Y If 'At .- i . . ,- -it-"'? r Uaaon.) i.. . . bides with me a done?."-'-;.; eanis bv night '.day!" A ' 3 ves, have died. with i, and only truth ' f y bbom trust,' . , ' . -i, v "iaa thesa mora strong, i youngj.j:y " -': v'-" i of .the mng:-M;i Sh 7 V t prague'lias' gone to Ar- r.lancha Beartt 'in View. " " " - has returned nly Hall, -of Raleigh, left to- ir Hickory.- f ' ? s. C E. Branahan, of Raleigh, left a morning lor Greensboro. . ' " - I i". D. Newton, and family left today for organton; where they will visit reUavea, ', : ?',( . I Irs, X It Cola left today for Meck linburg, "Va,1 Where she will visit with friends and relatives. ' ' Rev.' Mr. iCyles, of Raleigh, left to- ay "!,. ciarksviIle, Va., where he will upend .several weeks. Urn. JV-E.,a:roxler, of Roanoke Rap 1 'i. passed through the city today on lier way to Orcensboro. Miss; LYena; Wells, of Greensboro, who hasbeen: visiting Miss Mary Jones : Jn Glenwood; returned home today. I , i j ,, "J - 1,Trs. t'A, 'ti. Fletcher and her sister, . Im-'S Nanhle Pitaer.j left this' morning for Walnut Cove where they will visit rtidtlvea. v ' h secret marruge. v'U-,m,; mantle Couple Are Married at Pel- liana the Gretna Green of America, S, 'What comes, as a surprise to their i manyj friends in Raleigh is the mar Tinge of Mjv Paul D: Grady, formerly i-: cf Wilsory, but ;now of Raleigh, and i: Miss Leila Swlnk, of Lexington, N. C. The two romantic young people were married' Saturday, July iq, and have kept it a close, secret until last night when In soma accidental way it fell Into the hands of the reporter. XEHI WpMAJTB BTOKB XX "'' ( WB HAVE THE AQENCV m 'I; i V 'When we say we sell lincludd-all Eeady-to-Wear Apparel for the wo toen folks. , Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, Under skirts, Skirts, Shirtwaists, Dresses, in fact we have a general line, and those who have visited our store nV- 4' H know that the prices are M - WE BUY CLOSE. rm Sx i.- -i "V V'v wiieu ii uuuies w styies we can t oe oeat. we .fi,YSLT6 continually studying the styles and are always (fi i ainong the first to show the new arrivals. ' (f ; ( ) ? Havii you seen our Kimonas and Dressing U jSacques? They are beauties and to be conifort- j jably dressed around the house you should have 2? ( one. "AH prices, from 98c. . 'TAT 1IAS017I0 TEXXPLE - - mm Thla More Feopla Know Xewbro'a fier- 'vplcide the1 'Better They XO tK rtTha mores it becomes known the better H la -'Jed.tt One- bottle; sells two,' and those twq sell iouiv- NeW' bros Herplcidit 1 what we a ialk ln about. ; It cleans the scalp of all dandruff, and destroying ths cause, a Uttle germ or parasite, , prevents the return of dandruff. As a hair dress ing 'it Is delightful, it ought to be found, on every toilet table. Jt stops falling hair, and prevents baldness. It should he 'used occasionally, as preventive to protect the scalp from a new 'Invasion of tbe dandruff mi crobe. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Homicide Co.. Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. Herry T, Hicks Co., Tucker Building Pharma cy,, special agents. Miss Lillian Morris and Miss Aldah Cuthrless, of Norfolk, are vtelt'ng Miss Mabel Horton. Mrs. R. B. Raney and daughters have gone to Panacea Springs. Miss Jeannotte Bowles, of Imnviile, is visiting Aliss Margaret Habel. Mrs. G. M. Allen has gone to "Wake Forest, where she will visit trlenas. Miss Matthews, of Greensboro, is vls- itine- Miss Fannie Matthews or tnis city. Mrs. Edward Teasley and Master left tuday for Dunn, James Goodwin, N. C. Miss Margaret Holt, of Graham, visitine Miss Amv Stockurd, of tins city. Miss Ollie SOI roll, of Leesville, passed thrrmi?h the citv today, enroute to Apex. M! Villih ClMik nassed thrnuKli the eitv today ell ronti- lrom Meiuieison to Wilmington. Mrs. Howard White and daughter and Miss Ruby White lett today ror Virginia Beach. Miss Lillian Thompson and Miss Elizabeth Thompson left today tor Panacea Springs. Mrs. W. M. Upchurch, who has been visitfhg Mrs. A. J. Davis of this city, returned to her home in'Neuse today.. Airs. G. P. Tarry, of Mecklenburg. Va., who has been th, guest ol Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cple'teft today for Henderson. Mr. E. E. Kroughton and family have returned to Atlanta,, Ga. They were accompanied by Mrs. F. C. Dison, ot Atlanta, who will visit them. THE WOMAN'S STORE u FOR PEERLESS PATTERNS. w w 9) m m Ladies' Furnishings we hard to beat elsewhere. WE SELL CLOSE. 