4 si U :j 1 1J 1 ;c: ' ' I' 'jH,)').i.ii ' (i; !! 'flQ 4 must noUfy this oft , 'ration j otherwise It l u wiMr NUorip- ' -nice to, top U reeelv. dag paper from' the - date of expiration will . pay for tail tin it to any trouble setting The : ri. "S ' telephone or write to mat n Department and have tly remedied.. In : ordering a t addreaa give both' old and res. ' , It I ' eratlve that all communlca t a . : fc.gned by the writer,, otherwise t y v .1 not he published. . f ,.. --i, - I.ntr.ed at the post office at Raleigh N. C. as eaoond class matter. . . - A DAY'S NEWS. -,. No 3 dpatehep, when extending fit a, Jong period of time and con : ,-rei collectively, are a reliable in- i'" to the trend of conditions and are considered and used by historians. . hat is, true, of the newt events of. a i r g perted of time as reflecting the hi: i- - and thought of a country may b:. j i i true , of even a single day's . s i4 tn events of one day, when ( 'ef as a whole, may also serve ! gl"o uVjh ine on- the pulse of the i .itiou. Bearing' this In mind, we will i.oiVsf Vr the 'fispatches that appear ed Bi...iiltaneohsly one day this week. . We read in'a; dispatch from Wash ington bt;tlie-; bigger, half of 90, $30,009 'hftumers. of the United State? appear to resent the proposed advance In 'tariff rates. The presi dent's nihil is flogged with protests a !hst 'the Payne-Aldrich bill. if An' America ' News Service dis- t ich;tro4 New;ytrk Informs us that t til William E,-Corey, president of the United States Steel Corporation. aefjvimttVti from Burype. and Jodge - letter.barC'fL Gary, chairman' of the cor- - a3orationv Board . of directors, who , ' was stfiftg' to? Jfranee, characterized , W v PayoeAJdrich measure as an "Tfelf'l j'Wrrt(J3in thjs'aecuon iaod suit jr ltht livWlte; chfi4 what 'la-r'tmet;:1matt--.wlth....hMkv-MinMwi'i' .....n ;v n... v li... i-.Li I..... u.f t constitutions) treatment. : Halt's Ca tarrh '.Cure,' mafiufaotured by "P. J Chney,f Ohio,' is the; only 'o&nstitutlon al cure oh the ; market.'., - It to tak:.i stipatlon. Mount apyway? ' It seeiM that cbusl- y W fgosie in the upbuilding, of fb isteetiim k bass Md haRbn do nnt U hnl I por Breat' many years doctor pro or the country -which we (Uvft men- . vi r . . ..nounced: It a locar disease and prer.-ttoned..-:H6vA', rectlonallsm-. 1s;'on(; www. nere m ine eoi-1 scriDeo jocai remedies, and by con, ( thing and: the ceuoea for It'to artothe;. tor of Jfbe' Reoord pining" foreool !8tanUy failing to cure with Jocal treat-:jf the Federal governmenV has , eg weather to come-and kill off the baserlha8 .frr0Veh catarrh to. be a constltu-1 greater importance, but, the rvaons hall fever.'sso ' that ' the people cap. tional iidisease . an; therefore- requires -. foj- thei fact axe tax iorf mo.mehtls- agaln tural their attention to busi ness. Hear him In the 'following: -i 'Prettyi'soonTthe balebajl' . fever will abate, this being always ce-ln- cldent , with the coming, of '' cool weather.: The attention of onr .peo ple will thea tnra more Intently to commercialism. , We hope ojr busl-; ness people will then actively Inaug urate some Dlans to advance the ma- teriar prosper Itf ' of the city How about some more manufacturing 'In dus tries? .Some time ago our bus- j ness. people got behind a plan which resulted in the building of a knitting mill, and this industry has proven of incalculable benefit to the community, and at the same time has earned, a dividend for, Its stockholders.' To J. C. Braswell, who was the president of the chamber of commerce of the city at that time, was in the main due the credit, for the- establishment of that enterprise, though he was ably assisted by a number of others. This venture has been proven a decided success. Let's make a real determ ined effort for more." ' We thought that a baseball