.WZ!. v--X-.. ;V' .Vie - ..-rr, ....Ji55.". - . 7 v vi k,' V - 'Sw York Stock . '(By1 Leaned Wire to The TJmesh r New Xorli July J7.--The-toek mari1111 mormngvtne cotton -mi et was fairly wtiw'at the-o'pnhig, I 4. J?w" 't0 v'V.wltb. a generally steady tone and -with- !nlSher. Inftufenced. , by pvert out Important change hr prices.' The ? majority or tne leading issues traaea ', IiV-t the start showed BnxaliTa'Btlonah .,. m,e nw impuriftni pi; frnicnwujs, . J)ck Islundwnlch wade fther PfOfir, mfBirsvnv l"r upward rrnuveriiiu .ousw eay'a closing; while ea&ligntlr4inder Indicate fluctuatlona in the first IMteen minutes In the rest of the market... '..New-' York- Closing Stock List, v v Amalgamated Copper,. .. . .. te i-4" I American Ice, Securities.. .. .. .. 7 i-t American Sugan BeAnery ... .. ,.127 American Smelting ,.: .. .. .. 94 1-2 American- Locomotive..' 'T.' .. . . 60 84 . American Car -Foundry.. .. .. .. $0 Ainmcfa itton vn.i ,.tv, ... w i-z American, Woolen u ' 33 1-4 Anacondft.tf ; . .'...';. . j; 471-2 AtcKlson,'.; V. i. .. .. .. i, ... v.116 3-4 Atlaritic, Coast Line.. .. v v.132 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. ..r.. .. 78 8-4 Baltimore & Ohio., .. .. .. .. ..119 1-4 Canadian Pacific. l -.. ,. .. .,184V4 Consolidated Gas.. .. .. .. ..1391-2 Central Leather, .. . .. .. ... 32 1-2 Colorado Fuel and 'iron.. 44 1-2 Colorado Southern.. .. .i .i .. 58 Dlajvare and udson ..193 Denver, artd Rio Grande. .. ,. 47 1-4 Eile.v .,". C- .. .. '.. .. W .i .j. 36 1-4 Do, pfd.. .. .. .. .. ..'.65 Oeyeral-Electric., ... ;. V.16S Great "Western. v .. 1 1-8 Great Northern, pfd ..149 7-8 Great Northern Ore.. '76 1-4 Illinois Central. .. ..IBS 1-8 Interporo.. .. .. IS 5-8 ' Do. pfd., ..' 48 1-8- Iowa Centra! .. .. .. .. 2 1-2 Kansas City Southern.. .. .. .. 45 1-2 'Kansas and Texas.. 42 1-2 Do, pfd.. ;v .. 73 Louisville and Nashville.. .. .. ..145 1-2 Missouri Pacific,. .. .. .. .. 72 3-4 New York Central V .. ..132 1-2 Northwestern . . , " . . 182 National Lead 86 1-4 Norfolk and Western.. .. .. ,-. .-. 93 1-8 Northern PaclflC. '..152 Pennsylvania.. .. .. .. .. .. ..138 1-8 Pacific Mftll.. ;. .. 29 3-4 People's Gas Co ,, 116 Pressed Steel Car.: .. .. 43 1-2 Reading.-. .. .. .. .. . 155 7-8 Rock Island.. .' 34 7-S '.' Do, pfd.. ,.. .. .. , 73 1-8 Republic Iron and SteeJ.. .. .. .. 33 DO, pfd.; .. v. .. .; .. .. ..106 8-4 Sloss-Sheffleld... .. ..' .. ... .. . 83 ' Southern-Railway.. .. .. ....... 31 1-4 Doi pfd.. .. .. 69 7-8 St, Paul,. .. .. .. .. .. .. '..154 7-8 Tnni Copper., .. ,.v .... 37 Texas Paclnc: -7. ; 35 Third Avenue,. TT .. .. .. ... .. .. 19 1-2 Union Pacific 197 5-8 Utah Copper U. 8. Steel.. Dd; pfd.. . . 48 . 72 1-8 .127 1-4 51 3-4 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Western Union.., .. .. i.. .. Wabash . .. .. .. .. .. t 72 1-4 ..21 1-8 Do, pfd..'.., .. .. .; .. .. .. 57-8 Westlnghouse Electric. .. .. .. 84 5-8 Wisconsin Central. .. .. .. 56 -Chicaay Graite. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago July. 17--Ideal weather conditions, easier Liverpool cables and ' Increased reoelpts , southwest caused an easier opening in the wheat market, but fairly good support on the decline caused - reactlcfh to yes-1 -. terday's -level. jNortnwesc receipts tor "; week'613 cars against 1,268 a year i ago. V- 'v ' " ',:.!.,'. , -.' ' Opening: Wheat, Sept.. Ill to 1 111: corn, Sept., 65-ftto 65; oats, Sept., 47: pork, Sept., 20.95; lard, Sept. 11.70; ribs, Sept,.. 