1 .111.1..' i nr. T to $5.00. tu rn is - - EALEIGH, N. C. 1n Yll 1lv to ? Mr. Warnki Y. i.i; ' u. i-.ri todaj tor Richmond. K 4 ", v f , 1 t - .MrnVfi.- ManjvV" MiSji'X Kleaaorj Mann and Miss Dorothy ;Ray,4ifj wr Miss 'Mary Cartel Ray returned -to day from Franklinton., where she has been the guest of Miss Mary Justice; Miss Daisy MJnoe arid Miss' Bennett Gregory, of Oxford,' passed through the city en rOute to Morehead. Miss Ella Worthlngton has returned to Raleigh after a visit to- Oxford. , '.. Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh and chll dren left today for Ocean View.-? . Mr. J. W., Cooper and wife, of Ioul burg, passed through Raleigh on their way from Asheville to their home in Loulsburg. . ,, ' A letter from Mrs. Margaret pusbee Shipp to a friend Jn this city, conveys the Information that the party of Eu ropean tourists, among which are Mrs. Shipp, Ms. Jane Lltchford and Miss Pat tie Carroll, of Raleigh, has had an audienoa with his holiness Pope IMus X at the Vatiean. The audience was most pleasant, writes Mrs. Shipp. The following invitations have been issued: . , . :. - . Mr. John Shaw Pescud invites you to present at the marriage of his dauji ter, Jane Hinton, to Mr. William Al phonso Withers, on Thursday morning, the twenty-ninth of July, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at half after ten o'clock.'at Christ church, Raleigh,- North Carolina. Baracas-Pidelis' Day. Tomorrow will be Baraca-Fidelis dpy at the Baptist Tabernacle Sunday school. An interesting program has been arranged and the public is cor dially invited. It is earnestly requested that all members of these classes and all other classes in Sunday school be present. The following program will be ren dered: Part Out Musio by orchestra. Song Praise to Jehovah. No. 72. Prayer Maj. J. J. Hernard. Whistling chorus Raraca and Fidells classes. Reading of the lesson Led by Baraca and Fidelis classes. Song All the World for Jesus .No. 116. Assembling of classes Music. Part Two . Song Move Forward, No. 62; Solo Mrs. Percy Fleming. Address The Sunday School Habit Dr. a. S. Horton. Victory Chorus By members of Bar aca and Fidelis classes. Benediction superintendent. A Delightful Social Event. Last evening Misses Norma .Wynne, Corneille Harris, Katherine Nogles, Annie Lee Wynne 'and Julia West, gave delightful party at the attractive home of Miss Julia West on Hiilsboro street, which was tastefully decorated with smilax and roses. Misses Ashe and Lyle gracefully presided over the punch boM. An interesting game of progressive hearts was played, the lucky winner being Mr. Maple Mills and the booby was awarded to Miss Daisy Haywood. Those present were Misses Julia West, Corneille Harris, Katherine Rogers, Annie Lee Wynne, Norma Wynne, Mil dred Holding, Evelyn Jackson, Eliza beth Thompson, Ann McKinnon, Marg aret Rogers, Hannah Ashe, Sarah Ty ler, Patsy Smith, Mary Green of Wil mington, Elizabeth Johnson, Daisy Haywood, Florence McDonald. Mes srs. Joe Bashall, William Joyner, Ma ple Mills, Hardy Mills, Alexander Fields, Grice Sherwood,' Thomas Ad dioks, Pete Harris, Charles Newconib, Willis Holding, Lee Heartt, Jr., Willie McGee, Bob Wynne, Richard Aiken, William Aycock, and Mr. Simcoe. After delightful refreshments were served the guests departed declaring that they had had a most enjoyable time. . I.OCAI. BRTEPS W There was a moonlight excursion from Durham in the city last 'night.' It came-over the Durham & Southern and Seaboard. The excursion left Durham about 7; 30 and arrived here about 9 clock and left at 11 o'clock... There". were nine cars and auout 600 