"1 " " I COYLAN-PEAKCE tO. B0YLtN2AL V 4 id i M p : 'J Wbat Will fie Do WItb the AUGUST, HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS ; READY -MONTHLY STYLE BOOK f FREE SLMME : QUARTERLY WIITH ANY 15c. PATTERN OVER THE COUNTER, 20c " , A' t mi CAPITAL STOCK 1 $30,ooo,d0; (INCORPORATED) 1 T Piedmont Insurance Building, 224 . Trypn Street, In which King's Bur , J: inesa College, Charlotte, Is located. f or. an ufllimited (life) scholarship, in either the Commercial or Shorthand De , partment. This-is our low summer rate and will positively expire August 15th. , Buy .your scholarship now. Write for Catalogue and Special Circulars. MM ' . I " A -.if' V 'f' ' 1 1 Fayettevllle and Davie Streets, , Raleigh, N. C. IfMODMRATM. RALEIGH, N. C; or CHARLOTTE, C. wua - ' - EM mm ClK3i: ortunity To supply your household with pure and wholesome ' whiskey at distiller's, cost. f THE following "SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER" is made to introduce our whiskies to discriminating buyers. H your purchase is not absolutely, satisfactory, ill you have to do, it to return the goods at our expense and your, ' money will be promptly refunded-. ' '' ' ' ' :' '.Remit by Postal or Express Money Order, Certified Check or Registered Letter,' . All goods guaranteed ndr Rational ure food Law, and shipped in neat, plain package tritloo'mak to indicate content! - , i f iwif"sre - "':' :; . V' ': " M 'or 60 days only. ; . . r; ' : 6 Quarts Pure Whiskey for $5.00 Express Prepaid.' n I Quirt Clarke's Mm rYtUfVConiWkkkw1 , " s, - hkesnbssi 1 "v ChrkVs Tar Bed Com Whiskey . . . . , . . ,7 1 " Clarke's Meet Old Cwo Whiskar. .... . . . . . .1.00 1 " Clarke's Shoot South Rre Whisker . . '.90 1 " Clarke's Tar Heel Rye Whisker 1.00 -1 " Clarke's Monogram Rye Whiskey ........ .... . 1.25 6 Quarts. ; ' Average coat of express charges . ';v Actual Vortb . . . Glasses and Corkscrew included. ' SS.40 . .60 V. 16.20 Ttut colnplerje is-' sorlment seat to you by EXPRESS fREFAW to sny (oint on Attn or Staawa Esinss 11ms For $5 JFRETE. .afford much amusement to both young and old when trying to assemble With etch order for the above "Special Offer" we will give away one CfcARKE'S JIG-SAW PUZZLE, cut into 110 pieces; which. . .. a. - ii .'v- J 1 1 J . . LI. "V WL. When . the puzzle is completed, it forms a reproduction of a fine oil painting 11 x 17 ; inches in size. .-".. - . ' X Do not delay Order to-day, ( - - 1 H CLARKE &S0NSt Inc, Richmond, Virginia. - : The Southls 6riattjst Mail Order HbUic.1 Complete price-list and useful souyenTr mailed FREE upon request; BUND TIGER Had Been Selling the Near Article Woman Tries to Kill Officer fend is Sent to Jail Substantial Increase in Taxable Property Personal ifexvs and Notes. -. i would be wlseij (or the president to' do one thing than the other, because itOTEt MEN TAKE NOTI CE ' The . Kocklntrhfim' Setter: Hwiftntl nr.. cuplsd by the McKanrYav 8-Day Liquor Cure Co., Is now lor rent A good opening, for a Uvo Hotel man. The McKahna, 3-Dky Liquor, CurevCo. hav ing "moved to 'their " riewr elegant mod ern, .borne on South Mftln Btreet, .wtiert) triey ,are' stiH admlnlaterlng the only, cure for the Liquor -and Drug Habits. Write. fois Information, THIHcKANNA' 3-D AY LIQUOR CURIJ CQ., Plume No. 145. : iiEiDSTniL; w. 6.; box No. aooo. JL; ' , a A - V' A 1; I V"--W'f.?iysi:tVik'i , ..v--.i- J." ;.?!..' '. ' .-.S . . -',V-.. J GOING TO E EE? We sell America Express Company Checks in dci nominatioTmf $10 up. Available anywhere in the world without identification. JLfost travelers use them. The CmmorGial national Dank Capital and. Surplus, i ; V . $200,000 ' , Stateinenfof.Oondltioii The CillzcnG National Bank. KESOtBCES. ; v RESOURCES. ' v . , 'UABTWTIES. bonds, par . Ji6.0o0.00 Capital V. ' vv V. . . r.l oana and Investments 787.891. 38Surplua and profits . . vou . . .-. . v r,vo.cvui;uiaiiua . .. IDue trom banks: . . ... 