11.32 to '11.36. - v ' .-' ..-. , . There was a ragged wheat market with closing prices qui uneven and -""corn was':a nervous-affair, too. St. Louis kept busy in misquoting. r, No. . 2 red below the regular price in cr uder to influence -values here. .Corn ,'was unchanged to l-8c lower. . Oats were i 5-8 lower; provisions were without feature. .- . . : ? . . Brain quotations ranged as fol lows: , ' Wheat f. . - Sep". t. Pec. . July . '. ;pec. . , 6,t July . . Sep. . . Dec. . . Pork July . . Sep. . . - Jan. . . Lard - July . . Sep. '. , V Oct . . Bibs . July . Sep . Oct,-- . ' t, Close. 1.28 1.1 m 1.07 6 .65 Open. --Hlglv 1.21 1. 1.11 1.08V4 . 1,08 .- .65Vi i '"' , .46 ".41 .42 ' ..69 x .46 .41 11 .42 s 45 .41 .41 ,20.65 t i.Sfl l 'S- 20.95.- 2WB 11.70 . 11.70 11.65 11 70 11.65 11.45 'll.37 11.07 11.65 1M0 ll'itb1" 11.40' 11.07 11.32 M 11.02 ft - v lUleigh Produce Market; (Seported by I Q. Adam,) , 'Btttter 25c. r iEgg8 l720o. . - . ; - -Hani. 17. x" v, Spring. chickens, 20 30c. . ; Hens, '40 45c. .. . N , . Peacheav.600cpeck. - - ,fc tl-h - ", . ". '-. .- . Neyr YorK Cotton. N Blew.Yorlr. Jnlv17 -At the niitnnt mornings the cotton market was 4 ..'points pvernlght',$eHr mg orders, in the i-iace of . firmer iuree lup.Htu., iiuineoiaieiy : raiiiea - and soonafjteiv'the call was 5 to 6 pojnis up rrom last jtygnt s close on active Ideliveries.y Large bull Inter. ! ver, 12.00 bid; December, 12.00 tots.oi; January, ' 12.00 (o 12.01: Mfrroh, ,18 03 to 18.04v I uly . Open, . 12.06 12.11 12.01 12.06 .12.01 12 03 High. Low. 12 12- 12 06 12.10 12.08 Clobe.. 12.12 11.05 12X13 ,12J7 "12.0J5 12.12 12.10 12,14 ' 12.15 Aug. I Sep, Oct. 12.15 12.17 12 02 12.19 12.19 12.20 12.21 1I01 12.00 12.01 12.01 12.00 12.03 12 05 'Nov Dec .Iflfcl., 12 02 Mar. i. 12.05 Ma . 12.06 Market closed easier. Raleigh Cotton Market. Good middling. 12 8-4. ' : T . Strict middling, 12 6-8. r,.-. , Middling, 12 1-4. ' : ' , Receipts, 10 bales. '- . Liverpool -e3otton. . (By Cable to The Times) ., ' Liverpool, July XI Spot cotton, easferj middling, 6.63; ales, 7,000: receipts, 5,000; futures opened eas ier and closed steady. Opening. . 6.44 Closing. .44 6.46 6.39 6.36 6.35 . 6.35 6.35 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 July .v . July-Aug. Aug.-Sep.. 6:41 6.43 6.30 6.29 6.28 6.30 -6.27 6.30 s 6.28 C 49 ' 6.40 6'.38 6.37 6.38 6.31 6.38 6.28 Sep.-Oct., Nov.-Dec. Dec-Jan. Jan.-Feb. Peb.-MaT. Mar.-Apr. Apr.-May May-June 6.29 6.38 New Orleans Cotton.', -(By Leased Wjre to The Times) Open. High. Lows Close. July 12.24 12.18 12.16 12.09' Aug. Sep. Act. 12.10 11.99 12.01 12.07 12.17 12.20 12.16 12.07 11.91 Nov. 12.09 Dec, 12.16: 12 17 12.23 11.98 12.00 12.11 12.10 12.10 Jan. Mar. 12.20 Market closed steady. ' Cotton-seed Oil.' (BV Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 1 7 Ootton-seed oil ' prices,v based oh prime yellow, ranged- as follows: - t . Closing. July'..'.. .. 5.555.65 August .. .... .' . . . 5.55 5.65 September ,:.-. .. .. 5rT05.72 October .. 