people on that excursion. V i Rev. T. F. Johnson Mas returned from Henderson, where he held a meeting?' this week. Heireports a! very success ful meeting. , All members of the "Baraca .lass of tit Central- Methodist church -are re quested to be present tomorrow morn- llir. In Y,a nlutta wvlm B t O'QA j - : Dr. Watson S. Rankin, of the North. Carolina board of health, left this morning for Hiilsboro, where' he goes on business connected with his departs ment. ' " . , Pat Bishop, the biggest and ifat test and Jolliest of the Seaboard enrl neersi- left last fright for the Alaska-'' Yukon exposition at Seattle. - ';- - ', Mr. Dave- Campbell, a popular, eo-i gineer of the Seaboard Air Line, left last night for New. York, from which place he will sail , for Scotland for a. two months' stay at his old home , There, will be a rgulfur communica tion: of Hiram Lodged No.' 0, A. F. tt, .A M., held in Masonic tempel Monday July 19th, at 8:15 o'clock, p. m. A full attendance is requested; there wil) .be. work In the master's degree. Members of the othet masonic lodges' are or dlally invited to'b. present'''' .- ,M 1 1 Mrv Charles Hi Yarborough ll'tonj fined to; his home by, illness. . " " There' was on marriage .license -is-: sued -yesterday. Jt was Issued to- Mr, Solomon' Spikes "and Miss Fley mlth, both 'of Balelsrh.' h 'i"'; V-.'i.'-? 'iH: Mr. K. W. Merritt and Mr. F. M". Gattls, of U. S. revenue department, left this morning for Buckhorn, whr they go to attend .tha funeral of Mrs. D. C.powntng, . the wife of Deputy ColJ lector D, C. Downing, of Buckhorn. 1 was satisfied that came jnto our store this week. We havfe just ended the most mersalef eyef! held in this cjty There is more to come. .-;v.. -...- -n.w'jtl,,,,.. , mm OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. PERSONALS Mr. J. D. Sponce left today for nis home in Clayton. Mr. W. H. Pace has gone to Rich mond. Va., on business. , Mr. W, 11. Brewer left today for Henderson on business. Mr. Rul'us Blackjey left today for Littleton, for the wee.k-end. Masters Slum and Lonnie Blaekley have gone In visit their grandmother in Frankliritnii. John N. I'oles, Jr., has gone to Golds bbro to spend Sunday with William Jerman. . Mr. E. N. Thorne left today for Kint-ton, where he will preach tomor row. Mr. Ernest King. "after visiting Mr. B. 1L Bradlev, left today for Dillon, S. C. .'-.,.' -' Mr. Fred Walters and. family left today for WrightsvlHe. ., 5IOOM.K1HT EXCX'RSION. 80(1 Durliainites See the Capitol City. Over elcht hundred happy Dur haniltes enjoyed Qen. S. hi. Reams' last moonlight excursion to the capi tal city. Added to this crowd were about 200 from Apex and other towns on the waf. The train reached the city at about eight o'clock last night and left at 11:15. ' The crowd scattered over the city, taking in all the shows and thorough ly enjoying every minute. y c.JMr.. Reams, to the great regret 'of the Durham people, will leave that ctty on August; for Savannah; Ga; whera he will take charge oi the Sea board office. -. i : . Faithful NegroJBuried. ' Today one of the most faithful ne groes who ever lived. Hnrrv Rnvletn. 1ho. for the term of an ordinary iltfa was the servant of the late Mr. Richard "B. Seawell, was kurled here. Hdrrjr was .74 years of age, and fhe famly of his dead master were devoted to him, Red! Gedar Flakes A siire protection igaiiist JAs odor, isurej in-ef fecfe Large packages" 15c. IIIM 'AnMAfli """ aak riivj-oru)iL.uku urug uo, J ' Exclusive Ageut$ for Hilyler's Candies. , J' jiiii 19. as he was to them. He was a fine type of his race,,, and It is no wonder that he had the regard of all who knew him." . . " " - i If people with symrtons of kidney .or bladder trouble could realize ;. their danger they would without loss of time commence .taking Foley's - Kidney Remedy., This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities, strengthens and builds up these organs and there Is no danger of Brlghts'" disease-or other serious disorder. Do not- disre gard the early symptons. King-Crow ell Drug