team was regarded as a pretty good adver tisement for any town. A town that process of manufacture and the suit will support a baseball team, both by lh 'J' 1t aprin uk sum iu me reiauer uexi priug lur 118.00 and the retail price will be $22.00. "The 'fine manufacturer, dealing with the same riiece of goods that he sold last spring for $16.00, will now, because of the Increased price of the cloth, sell It for $20.00, and the re tailer will ask his customer $25.00 for it." , . . And thus it goes. The "ultimate consumer pays the increased tax and reaps none of the benefit. ' ' fh- the' nrst" placte that the word, sectionalism to unfortu? ate. Influence 'of a'section Is mor presslve of . the Idea;. Sectionalism in- internally In doses from drops to jrovernment would imply that '. some a teaspoonfuL It acts directly ea the secfloh enjoying a: majority Of the vot-i blood arid mucous surfatfts of the ys- ling power . was using this power to the tem !, They;'offer..one hundred dollars prejudice Of. other .sections, Sine the, for? any case .it falls 'to cure.- Send eastern-states do not possess any ma tor.. circulars and testimonials. jority ' in either house of represented Address: P, J, CHBNET ' & CO., To- tlves'or , the senate they cannot be leda, Oljlo. '"TV V ' ' . ' guilty of sectionalism In , that sense Sold At art druggists, 76c'; of the word, 'But the eastern states Take Hall's Family Pills for con- get what they Want -from the United States, and other'sectlons of the Union do not. We wish to-point out that the influence, of. the, representatives of i section is responsible for this. New. York has not garnered ' the1 wealth of the, nation without, drawing. the Intellect also. . That great city is ; the Mecca for men of brain and edu- . cation, and so too are the rich cities of Nefr Enjgland.- Men represltitative" of both thjs Wealth and this intelligence have been sent tov. Washington. It is true tha( mere demagogues have repre. sentedgreat -eastern states, but on the whole when a man of ability has been. - discovered Ke has been retained bjjthe lecforat;';.-To Illustrate, vft may point out that .the time of the passage of the Dlhgley tarff, the small state of Maine was represemea in me sonaw by Senators Hale, and Prye, both of Whom are still there, while among her triTT-ri mrrnrrTtn 'iS'.'JJ 'CTTT.Tl ( OPEN SUNDAY, will not stand the difference In cost, and so he retails the suit at $12.60. ; "The manufacturer who is known as a dealer :idf 'mediums' will buy the same piece of cloth for $1.25. He pulls' a little better Workmanship Into the suit. .Last year he sold it to the retailer or, $12.00 and 'the retailer sold it for $16.00. This year the retailer will get: If for $15,000 and sell it for $18.00. i ,. "The manufacturer pt 'godd'. suits also purchases a block of cloth for $1.25 the same piece of cloth as that used by the 'cheap' manufac turer. He goes a step further than the 'medium' manufacturer In the a liberal management and the liberal patronage of the public, will gen erally be found to be a pretty good sort of a business town. The same spirit that takes hold of the team management and makes it go and the same spirit that lends encouragement to the players by going out to the ball park and rooting for Che home team will get behind any 1 business proposition that will benefit the town and encourage that and make it go also. Of course there .will be persist ent knockers. They will hammer the ball team and hammer their town on any and all occasions, but they need notbe considered at all!. They do not count, : But the genuine baseball fe ver does count and a town hat fs In Uhe race to the finish for the baseball pennant may be counted In the race for business also." " The Record is right in its implied contention that the way to get bus iness is to go