5.82 5.90 November y.. .. .. .. 6.72 5.79 pecember . . 5.68 5.72 January .. ...?,. t . . . 5.74 5.7b MarcH .- V. .. 5.8B.9i larket closed steady: sales, '300 bkrreh:. Spot oil, 6.55 6.65. 4 Cotton Port Receipts. . (By Leased Wire to The Tlmeff) New York, July 17 Cotton port receipts were as follows: Nev Orleans, 1,62 7agalnst 890; Galveston, 7.6 against 2,488; Mobile, 31- -against 354; Savannah, Sir against 238; Charleston, 0 against 26; Wilmington, 2 against 21 1 Nor folk 3 against 27-$-'. Boston, 6 against 189; Philadelphia; 206 against 0; various, 01 against 20; Pacific coast, lOiai. .d,4D0 'UKalUol MiO. Interior Receipts: ' Houston, 57 against 1,144; Augusta, 68 against 253; Meml bhls, 20 against 1,018; St Louis 586 against 867; Clncln- hnatrT' 198 against 240. Total, 401 against '3,602 : ! ' NavaiStores. ' .; ' " " (By LeasdpSWire toThe Times) Savknab, Oa., JulJ" 17 SplrltB Ttirpenttoe Firm, 45; sales, 351'; receipts, 72 2.' ,- t- v : - . Rosins Firm;., sates, 3,454; re ceipts 1,945. Qudte: , WW, 5,75: WO, 5.6.5; N, 5.85; M, 5.00 to 5.25; K, 4.95 to 00; I, 4.35; H, 4.10 to 4.25; G, 3.95 tp- 4.00 r F. 8.85 to 3.90; E, 3.70 to 3 75: D3.25 io.-3.35; C, B, A, 2.95 to 3,10 v, ' ' ' li ( Ohicago Live Stock Market. - Union ..Stock Yards,.. 111.,: July. 17. Hogs, receipts1 10,000; market weak, and !l0t&d(We"r: mixed and' butchers, 7.60 to .m 5goN)d heavy, 7.90 to 8.30 rough ;eavC 7.75 to 7,85: light, r 7.58 to 8.05; pigS.( 6.60 to 7.40; 'bulk." 7.80 to 8.10. .tU1tUJammmmKmVm9m. market steady; beeves, 5.25 to. 7.50; cows and heifers,, 2.40 to 2.C0; tockers and feeders, 3.10 to 5.10; Texans, ,88 to 6.10; calves, 6.25 to 8.55. . .'.;'..,. .,'.'. V Sheep, receipts 8,000: market weak; sbeep,,3.oa to 4.90; lambs, 5.00 to 7.35. ' New York Money Market. i l'New York. July 17 Nothing said In money. . Posted rates sterling 'exn change '486 ' to 499 with actual business in bankers bills at 487.30 to .35 for demand, and 486 for.. 60 day bills. Prime mercantile paper steady, unchanged fn' rates. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY j' ' '. ' ' .:-:iv.;-.---'"Jrt ' ' (By T: Shotwell.); V iiQW Tor. .July H.--aY- h lih recplrus for ' steel .common and 'vnion' Paclo were features of an aeHve arid strOhg, market during the early Wall Stref t trading today., tei cpmmon'made;jts,' high reepM shortly-after the opening joi; BVf'W'.''WusUn and their five children,, M tne. nrsy now un,on - racme was tP&T Vt Into to the new high- record, of '10 197:8-4, Strengthrthese two issues ' had sympathetic influence on the balance f the list, and gains averaging a point vere' scored by, other , standard rail - bad and' industrial shares.,. . . s ' i? Amalgamated copper.;snai m tne .enerai , sirengtn ..01 me maricet , ana os.6 a Pomt.:Amencance,was agones, Charles Caviness, .Ralph Mc Toward' eha ot thTrst": Cn.,,. r,c th' ,irtn ,u im n, ! .less Increased and the market broad- ,'(" ' : ' American shares were steady in' Lon- Mon, with the exception of the steel js- suei which were a fraction lower. ''Copper and silver shares were also sieaay. New York Cotton Letter? (By W., B. Hibbs ft Co. ) New York. July '17 The market showed a return to more rational con- 8ge should be delivered there to . , -'t- I morrow