand b subiUntiafly made of bran, finely nickeled and very handsome. Gives a ' powerful light and burns for hours with one filling. Portable, safe, convenient just what every home needs. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) THE DRUM COUPS. Ah! those ruffling drums, and shrilling fife, How they carry us back to the strenuous life We lived in those days, when men's souls were tried; When they marched and fought, and bled and died; The men of those days had only one thought Their country's honor, and all else was naught. While the invader's presence defiled the land. What man among you could resist the demand To shoulder his rifle, and go to the front. And die, if need be, while bearing the brunt Of the hated foeman's assault on our rights. How often did "Taps" on numberless nights But prelude the "Long Roll" and "to arms, to arms!" Rout you all out with war's dread alarms? And still the ruffling drums and shrilling fife Has charms to call us again to the strife; And 'twill always be thus, 'till the last "tap" is sounded; The last roll call been answered: the last rifle grounded. TAR HEEL. DIRECTORS APPOINTED. New Set of Officials for North Caro lina Railroad Company. Governor Kitchin has selected as directors of the North Carolina Rail road Company, to serve terms of one year, beginning August, 8th, the fol lowing: Messrs. Allen J. Ruffin, Hillsboro; S. C. Penn, Reidsville; R. L. Holt Burlington; T. S. Fleshman, Kerners ville; C. C. Hargrove, Lexington; D. J. Carpenter, Newton; L. E. Heilig, Salisbury; C. M. Stedman, Greens boro. The state proxy selected is A. E. Smith, of Mount Airy. Two of these, Messrs. Ruffin and Penn, are members of the old board. It is said that when the board meets in Greensboro August 8 Major Chas. M. Stedman will be elected chairman, to succeed Mr. Hugh G. Chatham. Hon. A. H. Eller will be re-elected treasurer of the company. The out-going board is composed of Messrs. Hugh G. Chatham, Elkin; W. H. Williams, Newton; W. T. Grown, Winston-Salem; T. H. Van derford, Salisbury; ,1. W. Lambert, Thomasville; Allen J. Ruffin, Hills boro; S. C. Penn, Reidsville; L. Hanks Holt, Graham, and Philip Pope, of Greensboro, state proxy. If people with symptons of kidney or bladder trouble could realize their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities, strengthens and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Blights' disease or other serious disorder. Do not disre gard the early symptons. King-Crow-ell Drug Company. Uarbecue Dinner. St. Luke's Circle of the King's Daughters will give a barbecue din ner in the Capital Club basement on Thursday for the benefit of the Old Ladies' Home. 5 3t. Men Who Go Away First Come Our Way The "fgo-away-for-a-few-days" season- is on. Hundreds of young and older men will leave the city within the next few weeks to spend a few days : in diversion. It's our special delight to look after the little wants of these fellows, and, too, we know it's ap preciated for the goods are continually, on the run. Before you go away you come our way. A Bargain if it Fits We have a few Suits this season's that we are going to send out from this store right away. You want one? Well, if we can tit you it will be a happy day for you. The price is too low to mention. Come and see for yourself. J. ROSENGARTEN CO., FAYETTE VILLE STEEET. NEWS FROM DUBUAIt Big Crowd There Fur the Fourth CARTERS I flVER Two Thousand Well-behaved Colored People In the City Yesterday Col ored Sunday School Convention Opens Tonight Personal Notes. (Special to The Times) Durham, July 6 Two thousand colored people came here yesterday and left without a drunlt or an arrest during the day. There wasn't a fight, wasn't any thing to indicate that anybody was here. The officers say no better be haved set of visitors ever came here and their conduct has been highly praised. The seventh annual session of the Interdenominational Sunday School and Church Workers will be opened tonight In St. Joseph's colored church, President James H. Yong presiding. The convention will hold four days. It will have some distinguished white speakers as well