after it, but we -can't see that a live baseball spirit Is going to interfere at all with the going after other business. .: " IdeaVpTospectlve law: Mr. Corey said that "almost every body ,is aatisfled with the tariff bill as it now stands," and predicted that the result of the bill's passage would , ' be a "speedy' acceleration of pros perlty and a long era of good times." , ' ." Judge Gary declared .'the new bill Bho'uld; be generally satisfactory and Ptesldent Taft, the cabinet, and con- ' gress -are entitled to great credit for ? " ' 'their anccessful work. The revision ' , has been ' conservatively downward. Business will improve rapidly from laow on ABd ateel will come into its watagala 5jth nw high records." ' '.'A Wsjhtngtoa news item tells us . 'that th Hohi' John, A. M. Adair. Vpeakiat irt ihe.iiouse of representa - tivse, declared r "There v surely Is much ararrh lVthe fact $4,000 men now, own over'85Ner tent of all the ' -wealth or the countryK and each one . of the"ilanoe Qfthe 90,000,000 peo r jile owns i8 than $500 in property. ' The teeorda show" that fifty-one men, , -v. no ave peea ine: oenenciaries oi ' ! peciai legislation, now own $4,000, ? ! 1)00 ol this tountry's wealth. It is a - ' lamentable fact that one thirty-fifth .t the entire wealth of the United ; States is therefore concentrated in - the bands of fifty-one men, and these men are today dictating the legisla tion iOf this j special ' Besslon of con gress." V - " s - ' Stilt another dispatch informs us 'that Bishop William Bell, of Los An geles tn ad jresslfirg the Yosemlte Val- L ley Chautau-'qua,1;" declared - that" "If President Taft falls, fa make good on THE WAY IT WOKKS. . Here Is a concrete example of the "downward" way in which the Ald rlch measure revises the tariff that is easy to understand and that also shows in a convincing way the work ings of the bill: A suit of clothes that cost last sprlug $10.00 will next spring sell for $12.50; the cost of a $16.00 suit will be advanced to $18.00; the cost .of the $18.00 suit will be raised to $22.00. and the cost of the $20.00 suit will be advanced to $25.00, These are for the mod erate-priced clothes, of course, the very kind that those least able to bear the additional tax have to wear. It is said that this tax levied on medium-priced woolen clothing will amount to $2,000,000, nearly all of which will go into the pockets fit the woolen manufacturers. The ' sheep-, raisers vdll be benefitted to a small extent by the tax, butshardly any of it will go into the United States treas ury, It is purely a tax for protec tion. Thus .the average man will have to pay a higher price for clothes that are not so good and nobody will get any benefit out of it but the wool en trust. ' V' V The. rates on this class of goods was already prohibitive and all the woolen trust "asked was to be. let alone, but Senator Aldrich was even anxlons to give them more than they asked for and the prices which had been 'advanced under the' operations of the DIhgley law may be expected to take another 'upward turn. ' The Aldrich' bill in operation Is thUB de- aar.bed by an 'expert: The cheap manufacturer whe bought his cloth for a dollar a yard last spring sold a suit of clothes to , the retailer for $8.50, and the retailer Thomas B. ; Roed and Mr Dingley. Is it wonderful that Maine boasted at the time that she was making laws for the Union? She sent men to Washing ton wbo could do things. She still sends such men. ' ( Today a ' disorganized and helpless democracy makes Itself the laughing stock of ;very intelligent man, n .the country. Democratic senators swlag back and forth- like so many"pend-. lums, now' protectionists and now, free traders as the interests of their own particular section is concerned. Could they, only have the voting strength their policy, would be a real sectional ism. They rise in- their places In the mmtimmm m m mm m m urns - .