aftenioon, The first street anions rrom the violent DreaK 01 yes- terday where there were, so . many station at 6:30 o'clbck. Arranger false reports of rain In Texas- andjments at Beaufort hre complete the there was so much beaV raidinfeSin , evidence. . Today's reports j from Texas weatlHft-hureau showed only one-th.rd of.an Inch of rain at Dub - lin and Paris, and a auarter at Green- v;ile. wAile maximum temperatures again exceeded 100 degrees atseven- teen different, places v ih that state. This bullish news, together with Llv- erpool's failure to respond-to our break of yesterday, made it c early apparent tnat. today's violent couapse was due more to""a Shake out", of re-; cent heavy scattering weak specula- tive long Interest than to any actual cnanee in me eeneiai siiuanuu. m one time today prices showed a recov ery . of . 17 ' points, but further . bear pressure and manipulation reduced this to loss than ten points at the close. -..''.".. . : ", '' It is reported that some large southern operators are overloaded, through having bought- too heavily during the rise last week, and over stayed their market. it is said an effort has bean, made to shame .them but and will be continued until they haye been 'Vlimlh'afed, or their tines heavily reduced Tiefore the prsfeent pressure against the market will be, v. ,"T " y T. relaxed'. , This may keep the market on account and for payments in ad m a feverish, and erratic Condition yance.f Clubbing, offers will-be an next week. . But if the drouth iiT nounced later. . j 4exas continues undtaturb during , i. fecheduIe. of Votos' ir f the next few days that feature will " " 1,5 votes be more of a bullish factor, .and it u."." ,7',"; CZ'li " 7 ' 250 votes will, be asserted in (he renewal of t5M ti t.'.'. .. .. .. noo'votis oullidh activity and higher prices. ., payinent8 Made in Advance. Texas makes 28 per cent of the to- j .45,',. .. .. , ,. 200 votes tal crop, and if the plants thera are $4.25.. !. .. .. .. .. 600 votes to continue suffering such heavy de- $.2.50., ...1,000 vteos terioratlon as they have done the past t 5.00 2.500 votes ten days of drouth and excessive heat 310.00.. 7,500 votes hn next government cron renort to ba issued on August 2nd, will be more ' 1 Dullish than last month's report. New York provisions Market." (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 17- Cash produce: Minneapolis No. 1, northern whear, 132 to 1,32. -' Wheat Firm ;, No. 2, red, spot, aominal, 145 f.o.b. Corn Easy; No. 2, nixed, 79 in elevator. Oats Steady; No. 2, mixed, 57 in elevator. Rye-Dull; No. 2, western, 90 f.o.b. Barley Firm; feed, 72 to 73 c.i.f. Mew York. Wour Dull; spring patents, 6.40; Vinter.straight8, 6.50. , f Mill Feed Steady ; western bran '.0 arrive, 2575. Poik--Strong; mess, 21.25. j Lard Dull,- prime western, 11.90. ! Tallow Dull) prime city, 5. 