as colored and will be addressed by Durham ministers. This afternoon there is a meeting of the board of trustees for the colored religious training school and Chautauqua, which is to be built here, beginning in November. Something is expected of this body. There may be taken some ac tion which means a great deal Imme diately to the institution, which must have a hard time before it is actually at its work. Mr. R. T. Faucette received a mes sage yesterday that Mrs. C. C. San ford, mother of Mrs. Faucette, died yesterday morning early at her home in Mocksville. Mrs. Sanford had been 111 many months, and recently came here to visit her daughter. She went home improved, but fever and Brights Dis ease did deadly work. She was 65 years old and lived to see a family of eight grow to mature age. Miss Grenella Epps, a Durham young lady, died yesterday . in Ten nessee and the remains were brought here this morning at 11:22. The funeral took place at noon, Rev. W C. Barrett officiating. Miss Epps had been sick a long time and her death was not unex pected. The young lady was quite well known here and had many friends in this place. At the board of aldermen meeting last night street work was discussed and a big amount of it ordered. The report of the recorder's court showed that the new tribunal is working well and that there are being sent to the roads many petit cases that have quick settlement in the lower court's hands. CURIE Sick Headache and relieve a I tba troabtet teal dent to bilious state of the system, such ia . Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress sites . eating, Fain in the Side. &c. While their moat KDUUsable success baa been shown In coring? SICEt BeadacbA yet Carter's Little IWei Ptlto kn quail valuableln Constipation, curing and pre venting thla annoying complaint, while they also correct al I disorders of the stomach, stimn law toe fiver and regulate the bowels. : ve if they only eared HEAD Ache they wonld be nln.;?t priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; butferio nately the! r goodness does not end bere,and those Who once try them VilU rind these little pills valu able in so many ways that they will not be wit ling to do wiOicnt tiiem. But after all sick bes4 ACHE Is the bane of so many lives thst here to when we make our great boast OuiplllacureltwUla toilers do not. Carter'!' Little Liver PIHe fare very small and Very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. T'Vvarcstr.vll.' vegetable ana do not uripe at pcrss. uai oy uitir geniie action please all who use them. ' fA2TZB itin:ras cc hiw tost Sees Mother Grow Young. "It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters, "writes Mrs. W. It. Gilpatric of Dan foilh. Me. "Although past 70 she seems really to be growing young again. She suffered untold misery from dyspepsia 20 years. At last she cculd neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders fur her health." They in vigorate all vital organs, cure Liver ami Kidney troubles, induce sleep, im part strength and appetite. Only 60c blZ all druggists. Springhope graded schools, and edi tor of the Springhope Leader, was yesterday elected county superintend ent of education for Nash county. Mr. Ransom has had several years experience as a successful teacher and is well acquainted, with the du ties of his new position and well qualified to f 11 1 them. CRINKLEY'S i Porch Rjockers, 1.25, $1.75, 2.25. Porch Shades, 90c, J1.20. Lawn Settees, $1.00. Rubber Hose, 9c, 10c, 11c. foot. Hammocks, $1.00. $1.40 , $1.90, $2.25. Mosquito Canopies, $1.35, $2.50. Cliild'8 Parasols, large, 25c. Misses 60c, Ladies, 75c. Umbrellas, 40c, 50c, 70c, $1.00. Ladles' Vests, 5c, 10c. 15c. Express Wagons, 60c. to $1.75. Cook Stoves and Ranges. Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers. TRUNK HEADQUARTERS. Trunks, $1.15 to $10.00. Bags, 30c. to $6.50. CRINKLEY'S. JUDGE ROBERTS' BUSY. COURT. An Assortment of Drunks and Row dies. The following cases were disposed of In Judge Roberts' court today: R. H. Pulley, white, public drunk. He is an old, hard-working man and this being his first offense,! judgment was suspended on payment of costs and promise of keeping sober. Alexander Barnett, colored barber, crazy drunk. He was fined $10.00 and costs, and failing to pay he was sent to the roads to work it out. Alexander Barnet, assault and bat tery, thirty days on the roads and costs to follow judgment in public drunk case. Alexander Barnet, assault on 1. H. Rogers, thirty days on the roads and costs, to follow judgment in assault and battery case. Sam Heiiley, white, assault.. Ac tion dismissed at complainants cost. Sam Henley, cruelty to animals. Action dismissed at complainants' cost. ; William Hinton, colored, assault and battery. Fined $1.00 and costs. Murphy Atwater, colored, stealing brass from S. A. L. shops. Bound over to court in a bond of $50, fall ing to give which be was committed to jail. R0FESI0NA DR. L. J. HERRING, VETERINARY SURGEON AN1 DENTIST. Office annex of Freeman & Sor rell's stables. Entrance 120 East Morgan street and Wilmington street. Graduate of Kansas City Veterinary College. Will go anywhere called. Phones: Capital City, 94; Raleigh, 263. Calls answered both night and day. 'OiDgSIHRra The hot weather is here in earnest, but it did not catch us lilting in any furnishing for the men folks, i Negligee Shirts, cuffs attached or detach ed, white or colors from $1.00 up. v Straw and Panama hats in all sizes and shapes, from $1.00 up to $5.00. Wash Ties, just the tie for summer wear. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, Haberdasher, Raleigh, N. C. b GOING TO EUROPE? We sell American Express Company Checks in de nominations of $10 up. Available anywhere in the world without identification. Most travelers use them. The Commercial National Bank RALEIGH, N. C. Capital and Surplus . $200,000 is of the very latest machinery, allowing us to launder your White Skirts and Shirtwaists in the neatest .way possible. Phone for our wagon to call for your package. Oak City Steam Laundr Co., Both Phones, R7. RAIiEIGH, N. O. Dr. Sam Norris. Dr. Ernest Douglass Norris & Douglas, DKN'TISTS. SU8 Fayrlteville St., Raleigh, N. C. We will do your Dental work promptly, neatly, and substantially, and 25 cheaper than any other first-class Dentist in the state. We will fc've you n written guarantee that work done by us is tirst-dass in every respect, and will preserve the teeth and remain intact permanently. SPECIAL CHAIR SALE FOR 20 DAYS, BEGINNING JULY 1 TO 20. In order to reduce our stock of Porch Rockers, Chairs and Settees we will sell - $3, $i SI $2 !)!2 ,00 .SO .2.1 ,7.j .50 .75 ,00 .75 ,50 .25 Rockers for Rockers for Rockers for Rockers for Rockers for Rockers for Settees for . .$4.50 $2.90 $2.05 $2.25 $2.00 $1.43 $4.15 Settees for ... . $3.00 Ann Chairs for . $2.00 Arm Chairs for . $1.75 LOWEST PRICES EVER MADE ON THESE GOODS. NO GOODS CHARGED AT THESE PRICES. A Few Other Goods nt special Reduction. CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, CAPITAL C1TJT PHONE 252. 203-205 Fayetteville St. RALEIGH PHONE 157. 8-10 E. HargettSt. IV Many people with chronic throat and ung trouble have found comfort and relief in Foley's Honey and Tar aa it cures stubborn coughs after other treatment has failed. L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, Idwa, writes:: "The doctors said I had consumption,' and I goi no better until I took Foley's Honey and Tar. It stopped the hemorrhages and pain In my lungs and they are now as sound as a bullet." King Ciowell Drug Co. V . NEW SUPERINTENDENT. Robert E. Ransom Elected County Superintendent of Nash County. (Special to The Times) Nashville, N. C, July 6 Robert P. Random, superintendent ct tho :V"'tv; i'-'i'jA 'f i !'"$';"' k A':1'" yl.:4 i' v AC ATI ON TlfiME Your vacation time is fast approaching and wherever you go you will want to be correctly dressed. The correct thing to do is to visit our store before leaving. We have garments for any trip you take, from the mountains to the sea shore. How about your summer Underwear. .Have you seen the great variety we are showing. When in doubt come to see us. CROSS &L LINEMAN COMPANY FAYIfCTEVILLE STREET - - . - . .... .... . V ... . RALEIGH, JT. O.