-, ? . . - . '--it l ' o , -i r:m :mmmm-mmm Breakfast Cereals for Hot . " 10. ' " weaiiie Post ToasUea.1 - "( Ggg-O-See. V Toasted Corn Flake. V Shredded Wheat J Force etc, etc We have Just received a box Of Mourning Starch for;-Sttffeni6' Mourning Goods. r . , J. R. FERRAU & CO. LEADING ; OROCKRS. rayettevtlle Street. Baleigh; N. O. That acting Mayor of Charlotte senate and 'thuhdei against the lnlqul- who cast two votes on a proposition that came before the board of alder men, one as mayor and the other as alderman, would be a valuable man to have In a closely contested ward elecyon. He could doubtless put in as many votes as-any of them. William Working Kitchln by his tenacity and singleness of purpose In hanging around' the home base and The answer is simple. men. one nveus iiicii even jiiuitt luaii she needed them at Appomattjx, at ties of the tarllt as a whole and they vote for the particular things 'in the bill which will help tnenu whether rob bing their friends oi not. NeVeras a minority so Impotent, never a party so poorly represented. , 4 Why? Why Is it that oiir millions of southerners have no more influence In the making of the laws than have the Chinese? Why Is it that our sena tors nurl their castiron shells against the ramparts of, a' proposition ''that spells robbery and do not shake them ? The south jfteeds ..ia 4. h Koi men. ssne neeas imen even more, man me siaie, qonunues to win praise, ne Shllon or Gejjysburg. She nee' men is regarded as a working: governor, of ability, men of character, men of in wllling 'to 'put lii htt time' attending fluen tld lhe need8 tnem :Wa?"' lliKluil. one. fiua nieu, liieil. vriiviit- ivt to his duties. : Will Colonel Joe. Reece or some other faunal naturalist' who is keei ing up with the achievements and accumulation of achievements 'of the Roosevelt-Smithsonian party in Africa, please- inform us what a dig- dig is? " ability, worth andjeharacter stand un excelled -anywhere" r They are every- I where. In her commerce, her acts, her science . and her Sftsrature; 1 Her ', pov erty in metj stands' patent to the world only , in that place where most of an her richness' should' be!, apparent. In Wrllcra jipi:f Wrttcr. ? I I LTI IK. UiSUi BookkMjxn'V (: J ffniin . 3 S 1 ' .nWdrei P ill - MS. . fgjy '" v-i 7 . ' '"!53s H POST W CARDS. I , STATIONER. OFFICE SFPPMES'AND SPECIALTIES. Motfdaym July .. ' .i fr .'"H.. :.-'.;',', vatirigoiir store. , .t'::,. 'V:.. , STATIONER. OFFICE SUPPLIES AND SPECIALTIES. -The Office Stationery Co. . JAMES E. THIEM, Manager.. Capital City Phone 844F. the south is!?2 E. Hargett St., Times Building. PRESS COMMENT Conl'uslonal Insanity. i Almost anybody Is liable to become somewhat "confused" When he allows his passion to sweep him off his feet. Confusional insanity Is another and softer name for an ungovernable tem per, The recent farce called a trial in Mecklenburg county in Which Biggers was glven his liberty, . was a shameful waste of public funds. A magistrate in ten minutes could have done' the work just as well. If we are going to abolish capital punishment, it would be better to do so by legislative enact ment than by a solemn mockery under the form of legal procedure. Perhaps the same result would have followed a similar triul in any of our counties. Mecklenburg is not a sinner In this respect above her sisters. Our crim inal law is a huge Joke. The lawye themselves are asking for a reform. In the meantime human life is cheai as ,dlrt. Any "prominent"' citizen, canlnla or Nevada, become a little "confused" any day and ..'Representatives the capltol of the; nation not properly represented. ' ' This is why Senator Aldrich has been able to play with the democratic sena- j . .