15J,84.89BlUs 100,000.00 180,708.07 100,000.00 4o.ood.ob . (Special to The Timesl Durham, N. C, July 17 When the recorder's court opened this morning a,t 10 o'efock for the h ging of Fer nle Foster, charged wlj -tailing, he was not about and fori feffi bond of $200. ' .. The case was. Tun down by Detective C.-aA. Mayfleld, who b,ad been, here employed by the city. A growing belief that the near-beer stands had been selllne the real stuff caused the city to ask the Baldwin agency for a man. He stopped at the Hopkins house add, there, . bought some of the booze from Foster. It dime from' one of the nigh-beer joints and City Attorney Everett had it an alyzed.. It was the proper stuff, was 3.81 per cent alcohol., more than the law allows'. Foster skipped his bond and will not be here to give testimony m me case, rne omcers Know whose place it Is but there is no one to give testimony.' , . i Judge Sykes yesterday ' aftefnoon Bent Lucy. Gill to the workhouse after hearing the testimony in a case in which she is charged with attempt ing to kill Deputy Belvin. .ThA wnmun haA Ifbon'rtrtflfloH hv Justice Gunter that she must give up some property and claim and delivery papers were . served upon her. Mr. Belyin made the -visit in his capacity as deputy and she started at him with an axe. She wasn't smart enough and he took the weapon from her. She was then brought to the cell and later tried.: She has fought the offi cers' before, ' but generally gets whipped. , Mr. Lawrence Tomlinson, who took his license at the Februay term of court, has hung out his 'shingle and has offices now in the Wright build ing. Mr, Tomlinson studied at Trin ity College under the instruction of Professors Mordecai and Mcintosh. Hi gqps i,nto the profession well-prepared at, the law schools.; Tventy-flve young men are prepar ing to leave tonight nd ten or more left todajr for Mofehead City, where they yill camp thla summer for a per iod of several wJes. Mayor Wab' of . Morehead, is watching after the young , fellows, who have a cook wjth them and will keep bouse in tents. They hope to live on; fish and at an expense of 75 cents dailyV ..Secretary Hunter writes that the waterv is fine and: nothing could be bettor. The Onftl work' on the tax'books is being done today and the standing f the eouhty ylU then te d0(teritiined.. , uwmg to tne tardiness in ithe cor poration- exoesses it will be hard to ascertain whether the growth pf the county haa ;been rapid, or noli , It to, haRllov that In .L A . t the cftv there ha, bein Biihartiii in 28 198' M'- the tar- crease along the iihe: u: $ , , - I tt K,,us"l B 6 ' I. .1 BToneWoubr be WfltedT byj b!' ?nih?5. i e?uJUza- taklnk. Foley's. -Orino Laxative for I . ui . tKuuua.oR m uome stomach ahd liver troiibla and habitual 1ua roaa. piua p.reasonaDie prom. constipation. It hweetens the. sjtomachi .'-Tuera has been no attempt wbat and breath, gently stimulates the liver ever w revise the tariff oh thla basis, and reguiatei .the. bowels and ls'tich ,.nen data as to the labor cost In for superWr to pllsnd ordinary laxatives. ign countries has. been received, Sen- v Dy not iryoroiey s urtno laxative ator AJdrich has . seen to it that it 'QuesiJon:Hat Become Oic By-word 10 WluhliiKton Will be a Grave Mo- ment for the New President When ' Bill to Laid Before Him. -, ; , H v (Special to The TimesV ' , Washington; July . 17V-W111 the president aien? ' ' .