Company. . Latham Will Fly Again. ' -,.';-V (By Cable to TheTlmes) "" "" Calais' July 17. Reconsidering his determination to abandon an aeroplane flight across the English channel, Hu bert Latham, the aeronaut to day de clared that he would start either to night) or tomorrow morning. The weather todayIs favorable. " THESE DAYS - of Summer mean additional wear and washing for your Linen no - natter 'whether you lead a itrenu oua or simple life. " Suppose, therefore1,' you send your work to us we will not ooly lengthen the life of the articles through: scientific laundering, bnt h always return them immaculate. Both 'Phones, 74. ' '..:'. FEOPLLES' IiACNDRT, (Inc.) i . - - Office, 14 East Hargett Street, ii iAfi ,,r: !.;f.x.Cif- rt r.il.-.t '-.- --. iyj it 5H cramp 'S'-'v' . :)f. -V .. fir- an & 127 Fayetteville $t Hoy LTNTJSUAL EYE STRAIN, I ' ; , , ; H. MAktiK a SONS, WE INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT' nual premium yon ran Ijeeome Insured against accident and illness. If such happens we will pay you a stated income during your confinement. Let us talk to you. ; . THE HLNTER STATE Masonic Temple' The 'Nervbus System The strenuous days' work agd the many cares of Ufa wear and tear on the nervous system thi often causes break-down and ruins the aaalth. Will preserve your health by strengthening the nerves, BUILDS up the WASTE TISSUES. As a topic, It is mgniy recommended by physicians.--.Keep a supply of ROONET MALT in the home, Its medicinal qualities are. aa a life preserver, as thousands of testimonials show. . Four Full Quart. . . .$V4.XV dalivaradl Esprsi Prepaid f wdvaFuUQu&rts.. iO.50, dlivtd to Any Paint. . Ordtrs filled promptly, by leadlpg dealers. If 'your dealer caaopt supply you send us post-office -or express order and we will have . orders filled promptly.. i --..::"''. ''--. . .-' :.'-.-: STRAUS GUNST & COi Maker of the Iebrated Rooney Malt RICHMOND, , r AMtSEMEXTS.;' '.""l""''i.J J v.' ." - -' i; -vV,i!u-u'4 Entitla Change or Vaudeville at the V VW-' MreiJWWwrtti';' "' ' ' ginning Monday th'e v'Xlrdome and Gein Theatre will have a entlrp change of programme,' Introducing nnw peopte ahd new acts;" Heretofore the same people have played at these theatres throughout eacbj-week, giv ing a Change of programme onjhurs day . nights, but in the; future there will -b four ; .changes" of the " pro gramme and new people' on Mondays and Thursday7nighta. .. - : ' f The vaudeville shows have proven a great thing (or tb people of Ral ;. .rji ;i -'is BED FOR; f ;I . ; $13.M $10b$ Freight Paid. 4 4V'.' ! -. "- -" '' - ,i- :.' ,:"'-"?' Obfden Furniture Co., Raleigh, M. C; - . - :,-.- ..''; v!"'i'-'Av;..ii'-:-.';.-s:.a ','. u sach, as working under artificial light; . in dark corners, etc., are rare to de velop some trouble in your eyesight. ' . The mpment your yes evince . (he : sllghUMt 'trouble eeTi aa the ar ' MldIng to the trouble on Ita inception ', ' will in most casca enable us to res torn ; the eyes to their normal condition bjr the wearing of glaasea for 1 11m Aed period. .:. ' ..' . ;, x- ' ..: .';"-...--Reasonable rates and expert atten ' . tion. J. . v:s -I ' j. KALEIQH. IT. O.V If you become diaablad by accident or illness a policy in The Pennsylvania 'Casualty Company will assure you of an income.. By paying' a small an - DREWRY CO., AGENTS, Baleigh, N. C. VIRGINIA. eigti during the hot summer nlfhta.' Every act has been good' and ' the management IB toi be congratulated -u"pn the cleanliness bt the ahpws. 'iTie majbrity'of this class of ihows have -a number of "smutty" Jok;e and often get too. pergonal In their monologues, all ot; which, has been cut from the programme at tnese two places. ;;,Liv-v. - . Southern Rents" Another Building, ,-. (By lieaaed lretdThe Tinea) ; f Washington,; July. I7--The; goiithern railway Company will ' rent another ' building her to be occuied 'by soma ot its executive officers,- and by the entire auditing department.' v I.; 5 'V 'V-'y.--'V: V.-,rv-i r rV 'V: "Xf"

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