- .1 not nlavU with a ttinilH, T 1,1 has stood like a giant of Intellect and ! Tpniivo rwmntm nvrrM hi toss wiiv,flnd know- Country Hams. ing antagonists by the mere superior ity of his equipment and preparedness" His opponents have spoken without au thority arid he has spoken with author ity. It has all been-K remarkable trib ute to the mental power of one man. For those few good" and able men who represent us ' we are : devoutly thankful. We wish to fortify our po sition further. How many of our read ers can' name even' one congressman from Georgia, from Florida,, from Lou isiana, from' Tennessee, from Arkansas, or from Mississippi? Time was when the names of Hayne, of Calhoun, of Lamar, of Vance, of Crisp, of Soule, of Davis, of Butler, of a score, more of men carried In their mere pronuncia tion a meaning from one end of this country to the othef; These men stood for what they were In Washington. They were constructive statesmen, and they , were more concerned ittthe wel HAMS AND B. BACON.' F. F. -V. Hams. . . ; ," . , Busy . Bee Hams. Klngan'e Reliable Hams. Klngbfcn's Pic-Nlc Hanu. Cam Shoulders. Virginia Smoked Sldea. KingaarVBreakfast Bacon.' Paris and Compound Lard X.'-" : ' Both Phones. : RUDY & BUFF ALOE Dissolution ot Copartnership -Mlsscg Reese and Company. : Notice, is hereby given that the co. partnership in the millinery business, heretofore conducted ' In Raleigh, N. C by Mrs. Josephine E. Pescud, Miss Sarah N, Reese, Miss N. Janie Reese and Mrs. Matte E.i Redford, fare of the country than 1n the o.ues-j under the firm nome of Misses Reese tlon of their own re-election. They and Company, was this aay dissolved swayed by their counsels the destiny ; by mutual consent. Mrs, Pescud and nf thR T!nlt0f1 fitntAfi and fin nrruilil thov i MfsttAa Paaba om. oiithni,!.. 4A .Mnllant have done had they been for Califor-jand receipt for all money'due said co partnership and have - assumed and will pay all debts and obligations "of from the eastern knock his neighbor In the heady with states are .in Washington to represent no serious rlsK to his Hie or m lib erty. The law is still all right for the niggers. . If a darkey kills a white man and . escapes .lynching he . I pretty apt' to dangle at the end of a. rope Only men of aome. influence In the pmmunl ty, either through, money' or - family connection, become violently insane, on . . - - v. , ! .1. .. A An. HA. account OI a COnlUSipn OI lOcaB. , ll w cuubicob. dvuiu, uiry uv nuy Aiiai 10 , a nitv that these thinas are.' trW in the answer. , Ipany. nur southern count rv. so hlehlv favored I We make this plea that men may . 19-30 ays. the. eastern states. .They are not there to represent Louisiana, and ' It is ab surd to suppose that they are. If they can persuade a majority of congress to vote huge appropriations for New York and none for 'themselves 'then the Ig nored, section has but itself, to blame, j North,.-they send their best , men tO lnai is said copartnership, This June 4th, 1909. .JOSEPHINE B. PESCUD,' SARAH N. REESE. ''''. v" N. JANIE REESE. Vv"..,- MATTIE E. REDFORD. Mrs; Josephine- Reese Pescud,' Miss Satab N. Reese and, Mtos JanTe Reese will continue-the business under the Arm- name of Misses Reese and Com- t ie-tariff and disappoints the people ; sold it to the ultimate consumer for ter' making, them' promises, it may bo necessary 'to "recall to the wKlte house Theodore Roosevelt." ' After Scoring the ministry tor in iilfference "? to politics, Bishop Bell . dosed by saying: "Wealth iacenter 1 in a few1 individuals, and the time fr. a division of rnrmnflr nfr $10.00. '. There was only a margin of profit Of J 1.50 for the retailer,; which shrinks into insignificance when com-, pared w.th ' the . harvest of " gold reapea uy me wuoiea irusi at me ex- manufacturer , of cheap goods will have to buy .the same quality