9-1 6d. vCoffffee Quiet; No. 7, Rio, 5. I , Sugar Raw; quiet; granulated, Dickinson at Fort Monroe. f (By Leased Wire to The Times) wasnington, JUiy l i- isecreiary vi War Dickinson jeft Washington ,late in si nigot ior rort Monroe, va., iui . the purpose of inspecting that- post and witnessing1 the artillery targ,et practice there. He will -..return to Washington tomorrow night. J will save the dyspeptic from many nays OI misery, ana cdbdw nun h ws - whatever h wishes. They pfverft SICK' HEADACHE; s . cause the food to aslinti ami nour Uh the body, give keea appetite,, , . DEVELOP ELESH ' 7 ' 7 ; ' and solid mnscto.' Elegantly mgar ''' rnstril 1 Take No Substitute Arraogements Suosblners Leave Monday V6U1 be Met t Beaufort by Citizens' Band Promises t4 be Best of all , OutrtfRS Over Pfty in Party De - lightful Trips, Etc, . " The SuhshinerB leave bn a special car op' tae Norfolk & Southern Rail wy; fronj the Saunders street station t 6:30 o'clpck next Monday morrt- .inp In charge ot the director, Col. A, Ids. ';iThere will be about- fifty .a the partvt as follows: ., Mr. and Mrs: MfaS M1nnie-Bagwell.. Mrs. KatherineJ 'VlkerWsses' Addie ' Bagwell, u Bernard: I'lora McDonald. ' Marji ;fLumlsd,en, '. Elizabeth Walker, Lutie Bell Spann, Margie . Terrell, Marie, TPerTeil, Betsy Hinton, Dudley ' Bcllhentty,: Elizabeth Lay and Grace Crews, Winder Harris, John Koontz, Foy Uzle, Oliver Smith, Phil Wooll cctt, .' Bembury Haywood, Uruce - PaV Smith l' ranfc Bynum, George Lay,. Will K'-S8 Thomas Wharton, John Baft, Willis Holding, William .Rogers Maple Mljls, Brandon Bruner, Mar- shall Bagwell, Dick Hinton, Moses Woodward,. Douglas Jeffrey, Walter Jeffrey,-Manly Jones, Raymond Ty, ree. Robert Wynne. Sam Telfair Toxey Whitaker, Rufus Malloy, Ken- dell Bevers, Carter Uzzle. Today the 'cofs for use by the party , were taken to tho station and the abg car Monday morn ne will reach the ""val reserves . armory and the Ma sonic hall haviner hpen iirmmreH fni sonic hall having been prepared for occupancy. The dining table will be linrlpt tho anrftflrifner llvo nalrc In tio lgrounds of tne Ma8onlc nall- The cu. ,beng, Ban'd-of Beaufort wlll raeet rtarty on thelr arrlva, and thlg mriIIm, ol w - ; . pie of Betfufort is greatly appreciated i) the Raieigh Sunshlners and their , tnousand8 of .frienda. .An exceiient boat has been chartered for the out- lng and msiny dUllgj,ttu, trips are planned to points near and far, in- cluding the great CallaI whlch is'now Dplng dug Th;director and the chaperones will Ieava nothing undone to make the -trip as delightful as those heretofore,., , The children's be. havior. will -be ftaa, of course,, as it has always been o-these trips, which are unique in North Carolina and which means BO 'much for all fro take tnem i ' J More Interest in lie Canadian - Than ASy Other 15-0 .- ..12,500 votes ann 320.00.. ... , 20,000 votes 325.00.. .. ..30,000 votes SATURDAY EVENING CAPITAL, Weekly, 25c per year. 25e. one year.:.". ....500 votes 50c. 2 years.: '.....; 1,600 votes Send all . votes and address all com munications TPgardios the contest to THE CONTEST .. MANAGER, The Evening Times, Raleigh, N. C. . ' Giants Get New Man. , Goldsbofo, July 17 Bussey was today purchased from "Richmond and will join the' Giants tomorrow. KILLED IN ACCIDENT. Automobile Run Down by Train and One Man Killed- and Two Mortally Wounded. New York; July 17 One man was killed and two others were mortally j injured at 1:30 o'clock st his morning ; when an automobile racing along Hoffman Boulevard, bound for Glen Coe, L. I.', was ru.n down bjf a train traveling at forty miles an 'hour at W innera. Crossing." The dead: f 7 Edward Hurley, 39, married and living In Glen Cove, a deputy sheriff of Queens county. pATENT VOUR 1DEAS AN1) MAKE money. Send for my new book, "How to Qet Tliem.") Best service. Joshua R. H. Potts, lawyer, Wash ington, D. C, Chicago and Phila delphia. , ' . i . . .