- ' WJtU the end of the conference over the now-famous Payne-Aldrich bill, close at hand, the question has beconre, the by-word of Washington. Home ask: Will the president have the courage to O. K. the bill? Others: Will the president have the courage to refuse-to sign the bill? '. It will Wa a grave moment. for the new president when the Payne-Ald rich bill la raid before blm for his signature. Upon his action will in all probability hang the success, or fall ure of bis presidency. In the mo ment that he decides what courste- bo will pursue as to signing or refusing to sign he will be making or unmak ing his political future And as, a matter of fact, no one can say whether as a political movet It no one can read tne future for a cer tainty. , . - Here is the situation the president finds himself in On the one hand he stands at the head ot the party of protection; hfa was elected president of the United states with a camnaiern fund furnish ed by tfie sugar trust, the steel trust, the oil trust and the other big indus trial combinations. Wh?n the . cor porations contributed to the republi can campaign, fund they well under stood the tariff was to be revised. It was understood also between the re publican campaign managers and the corporations which dep'end upon high tariff rates for their excessive profits that in return for their assistance, financial and otherwise, in electing $. republican president, the tariff rates effecting the goods in which they deal would-be 'talten care of. In accordance with this under standing, the tariff was revised. It was revised in such a manner as to make more absolute the domination of American markets by the tariff made trusts. "Now comes the time for the presl dent to play his part and sign the bill. If he refuses to sign it, the stand-patters of his party, who are In absolute control of the political ma chine which nominates presidents and elects, them with corporation-contri buted campaign funds, ' will turn against him, charging him with de serting the republican policy of protection. If the president signs the bill the stand-patters, Messrs. Aldrich,. Can non, Dalzell, Smoot, et al, will wor ship him as a great protection god, as will the special interests which control republican politics. By sign ing President f aft will stand high in this .estimation of the "machine," and will get a renoniination or anything it is. within the power Of that excel lently disciplined organization to give. V The president would have easier sailing in complying with the requirif ments of the. machine, which, made him president, were it not that he made some promises to the people. fAt Milwaukee, September 24, 1908, he said: "It is my judgment that a revision of the tariff In accordance w'th the pledge of. the republican platform will be, on the whole, a substantial revision downward." The Payne-Aldrich measure, when last heard of was still revision up ward. .' Mr. Taft made a more important statement a little further down in the same speech: t Much criticism has been made be cause of the fact that in some of the protected Industries the product is sold abroad and in foreign markets at a less price than that at which they are sold here." Under such circumstances, said Mr. Taft, '"It must be admitted" "that the tariff is greater than the differen tial between the cost of production at home and abroad, and that it should therefore be reduced." ' To live up to this pledge the pres l ident would have to require that the Payne-Aldrich bill be changed from beginning, to end. The testimony be- ; fore, the ways and means committee I was that very many fanufacturers protected by high tariffs maintained two price lists, one for American I trade and only for export trade. The ! custom of vthe protected manufacturers-was to sell to foreigners from 15 to 25 per feat cheaper than to con- : sinners in the United States. , In accepting the nomination July fr ' V v sSaajsaaY M ' - vi ? u. 