of cloth for his next spring's output at $1.25 1 '.when he deals with the woolen trust alth,,,even U,-.a' revolution, is.ne-now; He. will not stand for the dif in other respects, bat they, are true. We would as wel own upt Once, and be -florie wlth it, that there to more rev erence for law in the north than, in the south. A "prominent" cK.tsen aoes not count for so much there as here.:' The social pull to not strong enough to pull a law-breaker out of Jail. Mr. Biggers should have been put where he would not be liable . to , become ' confused, again. .Turning him loose on society will have a bad effect, on other gentle men who are inclined to- be a law, unto themselves. We did not hear the1 evi dence' but ; Weare; acquainted "With, the deserved -. puntohmehtCharrty and .Children. '. - ' , , X ' ;-..:.-. s ' r-'J';.-- , ' -.. v ; V , - - - ... . - ' ' ' . ' ' -- : i : . SecOonslism and MeB.l, ( : . That the government is sectional and We make this plea that men think of it. We ;wint the south to search diligently and And Its men-of ability,', and "having found them, send them to" Washington. We want ' the electorate' to thro aside the personal element,-; to get th?. men .who , think deepl: and vigorously, the. men who will not cringe at the howl Of the mob or be influenced by mepe demagogy, We want men of education who hav$ been trained' to- do' things and who know" where they stand. :k We want hien who Will ' Mve the democracy from making such altlful 'spectacle; "of fir self ,aantad" 'Wade Ito the present HAVE 'f':'V' YOU TRKD pense ot the consumer. The same facts, and we are sure that; 1118 deed session ofongress.; Thert will section- land.-Charle&ton Jew j art Couiidir.; 1 , , -,. .- '. rvisir ja corhmenctna -treatment for a -slight Hregihaihtjr' that wuid have M S? Powell's ft A If ULHb U DAtJD 4y . ' Iference so instead of Selllne a UU 1 conducted la the Interest of the eastern i been cured oulckly by Foley's Kidney - - f . l1 l: , t 7" n r' J If! :Jall -tv-vJ--- Wimllr. theorySn the Remedy may result In a sertous kidney nM. i S " tl id all this informatioB'wiUi .;M-Sr:l M.rn,a forf some years, .'-and .there have-dteeasef Foley's KWney Remedy builds- UrtlSr 3 tOIl It: IS'flRB. 1 la a single day', news! We',pre $i0.00,,the prlce , which the been many re8BOnV render such a ' up the worn Out ttosues and stigtbn"? ' r if Senator Aldrich ever reads ultimate- consumer -jot1 the elothes 'er tenabl?. No" 'orie wlll auestioti heens these brkans.-T-iahgJdrowell 'Dg ,5t; ? ;' Phntia ' At iai xnai new xora ana me new juig- vempany.' y last : spring, f $he retailer,.: in turnt Kmg-Crowell ?tcttgt4$ Phoiit41. The renovating or clearing ale of all Slimmer Goods will be con- tinued while the work is progress ing and the prices of i great many things will he cut deeper, so as to affect a complete cleariiice. .:- Every attention that lays within pur pover, will, be given to the convenience of our customers and we will give them such great bai gains; that , while they may suffer sonie inconvenience they will be fully repaid many times over. Big Money Caii he Made by Buying Now. Come and Shop tjie Greatest Bargains Awajt 1 riiBiitiiRRALL H V v : ': rK'j;'''- i " '. ..-..1 VV )....,- v.---.". ...," .wn 1.K,-fir, .. ! '.'Ji,;. j. .. r'-'.;.:V'-.?..v-.j-'V i'ii; Favetteville "V " 1-.' ' W wiU:ciT0l)dbBiner- mll .Gold .Trading Stampd with eVery cash purchase oae gtamp for everylO centa prepay express or freight to f:i any rpoint in Nrth parplina.X on cash orders ojt $5 or more.-' i-v 'ri'- ' il. r, MM .- .1 i -.Vf. zz$ X-a V'.;i'?.-'f'"v,'K-'.'v; ;..i'r;,Av!V-.;'Q .:,V:i4s ''v'&v'iV-V ' 5:liillliSliiiiai ' " " ' ''V.. .'':::;-"r .; V'-vyVj-'' -:'-ii.Vi' A'-V,;-'-;'w ' y - ''. l, '' ! !i ' ' ' ' ' ' :,-V' ' . ' ' '. '-',-'. ' '. 'ir ' I ! '' '' .'' "- ' : i :l'!?"'''';:iV ; ;