-. .. . WAKCCOlrfnT -vrrenEsri 'CQMP0UN0EC ' T. B.'Cr6wortMwt. I Classified advertisements for this j I . ma j j. .11 I Will IW MXTUini Mi UltC I column will be accepted at' one , cent per word, for each issue, CASH with order.,. No adver tisements under this .head will be charged. No Adv. taken . for less than 10 CENTS an insertion. Each figure charged as one word. WANTED Single Colored ' . Man .Cook, with recopimendations. ,Pijl vate family. Box 571. 16-3t WANTED-r-.5,000 ypung people to r Vead Draughon's big reduction ad, last page. ." Sat., Tues. Thur. r , . . . .... YOUNG MAN "aTH WO YEARS' experience m .general, mercnanaise, six months in grocery store, wants position, -wholesale or, retail, Au gust 1. Best reference and recom mendation. State salary. Address "Allen," Sutton, N. C. SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL TO Grocers, Druggists and Confection ers; $100.00 per month and ex penses. California Cider and Ex- tract Co., St. Louis, Mo. LADIES AND GIRLS ANYWHERE can earn good steady pay writing advertising letters, for usvat home; send 10c; for forms and full in structions, no more money requir ed; no canvassing. American Sales Co.,; Desk F., Delaware City, Del. SALESMAN WANTED On Commis sion of $75 and up per month? with expenses, as per contract. Experi ence unnecessary. Premier Cigar Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Young men for Postof fice, Railway Mail Clerks, Carriers, . and other Government positions. Salary $800 to $2,000. Life posi tions! Government Positions Bu reau, Rochester, N. Y. CAPABLE SALESMEN TO COVER North Carolina; high commission ' with weekly expense advances. Permanent position to right man. Non-intoxicating Beverage Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED To buy small good farm, 20 to 50 acres; good cottage house, orchard, no over two or three miles out. Must know soon. Wil liam Bruner, Raleigh, N. C. 17 3t. AGENTS 1 7 b monthly selling Star Egg Beater; works with one hand; 'lightning seller; sample free. E. Thomas Co., Desk 422, Dayton, Ohio. WANTED Man. Must be willing to learn and capable of acting as our representatives; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured; Address National' Co-operative Realty Co., 1122 Marden BIdg., Washington, D. C. CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ARE paid well for easy work; examina tions of all kinds soon ; expert ad- ...vice, sample questions. Booklet 617 ' describing positions and tell ing easiest and quickest way to se cure, them; also the "Civil Service Record' for three months, all. free if you write immediately. Wash ington Civil Service School, Wash ington, D. C. MISCELLANEOUS. MISSES REESE & CO. WILL SELL all Straw Shapes at 25 and- 50c. bn Monday and Tuesday. Trimmed hats 50 cents to $3.00; SEND IN YOUR ORDER EARLY for your Cream for Sunday's din ner. 25c." quart, $1.00 gallon. Dughi. - BIG BARGAINS IN HOSIERY. .25c. values for 19c. Black, Tan, White . and Grey. Hunter Bros. & Brewer. 