'aaaar aaaasls?"1 ' ' - First View lofth s Advance Styles. NEWEST MODELS IN TAILOR MADE COAT SUTS As. usual we are the first it's a habit with us to lead ; off with the newest models of the early authenticated styles in Ladies' Tailor-made costumes and Coat Suits with each recurring season. It's an incentive to trade. Over one hundred early Autumn Suits ready for your inspection. . The new materials, new colorings and nobby styles have won the-admiration of all who have seen them. Navy, Old ose, Peon Blue, txrey, and Black. Fancy weaves, stripes ahd mix colorings. The Coats are loose, semi, and tight fitted. Skirts in the fashionable pleated and flare effects. Prices ... . . . $18.50, $22.50 and $25.00 MID-SUMMER REDUCTIONS. Exquisite Summer Dresses, Beautiful Silk Suits, and Lingerie Dresses-r-less than half. Values $18.50 to $35.00; Choice, $10.00) LADIES' COLORED SILK PARASOLS. The last call bri Parasols, for these prices will surely move them' out. Take off a third of the marked price and the Parasol is vours. Values $1.50, $2.25, $3.00 and $3.75 Are now .. ......... 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50 ALL-OVER EMBROIDERIES. Nainsook and Swiss All-Over Embroideries in dairity patterns. Suitable for Corset Covers and Waists. 60c. and 75b. Values for 39c. LONG CLOTHS AND SOFT NAINSOOKS. The AA are all gone and others vanishing like the imsts betpre the morning sun. Long Cloths worth . ...... Sale price ; . Nainsooks worth ... . . . . Sale price ... $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 1.25, 1.39 aid 1.50 $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 1.39, 1.69 and ' 1.89 Ladies Hoano Journal Pattsra No. 462 , " Ladies' HsaiW'loisrBal j Patfrtl Nifc, 411.1 i BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. twia? Klng-Crpwell.Drujr Co.J, nmtiTriet t a tstitt mttm 824.68SV18 j VA Xi X P DAJbJOJUq D&.jr, Yarborough House, ; ! . . -- who Buppresaea. ; i s . ;- - Without the aid of sUtlstics aa to European labor cost, however, it may easily be shown that the Promise of revision on .the baata, ot equalisation fir ......... .... .... Entire Grange in Vaudeville Today and Tomorrow at the Gem and Airdome. AT THE 1 AT THE GEM AIRDOME MOTION PICTURES: MOTION PICTURES: The Necklace Was Justice Sure? , ) SUPPOSE Tour income Stop;; TOMORROW Would it not help a great deal to know that you have a Savings Ac count with us. MECHANICS' SAVING V- BANK. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE IT. The W. K. King Sanitary and Distal fectant Fluid, the ideal Ooal-Tar Dt Infectant, true germicide And deodor Irlzer. A powerful nUsepUo and purlfler. r put cp nt W, V. KING DRUG CO,, V RALEIGH, N. a For Sale by All Dragglste at 25c , Per Botae. THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. " . .- . WITH ' : , , $! . - An unsurpassed history behind It since 186S. Safety to Its Depositors. i . '' Accommodation to its Customers. ; Willing service to its Friends. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, . F. II. URIGGS, . .. Presidout. Cashier. t rr--- -t . . - -. of, cost of production was wholly dis regarded. ;.. For instance, the labor cost in the cotton manufacturing Industry in the United States is 26 per cent. If the workmen Jn Europe received no pay whatever, the amount of protection to equalize the la'boV cost here and abroad would be 26 per cent. Yet the average per cent of tariff rate fix ed by the Payne-Aldrich bill on cot ton,products Is 47.14 per oent.j Tha same condition ' applies to Various schedules. ' ;-v . - 'From the standpoint of revision In the Interests of the "people, the Payne Aldrich bill is a 'delusion and a snare jn, more . than one place," and what everyone wants to know is, What Is President Taft going to do about ft? STALLION FOR SALE. ..,.. Oh Tuesday, the 20th day of July, 100, t 12 o'clock noon, at the Sales and Livery Stables of Geo. M. Har den, on Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C, we will sell at public auction tor cash one young German Coach Stallion, ready for service. Thla July 10th, 1008. RALEIGH GERMAN COACH ' HORSE COMPANY. PERFECTION OIL STOVES BAKES AND COOKS ; 1,:.:'.,v,'f' Y'A PERFECTLVc Uios.n.DrigosScns. haleigh, u. a The &Ut Hardwtr llzx 'n:V-.-'V 1 i 1 :' 1

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