7 t. f. FOR GOtD PRIVATE BOARD" IN the mountains. Rates reasonable. Address Jas. W. Bynum, Waynes ville, N. C. 7 t. f. BAGGING AND TIES Merchants and Ginnefi are requested to ex amine our stock ; of one thousand bundles 6f Ties and one thousand j pieces of Bagging before placing , v their orders, for the coming fall. Prices reasonable and quality sat- isfactory. ' Raleigh Cotton. Mills, lc. WANTS lc. uaraieigh Mills, Neuse River MUis.'FOR SALE Old papers pttt tp' 6ie 16-10t. Wed And Sat? r- "' l: ". 11 " r r ICE CREAM Don't ask what flavors f- we have, order what yu want.! 25c quart, $1,03 gallon. Dughi's. LADIES Insist oil having Dr. Mar tel's Pills, (h standard remedy. Best, safest, most reliable'. At all druggist. Send for book, "Relief for Women." French .Drug Co.; 80 W. 23d St, N. Y. City. Sat-tf 8oO LIFE SCHOLARSHIP FOR $24 if' arfOTged fori by August. Get busy. Draughon's Business lege, Raleigh, N. C. Sat., Tnes., Thurs. 'X'- ; , : -y,-lj:ltl'fcsl - 1 .- . Read This! '"'?'...,'' .1') j !:?:Jo':.' vy','; W:ia' Wherever your store may. ,be tho rejit is big, - ' and you pay for frontage. Is it not a mistake, there- 4 . fore, to confine the attracting' power of yotir.store v to the hours of daylight? A mind ly; decide a pur-. , chase of goods seen in your window while YOU" are sleeping if your Vindowaare iifuwdnated'at nightC ' ,01,11' i!-i.ti'iiir '.H.'io'i Ml JLUJUJLU after dark! It will draw trade,' familiarize people with your store, burn your name indellibly ktQ their f minds. You can buy an Electric Sign from THIS Company whose function it is to make, this a pros- ( perous city, because of its well-illuminated . store fronts, ik our Sign Experts about' it.' ' ' , v WILL YOU CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. RUBBER STAMPS, RUBBER Stamps. One line not exceeding 3 inches in length, 15c. each addi tional line, 10c Autographs, fl.25. Daters, 15c to J1.50. Try me with your next order. Satisfac tion guaranteed. W. T. Terry, 210 Fayetteville street, Holle man Building. 12t Tues., Thurs., and Sat. FOR RENT FIVE .BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Number 117 to 125 West Hargett street. C." A. Sherwood. f 22 t. I. FOR RENT New 8-room house with modern improvements, corner Boy lah avenue and Devereux street, at 20 per month. New 4-room house with water and electric lights on Newbern Avenue, near Swain street, ?10 per month. John W. Hinsdale, Citizens National Bank Building. 9 t. f. FOR RENT Nice front room on south side Masonic Temple. Soutu ern exposure. Apply tcJohn C. Drewry. " 15-et FOR RENT Two story house, cor ner East and Edenton, to desir able party without children, owner to reserve one room and .board with renter. Address, H., care Evening Times. ,15-tf FOR RENT New 8-room house with modern Improvements, corner Boy Ian avenue and Devereux street at $20 per month. John W. Hins dale, Citizens National Bank build ing. 16 t. f. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 75 pairs Ladies $3.00 Oxfords at $1.68. Sizes 2 to 8. Vic!,' Tan, and Patent. Hose to match, 19(j. Hunter Bros. & Brew er Co. 12-6t FOR SALE AT A GARGAIN Shares in a concern doing business which : will pay splendid dividends and double your money within one year. Absolutely, safe, sound and legitimate. Investigation solicited. For particulars address J. T. Evans i Pine LeveK N. C. WANTED Two strong men to work at moulding. . None but steady men need apply. Apply to J. H. Gill. i6 st. ' ' ' " ' .-'. ; . hundred Ih" a' bundle.', Circ I Department Evening Times'1 Ofnt r 29 t;.f. k '; ' ' ir',s.ry ' A ' ' "'' ''' f)"?' FOB SALE-f Horse and Biiggy (Babj cock, ruobeV tire.) .Horse a godd driver, suitable for ladles. Outfit 'conigfete. "Will ' sell cheap. Ad ' dress Box" '401 or call Jplf6ne 281 ' (Capital Oity.)" : Mon. Wed., FrL IOR SALE Soda Fountain or will -exchange for automobile. J. P. '. Winston'; Loulsburg. - 17 3t. Col-.'pRACHES ARE PI.EXTTFTTT, VOW and Dughi-has plenty of Peach Cream. 25c. quart. $1.00 gallon. 'i i, . - '1 i -T';; : :.; AN HELP? - PONY BUGGY, KVBBER. TtRE; Pony delivery wagon,' very .nice and good. R. S. Rogers, p. Mar tin street, Raleigh. , 17 2t. : L"J.ir -ft"- $ . FOR SALE 72 lots on Wilmington , ( street, extended, between city farm o ' '1 and city limits, across Wilmington ... (y -street from Bpx Factory, 1,260. v t yards to market house, 1,090 yards , i to courthouse, terms, one-quaij ' S ter cash, balance 86 monthly pay-NW ments. No city tax. Lots in Raleigh ' j have paid 300 per cent in' three 1 ' years. Good investment, Aply tr unfler Commercial National Bank, ' corner "llartlh : and WnmTitOTf"", streets, offlee of B. M." Bs6e."-' . . f 8t. 13th.,' 16th., 17th, i Delicious White House Tea in quarter pound net tins for ' 15c; especially for Ice Teal Just as good as WMteHouse - Coffpe. First-class Grocers. Bids Wanted for Coal and Wood. - (( .. The Secretary of State wishes to pur chase for the state two hundred and fifteen (215) tons of coal, ten (10) cords of oak wood, and thirty (SO) cords pine. One hunder and fifty (150) tons of good steam making coal Is to be de livered back of the Supreme Court building; fifty-five (55) tons' hard coalu Is to be delivered in the basement of! the Governor's Mansion; ten GO) tons ' lump coal to be delivered to the Insur ance Department. a Ten (10) cords twenty-four (24) inch . , seasoned pine wood is to be delivered at Supreme Court building; ten (10 cords seasoned oak wood and twenty (20) cordo of eighteen (18) Inch, sea soned pine wood to be delivered in the basement of the Governor's Mansion all to be delivered by SeptemberTlS, 1909. , Sealed bjds will be received at this 'office until August 2nd. Bidder will give names of the coal offered and the. weight of the ton. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved, -v;; . J. BRYAN GRIMES, ' Secretary of State. Tues - Thur - Sat Automobile L7on We have just received a. shipment of High GradV-Ig nitoin Batteries. t a r" next to express ULlcet1 BROS GCO. HANOVKB BQTTABX. K77 rCl.X UXKBSR8 ( Dw York Cotton -Ex-aanga, Nw Orleans Cttci Xx eaan, Auoclato Ifsmbera Utmv peol Cotton AMotfatlaa. QfcDBKB BOLICimD Tit ti r"lw - aaM and sal of tottoa f-r t-'.- est?. ? maim 1 A -i it 11 f r I Ts' y .' VV; .-.: 'r:.i : f '.''--.r-'o- " ?Ki':xi" .;:"sf '.'"',' -. Mm f 0 4'V,1'1

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